2022 12 01 11 1w2

The amazing efficiency in what happened to the protestors in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou by the Chinese Government

If you were glued to your monitors for the last couple of days, then you would be fire-hosed with all sorts of narratives that China is under a revolution, and protests are erupting out all over China.

Like this…

2022 12 01 19 37
2022 12 01 19 37

Nope. Didn’t happen.

What did happen, was a half-assed, piss-poor attempt at a NED color revolution inside of China with the belief that it’s a win-win; either China collapses or it lifts it’s zero tolerance policy for COVID. Both of which is what the USA wants.

Nope. Didn’t happen either.

So what actually did happen? Well, let’s chat about that here…

If mocking them would cause them to be ashamed to death, then yes.

The video I saw was that a girl in Shanghai accused the police of pointing guns at them(with unskilled Mandarin), but the police stood by laughing and didn’t even take out the baton. – Every Chinese knows that police will hardly use or even bring a gun.

But they did win our mocking. In Beijing, their slogan was changed to “We want to do nucleic acid testing” and “We want to scan health codes”. In Chengdu, spies shouted “We want freedom” in the accent of outsiders, but local people mocked “You want your motherf**ker freedom” nearby. In Shanghai, their leaflets even wrote wrong characters. In Guangzhou, it is even more ridiculous, because the spy employment cost in Beijing is $140 per person, and in Guangzhou, it becomes a poor $27. People have laughed at them for this all night in Chinese network.

Last night's (protesters) were all paid. Beijing 1000 Yuan, Chengdu 500 Yuan, Wuhan 300 Yuan, Guangzhou 200 Yuan, I haven't seen prices elsewhere. The whole network is laughing at the cheap price of Guangzhou, from last night till now.

It's not worth spending 1000 yuan in Beijing! When I saw it in the middle of the night, I laughed out of sleepy. "I want to do nucleic acid testing, I want to scan health codes.".

What meme is this? I waited until midnight last night and didn't see it.

It should not be seen now (deleted). In short, a group of people shouted slogans, and then they were misled by a dude. Everyone shouted, "I want to do nucleic acid testing, I want to scan the health code.".

Can you see how happy people are?

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Thank you for this wonderful show and bringing money to China, CIA, and see you next time.

We start with this reminder of what America is like…

This story is why Utah passed a state law allowing parents to do “free range parenting” so that parents couldn’t be arrested for allowing their kids to do things we used to do as kids, like walking on your block alone.

The Secret of the Shanghai Protest

Entirely Western Sponsored

A BBC Reporter was filming the entire thing.

The Cops didnt even bother with the locals but identified the troublemaker immediately and boy did they give her the treatment.

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They handcuffed her and forcibly yanked her off to a cell where they crushed her expensive iphone and gave her a local 140 Yuan phone saying “Oops”

They discovered her Laptop and asked her to open her emails.

She protested and said no.

They told her of she didn’t cooperate, she would automatically get 5 years for Non Cooperation in a National Security Event. And she would get it. They knew it, and she knew it too.

So, she backed down

And China found emails, tons of mails asking her to cover more protests and even talk to select “student leaders” by name. Lists of contacts. And all the rest.

By next week – these “student leaders” would no longer have passports and every keystroke they type for the next 20 years would be monitored. Not to mention zero social scoring, and inability to do just about anything requiring a QR code. (Which is exactly EVERYTHING.)

Notice how they zoomed in straight to the source of the trouble!!!.

They didn’t even touch the other gullible protestors.


2022 12 01 14 49
2022 12 01 14 49
2022 12 01 14 51
2022 12 01 14 51

It’s good news (IC-Chip sanctions)

It’s GOOD news!

To explain why, here is an excerpt…

… remembered a news story about an airplane that crashed in the Andes a few years back on a Black Friday. The Uruguayan rugby players who had the bad luck to survive found themselves in the middle of the magnificent mountain range surrounded by snow, buffeted by inclement weather, with no food, no heat, no warm clothing, no electricity, no radio, no idea of location, no medicine, no survival skills, and no hope. As if that was not enough, they were promptly buried alive by an avalanche.

… On the eleventh day after the crash, the crackling transistor radio on a dying battery delivered the dreaded news that the authorities had called off the search. Everyone had given up. Fortunately, one survivor did not give up. A dying boy, Gustavo, said, “GOOD news! They’ve called off the search.” Someone shouted angrily, “Why the hell is that good news?” Gustavo would soon die from the ordeal, but he saved us all by his answer, “Because it means that we’re going to get out of here on our own.”

Good news, America is sanctioning China. It means that China will be doing it on their own, and it will be another nail on the Imperial coffin.

Watch what the Chinese scientists have to say HERE

Everyone in China knows!

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Neapolitan Meat Sauce – Ragu Napoletano Alla Anna Galasso

“From: Ciao Italia Pronto by Mary Ann Esposito ———-

“A typical Neapolitan ragu is a meat sauce made with beef or pork or a combination of both that is cooked slowly with tomatoes. This was the sauce that simmered for hours on the back burner in a large pot on Sunday morning while the family went to mass.

Upon returning home, the smell of it permeated the house, and we could hardly wait to have that plate of macaroni mixed with a sauce that was so flavorful and sweet tasting that we wiped our plates clean with a slice of bread to mop up an left behind driblets.

This is a great do-ahead sauce.

It can be made 4-5 days ahead, and it can also be frozen for months.

This is my grandmother Anna Galasso’s recipe, the one she carried with her in her head all the way from Avellino, Italy to her new home in America”.

Saving Time, use a food processor to mince and chop the vegetables.

To save time, make this sauce on the weekend, and freeze some for future use.

Use a food processor to mince and chop the vegetables.

NOTE: The sauce (with the meat) can be frozen in batches for future use for lasagne, pasta dishes, with vegetables such as green beans, zucchini, and eggplant, and over pizza.———-

For those of you that don’t know Maryanne Esposito, let me introduce you to a marvelous cook, who cooks only “Authentic” Italian food, and it is incredible! I had the priviledge of meeting Maryanne at a woman’s luncheon many years ago, and she has her own cooking show on Channel 11 in NH. She and her husband, who is a local doctor, live in the next town from where I used to live and work.”

2022 12 01 11 16
2022 12 01 11 16



  • Dry the round steak with paper towels, and rub it on both sides with salt and pepper.
  • Sprinkle the meat with the parsley and cheese.
  • Roll the meat up like a jellyroll, and tie it in several places with kitchen string.
  • Salt and pepper the spare ribs. Set the meats aside.
  • Heat the olive oil over medium heat in a large heavy duty pot. Over medium heat, brown the round steak and spare ribs in the oil on all sides. This will take about 5 minutes.
  • Stir in the onion, celery and carrot and continue cooking until the vegetables begin to soften. Stir in the garlic and basil. Cook 1 minute.
  • Combine the tomatoes and wine in a bowl. Slowly pour the mixture over the meat.
  • Stir in the tablespoon of salt, a grinding of pepper, and the sugar.
  • Cover the pot, bring the sauce to a boil, then lower the heat to simmer, and cook the sauce until the meat is fork tender, about 1 1/2 hours.
  • Remove the meat to a dish. Cover the dish, and refrigerate the meat to make it easier to cut when cold.
  • When ready to use, transfer the round steak to a cutting board, and cut the strings from the round steak with a kitchen scissors.
  • Cut into neat slices about 1/4-1/2″ thick.
  • Add to the sauce. Cut the meat off the bones of the spareribs and add the pieces to the sauce.
  • Use the sauce for pasta dishes both boiled and baked.
2022 12 01 11 18
2022 12 01 11 18

With or without Dynamic zero-COVID Policy, the U.S. will use various excuses to create color revolutions.

Also the West has predicted wrongly.

As far as I know, it is not the CPC that supports the Dynamic zero-COVID Policy, but the grassroots in China, which is the mainstream public opinion in China.

Do you expect the CPC to go against the mainstream public opinion in China?

At least 80% of the people around me are supporters of the Dynamic zero-COVID Policy, and young people who use VPNs do not make up the majority of China, and these people who earn tips to protest are even less representative of mainstream Chinese public opinion.

Once the color revolution ploy is exposed, it will only increase the Chinese public’s resentment of those who started it.

At the same time, I am saddened by the fact that the U.S. government is wasting the tax dollars of American citizens on this meaningless color revolution.

My notes has this as a worthy enough video to include in a post, but I seriously don’t remember ever including it in an article. Enjoy the Rory Gallagher tune.

Rory would be proud or should I say is proud...keeping his legacy alive. A million miles away in the heavens looking down on these guys...

A pretty good analysis on what is going on.






  • 美国 11,713 (American)
  • 英国 1579 (English – American proxy)
  • 日本 1703 (Japanese – American proxy)

Let’s compare the American deaths in Ukraine to the ten-year long war in Vietnam.

  • Americans killed = 15,058 deaths.


Damn! They sure are having fun up there on stage!

This is ONE HELL of a show, folks!

I once taught English in China. It was in a small city called Shandan — more of a town by Chinese standards, with only some 200,000 people. It is located in Gansu province, bordering Inner Mongolia.

The school, Shandan Bailie had been set up by a fellow Kiwi, Rewi Alley — a staunch supporter of the early Chinese Communist movement. He smuggled guns for Mao under the noses of the KMT. More importantly, he lead students on a 1000 mile march from the coast, as they were threatened by the encroaching Japanese. They founded a school in Shandan, in an old monastery.

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It was a very interesting school, mixing half a days academic work with half a days practical work. The boys learned automotive engineering, refrigeration electronics, among other things. Real men’s work. The girls studied secretarial skills, teaching, I wasn’t sure what else. The teachers of the school had total control over the the students, who feared and respected them.

I was told that if they were punished at school, the punishment meted out by their father would be many times worse.

They weren’t raising big babies, as Western schools do.

The girl in the picture had to look after her kid brother for three months at a time, while her parents worked in a town hundreds of miles away. She was sixteen, her brother was eleven. She was the most dedicated student in the class, and was eager to tell me about her life in broken English. I forget her name now.

She would have at least three to four hours of homework every night – they all did.

She had to do all the washing, all the cleaning, all the cooking for her and her younger brother.

She and the rest of the students would have to run 1.2km every morning around a track, the temperature would reach 104 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer, minus 4 in the winter. I was there as winter set in, the coal fired heating made it like something out of a Dickens novel, a caustic, eye watering smell you couldn’t escape.

Girls like her looked forward to making about $100 US a week maximum when they graduated, living in the same town they were born in, marrying a local boy, and taking care of their parents. They would become teachers, nurses or secretaries. The dream for most people in the city was to own one of the many vacant two or three bedroom apartments that were flying up at a mad pace all around us, apartments that cost at least $60,000 US.

She was serious girl, but why wouldn’t she be? She didn’t have time to sit around like a lazy clown, wondering if someone would text her back, as big Western babies do.

I was impressed by the discipline of the youth, the small children jogging to school in formation, one of them with a whistle, leading the others. Everything was hierarchical, and the students seemed to take it without complaint.

I have to laugh at the arrogance of Big Western babies, speaking haughtily about China. Big Western babies couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag — there would be too much of a fight to decide who would exit first.

The children were tough. There was a school holiday when most students returned home, to eat moon cakes or some such. Some parents couldn’t or would afford the ten dollar bus ticket ride home, so their children remained at school. I celebrated with them. There was an impromptu talent show organized by a couple of the teachers, and when the boys refused to do their part, they were punished. Lifted by the arms and legs, their backs were thumped down upon the desks, to much laughter from the girls. I was shocked. However, after I had done my item with gusto, and they still refused to do theirs, I demanded they were punished and laughed hard when they were.

I was too soft. I had to individuate a test. I thought I was going insane. I thought I could hear voices, but every time I looked up, I couldn’t see any mouths moving, just a few sly grins. I eventually caught on and told the head dean. He gave me a knowing smile, as if to say “kids will be kids”. He was a bear of a man, who usually spoke softly, and the kids ate out of his hand, for his rage was terrifying, ferocious.

During another class, when I had let the boisterous students get out of control, a girl, who I assume was the class leader barked out an order, and they all fell silent. There were rules here.

Authority wasn’t an abomination.

Each tiny dorm room had at least four students living in it, sleeping in bunk beds — an intolerable prospect for students from my own home country.

Although their lives were much much harder than that of Western babies, the children were ferocious, cheerful. A little boy flew a kite made from a shopping bag with zeal. At night, the many, many basketball courts were filled with young men, their families and classmates watching on. I didn’t see drunks and whores everywhere as one does when in the cities of big Western babies.

I would walk around at night, trucks with big LCD screens on them would drive by, promoting the apartments, including weddings in New Zealand.

I purchased a mountain bike. It was a new sport to the city, and the owner of the shop took many photos of me, to authenticate his wares no doubt.

The people seemed mostly concerned with a better life, to obtain the things big Western babies take for granted.

What I saw in China was a people that seemed by and large united, by and large ready to take orders. I look around and the deep divisions and rebelliousness in my own decadent country — race, politics, class,.vaccine status, and I hate to think of a worsening virus, spill over from War in Eastern Europe, a crumbling supply chain.

At this point two weeks of no power and no internet

I think that’s all it would take

and there would be no country left to come back to when the lights came back on. Whether or not Long Pork will be on the menu during this frenzied fourtnight, one thing is for certain:

you can’t eat democracy,

Yup. This is what is going on in China. No big deal.

What is the status of the China Protests today?

Now the country has returned to normal, yesterday a busy night of processing was completed.

The first batch of Nanjing Media College students in Shanghai who were incited individually wrote a letter of repentance and were detained for 24 hours and released.

The Fifth Column’s Facebook group is full of frustration.

They also tried to get the locals to protest, but they found that no locals paid any attention to them.

There were a few scattered schools this morning, 1 student came out and held up a white paper but was quickly taken away from the school.

It’s over; America’s informant resources are depleted and it’s hard to create the next protest.

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Ravioli (Dough and Choice of 4 Fillings)

“Posted in reply to a message board request. This is the family recipe for homemade ravioli. I have included 4 filling variations along with the ravioli dough recipe. Please note that this dough was made by hand and not with a pasta machine. Feel free to use the fillings with your own favorite pasta dough recipe (hand or machine). Prep time includes 1 hour drying time.”

2022 12 01 11 22
2022 12 01 11 22






  • Sausage Filling

  • 34 lb loose sweet Italian sausage link (or casings removed from links)
  • 2 eggs, slightly beaten
  • 2 tablespoons freshly grated romano cheese (If you prefer a less sharp cheese, freshly grated Parmesan cheese may be substituted for the Romano)


  • MAKING THE FILLING: Ricotta Filling#1: In a large bowl, blend all filling ingredients together until smooth, set aside filling until needed.
  • Ricotta Filling#2: In a large bowl, blend all filling ingredients together until smooth, set aside filling until needed.
  • Beef and Spinach Filling: Brown beef and veal in butter with the whole clove of garlic.
  • Remove garlic and let meat mixture cool.
  • Mix spinach, parsley, eggs, cheese and nutmeg into cooled meat until well blended, set aside filling until needed.
  • Sausage Filling: Brown sausage in frying pan, drain fat and allow sausage to cool.
  • When sausage has cooled, mix in eggs and cheese, set aside filling until needed.
  • MAKING THE RAVIOLI DOUGH: Sift flour and salt together.
  • Place flour mixture on a board, making a well in the center of the flour.
  • Drop eggs into the flour well, using your hand or a fork, break the yolks and beat eggs slightly.
  • Combine the eggs and flour together, gradually adding enough warm water to make a stiff dough.
  • Knead dough well, until smooth; cover the dough and let it rest for 15 minutes.
  • Cut dough in half and roll each half of the dough out on a floured board, into a very thin sheet (about 1/16 to 1/8 inch thick).
  • FILLING THE RAVIOLI: Drop about 1 to 1 1/2 teaspoonfuls of filling about 1 1/2 inches apart all along the dough.
  • When the sheet of dough is fully dotted with dabs of filling mixture, cover filling with other sheet of dough.
  • Using your fingers, gently press dough between each dab of filling to seal it.
  • Cut ravioli into squares with a (zig-zag edged) pastry cutter, or very sharp knife.
  • DRYING THE RAVIOLI: Allow ravioli to dry for one hour before cooking.
  • COOKING THE RAVIOLI: Drop ravioli into 6 to 8 quarts of boiling, salted water and cook for about 10 to 15 minutes, or until dough is tender.
  • Remove cooked ravioli from pot carefully with a skimmer or a large slotted spoon, and drain well.
  • Place drained ravioli on a serving platter in layers, alternating layers with your favorite sauce and a sprinkling of grated cheese between each ravioli layer.
  • Serve hot.
2022 12 01 11 26
2022 12 01 11 26
2022 12 01 11 27w
2022 12 01 11 27w
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About the zero-COVID Policy, 80% is too high. Here’s an interesting example of people’s thoughts: https://twitter.com/lunareadingnote/status/1599655678636740608
I personally don’t care about COVID policy. I drink tea everyday. I just bought drugs.

Dave Opas
  • The U.S. National Archives shows that 58,220 U.S. soldiers perished in Vietnam.

I’m going to say “Zero” Americans have died in the Ukraine since the wargame charade began. Unless a few passed away from old age or boredom.

Be nice if MM would start exposing the hoax for what it really is. A robbery of the USA treasury to build new infranstructure that supports the Belt and Road Initiative. If MM’s information is good enough and it should be, MM could become a very famous overnight sensation at least in the Alt media world.

The doom and gloom show is coming to an end. Time for truth!