I once ran a special insect control project that we called “The Elephant Project”.
This was in Boston, and we were developing a system that attracted mosquitoes and then trapped them and killed them. It was based on the vibrations of the tiny hairs on mosquito legs; they are sensitive to the pulsing of blood through veins.
I want to talk about how we tested our devices; our inventions.
We had constructed a small room; square three meters per side, and three meters high. There was an observation window, and a airlock to inject mosquitoes into it.
We bred mosquitoes at the local Tufts University for our experiments. I would run over there, get the cooler full of them, and we would conduct the experiment. We inject 100 mosquitoes into the room, and run our device for one hour. Each time they landed and bit, the capacitance of the machine would register a “hit”, and we could record how effective the machine was in attracting the insects to feed.
That is all fair and good.
But we needed to compare that to a human.
So we all took turns.
One of us would sit in the room reading a book for an hour. And once the experiment was completed, we would count the bites on the person.
Yeah, and even I endured that experience.
Most humans averaged from 34 to 37 bites per hour.
Our machine averaged, when we started, at about 27 bites. But with some tweaking and some refinements we were able to get it to register from 300 to 400 bites per hour. Those machines were mosquito magnets!
Now, there is a lot of things that I can say about this project… what happened to it. What happened to the people and the patents, and all the rest. But that is not really germane to the story. What is important in regards to the story is the experience in sitting in the chair and subjecting ourselves to being bit in the name of discovery and being a good employee.
The company was being sold, and I and a few others were let go. Oh, very friendly. But still it hurt. The owner of the company; Jerry hunted me down and told me that he had second thoughts about letting me go as I was the resident “inventor” and guys like us are really rare.
But… well, that’s a different story for a different time.
Sometime you got to take the bite to get the paycheck.
What is the funniest loophole you have ever seen?
The best “loophole” I ever experienced was many years ago, when my landlord tried to raise my rent. I signed a one-year lease that had an auto-renew clause for yearly lease periods, plus a 60-day notice period for changes or notice to vacate. So, if my landlord didn’t notify me the lease was going to change by 60 days from the one-year end period of the lease, the lease renewed completely for another year.
My lease origination date was October 1. On August 13 approaching the one-year anniversary of my lease, I received a letter from her saying she was going to raise my rent 15% for the upcoming lease term. I was initially panicked, since I couldn’t opt out of the renewal at that point (remember, I had to give 60 days notice for that), but then looked at the envelope. She didn’t mail it until August 8. I said nothing, and come October 1, sent her the same rent I had been paying for the last year.
Of course, her lawyer called me almost instantaneously, said his client wasn’t accepting my “partial payment” (even though she had already cashed the check), and told me that if I didn’t pay the full rent immediately there would be an eviction notice on my door by the next morning. “I simply don’t know what you’re talking about. My lease renewed for 12 months on August 1. Anything you think I received after that would only apply a year from now.” “YOU WERE SENT NOTICE YOUR RENT INCREASED {AMOUNT}, YOU HAVE TO PAY THAT!” “Oh, that? It wasn’t even mailed until August 8, and I didn’t receive it until the 13th. So that applies next year, of course. I don’t think I’ll be staying here for a third year, so no worries.” He demanded that I “prove” that, so I asked for his email and sent him a photo of the envelope with the August 8 postmark. That’ll shut ’em up!
It’s not like my landlord was fixing anything before that (my appliances were almost 30 years old, the entire apartment had flooded 3 times because they half-assed basic repairs, and my bedroom didn’t have functional heat), so it was a selective burning of bridges. They weren’t going to make my place completely safe and habitable, so I wasn’t going to pay them more when they couldn’t follow the clauses of the lease they wrote themselves. When I gave her notice to vacate on July 9 of the next year (the date she received it per the certified mail return receipt), she, again, immediately called and was all “why?” “Well, I’m buying a place that, monthly, will cost me exactly as much as this shithole; and also, this place is a shithole.” “Oh, you’re buying, I’m so happy for you! Tell all your friends your great apartment will be available!” “No, seriously, this place is a mold, mice, and roach infested shithole, and you can’t be bothered to spend a single dollar to make it better. I wouldn’t wish living here on my worst enemy. I only stayed for the second year because it was cheap so I could save up to buy.” “Okay, thanks, let me know if you know anyone interested!”
Which photo makes you feel sad?
This iconic photograph marks the end of the career of matador Álvaro Munero. In the midst of the battle, he suddenly repented and sat down at the edge of the field. Subsequently, in an interview, Alvaro will tell: “Suddenly I saw not horns, but the eyes of a bull. He stood in front of me and started looking at me. Just stood and watched, making no attempt to attack. The innocence that is in the eyes of all animals looks towards me with a plea for help. It was like a cry for justice and somewhere deep inside me, I suddenly realized that he was addressing me in the same way we address God in prayer: “I don’t want to fight you, please leave me, Because I have done nothing wrong to you. You can kill me if you want, kill me if you want, but I do not want to fight you.” And I, reading it in his eyes, felt like the worst creature on earth and hindered the war. After that I became a vegetarian and stops fighting bullfights. ” This story was published in 2012. After thousands of other foreign publications told about the case, millions of people learned about the matador Álvaro Munero, and this photo became one of the most recognizable.

You hold the door open for a lady and she stops in her tracks and screams at you, ‘Don’t hold the door for me! I’ll get it myself!’ What are your feelings or immediate reaction?
“You hold the door open for a lady and she stops in her tracks and screams at you, ‘Don’t hold the door for me! I’ll get it myself!’ What are your feelings or immediate reaction?”
It was thinking “Fuck you, then.” and laughter.
I’ve always held the door open and/or let people go ahead of me if both going to go through a door at the same time and doesn’t matter if they’re young, old, male, female or anything in between. But the only time it’s happened with me was one time at my local shopping centre where I was doing my usual (I was in my teens then and she was maybe 30s?) and she was carrying an overpacked bag that she seemed to be struggling with so, naturally, it seemed even more appropriate to be holding the door for them.
On approaching she said to me, “Think because I’m a woman I can’t manage? I can do that myself!” but based on her tone and seeing as she legitimately looked pissed off then it clearly wasn’t being said as banter so I just replied, “Don’t let me stop you then.” and let it go.
I genuinely wasn’t expecting it, but the door swung shut relatively quick (honest… I didn’t forcibly swing it shut) so it bumped into her as she tried to lean her shoulder towards it and the impact caused a few items to fall out of her bag.
That obviously brought me a chuckle and someone had attempted to help her pick the items up (another woman) and she screamed at them “I can manage myself!”
I mean maybe she was having a particularly bad day but, even if she was, it hardly excuses acting like a total cunt to strangers who are clearly trying to help you out. Or maybe she was just like that with everybody in her life.
But aye, either way it was a good bit of instant karma that day for her.
Some of my latest AI generations

Is there a belief that China may use force to take over Taiwan due to their recent military exercises and presence of warships near Taiwanese waters?
If you are a Taiwanese, accept PRC like Qing (清) accepting defeat by Sun Yat-sen (孙中山)revolution in 1911.
After 1911, it was Beiyang (北洋政府) which was recognised by the so-called UN at the time.
Sun rebelled Beiyang & set up a Nanyang (南洋政府) in Guangdong (广东). From the legal point of view, Sun was a rebel.
Then Chiang Kai-shek (蒋介石) inherited from Sun. diplomatically overthrew Beiyang in Beijing (北京) in 1928. Beiyang under Zhang Xue-liang (张学良) accepted “defeat” & changed the then national flag (五色旗) to Nanyang’s 青天白日旗
In 5000 years of Chinese history, our ancestors accepted defeat & moved on with life.
KMT under Chiang was militarily defeated by CPC under Mao
CPC followed the tradition to change the name to PRC & the national flag to 5-star (五星旗)。
PRC was dictatorial at first with 三反五反 & cultural revolution (文化大革命).
Was Chiang not dictatorial when he was on mainland from 1928–1948 & in Taiwan after 1949? Sun Yat-san was so dictatorial after 1911 that his comrades eg 王兴 etc left Sun.
All 开国功臣 who started a new government must be dictatorial. Why?
Because right after defeat, old-timers would not accept defeat & would rebel the new leader. Mao was no different from Sun or Chiang or Qing Emperor Kangxi (康熙皇帝) etc.
Is today’s PRC okay? Take a trip there. See it with your own eyes. Dont listen to DPP politicians who work for personal power & money (corruption).
If you are a foreigner, dont support Taiwan independence. No country will tolerate secession, subversion, terrorism & collusion with foreign force. Your support for Taiwan independence is encouraging Taiwanese to commit crimes. Sure, it is not you who will be jailed, but the Taiwanese. Your support ruins their future of jailed Taiwanese.
Some vintage art

Tastes like lasagna, but much easier to make!

Prep: 15 min | Bake: 45 min | Yield: 12 servings
- 1 pound uncooked mostaccioli
- 1 1/2 pounds bulk Italian sausage
- 1 (28 ounce) jar meatless spaghetti sauce
- 1 large egg, lightly beaten
- 1 (15 ounce) carton ricotta cheese
- 2 cups shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
- 1/2 cup freshly grated Romano or Parmesan cheese
- Prepare mostaccioli according to package directions. Drain.
- Crumble sausage into a Dutch oven. Cook over medium heat until no longer pink; drain.
- Stir in spaghetti sauce and pasta. In a large bowl, combine the egg, ricotta cheese and mozzarella cheese.
- Spoon half the pasta mixture into a greased shallow 3 quart baking dish; layer with cheese mixture and remaining pasta mixture.
- Cover and bake at 375 degrees F for 40 minutes or until a thermometer reads 160 degrees F.
- Uncover; top with Romano or Parmesan cheese. Bake 5 minutes longer or until heated through.
What is the reason behind the United States’ desire to maintain its status as a “hyperpower” despite the high costs of security and support around the world?
Why did Europeans colonised practically the entire world for some 400 years?
Put it bluntly: P I R A C Y of other’s resources.
Why does today’s USA want to maintain superpower? Put it bluntly: modern-day colonisation without occupying other’s land. But to remotely control other’s government & resources.
After WW2, from 1946-2001, in 55 years, there were 248 wars around the globe. 201 of them ie 82% were instigated by USA. In 240+ years since US independence, there were only 16 years when USA was not in a war. But it is US vassals who shed blood & lose life for USA.
Before war, USA will instigate countless unrest eg protests, riots & coups in those countries. At least 56 coups in Latin America since WW2.
There is only 1 motive for USA: money & power/dominance. Nothing to do with righteous.
1, money:
Both US military industry (MIC) & FED are private corporations run by capitalist sharks & not by (responsible) government who would focus on the welfare of the country eg economic development.
MIC makes tons of money thru wars & arms sales. They lobby US government to create wars in other countries.
US politicians also make $$$ by buying MIC stocks or working as a MIC salesman to other country.
Another capitalist shark, FED, sucks foreign capitals/investments to USA from unstable & war-torn country because there is no war in USA.
See, if there is peace in the world, MIC & FED will create a war somewhere.
Other capitalist sharks eg Wall Street makes $$$ from post-war construction/investment in war-torn country.
US senator L Graham told the truth re Ukraine war: ROB Ukraine of its rich minerals.
2, power/US dominnance
In the Ukraine war, USA uses 1 stone to kill 3 birds: weakens the economy of both US competitor Europe & US enemy Russia, as well as colonises vassal Ukraine after war.
USA does not let Ukraine reach peace deal with Russia (to stop the war). Nor let Ukraine attack Russian soil (to win the war). Why? To drag the war so as to economically weaken Europe & Russia. And to make Ukraine as ruinous as possible for US post-war investment.
How many people suffered in a war? In the Ukraine war, the entire world is affected by the interruption of supply chain eg food resulting in global shortage & inflation. Not yet counting the dead & displaced.
USA wont not let world peace to happen. USA must create unrest/war thru its puppets eg Ukraine & Philippines.
War is in the DNA of USA.
Are capitalist sharks nice to Americans?
US taxpayers pay the interest of the (high) US debts that is created for MIC-incited wars. Not to mention if USA can clear the debt at all.
Capitalist sharks dont maintain infrastructure. There is derailment almost daily. Making USA like a under-developed 3rd world. The list is long.
Pattaya. Soi Buakhao lanes. Thailand.Walking around Pattaya.May, 2024.
How do Chinese people cope living in such a miserable grey country due to pollution and the fact that they are the biggest contributor to world pollution?
China has been hard at reducing pollution, waste and carbon emissions for years.
In the last five years the mantle of most polluted air has gone from China to India. Beijing is the only one still on the list. Strict industrial pollution controls and rapid adoption of EVs have dramatically improved air quality. Entire cities converted to electric buses and electric taxis. Shanghai has around 10–12 days if hazy, polluted days but sunshine and blue skies the rest of the year. The Chinese government mandated every city to have 15% of land space as a green zone.

The government has invested in huge solar and wind projects. Last week unveiled the world’s largest solar farm. Covers an area of 30,000 acres. The size of New York City. Can power 6 million homes. In 2023 China added more solar power to their grid than the next four nations combined.
“China aims to peak carbon emissions by 2030 and reach carbon neutrality by 2060. To support these goals, the government committed to constructing 1,200 GW of renewable capacity by 2030.
This new powerplant is part of that ambitious goal and provides a decent chunk of the energy needed for its goals.
At this rate, China is currently set to achieve this target an impressive five years ahead of schedule. The significant rise in solar power is also accompanied by a 20.7 percent increase in wind power generation capacity, demonstrating the country’s dedication to clean energy.”
Post from Interesting Engineering.
Prank Wars
Submitted into Contest #24 in response to: Write a story set in the dark recesses of space where the two main characters are often at odds with each other in humorous and comedic ways.… view prompt
Logan McDonnell
“Why are you so cheerful?” I glare at her. It’s weird, she’s not this nice-
“Can’t a girl be happy?” I roll my eyes at her statement. I float around, grabbing the handle bars to steady myself and control my movements.
“Not you, not normally.” I come closer to her, she sticks out her tongue at me. I HATE when she does that. “Just wanted to say Hi-” She floats away from me.
She is the worst person you would ever want on your crew. She’s lazy, snobby, and overall self absorbed.
She also likes pranks, and not silly ones. One time she put Bleach in my shampoo. It took forever to get out, but my hair is still not the same.
I need to find some way to get back at her. I need to find a way. I need to prank her.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I love annoying Adalyn. I can’t deny it. I know it’s wrong, or whatever, but aboard this ship there is nothing better to do. So I do silly little pranks here and there.
But THIS- This was my masterpiece. I chuckle to myself… See, I created this plan in my head 2 weeks ago. One, Stop doing pranks, and that was hard because I love pranks!
Two, Wait a few weeks. Three, Start acting nice. Four, wait. It…was… PERFECT! She would be going crazy thinking I have a prank set up for her!
I know, I’m a genius. I could already see her looking worried. It’s Hilarious to watch her get all worried. She’ll find out eventually but now I just had to wait.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My perfect prank was set up, now I just had to wait for Cameron to trigger it. Cameron was acting weird. She probably had a prank set up. I had one for her too.
See, I’m a mechanic. So when it comes to technology, I’m normally very good at it.
I have control over all her personal electronics. She should keep her stuff locked up, because it was easy to log on and take control. Now I can control her devices from my device…
Oh boy, she wanted a prank war and now she was going to get it.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I scroll through my social media while hanging upside down. It was fun to do this, it made my head spin.
I see my sister’s new picture of her boyfriend. Of course. She gets a new boyfriend every month. I like the picture.
Then my WiFi went down. Stupid no service in space- I threw my phone on the floor, but it doesn’t fall it just floats.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Then, this happens for the next 3 DAYS! Seriously, isn’t this a technological controlled ship? The WiFi should not be cutting out! I scream in rage and throw my phone as hard as I could, but instead of it breaking it continues to float.
Something is happening, what the heck is going on. I’d float out of my chambers and see Adalyn working on something mechanical, not like I care.
She looks, off though. She doesn’t look annoyed at my presence, she looks… smug. She is doing this!!!
I glare at her. “Are you taking my WiFi?” I ask, more annoyed than usual. She laughs. “You should know what it’s like getting pranked now! Stop pranking me and I’ll give you your service back.”
I explode with anger. This is how she wants to play it? FINE. I’m going back to pranking.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Today I found frogs in my bed. FLIPPING FROGS. How did she even find these!?! How are they even ALIVE??
I sigh, but I do not give up. I’m going to win this.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My service is still out, and now I see she’d taken the lights from my sleeping chamber. I should report her, but then she would just report me back.
I need a prank to end her pranks, once and for all. I look in my notebook of pranks, my hair floating above me as I try to sit.
Gravity here sucks. I miss actually sitting on chairs without a seat-belt. Most of my pranks are lame, but a couple stand out.
Then, I get shivers. It turns freezing in my chambers. She cut the HEAT now too!?! Oh, it’s on! Your going down Adalyn!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Her pranks become more and more grand. I find thumbtacks in my shoe- and that was the last straw.
She could have seriously hurt me. It’s time for the one prank that’ll leave her speechless.
For once, I wont have to see her grin, or her stupid little tongue. I turn off the power in the ship leaving us in the pitch black.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I float and stumble through the darkness, hitting walls and random objects on my way, trying to see something. Anything! Heck I would even see Adalyn if I could.
My number one fear is darkness, and I shiver. I cannot take this for much longer. I will not lose because of this!
I need to win! The gravity starts to bear weight on my shoulders and I start to run out of air. I start feeling all the anxieties I have crumble around me.
It becomes even harder to breath. I hold onto the wall, gasping for air. I couldn’t do this anymore. I have failed.
“Adalyn!” I barely breath “P-Please! I-I can’t-” I hear a cold laugh. “Surrender your pranks.” I stared at the darkness trying to see Adalyn, but I just couldn’t.
“I please surrender!!!” The words fall out faster than I could think them through. “I mean.. I surrender!”
The engine comes back to life as the lights come back on, and I see Adalyn through my clouded gaze. Apparently I was crying.
Relief flooded over me as I saw again, able to breath. I took slow relaxing breaths. “I hate you” I gasp out, still not processing all the information.
She smiles back at me. “I know” She said with a smirk.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
What was the rudest thing a teacher has said to you in front of the whole class?
Two different times. Moved to GA from HI when I was in 4th grade. Hawaii schools were in sync with CA which were the best in the nation at the time and GA had no idea where to put me so they stuck me in the “slow” class. By the end of the year, they still hadn’t caught up to where I had been the previous November. When I dared ask the teacher if I could read while she taught a lesson I already had down pat, she said I was stupid to even ask. NO, I had to listen and answer and she then gave a pop quiz which I aced. I was accused of cheating and given an F and was told she was flunking me for 4th grade. Told my parents and they threw a fit since I had been complaining for months that I hadn’t been taught anything new and I was sick of school (loved it until then). There was a generalized test given to see how advanced the students were and I aced it so going into 5th grade, I was in the Academically Advanced class. The last day of school, that beotch announced to the whole class that I would be in a different segment of the school and bound to fail. I got straight A’s in 5th and 6th just to spite her and found out again, that I liked to learn.
I took art in HS from a man who hated females and was told 2 weeks into the class that I should switch to something else since I had no talent. I didn’t switch but did the following semester. He told me that in front of the class and the boys all got A’s while the girls were lucky to get B’s. At the independently judged show at the end of the semester, I ended up with two awards voted on by the viewers and it turned out that that show bumped my grade from a C to a B and he was furious. I have since made thousands on my art—oil paintings, clay work and beadwork.
What’s your “Oh my God I can’t believe this is happening” moment?
After my husband lost his job in August, 2018, we thought maybe we should try to buy our own business.
Mike has been in the “World of Bowling” since he was five years old. He went to WSU in Wichita, Kansas, and became a professional bowler in 1987.
Later he managed bowling centers in the United States, South Korea and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
“We’re not getting any younger.” he said. “It’s now or never.”
We could only get preapproved for a business loan for $300,000. We knew it would take a lot more than that to purchase a decent center.
On November 12th, 2018, Mike said “Just for kicks, lets go look at this empty bowling center in Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina.”
“Why waste our time and gas? You know we can’t put the money together.” I said.
Reluctantly, I went with him. We looked around the town and talked to some of the nicest people I have ever met. We asked if they would like to see the bowling center up and running again. Everyone said “Yes! Please come and open it back up.”
The bowling center had been closed for seven years. It’s strange how fast a building can deteriorate. As we looked through the glass windows and doors, we could see vines growing on the walls. The roof had many leaks and the walls were covered in mold.
The real estate agent showed us around and told us how the building had been vandalized. The copper wiring had been stolen.
She asked how much we thought it would take to get the building fixed and functioning again? Mike told her it would depend on whether the machines could be fixed. Most likely, if the machines did not have to be replaced, $400,000 to $500,000.
“Are you interested?” She asked.
“I like your town.” he said.
“This community needs it, but I know that I cannot get enough money put together to make it happen.”
We talked for over an hour. I felt a bond with her. I was sad when we left because I knew this could never happen.
“What was the reason for us coming here?” I asked. “We need to stop dreaming and you need to start concentrating on getting another job.”
On March 6th, 2019, my husband’s phone rang.
“Is this Mike?” asked the man on the other end.
“Yes it is.” said Mike.
“My name is Tim. My wife was the realtor who showed you the bowling center in Roanoke Rapids.” he said.
“We just purchased the center and we were wondering if you would consider helping us fix it up and run it, with the possibility of you purchasing it from us later.”
After completing his conversation and gaining more information, Mike called me.
“Oh, my God!” he said laughing. “You are not going to believe what just happened!”
He told me the whole story. All I have to say is, God is good! We are beyond excited and very grateful for this opportunity. It’s not a for sure thing yet. It will come down to if the machines operate and the lanes are still functional.
I have a feeling we will very soon be starting a new chapter in our lives. I now understand why we went to Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina. My heart is happy! And I am excited for this new adventure.
The electric is still not on. They had hoped to have had new wiring finished but ran into some red tape.
The owners of the building are out of town until mid-April. As soon as they return my husband and his mechanic will make the four hour drive to Roanoke Rapids and fire up those machines!
Thanks for all your prayers and support. My husband did talk to a gentleman last weekend who use to do some maintenance on the machines. He is in agreement that they will run, but they will need a lot of tender, loving care, in order for them to perform and work to their full potential.
I’m still praying hard and my husband is still working on getting quotes for all the improvements. Stay tuned. Hopefully by my birthday, April 22nd, we will have good news.
April 23rd, 2019
Things have been creeping by very slowly! We ran into problems with the new wiring passing inspections; finally, everything passed. My husband left early this morning to start the process of getting the machines functioning to their full potential.
We still have not gotten a complete answer from the owners of the building, on if they are going to keep moving forward with the bowling center. This is a little frustrating. Once they see the machines operating, we are praying it will be a full go! God must be teaching us patience!
As soon as we get a full commitment from the building owners, I will start a Facebook page for the business so people can keep up with our progress on the renovation. Thanks for all the prayers! When we finally open our doors, I hope many of you will stop in for a visit.
Trump & Biden: CHINA! CHINA! CHINA!
What does it feel like to be poor?
I didn’t know how poor we were until I was in high school.
I thought it was normal to scrounge for spare change in the couch cushions and under the seats in the car to buy a pound of ground beef to go into the ever present Hamburger Helper.
I thought it was normal to bounce checks in order to keep the utilities on at home.
I thought it was normal to move houses every year or two after getting too far behind on the rent.
Every year I got exactly one outfit bought new at the store – my Easter dress. Of course, there was always a strict budget for this indulgence as well. One year we just couldn’t afford a new dress, so my mom made me one on the sewing machine she inherited from her mother. It wasn’t a smashing success, since she didn’t quite finish it so I wore it to church unhemmed and with threads dangling.
The rest of my clothes came secondhand, mostly through donation boxes from the church. Yard sales and flea markets were also great sartorial treasure troves.
When the rest of my class went on field trips I sat in an empty classroom with a bored teaching assistant because I couldn’t afford the museum ticket or other associated cost.
How does it feel to be poor? It felt normal to me.
Then I got to high school and somehow got invited to a party at one of the cool kids’ houses. It had two stories AND a furnished basement. There were no marks on the walls and all the furniture matched.
After that, it felt resentful. My classmates would poke fun at my clothing – most of it was the cast-offs of adult women. It didn’t fit well and wasn’t age-appropriate.
I couldn’t have friends over to my house. I tried once and it didn’t go well.
Being poor sucks. It’s constant shame and comparing yourself to others and coming up short.
What unexpected experience completely changed you?
When I was in high school, we had a really tough math teacher. She set the bar extremely high and demanded that we meet that bar. All of us excelled at math as a result, and aced university entrance tests later. But at the time, it was sheer torture.
One day after a particularly grueling amount of home work, our entire class decided to write a petition to the principal, asking for the teacher to be removed. It was unprecedented, but everyone felt very strongly about it. However, I felt that the petition was unjustified and also will fail. I refused to sign it.
My classmates, most of them are close friends of mine, applied a lot of peer pressure on me to sign. Out of 40 students, I was the only black sheep that didn’t want to support the flock. I felt bad for them, but not tempted to change my mind even for a moment.
The class proceeded without me and watched in horror as our teacher took it very badly. She didn’t have a family and invested her entire life into her students. She was devastated. She spent days spotting red puffy eyes.
Up until that moment I didn’t realize that it’s important to always do what’s right, even if literally everyone else is doing something else. It really helped me in the future when I was facing a lot more high-stakes situations but was able to stay calm and act with integrity. I’ve never regretted this approach.
I visited 8 Chinese factories in 8 days… MIND-BLOWING!
You are at work when your boss unexpectedly gives you a bonus. What do you think got you the bonus?
About 13 years ago I had been diagnosed with Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Cancer. I asked to talk to my supervisor privately, and told her about it and had to arrange for the time off to do chemo, and radiation treatment. She asked me if she could tell the CTO and get with HR to see what my options were for days off.
A few days later I get a call to go to the district main office to talk to the CTO. I get there to find the HR lead, the CTO, and my boss waiting in the CTO’s office. They tell me to close the door. Of course my heart is pounding out of my chest because this looks like I did something wrong and am about to be fired and escorted off the premises.
As soon as they closed the door, they apologize for the cloak and dagger treatment and assure me that I am not in trouble. (Whew!!!!…) they said they took a look at my sick leave days and my off contract days that I had left before the yearly reset. I was going to need all those days plus a few, before the reset.
This is where I tear up just thinking about it. They had taken a donation of one day from every executive member in the district offices, including the Head honcho of the district. They had donated a total of 14 sick days that were given to me. (Paid days off) then on top of that, they handed me an envelope with a mix of cash and gift cards totaling around $300. I know that’s not a huge amount, but it helped. The days off were worth so much more.
The crazy part is that these people donated their personal sick days without knowing the exact reason for me needing them. (They were making the attempt to keep my diagnosis private, as they are supposed to.) I gave them permission to let the people that donated, know why I needed the time.
On top of all this, they had given me a private office that I could work out of right after getting a chemo treatment, and they put a sofa in there and told me that if I felt drained after chemo, I could take a nap while on the clock.
They went above and beyond during the most difficult time of my life. I am cancer free now and still work for the same school district. I plan to retire in 4 years from there. I would say that this was the best employer I have ever worked for.
Have you ever made an entire restaurant laugh?
No, but my mother did, and it was one of the greatest things I’ve ever witnessed. 😀
I was a teenager and my younger brothers would have been around 10 and 11. We were poor but raised with very good manners, so when my family was gifted a meal at a very fancy restaurant, there was no question that we would behave perfectly and eat what was put in front of us without any fuss. And we did.
However, when the first course was served, my parents chose salad and all three of us chose the soup. It was a pale green, creamy soup and there was some question about exactly what was in it. Don’t get me wrong; we all liked vegetables and we all agreed that it was delicious. We were just curious, nothing more. One of my brothers was sure it was pureed lima beans, while the other was equally convinced that it was split peas. (For my part, peas seemed more likely, but I didn’t care enough to argue about it.)
The restaurant was very quiet, just sounds of silverware against china, ice in glasses, and quiet conversations. And we were mostly quiet too, but my brothers’ disagreement got increasingly heated and they started getting a little louder without really realizing it. My parents hushed them a couple times and they would quiet down but, as siblings sometimes do, they refused to let it go entirely so they kept getting louder again.
Around the third time this happened, people were starting to look at them and my mother was getting embarrassed. So, in a voice that her annoyance and embarrassment made significantly louder than she intended, she said, “Boys! Be. Quiet! It’s pea! I can smell it from here!”
Utter silence. Forks stopped moving, waiters froze in their tracks, all conversation stopped.* My brothers and I were scared to laugh for fear of making things worse, then suddenly my father burst out with a snort-laugh and we all lost it, even my mom. And everyone around us was laughing too. Not in a mean or mocking way, but in a shared moment of fully recognizing the ridiculousness of the whole situation. It. Was. GREAT. 🙂
* Ok, I might be remembering that particular moment a bit more dramatically than it actually happened; it’s hard to say for sure after all these years. But I promise I’ve recounted this whole story exactly as it happened to the best of my ability. It really was a wonderful shared moment, and a legendary event in the history of my family.
Jalapeño Jack and Sausage Pasta Bake

Yield: 8 servings
- 12 ounces penne, mostaccioli or rotini pasta, uncooked
- 1/2 cup (1/2 stick) butter, divided
- 1 pound uncooked chorizo, broken apart
- 1 green bell pepper, diced
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
- 4 cups milk
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 3 cups (12 ounces) Wisconsin jalapeño monterey
- Jack cheese, shredded, divided
- 1/2 cup dried breadcrumbs
- Paprika (optional)
- Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
- Cook pasta according to package directions, drain and set aside.
- Meanwhile, set aside 2 tablespoons of butter for topping.
- Melt remaining 6 tablespoons butter in large saucepan. Add chorizo, bell pepper and garlic; cook 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Sprinkle vegetables with flour; cook and stir 1 minute.
- Add milk and salt; bring to simmer. Simmer uncovered for 2 minutes, stirring frequently.
- Remove from heat; stir in 2 cups of the cheese; stir until melted.
- Place pasta in large pot. Add cheese sauce; mix well. Transfer to buttered 13 x 9-inch baking dish; top with remaining 1 cup cheese.
- Melt reserved 2 tablespoons butter; toss with breadcrumbs. Spoon bread crumbs over pasta and sprinkle with paprika, if desired.
- Bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until sauce is bubbly and breadcrumbs are golden brown.
CHINA is NOT WHAT We Expected at ALL 🇨🇳 (first time in Shenzhen)
I’m 61 years old and can’t find anyone to be with me. What’s wrong with me? Is there anything wrong if I’m doing something wrong to meet someone?
Alright, listen up and listen well. I’m going to hit you with some hard truths, no sugarcoating, no fluff, just raw, unfiltered reality.
You’re 61 and can’t find anyone to be with you? First things first, let’s drop the pity party. You’re alive, you’ve got experiences, wisdom, and, most importantly, time. So stop wasting it with self-doubt and excuses. There’s a reason why lions in the wild don’t walk around sulking about their age – they roar louder to show their worth. You need to reclaim that roar.
Here’s the deal: there is **nothing inherently wrong with you**. Age is just a number, a state of mind, a ridiculous societal construct that means jack when it comes to personal worth and attraction. Have you seen some of those silver foxes out there? Confidence radiates, and age accentuates gravitas and charm. But the key is to harness your potential.
First off, ask yourself this: are you in peak mental and physical condition? Humans are designed to be dynamic, continually evolving creatures. If you’re stuck in a rut, it’s time to shake things up. Hit the gym or use slay fitness on Slaylebrity VIP social network, sharpen your intellect, start a new hobby, create an aura of relentless improvement around you. Not because you need to change to be loved, but because you need to empower yourself to be your best version. Confidence is the most magnetic trait you can ever develop.
Next, your standards: are they aligned with reality? I’m not saying lower your standards but align them with authenticity. Seek genuine connections. Don’t fixate on superficial crap that society feeds you. Look for kindness, intellect, shared passions, and loyalty. The right person will appreciate your journey and walk with you through what’s coming next.
Now, about how you’re going about meeting people. If you’re still using outdated methods and finding zero results, it’s time to innovate. Join clubs like slay club world concierge if you have the means, take classes, volunteer for causes you care about, dive into social activities where you’ll meet like-minded individuals. Online dating isn’t just for the young – there are countless platforms tailored for mature singles seeking meaningful connections.
Then, there’s mindset. Self-pity is your worst enemy. Every moment you spend in doubt diminishes your ability to forge strong relationships. You need to see yourself as a prize. Walk the walk, talk the talk. What stories you tell yourself and others matter immensely. Share your adventures, your learning, your growth, with pride and positivity.
Face it: life is a battle, a test of resilience and adaptability. Every scar, every wrinkle, every experience – they’re not signs of wear and tear, they’re badges of honor. You need to showcase them with pride, letting the world see that you’re not just surviving, but thriving.
So, what’s wrong with you? Absolutely nothing that can’t be recalibrated and projected towards greatness. Are you doing something wrong? Maybe. But identifying it is the first step towards revolutionizing your approach.
Stand tall, sharpen your axes, and march into the battlefield with a purpose. You’ve got untapped potential and countless opportunities. Embrace them, and never settle for anything less than a spectacular life journey. Champions aren’t coddled into greatness – they fight for it. Now go out there and fight like the champion you are.
Food Porn

What are some good examples of “life isn’t fair”?
- She never met her father
- Her mother was mentally ill, she spent horrific days with her as well as happy days, but they were short. When she finally got diagnosed, she couldn’t recognize her daughter anymore
- She spent her childhood in the orphanage and the foster homes
- She had to get married at 16 to avoid going back to the Foster homes because many families refused to take care of her
- She wasn’t able to become a mother, although she really wanted to
- One of her famous pictures ruined her marriage
- Every relationship she was in failed (divorced 3 times)
- Later on, she was diagnosed with a mental disorder.
- She was seeing a psychoanalyst daily in her last year
- She was only 36 when she killed herself, some people assume it was a murder
Life wasn’t fair at all with Marilyn Monroe from birth till her death
She had EVERYTHING, but she wasn’t happy. What makes me really sad is the discovery of her tragic life after her death only.
“She was a girl who knew how to be happy even when she was sad. And that’s important—you know” Marilyn Monroe
People were only able to see her as the happy, sexy, beautiful woman, but no one was able to see the sad Marilyn
Mostaccioli and Shrimp with Tangerine Basil Sauce

Yield: 4 to 6 servings
- 1 pound Mostaccioli, Ziti or other medium pasta shape, uncooked
- 5 1/2 cups tangerine or orange juice, divided
- 1 large yellow onion, minced
- 1 tablespoon minced, seeded jalapeño pepper
- 2 bay leaves
- 2 tablespoons minced garlic, divided
- 1 tablespoons olive or vegetable oil
- 1 medium red onion, thinly sliced
- 1 pound medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
- Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
- 1 cup diced Brie cheese (about 4 ounces)
- 2 tablespoons thinly sliced basil leaves
- 1 cup tangerine or orange segments
- 1/3 cup slivered almonds, lightly toasted
- Combine 5 cups of the tangerine or orange juice, the yellow onion, jalapeño, bay leaves and 1 tablespoon of garlic in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil and cook until liquid is reduced by two-thirds.
- Remove the bay leaves. Allow to cool.
- Transfer juice mixture to a blender and blend until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste and set aside.
- Prepare pasta according to package directions.
- While pasta is cooking, add the oil, red onion and shrimp to a medium skillet. Sauté for 1 minute.
- Add the remaining 1/2 cup tangerine or orange juice to the skillet and cook over low heat.
- Drain the pasta, return it to the pot and add the reserved orange sauce and the shrimp mixture. Cook over low heat 1 minute.
- Stir in the Brie and basil. Stir until the Brie is melted.
- Transfer to a serving bowl.
- Garnish with orange segments and toasted almonds.
- Serve immediately.
Soup Porn