
The German Sägerücken

Rule #1 of combat. If the enemy is in range, so are you.

A sniper, if they are set up really well and don’t shoot too often, can go a long time without being found. But once they are found, then they die.

There was a situation once where a particularly well concealed sniper was shooting at American troops in Iraq. He may not have always killed his intended victim, but it was, to say the least, disconcerting for the troops in his area.

In an effort to rid themselves of this pest, the Army sent out various sniper teams to try and locate this guy. They were out for a LONG time and shot after shot was made by the sniper, but he was still impossible to find.

Then one counter-sniper saw a brick in a wall move. A single brick moved, then a shot was heard, then the brick was put back in place.

They had found him.

A sniper was sent to a position that would allow them to shoot into the hole the sniper was making when he moved that brick. A few minutes later, the brick moved, the counter-sniper shot, and the enemy sniper was dead.

His big mistake was thinking that nobody would ever see that one brick moving. So he stayed in one place and died because he was too lazy to find a new hide.

Study the laws carefully with proper Chinese translation

(Rough Translation)

There are four levels of Punishment :-

Level 1 – Any person who publishes material through a blog or electronic post advocating for Taiwanese Secession from the Mainland shall be

If younger than 18 years of age, be placed under RESTRICTIVE SURVEILLANCE until such time as the Investigator sees fit or until the person commits activities that are deemed secessionist under the security act

If older than 18 years of age or 18 years of age, shall be placed under ACTIVE SECURITY INVESTIGATION and subject to security report may be WARNED or placed under DIGITAL BLACKLIST or maybe charged with Secessionist activity under the security act

  • So here if you merely post you want Taiwanese Independence – you will either be monitored by the authorities and won’t get a Civil Service Job or a Foreign Scholarship or a Passport for maybe a decade or two
  • Or if you are an Adult – you get a warning or get placed on a Digital Blacklist meaning No access to Weibo or other Social Media Apps
  • Unless it is revealed you are funded by NGOs or other groups in which case you get charged with Secession and could face severe sentences

No Jail in either case

Level 2 – Any Person who belongs to or supports an Organization that advocates Taiwanese Secession under Lists I-IX or who has received a sum of not less than 60,000 RMB in a single year or 200,000 RMB over a longer period from such an organization without discernible services provided shall

Be sentenced to an Imprisonment of not less than 5 years which can extend upto 15 years

However any Person who has joined or expressed such support only over a period of less than 3 months shall receive a PUBLIC WARNING and if in compliance shall not be proceeded with beyond RESTRICTIVE SURVEILLANCE

  • This means if a Mainlander joins a Pro Taiwanese Organization like a foolish student,he shall get a WARNING and if he complies and backs out – he is not touched beyond the usual Restrictive Surveillance. He of course will never work for Civil Service or Get a Passport for life

Level 3 – Any Person who forms an organization within the Mainland that calls Support for Taiwanese Secession and either collects funds for the same or advocates policy and speech that is in favor of Taiwanese Secession shall

  • Be Sentenced to Death with no avenue of commutation to Life Imprisonment
  • All members of the HUKOU records of the Person shall automatically be under ACTIVE SECURITY INVESTIGATION and shall be placed under RESTRICTIVE SURVEILLANCE and Digital Blacklist and any members of the Party shall be expelled from Party Membership subject to Committee Enquiry under VII Rules
  • Any members of the HUKOU records of such a person shall if overseas be recalled immediately and after a recall notice period of 60 days shall be categorized under Level III Security Act
  • This is the changed law. The new law where if anyone forms an organization that calls for Taiwanese Secession and collects funds or makes speeches in favor of Taiwan. THEY WILL BE EXECUTED WITHOUT MERCY OR COMMUTATION TO LIFE
  • Their family members will be investigated and if members of the CPC may be expelled or if overseas shall be recalled and if they don’t come within 60 days- they will be deemed security threats and can even be KILLED ON FOREIGN SOIL

This is the New change in the law. Earlier it was 25 Years to Life with NO DEATH PENALTY

Level 4 – Any Person who is accomplice to or instigator of an Act of Physical Violence or Terrorism on the Mainland or Mainland Sovereign Territory in any Country that causes at least 500,000 RMB of Damage or a loss of one or more lives shall be

  • Sentenced to Death with Commutation possible only for persons who can prove lack of knowledge of the activities and who had no further role
  • All members of the HUKOU records of the Person shall automatically be subjected to the NATIONAL RELOCATION ACT and SECURITY DETENTION ACT
  • Any members of the HUKOU records of such a person shall if overseas be recalled immediately and after a recall notice period of 7 days shall be categorized under Level III Security Act
  • Any Separatist who causes Violence in China or Embassies that cause 500K of physical damage or loss of even one person shall be executed without mercy
  • Families of such persons shall be deported to labor camps and kept there for life including Children

Both Parents or All Guardians will face the same sentence if their Kids younger than 18 are charged and convicted under this act

So if a 17 year old kid blows up a Molotov cocktail killing someone, the Parents will be executed under the New Law unless they inform on their kid leading to a conviction of the Kid in which case they get fully exonerated by the State

So the only new change is that now anyone who forms an organization to support Taiwanese Independence shall be executed without mercy and their families shall be prevented from doing a lot of things

  • Their Kids can never go abroad
  • Their families can never live within 300 Kms of any place with Security facilities
  • Their families can never get a Passport
  • Their families can never work for the Government of China
  • Their families can never work for a Strategic Industry in any capacity
  • Their families can never join the PLA or PLAAF or PLAN

Families include – Parents, Children, Wife, Consort, Divorced Wife is Divorce is less than 5 years old, Siblings, Wives of Siblings, Children of Siblings, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren

So if one guy does it – upto 40–50 people can suffer for no fault of their own

Now here is something the West didn’t tell you

The Law also excludes people:-


The Security Law shall NOT regard the following persons as culpable under it and shall deem them law abiding. This includes :-

  • Any person who reports possible secessionist activities of any family member under the Hukou system
  • Any Person who has relatives in Taiwan and declares the same
  • Merely because a person has visited Chinese Taipei does not put a person under the purview of the Act unless such person visited Taipei in contravention of existing emigration procedures
  • No person who merely posts secessionist content on behalf of another person and can establish the same, be charged under this act
  • Merely indicating support for DPP in Taiwan or for Leaders of the DPP is insufficient to be charged under this Act

So you can call William Lai a Hero and nothing will happen to you

So only three areas are DRACONIAN

First is that family members also suffer for no fault of their own , something that was removed off statuette since the death of Mao Tse Tung and reintroduced in 2009 for Xinjiang only

Second – Kids can inform on their parents and Parents must inform on their Kids to avoid being charged. So a son who sees his father work for Taiwan must report him and watch him be executed to survive and so must a father

Three – Execution is the only course now. No commutation to life. You get convicted, you die

This wasn’t the case previously

So while the new laws are draconian to a good extent – they allow a lot of leeway unlike India

In India someone saying Pakistan Zindabad can be charged with UAPA

In China now clearly – just because you hail DPP or William Lai won’t make you culpable at all. You will not even be touched.

I hate it.

I hate having to make an appointment. I hate filling out those stupid review of systems files that the doctor never seems to have bothered looking at by the time I get to talk to them. I hate that the doctor is always late, but that the staff will give me shit about it if I’m late. I hate having to ask someone else to write me a prescription for something I already know I need. And, most of all, I hate being lectured about what I need to do for my health.

Go away! Shut up. I already know this stuff. LEAVE ME ALONE! I’m a freakin’ doctor, too, dammit.

That’s a polite rendition of my inner monologue when a doctor tells me what I need to do. So, most of the time, I avoid going to the doctor’s office. If I know I want something, I write myself a prescription—yes, you can do that, as long as it’s not a controlled substance. If it doesn’t take care of my problem, then and only then will I seek medical care.

I’m young enough that I can get away with it, because I don’t yet have serious medical issues. For now, there are very specific circumstances under which I will go see a doctor:

  1. I need to see a specialist for a problem well above my pay grade.
  2. I know that some test needs to be ordered. I can’t order a hip X-ray or lab test for myself, for instance.

Even then, if I can get away with it, I’ll go to the Urgent Care center, because I hate making appointments.

“If you treat yourself as a doctor, you’ll have an idiot for a patient.”

I’ve heard variations of these over the years. Fine, I’m an idiot, then. I don’t care. I’ll be damned if I’ll go see a doctor unless I absolutely have to.

Don’t try this at home, kids.

I Dumped My Girlfriend And Ended Her Best Friend’s “Perfect” Open Marriage, Now EVERYONE Blames Me

Yes. When having sepsis, the initial diagnosis by the ER doctor who didn’t even bother to look at me was “ your depression acting up”. Never mind my high fever, renal colic pain and failure, my inability to breathe, vomiting and repeated fainting, it must be all in my head! Fortunately my blood results changed his mind.

Blood tests were ordered after I did some yelling on the topic of me going to another hospital( which was quite near) and then coming back to kick his a**.

Very recently my elderly mom has suffered from lower back pain for 2 months straight. No meds helped, she frequently vomited, could hardly walk and couldn’t sleep because of the pain. She was ordered basically every test known, going through gastroenterology ( yeah, she has post inflammatory narrowed esophagus), urology/nephrology, orthopedia. Urine tested, blood tested. She was told she was fine, nothing was wrong. Until a CAT scan was performed. Showed 3 fractured vertebraes caused by foreign mass.

After giving birth , I cried through the night because of a terrible pain. Was told by the nurse on duty that “ G, you have birth vaginally, we only give pain meds to women recovering from C-section, it can’t hurt you”. Had multitude of stitches( forgot to count after an hour of them sewing me back together) due to 4th degree tear and an F broken coccyx! I couldn’t sit, walk or lay down without that pain for 4 months. But I guess it was just me being too sensitive.

Since we’re both women, we have plenty of those experience. Let’s group them under medical misogyny aka “you’re a woman, you’re overreacting”.

Ps. Let me not start on how many times I was asked if I was sure it wasn’t just a period pain. I think it was actually the first 2 years of me having recurrent kidney stones causing renal colics when my then ahole GP refused to order an ultrasound “ because I was too young to have kidney stones”.

PS 2. The most ridiculous situation actually happened when my molars rot and caused a massive infection during the last trimester of my pregnancy. At first, I went to a doctor with what seemed as a heart attack. He then moved on to whether I was having a stroke, trigeminal nerve inflammation to finally getting to “ F teeth why didn’t I think of that?”. To give him some credit, my pulse was sky high and I felt sharp pain in my jaw and neck. Teeth wouldn’t be the first guess.

My second husband was in the hospital, dying from cancer. The day before he died, I took him down stairs to smoke a cigarette. As we were sitting outside, he looked around and said, “Honey, don’t look, they’re watching me.” When I asked him what he was talking about, he said “the shadow people. They’re over there, in the woods.” I turned to look and he said “no, don’t look, they’ll get you too. I think they’re here for me” That comment sent shivers down my spine. I said “no, sweetheart, there’s no one here for you” I thought he was hallucinating because of the pain meds. He said “shut up, I have to tell you some things.” He proceeded to tell me how my life would go after he was gone. He told me that I would get remarried and that he would tell me WHOM I was going to marry. He told me I would have more children.

Now, at this point in my life I had been told that I couldn’t have any more children. I told him he was crazy and that I thought we needed to get him back up to his room.

I got him back up to his room got him in his bed and he went back to sleep. He passed away in his sleep 6 hours later.

Oh, and the things he said would happen….

They happened!

I worked with a man whose life fell apart quite dramatically over a few weeks.

He was a nice guy and I really liked him. His name was Ivor and I feel terrible about what happened to him.

He and his wife were drinking together one evening, and they started arguing. So he went to sleep in his car. A few hours later, the police knocked on his window and woke him up. Although he had not been driving, the keys were in the ignition and he had been sleeping in the driver’s seat. They breathalised him and he was still very drunk.

As they now had him for drunk driving, they had the right to search his car. In the car they found a cosh that he kept for protection. I doubt he would ever use it. But, unfortunately, they are illegal and he was now in trouble for carrying an offensive weapon.

His wife was angry at him so wouldn’t let him come home, so he had to sleep on a friend’s sofa. By the way, Ivor was not a young man, he was in his early sixties. Due to his stress, he carried on drinking. He started missing a lot of work. Which was bad. What was worse is that one day, he DID turn up to work, but very drunk. He worked for about thirty minutes, until his managers called him in the office, and after a heated argument, he was fired.

So we never saw Ivor again. This whole thing played out over about three weeks. So in three weeks, Ivor lost his wife, driver’s license, job, and got a criminal record. In his sixties.

Ivor was a good guy and he used to have foreign students stay at his house. Just before he got fired he had Japanese students, and would bring Japanese food in for us to try. I often wonder what the Japanese people staying at his house made of his meltdown.

Barbecued Brisket




  • 1 flat brisket

Dry Rub

  • 2 tablespoons salt
  • 2 tablespoons chili powder
  • 2 tablespoons meat tenderizer
  • 1 tablespoon pepper
  • 1/2 tablespoon garlic powder

Mop Sauce

  • 1 (10 1/2 ounce) can beef consommé
  • 1 can water
  • 1/3 cup vinegar
  • 3/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons meat tenderizer
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons dry mustard
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 bay leaf

Barbecue Sauce

  • 1 1/2 cups Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/4 cup vinegar
  • 1/4 cup steak sauce
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup ketchup



  1. Trim any excess fat from 1 flat brisket. Rub both sides of brisket thoroughly with Dry Rub. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
  2. The next day prepare a grill so that it will smoke slowly for about 6 hours or about 1 hour per pound. Start brisket on grill with the fattest side up. Cover grill. Mop with Mop Sauce frequently during grilling. Turn brisket about every hour.
  3. Serve with warm Barbecue Sauce.

Dry Rub

  1. Mix all ingredients in small bowl.

Mop Sauce

  1. Bring beef consommé and water to boil in medium-size saucepan. Turn down heat. Add remaining ingredients. Stir until thoroughly mixed. Remove from heat.

Barbecue Sauce

  1. Place all ingredients in small saucepan. Bring to boil. Remove from heat.

Throwin rocks at a wild Polar Bear ?

Short answer – No. Long answer – HELL NO.

Even if you had a 9mm pistol (let’s say a glock)

And you were facing a polar bear and you were lucky enough to let off some rounds. Guess what ? Be prepared to make peace with whatever deity you follow and learn from the lesson and do better in the next life.

The Bear will look at you and think……. “that looks tasty …nom nom”

Most animals will back off at the sound of gunshot.

Not Polar Bears

Even if you hit them they’ll carry on charging and will get to you.

The only way to stop it was if you were very, very, very lucky and got the bullet through their eye into their brain, maybe.

But areas of instant kill with a bear charging towards you on all fours is about size of teaplate. Can you hit that repeatedly under stress ? You really do not have much time for mistakes.

Their skull is harder and thicker than a motorcycle helmet. They kill seals just by slapping them. Trying to alpha posture by standing tall and making yourself look bigger will accomplish nothing.

“I’d hide behind a rock!”

You die behind that rock.

“I’d jump into a river!”

You die wet and cold.

“I’d stand my ground and yell at the bear to frighten it”

You die faster.

There are around three thousand polar bears on the Svalbard islands; that’s more polar bears than there are humans and they are protected by Svalbard law. So they have not built up a fear of humans.

Not every animal wants to hug a human.

Until humans with BIG rifles (22 calibre ……….actually more like .444 marlin) came along, nothing hunted polar bears. Nothing. There is no scaring it off. Just look at them

Polar bears will eat each other if they’re desperate enough. So what do you think they’ll do to you ?

They’re also dangerous because they’re skilled apex predators (meaning they have no natural predators of their own) Which means, cute as they may be, the polar bear is quite functionally the great white shark of the north.

  1. They don’t hibernate.
  2. They never get cold.
  3. Food is scarce.
  4. They’re always (I repeat) ALWAYS hungry.

The bottom line is if you’re a human being on open ice in the Artic Tundra with no serious firearm or vehicle and you run into this pic below ?

You have two chances of surviving

  1. Slim
  2. None

And slim just left town

You know the striking thing about a Polar Bear when u see them in the flesh, my friend ?

They’ve got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll’s eyes.

When they come at ya, it doesn’t seem to be livin…….until they bite ya and at that point you’re not on earth anymore and the Polar bear is the last thing you’ll ever see.

And bears are omnivores (meat and plant eaters) which means unlike carnivores like tigers and lions who have the polite decency to kill you as quick as possible first then eat you.

Polar bears will just hold you down, pin you to the ground like you’re a seal or salmon and eat you while you’re alive and screaming.

They have a bite force of 1,000 psi (Pounds Per Square Inch) that’s a force strong enough to crack a bowling ball and they’ll use that to disable you, to rip off your arm or leg for a snack, you can’t even imagine the kinda force they can generate.

To a Polar Bear an average-sized human is just right for a comfortable dinner with a glass of port and a good cigar afterwards.

You dunno what you’re dealing with.

And they’re trying to get access to your organs to chew them apart, then if there’s anything left of you, put you in stash, n come back a bit later n eat some more of you.

Just a brutal way to go.

They can run at speeds of 25 mph, If that doesn’t impress you, the fastest man alive who was Usain Bolt his maximum top speed was 27 mph and they can smell you for miles (even if your under snow) and swim for 100’s of miles

And they’re smart to. Polar bear on thin ice ? No problem they know they have to spread their weight around so it’s not concentrated in one spot so as to not crack the ice.

Humans in movies : Aggressively steps on ice

There are only three things up in the Arctic: Ice, water, and potential calories. Guess which category people are in ?

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