For a spell, I worked as a Movie Theater Manager in Corpus Christi, Texas. The theater was a duplex; meaning two screens. Being a rather small operation. And the company was Mann National and our branch was “Twin”. So I worked for and at “Mann National Twin”.
The hours were terrible. Essentially, you worked when everyone else was having fun. But the perks were nice. One of the perks was a credit card that enabled me to visit and watch any movie at any time at any of the movie theaters in the country. UA (United Artists) or whatever. I could go anywhere.
Some of the movies I would watch over and over. Like Christine, or “For your eyes only” which pretty much tells you all the time frame of my experience. Ha!
One of the things that I used to like to do was crawl up to the projection booth and ham it up with the projection guys. There were two guys and one girl and they all rotated. And they were union workers and had rules that they had to obey, but they liked me a lot and we had a good time chatting it up and chillin’.
Good memories come about around the most common and unusual events. Who would have ever thought that I would be remembering those days with a fondness from my office in China while some guy in Romania is hounding me for solar pile drivers? Ah, life is strange. That’s for sure.
Enjoy what you have. The mundane might be truly valuable.
What freaked you out today?
I was sitting in Anatomy, 1st period, when this girl walked in.
Now, she’s not an ordinary girl; she’s a VSCO girl, and trust me, I’m a little scared of her. VSCO girls, I’m chill with, and friends with a lot of them. This one?
So this girl comes in, sits down next to me (assigned seats, ugh), nothing new.
The first bell rang, and everything was going normal when suddenly, this girl jerked as if she was having a seizure.
I was sleeping; my head was down, arms around my head. I needed a nap. So when this girl suddenly starts screeching, I shot my head straight up.
“My hydro flask!”, she screeched.
“Oh god, I thought someone was dying”.
“Sarah, just shut up”.
The class was mad.
I, on the other hand, was still recovering from this horrific shock, when she suddenly grabbed my arm.
I’m not even kidding, I thought I was going to die from fear.
“Amon!”, she yelled.
She got up and walked up to my teacher.
“Ms.J, can I go to Mr.A’s room? I left my hydro in there!”.
My teacher rolled her eyes and nodded.
The second she left, I felt peace.
It was my freak out of the week. Before she came back, I asked my teacher if I could change seats.
I couldn’t 🙂
Who’s listening?
What was the stupidest thing someone has called the police on you for?
Riding a bicycle on the public roadways… as state law requires.
I lived in a really rich area (with family) and had a job to save up for college expenses. To get from Point A to Point B (before I eventually did move out to my own place), I rode a bicycle. The road from the neighborhood that I lived in was a two-lane road that had no shoulder and no sidewalks. This meant that I had no choice but to use the roadway on my bicycle. When the sidewalks did exist, state law (I looked it up) mandated that I use the roadway. This situation was not well-received by nearly all of the wealthy people who ended up stuck behind me while I peddled along the road, to and from work or wherever else.
One night a bottle-blonde loudmouth with five spawn of hers bouncing around the back seat sans seatbelts decided that riding my bicycle peacefully (with lights as required by law) was somehow a crime. She pulled up beside me as I stopped into a McD’s for a late-night meal on the way home, and ordered me to wait for the police as she was calling them on me. She loudly berated me for riding my bicycle “on her road” and I was to consider myself detained. So, like a good citizen, I waited…
Just as I figured the cops might arrive, I suddenly left the scene, riding as fast as I could through the bushes to leave the woman looking empty-handed and dumb for the cops to arrive to. I thought I might have heard faint screams for me to stay put, but I did not care.
I hope the cops cited that wretched woman for her kids having no restraints / seatbelts.
Whenever I question if I am being a good dad, I watch this father…
What do Chinese people think about the First Island Chain that the US and its allies created to restrain and block China’s path to the Pacific Ocean? Is the nine-dash line and the Kra Canal the plan that China came up with to break the seal?
What do the Chinese think? Of course, thanks to the United States and its allies!
In 1960, when Mao Zedong spoke to a Japanese literary delegation, he mentioned, “I spoke to many Japanese friends about this incident, and some of them said that it was not good for Japan to invade China. I said of course the invasion was bad, but we should not look at this bad side alone, on the other hand, Japan has done us a great favour in China. If Japan had not occupied half of China, the Chinese people would not have awakened.”
This is the dialectic of history.
For the same reason, We are very thank for the first island chain created by the United States and its allies to contain and block China’s path to the Pacific Ocean.
Without the first island chain built by the United States and its allies to contain and block China’s access to the Pacific, China, as a traditional “LAND POWER”, would not take the initiative to develop an ocean-going navy.
There is an idiom in China called:
Life springs from sorrow and calamity; death comes from ease and pleasure.
It means that the sense of crisis makes people cheer up and work hard in order to survive. Hedonism makes people lazy, leading to death and the decline of national undertakings.
It was the blockade and suppression of China by the United States and its allies that objectively had an educational effect on the Chinese people, prompting their awakening, unity and resistance, and reminding them every day of the need to work hard for the rise of China.
If China was still the Republic of China, still ruled by the Kuomintang who fled to Taiwan, and still an ally of the United States, then China would not be so powerful today and would even become a sub-colony of the United States, and China will never have a chance to surpass the United States!
Especially after Trump started the Sino-US trade war, I saw the unity shown by our young people in the face of Sino-US trade friction, their indignation against hegemonic behavior, their care for national enterprises, their reflection on independent innovation, and their concern for the nation. The defense of interests, the persistence of the country’s position, and the clear understanding of one’s own responsibilities are very touching.
They are not xenophobic because of trade frictions, but love their country more; they have not lost their rationality and calmness, but have strengthened their confidence in independence and self-improvement.
This generation of Chinese young people who grew up drinking Coca-Cola may usually like to watch American TV series and love freedom and individuality. Sometimes they are also cynical and have all kinds of dissatisfaction and complaints about reality. But when the United States and its allies want to bully in trade China, harming China’s interests, these young people are absolutely unambiguous, and that spirit of unity will condense into a powerful force.
Some politicians in the United States are provoking economic and trade frictions. What effect do they have in mind?
- They want to create fear in the Chinese people: The United States is so strong and tough, exerting extreme pressure and pressing every step of the way, and China’s key technologies are being choked by the United States, so you surrender!
- They want the Chinese people to fight each other and blame each other: you see, the agreement collapsed, companies were damaged, consumers were affected, and travel abroad was restricted. This is all the fault of the Chinese government.
- They make the Chinese people confused: a trade conflict with the most powerful country in the world, the consequences will be serious!
However, the calculations of these American politicians were wrong. They underestimated China’s determination to defend its core interests, underestimated China’s psychological tolerance for extreme pressure, and even underestimated the patriotism of the Chinese people.
They should read Chinese history. When have the Chinese been frightened? The greater the pressure from external forces, the more united the Chinese people will be!
In the court of public opinion in China, there is an unprecedented unity of opinion about the United States and an unprecedented unanimity of attitude in criticizing the hegemony of the United States.
The hegemony of the United States is so deep that even those “pro-Americans” who once praised the United States and used the United States to belittle China have begun to hate the United States and have become psychologically alienated from the United States.
In the past, the U.S. was an easy topic to stir up controversy in China’s court of public opinion, and extreme evaluations of the U.S. were often the cause of disputes. The “pro-American camp” used to glorify everything about the U.S., American values, American history and stories, and America’s “universal goodwill. The “pro-American camp” used to glorify everything about the United States, American values, American history and stories, America’s “universal goodwill”, and the United States as the “savior” of China and the world. The remarks of the “pro-American faction” have deceived many Chinese people.
However, as the conflicts between China and the United States intensify, the deceptive remarks made by “pro-Americans” to beautify the United States have been exposed one by one.
We are grateful to American politicians for their hegemonic behavior in the trade war between China and the United States, in total disregard of international rules, and for tearing down the veil that hides realist interests, so that the world can see a real United States.
Again! The Chinese people thank the United States and its allies for their hostility, blockade, and suppression of China!
Playin’ my song
Have you ever seen a teacher get completely roasted by a student in high school?
It was the day a new guy came to school. Actually, he wasn’t totally new, he just spent a year at home quarantine because of infectious disease. Now he’s back and because of missing a year at school, he comes to our class. Little did he say about how he’d spent his time in hospital and at home.
History teacher that day also had no way to know. She decided to flood us with hard data on WW2, and just started about how Wehrmacht swept through Ukraine. Half class about to fall asleep, the other half looking for some other quiet entertainment, Zdenek, the new guy, staring at her. She gets nervous and fastens up her speech. Zdenek says this makes no sense and with a loud BANG throws math book on his desk.
“What did you just say?” she roars and rushes toward him.
“I said paying attention to you makes no sense. You make it boring.”
“History is just like that. Do you think you can do any better?” She shows toward the map hanging on the wall that pictures Europe at WW2 begining.
With a confident smile he takes a pointer from her, walks to the map and gives the most amazing lecture I’ve ever heard on the subject. He covers all important data, shows places on the map, spices up with interesting details, throws in jokes, the class for the first time pays attention to history. Not a single mistake in his speech. The teacher, red as a boiled lobster, stands and stares in silent amazement.
When the bell rings, he bowes deeply like a theater actor and the teacher claps. The class applaudes. When we wrote test on the subject a few weeks later, THIS topic was the only one everyone gave correct answers to.
Closing: Zdenek is now a well renowned history teacher himself. His students love him.
Appendix: I’m happy to hear about so many great teachers out there! It is very important to spark interest in children and cultivate it, and these guys you mention here are obviously doing a great job. Thumbs up for all the good teachers worldwide.
‘As Though They Lobotomized Him’: Vivek Ramaswamy Blasts Joe Biden After Debate Performance

This is what is great about families
Do you regret moving to Australia?
I am a guy from Slovakia. I moved to Australia 3 years ago. It’s been a life changing experience for me.
Even though the beginnings were hard, I regret nothing. When I came here, level of my English was really poor. I had some basics, but it was just hard to understand Aussie accent. So that was the first thing for me which I had to struggle with. I moved to the location where it is generally hard to find any job even if your English is on higher level. Let me clarify something for you. Before I moved here, I made a deal with my parents, where they lent me all their savings so I could start a new life. I had three weeks for finding a job before I would have run out of money because, along with a rent, I had to pay the school fees too (the only option for me to enter this country at that time !).
But I did it. I found a job. It wasn’t any luxury job – I wasn’t expecting it at all. I became a cleaner, domestic cleaner, public cleaner, and I cleaned also in industrial places. Some people think this is the hardest part, because they have to leave all the education and degrees behind, and start from the bottom. But I was glad that I had an opportunity to make money and cover my journey. My mind set then was so crazy that I would have been doing almost anything not to fail my parents and me. It was hard for me YES, from many reasons. I entered an adult life because I was convinced that school benches are not for me anymore, convinced that a real life is out there (I checked some countries as an exchange student). I can’t even say how many times I was hitting the wall with my head in my bedroom, saying to myself how stupid I was, I should have rather stayed at home and live my secure life with family and friends. But I never accepted any failures. Even though I felt lonely because I left them all behind or felt lonely because of missing social activities due to heaps of school stuff along with work.
My conclusion is that after 3 years I can say it was worth it. I am still here, I made many friends that have the same value for me as ones that I left in the home country. I am living on the beach with an ocean view from my bedroom, working at a luxury holiday resort. I make enough money to buy presents for my family, and support them if they need. If I wanted a car, I could buy one tomorrow.
When I look back, when I came here I was just a kid with ridiculous opinions about the world and about people. My best friend told me once, if you don’t struggle at the beginning, in the end it is never THAT great. You have to struggle so then you can APPRECIATE what you have earned !
So I definitely regret nothing, because moving to Australia helped me to become a stronger person !
PS: Now, I am 24 years old 🙂
GF Pretended To Love Me For A Ring, Instead She Got Booted Out And Almost A Restraining Order!
Did the rise of the U.S. and European colonialism coincide with and benefit from the relative weakness and isolation of Asia, especially China and India?
What made China weak in the 1800’s? Weapon.
China was not economically weak at the time. Quite the contrary, China was so rich that attracted western merchants to do trading with China. UK waged 2 opium wars with China to force China to open the entire China for them to sell opium. … they sucked dry China’s currency (silver at the time).
So, to be accurate. It was industrialsation that made the West militarily strong. Not because China was isolated.
Before western colonisation started, China did trading with Mideast esp ancient civilisations eg Persia (Iran & part of Iraq). The famous SILK ROAD to do trading with Mideast is well documented.
About 1500 years ago, Persia was attacked by some nation. Persian king asked China for military help. But due to distance by horse & camel, China turned it down.
China was not isolated at all.
India was a tribal entity before UK colonised & united the tribes.
Sure, before colonisation, Indian tribes were militarily weak. Otherwise, they would not be colonised.
UK also tried to colonise Xizang (Tibet) & around Xinjiang regions, but failed.
Was India isolated before colonisation? I dont think so. Buddhism was invented by Indians. It spread to Mideast before Christianity. Somehow, Buddhism took a U-turn & went East to China.
Today, we see Christian fathers holding a chain of beads. That matches Buddhist monks’ practice. To keep their mind focused during meditation.
The so-called European gypsies are actually Indians wandering around thru Mideast from India.
It is industrialisation & weapon that made the West strong. Not their economy. Not their philosophy.
Even today, it is weapon that makes USA strong. Weapon first. Then monetary & financial.
When have you cheaply or inexpensively fixed an item someone thought unrepairable?
I did more than once. My dad used to tell me “you have to know how to improvise.”
In 1970 my girlfriend (first wife) worked for a lawyer and he got rear ended in his Karmin Ghia. Insurance totalled the car. He offered to give it to her…free.
I looked at it and couldn’t figure out why. She asked if I could fix it. Being a young guy in love, I said sure. The car was drivable and we drove it to my parents’ house.
Then I understood why it was totalled. It was a unibody. The correct way to fix it was…I had no clue. But you have to know how to improvise.
The right rear quarter panel and the unibody frame were rolled up around the battery, even though the battery was okay.
On a cold February Saturday morning I started. I took a sabre saw and cut off the quarter panel. Wasn’t hard – just took 6 blades to get the panel off.
Then I got a couple of hammers and started to unroll the unibody frame. That took three weekends. Neighbors were not amused at the racket since I was doing this on the street. It didn’t look like new, but I could marry it to a new panel.
I found another Ghia in a junk yard and bought the quarter panel… $30. Took it home, cut it to fit. So far so good…but I don’t know how to weld. Improvise!
Got it! Pop rivets!
I had a neighbor whose dad was a body shop manager at a Ford dealer. He offered to weld the panel for $300. And then told me that pop rivets would never hold the quarter in place and it would never line up correctly.
$330 for a car my broke girlfriend just got for free? Don’t think so. But thank you for the advice.
I put bondo on the area, sanded it down then sanded the rest of the car. My neighbor’s dad lent me a spray gun and sold me two gallons of yellow paint. The car was originally green. I talked another neighbor into letting me use his garage for a weekend.
My girlfriend had not seen the car in three months.
That wrecked car she got for free looked close to new, and she drove it for five years. Then she gave it to her sister, who drove it for four more.
Gotta know how to improvise.
Meanwhile in China
What is the general sentiment of Filipinos towards China? Can you share your personal opinion on this matter and the reasons behind it?
Human being are not very smart. They can easily be brainwashed.
Let me give you an example.
All cultures have creators. All creators made the SAME sun, rain, humans, animals, plants etc. It means it is the same creator, be in polytheism or mono.
Different wisdom will create different cultures incl religions.
Jesus was a man who rebelled the Jewish authority – Jewish history.
Christianity told followers that Jesus is son of creator.
How many Christians are there in the world? …. human beings are lazy to do their own thinking; Nor do they read more. They just listen & blindly follow their leader.
PH under Marcos is anti-China. He creates hatred of China.
Christianity twisted Jewish history & painted a picture of Jesus the Jewish rebel as the victim & as the saint to save the world. … yet Christians buy the narrative of the bible/church.
Marcos twisted UNCLOS meaning. He paints a picture that China is the bully harassing the poor weak PH. But the fact is that PH territory does not incl SCS according to the 1898 Spain-US Treaty & 1900 UK-USA Treaty.
PH changed its PH law (I think it is the constitution) to incl SCS. It is an internal that has no binding on world stage. But Marcos wont tell his people. …. many Filipinos buy Marcos’ narrative.
Human beings only listen to their leader without thinking. Nor do they read more.
Hence, I wont be surprised if, like Christians, a big portion of Filipinos hate China.
Even in London… this is the reality
Who was the most cowardly military leader in history?
That would be Lloyd Fredendall

“There were signs of trouble ahead. In the early morning hours of January 30, a force of 30 panzers broke through the Faid Pass and struck the French positions there, with another force of tanks and infantry circling south and coming up behind the defenders. The French plea to the Americans for help resulted in a shambles.“
“A force too small for the task under U.S. Brig. Gen. Raymond McQuillin moved slowly forward before halting for the night. The next day 17 American Sherman medium tanks rolled directly into a trap and were devastated by German 88mm guns. An infantry counterattack the next day also failed, and the pass remained in German hands.“
“The French, suffering losses of 900 men killed or missing, were furious at the Americans. The entire ordeal revealed problems in American command and tactics, but the disastrous rude awakening that would spark the sweeping changes desperately needed was yet to come.“
“Shangri-la”: Fredendall’s Leadership From the Rear
“In early February, General Eisenhower managed to get away from Casablanca and visit II Corps. What he found shocked and appalled him. Fredendall had located his headquarters an incredible 70 miles behind the front line (some have said even farther back). Seemingly obsessed with an air attack, Fredendall had a battalion of engineers working to blast out underground bunkers in the side of a ravine for his staff, while having the headquarters ringed with antiaircraft guns.“
“It was the only time during the war that I ever saw a higher headquarters so concerned over its own safety that it dug itself underground shelters,” Eisenhower remarked later.”
“At the front the situation was also alarming. Eisenhower arrived at the crossroads village of Sidi Bou Zid, where the 1st Armored Division and the 34th Infantry Division were positioned because of the enemy capture of Faid Pass on January 30. He found no defensive minefields laid down, only excuses as to why not, and assurances the job would be done tomorrow. It was an example of a troubling lackadaisical attitude among the American troops there.“
“Fredendall did not go up to the front line, instead relying on maps at his headquarters and issuing orders over the radio. That was undoubtedly a factor in the woeful unpreparedness at the front line in the American sector. Moreover, the fact that he was always in the rear was noted by his men, who called his headquarters “Speedy Valley,” “Lloyd’s very last resort,” and “Shangri-la, a million miles from nowhere.” Inevitably, the situation affected morale and severely eroded the confidence of Fredendall’s men in their leader.”
“General Lucian Truscott had this to say about Fredendall: “Small in stature, loud and rough in speech, he was outspoken in his opinions and critical of superiors and subordinates alike. He was inclined to jump to conclusions which were not always well founded. Fredendall rarely left his command post for personal visits and reconnaissance, yet he was impatient with the recommendations of subordinates more familiar with the terrain and other conditions than he.” Fredendall routinely ignored intelligence reports, bypassed subordinate commanders, and micromanaged troop dispositions down to company level.”
“He often used blowhard, tough-guy sounding language in an attempt to cover up his inability and indecisiveness. Phrases such as “Go smash ‘em,” “Pull a Stonewall Jackson,” “Go get ‘em at once,” or “Use your tanks and shove” were common.“
“He also issued orders using wording that no one understood. His intention was to confuse the enemy if he was listening in, but orders such as “Move your command, i.e., the walking boys, pop guns, Baker’s outfit and the outfit which is the reverse of Baker’s outfit and the big fellows to M, which is due north of where you are now, as soon as possible. Have your boys report to the French gentleman whose name begins with J at a place which begins with D which is five grid squares to the left of M,” only managed to baffle his own people.“
The Thin American Line
“When Ike visited the II Corps units near Sidi Bou Zid on the night of February 13, he had no idea that within hours the Germans would launch an offensive under Rommel and von Armin that would unleash a disaster for the Americans. Fredendall, against the advice of his 1st Armored Division commander, Maj. Gen. Orlando Ward (whom Fredendall disliked and so deliberately ignored) and others, had kept American forces spread thinly along the front instead of maintaining a strong mobile force to counter any German attack—wherever it might happen—or take swift advantage of an opportunity. Time had run out to organize such a mobile force. The next day, February 14, the Germans attacked, and all hell broke loose.”
A German artillery shell shocks an American soldier on the battlefield in North Africa. Early encounters with the Germans resulted in stinging defeats for the U.S. Army.
“Things rapidly fell apart for the Americans. Everything seemed to go wrong. The lack of discipline under Fredendall’s command came to a head with the German onslaught, and Fredendall’s actions in the battle speak for themselves.“
“At his headquarters, well back from the fighting, Fredendall was unable to control the situation. From Djebel Lessouda and Djebel Ksaira, two hilltop defensive positions Fredendall had ordered set up which flanked Sid Bou Zid and were too far away from each other to offer any mutual support, American soldiers could only watch helplessly as the Germans rolled over their comrades below while panic spread rapidly amid the savage mauling. An under-strength counterattack by the Americans on February 15 failed, Sidi Bou Zid had to be abandoned, and the Americans on Djebel Lessouda and Djebel Ksiara were cut off.“
“By the time Fredendall issued orders for the hilltop defenders to break out it was too late. Although they tried to make it back to Allied lines, only 300 of the original 900 men made it. One of those taken prisoner was Lt. Col. John Waters, General Patton’s son-in-law.“
“The attack quickly turned into a rout. Panicked American troops, only wanting to escape the maelstrom, fled in chaotic pandemonium rearward under terrifying attacks by Junkers Ju-87 Stuka dive bombers. Forced back 50 miles, disorganized and demoralized by the stinging defeat, the Americans fell back to the Kasserine Pass, which pierced the Western Dorsal Mountains and provided a gateway for the Germans to slice into the Allied rear areas.”
The German Breakthrough at the Kasserine Pass
“With the situation extremely desperate, Eisenhower sent 2nd Armored Division commander Maj. Gen. Ernest Harmon out to Fredendall. He was identified as a “useful senior assistant” sent to help Fredendall in “the unusual conditions of the present battle,” although in reality he was there to assess the situation at II Corps for Eisenhower. Arriving at 3 am, Harmon found Fredendall groggy from lack of sleep. Obviously broken by circumstances and a defeated man, Fredendall simply said, “The party is yours,” and went to bed. Taking control, Harmon managed to stabilize things. Harmon reported back to Eisenhower that Fredendall was “no damn good.”
“After more heavy fighting, the Germans did manage to get through Kasserine Pass. The arrival of Allied reinforcements combined with the Germans’ own command problems to grind the offensive to a halt. In just 10 days the Americans had lost 183 tanks and 7,000 men, including 300 killed and 3,000 missing.“
When American troops of the II Corps came up against the German veterans, the initial results were disastrous. The American commander, Maj. Gen. Lloyd Fredendall, was also found unequal to the task of leading troops in combat.
“Time was running out for Fredendall. In early March, Eisenhower pulled General Omar Bradley aside at Tebessa. Bradley had recently finished an inspection of II Corps, and Ike asked him about the situation there. “It’s pretty bad,” replied Bradley. “I’ve talked to all the division commanders. To a man they’ve lost confidence in Fredendall as the corps commander.”
Patton Takes Command of II Corps
“On March 4, Patton was given command of II Corps, writing in his diary, “Well it is taking over rather a mess but I will make a go of it.”
“Patton reached II Corps headquarters on March 6, finding Fredendall at breakfast. Initially, his impression of Fredendall personally was positive, but when he discovered how bad things were with the lack of discipline, no saluting, and the slovenly appearance of so many officers and men, he wrote in his diary on March 13, “I cannot see what Fredendall did to justify his existence. Have never seen such little order or discipline.”
“Under the leadership of “Blood and Guts” Patton, however, duty in II Corps was transformed. Rigorous training regimens were imposed; all officers were required to wear neckties and helmets. Decades later, one of the officers who was there when Patton took over remembered his initial encounter with the legendary general: “General Patton said, ‘Every man old enough will shave every day. Officers will wear ties in combat.’ And then he came up to about a foot in front of my face and said, ‘And anyone wearing a wool-knit cap without a steel helmet will be shot!’”
“Bradley, now Patton’s deputy commander, observed, “Each time a soldier knotted his necktie, threaded his leggings, and buckled on his heavy steel helmet, he was forcibly reminded … that the pre-Kasserine days had ended, and that a tough new era had begun.”
“It was the start of a turnaround that resulted in victory at El Guettar in the eight-day Allied offensive that began just 10 days after Patton took command. The Americans had learned a hard lesson well, and the painful but eye-opening experience of February 1943 ultimately paid off for them for the rest of the war.”
“For Lloyd Fredendall, however, the fighting was over. He was sent back to the States, where he remained for the duration, training men. He retired in 1946 and passed away in 1962, at the age of 79.“
Blame For the Catastrophe at Kasserine Pass
“The fighting in February 1943 became known as the Battle of Kasserine Pass, a humiliating experience for the Americans although it must be remembered that many U.S. soldiers fought bravely and tenaciously in the chaos and confusion.“
“Not all of the blame for the disaster of Kasserine can be laid on Fredendall’s shoulders; there were other factors behind what happened. One was the reality that the American soldiers at that point were inexperienced—something beyond anyone’s control. There was also a widespread overconfidence among them. Anything Fredendall or anyone else could have done to alter their unrealistic mind-set that a quick and easy victory lay ahead likely would not have had much effect.”
“Still, Fredendall was largely culpable in what happened. He violated command structure and kept commanders in the dark by withholding vital information, bypassing them, and causing confusion. He was more interested in his own safety than in being constantly aware of what was happening at the front.“
“The fact that he issued orders worded in incomprehensible nonsense was bizarre without question. How could a U.S. Army general act in such a way? He isolated himself from his men and was responsible for an appalling lack of discipline.”
“Fredendall sounded like a fighting general, and with his exemplary service record prior to World War II he seemed a likely success. But battle makes short work of hype or false bravado, and it made short work of Lloyd Fredendall.”
“However, only a week later, after an initial inspection of his new command, Patton had completely changed his mind: "I cannot see what Fredendall did to justify his existence." “According to Harmon, Fredendall is a physical and moral coward.” George S. Patton diary entry March 2, 1943
Deconstructing an empire
What’s the worst crime you have ever seen?
In college I saw a frat guy beat a homeless man pretty bad in an alley while all his friends watched. He paid for it though!
I was in a patio area of a bar that was adjacent to the alley. We watched the guy pull up in his hummer and walk down past the guy, then tell his friends to film as he beat him. He went into the bar we were at and several of us went to check on the homeless man. He turned everyone away and said he refused to be violent but that if the guy came back it would be a different story.
A few hours later that frat guy left the bar with his friends and started talking about how he was going to beat the homeless man again. When he started throwing punches this time we saw the homeless man lunge at him. I’ll never forget how he screamed as the homeless man stabbed him in the stomach multiple times.
His friends ran off and left him, crying in his own blood.
The homeless man walked about 10 feet away and set the knife down. He just waited for the police. Everyone from the patio cleared out to check on the frat guy, but he just kept crying saying he didn’t know what had happened.
The police showed up, with an ambulance and they hauled the frat kid off. The cops were being awful to the homeless man and didn’t even act like they wanted to take statements. Finally enough of us explained what we saw that they believed the homeless man’s story.
I’ll never forget two things about that.
The first is that the frat threw a get well fundraiser for the guy. What’s worse is that they didn’t even say that he was stabbed they said it was a car wreck.
The second was the statement the homeless man gave the police. The cop asked what happened and he clearly said, “I’ve stabbed thousands of people. I took a beating the first time but growing up on these streets sometimes you have to teach people a lesson.”
That cop was stunned, he said thousands, and they guy said yeah, and that’s why people know not to F*ck with me. As they were putting him in the car he was telling people what kind of knife to steal at Walmart and how to use it to protect themselves.
Momma cat is not plain’
How many Chinese missiles can reach Taiwan?
At this point, even a rock hurled using a large trebuchet can hit Taiwan.
If you count the stock of missiles that China has and include MLRS (multiple launch rocket system) and everything. It probably comes to somewhere around hundreds of thousands. That is in the 100,000+ range.
China has been preparing to fight the US, NATO, Japan, SK, Australia, and India at the same time for the last 30 years. Go take a look at how much munitions have been fired in Ukraine from both sides then multiply by 100.
For your reference, China supplied Vietnam during the Vietnam war with over 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) rounds of rifle ammo. 64,000 artillery guns and 17,000,000 (17 million) rounds of artillery ammo.
This is the scale that China had 60 years ago when China was on it’s knees. China is now hundreds of times wealthier and can manufacture more than anyone else in the world.
How much munitions do you think China has stocked up? And this included everything they have from the end of the Vietnam war to now. China can bury Taiwan in munitions. forget about Taiwan, China can bury the West in munitions.
Chinese police do not mess around
Would you hire someone who’s been in prison?
Many years ago I needed someone to go grocery shopping once a week for our company’s lunchroom. We paid a $15.00 flat fee, and the shopper was required to provide their own transportation. I sent them out with a detailed shopping list and a company check. It was actually a good fill-in job in a college town, but not exactly a career path.
My two previous shoppers presented their primary credential as being born-again Christians, thus obviously highly moral and trustworthy. Both bought their own personal groceries on our tab and were shocked when I told them that we weren’t paying for them. Telling them that it wasn’t just theft, but stupid theft, since the receipt clearly listed the unapproved items, made them rise in holy fury–and ask for a second chance. There were no third chances.
So the next guy, Rick, applies. His credentials: early 20s, personable, bright, out on bail for dealing coke. I don’t know why, but I hired him. He was one of the best employees I have ever had. Everyone in our small company liked him. He was absolutely reliable, cheerful, and never tried to slip personal purchases into his shopping trips. Our highly selective lab manager came and asked me if it would be ok for him to hire Rick as a part-time lab tech. Of course I told him yes. Rick rapidly became full-time, then earned a couple of raises as his skill levels rose at phenomenal speed. I came to trust him with my car and my personal bank PIN. Never had a problem.
Right after Christmas Rick pulled me aside to say that he wanted to thank me for the opportunity I had given him. I choked up. Being tougher than a junkyard badger, I couldn’t let him see that, though I think the snuffling and tears (allergies! It was allergies, I swear!) might have given me away. I didn’t give him anything: he earned everything he had at that job, and the lab manager wouldn’t have hesitated to fire him if he wasn’t very, very good at his job. This wasn’t a charity dedicated to rehabilitating the unfortunate: it was a for-profit business where competence was valued above almost all else. He didn’t owe me or anyone else thanks.
Maybe I thought that this guy knew what REAL trouble was, and wouldn’t risk loss of a job or legal trouble over small change. I don’t know, but I wish him well.
Al Consoles Cuckolded Husband | Married With Husband
- Regardless of what you may have heard, Los Angeles is a shithole.
- If you are coming to Los Angeles to become a movie star, stay in Wisconsin and be a plumber.
- The word is, “anyway.” There is no ‘s’ at the end.
- Public Education is a total mess on every level. We need alternative educational choices.
- You will not see any actors during your vacation in Los Angeles.
- Illegal immigration is a big fucking problem in CA, Arizona, Texas, etc.
- Socialism doesn’t work. It doesn’t matter how hard you try to make a plausible argument in favor of it, it will NOT ever be successful.
- Marijuana is not a “gateway” drug. Being a dumbass hypochondriac, bored housewife, or rejected husband is a much larger doorway to opioid abuse.
- Yes, there are thousands, if not millions of people that I can’t stand for one reason or another. That’s what misanthrope means.
- You’re probably not receiving a shit ton of upvotes on your answer, because it’s just possible that your answer is shitty, not because there is a conspiracy against you by the invisible rulers on Quora.
Thai Pork Burritos

- 1 pound ground pork
- 2 tablespoons freshly grated ginger
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 1 small onion, thinly sliced
- 2 cups cole slaw mix (with carrots)
- 1 teaspoon sesame oil
- 3 tablespoons soy sauce
- 2 tablespoons lime juice
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 2 teaspoons ground coriander
- 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper
- 4 large (10 inch) flour tortillas, warmed
- Sauté pork in large nonstick skillet until no longer pink, about 3 to 4 minutes.
- Add ginger, garlic, onion and cole slaw mix and cook for 5 minutes, until vegetables are wilted.
- Add remaining ingredients except tortillas and stir fry about 1 more minute.
- Spoon equally onto tortillas, and roll up like an egg roll.
- Serve with rice and salsa or Asian dipping sauces.
I cannot believe that this is caught on camera
What’s the best revenge you’ve gotten after being fired or let go from a job?
The company I worked for decided at the start of lockdown due to coronavirus to sack pretty much all of the staff. I tried to argue with the owners to keep my staff but they decided that it wouldn’t be fair to the 4 or 5 of us they were keeping on to work throughout lockdown ( we were a café and deli and a market so because of the deli being classed as essential we stayed open ) if they kept the others on the furlough scheme of 80% wage for “sitting at home doing nothing” while those of us working only got 20% more for actually working. The fact that all of these people couldn’t exactly help it being a global pandemic was clearly inconsequential to them.
After losing out over that they then asked me to sign the furlough application “just in case we closed” and couldn’t work. I did it as I thought it sensible to safeguard myself in case that did happen. Anyway, after the argument because they sacked all the staff they decided to hire someone else for me to train as manager, I assumed it was for their other store but also started to believe that they may be trying to get rid of me.
2 months after the start of lockdown and them sacking all the staff I notice my payslip says I’m being paid furlough and then it’s being topped up by the company to give me what I’m working for. Totally ILLEGAL so I called them out on it. 3 days later I was sacked because “money had gone missing” and since they didn’t know who it was that took it I, as manager was to take the responsibility.
End of the story is I went to all of their small business partners who rent space from them telling all about the fact they had all paid rent while the company refused to pay their own, I then went to the government and reported them for the fraudulent claim of furlough money. Currently waiting for an update on how things are going. Will update as soon as I know.
EDIT: Not entirely sure why I have saved them the embarrassment of being named before now. The place is called WhyNot? The one I worked at is based in North Berwick, Scotland although they do have a second store in Galashiels, Scotland. They are on Tripadvisor and Google. They did this in both stores, I think between both locations they sacked between 15 and 20 staff and cheated the UK Government and taxman, as well as the staff, with the wages of at least 2 staff that were kept on at first during the lockdown in Britain.
纯享丨早安《麒麟》 秀到天花板的flow | 中国说唱巅峰对决 EP7 | THE RAP OF CHINA | iQIYI精选
The Last Five Minutes
Submitted into Contest #8 in response to: Write a story about an adventure in space. … view prompt
Grace Shelton
“I need you guys to stand up,” I tell Valentina. “Brace yourselves on the chair or whatever, but I need you to tell me the second we hit the atmosphere.”
I wish I could look back and see her face as she says the next sentence, because it does not sound friendly. “You want us to stand up?” She must be so pissed. Too bad I have to keep my eyes ahead of me or we’ll all explode like a package of popping candy in a Coca-Cola.
“Yes, stand up.”
“How do you expect us to do that?”
“Brace yourselves on the chair.” I need to tug upward on the throttle within five seconds of hitting the atmosphere in order to survive this crash. “Use the top screen, not the blast disks.”
“The blast disks are just as reliable as the top screen,” Calypso snaps, “and I can read them from the floor where it’s safe.”
“Sometimes they burst too early. Can’t take that risk.”
“But you can take the risk of driving us straight into this planet? That makes perfect sense.”
There’s a difference between calculated risk and stupid risk. Using the blast disks over the atmospheric sample is a stupid risk. And I wasn’t the one who decided on crashing into this planet; the ship made a move to crash and I tagged along for the ride. I would say all that, but I wouldn’t want to waste the air.
I hear Valentina groan, so she must heed my orders to rise. Something rams into our starboard side, but she remains standing. Or at least, she doesn’t fall on anything that makes a significant amount of noise.
“You’re up, right?” I ask to confirm.
“No thanks to you,” comes her response.
I’d tell her to fuck off again, if it wasn’t a waste of energy. “Okay, tell me when we hit the atmosphere. That very second.”
She doesn’t answer right away, so I imagine she’s making a face at the back of my head. She can do that as much as she likes. I’m still going to be the savior when we all walk out of this alive.
When she does speak, it’s curt. “Of course.”
“And if you tell me a millisecond too late, we’re all going to die in a hail of fire.”
“We’re talking Hell’s fury here.”
“Where do I sign up?”
I stop engaging her. Even though the medic is two years older than me, she acts far more immature. Had I known switching crews would suck this much, I would have stayed at the Gemini Base with the rest of the burnouts.
So long as she answers me at the right time, I should be able to land our ship with minimal damage to the cockpit and enough intact material to fly again after a few repairs. Calypso, commander, took the place of mechanic on this trip as if she had some kind of mechanical skill, so the reconstruction should be covered.
“Pressure disks just snapped!” calls Calypso from the floor. “Whatever you’re planning—”
Valentina cuts her off. “Atmospheric readings don’t detect anything yet. Wait a minute.”
I’m going to trust Valentina.
“I’m waiting a minute,” I say.
The next few moments are crucial. Hit the atmosphere, pull up on the throttle, slow our descent to less than one hundred miles per hour, then locate a good place to slide where the underbelly of the ship will not completely tear off. Simple. Of course, it would be a lot easier with the warning lights blaring, but I suppose we’re past that point. If I miss the margin to pull up, we’ll come in too heavy and obliterate our means of transport against whatever sort of foreign ground this is, and will therefore have to survive on whatever we can salvage from the craft like savages.
“Atmosphere!” Valentina exclaims. I wrap both hands around the throttle and pull up as hard as I can. The ship’s nose rises slightly, and our speed decreases. Now it’s time to look for an empty stretch of ground. I make a mental note to remind both girls later how close the pilot’s chair is to theirs, how they don’t have to scream, because the ringing in my ears does a fabulous job of garbling my thoughts.
Sixty seconds to impact, I think. Seventy if we’re lucky.
My track record isn’t the best. I decide to give us fifty seconds.
Clouds puff by the side windows. I can see the heat building on the tip of our spaceship. I pull an overhead lever to force-field the cargo hold below us, so the crash will not disintegrate everyone onboard. Forty seconds.
Now that I have a clear sight line, there is barely anything at all on the surface of this planet, save for a few skeletal copses of trees. I can land us almost anywhere that I wish, a luxury I so rarely receive. I line up the control wheel, pull the throttle a little bit more, press on the glass guards so I can’t be impaled by razor thin shards, and then all we can do is wait for the ground to hit us. Or rather, us to hit the ground. Valentina, bless her intelligent heart, drops back to the floor next to Calypso so she will have something to hold on to. Twenty seconds.
Minutes are so long. I use ten seconds to spin around in my pilot’s chair, like my old friends used to when we were on the same squad. They should be here now, instead of these panicked people, telling me if my angle is right and whether or not we’ll lose all of our resources or just a couple.
And now we’re on the final countdown.
“We’re coming in hot!” Calypso shrieks, although I don’t know how she can tell that from the floor.
“That’s the only way to come in!” I yell back.
She screams, and I whoop, and the ground gets closer. I’m cheering when we hit it.
A Barn Cats Natural Instincts Defend Our Farm
Was pardoning the Oregon ranchers a good move by President Trump?
Originally Answered: Was pardoning the Oregon Ranchers a good move by President Trump?
Lets say you own a few acres of land somewhere out there in America. A oil company knocks on your door and says, “Hey satellite pictures show that you have a rather large oil field on your property. We would like to pay to extract it.” Now you agree to this and sign a contract that allows them to take the oil but for every barrel they have to pay x dollars + inflationary rates.
So the oil company now sets up the equipment on your land and starts to use your driveway to move the heavy equipment to the location they are going to drill. You think everything is going okay except you never see any money from the barrels of oil they are extracting. When asked for your money on the resources on your land, they keep telling you the check is in the mail. So they are ruining your driveway with heavy equipment, blocking friends family and relatives access to your house, you have no mail services, and you can not use your land for you own cattle or something else becasue the oil company is blocking everything yet you are not getting paid.
Finally after a few years becasue you are going to go under and you can not pay your mortgage or maintain your land anymore, you press the company to actually pay you for the oil extraction. Then they remove all the heavy equipment from your land and burn your house and everything on the land to ground.
Now I am going to ask you, what kind of justice would you want?
Well, the boys in Oregon did exactly this. Except it was not an oil company it was cattle grazing and poaching wild deer. They also blocked and prevented people from accessing the public park land and allowing them hike, camp, etc…. They used the roads that the park maintains to move their cattle. Except they did not do this for a few years….. it was like over 20. When finally pressed for them to pay the American people for using our resources, money that would go to helping in sustaining the park systems that EVERYONE has the right to use and lessen the tax burden of the american people, they burned down the entire forest which then the hotshot firemen and women had to come in and put out to prevent it from spreading to homes and the rest of the forest, thus costing you millions of dollars in damage.
Now justice to me would be we literally take the land of those people as reparations for all the damage and money owed to the american people and put it in the national park system. Then whatever else remaining they owe they spend their time in jail or we garnish their wages until it is all paid.
What the hell…
Is it okay for parents to secretly snoop through their teenagers’ stuff?
When I was young, my mom regularly read my older sister’s diary and would scream at her for hours based on what my sister wrote (normal, innocent things like losing her temper about having to wash the dishes). So I never wrote in a diary even though my mom pushed me to. She tried to read all my emails, almost never left me at any friend’s house, and would listen in on phone conversations. She would search my (shared) room up to a couple times a week while I was in college.
It got to the point that my cousin knew to follow along if I immediately changed the topic because I hear the click of another phone getting picked up. I would set up my underwear and sock drawers in specific ways so I knew which days she searched the room. Sometimes, I set up stuff for her to find (a fake love note) because it would stop her from searching more. Even after I moved out, she would go on my library account and check which books I was reading to see what I was doing in life. A pregnancy rumor was started that way because I was studying to help one of my friends in the delivery room.
I begged her to respect my privacy and to just talk with me but she refused. If we had trust and open communication, she would have found out that I had never done drugs, didn’t drink till I was 21 and still in small quantities, my crazy behavior was study at coffee shops with classmates, and that my then boyfriend and I were very safe in everything we did.
Now, due to that and other things, I don’t tell her about anything personal. I have not told her about the long term relationship I’m in, where I live, anything serious going on in life, etc. Instead, she searches online, stalks through our personal and professional profiles, and finds information that was stolen and sold by hackers. When I was recently followed by a photographer, I didn’t know if it was a private investigator that she might have hired or someone I needed to be scared of.
So NO, it is not ok for parents to snoop through their children’s stuff. It is crossing a boundary and destroying trust. Instead, parents need to build the trust between themselves and their children, even if it means getting outside help. Otherwise, you are treating your child the same way prison wardens treat prisoners.
Alexander Mercouris: NATO & Russian Jets Clash Over Black Sea, Ukrainian Military Defies Orders
What is the most appalling breach of customer service etiquette you have ever seen?
A few years ago i had booked a flight on an airline whose name I won’t mention. Anyway, their policy was the fare was non-refundable but you if cancel you will get flight credits for a future flight.
I tried to cancel online, but it wouldn’t go through, The message that came up was to call customer service.
I called and after trying to put it through, the agent said there seems to be a glitch whereby the system couldn’t process it. The agent then said they can send me a voucher for the flight amount for future use.
Later I received the voucher in my email, but it was only good for 90 days, and didn’t include taxes or fees.
I called again and they again said there was nothing they could do about it because the system wouldn’t put it through. I asked to speak to a supervisor. The agent said they don’t have supervisors there but would escalate it and I’d receive a call within the next two weeks from the corporate office.
When corporate called, the representative said there’s nothing they could do, but “as a one-time courtesy” would extend the expiration date 6 months. I said that was unacceptable but the rep would not listen. I tried to reason with her. I asked her what if she bought something from Walmart, returned it in the time allotted with the receipt, and Walmart said there was a glitch in the system but they’d give her a voucher that would expire and didn’t include taxes. I was talking to deaf ears, as she still didn’t listen.
Finally I contacted the State Attorney General’s office with all the information. They sent a letter to the airline, and within a few days I got a letter from the airline saying there was a “misunderstanding”, and they gave me a full refund on my credit card.
A little known fact
When you were invited to someone’s home, what surprised you there (behaviour, decor, etc.)?
Many years ago, I was invited to a friends home. We were both children, but my mother kept a clean, orderly house. When i entered the neighbours house, I was shocked by the filth & dirty diapers & garbage that was almost floor to ceiling with a narrow path winding around inside the house. This little girl had 2 younger siblings. The older one wasn’t a boy or a girl. It had legs that splayed in either direction, crossed eyes & it’s mouth hung open permanently. I was horrified by the sight. The mother had also just had a baby boy, but i never saw him. The young girl took a bottle of dish soap & we climbed the short stairs to the garage roof, got out the garden hose & a broom & started washing the roof of the garage. Meanwhile, the severely handicapped younger sibling pulled itself up the stairs & onto the garage roof. Suddenly it flopped forward on its face & started noisily slurping up soapy water. What a family.
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: Putin’s NUCLEAR WARNING is No Bluff and NATO Crossed His Red Line
What is the smartest thing you have seen a lawyer do in court?
Well, not so much a lawyer, but….
I heard this story 35 years ago, told by a highly respected prosecutor about a case someone else in his office handled.
The case involved a murder charge but the body of the victim had never been found. Instead, the prosecution relied on circumstantial evidence to prove that the victim had in fact been killed. Nonetheless, the evidence, according to this prosecutor, was overwhelming and proved convincingly that the defendant committed the crime and disposed of the body.
The defense case focused on the lack of a body, hoping to create reasonable doubt in the jury’s mind about the prosecutor’s whole theory.
In this particular state, the prosecutor makes a closing argument, followed by the defense, followed by a rebuttal closing argument by the prosecutor to address points raised by the defense.
In his first argument, the prosecutor laid out the evidence, piece by piece in such a forceful and convincing fashion that the jury sat mesmerized, as he described it, “noddin’ and bobbin’” their heads in agreement. When he was finished, he confidently sat down.
When it was the defense attorney’s turn, after a few introductory remarks, he proclaimed “Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, having heard the prosecutor’s argument, you may be thinking that this is a slam-dunk case and my client is guilty. But there is one piece of evidence that the prosecutor didn’t and couldn’t produce: The body of the alleged victim. Well, the reason why he couldn’t produce the body is because there is no victim. And I am going to prove that to you.”
At that point, the defense attorney stopped, then pointing to the door, said “ladies and gentlemen, in the next thirty seconds, the alleged “victim” (using air quotes) is going to walk through that door!” He then walked back to his seat.
The prosecutor broke out in a sweat, thinking that his case just went down the tubes. But after about 30 seconds, he sighed in relief when no one walked through the door.
The defense attorney then continued: “Now ladies and gentleman, you have heard the judge instruct you that you must find that the prosecution has proved each and every element beyond a reasonable doubt in order to find my client guilty. Up until this time, you may have felt he succeeded. But when I announced that the alleged victim was going to walk through the door, each and every one of you WATCHED THAT DOOR! In fact, all the courtroom staff WATCHED THE DOOR! Not only that, the PROSECUTOR HIMSELF WATCHED THE DOOR. Now you tell me how anyone in this courtroom could claim there is no reasonable doubt that my client murdered the victim when EACH AND EVERYONE IN THE COURTROOM TURNED AND WATCHED THE DOOR!”
He then sat down.
The prosecutor, a bit flummoxed, got up for his rebuttal and did his best to convince the jury that the evidence nonetheless proved the defendant’s guilt.
The jury went out to deliberate but within 20 minutes announced they had a verdict. When the court asked the foreman to read the verdict, he confidently announced “GUILTY!” Each of the jurors was then polled and confirmed that they too had voted to convict.
As was permitted in some states, the judge invited the jurors back to chambers and permitted them to discuss their experience with the attorneys. Of course, the defense attorney and even the prosecutor were anxious to know how they so quickly reached a verdict without a body to prove the killing. The defense attorney asked in a respectful manner, “Didn’t the fact that all of you, as well as the courtroom staff, and even the judge and the prosecutor turned to watch the door mean you had some level of doubt in your minds about whether a murder even occurred?” The jury foreman spoke up. “Yes, you’re right that each of us turned to watch the door. And we couldn’t help but notice that the court’s staff also fixed their eyes on it, along with the judge and even the prosecutor. But we also couldn’t help noticing that there was one person who didn’t turn to watch the door and that was your client.”
I should add that the prosecutor who told this story was Michael Turpin, who was the Attorney General of Oklahoma when he spoke in 1983 at the Career Prosecutors School of the National District Attorneys Association at the University of Houston. He gave the best lecture I ever heard as a prosecutor and I’ve attended hundreds since then.
The most dangerous man
Vietnamese Pork with Orange Juice and Cilantro

Yield: 5 to 6 servings
- 1 (2 1/2 pound) loin of pork, center cut, trimmed of most but not all the fat
- 20 small cloves garlic, peeled
- Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
- 1/3 cup chopped cilantro stalks
- 1 1/2 cups chicken broth
- 4 bay leaves
- 4 whole allspice
- 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
- 1 tablespoon fat skimmed from the pan juices
- 3 green onions, trimmed and finely chopped, with most of the green parts
- 2 1/2 tablespoons lime juice
- 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
- Juice of 2 large oranges
- 1/4 cup finely chopped cilantro stalks
- Heat the oven to 350 degrees F and set the rack in the middle of the oven.
- Make 20 incisions all over the pork with the point of a sharp knife and insert the cloves of garlic.
- Season the meat with salt and pepper to taste.
- Set the meat on a rack in a roasting pan and sprinkle the top thickly with the 1/3 cup chopped cilantro stalks.
- Put the broth, bay leaves and allspice in the roasting pan, and cover the pan tightly with foil so that no steam will escape.
- Cook the meat until it is very tender but not falling apart, so that you can slice it easily — about 3 1/2 to 4 hours.
- Set the meat aside on a warm dish for about 15 minutes.
- Slice the meat, cover with foil and keep warm in the oven.
- Meanwhile, degrease the broth.
- Put the butter and 1 tablespoon of the skimmed fat in a saucepan and heat.
- Add the onions and 1 tablespoon of the lime juice and fry gently until soft.
- Add the remaining 1 1/2 tablespoons lime juice plus the skimmed pan juices (be sure to scrape the bottom of the pan well for all the scraps adhering to it), cover the pan and cook the sauce for about 5 minutes.
- Add the mustard, orange juice and the 1/4 cup chopped cilantro stalks.
- Cook, uncovered, for about 4 minutes longer.
- Pour some of the sauce over the meat and pass the rest in a separate dish.

Chinese Opinion. Presidential debate is so depressing, it sent me back to Church!
A very good perspective.

Look at ancient China and take the necessary precautions.
"Youse guys in the United States are really flooring the gas petal so that you can speed off the edge of a cliff. I don't know whether to laugh or cry."
I sometimes wish people would have more respect for the members of the Baby Boom generation. I am 70 years old, and I was born in1955. I have lived a very interesting and fulfilling life. I have, for instance, done everything from hitchhiking across the country coast to coast when I was 22, to working in a shipyard, and working in a hospital on premature babies when I was older. In working so any types of jobs and doing so many different things, I, naturally have had to frequently face and eventually overcome many various fears. There are few fears, however, that I have faced that have scared
me as much as having to watch and take care of my 94-year-old half-demented mother.
I don’t have to watch her a lot either. She lives with my brother and his wife, who is an RN. I help them, by staying a few hours with her when they need a break, or I take her to the hospital when she needs another round of skin cancer treatments. Our local government will not pay for an aide to do these things, and even if they did, my sister jn law probably wouldn’t trust them to do a decent job…So, I end up taking her places or sitting and talking to her while she falls asleep in a chair.
The thing is, remember, that I am 70 myself. When I help her out of my car, I am
as likely to get hurt as she is. AND I have been helping my mom and dad, he died 3 years ago, for the past 20 years! Not only is this difficult but add to this the fact that II have to drive a half hour each way to get to her on some of the very narrow country roads of upstate New York, which can and does frequently have some of the worst winter weather in the world! To be honest, just watching her even once a week at my age can be a bit exhausting.
Yet. if I ever mention to any friends of mine that this REALLY is a burden sometimes, people look at me like I have 2 heads and tell ME how much they miss and loved their parents and sometimes actually get teary eyed. They then start telling me how lucky I am and imply that I’m some sort of creep because I should be ecstatic that they are still alive.
OK, maybe they are partly right, no, obviously they are.. It’s just that after doing this for so long it’s getting to the point where I can’t do it too much longer anymore…
It’s not just me, either, most of my friends are doing the same things, filling in for a more and more increasingly useless government.