2023 06 10 17 29

A tear in the fabric of our baseline reality

About a month ago, someone or something was really trying hard to reorder our baseline reality universe.

Seriously folks. There are people; someone, a collective activity, an entity… HUMAN… that is trying to alter the world Line MAIN template.


Been busy stitching it back up. Sheech.

I know exactly what it’s all about. They don’t like how the human species is migrating to a Chinese led world of peace, order and control. They want the continuous cycles of purging destruction.

So, I don’t know if it is “old empire” ‘Bots.

Non-physical entities that have made nice “nests” for themselves in the chaotic cycles of destruction, or just practicing Magick at an amateur level.

It doesn’t matter.

It’s like trying to empty the ocean with a thimble.

Anyways, the mend it on. Wearing me out. But the fix is in.

But, why now? I have no clue.

Ok, guys be cool out there. Todays…

Never look at monthly payments. Negotiate on the final price.

This happens everywhere I go. Car dealership, “So what do you want your monthly payment to be?” Insurance agent, “Great so your down payment is $XX and your quarterly payments are $XX” etc..

Um, I want to know what the final out the door price would be?

“Well tell me what you can afford and I’ll see if we can make this work for you. So how much are you looking to pay a month?”

Why is this bad? Because you cannot compare apples to apples with just a monthly payment. Sure they can make your monthly payment super low and just extend your term to forever so they make more money. Or for insurance purposes you cannot compare that policy vs another one.

Also you should know the true cost of the items you are buying. Sure those $150 airpods at 5 bucks a month on your credit card is easy to afford. But once you factor in that 22% interest rate over how long it takes to pay it off were they REALLY worth the $180+ you just paid?

I feel like majority of uninformed consumers should be considering the true cost of items vs they I can afford that monthly payment mindset. No wonder people live paycheck to paycheck thinking they cannot afford to have an emergency savings because all of their money is going towards those monthly payments.

Wait emergency savings? I don’t need that, I have available credit on my credit cards!

The Sad Story of the Smartest Man Who Ever Lived

Numerous Russian Military Executive Jets Traveling from Moscow to Underground Bunker Area in Ural Mountains

2023 06 11 07 55
2023 06 11 07 55

As of 5:00 PM today, 31 May 2023, numerous Russian military executive jets (TU-134A) are traveling from Moscow to the huge government underground Bunker facility in the Ural Mountains near (or beneath) Mount Yamantau.

It is not known which government officials are on those flights or why they are heading to their underground Bunkers.

Moscow is seven hours AHEAD of U.S. east coast time, so as this story is written, it is about 1:00 in the morning over there.  A very odd time for such flights.

Further details if I get them, on tonight’s Hal Turner Radio Show airing at 9:00 PM eastern U.S. Time (GMT -0400).\

Tune-in on WBCQ 7490 or 6160 shortwave

or on

WRMI 5950 shortwave

or here on the net using this link:   http://stream.halturnerradioshow.com:8000/ then click “LISTEN” or press the Play Button on the small player to tune-in free.

NOTE: This link does not go active until about one hour before show time.  During that hour, it streams commercial-free music until the show begins.

Low Country Chicken Bog

2023 06 10 17 27
2023 06 10 17 27


  • 1 (3 pound) whole chicken
  • 6 cups water
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 3 1/2 cups chicken broth
  • 1 cup long-grain white rice
  • 1/2 pound smoked sausage of your choice, sliced
  • 1 teaspoon Old Bay seasoning
  • 2 cubes chicken bouillon


  1. Place chicken, water, salt and onion in a large pot. Bring to a boil; cook until chicken is tender, about 1 hour.
  2. Remove chicken from pot and let cool. Remove skin and bones and chop remaining meat into bite-size pieces.
  3. Skim off fat from cooking liquid and measure 3 1/2 cups of this chicken broth into a 6 quart saucepan.
  4. Add rice, chicken pieces, sausage, herb seasoning and bouillon to the saucepan. Cover the saucepan. Let come to a boil, then reduce heat to low and cook for 30 minutes. If mixture is too watery or juicy, cook over medium low heat, uncovered, until it reaches the desired consistency. Stir often while cooking.

RUMORS from the Ground in Ukraine: “Tonight”

There’s a TON of RUMORS coming from the ground in Ukraine all saying “Tonight.”  It is believed these RUMORS are about the much-vaunted (but yet to happen) Ukraine Spring Counter-Offensive.   But these rumors hint at something new: “Inside Russia.”

We all know that the first casualty of war is truth.   It is entirely possible that this is a false RUMOR, perhaps even deliberately released in Ukraine as a Psy-Op against Russia; maybe to get their stress levels up.

But what’s coming out from people on the ground in several parts of Ukraine is all very consistent: “Tonight.”

The new twist is that the “Counter-Offensive” will actually begin “inside Russia.”  Specifically, the RUMOR says “the opening salvo is going to be inside Russia, before the offensive will actually happen on the front lines in Ukraine.”

I am carefully reiterating this is a RUMOR for those who cannot discern very well.   It may be false.  But again, it is something very prominently being spoken on the ground in Ukraine and that, in and of itself, makes it unusual, and worth passing along.

Dido – White Flag (Official Video)

I’ve never seen someone laughed out of court but I did amuse the entire court staff, judge and audience pretty well. I used to work a rotation gig in south Florida, I’d be 3 weeks in the fun and sun then back to Minnesota for a week.

One time (in the winter) I was in such a hurry to get going I forgot my drivers license, naturally I got pulled over. The cop was nice but gave me a ticket for no DL in possession. I asked him what I should do. He said with so many tourists it was fairly common and because this was before computer storage those paper tickets took up a lot of space so they would sit on them for about 3 years then they’d toss the minor offenses and said not to worry about it.

A few weeks later I was back in south Florida and went to the courthouse to clear it up. The clerk of court said they were pretty full that day but since this was so minor she’d put me at the head of the list. When they called my name I approached the bench handing my ticket and license to the judge. He looked at me and said, “Wait a minute, you came all this way just to show me you had a license?” I said, “Did you see the national weather this morning…it’s 22 below zero in Minnesota, do I have to spell it out for you?”

The judge and the entire courtroom broke into laughter, he not only dropped the ticket but I could still hear people laughing on the way to my car.

Security guarantees, then Polish troops, and finally US troops

Yup. Walked into a world war 3.

Hackers Crash ENTIRE Russia Banking System – Get CASH Out Now Before Reprisal Attacks Today

2023 06 11 07 29
2023 06 11 07 29

Americans and Europeans should get to their banks RIGHT NOW to pull out some amount of cash money to have at home after Hackers took out the ENTIRE Russian Banking System.  Reprisal Hacking attacks now seem likely against the West and if you do not have cash, you may be financially paralyzed!

The entire Russian banking system is at a standstill nationwide because the ISP used for banking communication with the Russian Central Bank is down. Infotel, the ISP, is suspected to have been hacked by a pro-Ukraine group.  Infotel runs the Automated System of Electronic Interaction (ASEI) for the Central Bank of Russia.

Very long lines have already formed outside cash machines this morning, similar to the ones seen in February, 2022 when Russia’s Special Military Operation began and Sanctions were applied; people ran to ATM’s (shown above in Feb. 2022) to grab cash.

The computer infrastructure of the ISP – InfoTel – has now been down and offline for nineteen hours:

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2023 06 11 07 30

A group calling itself Cyber.Anarchy.Squad has publicly taken credit for the bank computer network hacking.

The group posted Infotel’s full internal client list;  100 out of 400 are banks, the rest are credit institutions, car dealers, and of course the Russian Central Bank.
The group says the entire Banking infrastructure has been destroyed.
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Americans and Europeans should get to their banks or to an ATM absolutely IMMEDIATELY to get some cash.   It seems highly likely that reprisal hacking attacks are now going to be launched, perhaps by the Russian government, so as to retaliate against the West for what has just been done to Russia.

If YOU do not have cash money in your possession, and Hackers take out OUR Banking System, then none of your credit or debit cards will be able to work, and you will have no way to purchase food, fuel or other essentials.

Don’t wait – get to the bank or to an ATM immediately.  Minutes count!

It is also advisable to make HARD COPY PRINT-OUTS of your bank account activity this month so you can PROVE how much money you still had in those accounts if the west Banks are attacked and destroyed like the Russian banks just were.


Here is a direct link to the Internet Connectivity monitor of the Russian ISP, showing they are still totally offline (Click HERE)

Here is a direct link to Russian Media outlet PRAVDA confirming the banks are all offline (Story HERE)

Social Media postings are also confirming the story:

After posting this story above, I departed my house here in Pennsylvania and went immediately to the ATM to withdraw the maximum daily limit on my account: $2,000.   Got it.  No problems at all.

Of course, the ATM itself has an $800 transaction limit.  So I had to put the card in, take $800, get the cash, the receipt, and my card back, then put the card in a second time to get $800 more, etc., then put the card in a third time to get the final $400.  Pain in the neck, but the ATM’s out here in the country don’t allow single $2,000 transactions like the one’s back in New Jersey do.   And the ones here only give out $20 bills, unlike the one’s in NJ which give $50’s and $100’s.   In any event, I got the money, so I at least have some peace of mind in case Hackers in Russia do to OUR banking system, what Hackers did to the Russian banks.

I then went to the supermarket to get my last-minute “preps” because of that whole NATO “Air Defender 2023” exercise which simulates war with Russia.  That “exercise” is scheduled to begin Monday, June 12 and last through June 24.  I have a sickening feeling it isn’t going to be an exercise; I think they’re going to use it as cover for Ukraine’s counter-offensive, and some time next week or so, we’re gonna find ourselves at war.

So I got the stuff on my list at the supermarket . . . $343.00 and headed home.

Checked the fuel gauge in the truck, still full, so I didn’t need fuel.

Back at the house now, have to put all the stuff away.

Crazy morning . . . .

Mazzy Star – Fade Into You (Official Music Video)


This content is for Subscribers only — Article HERE

Speaker of the House Sends Lawmakers HOME – Three Days Before NATO Exercise . . .that may start Russia War

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) took the extraordinary and very unusual step of canceling votes for the rest of this week and sent lawmakers home today.   Just three days before the largest-ever NATO “exercise” simulating war with Russia . . .

The “public reason” given by Speaker McCarthy is that this was due to a “revolt” by 11 members of the House Freedom Caucus, who banded together to grind proceedings to a halt in protest of the speaker caving to Democrats during last week’s compromise to raise the debt ceiling.

The looming and not-so-public fact is that NATO’s “exercise” simulating war with Russia starts in 3+ days – and that “exercise” — may turn out to be real.

Bear in mind, this action by the Speaker takes place just about one week after members of the Senate were all given Satellite  telephones “in case a disruption to US communications occurs.”  It also takes place just a few short days after the Memorial Day weekend holiday, during which, select high-level FedGov officials secretly spent the weekend at Government Bunkers with their families.  a “practice run” for the real thing, maybe?

Or was it not “practice” at all?  How many of those officials are STILL in those Bunkers?   Is Congress now joining them?

I don’t believe the public reason given for this sending of lawmakers “home.”

Governing is always messy.  It is always disordered.  There are always disagreements and there is always upheaval.  Yet, the Speaker chose to “send lawmakers home????”   No, I don’t buy it.   I don’t buy it one bit.

Who knows, maybe they’re planning some type off False Flag attack upon Washington, DC to be blamed on Russia?

Wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

Stay tuned . . .

Snow Patrol – Chasing Cars (Official Video)

The Biggest War Battle on European Soil Since WW2 is HAPPENING right now – almost not a peep from the Main-Stream Media!

The largest war-fighting battle on European soil since WW2 is RAGING right now – today, June 8, 2023 – and not even a peep from the West’s  so-called “main stream media!”

According to battlefield sources, Ukraine’s first attack on Zaporozhye is almost repulsed.

A lot of Ukrainian soldiers are laying down DEAD in the minefields. They were simply driven forward by their commanders without properly preparing the passages. They say the picture is terrible, the enemy has a lot of DEAD or seriously wounded just lying on the battlefield.

It is likely Ukraine will regroup and drive a few more waves to the slaughter.

The Russians say “Our boys are ready and charged.”

One Russian source said, “we are not sleeping, we are waiting!”

SO FAR . . .

From June 4th to June 8th, Ukraine has lost close to 400 armored vehicles, 115 tanks and close to 5,000 personnel on the Zaporozhye, Artemovsk (i.e. Balhmut), and Southwest Donetsk Tactical Regions. The intensity of the enemy attacks have decreased, however, a whole army in the reserve is waiting to attack. This will not be the end of their attacks. So far, no settlements have been lost (some changed hands but are back under the control of the Russian Armed Forces).

Importantly, in no instance, has even the first line of Russian defense been breached, and remember, on the Zaporozhye and Southwest Donetsk fronts, there are 5 lines of defense. Ukraine is targeting areas west of the Ugledarisky Tactical Region (nearby to the Velkya Novoselivka Tactical Region); as these regions are the least defended, however, geographically hard to conquer. This is primarily around the villages of Novodonetskoye and the Vremika Ledge.

To compensate for failures, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) attempted a counteroffensive on the Artemovsk(i.e. Bakhmut)/ Berkhovka area; they were subsequently wiped out. Enemy militants now resort to shelling of residential areas of the Belgorod, Russia, Region.

It is likely that Ukraine will attempt to cross the Left Bank of the Kherson River under the backdrop of the New Kakhovka Hydroelectric Dam being blown up; they have strengthened groupings with fresh reserves from Lvov and Zhytomr, Russian forces are pre-emptively striking accumulations of Ukraine manpower.

The battles are raging.  Hundreds are dying.   But since the mass-media is simply not reporting what’s taking place, people of the West have no idea at all how bad things are, or that the US and NATO will likely find out they have LOST . . . this week.   Unless, of course, they create a false flag designed to get directly involved in the war, and bring on World War 3.
The general public, being clueless, will be blind-sided at the outbreak of such a war.  They will be afraid, and looking to government for safety and answers.   The same government that LIED to them for 2 1/2 years over Trump/Russia Collusion.   The same government that LIED to them about COVID-19.   The same government that LIED to them about the COVID-19 vaccines, which are still killing many of the people who took them.
The next two weeks could very well see the outbreak of nuclear world war, and a change to all our lives that will never return to “normal.”

Five for Fighting – Superman (It’s Not Easy)

Four Days Until NATO “Exercise” Begins . . . and Maybe Direct War with Russia

SCENARIO: “Airspace over Eastern Europe is contested. Article 5 of NATO Treaty was activated. Within hours, hundreds of fighter jets from the US/NATO transfer to Germany to fly against Russia. Nuclear-capable F-35 stealth aircraft are prepped for deployment – the first hours of a major war have dawned.”

This scenario is the basis for the upcoming NATO “Air Defender 23″ exercise …”

which takes place from the 12th to the 24th of June.

The air war is simulated against an imaginary enemy who himself has a potent air force. The real meaning of this exercise is clear to anyone with a brain: Russia.

The maneuvering may still be cautious in their public communication, but Michael A. Loh, general of the US Air National Guard, expressed his motivation some time ago. In 2021, with a view to „ Air Defender “, he wished that his people „ think more about our impending dangers – China and Russia “.

The maneuver is carried out according to the principle „ Train as you fight “. Areas of application, tactics, logistics – everything should be as realistic as possible. It is therefore no coincidence that Germany becomes the central hub of the exercise. In an emergency, too, countless NATO jets would start and swarm out of German airfields. The flight routes that the fighter planes will test are just as realistic. They lead to the eastern borders of the NATO area, to the Russian and Ukrainian borders.

At first glance, what looks like a brazen but usual provocation is a tangible danger to world peace in times of war. An accident with Russian military aircraft, misguided navigation or a pilot error may be sufficient to make a training flight appear like an attack. It becomes particularly threatening if Ukraine uses the NATO exercise’s slipstream to carry out attacks, while Russian air surveillance is forced to pursue NATO activities. Russian territory is currently being bombarded almost every day, and the Ukrainian president is threatened with major attacks. The escalation potential of a Ukrainian military strike while NATO jets are patrolling nearby is obvious in this situation.

The federal government is not only willing to accept these enormous risks, it even suspends the usual security measures. Russian observers who could ensure that the exercise is not used to prepare for an attack are not invited. There shouldn’t even be a formal announcement.  “We will not write them a letter. They will understand the news when our planes swarm out “, the highest German air force general Ingo Gerhartz replied at the beginning of April to the question of how Russia is informed.

This move away from an insurance policy is accompanied by a fight against diplomacy. Last week the Federal Republic of the Russian Federation banned the operation of four consulates. They must be closed by the end of the year.

So, shortly before the NATO exercise, the relationships are further burdened and important communication channels are sabotaged. The federal government appears to be doing everything it can to drive an escalation and increase the risk that the exercise could become a bitter reality.

NATO and its ilk have to decide very quickly. Obviously, the Ukraine offensive has stalled. It is indeed a question if Ukraine army is even capable of holding their positions or not. And the Russian army is making small but constant advances. It is probable that Ukraine army and state is on the verge of collapse. Because of that, it is time to make a decision. Either NATO enters officially into conflict or Ukraine is lost.

Of course, best moment to attack Russian army would be when all NATO equipment and personal are in Europe and are practicing that type of scenario. We only need a fabricated reason for war. Something like 9/11 at the WTC.

History shows the US federal government is perfectly willing to engage in treachery to cause the US to be involved in a major war.

In World War 2, the Roosevelt Administration KNEW the Japanese were coming to attack Pearl Harbor.   They knew days in advance.   While they told the US Military “you may be attacked” there was no ironclad statement that an attack WAS already on its way.   The Japanese attack on December 7, 1941 caused the date to live in infamy.  The American military was used as canon fodder to get hit and killed, bringing the US into the war.

The Gulf of Tonkin incident was an actual fabrication by the US to get us into the Vietnam War.

Former Secretary of State, Colin Powell, sat at a UN Security Council meeting, held up a glass jar containing ANTHRAX, and told Security Council members that Saddam Hussein of Iraq had “tons” of this bio-weapon and could destroy half the world.   In to Iraq we went.  We destroyed much of Iraq, searched high and low, but guess what?  No weapons of mass destruction!   It was all lies.

In 2014, the US, EU fomented, incited, and facilitated the forcible overthrow of Ukraine’s President, Vikto Yanukovich, then funded a puppet government favorable tot he West.   The US/EU want to place American missiles on Ukraine soil, with a five minute or so flight time to Moscow.   Russia said “no.” The West said “Too fucking bad.”

In December 2021, Russia tried to negotiate ironclad, legally enforceable security guarantees.  The West laughed and basically threw Russia’s Diplomatic proposals in the trash can.

The Russians tried again, only this time warning that if Russia could not obtain ironclad, legally enforceable, security guarantees, via DIPLOMATIC means, they would attain them via military, or military-technical means.   The West again quashed the Russian proposals.

On February 24, 2022, after giving Ukraine a five hour ultimatum that went unanswered, the Russian Army went into Ukraine.   The West was mortified.  It was never within the realm of possibility to them, that Russia would actually DO what Russia said they would do!

Here we are, over a year later, the war rages, hundreds of thousands are dead, and now NATO is (coincidentally) preparing its largest air defense exercise in history . . . right next to the Russia-Ukraine major conflict . . . where any misstep can open up the hellscape of World War 3.

Given the US track record of lying to get us into actual wars, is it any stretch of the imagination to believe that NATO and the US will do so again, four or so days from now?

Let me ask you:   If, one day soon, you’re up in the morning doing what you usually do, and suddenly, the Emergency Broadcast System tones start coming out of your cellphone, or your nearby radio, or on your TV, and the announcement tells you “The United States is under nuclear attack from Russia, take shelter immediately.”  what’s the first thing you would do?

For most people, they have no friggin idea . . . . at all.   Do you call your spouse?   Do you make a mad dash to get the kids from school?  (You and everybody else . . . and find an instant “Mad Max” scenario on the roads.)

Do you have __any__ emergency food, water, medicine for after the bombs hit and the country is collapsing?

Do you actually think you’ll be able to go to the supermarket and buy food?   Upon a nuke blast, do you think your credit/debit cards will actually work so you can buy food?   Nope!

Better start thinking about these things, because the way things are going, four days from now could see your whole world change.

Matchbox Twenty – Unwell (Official Video)

US bill seeks to undercut China growth.

It doesn’t really matter what the US government or what the House says because the US doesn’t provide any aid or preferences to China economically on the basis of this label, whether it’s a developing country or a developed country, So, whatever the House does at this level is immaterial. It has no real impact in terms substantively.

Since about 2005, the U.S. has been saying that China and India need to be reclassified as advanced developing countries or higher.

The whole thing is to have kind of basically bad intentions. The point is that if China is classified as a developed country, then China has to accept certain burdens, say at the climate change negotiations or in international trade negotiations, it can’t classify as developing. And so it needs to take added commitments. That is the main thing.

India has deliberately confronted China on many fronts, but on the climate issue, it has made a rare show of support for China. Because the Indian elite understands very well: after China’s status as a developing country is cancelled, the next country to be cancelled as a developing country is India.

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2023 06 11 07 37

Attempts to limit China’s development by depriving it of its rights as a developing country are a blow not only to the Chinese people, but to developing countries as a whole, which have benefited from China’s One Belt, One Road initiative.

Of course, the US Congress has never cared a great deal about the suffering poor in other countries indeed, nor of the suffering poor in their own country.

For the sake of the US population still suffering under the ‘benign neglect’ shown them by the US Congress, it is hoped that more attention will be paid to the general welfare of the common people of the United States than to the overblown pretensions of a political elite that has lost its moorings.

AUDIT: New York Voter Data “Completely Untrustworthy” – State is no longer a legitimate state because it has almost NO legitimately elected government at any level

Auditors reviewing New York State Voter Data have uncovered so much fraud, so many invalid registrants, so much manipulation of vote totals, and a secret algorithm embedded in the database, that the “State of New York” can no longer be considered a legitimate state, as it has no legitimately elected Government at almost any level.

“Through auditing the voter roll databases, obtained directly from state and local boards of elections, auditors have uncovered millions of invalid registrations, hundreds of thousands of votes cast by legally invalid registrations, massive vote discrepancies, and the clear presence of algorithmic patterns reverse engineered from within the state’s own official records.

To be absolutely clear, there is no known innocent purpose or explanation for why these algorithms exist.

Auditors have been told by cyber-intelligence experts they indicate a ‘Total Loss of Control’ data breach, the most severe kind of data breach recognized by our federal government. The law says it renders the affected NYSVoter database completely untrustworthy.”

From UndercoverDC.com:

A peer-reviewed study in the Journal of Information Warfare (JIW) confirms a “Loss of Control” breach has occurred in the NYSVoter Database. A peer-reviewed paper of their results in a respected journal is a hard-won and “significant milestone,” according to Marly Hornik, Executive Director of the NY Citizens Audit.

The audit of the voter rolls was led by Marly Hornik and Andrew Paquette, Ph.D., Director of Research, who submitted the paper to JIW. Paquette “co-founded the International Game Architecture and Design Academy (now BUAS) in the Netherlands after a career in the feature film and video game industries. He received his Ph.D. from King’s College, London, in 2018 for a thesis on the development of expertise.”

In July 2021, Hornik and Paquette assembled a group of volunteers in New York that has grown to around 2000 individuals statewide to investigate the state’s voter registration rolls. Hornik presented the group’s preliminary findings to attendees at The Pit, sponsored by True the Vote, in August 2022.

In her recent letter to New York citizens, Hornik explains the seriousness of the group’s findings:

“Through auditing the voter roll databases, obtained directly from state and local boards of elections, we have uncovered millions of invalid registrations, hundreds of thousands of votes cast by legally invalid registrations, hundreds of thousands of votes cast by legally invalid registrants, massive vote discrepancies, and the clear presence of algorithmic patterns we reverse engineered from within the state’s own official records.

To be absolutely clear, there is no known innocent purpose or explanation for why these algorithms exist. I am told by cyber-intelligence experts they indicate a ‘Total Loss of Control’ data breach, the most severe kind of data breach recognized by our federal government. The law says it renders the affected NYSVoter database completely untrustworthy.”

New York Voter Registration Rolls Show a Catastrophic “Loss of Control Breach”

The “Loss of Control Breach” references standards published by the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) that reflect the level of impact of a given information security event where data has been compromised. According to the US-CERT Federal Incident Notification Guidelines, “the document provides guidance to Federal Government departments and agencies (D/As); state, local, tribal, and territorial government entities; Information Sharing and Analysis Organizations; and foreign, commercial, and private-sector organizations for submitting incident notifications to the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC)/United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT).”

A “Loss of Control Breach” is a catastrophic level of “impact,” both functionally and in terms of information lost. It is important to note that the designation indicates “recovery from such an incident is not possible.”

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2023 06 11 07 58

Journal of Information Warfare: Three Experts Agree With Paquette’s Paper

Paquette submitted a paper to the JIW summarizing the findings from the NY Citizens Audit. He says it took about “six months to see his article through the review process.” It was the second journal to which he submitted his paper. The first was rejected “for political reasons,” according to Paquette.

Paquette published a substack on May 17 about the significance of the peer-reviewed paper mentioning that he has “learned more about the algorithm” since he submitted his paper to JIW. Paquette also summarized his investigation in his May 22, 2023, article for the American Thinker.

In his Substack, Paquette comments on the significance of the paper’s peer review and publication:

“The point of peer review is not to rubber stamp an article (though that may happen at lower quality journals); the point is to perform a thorough check of the article to be sure it is accurate and represents a fair description of the facts both pro and con related to the subject.

Because peer review is a rigorous process, and reviewers tend to be experts, getting through peer review can be likened to putting three expert witnesses on the stand in a court of law to attest to the accuracy of the material.”

Paquette’s paper was reviewed by three peer experts from the JIW who confirmed his analysis was correct with only “minor corrections,” explained Hornik. The article in the Journal of Information Warfare (JIW), Volume 22, Issue 2, is entitled “The Caesar Cipher and Stacking the Deck in the New York State Voter Rolls” by Andrew Paquette.

According to the JIW peer-reviewed paper, “New York State voters are assigned two identification numbers. This study has discovered strong evidence that both numbers have been algorithmically manipulated to produce steganographically concealed record attribute information.” The “secret fraudulent phantom voter infrastructure” allows for the manipulation of elections in a way that is not easily detectable. Dirty voter rolls are often a primary vector for election fraud.

The excerpt below from the JIW paper discusses what seems to be a purposeful alteration of voter registration data to manipulate elections.

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2023 06 11 07 59

The paper also describes findings from the NY Citizens Audit “suggest[ing] that systemic election fraud is built into New York’s electoral process.” Algorithms were found in all 62 counties in New York. Notably, the presence of steganographically concealed records “renders the state’s elections illegal on their face,” explained Hornik.

Two-Plus Years of Persistence and Follow-Through

Volunteers from the NY Citizens Audit investigated New York’s voter registration rolls after the 2020 election only to find that “New York elections massively violate state and federal law,” according to Hornik. The group’s “Deficits Report” showed evidence of falsifying records, registrations with no trackable records, ineligible registrations, phantom voters, and many inaccuracies and discrepancies in the registrations that effectively make the rolls completely unreliable in terms of reflecting actual, registered voters in the state. Their investigation led to a Resolution for Audit requesting a “complete end-to-end audit of the New York State 2022 General Election.”

UncoverDC has closely followed the group’s work and touched base with Hornik again on May 19. Hornik and her volunteers have been actively campaigning at the Capitol in Albany since January 2023 “in order to educate our legislators about our findings, stated in our critically important report, “A Study in Deficits,” summarized here. The “Study in Deficits” report was delivered on January 24, 2023, to 89 members of the New York State Assembly.

Following the submission of the “Study in Deficits report,” Hornik and her volunteers persisted, making “follow-up calls and sending emails to arrange a presentation to the members of the Election Committees of both the Assembly and the Senate. Special efforts were made to communicate comprehensively with the senior staff of Assembly Member Latrice M. Walker, Chair of the Election Law Committee in the Assembly, and Senator Zellnor Y. Myrie, Chair of the Senate Election Committee,” according to Hornik.

Remarkably, Hornik and Paquette ultimately secured a presentation with Election Committee members from each Chamber with a Democratic majority State Assembly. The presentation, “A Technical Briefing: NYSVoter Type 2 Data Breach,” was given on May 1, 2023, in the Legislative Office Building in Albany. Some members could not attend because of the finalization of the state budget that same day. For those who could not attend, a link to a video from the briefing was sent on May 6 to each member.

On May 22, according to Hornik, “a visit was made to Albany to inquire if any action will be taken by the Election Committees of the Assembly and the Senate in order to address the critically important findings that the New York State voter database has been breached. The senior staff of the Chairs of both committees did not offer any assurance that action would be taken.” The Legislative Session ends on June 8.

Hornik is now leading a nationwide initiative to replicate what she and her team have done in New York. She says, in many cases, “the American people have already done the work.” She says it is time to review the findings, meet with legislators, and bring litigation where appropriate. Hornik says she plans to “hold election officials accountable” wherever possible.

Simple Plan – Perfect (Official Video)

OP-ED: Attorney Says Britain and NATO “At War” – Russian Military Strikes Against Them Would Be Lawful

Attorney Christopher Black of Toronto says Britain and NATO are defacto at-war with Russia, and if Russians attack back, it would be LAWFUL.

Begin Op-Ed:

On the 19th of May, the Financial Times quoted the British Minister of Defense, Ben Wallace, stating that the West could face the threat of full-scale war with Russia and China by the end of the decade and proclaimed defence preparation a paramount task for Western countries.

One has to wonder what universe Mr. Wallace and his boss, Rishi Sunak, are living in since Britain is engaged in war with Russia right now, has, with every step, every hostile action, set itself up for a full-scale war, a full-scale catastrophe, which they cannot prevent. Why Britain would go to war with China as well as Russia when China has not threatened it and is oceans away, no one can explain in rational terms. Yet, this is the British rhetoric, the fetishistic parroting of the words of their lord and master, the USA.

Many argue that statements, a war is not happening, that it is something that exits only in the future, are desperate attempts to fool the British people, to lie to them about their government’s intentions and what is coming. Others argue that they are signs that the British government has no sense of reality. But, in the end, one has to conclude that they are both at the same time.

Worse, these statements speak of a government, that seems to think it is untouchable, that the war with Russia will be limited in geographic space to Ukraine, that Britain’s participation in the war against Russia will have no direct consequences for Britain and its people, that Russia will not dare to follow military and political logic and conduct military strikes against Britain. Nothing could be further from the truth, yet the British establishment, dreaming of its past, is unable to accept reality, is leading the British people towards disaster, as the gathering storm of war edges ever closer to their shores.

The deluded thinking in Britain is an extension of the same psychosis that grips all the halls of power in the western world, a psychosis that has its roots in the deeply troubled societies which have developed in the west and whose causes will be the subject of study of future social scientists and historians if there are any. In fact, these governments display observable and classical symptoms of paranoia and delusional disorders, leading to the complete break with reality that constitutes psychosis.  This is a very dangerous state of affairs because someone who is delusional, who has no grip on reality, who cannot make distinctions between reality and imagination or wishful thinking, will make decisions and take actions that are dangerous to everyone around them, in this case, Russia, and beyond, the whole world.

Just after Russian began its Special Military Operation, Britain declared its support for Ukraine along with the rest of NATO and announced it would supply it with weapons and munitions to fight Russia. Maria Zakharova, the Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman, in response, stated that NATO states providing weapons to Ukraine could be hit in strikes.

Ms Zakharova said:

“Do we understand correctly that for the sake of disrupting the logistics of military supplies, Russia can strike military targets on the territory of those NATO countries that supply arms to the Kyiv regime?

“After all, this directly leads to deaths and bloodshed on Ukrainian territory. As far as I understand, Britain is one of those countries.”

The Russian defence ministry, after several attacks inside Russia backed by NATO, has repeatedly said:

“We would like to stress that the direct provoking by London of the Kyiv regime into such activities attacking Russian territory, should there be an attempt to realise them, will immediately lead to our proportional response.”

In April, when the UK announced it was sending depleted uranium tank shells to Ukraine, Russia said it would respond and did so, destroying those munitions in Ukraine just after they arrived, and now a radioactive cloud is drifting west towards Europe and the UK. Russian warnings of the danger of this happening were ignored.

On May 11, Ben Wallace announced a further act of aggression against Russia with the decision to send Storm Shadow cruise missiles to Ukraine, which have since been used to attack civilian centres in Russia. Again, Russia stated clearly that there would be a military response to this action.

On May 23, during his visit to Laos, Deputy Head of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev issued another warning, on the day Russian security forces destroyed the Ukrainian raiding force that attacked civilians in the Belgorod region, an openly terrorist action backed by the UK and the other NATO states.  From Vientiane, he stated,

“The North Atlantic alliance does not take the threat of nuclear war seriously enough, thus making a big mistake. NATO is not serious about this scenario. Otherwise, NATO would not have supplied such dangerous weapons to the Ukrainian regime. Apparently, they think that a nuclear conflict, or a nuclear apocalypse, is never ever possible. NATO is wrong, and at some point events may take a completely unpredictable turn. The responsibility will be placed squarely on the North Atlantic Alliance,”

Medvedev pointed out that no one knows whether the point of no return has been passed,

“No one knows this. This is the main danger. Because as soon as they provide something, they say: let’s supply this, too. Long-range missiles or planes. Everything will be all right. But nothing will be fine. We will be able to cope with it. But only more and more serious types of weapons will be used. That’s what the current trend is.”

But Russia can strike using its conventional weapons as well, against which the UK has no defence whatsoever.

Still, the British attitude towards these warnings is to call on the magic of “legality” as if they can weave a protective cloak around the island with incantations. Yet, everyone knows that to use incantations to ward off danger, the formula used must have mojo or force; otherwise the words have no effect.

In 2022, for example, then Deputy Prime Minister, Dominic Raab, hit back, after Russia suggested it could target British military installations over its support for Ukraine, by branding the Kremlin’s claim “unlawful.” Wallace, Sunak, and others have repeated this claim multiple times.

Raab, and the rest, can only be right if Britain had maintained its neutrality in the war between Ukraine and Russia. But, as we know, this is really a war by the USA, Britain and their NATO mafia against Russia and has been all along. Ukraine is the present battlefield. So, for Britain to claim that it has maintained neutrality is an absurdity.

A neutral state violates neutrality by breaching its obligation to remain impartial, to not participate in the conflict.  It violates neutrality by supplying warships, aircraft, arms, ammunition, military provisions or other war materials, either directly or indirectly, to a belligerent, by engaging its own military forces, or by supplying military advisors to a party to the armed conflict, by allowing belligerent use of neutral territory as a military base, or for the storage of war material or passage of belligerent troops or munitions in neutral territory, by furnishing troops to a belligerent, or providing or transmitting military intelligence on behalf of a belligerent are also examples of violations of neutrality.

A State’s neutrality ends when the State becomes a party to an armed conflict, or, in other words, a belligerent. A State becomes a belligerent under the law of neutrality by either declaring war; or participating in hostilities to a significant extent, or engages in systematic or substantial violations of its duties of impartiality and non-participation.

Britain meets all the requirements of a co-belligerent, that is, of a party to the war with Russia; it not only supplies munitions and weapon systems to Ukraine with the objective of attacking Russia and Russian forces in Ukraine it has a direct role in directing the war against Russia, including sending military officers and soldiers to advise and operate with the Ukrainian forces, by preventing any peace negotiations -we remember the action of Boris Johnson just as Ukraine and Russia were about to conclude a peace settlement-by the training of Ukrainian soldiers in Britain and transporting them to the front, by supplying the Ukrainian forces with reconnaissance and intelligence data, actively sending aircraft close to the war zone for this purpose, by providing communications systems, by providing financial aid to Ukraine at the same imposing economic warfare measure on Russia, euphemistically termed “sanctions.  These conditions apply to all the NATO allies, of course, but Britain’s role is an especially egregious one.

In fact, Britain’s aggression against Russia began much earlier than 2022. Britain, as part of NATO, supported the insurgency in the Caucasus region in the mid -1990s. Britain took part in the aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999, part of the strategy to attack Russia, eliminating a potential Russian ally, just as Hitler did in 1941. The Georgian attack on Russian forces in 2008 was also supported by NATO.

All through this period, the UK government and media put out a constant stream of propaganda against Russia, culminating in the wild claims by the British that Russia tried to use novichok nerve poison to kill two Russian citizens, the Skripals, in the UK.  That incident had one objective, to prepare the minds of the British people for war with Russia. That no one has seen or heard from the Skripals for several years now, that Britain rejects Russia’s right to meet with them to see if they are all right, is never mentioned in the West. They have disappeared, their fate unknown, two expendable pieces on the chessboard of war.

Lastly, Russia claims, with some evidence to back up their claims, that the UK was involved, with the US and other NATO nations, in the attack on the NordStream Pipeline, an act of war against both Russia and Germany, though the Germans, still occupied by US forces, are required to accept this humiliation and keep quiet.

So British claims that Russia has no legal right to retaliate against it are absurd. Britain, as with all the NATO countries, cannot claim to have a neutral status in the war.  It has become in law and in fact a party to the war.

It follows that any action taken by Russia against the UK to force the UK to stop its assistance to Ukraine and end its participation in the war against Russia will be legitimate under international law and justified under the ancient military doctrine that a nation cannot suffer the attack of another without retaliating to stop the attack and making sure that another attack will not follow.

The NATO gang’s claim of acting in “collective self defence,” a phrase Ben Wallace likes to use a lot, so that they can claim to maintain a neutral status, is not a valid or logical one and does not apply. It is clear that the USA and NATO have been planning an attack on Russia for a long time, and the Ukraine war is a part of this attack. The conspiracy to commit aggression has been developed over decades. Part of the preparation for the war was the overthrow of the elected government of Ukraine and the installation in its place of a puppet government that was then used to attack the Donbass and Russia itself.  They now openly admit that the Minsk Accords were a ruse to stall Russia while they prepared the Ukrainian forces for war against Russia.

Further, they cannot rely on Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, since that clause can only be invoked if there is an unprovoked Russian attack on a NATO country. But when a NATO country attacks Russia, and here we have them all joining in the attack, it is the aggressor and therefore cannot claim to be are acting in self-defence. It is also important to bear in mind Article I of the NATO Treaty, since it requires NATO to act in conformity with the UN Charter. It states

“Article 1

The Parties undertake, as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle any international dispute in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered, and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.”

But the NATO nations have done the exact opposite. They have blocked peace at every turn and push Ukraine to keep the war going. Their forces are directly involved.  They have even attempted to expand their military bloc by inviting Finland and Sweden to join the war alliance, in order to increase the forces available to them, with one purpose, to prosecute the war against Russia. They now openly state their objective is to destroy Russia.  So, the NATO nations are not only active co-belligerents in the war, they are, in fact, the main protagonists of the enemy camp that Russia faces.  They are, therefore, all legitimate targets.

But is an attack likely, and what will its nature be, and what will be the consequences? These are questions only the Russian General Staff can know and foresee. We can only speculate. But speculation can be useful, especially for the British people to realise the danger their criminal government is putting them in.

Medvedev warns again of the dangers of nuclear war, but Russia has no need to resort to that to retaliate against Britain. Conventional stand-off weapons will be more effective, and what can the UK do if a strike on military airfields takes place, on port facilities, to stop the shipment of weapons, on army bases where Ukrainian soldiers are trained, on warehouses storing munitions and weapons marked for shipment to Ukraine, or eliminating the UK Trident nuclear submarine force in Scotland, or any number of other targets they could select? They can do nothing.

The National and Defence Strategies Research Group based in the UK stated in a report on Britain’s air defences in 2016, that,

“Since the withdrawal from service of the Bloodhound missile system in the 1980s, the UK’s Air Defence posture has diminished to mainly a homeland benign airspace policing and point defence posture for deployed forces. The UK no longer has a comprehensive, integrated, or robustly layered short to long-range Air Defence capability, nor a credible or enduring operational capacity.”

Nothing has changed since then, except to get worse. In other words, the UK is defenceless against modern Russian stand-off weapons.

I can remember, as a boy, my mother taking me several times on a bus through London. It must have been 1955 or so and I can remember mile upon mile of burnt-out blackened buildings, as far as the eye could see, especially in east London where entire districts were levelled by German bombs.  The country, despite its heroic RAF fighter pilots, could not stop the bombing and then missile attacks which went on for five years.

The British government assured the people before that war, that all would be well, that they would have peace in their time.  But they lied to the people then, as they are lying to them now.  Britain was never the same after that war. It never really recovered from it. Once again, the British government, ever saluting the masters in Washington, leads the British people into a dangerous war, which they were never asked about, and which they do not want. It lies to them about the causes, it lies to them about the fighting, and it lies to them about the dangers they face, placing them in a distant future, and hides from them the consequences of its actions.  The British people must be warned.  Britain is at war, and no amount of bluffing and lying can protect them from the consequences their government is provoking. They are predictable and they will be catastrophic.

Christopher Black is an international criminal lawyer based in Toronto. He is known for a number of high-profile war crimes cases and recently published his novel Beneath the Clouds. He writes essays on international law, politics and world events, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

Oh come on

It’s not the Leopard

It’s the defense line and it’s layers

Let’s see

Layer 1

You have mined territory which can blow up any tank

Layer 2

You have the Russians with their Helicopters and Aerial fighters who can launch missiles on any tank and position

Layer 3

You have drones who drop munitions on tank positions, causing damage and since it’s impossible to repair the tank in Ukraine, it has to go to Poland and it’s not worth it. So the tank is abandoned

Layer 4

You have Russian MLRS and Artillery that can pound these tanks with longer ranges of as much as 100–150 km against around 60–80 Km for the tanks

Layer 5

Russian Armor

Finally you have Russian Armor (Tanks) and fortifications

Layer 6

Russian Infantry

You see?

Six Layers before you even reach the first line

How can any Tank survive? They may survive the mines and fighters and drones but BANG they will be hit with Artillery or eventually come face to face with T 80s or T 90s which are far superior to the Leopard 2A4s

It’s literally SUICIDE

No Tank can break such a formation

Ukraines present strategy is to punch holes in the Russian line which is so spread out that it is likely to be thinner or non existent in many parts

They will likely saturate the battlefield with APVs and other vehicles to absorb the artillery assaults while the Tanks somehow punch holes and capture some territory

Yet again Russia will be happy with the losses

Ukraine may lose upto 2000 men and 60 vehicles to gain 10 Sq Kms per the latest analysis

Russia may gladly kill 200,000 Ukrainians and 6000 Vehicles to lose 1000 Sq Kms and then capture it again because Ukraine simply cannot arrange another collection of weapons from an Exhausted NATO


Amid a crisis in recruitment, the U.S. military has found a new way of convincing a war-weary Generation Z to enlist: thirst traps.

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2023 06 11 07 48

Chief among these attractive young women in uniform posting sexually suggestive content alongside subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) calls to join up is Hailey Lujan. In between the thirst traps and memes, the 21-year-old makes content extolling the fun of Army life to her 731,000 TikTok followers. “Don’t go to college, become a farmer or a soldier instead,” she instructs viewers in a recent video. “Just some advice for the younger people: if you’re not doing school, it’s ok. I dropped out of college. And I’m doing great,” she adds.

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2023 06 11 07 49

If Lujan feels like a psyop (a psychological operation) it is because, technically, she is. Lujan is a psychological operations specialist; one of a small number of Army personnel whose job is to carry out influence and disinfo operations, either on or offline. Thus, she is using her femininity to recruit legions of lustful teens into an institution with an infamous record of sexism and sexual assault against female soldiers.

According  to Lujan, being a soldier is the “coolest job in the world.” She certainly does make Army life look fun, as she abseils down walls, fires a howitzer, and flies around in an Apache helicopter. “101st airborne division knows what the girls (and boys) really want”, she notes as she plays around with a high-tech, remote controlled robot.

Until late last year, Lujan’s social media accounts were far more tame. But as she pivoted towards content of her in skimpy outfits or suggestive, military-related videos and pictures, her following exploded to nearly three-quarters of a million on TikTok alone. Judging by the comments, her army of followers sees military life in a new light.

There are many active duty service members with large social media followings, but what makes Lujan stand out is her offbeat, Gen-Z style humor and how she leans into the idea that she is a military propaganda operation. With videos titled “My handlers made me post this”, “Not endorsed by the DoD 😉 :3” or “most wholesome fedpost”, she revels in layers of irony and appears to enjoy the whole “am I or aren’t I” question that people in her replies and mentions constantly debate.

The ironyposting is dialed up to 11, however, with Lujan’s own videos about psychological operations. In a video  entitled “no one is immune to propaganda”, she even shares content laying out how the U.S. government manipulates public opinion through the media. In true Gen-Z style, she captioned another of her videos “propaganda this propaganda that let me take a propa ganda at them yitties”.

As many popular e-girls have done, she has diversified her content, producing a calendar  and t-shirts for her battalions of loyal simps to buy. Her official personal website is called Sike Ops.

Lujan’s content appears to be a part of a weird new strategy of military outreach, shocking academics and military experts alike. “My main reaction is disgust and disappointment. People like Lujan are why I ended up declaring myself a conscientious objector during the Iraq War,” Rosa del Duca, adjunct professor of journalism at Diablo Valley College and author of “Breaking Cadence: One Woman’s War Against the War” told MintPress, adding:

I can’t believe she’s getting away with posting some of this stuff. Everyone learns in boot camp that when you are in uniform, you cannot act unprofessionally, or you get in deep trouble. Maybe they [Army brass] saw how popular Lujan’s posts are, and how she’s basically doing recruiting for them and left her alone.”

Matthew Alford, a media and propaganda specialist from the University of Bath, U.K., was similarly amazed by her content. “Lujan’s content and messaging is wild. If she really is being used by the military for recruitment, then we have entered a brave, bizarre new world of Army recruitment strategies,” he told MintPress.


There is no doubt that Lujan is aware that she functions as a new, avant-garde Army recruitment tool. In one short film made with a fellow military influencer, she stars as the pretty military bait, luring young men into service. Played for laughs, the film shows a young man standing outside an Army recruitment center, deciding not to enlist, only to see the dreamy Lujan enter the building, after which he joins up in a haze of horniness.

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2023 06 11 07 50

Thus, it is clear that Lujan is indeed a military recruitment tool. The only question is whether the famously image-conscious Army merely tacitly approves of her content, or whether they are intimately involved in its production. MintPress asked the Department of Defense for clarification, but has received no response.

Nevertheless, Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda, might conclude that it matters little if Lujan is or is not an Army psyop; the consequence is still to get impressionable young men to associate lust with the military, connecting sexual desire with the armed forces – in effect, making them horny for war.

The fact that Lujan is a psychological operations specialist  with the Army makes the whole situation even more suspicious, given that her jobs is to convince, persuade and propagandize in creative new ways. The Army recruitment website description of the role sounds eerily similar to her own content. “As a Psychological Operations Specialist, you’ll be an expert at persuasion,” it reads, adding:

You’ll assess and develop the information needed to influence and engage specific audiences. You’ll broadcast important information through various mediums and assist U.S. and foreign governments, militaries, and civilian populations.”

Multiple videos suggest Lujan is connected with the 101st Airborne Division. Location data shows she is based at Fort Campbell, a large military installation on the Tennessee-Kentucky border that houses the storied division. Last year, she took part in Saber Junction 22, a huge military exercise in Germany, featuring thousands of troops from the U.S., Italy, Romania, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and a host of NATO ally states.


Lujan is far from the only serviceperson on military TikTok (#MilTok) promoting military life, however. Juliana Keding  – a military policewoman with over 900,000 followers – regularly combines thirst traps with videos about Army life. Meanwhile, U.S. Air Force medic Rylee (@RyeRoast, 468,000 TikTok followers), has even leaned into the idea that her online persona is also a psyop. Yet their content is less overt and there is no hard recruitment sell with them. Indeed, they rarely discuss it at all.

Nevertheless, it is clear that the powers that be appreciate their content subtly promoting military life. The official Air Force media guide states that “You are encouraged to use social media to share your experiences as an Airman” as “Your stories might inspire someone to join the Air Force, support the Air Force, comfort a parent or spouse, improve morale or correct inaccurate information.” Those experiences, however, better be positive ones, as it also warns that sharing the wrong kind of information (i.e. content showing the military in a bad light) “could jeopardize you and your Airman’s career”.

“My leadership is fully aware of my social media and actually are, in fact, very supportive of it” Rylee states in one video , “Id love to get payed [sic] for this lmao” she commented on another, suggesting that hers is a freelance operation.

Perhaps the closest star to Lujan in tone and content is Israeli Defense Forces military policewoman Natalia Fadeev, aka @GunWaifu . With 2.7 million TikTok followers, Fadeev is the queen of the simp-to-soldier pipeline, posting highly suggestive content alongside passionate defenses of Israel. Her videos (many of which have garnered over 1 million views each) suggest that Palestinians are an invented people, that Israel is a safe haven for LGBT groups and that the IDF is the most moral army in the world. In addition to the propaganda, Fadeev has also flirted with the idea that her account is an Israeli psyop.


TikTok is not the only battleground for young people’s minds, however. In the last year, a significant portion of the Biden administration’s record-breaking $857 billion defense budget went on advertising. The Army in particular has spent large sums of money collaborating with some of YouTube’s biggest stars to produce barely disguised recruitment videos.

YouTube star Michelle Khare (3.71 million subscribers) “joined the Army” for her video , traveling to Fort Benning, GA, where she tackled obstacle courses, practiced marksmanship, and trained to jump out a plane. Glossing over the fort’s infamous reputation for training many of the world’s most brutal military dictators, the video ends with the message, “To Army soldiers and veterans, thank you for your service.” The description box features multiple pro-Army hashtags, plus an affiliate link to sign up for service. The video has already garnered 2.8 million views.

In April, YouTube mega influencer Ben Azelart released a strikingly similar partnered video to Khare’s, called “YouTubers vs. U.S. Army” in which he also glamorized military life, interviewing one officer who told him that the Army is, at its core, about:

The absolute transformation of the individual into a more accomplished, better version of themselves. As a valued member of a team, stepping out of your comfort zone, doing something new, challenging yourself, but being encouraged along the entire way.”

And like Khare, Azelart was careful to direct his 20.8 million subscribers towards an Army recruitment link, stating, “The challenges we had to endure were both physically and mentally challenging, but so rewarding! The Army is an opportunity, a bridge to self-development, and a place where you can be a valued member of a team regardless of hometown, ethnicity, or gender.”

Meanwhile, pro gaming star Doug “Censor” Martin flew out to Fort Carson, CO, to shoot a fawning extended advertisement for the military, presenting Army life as just like playing military shooter video game “Call of Duty.”

“Without you guys, what do we have?” Martin says to the soldiers he encounters, adding;

We love you; we appreciate all of you guys. If you guys have any interest in joining the Army, there are so many different career paths, over 200 career paths. If you guys want to know any more information, click the links down below. I had so much fun coming out here, this is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”

This sort of content is far more potent than the simple advertisements between television programs of yesteryear. Firstly, because it is the show and allows the Army to showcase itself to millions of impressionable viewers, most of whom cannot differentiate between paid and unpaid content. Furthermore, it comes courtesy of stars viewers love, respect and trust.


The difference, however, between these and other advertisements YouTube stars run is that they are not selling their suggestible young audiences soda or shoes, but are trying to convince them to join the world’s most sophisticated and ruthless killing machine. A new study from the Costs of War project at Brown University estimated that 4.5 million people have died as a result of the U.S.’ post-9/11 wars, primarily in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and Pakistan. In addition, the report estimates at least 38 million more people have been forced to flee their homes. Yet this sort of brutal devastation is not even hinted at in these promotional videos.

The United States is a nation addicted to war, spending 229 of its 247 years of existence in some kind of conflict. It controls a network of over 800 military bases spanning the globe, and, according to a Congressional report, has carried out a staggering 251  foreign military interventions since the end of the Cold War in 1991. A new report compiled by the Institute for Policy Studies shows that the U.S. spends more on its military than 144 nations combined.

This constant drive towards war takes a serious toll on those recruits who enlist. The job attrition rate is extremely high; only 17% of active duty military members stay around long enough to earn any pension whatsoever. Veterans complain of broken promises from recruiters, while every year, between 6,000 and 7,000 veterans commit suicide.

Del Luca also noted that women face a particularly hard time. “The military is extremely sexist,” she said;

Even the VA agrees that 1 in 3 women in uniform are sexually assaulted while ‘serving.’ I put ‘serving’ in quotation marks because I don’t see a useful service being done. Young people who join the military are taught how to kill and use weapons and follow orders and shut up.”

These carefully choreographed advertisements say nothing about these harsh realities, instead painting a rosy picture of life in uniform as one of endless opportunities and dignified service.


Faced with a shortfall in recruitment, the military has been aggressively marketing itself towards younger and younger generations. The Army has sponsored gaming tournaments, even fielding  their own U.S. Army Esports team and directly trying to recruit teens on streaming sites such as Twitch. The Amazon-owned platform eventually had to clamp down on the practice after the military used fake prize giveaways that lured impressionable young viewers onto recruitment websites.

As detailed in a previous MintPress investigation , the Armed Forces also work closely with video game companies on titles such as “Call of Duty,” flying executives out to ensure they become, in their own words, more “credible advocates” for American power.

Meanwhile, Dr. Alford’s research has exposed how deep the connection between Hollywood and the Pentagon has become, with the Department of Defense essentially co-producing thousands of movies and TV shows. “In our 2017 book  ‘National Security Cinema’ we listed around 2000 titles worked on by the state. By the time our film , ‘Theaters of War’ was out in 2022, we had evidence for 10,000. This suggests an incredible level of public manipulation – and cover up”, he told MintPress.

These titles include a vast array of blockbuster films, including “Iron Man”, “The Avengers” and “Top Gun: Maverick”, all the way down to light entertainment like “Teen Idol”, “The Price is Right” and “The Ellen DeGeneres Show”.

Militaristic propaganda is everywhere in pop culture. Katy Perry’s music video  for “Part of Me” is shot at Camp Pendleton in California and shows the star joining the Marines to better herself. Meanwhile, Major League Baseball held what it called a “military appreciation week” last month, where players, coaches and all on-field personnel were instructed to wear camo “service-inspired” caps and encouraged to sport camo socks, helmets and other gear. Some teams are going further: the Washington Nationals are hosting six “Branch Day” games this summer, dedicated to the six arms of the U.S. military. The events are sponsored by arms manufacturer Raytheon Technologies. Major League Baseball did not respond to MintPress’ questions, but previous ultra-nationalistic displays were not independent outbursts of patriotism, but carefully planned events paid for by the military, meaning that the taxpayer footed the bill to be exposed to such propaganda.

It is now well-established (if not well-known) that the Department of Defense also fields a giant clandestine army of at least 60,000 people whose job it is to influence public opinion, the majority doing so from their keyboards. A 2021 exposé from Newsweek described the operation as “The largest undercover force the world has ever known,” warned that this troll army was likely breaking both domestic and international law, and explaining that,

These are the cutting-edge cyber fighters and intelligence collectors who assume false personas online, employing ‘nonattribution’ and ‘misattribution’ techniques to hide the who and the where of their online presence while they search for high-value targets and collect what is called ‘publicly accessible information’—or even engage in campaigns to influence and manipulate social media.”

The Twitter Files further exposed the Department of Defense’s shadowy propaganda, showing how it worked with Twitter to carry out a Washington-run influence project across the Middle East, even as Twitter claimed it was working to shut down foreign-backed disinformation operations.


For all the creatively dystopian attempts to market itself as a positive force to young people, it is far from clear whether the military is succeeding in its goal. 2022 saw the lowest  recruitment figures since the draft was abolished in 1973. The Army alone missed its enlistment target by 25%, or 15,000 active-duty soldiers. The numbers for 2023 are expected to be even more dismal. A great number of Generation Z do not qualify for service on medical grounds, and even fewer wish to join. According to a recent survey, America’s youth are decidedly against becoming a cog in the war machine; only 9% of Zoomers express any interest in enlisting in the Armed Forces.

This, according to U.S. Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth, is in large part down to many “misconceptions” people have about soldiers being sexually harassed, developing PTSD or driven to suicide by what they have seen. Others, such as del Luca, might consider those justified concerns. The military, she says, preys on desperate idealistic teens trying to find a way out of their life circumstances or go to college.

Every single veteran you meet will tell you that the expectations they had before enlisting were wildly different from how their service ended up,” she said; “I hope teens wise up to the fact that they are being hunted and lured by recruiters who have a quota to fill… If the military was a great, honorable profession, then they wouldn’t need to spend $6 billion a year bribing people to join.”

While it is still not certain whether they are actually directing and paying for it, what is clear is that the U.S. military is hoping that E-girls will be part of their recruitment solution, turning armies of horny American teens from simps into soldiers.

Santana – Smooth (Stereo) ft. Rob Thomas

By Andrew Kory.bko

JUN 7, 2023

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Turkiye just threw the US and Ukraine into a dilemma since going along with the investigation risks revealing incontrovertible evidence that Kiev blew up the Kakhovka Dam while declining to participate makes them look guilty in the court of public opinion

Turkish President Erdogan proposed the creation of a multilateral committee

for investigating the Kakhovka Dam explosion during a call with President Putin on Wednesday. He suggested that it could comprise the two conflicting parties, the UN, and members of the international community such as his country, which has experience mediating between Moscow and Kiev during their grain deal talks. This was a genius soft power move that’ll powerfully shape global perceptions about this incident.

Russia and Ukraine blame one another for this terrorist attack, and while many might have predicted that the US would take its proxy’s side, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said

on Tuesday that “we cannot say conclusively what happened at this point.” This stance is almost certainly attributable to the fact that Ukrainian Major General Andrey Kovalchuk boasted to the Washington Post

in December about how Kiev tested blowing up the dam with US-supplied HIMARS missiles late last year.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova made sure that the entire world knew about this too by bringing it up during a press briefing the day after. She rhetorically asked

US officials “Were you aware of how American weapons, the weapons that are being supplied to Ukraine, are used? That trial tests of a terrorist attack against civilian infrastructure in third countries are being made? These are the questions that we directly pose in the public space before the White House; you must answer them.”

Considering that the US officially regards the dam’s destruction as a war crime, which its Alternative Representative to the UN for Special Political Affairs Robert Wood emphasized

during Tuesday’s Security Council meeting about this, it has every reason to support the investigation that Turkiye just proposed. As for Kiev, it insists that Russia was to blame, so refusing to participate in a truly neutral multilateral investigation would come off as incredibly suspicious by suggesting that it has something to hide.

The US and Ukraine, which are the principal antagonists in the NATO-Russian

proxy war, are therefore pressured to go along with this initiative from their mutual Turkish partner lest they risk stoking speculation that they’re afraid of a dark truth emerging. Neither can credibly imply that Ankara has any ulterior motives in proposing this investigation either since it’s a NATO ally that’s consistently voted against Russia at the UNGA and has even armed Kiev with drones

for use against Moscow’s troops.

Therein lies the reason why President Erdogan’s proposal was such a genius soft power move since it puts those two in a dilemma. Going along with the investigation risks revealing incontrovertible evidence that Kiev blew up the Kakhovka Dam while declining to participate makes them look guilty in the court of public opinion. Regardless of whatever they choose to do, Turkiye comes off as responsible member of the international community, which boosts its global prestige and especially that of its multipolar leader

I am from Denmark myself, I have lived in Chongqing for the past four years but I have also spent time in Beijing, Shanghai, Changsha and Luoyang.

Many Chinese people tend to think that Chongqing girls are very beautiful. But like some others have said, it is an Asian beauty that isn’t always appreciated in the same way by foreigners. I am generally more attracted to Asian girls than western girls so I might be a bit biased. My girlfriend is a Chongqing local and when I tell people that, they’ll joke that I am very lucky to have such a beautiful girl. One thing that Chongqing girls have going for them is their light skin due to the sun mostly being covered, and because Chongqing is very hilly they often also have nicely defined legs and butts which I think any guy would appreciate. On top of that, Chongqing girls have long legs and I think the average Chongqing girl is a bit taller than most other chinese girls.

As far as I understand, the girls in Chongqing are also favorites because of their attitude. I find the girls here, especially in the main shopping areas, tend to dress nicely, they do their makeup quite well and also dress for their figure. They have a better sense of fashion and style than girls I’ve met in smaller cities like Luoyang and Changsha. But girls in Shanghai tend to be dressed in a more sophisticated manner, perhaps more classy, and I tend to like that more personally.

Chinese guys tend to like girls from the south because they are more cutesy and more dependent on their partners whereas girls from the north tend to be stronger and taller. Similarly, Chinese girls tend to prefer guys from the north because they’re taller and stronger. Many guys in Chongqing aren’t very tall and can appear less dominant than their northern counterparts.

But I also see a lot of girls in Chongqing whom I consider to be average looking. It is not that everyone here in chongqing is beautiful, but I do think that the beautiful girls here are in fact very beautiful. It may also be common in other cities but now that spring is here you’ll often see photographers with long zoom lenses hanging out around the malls photographing the pretty girls from a distance. It seems commonplace but I, personally, find it slightly on the creepy side.

Why are Men Saying NO ?

For the 20-sometings out there…

Medvedev: “British Politicians Now Legitimate Military Target for Russia”

2023 06 11 08 04
2023 06 11 08 04

British politicians are now a legitimate military target for Moscow, a senior Russian official said, after the U.K.’s Foreign Secretary James Cleverly argued Ukraine has the right to use force within Russian borders.

Speaking in Estonia Tuesday, Cleverly said Ukraine “has a right” to project force “beyond its own borders” as part of its self-defense, following a series of drone strikes that hit Moscow’s wealthiest neighborhoods.  The map below shows the Drone impact locations:

2023 06 11 08 05
2023 06 11 08 05

The U.K. minister argued that Kyiv striking inside Russia would “undermine” the Kremlin’s ability to continue its war in Ukraine, which has officially denied responsibility for the attack.

Dmitry Medvedev, former Russian president and deputy chair of the Russian Security Council, hit back on Wednesday arguing that the U.K. is “de facto leading an undeclared war against Russia” by supplying Ukraine with military aid and specialists.

“That being the case, any of its public officials (either military, or civil, who facilitate the war) can be considered as a legitimate military target,” he wrote on Twitter.

Medvedev, who regularly makes blunt remarks about the war in Ukraine and has called for the killing of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, warned: “The goofy officials of the U.K., our eternal enemy, should remember that within the framework of the universally accepted international law which regulates modern warfare, including the Hague and Geneva Conventions with their additional protocols, their state can also be qualified as being at war.”

Cleverly’s remarks meanwhile appear to be at odds with the U.S.’ position. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said at a briefing Tuesday that the U.S. was still gathering information on the reports of drones striking in Moscow.

“We do not support attacks inside of Russia. That’s it. Period,” she said.

Sheryl Crow – All I Wanna Do

  1. It started out as strong in agriculture;
  2. Then it developed a writing system;
  3. Then it developed an urban community and culture;
  4. Then it developed a system of government bureaucracy which would unite the urban and rural cultures under a single government bureaucracy;
  5. The government bureaucracy engaged in building canals to open up more land for agriculture; this made the population go up;
  6. Then it developed a military system to defend itself from nomadic cultures in the north.
  7. With Confucianism, the Chinese developed a practical social and political philosophy for social order which did not depend on worshipping any gods.

Basically, it started small and built up and became stronger over time. The writing system and Confucianist political philosophy attracted the interest and adoption of kingdoms around China’s periphery.

This meant that when it came to adopting an urban culture, political and social philosophy and writing system, Annam (Vietnam), the kingdoms of the Korean peninsula and Japan, these kingdoms mostly copied then modified what they got from China. For hundreds of years, being able to read and write in classical Chinese was the mark of the educated elite ruling class.

A sophisticated agriculture and food distribution system meant that Chinese dynasties were able to feed much larger populations than found in Europe.

I was a primary school teacher for barely one year and accompanied my school to an away primary school netball game!

At one point during the game the home team was very rough and mean towards my team so much so they drew blood!

After 3 of my players received very serious scratches requiring first-aide I shouted from the sidelines. “Stop being so vicious!”

The teacher/coach overheard my comment and immediately stopped the game!

She then demanded that I explain to her why I was calling her players “vicious?”

I explained to her that they were unnecessarily rough and was demonstrating poor sportsmanship with verbal abuse!

She immediately ended the game!

She claimed that she ended the because I was disrespecting her players while I believed she ended the game because we were ahead by 10 points!

Uuummm … not only vicious but sore losers… 😂!


Lenny Kravitz – It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over

Years ago I worked at a business that had a big construction job located across the street. Our neughborhood was really rough. There was lots of crime, a homeless encampment out back and city lockup on the corner. From time to time some nitwit would try to park a big construction vehicle in our lot, which inhibited our doing business. Normally I’d see them parking outside my office window and ask them to move but once in a while I would be running around someplace and wouldn’t know how to get rid of the vehicle once the driver had left.

One day I got back to my desk and noticed a big dump truck was in our lot but I was too busy to deal with the problem just then and the truck was gone the next time I looked. I was the last person leaving that day, several hours later. An angry construction worker approached me asking where I’d had his truck towed to. I assured him I hadn’t had it towed, in fact, it’s quite difficult and costly to get a vehicle that size towed so I was certain that my employees hadn’t had it towed either. He asked me where it was then. I wanted to say it wasn’t my day to watch it but instead told him that one of his coworkers must have retrieved it. He said “no” and I asked who else had access to the key. He responded “no one, They were in the truck.” I expected him to realize his mistake but he still seemed to believe I’d hidden that giant truck. I wished him luck and went home. I assume his boss explained why he was fired after he filed a grand theft report.

Name 1, just 1, product or service that Canada sells to China that is irreplaceable. That is called market-making power.

America has its chips, airliners, pharmaceuticals, instrumentation, and of course, the dollar.

What does Canada have?

Canada is 38 million, blessed with unnatural abundance in natural resources. The economy is primarily commodity export driven, and joined at the umbilical with the US’s equally unnatural consumption.

Canada will rank 17th out of 33 administrative regions (inclusive of HK and Macau) for population. If Canada were to pit itself against Shaanxi, the 16th-ranked province, there may be a story.

Otherwise, it is just senseless chatter.

Edit: From the comments, for posterity. God save the king, for he doesn’t need enemies surrounded by ______.

China actually buys a decent amount from us. They are also invested in a good number of companies here. In order for China to get access to the North American automotive sector, in most cases they need to run factories out of Canada, USA or Mexico. We have a pretty skilled labour force with an attractive currency and health care system.

We also supply oil, grains, NG, fertilizer, beef and teach the idiots over there how to mfg our high tech jobs we sent over and can bring back if need be.

So if you wanna sit there and discuss who's dick is bigger, go right ahead…. We don't need shit from China, because at the end of the day we are fully capable of supplying all the resources and food needed here, while subbing out the cheap mfg/labour to other countries.

You will continue to make shit for us.

Hoppin’ John

Hoppin’ John is one of the finest comfort foods of the South, and it is traditionally served at the New Year.

Hopping John SQ
Hopping John SQ


  • 1 pound smoked sausage, sliced, or 1 pound pork, cubed
  • 4 (15 ounce) cans black-eyed peas, undrained
  • 2 (10 ounce) cans Ro*Tel
  • 3 cups beef broth
  • 1 cup finely chopped onion
  • 3/4 cup chopped green bell pepper
  • 2 teaspoons Cajun/Creole seasoning
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 1/2 cups uncooked rice


  1. Cook sausage or pork in a large skillet until browned, about 5 minutes.
  2. Place sausage in slow cooker. Add remaining ingredients, except rice. Cover and cook on LOW for 6 hours.
  3. Pour uncooked rice into slow cooker. Stir. Cover and cook on HIGH for 20 to 30 minutes, or until rice is tender.

This Billionaire just DESTROYED America’s woke school system

“Today I was extremely sad and I thought “I can’t wait to go home and see my cat, he will make me happy”.

Ok well I found out he was more depressed than me”

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The Story Of The Chinese Farmer

Once upon a time there was a Chinese farmer whose horse ran away. That evening, all of his neighbors came around to commiserate. They said, “We are so sorry to hear your horse has run away. This is most unfortunate.” The farmer said, “Maybe.” The next day the horse came back bringing seven wild horses with it, and in the evening everybody came back and said, “Oh, isn’t that lucky. What a great turn of events. You now have eight horses!” The farmer again said, “Maybe.” 

The following day his son tried to break one of the horses, and while riding it, he was thrown and broke his leg. The neighbors then said, “Oh dear, that’s too bad,” and the farmer responded, “Maybe.” The next day the conscription officers came around to conscript people into the army, and they rejected his son because he had a broken leg. Again all the neighbors came around and said, “Isn’t that great!” Again, he said, “Maybe.”

The whole process of nature is an integrated process of immense complexity, and it’s really impossible to tell whether anything that happens in it is good or bad — because you never know what will be the consequence of the misfortune; or, you never know what will be the consequences of good fortune.

– Alan Watts




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Great to see an Alan Watts quote!

There’s a great little “game” called Everything, available on Steam and elsewhere, which contains a lot of samples from many of Alan’s speeches. It’s an interesting experience and runs on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Here’s the blurb:

Everything is an interactive experience where every object in the Universe is a playable character – from animals to planets to galaxies and beyond. Travel between outer and inner space, and explore a vast, interconnected universe of things without enforced goals, scores, or tasks to complete. Everything is a procedural, AI-driven simulation of the systems of nature, seen from the points of view of everything in the Universe. 

Learn to transform yourself to create worlds within worlds within worlds, or let go any time to allow Everything to take over and produce a never ending documentary about the world you live in. Narrated by the inspiring philosophy of Alan Watts, and featuring a rich score from composer Ben Lukas Boysen, Everything will give you a new perspective on life.”


How Ironic.

These scumbags, who have ruled for thousands upon thousands of years with almost absolute impunity, who have a lengthy history of brutally exploiting and abusing people and nations for, what they believed, to be the greater good are nowdespairing that they are about to get their just desserts.

When they had fucked people over (such as me) and the victim bawls and cries why, they would callously state this is how it should be/ it’s by Divine Decree, aka suck it up, you deserved it, we are the ones in charge.

So now that their power is rapidly declining, they are getting a taste of their own medicine. Such absolutely beautiful, poetic justice.