2023 08 03 20 58

Summer is a time for fun

I remember growing up as a boy in Western Pennsylvania and walking though the woods. We had some virgin forests; these were deep and located in ravines. With massive old trees, land of endless moss and loom, and with the smells of rich and dark earth. It was dim, gloomy but so very much alive.

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We had timbered areas where the trees were cut down and soft off, and were now a wasteland with small plants and trees trying to reclaim the land. It was a lot like walking on Mars with an occasional “Christmas tree” here and there.

We had light woods, and pine trees. Aspen forest which were fun to hike though, and areas what was nothing but undergrowth. We also had lands that were dense pine.


We (us boys) would access these various areas, not by roads, but by the long forgotten railroad tracks of yore that wound in and out between the hills and took us to areas “well off the beaten path”. And there, often enough, we would find the remains of old highways and paved roads that were forgotten when newer and faster roads were built nearby.

I imagine that boys and girls can still enjoy the natural aspects of life if they take the time to branch out and explore.

cooking hot dogs over a campfire tim laman
cooking hot dogs over a campfire tim laman

Perhaps, if you have the time, make a day trip and see what lies just over that next hill. You might well be surprised.

It doesn’t take much to have some fun.

Buy a pack of hotdogs, some buns, and some disposable tubes of mustard, ketchup from a fast food joint. Bring a lighter.

Woman chooses sausages in a vacuum package at the grocery store
Woman chooses sausages in a vacuum package at the grocery store

Beer is too heavy to carry, but a bottle of wine, or whiskey isn’t. Just take it easy and have a great time.


Tomatoes and corn are ripe now, as are apple trees laden with fruit.

What can emerging economies such as Thailand, Brazil, India, and Indonesia do today to help the US deter Chinese influence in Africa?

Haha. Are you paranoid about China? If yes, you must be listening too much to western esp US propaganda.

Brazil & India are a member of BRICS. Indonesia is applying to join BRICS.

In total, about 44 countries are interested in BRICS with 20+ applying to join. Even France is asking to be an observer.

All BRICS members & to-be-members have 1 thing in common: all suffered from US monetary & financial hegemony. All want dedollarisation & stay out of US SWIFT banking system.

It is a global effort since Ukraine war to “beat” US monetary & financial hegemony.

Now, you are asking these countries to “deter” Chinese influence in, say, Africa???

I bet they all want Chinese has a bigger influence anywhere incl Africa. The bigger the influence is, the sooner they can beat US hegemony.

Do you know 60% of Brazilians are poor? It is because US capitalists have sucked up Brazil’s natural resources. Brazil is the most zealous to beat US hegemony.

Dont be paranoid about China. Dedollarization is not initiated by China. Just that China’s economy is stable & the world find confidence to use Chinese yuan to replace USD. That is all.

Nothing to do with China. Everything to do with USA itself who shoot its own foot.

Star Trek Next Generation – Earth Colony Turkana IV

U.S. War Machine Is KILLING The U.S. Middle Class – RFK Jr.

What can American politicians do to restore the middle class in this country? The first step, says Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is to stop warmongering all over the globe, spending countless billions on weaponry, building military bases and “flexing our muscle” in every corner of the planet. Jimmy talks to RFK Jr. about where the $800+ billion a year in “defense” spending could better be spent.

2023 08 03 21 05
2023 08 03 21 05

I stood there dumbfounded…

I lost my 35-year-old, soulmate husband unexpectedly on Memorial Day morning. I had gotten up to find him on the driveway of our home and had tried to revive him while waiting for EMS but it was too late. He had had a gran mal seizure and had what the medical examiner ruled a “Terminal Event” and was taken from me and his daughter that idolized him, that day. Needless to say, it was a horrible, traumatic day such that I wondered if I would ever be able to get out of bed again.

After several months I had decided to try to return to work when I was met by a co-worker who hugged me and asked how I was and said she was so happy to see me. She then said to me “My family and I have been praying hard to you. We have been praying that you will get cancer really soon so you can be with him because we know how much you love him.” I stood there dumbfounded with the hideousness of that statement. She then handed me a CD she had made for me (that I only played years later out of curiosity) that was full of the most tragic and mournful music I ever heard. I made it through about two hours at work that day but then went home and did not return for several more months. What little bit of healing had been shattered by that comment. When I did finally return, I avoided her like the plague. She was just one of many wholly inappropriate comments made by those who I thought cared for me.

People! Pleasssssssssse just give those new to loss, a hug and tell them you are sorry for their loss. Deem anything else inappropriate.

EDIT: Thanks so much for all of the support. I really do appreciate it.

This woman became famous at work for her strange replies to many things so I came to feel it wasn’t personal. Some examples: She stated it would have been much better if Elizabeth Smart had died instead of being found, because now she was “sullied and would never be wanted or accepted by people again.” She also came in one day telling everyone that her 14 year old daughter had “caught scabies” from holding hands with her boyfriend. The odd thing was she acted proud of it.

Like my granddad used to say ”takes all kinds”.

Sheet Pan Fish and Chips

Please your palate with a Sheet Pan Fish and Chips recipe that’s full of flavor. This dish’s major perk is the convenience of a single pan for cooking (no frying required). And the great flavors of Old Bay® and McCormick® Tartar Sauce.

fish and chips 4
fish and chips 4

Yield: 4 servings


  • 1/4 cup buttermilk
  • 5 teaspoons Old Bay® Seasoning, divided
  • 1 pound cod fillets, cut into 4 x 2 inch pieces
  • 2 large russet potatoes, cut into wedges (about 1 1/2 pounds)
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup cornflake crumbs
  • McCormick® Original Tartar Sauce for Seafood


  1. Heat oven to 450 degrees F.
  2. Mix buttermilk and 1 teaspoon of the Old Bay in large resealable plastic bag. Add fish; seal bag. Refrigerate for 20 minutes.
  3. Toss potatoes and oil in large bowl. Sprinkle with another 2 teaspoons of Old Bay; toss to coat evenly. Spread potatoes in single layer on foil-lined 15 x 10 x 1 inch baking pan sprayed with no stick cooking spray. Bake for 25 minutes, turning potatoes halfway through cooking. Remove pan from oven. Push potatoes to outside edge of pan. Set aside.
  4. Place flour in a shallow dish.
  5. Beat egg, another 1 teaspoon of Old Bay and 1 teaspoon water in a separate shallow dish.
  6. Mix cornflake crumbs and remaining 1 teaspoon Old Bay in another shallow dish.
  7. Remove fish from buttermilk mixture, allowing excess to drip off into bag.
  8. Coat fish in flour, shaking off excess flour. Dip into egg mixture, then press into cornflake mixture until evenly coated. Discard any remaining flour, egg and cornflake mixtures. Place fish on a wire rack in center of pan with the potatoes.
  9. Bake for 15 minutes or until fish is golden brown and flakes easily with a fork and potatoes are tender.
  10. Serve fish with potatoes and tartar sauce, if desired.

Douglas Macgregor- Russian Counter-Offensive !


What did you eat when nobody invited you for Thanksgiving dinner?

When my oldest daughter was about a year and a half I called my father to ask if my house mate could join our large family for Thanksgiving dinner. You see I had no car and buses did not run in our area on holidays. My father said NO. He preferred I not bring a guest. I said, I don’t have a ride. He said he was sorry and that we would be missed. I was embarrassed and heartbroken as I relayed the news to my friend. Later he was invited to join friends at a party where children were not allowed.

Long story short, we shared a baked potato and I didn’t eat dinner with my family for another 10 years. In those years I hosted dinner for friends and strangers I knew to be alone for the holidays. The pain and loneliness of that long ago day still lives with me. My daughter is now 42, my father is gone and I host gatherings where no one is ever turned away!

Sanctions Are Working / Have Failed

Susan found and sent these:

Spectator, Aug 6, 2022 – Sanctions are working – whatever Putin says

2023 08 04 08 02
2023 08 04 08 02

  Spectator, May 13, 2023 – Why the economic war against Russia has failed

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2023 08 04 08 0e2

Similar headlines or sentiments will be found in pretty much any other ‘western’ magazine that still has some integrity.

The catastrophic consequences  of  sanctioning Russia without any realistic assessment of its, and one’s own economies should have led to a serious clean up of all state and international bureaucracies involved in it.

Alas, we have yet to see that anyone who was involved has been punished for these horrendous mistakes.

The very same people are now involved in finding ‘solutions’ for the mess their shortsightedness created.

It is no wonder then that people will vote for anyone other than those in charge.

Posted by b at 6:31 UTC | Comments (289)

Gonzalo Lira MISSING After FLEEING To Ukraine Border

May God protect Gonzalo.


The doctor broke down in the delivery room.

2023 08 05 11 46
2023 08 05 11 46

The doctor went on to share the woman’s story, explaining that she had spent 14 years trying to conceive, trying “tried all treatments including injections and artificial insemination” to fall pregnant.

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2023 08 05 11 47

Finally, she fell pregnant, carrying her baby to term despite having “a large tumour”

“When she was pregnant, this tumour began to melt and everything was fine,” he said.

“During the time of delivery, the husband rushed to me and stayed for seven hours until we decided to cut her abdomen.

“She carried her child in her arms and smiled and then departed.

“The mother died and the child lived, her husband fainted at the news of her death.

The doctor channeled his grief into a powerful message, which feels particularly poignant in the lead-up to Mother’s Day.

“Please respect women because they are dying to bring you new life,” he said.

“If you suffer the pain of childbirth for hours and spend long nights in raising your children, it is the greatest sacrifice.

“If you do not talk to your mother for any reason, please go and contact them now.

“Show your love for women and respect them.”

What are American customs that seem weird to foreigners?

In case my Chinese countrymen haven’t mentioned:

Drinking ice water ALL THE TIME. ALLLLL THE TIME!!!!!

Regardless of temperature or occasion, summer or winter, you ask for a cup of water, and most likely, they’ll give you a cup of ice with some water in it. I have to specifically ask for “no ice” every time I visit a restaurant. My Chinese stomach can’t take it. Like many Chinese people, I grew up drinking hot tea or lukewarm/room temperature boiled water (which we call 白开水, white boiled water). Ice water (especially in winter) is said to be bad for you. If you ask for water in Chinese restaurants (in China), 9 out 10 times, they’ll give you a cup of hot water right out of the boiler, and that 1 time you get lukewarm water.

But I understand all the health talks are just groundless old wives’ tales. There’s no scientific study to support ice water is bad for your body. If I seem defensive, that’s because I’ve mentioned this once before on Quora, and a wave of angry Americans came to tell me I was wrong and ice water is perfectly fine.

Ice water is perfectly fine, Americans. I’m not saying it’s bad. No need to get angry with me all over again.

I’m just saying it’s a weird custom for the Chinese, and I personally prefer lukewarm water or hot tea.

What are some of the differences between wealth and money?

Money is: When you are a Doctor or Lawyer or what ever (Business owner) making $450,000 per year and with full benefits but needing to work full time and even overtime to maintain that (60 hours+). You enjoy access to a country club in Beverly Hills for a monthly fee — and you go golfing in the summer — and you go hunting in Canada on yearly vacation.

You also own a big house in Beverly Hills but with a mortgage and a boat at the Marina Del Rey Docs, but it’s financed. Your kids go to private schools and with tutors if need be. You drive both a Benz and a Ferrari but you drive your own cars. The cars are financed. Your wife doesn’t work. You have a private chef that comes over and cooks your family meals.

With a safe stacked with cash incase of a rainy day, you don’t worry so much if you have to call in to work sick or if you need to take off for a few days.

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You have money to basically do what you want but to a degree. You own stocks and wondering if you have enough put away for early retirement or if you need to work ‘till 65 to be on the safe side. You worry about a stock market crash and wonder if that could affect your retirement.

Wealth is: Owning 9 gas stations (inherited from your father). And your older brother has even more businesses than you do. Collectively, your family is like a financial empire (family wealth).

You have private doctors that make house calls — what ever medical specialists you need. You don’t work a job. Your ‘job’ is only to look after your businesses. Not only are you set up for retirement but your children are also set up: financially stable, with their own retirement accounts. You prepare your children to run the family businesses when they come of age. You do not prepare them or encourage them to work a job. ‘You don’t work — you own.’

You have what they call ‘generational wealth.’ Most of the financial assets you have are tied to a family trust. Having both accountants and lawyers on payroll, your most important lawyer charges $750 per hour for legal advice — and he’s totally worth it!

You own a mansion in Beverly Hills, CA and another in the Hamptons, NY — no mortgage, all paid off. You employ a live in Butler and a live in Maid. And you have a chauffeur to drive you around while you ponder your next business venture — or while you just take a nap in the back seat.

A trust says you have 25% ownership of that same country club in Beverly Hills and your siblings own the rest. Including the country club, the gas stations and maintaining both residences, you employ over 100+ workers; most are paid hourly rates.

You have a safe — filled with gold!

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You don’t have rainy days…

You have basically the money to do what ever you want within reason.

A nice portion of your wealth is sitting in the stock market but every time the market crashes you barely blink. From your dividend stocks alone you earn a healthy wage — $332,000 per year and that number seems to be gradually increasing more than inflation.

You have free cash to buy more shares when the market corrects and prices come down, a trick you learned from your father.

Tonight is the gala. You can donate money to your favorite political candidates.

Africa Stands Up to US Cold War Bullying Against China & Russia, w/ Kambale Musavuli

What would the average person look like competing against actual Olympians in the Olympics?

This gave me second-hand embarrassment.

On Tuesday (Aug 1st) during the women’s 100-meter race at the World University Games in China, the Somalian runner performed so badly it had to be a joke.

Even when she stepped up to the mark you could tell she was not in tiptop shape like her fellow competitors.

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On your marks

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Get set


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Questions were asked, and it came to light that she was not a trained athlete and was actually the niece of Somalia’s Athletics Federation Chairperson. It couldn’t possibly be nepotism, right? No way.

I do love to see what happens when people who abuse their little powers in their own countries try that shit outside.

The Chairperson’s face was plastered all over social media, called a national embarrassment and suspended.

What would the average person look like competing against actual Olympians in the Olympics?

They would look pathetic.

It should be acceptable to let hacklers of every sport be thrown onto the field every now and then to see how easy it is.

People underestimate the sheer hard work and sacrifice athletes put in, just because when they’re competing against each other in sporting events such as the Olympics it does not look that impressive. Throw in an average person and we’d appreciate the difference.

What’s the homework that your child was given by the teacher that shocked you?

When my son was in first grade, the teacher sent home a math sheet that included a problem that went something like: “If a pyramid has five balls at the base, then four, then three, etc., how many balls are there?”

My son went to work figuring that the base would have 25 balls, (5 X 5), then 16 balls (4 X 4), then 9 (3 X 3), then 4 (2 X 2) and then 1 ball at the top. Total = 55.

She marked it wrong.

Evidently the “right” answer was 15 (5+4 +3+2+1).

When I saw this I brought the paper back to her and asked why it was wrong.

When I explained to her that my son had solved for it as a 3-dimensional pyramid, she went beet red and admitted that she hadn’t recognized what he had done.

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Needless to say, he was eventually placed in a G&T (Gifted and Talented) program.

What’s the homework that your child was given by the teacher that shocked you?

Oh SH*T! Now Kenya is INVADING Haiti?

The U.S. government will provide Kenya with the “resources” – presumably this means money, weapons and training – necessary to lead an invasion of Haiti, pending UNSC approval. Kenya will conduct an assessment mission to Haiti in the coming weeks. So, we’ve outsourced the invasion of Haiti. Why? Redacted correspondent Dan Cohen reports on this.

What did someone do or say at the bank that made you say, “You gotta be kidding me!”?

Back around 1995, I received and Bank Draft for an insurance settlement. I opened a separate account with the draft and added $1000 cash. I was told the draft would take 10–14 business days, after a month, 20 business days i was told it would take 10–14 business days. I explained it was already 20 business days. I was told I knew nothing about banking and I should just wait. I asked for $500 cash out of that account and was told that the funds were not available in that account. I tried to explain I had put in $1000 cash and was curious how long cash took to clear. She brushed me off.

I then told her I wanted to close my other accounts at that bank. A small savings account for Christmas had about $800. My checking had a over $5000. My two company accounts had in excess of $100000. I told her I wanted all cash because i didn’t know anything about banking. I let her know I would be back at 3 PM the next day for all my money. I went back to work. By the time I got there I had messages from 5 different people at that branch and other branches. I waited until one called again, the branch manager BM. “What are you closing all your accounts?”

“I am not closing all of them yet, just those 4.”

BM. “Why? What happened?”

Me. “I was told I didn’t know anything about banking. I deposited a bank draft a month ago and the funds are not yet available. Also the $1000 cash deposited at the same time is not available for withdrawal. And by the way, I called the bank the draft was on, it cleared 3 weeks ago. But hey, I don’t know anything about banking.”

BM. “I don’t know who told you that, I will look into it. And we don’t have that much cash at this branch to give you. Aren’t you worried about getting robbed with that much cash?”

Me. “Only if someone at the bank blabs about it. Besides I will be bringing my own security. And I gave you 24 hrs to get the cash in the branch.”

BM. “Come in tomorrow and let’s talk about this.”

Me. “I will be there at 3PM to pick up the cash. I have already have the accountant opening accounts for us. My family and our company have been there over 50 yrs. But I have never been so disappointed in the bank. I asked the teller, how long it took cash to be available and she ignored me. I asked her twice. That’s when I told her to start closing accounts.

The next day the bank arranged a transfer of the funds to our new bank. I closed my personal accounts and refinanced the home loan I had with them.

I may not know about banking, but I do know what customer service is.

China’s DJI Refuses India’s 1.5 Billion Rupee Order, Leaving India in Disarray.

About DJI drones we must remember that at the start of his economic sanctions against China, Trump had ordered the DOD to get rid of all the Chinese products in their arsenal and replace them with more costly US products. A year after there was a ton of complaints from the military personel that the more costly US made military drones were underperforming the DJI drones that they were replacing. That’s why the DJI drones have 75% of the world market. Their quality/price ratio are unbeatable for all of their product line.

DJI is wise to refuse India’s order of 1.5 billion rupees. BYD too knew how India works and demanded full payment prior to delivery of the electrical buses. India has been criticizing China but now trying to fool Chinese companies to grab money. Manny American companies have suffered a huge loss of investments because of India’s ‘money grappling’ policy. Foxconn a.o. are running away from India and back to China as they have great difficulties in India. One should be aware of the risk in investing in India as it may outweigh the benefit.


Why did France cut aid to Niger right after these poor people just endured a military coup? Starving a nation without warning in the middle of a crisis, isn’t that an act of terrorism?

Russia is there to give them Wheat without them needing Dollars

Russia will sell them Wheat for Barter

Russia will give them weapons, trained troops and Wheat in exchange for Gold and Uranium

Behind the scenes is of course China ready to finance the entire deals in their stockpiles of US Dollars

Why would Niger need French or US Aid now ?

That cutting off Aid isnt gonna work anymore sadly

Hell No! U.S. considers a military DRAFT to build up failing forces

Are you prepared to send your loved ones to war? Members of Congress along with retired military are pushing the idea of a military draft in The United States. One retired colonel is calling for a hybrid approach using both a volunteer force and drafted force. How about we stop our imperial aggression around the world?

What were some unexpected/ funny ways criminals got caught?

2023 08 03 21 28
2023 08 03 21 28

Hitman outsourced a murder to a hitman, who hired a hitman, who hired a hitman.

Chinese police charge six, including 5 hitmen with intentional homicide, after all the men tried to outsource the killing to each other. The intricate, would-be job was first contracted by real estate developer Tan Youhui in October 2013, who wanted to kill a rival developer who sued his company over a dispute over a development.

Tan paid Xi Guangan around $282,800 for the job. Guangan then took the money, and used half to hire another hitman, Mo Tianxiang, to do the job.

Mo Tianxiang then hired another hitman Yang Kangsheng and gave him a photo of the target, promising half of the money that was promised to him on completion of the Job. Yang then offered the job to another hitman with the same promise.

The last hitman then outsourced the Job to Ling Xiansi, for a measly $14,000. Ling, rather than pass the job on to someone else, ended up reaching out to the rival developer to tell him about the hit out for him. Ling and the developer ended up faking the murder, staging an image of the developer with his hands tied, which then circulated through the chain of hitmen back to Tan, the businessman who hired the first hitman. By this time the developer had already reported his attempted murder to police. Who were able to quickly arrest the suspects.

All five hitmen were sentenced to between two to four years in prison in a court in the Guangxi region, while the developer who requested the hit, was sentenced to five years.

Things You CAN Do in China (You CAN’T Do in America)

If you’re thinking of visiting China but feel scared about what you can and can’t do, then this video is for you! In this video, we’ll share with you some of the things you CAN do in China that you CAN’T do in America. Most Americans watching this video will be shocked! China is the true land of the free! Chinese people have much more freedom than in the west. Come to China and see it with your own eyes! and see the truth my friends.

2023 08 04 09 17
2023 08 04 09 17

I love this guy

In 2006 a high school English teacher asked students to write a famous author and ask for advice. Kurt Vonnegut (1922 – 2007) was the only one to respond – and his response is magnificent:

“Dear Xavier High School, and Ms. Lockwood, and Messrs Perin, McFeely, Batten, Maurer and Congiusta:

I thank you for your friendly letters. You sure know how to cheer up a really old geezer (84) in his sunset years. I don’t make public appearances any more because I now resemble nothing so much as an iguana.

What I had to say to you, moreover, would not take long, to wit: Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you, to make your soul grow.

Seriously! I mean starting right now, do art and do it for the rest of your lives. Draw a funny or nice picture of Ms. Lockwood, and give it to her. Dance home after school, and sing in the shower and on and on. Make a face in your mashed potatoes. Pretend you’re Count Dracula.

Here’s an assignment for tonight, and I hope Ms. Lockwood will flunk you if you don’t do it: Write a six line poem, about anything, but rhymed. No fair tennis without a net. Make it as good as you possibly can. But don’t tell anybody what you’re doing. Don’t show it or recite it to anybody, not even your girlfriend or parents or whatever, or Ms. Lockwood. OK?

Tear it up into teeny-weeny pieces, and discard them into widely separated trash receptacals. You will find that you have already been gloriously rewarded for your poem. You have experienced becoming, learned a lot more about what’s inside you, and you have made your soul grow.

God bless you all!”

Kurt Vonnegut

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National fat shaming in Japan has led to them having a 3.6% obesity rate. Since ours in the US is 41.2% and climbing alarmingly, why don’t we adopt widespread fat shaming, since it clearly works great?

That’s not why Japan has a low obesity rate. I’ve been to Japan; they are way too polite to be vicious to fat people (or anyone, really). They’re far more the passive-aggressive types.

One thing Japan does have is a culture of walking everywhere. The streets are narrow, the cities are crowded, and nearly everyone takes buses and trains to get around, which means that they have to walk at the endpoints of every trip they take. The average Japanese person is walking six kilometers every day.

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2023 08 05 11 18

Typical day: Walk to train station, get on train. Get off at your stop. Walk to work. Repeat in reverse later. You get quite a few steps in this way. This picture is pre-COVID, by the way; that’s how much they masked up even before the pandemic.

Another thing Japan has is smaller portion sizes when you eat out. You’ll almost never have any leftovers. And you wouldn’t want them, anyway—will you haul them with you while you take the train home? You’d probably get discrete annoyed looks from the other passengers for stinking up the train car. You most likely walked into that restaurant, and you’ll be walking out, so lugging a box of food in your arms when you leave is kind of awkward. It’s the same with the sodas you buy from vending machines—a typical Japanese soda is 300–350 ml (10–12 oz), while the bottles from a U.S. soda machine are usually around 20 oz. Many machines will also sell you water, coffee, barley tea, or green tea, which won’t be very sweet. If you buy street food, you might be able to buy snacks from a few different places before it fills you up.

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A meal I ate at a hotel in Japan. I took this photo just before I ate it. It was excellent but not huge.

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Here’s another one from the same trip. I think this was a Chinese restaurant. This is a pretty typical portion when you eat out.

There are some other things that probably help. Japanese employers are required to pay taxes to support the public health care system. A lot of obesity happens because people have sedentary jobs and work long hours, so the government decided to penalize companies that have too many overweight employees. Effectively, this means that companies with a lot of obese employees have to pay higher rates for their health insurance. Because companies hate giving away their money, they are motivated to find the cheapest, simplest way to keep employees thin. This might include mandatory calisthenics when you show up for work in the morning, removing unhealthy options from the company cafeteria, making their employees wear step monitors, or even just nagging them constantly. Maybe this is what the question means by “fat shaming.”

To be clear, I don’t think Japan is better in every way, and there’s plenty about their society that America should not be copying. They have some health problems that are worse than the United States (e.g. stress, suicide, stomach cancer, smoking, depression, etc.). Still, they do a far better job than the U.S. at avoiding obesity, and it’s worth paying attention to what about their society is helping them to do that.

It would be tough to get Americans to walk more, but city designs that make transit preferable to driving likely help. Perhaps there’s also a way to persuade our restaurants to (at least) offer smaller portion sizes for those who want them. I’m not sure how we’d “adopt widespread fat shaming,” though. I’m not sure Japan does it any more harshly than Americans do, and I don’t think it would help much.

Smoked Sausage, Potatoes and Onion



  • 1 (16 ounce) package smoked sausage, sliced
  • 1 large onion, peeled and chopped
  • 5 large potatoes, peeled and chopped into 1/2-inch cubes
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 teaspoons smoked paprika
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1 cup shredded white Cheddar cheese (optional)


  1. Heat the oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Line a large baking tray with sides with aluminum foil and spray with cooking spray.
  3. Put the sausage slices, onions and potatoes into a large bowl. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt, pepper, paprika and dried thyme. Toss together and pour onto the baking tray.
  4. Bake for 45 minutes to one hour, stirring halfway through, until the potatoes are golden brown and tender.
  5. If desired, scatter the cheese over the top and return to the oven for a few minutes to melt the cheese.

**HE’S HAD ENOUGH! Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond | REACTION

2023 08 20 10 50
2023 08 20 10 50

United States stories…

100% those stairs the guy built are garbage, but 65k to build stairs in that location? What are they building them out of unobtanium ? Concrete and labor ain’t that expensive.

main qimg 171d3741f69722d3d835e45ae8fa2f36
main qimg 171d3741f69722d3d835e45ae8fa2f36

BATTLE OF THE WORLDS Remastered Classic Full Action-Sci-Fi Movie

2023 08 03 21 01
2023 08 03 21 01

Enjoy this silly 1960 era science fiction charm.

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Yunhao Tu

Hi,MM , I notice some of the articles here are not written by you. If there is an underline for the title, does it mean that you find it somewhere else, and no underline means you wrote it?

Yunhao Tu

I see. What about the words directly beneath the underlined titles? Are they usually verbatim quotes without a quotation mark or your own comments? I assume they are a mix of these 2, but am uncertain.