As my life crumbled apart, back in 2005-6, I tried all sorts of measures to stop my “retirement” from MAJ.
But, at that time, I didn’t know the entire picture. I didn’t know what was going on. I thought that I was just “having some problems”.
Nope my entire life was crumbling away before my eyes.
Still I tried to do something about it.
I made arrangements in China, and tried to make various arrangements in the Philippines as well. I was tricked, abused, and basically thwarted at every turn. So many swindles. So many scams. So many selfish pricks. So many liars, tricksters, and generally selfish narcissists.
In hindsight, my Fate Forecasting was Black-on-Black, overlaid with black. It was triple negatives; or to use the parlance of Fate Forecasting and Bazi, it was very inauspicious, on top of very inauspicious.
It was one bad thing after the other, and my life fell apart in complete stages of collapse.
(Which, by the way, you are now starting to watch the entire United States government go through.)
Anyways, I was stuck in the Hong Kong airport,and spent about ten days there after being swindled in a number of places… by numerous people… and left alone to ROT.
While I was waiting there, my resources started to dry up and I was living off airport coffee, and hope. I slept on the hard metal chairs. Used the bathroom, and took sponge baths in the sinks.
And sure as shit, I eventually had to go to the bathroom and pee up a storm, so I put my backpack (with my laptop computer) in it, on my back and stood at a urinal peeing away…
…and some jackass gets really close behind me, but I must have been pissing three liters out, …
…he stood there right behind me, so close. Sheech.
Anyways, soon he left. I still kept a peeing.
I’m not kidding. I must have needed to pee out three liters. It just kept draining.
Then I exited the bathroom, and settled down, and low and behold, my laptop was stolen!
That asshole plucked it skillfully and silently from my backpack while I peed. Sheech!
Yeah. It really sucked, and I was flabbergasted. Shocked, and upset. I didn’t know if I were to laugh or cry.
It was profoundly a disaster, on top of a fiasco, surrounded by trouble at every turn.
I relate this little story to make a few points of interest.
- When things are going to shit; they will go to shit no matter what you do.
- The only thing that you can do is to reduce the damage, hedge against it, and be extra cautious.
- It was a new computer, but has all my passwords, codes and critical communication methodology. I placed way too much on electronic means of record keeping, and communication.
- After this event, I made it back home, computer-less, of course, and then was seized and set into the “system” to endure my “retirement”.
So to keep things simple.
Let’s distill the lessons here.
- Friends are valuable. Never dare try to do things alone; and on your own. Work as part of a team with your most trusted friends.
- Fates must be endured. These are gravitational / planetary alignments that you cannot modify. The only thing you can do is “nothing” on very inauspicious times.
- Hope is critical. No matter how bad and hopeless things are, it is always temporary. Eventually it WILL change. Just hang on.
- It will end. Sure it will, and an equal period of greatness will occur. You simply must endure the bad first. Consider the “bad events” to be your entry ticket to the life you desire.
Nice Picture

Do you think Huawei can produce smartphones with advanced chips in large volume despite the US claims that Huawei may violate trade restrictions?
LOL, this is China.
If they know how to do something, they automatically know how to do it at scale.
This is a country that builds entire new cities at one go. They produce 600,000 engineers per year. They make four out of every five solar panels in the world. They can build a 57-storey skyscraper in 19 days, and as we saw during the covid-19 pandemic, a brand new hospital in 10 days. They are the world’s biggest factory.
If they know how to make one Huawei Mate 60, they already know how to make 100 million Huawei Mate 60s.
China does not know how to think SMALL. It is unnatural and weird for them to think on a small scale. China has cities with populations larger than countries such as Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, even Australia. Thinking big is China’s default mentality.
Barbecued London Broil

- 1 (1 1/2 or 2 pound) flank steak
- 1 tablespoon sherry or any dry red wine
- 1 tablespoon soy sauce
- 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
- Score meat on all sides.
- Mix together remaining ingredients. Put on meat and let stand 1 1/2 to 2 hours, then place meat in broiler pan about 4 inches from heat. Broil for about 10 minutes or a little longer on each side. Ten minutes is for medium rare.
- To serve, cut diagonally across the grain into very thin slices.
What were the worst two minutes of your life?
Watching my wife die.
My wife’s had cancer for the last seven years. It was well-controlled. She was on maintenance chemo to prevent it from coming back.
All was going fine—she always felt sick a few days after chemo—but she was generally doing well. She had good quality of life and wasn’t really limited in any way except she had doctor’s appointments and scans nearly every week.
After a routine PET scan… Well, to make a long story short, they found cancer in her brain. It wasn’t “brain cancer”, it was the same cancer (inflammatory breast cancer) that had made its way to her brain. It was already fairly extensive by the time they found it, but they were confident they could take care of the lesions through radiation.
The day after her penultimate treatment, she complained that it hurt to breathe. I took her to the hospital and after giving her some pain meds, they admitted her. She was still having pain breathing, so the doctor thought they’d give her something to help her sleep so she could get some rest. And maybe in the meantime, they could figure out why she was experiencing painful breathing; it hurt to breath in and out.
While they were checking her out to prep her for some sleep, she flatlined. About a dozen people sprang into action. Some were specialists, some were support, but all were fighting to bring her back. I stood in the corner out of the way watching in horror as the hoard of medical professionals tried to bring my wife back.
About a million thoughts flooded my mind. Was I really watching my wife die? Was she really gone for good? I just hoped they could get her back.
The doctor pulled me out into the hallway. She asked what I wanted them to do.
I said, “I’m not a doctor, but I want you to do whatever’s reasonable!” She said okay, and they tried shocking her back. Every time, they got no pulse in response. They tried at least three or four times when it was clear she was gone. I gave the signal they could stop.
That was two weeks ago. I’m still trying to process it. It wasn’t like she was on a slow or steep decline. Everything pointed to her recovering.
But she’s gone. My kids are doing a good job helping keep my spirits up, but they’re devastated too. They’re all adults now, but they very nearly worshipped her, as did I.
Girls Standing In The Middle of Tokyo to Sell Themselves.. Japan Has A Serious Developing Problem.
Thank you for posting this. Japan is a complex society, with many ancient traditions, some of which are clashing with modernity even today after 150 years of intense exposure to (and copying of) the West. As with many things, prostitution there has uniquely Japanese characteristics and doesn’t necessarily involve physical intimacy, though such certainly exists. Anyway, these sad stories of girls from the countryside being exploited in the big city are all too common not just in Asia but in the West as well.
Our 18-year-old daughter enlisted in the Marines without discussing with me or my husband. What should we do now?
Every few weeks, bake 100 chocolate chip cookies, wrap them in wax paper, put them in a large Tupperware container, and mail them to her in Boot Camp.
Whatever you do, NEVER send packaged cookies from the supermarket! If you do this, her Drill Sergeants will hold them up for everyone to see at Mail Call and mock her mercilessly, saying, “This means yer parents do not love you!” Seen that happen in Army Basic Training a few times.
Homemade cookies the sergeants hand out to everyone and she will be the most popular and well liked Boot for the next half hour.
Why were the Japanese so merciless to Chinese people during World War II?
It happened, but not only to China.
Japan has historically been a very xenophobic and racist culture. Once you’ve convinced yourself your enemy are subhumans not even worthy to live, and you’re a dick, you go nuts.
The interesting contrast between the German and Japanese atrocities is that the German stuff was much more hidden. People have the impression that the holocaust was openly known to everyone, but the Germans took great pains to tell the population that they were shipping undesirables off to newly conquered territory to the east, to live seperately from Germans.
Whereas the the Japanese, their atrocities were rarely hidden. Entire military units would make a contest out of beheading prisoners. They’d round up women and children into a tall building and set it on fire and watch them jump from the roof in desperation. Their newspapers would cover these incidents and it would be celebrated back home.
Not to downplay the evil of the Germans at all, but the Japanese never get their due – I consider them to be as evil or more than the Germans, but you almost never hear about it, whereas you’ve heard about the holocaust at least 100,000 times in your life.
In addition to that, the official policy in Japan is dangerously close to the equivelant of holocaust denialism, whereas at least the Germans are thoroughly ashamed and sorry for what they did.
The American Dream is a Scam
Long comment. -MM
I think this subject matter is 100% correct and I agree with you on it and I also think that its a major part of the reason why America steadily has been becoming more toxic of a place over time.
I think its the perfect storm of capitalisms worst traits being compiled on and exacerbated by the people that are winning at capitalism.
What I’m saying is, in the course of the last 80 years at least our capitalist society has become more and more structurally corrupt.
Because the only people with any real power over how these systems are built and the people that they screw over vise versa, the people that it benefits.
Are the people who have the power and the success to influence it.
This is done with lobbying and both political parties USE lobbyists to this day which is essentially legal corruption for the political system to thrive on.
How it works is this, If im the owner of Apple or something like that and I value things like gun control or mandator vaccines and a community based culture , Im gonna give the politician that most closely values what I value and ima give him multi millions of dollars to run his campaign for election.
THEN I ask this person for political favors and to represent ME a little more than anyone else BECAUSE im handing them a multi million dollar check to run for whatever.
America has done this for a very long time and its one of the reasons way our election cycles are meaningless.
The elite class literally have more valuable voters than you do lol. Its NOT an even playing field. I think red or blue doesnt matter because the problem is both parites are dog shit.
Both parties got some good they wanna do and the bad shit they do is there too.
With republicans its the positive of them understanding personal freedom and things like guns remaining protected rights. but negatively speaking the republican party Is just as tone deaf and stupid about stuff like corporate greed and how bad that is, as the democrats are tone deaf to the importance of gun rights and being able to have the scary shit they wanna be able to dictate HOWEVER democrats do understand corporate greed and greedy elite cocksuckers who are siphoning the people of this country of their time and labor value. It sickens me that republicans will support selfish people like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk who are prime examples of people who do ALL THE SHIT that’s killing society over time.
This idea that they “earned” this when the money the get is being farmed off the backs of 20k employees.
We live in a country where we got the worlds largest GDP and the most ready to fight population of people ready to defend our country if someone wants to try us. and we got people like Jeff Bezos living in massive excessiveness while FAMILIES of people cant afford insulin or food or housing without government assistance programs and hand outs.
I mean its really no wonder why drugs are such an issue in the modern world, and people are doing shit all the time like walking into a place and killing your fucking children because theyre fucking sick.
This country BREEDS sickness. The hormone changing foods we eat. The garbage media we consume way to much of.
The sheltered life we have in dependency to the system being the norm and self sufficiency being a less sought after thing. People need to understand what freedom is. Sometimes it sucks.
But its way more liberating than this shallow illusionary world we created for ourselves. It dont even make sense to go out here and farm money like we do with our jobs, killing our bodies and our backs to MAINTAIN a life style when that money your working for is being PRINTED off a press by the trillions in our government. Its MAKE BELIEVE.
There is no backing to the value of our currency other than what we say its worth. Its just a catalyst to make way for modern slavery.
The type of slavery where the average slave doesn’t even see the shackles attached to them or they see it as a necessary inconvenience rather than what it is. Its a scam. Its a rigged game built to siphon the actual value of your life way from you. Money is nothing.
The value comes from skill and time.
The reason they created curency like money is because with this extra step in between, you can figure out ways to siphon it down without people knowing. I These companies use every dirty trick in the book to maximize profits.
Oh our employees want better pay, well just make everything we sell twice as expensive as to not take any cut to our current lifestyle.
This is why I was pushing back against minimum wage being increased to 15 an hour. Because this DOES NOTHING. People could do more with their money back when they made 1.35 an hour at minimum wage. The wage isn’t the problem its the scope of how much these companies WANT out of what they put in to a product or service. Its the fact that per hour of your time, you make less than half of what the same money could afford back when the world had a better capitalist balance going on before every motherfucker was exploiting every facet of every thing for maximum profits.
The average American doesn’t understand this concept of how they are stealing from you, while making it look like their giving you more when they aren’t.
The ONLY way to fix the issues is if these rich greedy cocksuckers decide one day that they are tired of being super duper rich and excessive, which has no chance of happening.
The people who hold the heys to the cookie jar are gonna dip into the most for themselves when nobody is looking.
That’s just human nature.
I do think that if people don’t mentally evolve enough to realize this entire system wand cultre we have is bogus and we dont need it at all to have everything we got, and keep working just like we have.
The only difference is, instead of working for selfish reason and necessity, people would work for others and out of wanting to serve the human race. Like if EVERYTHING was free..
I think people would still work. The only difference would be people wouldn’t settle for a job because they NEED money to eat, they’ll do shit they find more meaningful to them to do. It would actually probably IMPROVE the quality of work being done IF we just made it to where we operated as a community.
You like building houses ok, go build some hosues for people.
You know tech?
Okay go build tech or set it up for people. You know farming and food? Okay teach people how to be self sufficient and help them get set up. Society CAN function perfectly WITHOUT this idea of being in competition with each other and having more than the next guy.
That’s all that capitalism really is, its the idea of fuck the community I live in so I can get ahead of all of them and earn my status in society. And I don’t think capitalism is even the problem.
I think its just people. People are the ones who infest something and start corrupting it to be beneficial to themselves.
It doesn’t matter what system we call ourselves because people will always find a way to reach the top rungs of society in any society and they will begin to manipulate how society is from then on built, and they will most likely create it in a way where its unfairly exploiting one class of people sop another class can have more than they honestly need or deserve.
Communism wouldn’t fix it because that system is just as exploitable and manipulatable as capitalism and any other system controlled by human beings. I hope this all makes some sort of sense. people really need to fully wake up and we do need to throw this system overboard as a whole and we need to start restructuring society in a way where its beneficial to the human race equally.
Nice Picture

What is a true personal story that people have a hard time believing?
I was representing the USA in an international table tennis (ping pong) tournament in Osaka, Japan. The night before, I wandered over to the tournament site to check it out. When there, I noticed a guy wearing a Chinese team jacket. They were and still are the best in the world. Being somewhat cocky, I went over and asked him if he would like to hit some. He did and we eventually played a best-of-three match. I was playing well and managed to eke out a win.
Back with my teammates I modestly mentioned that I had beaten a Chinese player. To my astonishment some skepticism was expressed. Being fed up, the next day I suggested to the most skeptical teammate that we stroll over to where the Chinese team was camped out. I didn’t see the player from last night, so I started talking to one of the other Chinese players. Finally I casually mentioned that I had won a match with one of his teammates. “Which one?” he asked.
“Well I… Oh there he is, walking over now.”
“Ah yes”, he said, “That’s Mr. Chen. He’s our cook.”
Have you ever lost any respect for someone instantly?
I had worked at the car dealership for a year when they decided to shift me from sales to service. It wasn’t what I wanted, but at least I still had a job.
The Saturday before my job changed, the service manager grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into his office. He then filled me in on his philosophy…
“I can’t stand having women working for me”, he said. “They have menstrual periods. They’re nothing but bitches for 3 weeks out of the month. They can’t make rational decisions. You can’t trust them.”
I just sat there, silently. He’d apparently decided that I would be replacing a woman who I had great respect for. She’d helped dozens of my customers, and they loved her. Nobody ever had a bad word to say about her.
I was floored at his attitude. He could think what he wanted, but by opening his mouth, he became a liability to the company. I have no idea why he felt the need to ”share” that with me.
Months later, I had to testify against him in an unlawful termination lawsuit brought about by that female employee. I don’t know what it cost the company, but I hope it was worth it to them.
My mother raised me by herself until I was about 5 years old, and I have nothing but respect for hard working women in the workplace.
With his unsolicited diatribe against women, he instantly lost my respect.
How to Leave the USA in Five Steps
I think this guy is a puke. However, his information is pretty good. Hold your nose and watch. -MM
Why does the West feel so intimidated by Russia when Russia has shown by its poor performance on the battlefield and its looking for outside help that it is not a proper threat?
Poor Performance?
Aw give it up for heavens sake
The Western MSM have been forced to acknowledge that Russia has had a massive win against Ukraine and NATO by ensuring the 115 day long counter offensive with :-
- 14 Fresh Brigades – 56,000 NATO Trained troops
- 4 Fresh Divisions – 120,000 Ukrainian Reservists trained over 6 months in Ukraine from June to December 2022
- 116 NATO Tanks
- 440 Armored Vehicles
- 540 Soviet Era Tanks (T 62, T 72)
- 1.7 Million Artillery Shells 155 mm
Has been ground to dust
Only ONE BRIGADE the 71 UK Yeger is still left untouched
The Ukrainians have 258 out of 656 Tanks left
They have 190 out of 440 Armored Vehicles left
They have barely 200,000 Artillery shells left
They have lost in the last 115 days, around 44000 Men and another 27000 men have been seriously wounded and disabled for minimum one year from fighting
And what have they gained?
Exactly 152 Square Kilometers that too, territory still under Russian Offensive
That’s why the West are worried
That Russia of their imagination is a different Russia from this Vigorous fighting force
Apple Reacts to Huawei Challenge in China
Unconfirmed reports that Apple is reacting by:
- Apple corporate has decided that the newest Apple products would be supplied to China before the US market;
- Price war to keep China users from switching (back) to Huawei mobile phones.
Obviously Apple sees a major Huawei challenge with the Mate 60 Pro and upcoming products, and sees that this market is key to Apple’s future, even if it has to sacrifice profits.
What is something Westerners don’t know about Africans?
In many African countries, money changers effortlessly swap bundles of cash by the roadside, operating under the implicit but rock-solid assumption that they won’t be robbed. And we walk out of banks with wads of cash, sometimes on a tiny nylon or envelope. Such security measures are largely unnecessary.
Lawyers and signed agreements may be the norm elsewhere, but in many parts of Africa, your word is more valuable than gold. Break it, and you’ve essentially declared social bankruptcy. A broken promise doesn’t just tarnish your immediate reputation; it haunts you for life, impacting your relationships and prospects. I, for one, have family members I wouldn’t lend a penny to, much less enter a business deal with. All because they failed to uphold their word when it mattered.
In most Western cities, shoplifting is a perennial problem, and law enforcement often turns a blind eye. Not here. Young people aren’t emboldened by societal indifference. On the contrary, the idea of swiping even a candy bar sends shivers down their spines. In our world, retribution is swift and comes from the community itself. Misbehavior is universally scorned.
Kids don’t engage in senseless acts like random street attacks, burning of shops, or joyriding in someone else’s car. It’s not just the fear of punishment that deters them. Rather, it’s a collective societal understanding that these actions are fundamentally wrong. Our young people may admire your shiny sports car, but they’d rather beg you for money than dream of damaging or stealing it.
Respect is in our DNA. Children back-talking their parents happens rarely and is frowned upon. We quickly give up our seats to older people and pregnant women without being asked. Titles like Sir, Ma’am, Daddy, and Aunty aren’t just terms of address; they’re badges of honor for the wisdom that comes with age. We greet older people by bowing or semi-kneeling. Communities act as a self-regulating mechanism, making certain transgressions practically unthinkable.
Violent acts like public shootings of innocent people remain alien to us, not because we’re oblivious to the global mental health crisis, but because the fabric of our communities simply doesn’t allow such chaos to unfold.
While discussions around the treatment of women in Africa often lean toward the negative, there’s another side to the coin. Any man who dared to raise a hand against a woman in the presence of people would swiftly face communal justice even before the police arrived. Spectators don’t stand back to dial emergency numbers, we make the fight ours.
The Magic isn’t necessarily in governmental laws or policing. It’s in the unwritten code of conduct, the communal upbringing that checks our moral compasses and teaches us to respect one another.
U.S Hold Top Secret Talks With China in Malta! U.S Beg China
September 22, 2023
American plans are turning to shit, quickly. Actions must be taken. Can China bend a little to help out the Biden Administration?
“It would be wonderful should the United States regain some measure of sanity again! Then we in the rest of the world may be able to breathe again without the thought of forever war and death intruding in our dreams only to become nightmares.”
What is the most eerie declassified CIA document you have seen or heard about?
A US Marine group had killed Sixty Afghans
So a group of angry Afghans pretended to be PRO US and requested a few marines to help them and abducted them
They proceeded to skin the marines alive literally and chop them into pieces and cook them
They then wanted to feed this to the other marines
However there was a road block and the truck was abandoned and the men saw the huge container that was full of some flesh
They soon DNA tested and found it was human remains , cooked meat of their comrades
The remaining Marines were so frightened that they were relieved immediately to stateside and took treatment for mental shock
This was related to a Congressional Committee in the late Obama era when the issue was declassified to justify keeping Guantanamo
The Taliban and the Islamic fundamentalists are the only mortals who can defeat the USA and bring them to their knees
Russia has missiles, China has missiles
No use
The Fundamentalists have a nice 14 year old boy who befriends a majors son, becomes a close friend and them calmly plunges a dagger into the kids heart and smiles as he waits for deliverance
Sad but true
“I’m an American ex-pat who has been living overseas for 35 years. I try to fly to the States at least every other year (with the exception of the Corona-lockdown years), and I always get the reverse culture shock. I think what shocks me most is the huge increase in homelessness and drug addiction, as well as the political polarization. Back in the 80s, you could discuss politics with others, even if you didn’t agree, and in the end you stayed friends.”
22 things. Yuppur.
What is the best case of “You just picked a fight with the wrong person” that you’ve witnessed?
When I was about fourteen years old I was walking home, at about 8 PM, through a local park in The Bronx when three boys from the gang that came from an adjacent neighborhood appeared. It was about dusk. I knew I was in trouble. As things were getting tense for me, Ronnie appeared seemingly out of nowhere.
Ronnie and I attended the same public school from grades K to 6. In 2nd grade the teacher had me sit next to Ronnie. The seats were arranged in three rows of two. Each pair were adjacent. Ronnie was a slow learner. I taught him to read that year. We became friends…only in that class as we didn’t live “near” each other and didn’t have much in common. In those days, near was within 2 city blocks. For seventh grade I was sent to another school and I hadn’t seen Ronnie for two years.
Ronnie was short but he had bulked up a bit and had taken up boxing. I had lost track of him. As he stood next to me facing the three boys, it became clear as what was going to happen as Ronnie took a step closer to the other boys and slightly in front of me. They all took a step back. And then walked away.
Ronnie and I said the mandatory “Good to see yous”, walked a couple of hundred feet together and said. “see ya.”*
*A couple of years later I heard that Ronnie had become a Golden Gloves boxer and had done OK.
Bacon-Wrapped Filet Steaks
Topped with Roasted Garlic Butter

Yield: 4 servings
- 12 large garlic cloves, peeled
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into small chunks
- Kosher salt
- 3 1/2 teaspoons chopped chives
- 1/2 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme leaves
- 4 (6 to 7 ounce) filet steaks, about 1 inch thick
- 4 very thin slices of lean bacon
- 6 inch wooden skewers or toothpicks, soaked in water for 10 minutes and patted dry
- Heat oven to 400 degrees F.
- Place peeled garlic and olive oil in 1-cup, ovenproof ramekin, soufflé dish or custard cup. Cover dish tightly with aluminum foil and place in oven. Roast on center rack until garlic is golden and very tender and soft when pierced with knife, about 30 minutes (start checking cloves after 20 minutes and then every 5 minutes until done).
- With slotted spoon, remove garlic from bowl and reserve oil. Place garlic, 1 1/2 teaspoons of the reserved oil, butter and 1/8 teaspoon salt in food processor or blender and process, pulsing machine on and off for 30 seconds or less until garlic is coarsely chopped and blended with butter and oil. Transfer garlic butter to small bowl and stir in 2 teaspoons of the chives. (Garlic butter can be prepared 1 day ahead. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate. Bring to room temperature 30 minutes before ready to use.)
- When ready to cook steaks, oil a grill rack and prepare grill.
- In small bowl, stir together 1 teaspoon kosher salt, coarsely ground black pepper and thyme. Rub both sides of each filet with some of this seasoning. Then wrap each steak around its sides with 1 slice of bacon. Skewer bacon in place with wooden skewer or with 2 to 3 wooden picks.
- Grill steaks until lightly charred on the outside and until bacon is cooked, about 5 minutes per side for medium-rare.
- When done, remove steaks from fire and place on warm serving plate. Remove toothpicks.
- Top each steak with 1 generous pat of roasted garlic butter and sprinkle with some of remaining chives. Butter will start to melt and season the steaks.
- Serve immediately.
The United States is fucked

Remember the phrase “It takes a village to raise a child”
The Africans still subscribe to this nobel trait. Such trait is lost in modern society, a selfish me first society. Even here in South East Asia, the influence of this selfish trait has permeated our society. Too much Hollywood, Tik Tok, Instagram. Kids see & imitate what they see as cool & trending, not understanding fully how the trend impacts society, increasing the decay of good society’s norms.
Hi MM, may I ask if you have a complete list of explanation about all the jargons that you use in writing articles? I plan to view it and organize it for translation next year. Want to explain them in detail in Chinese so that the readers don’t get confused.
For starters, I have this basic glossary. HERE. That should help you out some. If you have specific questions about other terms (I have tried to keep them to a minimum), just ask me here.
Garbon = an arrangement of quanta that results in a consciousness.
Swale = connection between quanta within a garbon.
Soul = a collection of quanta. May or may not have consciousness.
Thank you. Apart from terms in this list, if I meet other terms / special abbreviations that cannot be found online, then I’ll ask you here.
ONI = Office of Naval Intelligence
SAP = Special Access Program
U(W)-SAP = An Unacknowledged, and Waived (from Congressional oversight) Special Access Program
AOCS = Aviation Office Candidate School
I experienced the exact same downward spiral happening to me, even though I had plenty of prep.
My descent began when I met a psychic named Julianna when I was 19. I made enough money from my new job as a barback and busboy that I was able to afford life-readings, and so I started looking for good psychics that could portend my future and was not a conlady.
Julianna, while not being a typical conlady psychic, was one of the biggest contributors to all of the nasty shit I underwent in the past dozen years or so (second only to James, the Nazi). Her intentions were sincere and she genuinely believed in me, but she also believed all of the BS that was being fed to her. That made the deception so convincing, she was unwittingly a collaborator in the scam.
She augured that I would be destined to lead, because I am The Chosen One, and then forewarned me that great negativity is right ahead and that I am a ticking timebomb.
Just a month after encountering her, I got hit by an 18 wheeler and got away with a broken leg and degloved hand. Had I been an inch closer or kept the bike chains on my neck upon impact, I would have died, but this solidified the idea in my head that, indeed great negativity abounds, and someone did not want me to succeed: making me all the more clingy to her.
In hindsight, had I sacked Julianna around April 2012 when I first found the first supergroup’s frontend site, I would have saved myself, and by proxy dozens of other people, massive amounts of heartache, money, and time. But because I was so despondent and codependent, I clung to her advice dearly and eventuated the very Comedy of Errors she was trying to avert me from: the exact opposite of the Second-Coming Multibillionare Philanthropist destiny she prophesized to me. I instead was inducted into a cult that aided and abetted the Nazis (among many other atrocious things) after having a massive psychotic break and nearly blew up the entire planet out of desperation to Make the Pain Stop.
But hey, I am still here and so is the rest of this sentinence nursery. I can just hop to a new worldline if I really want to evade all those errors and pitfalls that I fell for in this one.
I am very , very sorry to read this. I am very curious of your BaZi FATE FORECAST for this period in your life. I’ll bet that it was quite inauspicious.
Glad that you are doing much better today.
BTW. Numerous MM followers are experiencing some uncomfortable change right now. Seriously, a bunch of youse guys. I’m dealing with the requests one at a time. Today’s post reflects on such request. -MM