2023 09 19 10 36

Spam tales

During the time after I was released from the Navy, my wife and I were on our “in between time”, our “great adventure. This was a very pitiful time. We were extraordinarily poor, living in a van and searching for work.

There was an event during this time that I want to relate.

We had collected something like sixty cents, and used it to buy a can of spam and a loaf of discount old bread. It is amazing what you can find if you check all the payphones, the creeks, and the various cracks in sidewalks.

So we ended up buying some FOOD!

And with these two items, we hiked quite a distance to the nearest park that had grills. It took us about an hour and a half to get there.

And we went to the end of the park, where no one was there. It was empty. And so we collected wood, and lit a fire in the metal grill.

There, we proceeded to grill our spam, and make sandwiches.

Sure as shit…

…one hundred empty picnic tables…

…and a guy and a girl and their big humongous German Shepard dog, went to the table directly next to us and just watched us glaring. Obviously wanting us to have sympathy for them , and give them some of our food.

No fucking way!

We (ourselves) hadn’t eaten in two weeks. This was our food.

NOT NOT NOT going to give it to some well-fed strangers and their fucking gigantic dog.

We turned our backs to them, and scarfed up all the sandwiches for ourselves. One entire loaf, ten or so sandwiches. Six for me, four for my wife.

Not a crumb was left over.

And when they saw us eat it all; so that there was nothing left, they got up and left… just like that. No need to stick around.


Experience hardens you. And at that time, I was in no mood for moochers.

We live life on our own terms. You should as well.


Why is Huawei’s new smartphone generating so much buzz?

Can I help the roughly 5% of world’s population of the conservative, older, less read less travelled, more hubris older xenophobic racist Caucasians, many are here in QUORA understand what this news is creating such a huge buzz.

You see the neocon whom you see as god, says to all of you that China will be dead if U.S. prevented China from getting 14 nanometer chips and 5G chips. So a sick Biden buy this shit too! He and these sick neocons thought China will need a generation to make these chips themselves. So they thought that China is fxxked!

They picked Huawei to fxxked China up! In a mere 3 years China has not only make Huawei Mate 60 lunched without fanfare, a full 5G, a full satellite ready, wakkie -talkie ready phone using 7 nanometer Chinese chips and killing off a bunch of U.S. technologies that tried and failed to convinced the sick administration that CHINA could get it done in 5 years at most. They are right, all of them did not foresee China needed just 3 years!

Those who open up Huawei mate 60 are totally shocking to see China successfully overcome the U.S. chip bans 10 years ahead! And for good measure. 100 million Chinese booked with deposit this phone that can work under water! one or two US companies that potentially lost everything is totally shocked. And its stock hammered in the market seeing China replacing their product easily!

Old Southern Date Cake

This is a vintage recipe which is well over 100 years old.

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article 0 0F6729C500000578 503 1024×631 large 1


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 packages seeded dates
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 1 quart (4 cups) pecans
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Heat oven to 275 degrees F. Grease a loaf pan.
  2. Combine ingredients except pecans and vanilla extract; mix well.
  3. Add pecans and vanilla extract.
  4. Bake for 1 hour.

Lahaina (part 1)

From an obscure portion of you-tube. Worth your time to watch.

How is China dealing with its rapidly decreasing and ageing population?

To deal with the challenges of an ageing and decreasing population, Beijing in 2021 announced that couples can have up to three children. The policy shift followed a major change in 2016, when Beijing ended the decades-old one-child policy, allowing couples to have two children.

Many local governments have issued cash incentives and other preferential policies. Couples in Shenzhen who have a third child will be eligible for a cash allowance of 19,000 yuan (US$2,800) until the child turns three years old. Jinan, a city in Shandong province, is offering childcare subsidies and increasing parental leave. In July 2021, Panzhihua in Sichuan province became the first city in China to offer subsidies to help families raise more children – a monthly allowance of 500 yuan per second or third child up to the age of three.

Many of China’s migrant workers will no longer have to travel back to their hometowns to get married under new rules. In 2023, the State Council, China’s cabinet, approved a regulation allowing people from 21 provinces and municipalities – mostly in eastern and central China such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong and Zhejiang – to register their marriage where their residence permits were issued. Previously, a prospective bride and groom had to return to the city or country of their hukou, or household registration, to register for marriage.

China in 2022 confirmed that it would delay retirement ages – 60 for men, 55 for female office workers, and 50 for female blue-collar workers – from 2025.

In Sichuan province, unmarried individuals will now be allowed to register the birth of their children, whereas previously only married women were legally permitted to do so.

China’s family-planning agency says it will “intervene” when unmarried women and teenagers seek abortions, and will promote traditional values to encourage people to have more children.

Why is Elon Musk threatening to sue the Anti-Defamation League for accusing him of being anti-Semitic?

Well, Mr. Musk may be a fine engineer, and perhaps even a fine businessman, but I’m not really in a good position to judge that.

He is, however, not a lawyer, nor does he know much about the law.

In this case, the ADL monitors lots of social media to see how effectively they monitor anti-Semitic content on their platform. This sort of content clearly violates the terms of service of any legitimate social media site (so, anything apart from 4chan) and is actively illegal in many countries where companies can be fined for not policing it (most notably Germany, where it’s illegal to post Holocaust denial material).

ADL publicizes its results and noted that anti-Semitic content on Twitter/X has risen sharply since Mr. Musk bought the platform and started changing the way it moderated content. For example, they would note that someone would post content that was clearly out of bounds by Twitter/X’s own standards, the person would be “banned”, then the ban would soon be lifted and the content restored.

Mr. Musk is right that claiming someone is anti-Semitic is defamatory. Whether the ADL did that is arguable, but they never did so explicitly, they just implied Twitter/X didn’t seem to care about such content on its platform.

Mr. Musk has also been losing advertising revenue, and he is right that organizations like ADL have a lot of clout when it comes to the decisions advertisers make about which platform to use.

But there are massive holes in Mr. Musk’s case. First, even if what the ADL did was defamatory, they’re most likely protected by justification (what they posted was true), fair comment (on newsworthy subjects, you’re allowed to point out obvious conclusions from data, even if it stretches things a bit), and the public figure malice requirement (when you’re famous, like Musk and Twitter/X, and engage in political discussion, the burden goes beyond “falsity” to “the person who published the defamatory content knew it was false or was reckless about its accuracy).

Also, there’s the question of damages. Blaming ADL for the loss of all the advertising revenue is a stretch. Moreover one of the key rules in defamation is that since it’s about your character, you actually have to have one to defame. If your name is mud, someone piling on bad statements about you doesn’t actually damage your reputation if you don’t have one.

Musk is treading on dangerous ground because most U.S. jurisdictions now have what are called “Anti-SLAPP” provisions – “Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation”. In a nutshell, if you sue someone who is making a valid criticism in order to try to get them to stop, the suit can be dismissed at an early stage and you’re on the hook for the costs of defending and dismissing the lawsuit in full. This proposed suit would be a perfect example. The JDL has loads of arguable defences and it’s clear that their criticism was in the public interest.

Who died the “Manliest” death in history?

Marshal Ney was one of the 18 Marshals of Napoleon. He was specially known for his extraordinary Courage, sometimes bordering on foolhardiness. .

During Napoleon’s retreat from Russia, his divison was cut off from the main army by the Russian forces. He angrily rejected all offers to surrender, and led a forced marched at night in a heavy fog over the Dnieper River, over heavy enemy fire and finally managed to rejoin with the main army . It is said that he was the last to leave the Russian soil. For his actions Napoleon called him “the bravest of the brave!“.

After Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo, he was charged for treason.

On 7 December 1815 , he was brought in front of a firing squad.

He refused to wear a blindfold and was allowed the right to give the order to fire, reportedly saying:

Soldiers, when I give the command to fire, fire straight at my heart. Wait for the order. It will be my last to you. I protest against my condemnation. I have fought a hundred battles for France, and not one against her … Soldiers, fire!

Butch gives Tony the OK on Phil

Butch DeConcini and Albie Cianfalone arrange a sit down with Tony and Paulie, where they express their dissatisfaction with Phil’s leadership and agree to a ceasefire of the war. Butchie says he will not reveal the location of Phil, but then says “You do what you got to do.”

How bad is going to be the impact of China’s move to ban the Apple iPhone impact Apple shares?

Not such a great impact

The move to ban Apple Iphone for Government Officials is a drop in the bucket

We are talking maybe 800,000 Phones tops

Already most Govt Officials don’t buy the Iphone without any orders as a default

That’s not the problem

The problem is that the Mainlanders are ANGRY as hell with the West

In fact they are angry at the CPC for apparently welcoming Yellen and Raimondo and Blinken in the first place at all

The Mate 60 is likely to affect between 15–20% of Iphones market

It is said that 131 Million Orders have been placed for the Mate 60 which means at least 40 Million Orders are from those who would have purchased an Iphone 15 on September 12th

No way they will spend 16000 Yuan on 2 phones, so they definitely won’t be buying the Iphone 15

A Combination of Hype, Quality and Nationalism has led to Huawei taking a huge number of orders and Apple potentially losing out on a number of them

Apple has a $ 80 Billion market in China and a 20% Hit is $ 16 Billion

That’s a lot of money

Qualcomm also has a problem

Roughly 220 Million Units were ordered in 2023 but in 2024 it’s expected that Qualcomm would lose orders to Huawei/Partner by local players

That’s $ 180 times (40 -60 Million) = $ 7.2 Billion – $ 11 Billion

Add to this the fact that Mediatek is fast rising it’s market share in China, that’s another estimated 9–13 Million Units or $ 1.62 – $ 2.35 Billion (Mediatek is Taiwanese)

So on the whole that’s a blow of $ 13 -14 Billion for the US Semiconductor Industry in revenue

No Nation on earth can compensate that loss of revenue

So China isn’t planning to ban the Iphone, just the Iphone for officials

The key is Iphone will face a wave of anger, nationalism and a comparable proud made in China product

That will cause it many problems in China

Samsung, Nike, Carrefour, Sony, Nikon, Fujitsu all lost their market share not due to bans or regulations but because of COMPETITION

Iphone had no competition for 3 years due to Huawei and it’s throttling leaving it as King of the High Level Market

Today Huawei is back with a vengeance and fuelled by 3 years of sullen anger of the Chinese against the West and a wave of patriotism, it has made a HUGE SPLASH

That’s all this is

Pure Market Competition

The Sopranos – Silvio Calls Out Tony

Members of the Soprano family are unhappy with Tony because he hasn’t handed his cousin over to the Lupertazzi family, potentially putting everyone at risk. Tony is running out of options and in this scene Silvio calls out Tony on his ego.

What is the simplest military tactic in history?

  1. Create a barrier between you and the enemy. It could be a palisade, a ditch, even stones stacked up across the length of the field will do.
  2. Get a bunch of archers to cover this barrier from a distance.

Voila! You got yourself an obstacle. You can slow the enemy advance or free up a good number of your men to elsewhere, or perhaps, create a ruse that this particular patch is important to you (with all that hauling & digging, something’s gotta give) when it’s not. You’re only held by your own imagination.

A tactic as old as time & the bedrock of taking up defences to this day.

FLASH: U.S. Moving Combat Jets to Romania – “in addition to others committed to NATO”

World Hal Turner

The United States is moving Combat Aircraft to Romania — but not for NATO. 

What does THAT translate to, in your mind?  US v. Russia directly? Word of this came from US Ambassador to Romania, Kathleen Kavalec.

“The United States plans to station American combat aircraft in Romania in addition to those performing NATO air policing duties” said the Ambassador.

Notice she said “Combat” aircraft.   Not refueling tankers or cargo planes . . . . no . . . .  she explicitly said combat aircraft.

Did all of us somehow miss a vote in Congress about some minor  little detail like direct US war against Russia?

Why should adults be legally forced to wear seatbelts? Absolutely require anyone under 18 to wear one. But shouldn’t adults have the freedom to be stupid?

Maybe you should come to work with me, I work for a rural ambulance service that responds primarily to one of the busiest and most dangerous stretches of interstate hghway in the US…just a couple weeks ago, we were paged to an accident on the interstate…single vehicle rollover, the victims were a 4 year old boy and his father. The boy was properly restrained in a properly installed car seat…His father wasn’t wearing his seatbelt and was ejected from the vehicle as it rolled several times before he was thrown over 25 yards. He landed on his head in the middle of the road…it was actually extremely interesting that he wasn’t killed instantly, considering how much of his actual brain matter was spattered across the asphalt. His heart stopped and he died in the helicopter halfway to the nearest hospital. This wasn’t my first call like this, after nearly 10 years in EMS (and Fire), the smell of human brains doesn’t bother me anymore. Fresh human brain smells like corn chips and mushrooms to me.

My patient was the little boy, and though he’s still in the hospital with a broken back, several broken ribs, compound fractures of both arms, and a skull fracture. He’s recovering well, and should be able to live a pretty normal life. But he’ll be leading it as an orphan because his deceased father wasn’t wearing his seat belt. Not only is the little boy traumatized by the experience, the call also bothered every first responder…we kept him going until the helicopter team arrived by breathing for him via an endotracheal tube (he was intubated) with a bag valve mask and supplemental oxygen while the LUCAS II machine performed chest compressions. Not to mention quite a lot of drugs that were delivered to his body/blood stream by Intraosseous infusion [IO]…instead of giving meds and fluids through a vein like an IV, a small hole is drilled in the upper arm/humerus or the leg, just below the knee. The medications and fluids are pushed into the bone marrow because his blood pressure was too low and he was too critical to take the time to get an IV going to attempt to save him. It was working well, he actually regained just enough mental function to start fighting the tube. However, every time we’d pause the LUCAS to check his heart rhythm, he’d basically die again. He was lucid enough to understand what was happening and I’ll never forget the way his free arm scrabbled at the machine to get away from the chest compressions. Pediatric patients, whether it’s a severe illness or injury, are some of the roughest for many of us (especially those who have children).

Because this man didn’t wear his seat belt, his young son was severely injured and orphaned…and I can’t forget the noises he made, or how hard it was to scrub his blood and brains out of my uniform. Or the screams of absolute terror and pain of my young patient when I had to splint his arms and get an IV going for fluids and pain control. In EMS, if a child can scream and cry, it’s actually a good thing because it means they’re conscious and able to breathe/move enough air so they can scream. Quiet pediatric patients are the scary ones.

I survived a pretty severe rollover myself when I was in college, my seat belt literally saved my life. Any unrestrained passenger basically becomes a projectile in the event of a serious crash, injuring or even killing others in the vehicle if/before being ejected from the vehicle.

So yeah, you can elect not to wear your seat belt, but it’s a pretty good indication of what your mindset is regarding them. If you could prevent the death of yourself, passengers, and other people involved in the accident by simply wearing your goddamn seatbelt why wouldn’t you? “Stupidity” doesn’t just impact the person making the “stupid” decision. It’s one of the easiest and quickest things you can do to protect yourself and the people around you, why wouldn’t you give enough of a shit to take such a basic step?

This photo is from the accident (we take photos at all motor vehicle accidents for our reports), I have several others that are HIPPA-compliant but much worse that I won’t post here. It was enough that me and my crew were there in person and sharing them feels exploitative.

Just wear the goddamn seat belt, okay?

Area 51 Airline? | JANET: The Secret Government Airline That Doesn’t Exist

JANET AIRLINES. Heard of Janet Airlines? No?

Good. That’s exactly what the US government wants. One of the government’s biggest secrets is hiding in plain sight.

In Las Vegas. Janet is the top-secret government airline that doesn’t exist.

Next time you’re in Vegas, visit one of the big casinos next to McCarran Airport.

I’m talking about Luxor, Excalibur, Mandalay Bay.

When you get there, look East at the airport.

All day long, but especially early in the morning and late in the evening; you’ll see mysterious planes taking off and landing.

You can’t miss them. They’re big.

They’re Boeing 737s. They have no markings. No logos.

They’re plain white with a single red stripe. This is Janet Airlines. Janet is a top-secret, air-force owned commuter airline. For civilians. But the destination Janet goes to the most – I’m talking a few times a day- is… Area 51.

Meanwhile in Denmark

Denmark: A17-year-old gi! managed to escape being raped by fighting off her attacker as he ripped olf her dothing. The teenager was attacked around 10p.m. by a man described as “dark skinned” in central Senderborg, Denmark.

The attacker struck her, threw her to the ground and began forcibly removing her. Using a canister of pepper spray, the 17-year-old was able to fight him off ‘and escape the attack.

The police: “It’s illegal to possess and use pepper spray, so she will likely be charged for that,”

Irony being what it is, the girl only began carrying pepper spray because the local police have failed to curtail a wave of sexual attacks by asylum seekers and refugees. Now police say she will be charged with a crime for defending herself.

It is the end of human intelligence.

Brakekleen, WD40 BANNED in Canada

They should limit how many times per year that politicians can fly and see how fast they throw it out.

Huawei introduced the new 5G phone with a 7 nm chip semiconductor made in China. Are Taiwan, South Korea, and the USA doomed?

Well, in the smartphone arena, there is really only one foreign brand left in China.

Yes, Apple.

LG is gone.

HTC is gone.

Samsung is irrelevant.

Nokia, Motorola, Blackberry, Pixel, Sony and a host of has-beens or bit-players are all irrelevant.

It’s Chinese brands, and Apple, with 3 ecosystems, Hongmeng, iOS and Android.

No prizes for guessing how the balance will evolve, given the clear and present risk of disruptive sanctions forcing Google to pull Android licensing from other Chinese vendors.

In Africa, Transsion outsells Samsung, and Chinese brands as a whole dominate market share. Transsion, based in Shenzhen, has a sizable global share of >10%. It is the hidden champion no one has heard of.

The Chinese EV makers recently made waves in the Munich car show, with several media outlets trumpeting them as the “star of the show”. The Chinese overtook Japan as the No. 1 car exporting nation this year, and next year promises more growth.

Fancy Toyota defending its position in a sunset industry? I thought it impossible but the speed of the Chinese transition and the scale plus depth of the EV supply chain they have built is putting lots of doubt in my mind. Not to mention the dearth in AI/ML/big data/UI advances among Japanese automakers.

It isn’t all doom and gloom.

Let’s take a cursory look at Hyundai’s EV strategy. The Ioniq series is a clear step up from the typical Hyundai ICE offering, with premium materials, interiors, paintwork and fit and finish typically not found in the price segment. It is positioned as a bang for the buck premium series, almost luxury, but affordable.


Because the Chinese are making the mass market EV impossible to compete on cost alone. Besides, volume production necessary for economies of scale are impossible without Chinese partners. Hyundai wisely decided to cede market space and move up the segment instead. Fewer but better, or like my friend puts it, becoming “German”. Hyundai is quietly positioning itself as the Korean BMW or Audi EV.

The Japanese have been slower in response. I am increasingly pessimistic about their chances. What happened to Honda and Mazda’s mainland operations in the past few years portend seismic shifts ahead. EVs are not like ICE cars, because there are critical materials and technologies upstream that China controls.

This time, the patent walls and enabling tools/tech favor China, too.

What happens when the Koreans, Taiwanese, and Japanese can’t make a killing through export-driven demand for their mass market goods?

They will have to move upmarket, selling less for hopefully, more, much like Sony’s repositioning and reorganization. Those that cannot adjust to the speed of the Chinese transition will be crushed.

There we have it.

The days of Samsung and Toyota hitting home runs from economy to premium is coming to an end. They will have to specialize and move upmarket, or bleed red competing with the Chinese.

We’re in for interesting times.

Very interesting times.

This is the real trade war, with abiding consequences.

Family Guy – Best Of Making Fun Of Disney

Family guy loves making fun of Disney and it never EVER! gets old.

Why is the U-2 still in service while the SR-71 is not?

One of the main reasons for the retirement of the SR-71 was its high cost and complexity. The SR-71 was very expensive to operate and maintain, requiring a large amount of support personnel, equipment, and fuel. It could not take off with a full load of fuel, so it had to be refueled in the air several times during a mission. It had to use a special type of fuel and a toxic chemical to ignite its engines. Also, the SR-71 leaked fuel on the ground, as its tanks only sealed up when the aircraft reached high speeds and temperatures.

Another reason for the retirement of the SR-71 was the advancement of other technologies that made it less relevant and useful. The SR-71 was designed to fly fast and high to avoid enemy detection and interception. However, with the improvement of radar, missile, and satellite systems, it became more vulnerable and less effective. It also had limited capabilities in terms of data collection and transmission, as it relied on film cameras and radio signals.

On the other hand, the U-2 has remained in service because it has some advantages over the SR-71. The U-2 is cheaper and simpler to operate and maintain, requiring less support personnel, equipment, and fuel. It can take off and land with a full load of fuel, reducing the need for aerial refueling. Also, U-2 uses conventional fuel and engines, making it easier to handle and store.

The U-2 adapted to new technologies that made it more relevant and useful. It has been upgraded and modified over the years to incorporate new sensors, cameras, radars, antennas, and computers. The U-2 can collect and transmit various types of data in real-time, such as imagery, signals, electronic, and geospatial intelligence. Also, it can perform multiple types of missions at once, such as surveillance, reconnaissance, communication relay, research, and testing.

So depending on these factors and others, the U-2 has remained in service while the SR-71 has been retired. The U-2 has proven to be more cost-effective, reliable, versatile, and adaptable than the SR-71. However, this does not mean that the SR-71 was not a remarkable aircraft in its own right. The SR-71 was a groundbreaking achievement in aviation history that pushed the limits of speed, altitude, and stealth.

Oliver Anthony- Rich Men North of Richmond (Remix Mashup ft Kyle B/ Conquering Giants & NZTrillion)

Another great mashup.

How scary is America?

Life is unpredictable and the consequences of the unpredictability are more dire.

You can lose everything you worked for in a flash, and left to your own devices without help from the government.

Just recently a 3 year old child, who fell down a escalator and died as he wiggled out of his mother’s arms, she was charged in his death…yep all over an tragic accident, because in America there are no accidents everything is your fault and you will be punished accordingly.

My cousins home was shot up she was hit 3 times, as was the neighbors son. All because she lived next door to a drug dealer she was struck in her chest, side and back. The 14 year old his arm, all over nothing. Those medical bills and her about to lose her home, we’ll that’s all on her.

600k Medical bankruptcies a year, how scary is that?

Losing a quite few young people I know not just to the opioid epidemic, but treatable things like pneumonia.

My aunt a stage 3 cancer patient was almost a car jacking victim, they didn’t care about her frail condition or turban on her head she eventually sped away when they held a gun to her head.

My moms car was stolen at Christmas eve in front of my grandparents house, that was a great Christmas because my Grandparents were holding some of the gifts and my parents were bringing them home to put under the tree.

My car stolen with the help of a Baltimore city cop.

In the Maryland and DC area there is a couple girls missing a day due to a sex trafficking ring.

My son had been barricaded in an apartment building because of a hostage situation.

My neighbors best friend went missing, all they found was her leg from the thigh down, they still consider her a “missing person” because they claim she can still be alive…so they have never bothered to check the area for other body parts.

My cousins best friend was killed and dismembered by her boyfriend.

My neighbor a couple blocks over bludgeoned his father to death.

The boy a few houses down shot himself in the head at 13.

My neighbor with the missing friend had a mentally ill mother who killed herself Easter morning by running her car into a wall on the beltway.

A lady next door for my friend was killed by police who was in a high speed pursuit with no lights and sirens, all over a guy going 20 miles over the speed limit.

I found the body of one of our favorite customers, with my work mates. He was living in his car, about to lose his legs and afraid of jail time for back child support so he wrote a bunch of letters and shot himself in the head.

Car accidents, I’ve known several people to die tragically in a car accident including my daughters friend, and my sons best friends father. A man my sister used to baby sit for, my childhood school mate, my neighbors behind my mom lost her husband this way. I’m probably missing a few.

I had a man pull a gun on me while walking to work and forced me to get in his car, I ran down the street he followed me. I was in a very public area so I took my chances.

My cousin was grabbed by a man coming out of school she fought her way out and ran, eventually they caught him and let him go he ended up murdering his wife and her sister a couple years later.

I know a elderly woman raped by a care worker. 50 years her junior.

Many Americans won’t have these experiences, because you have to buy your way out of areas where people wallow in tragedy, and misfortunes. If I were rich I could buy my way into a first class lifestyle where my kids would be oblivious to the underworld…but for many of us this is what we see all the time.

The Philadelphia Experiment – The truth about invisibility, teleportation and time travel

This is fun. Do not get too caught up in the narrative. You all know my story. Do not get sidetracked.

Which developed country would you not want to live in?

The United States

The Decline of the place is terrible and both my sons who once wanted Citizenship have left the country permanently

The reasons are different

For my younger son, the startup he worked on was sold and he cashed his stock options from the acquisition firm because he didn’t want to sign the Non Compete Clause. He wanted to work more on his research and China gave him the budget

For my elder son, it was a deterioration of the place, it’s gender horror, the focus on gays and transgender teachers and sex education including homosexuality

The Schooling suddenly says no GPA in the early years because that’s unhealthy

Arizona was better but the problem was the locals start getting angry that you have a mortgage and a car and all those things while they could be laid off

Plus everyone has a DAMN GUN

Kids have guns

So it was either Gays or Guns

So the minute a choice came, he decided to leave US but sadly to the equally decadent Europe instead of the more vibrant Dubai where Investment Bankers can thrive

I still have relatives there but they are all living paycheck by paycheck and unable to save despite averaging $ 80–85 thousand a year

Plus the Healthcare has become horrible now

Especially post Covid

To think I planned a green card or citizenship to this place a few years ago…!!!!!

Fat Dom Gets Whacked By Silvio And Carlo – The Sopranos HD

Just get out of here, Tony…

Will many Apple iPhone users in China switch to using the Huawei Mate 60 Pro after its successful August 2023 launch?

Based on a survey of the orders so far, around 33% of people who own an Iphone 14 have placed orders for the Mate 60 Pro

That’s pretty big

Others prefer waiting for the Iphone 15 which will be launched a few weeks later

The National Pride on the Mate 60 is unbelievable.

Unless the Iphone 15 is leagues above the Mate 60, my guess is a lot of Chinese will go for the Mate 60 if they can afford the 6999 RMB price tag

Why did Chinese chip stocks rally following Huawei’s launch of the Mate 60 Pro phone?

Do you know the semiconductor sanctions that Huawei has suffered in the past three years? It’s a pity that we can’t buy this mobile phone here in the USA. It is the first mobile phone in the world that directly supports satellite phones. This will definitely be an industrial product that will be recorded in history. 

This means that in the past three years, all companies around the world have not been allowed to sell 5G-related semiconductors to Huawei as long as these semiconductors contain American technology.

All companies around the world are not allowed to help Huawei produce semiconductors, as long as your production process contains American technology.

You know, semiconductor is a global division of labor industry. The technology in this industry has always been global cooperation, and there is no semiconductor production and design company in any country that does not contain American technology.

Such sanctions can directly shock companies like Apple and Samsung. They originally thought Huawei would also collapse.

But Mate60 was released. After 3 years, they released a new 5G mobile phone again. This is not just as simple as a mobile phone.

This is a huge technical chain that requires the participation of hundreds of companies with different specialties.

In the past, this required the mutual cooperation of multiple countries, and no country could do it alone.

But now the Chinese have done it. Maybe not top notch, but they really did it.

This means that Chinese companies can make advanced semiconductors (maybe not state-of-the-art) without relying on American technology.

This is a historic event in the global semiconductor industry. It means that China’s semiconductor industry chain has made a comprehensive breakthrough.

Note that I used the word industry chain.

To manufacture a slice of advanced semiconductors requires the participation of many companies and industries. From EDA software, to the cultivation of silicon wafers, chip and framework design, high-purity chemicals, laser devices, lithography machines, etching machines, packaging equipment, and testing technologies.

Chinese people often use the term “shooting oneself in the foot”. Now I can fully understand the meaning of this sentence. Under the pressure of the Americans, the Chinese took three years to complete the independence of the entire semiconductor industry chain. They have gone from 0 to 1, or even from 0 to 10, and the remaining 90 points are just a matter of time.

It can be predicted that ten years later, China’s semiconductor industry will crush its peers around the world through its own scale and cost advantages. No one can sanction them because they do it all themselves, from sand to chips.


This is from Africa. Pay attention to what is NOT being reported in the West.

As an American, I am grateful to hear the truth on the ground. Great program.”

Have you, as a manager, ever stood up for your worker against a customer?

Yeah far too often.

As I mention in the company I run you would always get customers who would cheekily try and get a discount. You would also get customers who would try and wear you down.

Some of them wouldn’t take no for an answer…

Some of them thought by insulting you screaming obscenities at you they would get you to yield.

I heard it a few times and hopped off my chair went downstairs and simply told them to fuck off and that I didn’t want their business.

They’d often well I’ll go somewhere else and never come back smug response to me.

Unfortunately for them I carried a number of ultra rare parts that hadn’t been made anymore.

Banana Pudding

banana pudding
banana pudding


  • 1 box vanilla wafers
  • 3 bananas
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 eggs, separated
  • 1 tablespoon butter or margarine
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. In a casserole dish pour about 3/4 of the vanilla wafers. Slice the bananas over that. Set aside.
  2. Mix the cornstarch into the sugar and place in a large saucepan. Add milk and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly.
  3. Beat the egg yolks with a fork and add about 4 tablespoons hot milk/sugar mixture into the yolks, stirring until well blended (this prevents chunks of cooked egg yolk). Pour the yolk mixture into the saucepan and continue cooking over medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture begins to thicken.
  4. Add vanilla extract and butter or margarine.
  5. Pour the pudding mixture over the bananas and wafers.
  6. To make meringue, beat the two egg whites until stiff. Add 3 tablespoons sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. Spread over the pudding.
  7. Brown slightly in 350 degree F oven.

In light of Huawei’s stunning breakthrough, how long do you think it will take China to win the chip war?

How do you define a win?

America losing its bird’s eye view?

Already happened. Huawei and China have created a completely separate ecosystem of parts, software, and system of systems integration that is completely dark to American corporations and government. It doesn’t use GPS, American sat comms, google services, micron memory, Taiwanese foundries, Korean OLEDs, Japanese cameras and any number of technologies vulnerable to American sanction. Even Swift transactions have been taken care of.

Yes, the chipmaking node remains a formidable moat, but the rest of the ecosystem which is out of reach for even supranational organizations such as ASEAN, UNASUR, and perhaps even the EU are all in place, firmly in the grasp of a third world China, GDP per capita ~12,000 dollars, with a more poorly educated adult population than India.

I count that as a solid Chinese win, on relative terms.

In absolute terms, China is already shaking up the semiconductor sector. America’s belligerence has given the opportunity for China to openly subsidize the industry massively. It is the single largest consumer of chips, befitting its status as the largest global manufacturer. The seismic shift is in the clarion call for self-sufficiency, and if this keeps up, there will be a glut of chips ex-china, while foreign players in the domestic market will have their margins squeezed by local competition. The Chinese will use every trick in the book to grab market share, until sanction becomes a meaningless tool.

The victims of this bloodbath isn’t just American tech, but also the Taiwanese, Korean and Japanese who are all intimately entwined in the East Asian electronics industrial chain. Taiex, in particular, has >50% of its market capitalization in chipmaking (TSMC alone is >30%), and with the Chinese clearly signaling the end of the sunshine era of ECFA, Taiwan will have to readjust massively. I won’t be surprised if all 3 fall into trade deficit with China in the coming decade, with china exporting cost of living inflation.

A comprehensive Chinese win will be denied by pro-western media until China makes the final breakthrough of having clear node leadership and mature designs (especially in the GPU) that are superior to the best America offers. Unlike tobacco, America can’t pull a Philip Morris here because tech products can be tested and torn down, ad infinitum. Huawei and China still lacks mature options in the toolmaking segment, the enablers, so to speak, of chipmaking. The hole will take some years to fill so I’ll still go for a 10 year timeline, backdated to 2019, when Donald the Orange lobbed the first cluster bombs at Huawei.

Huawei and China have been ahead of schedule so far. I’ve heard interesting rumors so far about 2024, while the Mate 60 pro is probably the super phone from Huawei with a 5G modem that the grapevine was whispering about as early as late 2021.

I don’t think China will disappoint.



JOBLESS YOUTH BROKE DOWN! 😭 | Oliver Anthony “Rich Men North Of Richmond” | Reaction

Bless you girls.

Pay attention to the MOOD in the West today.

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A little correction – the new Kirin 9000s SOC is actually 5nm, not 7nm as claimed by most specialists in the west, out of respect of what Washington is too sheepish to admit to the world. Blackbox tests have confirmed this chip’s performance is on par with most 3 to 5nm category. As a matter of fact, these western technologists are still studying this chip because there are a lot of unfamiliar tech secrets underlying it. The Chinese have forged their own way around the sanction and I believe this may present itself as a turning point in this silicon tug of war.