It seems that the re-posturing is in process, right on a schedule established decades ago. One; mind you, without any allowance for change in the Geo-political situation.
You know, I was watching Babymetal the other day, and it occurred to me that the entire band is the embodiment of a cat.
Yes. Seriously.
The elements of [1] hard, and fast along with [2] the very cute.
It’s one manifestation of a cute kitty cat. Then it gnaws on your hand… and draws blood.
Seriously. Check this one out with that thought in mind.
Though… it is about a FOX (which is a human female embodiment of a feline).

What is the best case of “You just picked a fight with the wrong person” that you’ve witnessed?
Walmart My friend, 5″10″ 185 was walking out of the store on an Friday night. There were several high school boys horsing around with each other. As my friend walked past the biggest one, he went into a Rocky boxing stance behind him.(The store cameras caught the whole thing). He push punched my friend’s right shoulder enough to almost unbalance him. When my friend turned and saw a large figure in a fighting crouch, he continued his turn and placed the point of his elbow on the far side of the kid’s jaw.
Resulting in the kid flying backward to land flat of his back unconscious, with a broken jaw. Took about 2 seconds start to finish. The jaw was unintentional.
Kid’s dad was angry until he watched the vid.
Why is China way stronger in industry than the USA? Will the USA collapse and China make the world lead?
In the past 40 years, Chinese have worked hard, and the government has continued to invest in soft infrastructure (education, etc.) and hard infrastructure including transport and manufacturing.
In the US, Americans have voted to cut taxes and the size of government, which meant that there has been no investment in hard and soft infrastructure.
The “rise of China” is simply the result of those different policies.
How effective would the US government be after a nuclear war?
How effective is the United States today?
According to the United States constitution, the purpose of the Government is as a vehicle to serve its people.
Are they being served?
- Is inflation under control?
- Are the streets clean, and safe?
- Are people happy, employed in useful productive activities.
- Is the nation as a whole, healthy mentally, physically and emotionally?
- Does the future look bright?
- Is food, and shelter affordable?
- Is medical care cheap and easy to obtain?
- Is the government meeting the needs of the individual?
As I see it, the most basic, of basics is neglected.
This is not only unhealthy, but completely unsustainable.
You do not need a nuclear conflagration to destroy the United States, it is already destroyed. It is torn up and sitting in the garbage swill of past glories.
The American society is dead. DEAD. Gone, and slaughtered.
There are ZERO vibrant and healthy cities in the United States today. The downtowns are boarded up, squalor rat and rodent infestations exist, and tent cities abound. Those that exist fumble and mumble in their drug haze like the zombies they are. Today, the United States (though there are a handful of “pockets” of normalcy) is simply a ghost-nation.
Hollowed out.
Void of any real and actual leadership.
Inept, incompetent, and runs a well produced “clown show” in front of green screens, reading well produced scripts to keep the rabble in line.
A nuclear war will not kill the United States.
It is already a carcass.
Pick it up off the side of the road, and start fresh. It’s the only thing that is left to do.
Nuclear weapons are designed to destroy large functioning cities, and masses of military. That are their targets. If the cities are just crumbling, and the only strategic targets are a warehouse here, a factory there, or a government building over there, then it makes far more sense to use conventional munitions in “surgical” strikes.
As the United States stands today, a nuclear war would have very little effect on the nation.
A dead dog is still a dead dog. To shoot it full of holes will not change anything. It doesn’t matter if you use a .22 caliber revolver, or a 10 gauge shotgun.
Thus, to hasten the demise of the United States (as it is already post-collapse) is to target the few remaining assets that keep it alive;
- The factories that make the bombs and missiles.
- The “leaders” that run the remains of the nation.
- The transportation hubs that distribute goods and services.
That is the true and real reality of the situation.
The United States is a carcass.
Any action by the rest of the world would be to add lime to it and advance the decay.
SHOCKING PRE BIRTH EXPERIENCE! I Saw Why I Chose a Life of Suffering!
Please enjoy my interview with Betty Guadagno about he Near Death-Like Experience and pre-birth memories!

Is China waiting for the right time to invade Taiwan?
No, why would China invade Taiwan now when Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan was restored and recognised in 1945? The only question is whether or not the rival PRC and ROC governments which do not recognise the right of the other to govern China, intend to finally finish the Chinese Civil War. Admittingly, it does not take a genius to realise that at this point, if the fighting does resume, it is but a matter of the PRC finishing off the last remnants of the ROC rump on Taiwan, since the ROC forces have no chance of reconquering the entire mainland by now (though they did hold on to this desire as late as the 1970’s).
And the answer to whether or not the fighting should resume is a resounding ‘no’ on both sides as well. Everyone on both sides of the strait is Chinese, and quite frankly most of the irreconciliable points of contention in ideological dogma and political doctrine between the KMT and CCP have long since become obsolete.
What most Chinese wish for is to find a peaceful long term resolution to the civil war which does not involve bloodshed, and most people from across the Chinese World regardless of political affiliation recognise or are at least willing to trust that those advocating for ‘Taiwanese Independence’ are but a small albeit vocal minority on Taiwan. Meanwhile, no one finds writing systems or pinyin romanisation standards to be worth fighting and dying over. My own hometown is somewhat inland but not entirely remote from Xikou, where Jiang Jieshi himself grew up. There are plenty of people in Xikou nowadays who in principle do not object at all to the prospect of welcoming the remains of the KMT leader back for a proper burial when the situation permits it (which was his own dying wish).
Of course, negotiations will not be straightforward, and it is completely understandable that ROC officials will have concerns about their specific status within a reunified Chinese state, and what protections and guarantees will be offered for the specific particulars of their own way of life. However, almost everyone of political prominence in the 1930’s and 1940’s is either dead or rather senile, so most understand there is no concern of anyone being dragged away to a public trial by the people.
The only reason why there would be a motivation to achieve reunification by force would be if something drastic happens, such as if the MJD attempts to change the ROC’s name and contitution, or the US uses ROC territory as a base for attacking other parts of China.
Is China–Russia Alliance is Likelier than we think?
On 4FEB22, it was formally announced that China and Russia formed a new “national structure” together. In short, they joined together into one singular “state” of a type never before seen on the planet. This nation state is tighter than any kind of individual nation, and stronger economically than any other singular nation in the history of the globe.
Since today is late July 2023, this new “nation-state”; a unified Asia, has been in force and operating now for a goodly one and a half years. And we have seen some amazing changes take place.
- Both the paramilitaries of China and Russia integrating together.
- Joint leadership in the various national organizations.
- A wide selection of free trade and energy activities.
- Massive infrastructure projects.
Of course, NONE of this is reported in any of the Western “news”. You have to be able to read Chinese, Russian, or Persian to keep abreast on the massive big changes going on in the world today. The English reporting is absent, and if reported, it is distorted beyond recognition.
For instance, take the joint Naval exercises with Russia and China around Japan last week. Western reporting equals zero. Or, the new rail lines connecting Western Russia to China, the Western reporting is yet again; zero. How about the new manufacturing plants in Russia? Zero. Or the trade corridors from the Middle east into the Heart of Russia, via the China “bridge”? Reporting is zero.
And so, with the West living in this bubble of ignorance, it can be expected that those in the West are unaware that China and Russia are one.
It is a united Asia.
To a person in the West, it is almost like waiting to get an invite to a big party. And you wait and you wait and you wait. Then you find out that the party came and went, and no one told you. Yeah. It’s like that.
So to answer the question;
Is China–Russia Alliance is Likelier than we think?
It happened a year and a half ago. It is more than an alliance; it is a new global superpower. If the USA is considered to be a superpower, then the new Russia-China “new national form” is a Super-Duper-Supreme-power. And that is how things stand today.
Which is why…
- The people; the citizens, worry about war, Taiwan, nuclear bombs.
- The multinational companies, are all renewing investments in China and Russia independent of any American-led sanction efforts.
- The nations are all abandoning the USD in favor of a BRICS “basket of currencies”.
So do not be confused by the dearth of actual “news” reporting. Watch what people, companies and nations are actually doing. Not what they are saying.
For instance, as an example…
Thailand elected, via color-revolution, a pro-USA leader. However, just this week the Thai Navy spent all week drilling with the Chinese Navy, and the the BRI projects are proceeding that connects Thailand to China, and Laos without any interruption.
Pay attention to what is physically going on. Not, what is being “reported.”
Fluffy Dumplings

- 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
- 2/3 teaspoon salt
- 4 teaspoons baking powder
- 1 egg
- 1 tablespoon melted shortening or oil
- 2/3 cup milk
- Sift flour, salt and baking powder into mixture of beaten eggs, shortening and milk.
- When ready to serve, drop by teaspoonsful into boiling gravy (about 4 cupsful), cover and cook gently for 8 to 10 minutes or until done.
Hunter Biden Plea Bargain FALLS APART
Nation Hal Turner 26 July 2023
The Hunter Biden plea deal appears to have collapsed. The so-called ‘Sweetheart deal’ on tax and gun charges seems to have fallen apart in a stunning twist after prosecutors said president’s son could STILL be charged with other crimes.
During his appearance in front of a judge in a federal court in Delaware the president’s scandal-hit son said ‘yes, your honor’ when asked by the judge if he was going to plead guilty, and admitted he’s been to rehab six times in 20 years for addiction to drinking and drugs.
But then the Judge demanded a recess when an agreement between prosecutors and attorneys for the president’s son appeared to fall apart.
Hunter’s attorney Chris Clark said the agreement was ‘null and void’ after top prosecutor Leo Wise said the president’s son could still be charged with other crimes – including violations related to representing foreign governments.
Has anyone ever gained superpowers in real life after an accident?
Jason Padgett

He was a party guy who hated school and got really bad grades. One day, two men savagely attacked him and robbed Jason outside a bar, leaving him with a severe concussion.
This damage turned him into a math genius and made him learn fractal geometry, which he had never learned before. He then became a renowned mathematician.
Derek Amato

At 39, he hit his head after diving into a pool. He was diagnosed with a concussion and 35% hearing loss. After that Derek started seeing black and white keys on his head and out of nowhere started playing the piano like an expert and eventually became a composer.
Ben McMahon

He was in a car accident in 2015 and was in a coma for a week. When he woke up, he spoke perfect Chinese, even though he had only learned the basics in childhood.
Tony Cicero

He was struck by lightning while making a call in a phone booth. Within days, he became addicted to music, which wasn’t the case before. After experimenting with the piano, he became a musical artist who composes his own music.
I may not call them superpowers, but they are definitely powers for the uninitiated.
NDE: Woman is Shown Pre-Birth Plan and is SHOCKED to see she Did Not Accomplish her Life’s Purpose
Please enjoy my interview with Norma Edwards about her Near Death Experience!

an ALL powerful organization unlike anything the world have ever seen
- far more powerful than the Illuminati, the Free Masons and all powerful Men like Kim Jong-un
- this organization had, thru mission creep, amassed GREAT POWERS for itself and now control the most powerful nations on earth
- in a demonstration of its power, it had also made possible the Presidency of Joe Biden. It was in Ukraine that the CIA co-opted Hunter Biden as it fund bio labs. It also suppressed critical information that allow Joe Biden to win the 2020 election

What most Americans are NOT aware is that the CIA:
- is the largest drug smuggler in the United States and in many parts of the world. It also arms Narco trafficker in Latin America which destabilized MANY countries
- the slush funds created from drug smuggling enable it to fund activities outside state control
- throughout the world, it is responsible for the death of tens of millions of people as it funds wars, mayhem and overthrow governments
- overseas and in the United States such as in Fort Detrick, it operates bio.chemical labs that conducts research into bio weapons designed to kill and eliminate whole races of people
In the United States, the CIA:
- spies extensively on Americans
- control pedophile rings such as those run by Jeffrey Epstein which allows it to control American business and political elites (Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Bill Gates were just some of the individuals who were frequent visitors to Epstein’s island). This control allows it to direct America’s domestic and foreign agenda
- thru its funding of American and foreign media and think thanks, it promote hate in the United States against China, Russia, Muslims and others distracting Americans from what it is doing and the governing Plutocrats openly stealing from the country and its people
- it CENSORS books in the United States and fund major Hollywood movies in order to manipulate Americans while funding studies on thought control experiments
- it’s involvement in the opiate trade has led to the death of millions of Americans devastating lives and communities.
From an organization which was created to gather intelligence from foreign countries, the CIA have evolved to spy on and manipulate Americans as it wage wars and inflict death and chaos which affect millions around the world while controlling bio-chemical weapons. Most of all, it now controls American political and business elites.
What is the CIA up to? As we have seen, the CIA is involve with much nefarious activities. If Oliver Stone is correct, this could also include the assassination of an American President
It has now united the countries of Europe and Japan – countries with a long and bloody history of waging wars of racial domination – after triggering the Ukrainian crises by funding neo-Nazis Ukrainians and triggering the Maidan revolution
for it is clear that the CIA objective is world domination and to set the world alight triggering an orgy of death, chaos and destruction
more than anything else, the CIA represent the physical and spiritual manifestation
of the Dark Angel himself where it has now found a HOME
always seeking power and domination while sowing death and chaos in its wake
it is now in the cusps of accomplishing its objectives of lighting the world on fire
in this world, in a country that is big and small, haven is preparing its favourite son
for that epic confrontation against Evil itself
in order to save the world from a fiery end
Most DETAILED Near Death Experience Ever Recorded; Woman is given TOUR of the Universe! Venia Hill
Please enjoy my interview with Venia Hill about her incredibly in-depth Near Death Experience!

These Humorous Stinker Station Signs Helped to Provide Comic Relief for Motorists in Idaho During the 1950s and ’60s

When traveling to distant places, it is well to remember where you come from. If you come from Idaho, chances are you are familiar with the Stinker gas stations, which used to put up gag signs along the roads. Those bright yellow Stinker Station signs all with black print truly were an “Idaho only” institution. The Stinker gas stations used to break the monotony of traveling through southern Idaho’s miles of sagebrush with their comic signs.


Reports are coming in that Russia has launched 12 TU-95 aircraft carrying missiles for Ukraine
If each aircraft is carrying a full load, that is up to 96 cruise missiles.
Air Raid Sirens are sounding throughout the red shaded areas of Ukraine shown on the map above. Explosions likely to follow.
Check back.
13 Russian Tu-95MS and a number of Tu-160M Strategic Bombers are currently noted Airborne across Western Russia heading towards “Launch Zones” over the Caspian Sea.
A Large Missile Attack on Ukraine _SEEMS_ Imminent.
Preliminary launches of X-101/555 missiles from Tu-95 from the Caspian direction.
CONFIRMED! Initial Detection by the Ukrainian Air Force of Cruise Missile launches by at least 12 Russian Tu-95MS Strategic Bombers over the Caspian Sea; the Missiles should be entering Ukrainian Airspace within the next hour.
ADDITIONAL MISSILE ATTACKS NOW TAKING PLACE! High-speed missiles entering Ukraine from the north, Ukraine’s air force says.
These are DAYLIGHT launches, not something the Russians usually do.
Cruise Missiles Flying towards Kharkiv, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk .
Possible direction – Kremenchuk, Kropyvnytskyi!
Explosions are reported in Berislav district of Kherson region and in Kharkov.
Right now, Ukrainians are in a panic that has long crossed the line of hysteria.
Rockets over the Kirovograd region towards Kiev;
More missiles in the direction of the Vinnitsa region;
Rockets over the Zhytomyr region;
Zhytomyr region Powerful explosions;
Borispol, Kiev region, Explosions; Zhytomyr region.
Detonation of two warehouses with ammunition.
Apparently, the Russian Air Force took significant steps to deceive the Ukrainian air defense; today’s missiles are constantly changing course in mid-flight!
Russian cruise missiles are flying to Vinnytsia, Mykolaiv and Odesa regions, — Ukrainian Air Force.
Explosions reported in Dnepropetrovsk region.
The second wave of Russian missiles is entering from the East.
Cruise missiles on the approaches to Vinnytsia, Mykolaiv, and Odesa regions!
Explosions Reported in Dnepropetrovsk and Kirovograd Regions
It appears that a portion of the Iskander missiles have successfully struck their intended targets.
The activation of the air raid alert following the initial strikes indirectly confirms the accuracy of the hits on these targets.
Moreover, there are indications that a ballistic missile strike targeted an assembly shop in Kharkov, which was allegedly involved in the production of drones.
As for the cruise missiles launched from the Caspian region, they have not yet reached their intended destinations.
There is speculation that these missiles could potentially target certain sites belonging to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Khmelnitsky and Vinnitsa regions.
NEW: A group of missiles is moving along the border with Moldova in the direction of Khmelnytskyi region!
Multiple explosions heard in Khmelnytskyi region
Missiles entering Lviv.
Lviv region advised to take cover immediately, missiles inbound.
Volyn and Rivne regions. Missiles also fly towards you.
COURSE CHANGES – AGAIN: Several RU cruise missiles turned from Lviv to Volyn region NOW! Some rockets in the Ternopil region made a 180-degree turn.
A group of missiles from Ternopil Oblast changes course to Zhytomyr Oblast, another group in the direction of Lviv Oblast and Volyn Oblast.
UKRAINE authorities in panic, now hysteria: screaming to citizens “Missiles constantly change their flight path. Stay in shelters!”
Russian “Dagger” missiles heading in the direction of Kyiv!
(NOTE: Today’s ongoing missile barrages appear to be the largest and longest-sustained attack since the Russia-Ukraine conflict began. Ter for months, we were all told “Russia is running out of missiles.” HMMMMM. Looks like the people telling us that were . . . ahem . . . wrong.)
Iskander missiles have JUST BEEN launched from the Bryansk region Russia.
***** FLASH *****
Multiple reports coming in claiming land-to-land BALLISTIC MISSILE LAUNCHES have taken place inside Russia, heading toward Ukraine.
Explosions heard once again in the City of Khmelnytskyi in Western Ukraine.
The attack seems to have subsided. No additional missiles are being tracked in, or toward, Ukraine.
Unconfirmed Reports that Starokostiantyniv Air Base in the Khmelnytskyi Region of Western Ukraine has been struck by at least 5 Russian Cruise Missiles. This Base is Home to the 7th Tactical Aviation Brigade who operate Su-24 Tactical Bombers which are claimed to be the __ONLY__ Ukraine aircraft capable of utilizing “Storm Shadow” Air-Launched Cruise Missiles provided by the UK and France.
If this base and its planes have been put out of commission, then Russia achieved multiple wins; knocking out more Ukraine air power and HALTING the ability of Ukraine to use STORM SHADOW missiles, anywhere in the country.
Reports are that this is attack was focused on NATO Assets, Supplies, and Command Centers inside Ukraine, which would explain the daylight strikes.
Cajun Pork Chili

- 2 pounds ground pork
- 2 large onions, chopped
- 4 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 sweet red bell pepper, chopped
- 1 sweet green bell pepper, chopped
- 3 stalks celery, chopped
- 1 (28 ounce) can tomatoes
- 1 (28 ounce) can kidney beans, drained
- 1/4 teaspoon hot pepper flakes
- 1 teaspoon dried oregano*
- 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- Dash of hot pepper sauce
- Salt and pepper
- In a heavy saucepan, cook the pork over medium heat, stirring to break up the meat, for about 5 minutes or until browned. Pour off the fat.
- Add onions, and cook until tender. Add garlic, red and green peppers and celery. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes or until vegetables are softened.
- Add tomatoes, breaking them up with the back of a spoon. Stir in kidney beans, hot pepper flakes, oregano, cayenne pepper, hot pepper sauce and salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
* If you prefer a more traditional chili flavor, use cumin instead of oregano, and add chili powder to taste.
What is it like to live on a small island? What does it smell like? What do people miss from the mainland?
Originally Answered: What is it like to live on a small island?
I’ll answer for an island of 300 in the Maldives.
- Enjoy? Things get boring very quickly unless you LOVE water sports or fishing. After we exhausted these options, cabin fever set in really quickly. Chess is a favorite pastime for locals.
- Lizards and spiders galore, bats hanging in trees all day. Mosquitos are everywhere and the sand fleas are worse. Locals seem to have developed a tolerance for both though.
- Translucent crabs COVER the edges of the island closest to the ocean from dusk to dawn.

Biggest swimming pool ever

The reefs are absolutely magnificent

Fantastic visibility
- Supplies come once and sometimes twice a week – you miss everything and if you don’t order it or get it on the day or even hour it’s delivered, you’re out of luck that week.
- There is one small general store that has a regular refrigerator for Kit Kat ice cream cones and bottled water/soda (only Holstein’s that I can’t even find online) – while they last.
- Most mosquito coils in the general store are so old they won’t light
- More coconuts and fresh fish than you could ever begin to try to eat

The boat that brings the supplies

Waiting to board the boat – yep, you can go for free but you’re gonna ride with the bananas, pineapples, bread and orange juice headed for the resorts

Knocked out on the floor of the ship. There wasn’t an open spot left anywhere.
- It smells like ocean, sand, coconuts, fish, and musky people – no deodorant, obviously
- Air conditioning and heating don’t exist – ditto for heated water.

We caught all these fish using fishing line and a hook tied to a water bottle. We just let the line drop and our “captain” drove around until one of us got a bite. No more than five minutes and usually less than a minute. I’ve never fished so easily in my life.

Brian with the fancy fishing “rod”
- Sometimes fish is cooked by gutting, covering with salt, spearing with a freshly picked palm frond and roasting lightly over a coconut husk fire

Cooking on the deserted island across the atoll from where we stayed

Yeah, there were plates on the deserted (read: private party) island. They get rinsed in the ocean.
- Everyone eats with their hands. All the time.
- Everyone knows everything about everyone – this cannot be underestimated. You have ZERO privacy
- Even though everyone knows everything, there are still drug (heroin) and alcohol abuse problems – they are isolated enough that they protect each others privacy from the rest of the world.
- You can walk from one side of the island to the other in under 15 minutes if you go slow. 10 minutes for a nice, brisk pace.

One of the two main “streets”
- Most furniture is made from wood and rope – withstands the sand and wind quite well

Finishing off another coconut in my favorite chair

Pretty cool six seater chair
- There is a plane ambulance for major health emergencies – it has to fly to the island and fly back out
- There is a speedboat ambulance within the atoll that will take you to another, slightly larger island with doctors for less major medical emergencies
- There is one doctor from India who lives on the island part time for basic checkups and minor health care needs
- There’s a large soccer (football) field that is used nightly, an open air mosque, and an open air two room school house
- ZERO automobiles, a couple bicycles, a motorbike (maybe 50cc) every local rolls their eyes at because it’s so ridiculous (I think they’re waiting for him to accidentally ride into the ocean), and a couple carts for hauling what comes in on the boats
- Two plastic lawn chairs at the end of one lane that faces the nearby resort island. On a good day, you can pick up the wifi from across the ocean. Spotty, but workable. Some days, people wait in rotation for a chair.
Hope that helps. Perhaps you’re looking for details about a bigger island, but some stuff should be similar. Good luck!
US Begins Draw-Down of ACTIVE ARSENAL to Give to Ukraine
World Hal Turner 26 July 2023
The US is giving another $400 MILLION (Corrected) of Military aid to Ukraine but this time, the weaponry is coming out of the ACTIVE ARSENAL and NOT coming from reserves or excess inventory! The Active Arsenal exists to defend the USA itself.
The US confirmed a new aid package to Ukraine valued at up to $400 million. It comes direct from Department of Defense stocks.
The capabilities in this package include:
1. Additional munitions for Patriot air defense systems and National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS);
2. Stinger anti-aircraft systems;
3. Additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS);
4. 155mm and 105mm artillery rounds;
5. 120mm and 60mm mortar rounds;
6. 32 Stryker Armored Personnel Carriers;
7. Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles;
8. Javelin and other anti-armor systems and rockets;
9. Hornet Unmanned Aerial Systems;
10. Hydra-70 aircraft rockets;
11. Tactical air navigation systems;
12. Demolitions munitions for obstacle clearing;
13. Over 28 million rounds of small arms ammunition and grenades;
14. Night vision devices and thermal imagery systems; and,
15. Spare parts, training munitions, and other field equipment.
This latest gift of military aid is now directly impacting the ability of the United States to defend ITSELF.
It’s almost as if someone in government is deliberately doing things to the country to make us vulnerable to invasion!
Smoky Pasta and Bean Soup
Warm up with this hearty soup. Serve with warmed bread sticks and a salad.

- 6 slices bacon
- 1 small onion, finely chopped
- 1 rib celery, finely chopped
- 1 medium carrot, peeled and grated
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/8 teaspoon hot red pepper flakes, crushed
- 2 cups canned crushed tomatoes
- 2 1/2 cups canned white beans, drained
- 6 cups chicken broth
- 3/4 cup macaroni or other small paste shape
- Fresh Parmesan cheese, grated (optional)
- In a large deep skillet, sauté bacon until some fat is rendered; add onion, celery, carrot, garlic and red pepper to skillet and sauté until vegetables are softened, about 10 minutes.
- Stir in tomatoes, cook and stir occasionally for 10 more minutes.
- Stir in beans; add broth and bring to a gentle boil. Add macaroni (or other small pasta) and continue cooking until pasta is tender, but still firm, about 15 minutes.
- Serve immediately with Parmesan cheese if desired; or cover, refrigerate and reheat gently to serving temperature.
Prep: 15 min | Cook: 45 min | Servings: 8
Nutrition information: Calories: 180 calories Protein: 10 grams Fat: 6 grams Sodium: 1310 milligrams Cholesterol: 10 milligrams Saturated Fat: 1 grams Carbohydrates: 26 grams
Can the US fight against all its adversaries at once like Russia, China, Iran and North Korea?
Right now, as of 2023, the “adversaries” against the United States is roughly about 85% of the global population.
The United States is a tiny part of the globe, and getting smaller each day.
So, who is the United States, and it’s allies, that the Mainstream Media like to refer to as “most of the world”…
American proxy nations.
These nations will do what the United States say. The methods of control vary from nation to nation, but they are not independent at all. It is extremely unlikely that these nations would do anything without asking the United States for permission first.
- Canada
- UK
- Minor European states
- Japan
American friends.
These are proxy nations that might have the ability to “break away” from the United States if conditions are favorable. Each nation operations under their own unique conditions. Some desire to be United States proxies, but Geo-political realities prevent full engagement, others wish to be more distant, but again, Geo-political realities prevent that as well. These nations are in a sort of limbo, and political expedience results in a default abeyance to American dictates.
- Israel
- Germany
- Poland
- France
- Switzerland
- Sweden
- Finland
These nations are trying to walk the razor-thin line of neutrality. There are internal elements that are dividing the ruling leadership. The issues involved in these nations are complex. Yet, their actions suggest that they are trying to “play both Geo-political blocks”.
- Australia
- Philippines
- South Korea
The Global South.
These are the current “enemies” of the United States “Western” ideological block.
Some are codified, and formalized, such as Russia. Some are not formally engaged, such as China. Some are considered to be “American easy lays” such as South East Asia, though they are anything but that.
- Russia
- China
- North Korea
- Iran
- Pakistan
- All of the ‘Stan’s
- South East Asia
- Much of Africa
- Brazil
- South Africa
- Argentina
- Much of South America
Neutral but leaning with the Global South
These nations are currently picking sides. Most intel suggest that they are strongly leaning towards the Global South and rejecting the “American way of life”.
- Mexico
- Most of Latin America
- India
- Turkey
- Bulgera
And that is pretty much the entire world. So, if you look at the list above, you can see the reality of what the world has fractured into.
A “West”; led by the United States. It promotes “American values”, “American democracy”, and woke progressive ideology. They use the USD as the dominant trade currency, and are referred to as the “English speaking world”. (Though that is NOT an accurate statement.) It’s an “American rules” order. It represents 15% of the world
An “East”. Led by the China-Russia-Iran-Saudi Arabia- Brazil-South African nexus. It’s a “multi-polar” order. Organized fundamentally under the UN charter. It is further subdivided into sub-blocks such as G20, BRICS+, and SEO. They use a basket of currencies based on hard tangible resources to trade. And combined, represents 85% of the world.
It is unlikely that the United States can fight the entirety of the rest of the world and win. How likely or unlikely, is dependent on your personal point of view, and the intelligence or “news” that you (personally) consume.
- American neocon = Likely that the United States will win, because it is blessed by God.
- Typical proxy nation citizen = Tough call. Maybe the United States can persevere.
- Global South Citizen = We are constantly underestimated. The United States cannot win.
Road to Bali (1952, Adventure) Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour | Full Movie, Subtitles
Today’s treat. Full movie. Great background movie.
Actually this movie is AWESOME!

It is fun. Enjoy your opportunities today.