Why would China be going to all these extreme measures to prevent outbreaks, if it did not suspect Bio-weapons? -Jeff
This is right after the entirety of the Western media has proudly announced that China is undergoing collapse. They argue that the protests being run by the NED is “bringing down” China.
Didn’t happen.
Won’t happen.
Such more silly wishful thinking from the clown-show known as the United States.
Bougatsa with custard vanilla cream

Thessaloniki is also known as a crossroads of flavors, a metropolis of tastes, a gastronomic capital. Nowhere else in Greece can one find so many different flavors combined on the same table: the Ottoman palaces heritage and traditions of Greek refugees from Asia Minor or Istanbul, with their own bold, rich cooking identity features, are combined with customs of the Balkan hinterland fashioning the distinct gastronomic profile of the city.
Bougatsa is delicious Greek breakfast, which became known in Thessaloniki when some traditional confectioners from a nearby area moved to the city. This luscious custard pastry became a much loved sweet snack and hundreds of special pastry shops opened where a sweet or salty with cheese, minced meat, or spinach bougatsa is served.

Here is Bougatsa recipe, as featured in the Gastronomic Guide of Thessaloniki, issued during Thessaloniki Food Festival.
1+ 1/2 liter milk
250 gr caster sugar
1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract
250 gr fine semolina flour
3 tablespoon unsalted butter
Pinch of salt
1 pack filo pastry
150 gr unsalted butter
80-100 gr icing sugar to dust
2 tablespoon ground cinnamon
Combine the sugar and milk in a medium size saucepan. Place over a medium heat and bring to a simmer, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Stirring constantly, gradually add the semolina and a pinch of salt and cook for
3 minutes until the mixture thickens. Add 1 tablespoon of butter and the vanilla extract and stir to combine. Pour the mixture into a bowl, cover the surface with baking paper and allow cooling completely. Melt the remaining butter and set aside. Unroll the filo pastry and place between two clean tea towels on the benchtop. Brush a 34 x 36 cm cake tin with butter. Brush a sheet of filo with butter and lay it in the tin with the edges overhanging.
Repeat with 6 more sheets changing the angle slightly each time as you lay the filo into the tin (this creates an even edge of filo around the tin). Spoon the semolina custard evenly over the filo. Cover the surface of the tin folding the overhanging sheets buttering one by one. Brush each of the remaining sheets with butter and fan the sheets over the tin to cover the surface.
Brush with butter on the top, place the baking tin in the oven and bake at 180 C for 30 minutes until golden. Allow to cool. Combine the icing sugar and cinnamon and generously dust the surface before cutting into slices.

Are the anti-Xi demonstrations in China genuinely spontaneous or have they been carefully organized by outside instigators to make it appear to the Western media that they are spontaneous Chinese demonstrations?
The protests aren’t anti-Xi. Most of them are about the Zero-COVID restrictions, on the surface at least.
A lot of protests in China in recent years have a similar pattern – they start off as spontaneous grassroots movements; they are then infiltrated by external forces, and twisted till it becomes unrecognisable; the native Chinese don’t approve of this mutated freak show, and the protest goes out with a whimper.
It’s actually not that hard for those of us who are born and raised in China to tell if a protest is genuine or not:

The philosophy of protesting This may come as a surprise to some, but Chinese people are allowed to protest. The thing is that the Chinese culture is very subtle, yet practical, and the way people protest is the same. They like to get straight to the point, and be honest and direct with their tone - people don’t like it when you’re enigmatic and caustic. If you want your scumbag boss to pay your outstanding wages, just say you want your boss to pay your outstanding wages. You don’t say “my boss isn’t paying me, fuck the government”. With westerners and western-funded protests, the way people protest is very odd and flamboyant from a Chinese perspective. They'd do things like holding specifically-colored flowers, paper, cloth or some shit like that, and chanting western-centric “politically-correct” keywords and phrases that are quite alien in the Chinese context. An example of this being "give me freedom or give me death”. Real Chinese people would simply say “fuck your mother and your pandemic measures, I need to feed my family”. The reason westerners protest this way is because it looks good in front of a camera (hence the term “virtue-signalling”). Western media loves eye-catching snapshots and emotion-invoking soundbites - it tells a better story in a shorter time. This might work in the western context, but it just instantly feels "off" to Chinese people in a way that's hard to describe. It's like when an alien infiltrator says “greetings, fellow humans”. There’s nothing technically wrong with that phrase, but it’s just not something people on earth actually say.

The wrong people at the wrong time Just because we’re Chinese, doesn’t mean we all speak Mandarin. China has a very diverse array of cultures and dialects, and most people prefer speaking their own dialect when they’re in their hometown. Someone needs to tell this to whoever organizes these protests, because they keep making the same mistake of deploying protesters who didn’t speak the local dialect. This happened last year with the protests in Chengdu, Sichuan after a student committed suicide on campus, and the school tried to cover it up. People were rightfully outraged, but then the protests got weird, as Mandarin-speakers with thick (Hong Kong) Cantonese accents suddenly started to show up at the rallies. That’s when the locals stopped attending them. Same thing has been noted with the ongoing protests in Shanghai, which is championed by people who either didn’t speak the Shanghainese dialect, or only spoke broken Mandarin. Imagine an anti-US, pro-China rally in Washington DC, where everybody speaks Cajun for some reason. Don’t you think that might raise a few questions?

Money cannot buy loyalty Some say us Chinese are the Jews of Asia, and not just because of the way we’re persecuted everywhere we go. It’s because we love money more than anything else. Depending on where you are sent to protest, you could be paid hundreds of Yuan per day. This is a country where a lot of people make around 3,000 to 4,000 Yuan per month, so the prospects are very attractive. But the thing is word gets around quickly, and soon people will be talking about how someone’s deadbeat son got paid thousands by the US Consulate, just by holding a specific-colored candle, freeing his nipples or some stupid shit to make China look bad. And other people will say, “That dishonorable son of a bitch!” “How dare he not cut me in!” And when enough people know about it, it’s no longer a secret. That’s why there has never been a lack of evidence for foreign funding in local protests. What, you didn’t think all that “foreign aid” to China was for buying everyone sandwiches, did you?
Bottom line is, every society has its own issues. Regarding Zero-COVID, even its supporters (such as myself) have a lot to say about the way it was implemented. But when outsiders try to take advantage of another’s domestic situation, by driving it out of control and creating chaos, they’re really helping no one, no matter how virtuous they might pretend to be.
Taiwan Voters Choose China Over Independence!
People looked at Ukraine and shockingly decided they don’t want any of that.
Yes, Patrice, it was the NED:
Provided by <redacted name> within my e-mail feed. A great source who publishes great material on a blog, website and is well-known throughout the blog-a-sphere.
Published November 29, 2022
Video: US CIA & NED are the black hands behind the protest in China universities campuses, US & UK agents disguised as foreign press & many entered China through HK
Today is November 28, 2022. The shocking news from different cities in the mainland last night kept coming from my mobile phone. At first I watched it and thought it was an old video from Hong Kong in 2019.
After communicating with netizens, I learned that it was the latest mainland video. Major cities live. When everyone was still spreading the news that Taiwan Province Tsai Ing-wen resigned as the chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party, it turned out that foreign forces had already deployed in the mainland.
Netizens who love the country and love Hong Kong immediately use the power of the Internet to investigate and track down these black violence promoters.
It turned out that one of them was an extreme anti-China element.
He was originally the leader of the Hong Kong gangsters.
Because of the relaxation of the epidemic prevention policy in Hong Kong, he quietly fled to Guangdong.
Announced that color revolutions were launched in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Urumqi, Zhengzhou, Chongqing, Chengdu, Wuhan and other places last night, inciting mainland citizens to gather and protest against the mainland’s epidemic prevention policies.
He also said that the Weibo account certified by the mainland publicly threatened and slandered him.
On the other hand, netizens in Shanghai have found out the WeChat accounts, names, and occupations of important contacts at the protest rally.
They are all reporters from foreign media organizations, including the New York Times and CNN. Many of them, as journalists, took advantage of the relaxed anti-epidemic policies between Hong Kong and Shenzhen to enter various provinces and cities in the mainland.
Mainland netizens have sent relevant information to the National Security Agency.
Based on my recent experience in Hong Kong, these reporters are very young.
They were sent by these media organizations to different think tanks and mainland organizations to inquire about news. At first, most of them used the interview method to extract information and pretend to report for you, but after many months, not a single report has been published, and you are required to provide more information on the structure and deployment of the mainland’s official agencies.
All discerning patriots know that these reporters are collecting information on behalf of foreign forces.
In addition, if you invite these journalists to participate in some patriotic activities, most of them will keep their distance and refuse, saying that they are media organizations, so they must be neutral, and it is inconvenient to participate in related activities.
Today, as long as everyone opens the news of these foreign media organizations, the headlines will all say that many places in China have erupted in protests due to epidemic prevention policies or social accidents.
Please everyone, when distributing news on the Internet, you must first objectively analyze whether the news is true, or whether someone is deliberately acting to challenge and incite public dissatisfaction with the epidemic prevention policy.
Secondly, please be more careful about the initiative and enthusiasm of journalists from foreign media organizations. Their superficial ignorance and stupidity are just to get your news and use your network to obtain more information.
Now is the troubled time, all patriots must be mentally prepared, another struggle has quietly begun. Please unite and send the information of the person in charge of the protest rally to the National Security Agency and other law enforcement agencies, so that they can have first-hand information and stabilize the overall situation of the country.
Chinese video that deconstructs the NED “color revolution” over the last few days…
No time to translate.
I listened to this while having my dinner. Really good. 1) Both Shanghai and Beijing white paper protests very close to US embassies. 2) large number of people arrived in those protest cities from Hong Kong and Taiwan, 3) money was given to protesters , Beijing received the highest amount rmb1000, Shanghai rmb500, and other part of the cities with much lower amount. Etc etc.
Hang on! So China can’t do BRUTAL lockdowns but we can?
The only china model we should be following globally is the “uprising” Model there…
Strange meteorite that crashed into Earth contains two never-before-seen minerals

TWO minerals that have never before been observed on Earth have been uncovered inside a meteorite.
Dubbed El Alie, the 3,000lb space rock was found in Somalia in 2020 and is the ninth-largest meteorite ever discovered.
Scientists unearthed the two new minerals inside a single 2.5-ounce sheet of rock taken from the meteorite.
The two minerals have been named elaliite after the meteor, and elkinstantonite after Lindy Elkins-Tanton, the managing director of the Arizona State University Interplanetary Initiative.
Researchers identified El Ali as an Iron IAB complex meteorite – or a type of space rock made of meteoric iron with specks of silicates.
And it was while looking at the meteorite sample that the scientists noticed the odd-looking minerals.
“In the course of doing the classification — describing this new rock for science — I came across some inclusions, some potential different, interesting minerals inside the meteorite,” Chris Herd a professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Alberta, told Global News.
“What we’ve now discovered is there are at least two new minerals in this meteorite from Somalia that have never been discovered before.”
“Most people in my profession will go through their career and not even find one new mineral. Here… we came across two,” Herd added.
The researchers uncovered the minerals by looking at the rock’s chemistry and the ratio of elements that are in there.
They then compared the minerals with versions that had been previously synthesized in a lab.
“Whenever you find a new mineral, it means that the actual geological conditions, the chemistry of the rock, was different than what’s been found before,” Herd said in a separate statement.
The two minerals were sent to the University of Arizona for official classification, and a third new mineral may be under consideration.
Should the researchers obtain more samples from the meteorite, there’s a possibility that even more minerals might be found, Herd said.
For now, the researchers plan to use the meteorite to help them better understand the formation of asteroids.
“That’s my expertise — how you tease out the geologic processes and the geologic history of the asteroid this rock was once part of,” Herd said.
“I never thought I’d be involved in describing brand new minerals just by virtue of working on a meteorite.”
Elkins-Tanton is also acting as the principal investigator of Nasa’s upcoming Psyche mission, which will investigate space rocks in the asteroid belt.
It becomes questionable whether the West can compete as a civilisational state and maintain a presence.
The world ‘Map’ is accelerating its shift away from the paralysed Washington ‘hub’ – but to what? The myth that China, Russia, or the non-western world can be fully assimilated to a Western model of political society (any more than Afghanistan was) is over. So to where are we headed?
The myth of the pull of acculturation into western post-modernity lingers on however, in the continuing western fantasy of pulling China away from Russia, and into an embrace with U.S. Big Business.
The bigger point here is that former wounded civilisations are reasserting themselves: China and Russia – as states organised around indigenous culture – is not a new idea. Rather, it is a very old one: “Always remember that China is a civilization – and not nation-state”, Chinese officials repeat regularly.
Nonetheless, the shift to civilisational statehood emphasised by those Chinese officials arguably is no rhetorical device but reflects something deeper and more radical. Moreover, the culture transition is gaining wide emulation across the globe. Its inherent radicalism however, is largely lost to western audiences.
Chinese thinkers, such as Zhang Weiwei, accuse Western political ideas of being a sham; of masking their deeply partisan ideological character beneath a veneer of supposedly neutral principles. They are saying that the mounting of a universal framework of values – applicable to all societies – is finished.
All of us must accept that we speak only for ourselves and our societies.
This has arisen because the non-West now sees clearly that post-modern West is not a civilisation per se, but really something akin to a de-cultured ‘operating system’ (managerial technocracy). Europe of the Renaissance did consist of civilisational states, but subsequent European nihilism changed the very substance of modernity. The West promotes its universal-value stance, however, as though it be a set of abstract scientific theorems which have universal validity.
The accompanying promise to the latter that traditional ways of life could be preserved under the wholesale application of these intentionally secular western norms – ones that demanded enforcement by the western political class – has proved a fatal conceit, these alternative thinkers contend.
Such notions are not confined to the Orient. Samuel Huntington, in his book The Clash of Civilizations, argued that Universalism is the ideology of the West contrived for confronting other cultures. Naturally, everyone outside the West, Huntington argued, should see the idea of ‘one world’ as a threat.
The return to plural civilisational matrices precisely is intended to break the West’s claim to speak – or to decide – for anyone other than themselves.
Some will see this Russo-Chinese defiance as mere jockeying for strategic ‘space’; as a rationale to their claims for distinct ‘spheres of interest’. Yet, to understand its radical underside, we should recall that the transition to civilisation states amounts to a full-throated resistance (short of war) being mounted by two wounded civilisations. Both Russians (post-the 1990s) and Chinese (in the Great Humiliation) feel this deeply. Today, they are intent to reassert themselves, forcefully in uttering: ‘Never Again!’
What ‘lit the fuse’ was the moment when China’s leaders saw – in the plainest terms – that the U.S. had no intention whatsoever to allow China to overtake it economically. Russia of course, already knew the plan to destroy her. Even the smallest amount of empathy is sufficient to understand that recovery from profound trauma is what binds Russia and China (and Iran) together in a joint ‘interest’ that transcends mercantile gain. It is ‘that’ which allows them to say: Never again!
One part to their radicalism therefore, is the national rejuvenation that propels these two states to ‘step confidently onto the world stage’; to emerge from the western shadow, and to stop mimicking the West. And to stop assuming that technological or economic advance can only be found within the western liberal-economic ‘way’. For, it follows from Zang’s analysis, that the West’s economic ‘laws’ similarly are a simulacrum posing as scientific theorems: A cultural discourse – but not an universal system.
When we consider that today’s Anglo-American world view rests on the shoulders of three men: Isaac Newton, the father of western science; Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the father of liberal political theory, and Adam Smith, the father of laissez-faire economics, it is plain that what we confront here are the authors of the ‘Cannon’ of individualism (in the wake of the Protestant triumph in Europe’s 30 years’ war). From it comes the doctrine that the most prosperous future for the greatest number of people comes from the free workings of the market.
Be that as it may, Zhang and others have noted that the western focus on ‘finance’ has come at the expense of ‘stuff’ (the real economy) and has proved to be a recipé for extreme inequalities and social strife. Zhang argues contrarily that China is poised to evolve a new kind of non-Western modernity that others – especially in the developing world – can only admire, if not emulate.
The decision has been made: The West then, in this view, can either ‘shut up, and put up’ – or not. So be it.
Steeped in cynicism, the West sees this stance as bluff or posturing. What values, they ask, lie behind this new order; what economic model? Implying again that universal conformity is mandatory, and thus missing Zhang’s point completely. Universality is neither necessary, nor sufficient. It never ‘was’.
In 2013, President Xi gave a speech which sheds much light on the shifts in Chinese policy. And though its analysis was firmly focused on the causes to the Soviet implosion, Xi’s exposition very clearly intended a wider meaning.
In his address, Xi attributed the break-up of the Soviet Union to ‘ideological nihilism’: The ruling strata, Xi asserted, had ceased to believe in the advantages and the value of their ‘system’, yet lacking any other ideological coordinates within which to situate their thinking, the élites slid unto nihilism:
“Once the Party loses the control of the ideology, Xi argued, once it fails to provide a satisfactory explanation for its own rule, objectives and purposes, it dissolves into a party of loosely connected individuals linked only by personal goals of enrichment and power”. “The Party is then taken over by ‘ideological nihilism’”.
This, however, was not the worst outcome. The worst outcome, Xi noted, would be the state taken over by people with no ideology whatsoever, but with an entirely cynical and self-serving desire to rule.
Put simply: Were China to lose its sense of a Chinese ‘rationale’, embedded for over a millennia in a unitary state with strong institutions guided by a disciplined Party, “the CPC, as great a Party as the CPSU was — would be scattered like a flock of frightened beasts! The Soviet Union — as great a socialist state as it was — ended shattered into pieces”.
There can be little doubt: President Putin would concur with Xi whole-heartedly. The existential threat to Asia is to allow its states to assimilate into soulless western nihilism. This then, is the crux of the Xi-Putin revolution: Lifting the fog and blinkers imposed by the universalist meme to permit states a return to cultural rejuvenation.
These principles were in action at the G20 in Bali. Not only did the G7 fail to get the wider G20 to condemn Russia over Ukraine, or to insert a wedge between China and Russia, but rather, the Manichean offensive targeting of Russia produced something even more significant for the Middle-East than the paralysis and lack of tangible results, described by the media:
It produced wide and open defiance of the western order. It spurred pushback – at the very moment that the world political ‘map’ is on the move, and as the rush towards BRICS+ is gathering pace.
Why does this matter?
Because the ability of western powers to spin their spiders’ web notion that their ‘ways’ should be World’s ways, remains the West’s ‘secret weapon’. This is plainly said when western leaders say that a loss in Ukraine to Russia would mark the demise of the ‘Liberal Order’. They’re saying, as it were, that ‘our hegemony’ is contingent on the world seeing the western ‘way’ – as their vision for their future.
Enforcement of the ‘Liberal Order’ largely has rested on the underpinning of an easy readiness of ‘western allies’ to fall into line with Washington’s instructions. It therefore is difficult to overplay the strategic significance of any withering of compliance to U.S. diktat. This is the ‘why’ to the war in Ukraine.
The U.S.’ crown and sceptre are slipping. The peril of U.S. Treasury ‘N-bomb’ sanctions have been key to induced ‘allied’ compliance. But now, Russia, China and Iran have charted a clear path out from this thorny thicket, through dollar-free trading. The BRI initiative constitutes Eurasia’s economic ‘high road’. India, Saudi Arabia and Turkish inclusion (and now, an expanded list of new members are waiting to be signed up) give it an energy-based strategic content.
Military deterrence has constituted the secondary pillar to the architecture of compliance to western models. But even that, though not gone, is lessened. In essence, smart cruise-missiles, drones, electronic warfare and – now – hypersonic missiles, have capsized the former paradigm. So too, has the game-breaker event of Russia joining with Iran as a military force multiplier.
The U.S. Pentagon, even a few years ago, dismissed hypersonic weapons as ‘boutique’ and a ‘gimmick’. Wow – did they miscalculate on that one!
Both Iran and Russia are at the forefront in complementary areas of military evolution. Both are in an existential fight. And both peoples possess the inner resources to sustain sacrifice from war. They will lead. China will lead from behind.
Just to be clear: This Russo-Iranian link says: U.S. ‘deterrence’ in the Middle East itself now faces a formidable deterrent! Israel too, will need to ponder that.
The Russo-Iranian force-multiplier relationship, the Jerusalem Post opines: “provides proof that the two states … together – are better equipped to make good on their respective ambitions – to bring the West to its knees”.
To fully understand the anxiety lying behind The Post opinion piece, we must first grasp that the geography of the ‘shifting map’ towards a BRICS+ – new corridors, new pipelines, new waterway and railway networks – is but the outer mercantilist layer to a nesting Matryoshka doll. To unstack to the inner doll layers is to espy in the final innermost Matryoshka – a layer of kindled energy and confidence latent to the whole.
What is missing? Well, the fire that finally bakes the New Order Z -‘dish’; the event that instantiates the new World Order.
Netanyahu keeps threatening Iran. Even to Israeli ears however his words seem stale and passé. The U.S. does not want to be led by Netanyahu into war. And without the U.S., Israel cannot act alone. The recent MEK-led attempt to wreak havoc in Iran reeks somehow of a ‘last resort’ push.
Will the U.S. try some risky game-changer in Ukraine to ‘take out’ Russia? It’s possible. Or might it try to derail China somehow?
Is a Mega-clash inevitable? After all, what is in prospect is not the dominance of any one civilization, but a return to the natural, old order of non-universal realms of influence. There is no reason in logic for a Western boycott to try to explode the shift – except one:
In any assimilation to what this future portends, the collective West inexorably must become a civilizational state per se – simply to maintain an enduring presence in the world. But the West has opted for a different route (as Bruno Maçães, commentator and former Portuguese Secretary of State for European Affairs, writes):
“[The West] wanted its political values to be accepted universally … In order to achieve this, a monumental effort of abstraction and simplification was needed … Properly speaking, it was not to be a civilization at all but something closer to an operating system … no more than an abstract framework within which different cultural possibilities could be explored. Western values were not to stand for one particular ‘way of life’ against another — they establish procedures, according to which those big questions (how to live) may later be decided”.
Today, as the West turns away from its own key leitmotif – tolerance – and towards weird ‘cancel culture’ abstractions, it becomes questionable whether it can compete as a civilisational state and maintain a presence. And if it can’t?
A new order may come into being following one of two events: The West may simply self-destruct, following some systemic financial ‘breakage’, and the consequent economic contraction. Or, alternatively a Russian decisive victory in Ukraine just may be enough finally to ‘cook the dish’.
What will be the endgame for the Covid protests in China?
In China, there is a formula for ending protests:
- Local official/s are named, blamed and fired for not acting properly. They are fired by the central government. This is to show that the government has heard the protests and has acted.
- The central government then appoints new local officials to announce new policies and clean up the mess. If they are successful, they will make their careers through their actions by demonstrating they know how to handle a crisis.
- The security services review the video from the demonstrations, identify the leading troublemakers and arrest them in their homes. All done without announcements.
End of crisis.
Why is so much of Hong Kong’s land undeveloped, especially in light of its absurdly high housing prices?
It is because the ones who benefit from the absurd housing prices would sooner kill themselves before they allowed the prices to drop.
You think I am being hyperbolic, but I mean this quite literally.
Back when Tung Chee-hwa was still the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, he proposed what is known as the “85,000 Plan”, pledging to build 85,000 houses every year. This would have freed up lots of undeveloped public land, and ensured that more people would have had a proper home.
Sounds pretty decent, right?
“Fuck your mother”, said Hong Kong’s middle class.
It wasn’t just big property developers who were against this policy. The middle class (i.e. private landlords) also saw this as a direct threat to their livelihoods, since they have worked all their lives to be able to hold one or more residential apartments hostage for rent. As housing prices plummeted, so did their hopes of raking in crazy amounts of money just from sitting on their arses. I remember hearing about people committing suicide by burning charcoal or jumping off heights every day on the radio when I was a kid.
Not being able to exploit others financially so as to maintain a fragile bourgeois identity for ourselves, is literally worse than death to us. Let that sink in.
Tung Chee-hwa was endlessly ridiculed and cursed, and his name still carries a lot of baggage even to this day. So forget about opening up more land for property development, because as long as some people depend on the housing prices to be as ridiculously high as possible, things will never change.
And it’s not just undeveloped land. Property developers and the middle class are always pro-conservation and against land reclamation (i.e. creating new land from the sea), not because they give a shit about the dolphins or anything, but to preserve their own social status.
The so-called “Lion Rock Spirit
” is a joke and nothing more. If there is one trait above all that defines what Hong Kong is about, it is greed. The kind of raw greed that would make even Mr. Monopoly blush.
Italian Tomato Sausage Ragu With Penne
“I use Chianti wine for this recipe but any good dry red wine will do, this can be made using a mixture of ground beef and pork but Italian sausage meat is so much better — if possible prepare this a day ahead and refrigerate to allow flavors to blend just rewarm on top of the stove.”
Oh, and do NOT use cheap wine.

- 1⁄4 cup olive oil
- 12 ounces Italian sausages, casings removed (can use more)
- 1 -2 tablespoon fresh minced garlic
- 2 teaspoons red pepper flakes (you can use more if you like spicy)
- 1 teaspoon dried oregano (optional or adjust to suit heat level)
- 2 -3 carrots, peeled and cut into about 1/2-inch cubes
- 1 large onion, chopped
- 1 celery, finely chopped
- 3 cups whole canned tomatoes, finely chopped (I use one 28-ounce can of whole tomatoes, drained then chop the tomatoes)
- 1 cup chicken broth (more if needed)
- 1⁄3 cup dry red wine
- 1⁄2 cup chopped fresh basil
- salt & freshly ground black pepper (to taste)
- 12 ounces penne pasta
- 1 1⁄2 cups grated parmesan cheese (or to taste)
- In a large skillet heat oil over medium heat.
- Add in the sausage meat, garlic, oregano and pepper flakes; sauté until brown, breaking up the meat with a fork (about 7 minutes).
- Add in finely chopped carrots, onion and celery; sauté for about 10 minutes.
- Mix in chopped tomatoes; reduce heat, cover and simmer about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Add in 1 cup broth and wine; simmer uncovered until liquid is slightly reduced (about 20 minutes).
- Add in the fresh basil; cover and simmer until the veggies are very tender, stirring occasionally.
- Continue to simmer for about 45-50 minutes, adding in more broth by about 1/4 cup if the liquid evaporates to quickly, and cook until the Ragu thickens to desired consistency.
- Season with salt and pepper to taste.
- Cook the pasta in a large pot of boiling salted water until just firm-tender; drain but reserve about 1/2 cup cooking water.
- Return the pasta to the pot; add in the Ragu; mix to combine.
- Add in about 1/2 – 3/4 cup Parmesan cheese and 2-3 tablespoons olive oil; mix to combine.
- If the mixture seems too dry then add in some of the reserved cooking water from the pasta.
- Season with more salt and pepper.
- Divide on plates and top with more cheese.

Why do people protest against Xi Jinping’s policies?
Can westerners make up your mind?
You have been spreading lies that Chinese cannot protest for decades! And you guys repeat a million times China is draconian and authoritarian and now that your narrative is totally debunked you are concerned about the people’s protest?
So make up your god damn mind, do you want them to have freedom to protest or do you want to use the smallest protest to build a mountain out of a mole hill!
Your lying media needs to get a new instruction how to demonise China now that this angle of lack of freedom is gone! What do they do to hurt China’s reputation now? Kinda version upgrade on China demonisation instruction from state department!
Confessions of a Quadriplegic Man
What happened?
I was ran over as a kid. A truck backed over me when I was about four.
Did the driver face any repercussions?
He had a paralyzed son for the next 21 years, so I guess that counts. Nobody deserved repercussions though. It was just a freak thing.
Can you survive on your own?
I cannot survive on my own. I must be under watch 24/7.
Do you breathe on your own?
I cannot breathe on my own. I require a vent.
Do your arms work?
My arms don’t work.
What was the mental change like at that age? Meaning, how did you mentally and emotionally react to the event and dealing with the paralysis going forward?
I was a very angry child, lashing out at everyone in an attempt to regain control in my life. I didn’t cope well, but I could have always been worse. My teenage years is when it REALLY took its toll.
Since you’re paralyzed from the neck down how do you do simple tasks like type and stuff like that?
I have a stylus in my mouth and my phone is mounted.
How does peeing and pooping work? Can you still control the muscles or do you have a catheter and some other manual mechanism for number 2s?
I use a catheter, yes. As for number 2’s, I have to use adult diapers and make a schedule.
Who switches the diapers for you?
Nurse or family member.
Would you be able to feel sickness or infections in your body? For example a stomach ache?
Oh yeah. I can get sick to my stomach, have chest pains, stuff like that. Can’t feel kidney stones though, oddly enough
What happen if someone hit you in the legs?
If somebody hits my legs, I would feel the vibration through my body, but no sensation. No pain either!
How do you fill your time?
I play video games, write, use the internet. I have a fair amount of assistive tech that allows me to live a normal life, as long as it’s digital.
How does playing videogames work?
I have a device called a quadstick. I’ve used it since I was 7, and the device only continues to improve. The streamer and e-sports gamer RockyNoHands uses an identical device.
What’s your education level? Was school hard for you?
I have a Bachelor’s degree. School was not hard at all. I excel with structure and am remarkably intelligent, if my grades are an indicator of intelligence. Loved school. I was in the top 10 of my graduating class.
Are you able to work/have a career? If not, what is your financial situation like?
US Disability compensation is shit. You get enough a month to sit comfortably on the poverty line.
If I ever want to be financially independent, a job is required. Unfortunately, finding work is very hard when you have few skills, no experience, and can’t relocate.
Is it hard dating?
INCREDIBLY hard. I live in a remote community, so there’s not many social opportunities. Plus, you know, the disability
Ever had sex and if so do you still feel the orgasm?
I have never had sex. The orgasm part I’m unsure on. I’ve experienced intense arousal, but I don’t know if it went anywhere.
Do you think you’d be able to have sex (in other words, do you think you could get an erection and ejaculate)?
Yes, I do believe that I could have sex.
Please explain how.
When you lose feeling in your body like I have, where you can feel becomes far more sensitive. You get new spots that turn you on.
There’s also other methods of sex besides penetration. Even if you’re set on penetration, there’re methods to force an erection to be maintained.
I admit the orgasm is a mystery since I’ve not experienced one, but I don’t see it being impossible.
It’s a physiological reaction after all. I just wouldn’t expect the stamina before climax to be very impressive since you can’t hold it back.
When you meet new people, do you prefer when they acknowledge your disability and try to be careful with your needs or do you prefer to be seen as any other guy and not having people reminding you of your condition?
This is a tricky one. I want to be treated like any other guy. I’m a human first and a quadriplegic second. I’d rather be treated normally, but I don’t want people to be afraid to ever bring up my disability. It’s a part of my core identity and should be respected, but not focused on.
What’s something you wish people would change about the way they interact with you?
Not treat my needs like a burden. If I could move, I would get my own water or scratch myself if I itch. Don’t make me feel like my needs are lesser and make me wait for assistance. I can be patient, but only to an extent. I still want respected
Do you get sick and tired of being told what an inspiration you are and how brave you are?
I’m not an inspiration. At least not for my disability. I’m just a person tackling life’s problems in a different way.
If all your spoons are dirty and you have to eat cereal with a fork, it’s harder, but not impossible. That’s not inspiration worthy. Same with my life.
I’m in a chair, yeah, which makes me work harder than most, but I’m not achieving much. I’m not a famous writer or a world champion gamer or some rich playboy with girls all over him. I’m just me.
I’ll never see myself as inspirational, but if my story can positively affect even one person, well that’s an accomplishment that I can be proud of.
What’s something you’ve noticed others take for granted? In other words, what’s something most people don’t think about being hard or impossible to do when paralyzed?
Weight loss. Even getting off the couch or walking down the hall burns more calories than I do in a week. People don’t realize how carefully I have to watch my nutrition.
Do you ever have suicidal thoughts because of your situation?
I have my moments like that, but I’m good at identifying problems and tackling them instead of letting them fester.
You seem to have a very positive outlook on life. Was it always like that or have you had ups and downs over the years?
Oh no. I struggle with depression pretty bad, though not as bad as I used to. It used to dominate my life. Now, it doesn’t control my brain. It’s just a roommate.
When did that change happen?
For me, it was therapy. I’d been on a downward spiral for years and therapy saved my life and redeemed me. Now I tackle my mental health way differently.
Do you have anything you would say to somebody who is depressed?
My advice for a depressed person is to identify what’s wrong and fix it.
If someone is a negative influence on your life, cut them out. If you’re out of shape, do one workout a week. Problems don’t correct themselves.
You have to tackle them, no matter how intimidating they are. And if they’re big goals, set tiny ones. Recovery is a marathon, not a sprint. If you’re lonely, the goal isn’t to make friends.
The goal is to find a group online to participate in. Break your big goal into baby steps that allow you to feel accomplished.
If there was an experimental surgery that could heal your spine , would you apply for it?
Already working on it!
Do you have any hope of some kind of recovery some day?
Yes, I do have hope for a recovery. Not a lot of hope, but some.
E-mail train from China on the protests.
Very interesting.
Huawei HarmonyOS has more users than the entire US population!
Recently, Huawei held a series of press conferences, revealing too much information. To sum up, the number of users of the Hongmeng system has exceeded 570 million, and the localization rate of Huawei mate50 has exceeded 70%, showing that Huawei is still firmly promoting de-Americanization.
This is undoubtedly a huge blow to the US technology industry.
Recently, Huawei held the 2022 Huawei Developer Conference. The data released at the conference pointed out that the number of Huawei devices equipped with HarmonyOS has reached 320 million, and the shipment of Harmony Zhilian products has reached 250 million, both of which have achieved double-speed growth. Together, the two push HarmonyOS to 570 million users, further cementing its position as the world’s third-largest mobile operating system.
Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei’s consumer business, also announced that HarmonyOS will further enter the automotive industry, and cooperate with Celis, BAIC, and Changan to launch more automotive products equipped with HarmonyOS. This will provide new development impetus for HarmonyOS, and the number of users of HarmonyOS is expected to be further accelerated.
In terms of hardware, Huawei’s recently released pocket S and mate50 mobile phones are all using Chinese-made components as much as possible. The folding screen used by pocket S is made in China. Others such as radio frequency chips, power management chips, memory chips, etc. have all adopted Chinese domestic chips, and the proportion of domestic components in mobile phone components has reached 70%.
This shows that Huawei still insists on promoting the development of the domestic mobile phone industry chain. Industry insiders believe that once Huawei’s Kirin chips are mass-produced, Huawei’s mobile phones will be expected to achieve 100% localization, turning purely domestic mobile phones into reality, which will also be the first purely Chinese-made mobile phones.
It can be seen that Huawei is actively promoting localization of both software and hardware, and is striving to get rid of American technology, which highlights Huawei’s resilience. What happened to Huawei has prompted it to strengthen its determination to get rid of American chips. Although its revenue has declined in recent years, it still invests more than 100 billion R&D funds every year. Under its insistence, the research and development of chip technology is still continuing, and the chip stacking technology and superconducting quantum technology have all shown its technological breakthroughs in difficult situations.
Govt. Database Shows 10,000% Increase In Cancer Reports Due To Covid mRNA Vaccines
A researcher who queried the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) discovered a 10,661.4% increase in cancer reports as a result of experimental Covid-19 gene-base vaccines as compared with all FDA-approved vaccines over the last 30 years.
Brian Shilhavy, who is the editor of Health Impact News, traced his steps in the search providing links to documentation of his various findings.
Having first queried the cases of ‘the most common cancers [that] had been reported following Covid-19 vaccines,’ he found “837 cases of cancer, including 88 deaths, 66 permanent disabilities, and 104 life threatening events.
He emphasized that even these numbers were not exhaustive, and the VAERS database could not handle the larger search of ‘ALL cancers listed in VAERS’ under this category of Covid inoculations. ‘Using the exact same search terms for cancer,’ he wrote, ‘I then searched ALL FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30 years and found only 140 cases of cancer reported.’
‘That result is for 360 months (30 years), whereas the 837 cases following the experimental Covid-19 vaccines were reported in just 20 months, since the roll out of the Covid-19 shots beginning in December of 2020,’ Shilhavy wrote. ‘That is an increase of 10,661.4%!’ he concluded.
Shilhavy, whose organization is located in Texas, also made note of the significant number of the cancer cases in the database that were of young people, from age 12 up through many young adults in their 20s. Last October, a Swedish lab study found that the spike protein associated with the Covid-19 illness, and its experimental vaccines, enters the nucleus of cells and significantly interferes with DNA damage-repair functions, compromising a person’s adaptive immunity and perhaps encouraging the formation of cancer cells.
In March 2021, board-certified pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole reported that he was seeing a massive ‘uptick’ in various autoimmune diseases and cancers in patients who have been Covid-vaccinated. ‘Since January 1, in the laboratory, I’m seeing a 20 times increase of endometrial cancers over what I see on an annual basis,’ he said.
In regard to overall adaptive immunity, Cole describes, ‘post-vaccine, what we are seeing is a drop in your killer T-cells’ that ‘keep all other viruses in check,’ leaving the patient susceptible to a variety of illnesses.
In January, data leaks given by three ‘decorated high-ranking soldiers who are doctors and public health officials,’ in sworn declarations under penalty of perjury, showed enormous spikes in dozens of diseases following Covid vaccine uptake in the U.S. military.
These included:
- Miscarriages — 279% increase,
- Hypertension (high blood pressure): 2,281% increase,
- Diseases of the nervous system: 1,048% increase, and
- Cancer: 296% increase.
VAERS data released July 29 from the CDC reported 1,357,937 total adverse events in the United States after injections of experimental Covid-19 gene-based vaccines, including 29,790 deaths and 247,686 serious injuries between December 14, 2020, and July 22, 2022.
These also include 55,719 permanent disabilities, 50,739 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis, and 14,374 reported cases of shingles. As such figures are based on voluntary reports, it is important to note that they are very likely just ‘the tip of the iceberg’ in actual figures.
A 2010 Harvard-executed study commissioned by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealed that ‘fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events’ are reported to VAERS, and vaccine manufacturer Connaught Laboratories calculated at least a ‘fifty-fold underreporting of adverse events’ in a confidential study.”
How China is changing the world..
This is from Godfree Robert’s newsletter and I strongly suggest you all subscribe to it.
So China’s IC-chip industry is in tatters with the great Biden restrictions, eh?
China news that makes you think. Cheap as Chinese Chips?China is making a billion ICs daily..
It is utterly disgusting and disheartening that not only are US Saboteurs/Conspirators infiltrating China to disseminate lies, instigate crack protests that are easy to spot by the locals, and attempt color revolutions/attacks that would destabilize the nation, but they are also demonizing China as being this demonic hegemon that quashes all protests and inhumanely treats the protestors.
Ironically, if you partake in any serious protests in the US that goes against the extremely abusive and duplicitous acts that the oligarchs and the government are participating in (for example, the Covid-scamdemic and draconian lockdowns that, now, they are ironically accusing China of perpetuating).you will be utterly destroyed, not even by the police. Usually, it’s other citizens with a smartphone on the camera app who quash any real protests that expose the hypocrisy and degeneracy of the West.
That fat, white man depicted in the email pdf? I bet he’s in a Chinese Interrogation center getting flayed from the top, down for trying to stir shit up when he and his US-ilk should mind their own fucking business.