2022 06 07 13 44

The missing millions of children of China

This post is by request. Actually, multiple requests by a singular individual. It’s a big and important issue with him.

Why this fixation? I guess it resonates living in SE Asia.

And so when he reads these “reports” he views the reports from the lens of his own personal experience, and that makes him concerned. Any good Rufus would (of course) be enraged.

And he, I am sure, is no exception.

"Estimates vary on the number of children who go missing in China every year. Some put the number at 70,000, others say it’s closer to 200,000. Regardless, most studies agree that only a very small number — perhaps as few as 0.1% — are ever found and reunited with their families.

The country’s family planning policies and an emphasis on “continuing the family line” (and therefore the need to have children, even sometimes if they’re not actually your own) are among the root causes for such statistics, but they’re compounded by the lack of a proper system for tracking down missing children and returning them to their original families — despite China’s ever-increasing surveillance over its citizens.

“In the United States, there are ‘amber alerts’ to find missing children, but China still does not have this type of system,” says Beijing-based entrepreneur Cheng Xian. “The Ministry of Public Security is actively building a ‘reunion’ system that belongs to China, but this involves a very long data accumulation process.”"


Who is this group? It was set up by a Californian entrepreneur. He grew up in Palo Alto, California. He lives and operates this NGO inside of California, USA.

RADII was founded by Brian A. Wong, former Vice President of Alibaba. 

Brian A. Wong is Founder and Chairman of RADII. He is a Chinese-American entrepreneur and his career has spanned decades, industries, and continents. But a desire to understand China kept him coming back. 

Brian wanted to create a platform that empowers the next generation to share their own stories to bridge cultural understanding between the East and West and to provide a window into the transformations shaping one of the world’s most dynamic places on earth. 

Prior to creating RADII, Brian joined Alibaba when it was an apartment start-up as its 52nd employee. 

Brian is a China Fellow with the Aspen Institute, a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader and a member of the Committee of 100. 

Growing up in Palo Alto, he is proud to say he also served as a technical advisor to HBO’s TV series Silicon Valley.

How is this group funded? Ah. It’s an NGO with income from various Davis associations, all who obtain massive subsidies from the United States government.

The Aspen Institute is largely funded by foundations such as the Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Gates Foundation, the Lumina Foundation, and the Ford Foundation, by seminar fees, and by individual donations.

How is their information disseminated? Well, look at the “bubble cloud” from their website…

2022 06 07 13 49
2022 06 07 13 49

Every single one of them have an Anti-China slant to their reports. It’s an overwhelming negative slant.

The MM full report and article is here. It is found on my MM you-tube channel.  Personally, you cannot have a “totalitarian police state” and “missing children” simultaneously. The two are totally incompatible.

Please enjoy.

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Interesting. This reminds me of the insane claims advocates used to make that 1 million children disappeared in the US every year. Recently the claims have been that untold thousands disappear to “human trafficking” or “sex trafficking”.

The truth is that if 1 of every 300 Americans were vanishing without trace every year, the US would have been under martial law in no time. None of the idiots sdpouting that claim seem to consider this. The actual number of disappearing children nationwide is in the low hundreds. Often individual cases make national news, such as Elizabeth Smart some years ago.

The same scaremongers have claimed that 3 million Americans are homeless (this was back in the 1980s), 500,000 girls die of eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia every year, etc.

Now this nonsense is spreading to China. Where would all these missing children be going anyway? I hear crickets…


Thanks MM for posting this. I was referring to not only china but the west as well. Missingchildren .org reports over the last few years in the US anywhere from 60,000-80,000 go long term missing. The 400,000 numbers talked about are reports not acocounting for closed cases. But 60,000 is a significant number in either case, most coming from children in the foster care system.

I believe the opposite of reports of china coming from the west. In thailand, while its been slow in coming, it is clear there is a pivot to china occuring. Here, the National Endowment for Democracy is funding all the anti monachy protests. Brians New Atlas video took a much deeper dive down that rabbithole than i did but i knew they were funding many projects here coming from them and Soros’s open society, just like ukraine.

The topic of the children is important to me. I have seen first hand here in thailand, that children are sent to work in the sex trade with full knowledge of their families. I personally witnessed two cases where a former “friend” was negotiating with the mother of an underage girl, 14; the mom was pimping out her own daughter!

in another case i know of a family had 2 daughters kidnapped as they came home from school. there wasvideo of the kidnapping and only because the family was well connected to high level police, the police were able to confirm that they were taken to malaysia for sex work. it took over a year for the family to get the daughters back. They were lucky..


The higher figure you reference for the US has been shown to be mostly divorced or never-married parents playing games with the other parent, such as a noncustodial parent taking off with the child. Amber Alerts here almost always give a vehicle description and license plate number for this reason, because it’s known who has the child. Many of the remainder are runaways.

The true stranger-abduction instances of children disappearing in the US, such as the Elizabeth Smart case, proved to be in the low hundreds.

If lots of US children were disappearing without trace, we’d be inundated with Amber Alerts and media coverage. That isn’t happening. Parents here will raise Cain if a child does disappear and they had nothing to do with it. No amount of threats or money will stop most parents from making noise about their missing child.


Arnaud Betrand
(Has been living & working in China since many years.)

Are we finally seeing the start of some sort of “Me Too” movement around journalists lies?
Because when it comes to China the lies have been absolutely egregious and systematic in absolutely all the major newspapers.


The Taylor Lorenz/Washington Post correction scandal isn’t the isolated incident apologists claim. When I was fired, her story said I had announced I was leaving Oculus. This was false – it wasn’t my choice nor my announcement. Her only source: Facebook PR. WaPo later

WashingtonPost turmoil: