2023 01 29 11 17

The Married Kama Sutra

World War 3 is proceeding. NATO and the United States are “throwing everything, including the kitchen sink at Russia”.  At this point in time, details are trivial. Russia will eventually win, and the United States will sulk, but then “pivot to China”.

China is ready for this. And if they are not, then they deserve what will be coming.

Preventative efforts to minimize the “bads” from being big, to something more manageable are in process. But I have no “crystal ball” and cannot predict the future.

I, like you all, tire of war talk, covid talk and all the rest.

We all should be exhausted of this nonsense. But the evil son-of-bitches won’t stop. They are functionally evil.

Here, let’s take a light view of human relationships today. I’m throwing this post in the art section.

The Married Kama Sutra: The World’s Least Humorous Erotic Sex Manual

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For centuries, lovers have found inspiration and advice in the ancient text of the Kama Sutra. Now, Simon Rich – ‘one of the funniest writers in America’ (The Daily Beast) – and Farley Katz have unearthed a valuable new document – a guide to the positions most common after marriage.

From ‘the interrupted congress’ to ‘the beaching of the whales,’ here are the poses, positions, and games married lovers play to keep the spark alive – and the dishwasher properly loaded. Complete with four-color, full-page illustrations in the style of the original Kama Sutra, but with modern, domestic accoutrements: dirty diapers, TV remotes, and wine glasses aplenty.

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Here in the west, I wonder how things will end for a New Yorker like me.

A. Flooded in a Nuclear Megatsunami, B. Turned into a radioactive crater or C. Getting cannibalized by starving people who were not told to stock up on food while all the farms got blown up and all the fertilizer and produce hyperinflated.

Anyways, that Marriage Kama Sutra speaks volumes to me, and I am someone who has never married nor fucked person in my entire life.


What is your reason for not having sex yet?


Addiction to parasocialization, online-relationships, and severe disconnection from reality as a result of these coupled with unchecked neurosis and psychosis exacerbated from these.