Video of Biden walking to his plane. So the official narrative that he is alive and well, but transferred power to the VP.
I don’t believe a word of it.
After all…
- Fake signature on plain paper not the Whitehouse seal.
- Fake AI generated audio message.
- Flag at half mast at the Whitehouse… for whom?
And lets not forget about Cloud Strike. That little “update” disrupted all communication in the USA and the West for a good 24 hours. What a coincidence!
Keeping up the illusion.
Something serious went down, and the DNC is just playing “games” to keep up the illusion.
It doesn’t matter what the American People think, though. What matters is what China and Russia think.
What do you think that they are thinking…
- Russia is conducting the SECOND full “exercise” this month of its nuclear forces; with YARS 800 Kiloton ICBM Transporter-Erector-Launcher (TEL’s) now deployed OUT in the field. United States Continuity of Government (CoG) plans are being implemented.
- Encrypted radio emissions from underground U.S. Bunkers, are also in full activation.
- The “exercise in Russia began about midnight eastern time last night.
- Emergency Action Messages (EAM’s) have been transmitted to US forces worldwide, including submarines via Very Low Frequency (VLF) communications circuits.
The march to world-wide nuclear armageddon continues in lock-step.
At this, I will give you a post that I wrote five (x5) months ago…
Here is my SITREP this March 2024
This “sitrep” was compiled and written at the tail end of March, 2024. It contains active elements of the global Geo-Political situation focusing on the “primary core participants” as defined by the United States Department of State. I will intentionally leave out details on the “minor” participants, that while important, is not necessary in this overview.
The world is undergoing a massive shift in global [1] Leadership, [2] Finance, [3] Society, [4] Culture, [5] Military influences, [6] Technology, and [7] Planetary Management.
What was once the realm of the “rules based order” led by the United States (the United States makes the rules that others follow), and obeyed “in lockstep” by it’s captive proxy nations, has been eclipsed by a multi-polar world, led by the Russian / China leadership alliance.
The overriding plan
The United States, embroiled into Thucydides Trap (whether you don’t want to believe it or not, it is painfully clear and obvious that the United States “Leadership” is completely ensnared in this situation.) has worked out a long-duration plan to maintain and regain its hegemony.
The key to this is the suppression, followed by the break up of Russia, followed by a pivot to China.
The Timetable for initiation of hostilities
The Break up of Russia into an easily digestible entity was planned to occur in 2022. The war to start the collapse of Russia, however, got off to a bad start, and Russia has been thwarting all of the NATO efforts to manage that collapse.
However, the time-table has not changed. And as of this date a major push to destroy Russia once and for all is planned to occur in Spring / Summer 2024 this year. Leading participants to this fiasco; the United States, the UK, Germany, and France… with participative elements out of NATO to include Finland, Poland, and Sweden are expecting a NATO win by Fall of 2024.
A “buffer” period, or up to two years is planned to coincide with the planned destruction of China. This is planned for the tail end of 2026 and the Summer of 2027.
The Major Participants
For RUSSIA, the nations of NATO will attack on the chosen battlefields of Ukraine. Eventually weakening Russia to a point where “death blows” can be administered by aircraft and missile attacks.
The NATO troops are expected to consist of large quantities of Germans, Polish, Romanian, and French forces for the main thrust. With Northern contingent consisting of Swedish and Finnish forces that will deploy and assault from the North.
For CHINA, A “island chain” of American proxy nations have formed a QUAD of aggressor nations that is designed to instigate the precipitate motions that will force the Chinese entry into the upcoming Global catastrophe.
The primary antagonizing nation is earmarked as the Philippines, with major support from QUAD nations South Korea, Japan, (and to a lesser extent) taking a backseat, the resupply center of Australia.
It is expected that simultaneous “hot spots” will erupt that will trigger Chinese participation. Perhaps Taiwan declaring independence, with the United States, and proxy “toadies” nodding vigorously in agreement. Followed, or led, by disruptive assaults by the Philippines in the South China Sea.
The Timetable for war duration – Russia
What is going on right now in Ukraine is not a war. It is a military action, but not a full fledged war. Yet.
But once the full NATO assault begins in the Spring of 2024, a total war event scenario will begin. The United States, and NATO plans for a quick assault, and a rapid ending of the war.
Reports as ludicrous as the collapse of Russia by mid-November 2024 is being bantered about by the collective idiots in Brussels. Smarter heads prevail, and they anticipate a delay that could last until 2026 depending on a number of unknown factors.
But the plan is one of total victory by NATO over Russia and a “color revolution” internal to Russia that would dispose President Putin and replace him with a pro-American stooge.
Maybe an actor like Zelensky (Ukraine), a ideological imbecile like Javier Milei, (Argentina), a “stooge in debt” like Ferdinand “Bongbong” Romualdez Marcos Jr.( The Philippines), or an easy to control puppet like Yoon Suk Yeol (South Korea).
My understanding is that the replacement Russian “president” and his cabinet has already been selected, and the principals have already been contacted.
The Timetable for war duration – China
The ideal timeline for the “pivot to Asia” is once Russian territory is secure, and a proxy government is in charge. Due to the events of the last two years, this date has been pushed back from 2025 to 2027. But owing to the timer / stopwatch on the abilities of the West, the expiration date for action against China occurs in 2028. So the window for action is narrow, and there is an urgency to accelerate things aggressively.
While there will be a continuation of provocations in both the South China Sea, and in Taiwan, actual “False Flag” justification, and assaults against China is unlikely to occur before 2026. Thus, the window of 2026 to 2027 will be a VERY dangerous time, provided of course, if the West (The United States) is successful in taking over Russia through military victory.
The Pentagon along with a significant number of interested parties have made some baseline assumptions regarding both Russia and China. These assumptions color the battle and strategic policies that will govern this upcoming period of time.
- Russia is “a paper tiger” and will not use nuclear weapons.
- Russia is not as strong or militarily capable as it seems.
- Russia, in regards to Ukraine, has been lucky so far.
- The entire world is already against Russia, and the United States is leading the world against a renegade nation.
As far as China is concerned…
- China is also a “paper tiger” and will not use nuclear weapons.
- China has some basic technology, but it’s military is raw recruit, conscripts, with basic understandings and operates in crude military tactics.
- China’s navy is expected to be “light weight”, and nothing to take too seriously.
- China will fold once the oceans around China is controlled by the QUAD forces.
End Game
It is absolutely and positively understood that the Planners (of this military adventure) believe that …
- Neither China, or Russia would (dare) attack the United States.
- That they would NOT use nuclear weapons.
- That they wouldn’t be able to use conventional weapons. (Neither has the logistical ability to deliver them to the United States shores.)
The proxy nations, being the “monkey’s paw, for the United States, would be ruined, destroyed, and there would be devastation all around. But NOT in the United States; the USA would be untouched.
As neither nations have the logistical ability to invade or assault America, the survival of the United States is understood as a certainty. No matter how long and drawn out the war might become. The United States people, factories and cities would be spared from any war.
So the world would have survivors;
- Both Russia and China will devastated by the massive conventional wars.
- The United States proxy nations would also be left in ruins.
- Meanwhile, the United States will be left pristine and intact.
At this point in time, perhaps 2030, the United States will rise from the ashes of a global war stronger, and better than ever before.
It’s proxy nations, ruined and rubbled, would forge tighter alliances with the United States. While the enemies of the United States would be ripe for easy plundering.
Though looting the resources of both China and Russia, the United States can be rejuvenated, and the entire globe will listen to the undisputed leader of the planet; The United States.
Final Comments and thoughts
I personally believe that all the assumptions are wrong.
That the timetable is off base, and a kilter, and the “leadership” of the West needs to stop taking so many drugs.
We do not know what the future holds, but if this plan proceeds… one thing is certain, those planners in the West will not be happy when things go “tits up”.
And now for my daily memory trip…
When I grew up in East Brady, Pennsylvania (and later in Massachusetts) there were these magnificent trees… huge. Shady and just amazing. I really loved and appreciated them. Though, most everyone else never gave them much thought.

Well, I wanted to know more about them, so I asked ChatGPT 4.0.
Dear ChatGPT 4.0
what is the name for the very shady tree, found in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts that have these long seed pods that resemble long green bean pods? My father used to tell me that the American Indians used to smoke them like cigarettes. I think that he was lying, but i do want to know about this tree
ChatGPT 4.0 Answer
The tree you’re describing is likely the Catalpa tree, specifically the Northern Catalpa (Catalpa speciosa) or the Southern Catalpa (Catalpa bignonioides).
Key Features of the Catalpa Tree:
- Large, Heart-Shaped Leaves: Catalpa trees have large, heart-shaped leaves that provide dense shade.
- Long Seed Pods: They produce long, slender seed pods that resemble green beans. These pods can be quite noticeable and often remain on the tree through winter.
- Showy Flowers: In late spring or early summer, catalpa trees have clusters of large, white, trumpet-shaped flowers with purple and yellow spots inside.

Cultural and Historical Uses:
- Native American Uses: There are various anecdotal claims about the uses of Catalpa trees by Native Americans, but smoking the seed pods like cigarettes is not a widely documented or verified practice. It’s more likely a bit of folklore or a misunderstanding. Historically, the wood has been used for fence posts and the flowers and leaves have had medicinal uses.
- Geographic Range: Catalpa trees are native to the central United States but have been widely planted and can be found in states like Pennsylvania and Massachusetts.
Identification Tips:
- Look for the large, broad leaves.
- Check for the distinctive, long seed pods, especially in the fall.
- Notice the large, showy flowers if you’re observing the tree in spring or early summer.
While your father’s story about smoking the seed pods might be more of a tall tale, the Catalpa tree is indeed notable for its distinctive appearance and historical significance.
A Love Letter to Northern Catalpa
Though June is my designated purple month (according to my 2016 New Year’s resolution to blog one colour per month), I do feel compelled to add a little white delight for this last week of June before the lazy days of summer ensue. And why is that? Because the spectacularly beautiful Northern catalpa tree (Catalpa speciosa) is in flower in Toronto, and I decided it needed a little love. Though it’s often found in residential settings, its sheer size at maturity makes it a better choice for a park or cemetery – and that’s where I love to photograph this North American native: Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Today it was a little sunny, when I drove through, but the trees looked resplendent.

Northern catalpa trees can mature at heights between 40-70 feet (12-21 metres) with a spread of 20-50 feet (6-15 metres). Though they grow naturally in moist bottomland from southern Illinois and Indiana south to Tennessee and Arkansas, the species is fully hardy in Toronto. Interestingly, some trees are columnar, and others have a rounded crown. Catalpa canopies are so full…..

… has to remind oneself to peer closely to savour the beauty of each orchid-like flower in the big panicles. Though I couldn’t find any bumble bees today, I know they were enjoying the fragrant blossoms – appropriately marked with purple nectar guides – up high in the canopies. This is one of those rare species that has both diurnal and nocturnal pollinators, with moths working the flowers at night.

Interestingly, some specimens had already flowered when I was at the cemetery today, pointing to their variability. The tree below, for example, is one I photographed two weeks earlier in 2010; today it was fully green, all the flowers spent.

The long, slender seed pods give the genus two of its common names: Indian bean and cigar tree.

Here, sit under the canopy for a few minutes and enjoy the shade it casts from the warm June sun.

What pissed you off today?
Someone offered to buy my car.
You read that right. There’s a backstory.
- I decide to buy a new car. My car is worth $9K. I still owe about $3.5K. I don’t want to trade it in because I think I’ll get shafted. So, I buy the new car and decide to try to sell my car on my own.
- I put the old car on sale for $8,250, explaining everything that is wrong with it. I’m trying to be as honest as possible.
- For 2 weeks, I get no offer I’m happy with. One of the offers was from a dealership. I would have had to drive my car there. The problem was that I’d already transferred the registration and insurance to my new car. Not a great option.
- I reduce the asking price to $7,750. I get another offer was from a guy who wanted to offer me $5.5K. I almost told him to shove it up his ass. Here’s the deal, it pains me immensely more to sell something for less than what it’s worth than it does for me to just gift it.
- At this point, I’m thinking about gifting the car to the Salvation Army and taking a tax deduction. But, I remember that a few months before, my sister had car problems. I call her to ask if she wants the car. I tell her that it’s a luxury car and that both upkeep and the insurance will be more than what she’s used to paying. She tells me she’ll think about it. A few days later, she tells me she wants it. It’s a 2009 Lincoln MKS with only 65K miles on it. She doesn’t feel she’d ever be able to afford such a car. The offer is too good to decline.
- As soon as she tells me she wants the car, I start getting people who are interested in it. Every 2 to 3 days, I get another person asking me if the car is still available. So, now I’m having second thoughts about gifting it, but I’ve already given my word. And if there’s anything I am, it’s a man who stands by his word. So, the car will still be gifted. But, freaking hell! Where in the world were these people when I was trying to sell the damn car?
How empires change
What are the weirdest experiments performed throughout history?
Nicolae Minovici was a Romanian scientist who was obsessed with finding out what happens to the human body during a hanging. In fact, he wrote an essay in which he analyzed almost 200 cases of people who had been hanged, and the factors that influenced, such as the type of knot of the rope, the weight and even the gender of the person.

Minovici, he was not happy with just “reading” about people who had been executed in this way, he wanted to know how he really felt, so (and to answer your question) he started a series of quite strange experiments and above all dangerous.
First he did some preliminary tests with a rope that did not contract, he hung himself 6 times a few seconds to get used to it, but as Minovici himself wrote in his notes:
“The pain was almost intolerable”
Still, he was determined to experience what it felt like to be hanged, so he leveled up.

He and some of his collaborators put their heads in a regular contraction rope and asked an assistant to hang them, twelve times in a row.
When describing previous experiments, Minovici repeatedly apologizes saying that “despite all his courage, he could not endure the experiment for more than three or four seconds.”
Despite his efforts, Minovici failed to find tangible results from his series of hangings, which in total numbered almost a dozen (the only tangible thing to find would have been death, I believe).
That is why I nominate Nicolas Minovici and his research as the strangest series of experiments in history.
This is really messed up
Have you ever caught your neighbor doing something that made you furious?
Where do I start? One morning, heard what sounded like an excavator in my front yard
Walk out to find a guy skid-steering all over my immaculate lawn. I yelled out, but he didn’t hear me, so I fired up the trusty hose and soaked him through the open door. He got out and started towards me. “What the hell are you doing?” I asked. He turned back to his excavator and said “digging “. I asked him why and he told me “this is all coming out”, pointing at my front yard. “Why?” I asked. “New granny flat going in” he said, shaking his head like I was stupid. “2 things” I interjected. “The granny flat is going in next door and you’re paying for a new effing lawn”.
He decided to ignore me and got back into his excavator, at which point I started hosing him again. Neighbour across the road heard the noise and came out. “Call the police” I yelled. He did while I commenced my hosing. The guy lost it and got out, just as his client rounded the fence. A few quick words and he drove off my yard and got out, just in time for the police to turn up.
Lots of finger pointing and agro from him. Said it was an honest mistake. “But you kept going after I told you to stop, that’s malicious damage “. One of the cops gestured for him to come over. “Put your excavator on the truck and leave, we’ll sort you out later “. The next-door neighbour was disappointed and suggested my hosing him was assault.
I asked “ you want to see it again?” as I reached for the hose. She scampered off. Only problem was, it was winter and the replacement turf didn’t take we’ll, so it was a year before the lawn looked good again.
Will Smith Becomes a Men in Black | Men in Black
- The way you dress is linked with your mood. So dressing well most often helps in keeping you more stably happy.
- People will be more willing to do something for you if you ask them in their right ear.
- Women often ask questions about things they already know the answers to.
- Studying for 30-50 minutes with 10-minute breaks is one of the best methods to improve your retention.
- A person who enjoys being single is called Quirkyalone.
- To make your thought sound convincing, say that you heard it from your parents or teachers.
- Déjà vu occurs when your brain tries to apply a memory of a past situation to your current one, fails, and makes you feel like it’s happened.
- We believe what we WANT to believe.
- Listening to high-frequency music makes you feel calm, relaxed, and happy.
- The cells in your body react to everything your mind says. So negativity brings down your immune system and you feel sick.
Caramelized Onion Smothered Pork Chops
Caramelized Onion Smothered Pork Chops are exceptionally delicious. They will most certainly become a part of your meal rotation.

- 4 boneless pork chops, with as much fat removed as possible
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/2 teaspoon ground sage
- 1/2 teaspoon ground thyme
- 1/2 teaspoon kosher or sea salt
- 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- 6 tablespoons butter
- 2 cups thinly sliced onion
- 4 teaspoons granulated sugar
- Season both sides of pork chops with garlic powder, sage, thyme, salt and pepper.
- Melt 4 tablespoons butter in a large skillet over medium heat, evenly coating the bottom of the skillet.
- Increase heat to medium-high. Cook both sides of chops for 10 to 15 minutes until lightly browned.
- Push chops to outside edges of skillet. Melt the remaining 2 tablespoons butter in the center of the skillet and add onions to the center of the skillet, sprinkling with sugar. Replace skillet cover and cook for 10 minutes, frequently tossing and stirring onions with a spatula. Onions are caramelized when tender and medium-brown in color. DO NOT let the onions burn!
- Check chops for doneness before serving. They will be done when a fork piercing the thickest part of the chop draws clear juice. If the juice is pink, cook chops a bit longer until done.
- Serve pork chops with caramelized onions piled on top.
Glitter Bomb 2.0 vs Porch Pirates
Is it true that most overseas Chinese overwhelmingly support the USA because they love and cherish the ideals of democracy and freedom?
The idea that most overseas Chinese support USA ideals of democracy and freedom is truly a laughable claim from cuckoo-land. It is no less than an amazing 2016 claim by the then First Lady of the US, Michelle Obama, that the US is “the greatest country on earth.”
In reality, overseas Chinese are generally aware that US Democracy is not even within the top 10 in the Global Democracy Index and that it ranks only 30th and is listed as a “flawed democracy”. In 2022, Sweden’s International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance put the US into its “list of regressive democracies”.
Overseas Chinese people are also not blind to research showing that US democracy has been replaced by an oligarchy with some 1% owning and controlling the country. As found in a joint Princeton-NW University study, the average American has no say in US policy; it is determined by the wealthy few. The US has become like most dubious ‘electoral’ ‘democratic’ countries.
They are also very aware the US is committed to supporting the growth of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) which now effectively, through unlimited financial lobbying, controls leading US politicians.
Few overseas Chinese are blind to the reality that the MIC thrives on wars and feeds on non-stop proliferation of unlawful US-led regime-changes in other parts of the world since the end of WW2.
Also, overseas Chinese know freedom in the US is not that great. They are aware the country has the highest number of people kept imprisoned and that, with limited exceptions, freedom to bullshit and lie is protected by the US constitution (First Amendment). That has led to well-publicised increased racism and right-wing militarism in the country. It explains why there are now more guns than people in the country and that surveys show more than 200 people are shot and wounded and more than 110 people are killed by guns in the US each day.
It is also absurd to imply overseas Chinese are unaware the US is unashamedly providing military and financial support for Israel’s horrific crimes against humanity in the Gaza. How can it be said that overseas Chinese cherish US democracy and freedom when they can easily see it as a rogue country supporting Israel’s cutting off supplies of food, water and medical aid to Palestinians and bombing the Gaza and killing more than 26,000 Palestinians and leaving 1.7 million people homeless?
An unfortunate reality is that the US always acts in its best interests and it has successfully promoted propaganda about its supposed defence of democracy and freedom.
That may explain why credulous people (including some overseas Chinese believing in US democracy and freedom) are unaware that, in the words of Professor Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University, US democracy is today nothing but a “US foreign scam built on corruption.”
Shorpy Daily

SUPPRESSED Technologies, Their Inventors ELIMINATED
What is your best “one time my dad … ” story?
We lived in a Far out centre in Brisbane called Cribb Island, transport was limited. Dad was cutting the grass down with a really sharp reaping hook. Hold the tuft of grass up and swipe the curved blade across n cut it down. Well it was a Sunday. So dad swipes the hook over the held up grass tuft and cut across and cut down on his hand. Blood everywhere. Walked inside, mum bandaged his hand, huge open cut. So he then walked to the bus stop and sat there waiting for the next bus to take him into town to the General Hospital. His hand would have been hurting like anything. So in time a bus came by and he got on and maybe had to get another bus in the city to get up to the hospital. Got the cut stitched again wd have been painful. Reversed his trip back to Cribb Island. Monday was work day and he had a horse n cart delivery of bread around Hendra. Next morning he got on his bike n rode to Hendra and worked all day running in and out of houses delivering bread. After he finished he rode his bike back home. How he worked all day with a huge bandage on his hand I don’t know. He did not want to let his customers down. So they bred ‘em tough in them there days!
Pawn Stars Expert “I Can’t BELIEVE You Have This”
What is something that pisses you off with today’s society?
I have a friend.
He’s 22 years old.
He’s a very smart guy. Speaks English and French fluently. Physics major, plans on getting a PhD. Works so hard at school. Eloquent writer whose stories bring me to tears. He’s one of my best friends.
His mother is straight-up narcissistic. She screams at and belittles him and his sisters if they say good morning to her, but don’t say it with what she considers the proper amount of respect. She threw his beloved Warhammer miniatures and paints and brushes in the garbage, calling them a waste of time and money. She threatens to do the same with his video game console, saying the same thing. She forbids her children from getting driver’s licenses so they’re forced to rely on public transportation to get anywhere, and they have to keep location sharing turned on on their phones at all times so she can see exactly where they are whenever she wants. Curfew is 8:00, bedtime is 10. Her children are 17, 17, and 22.
She forces them to hand over all the money they earn from their jobs as ‘living expenses’. Not just paying rent. She doesn’t allow them to save anything for themselves, and spends it on shopping sprees for herself. The one time my friend tried to set up a bank account for himself to start squirreling money away, she found out and managed to get the account’s information. His hard-earned money was soon gone.
Big deal, people say. If his mom’s really that bad, why doesn’t he just move out? He’s obviously got a job. Why, I put myself through college while also working at McDonald’s to support myself!
It doesn’t work that way any more, honey. He’s a lab assistant at his university. Bit more prestigious than McDonald’s, no? Earns decent money… for a part-time job. While also trying to study for one of the most rigorous degrees offered. While also trying to deal with the stress of worrying about his family.
He’s got little sisters he needs to protect. They’re just finishing high school—getting old enough that CPS just shakes their heads and says ‘they’ll be adults in just a few months, so we don’t need to intervene.’
He doesn’t earn enough to move out yet, even if his mother didn’t force him to hand over his money. He has school he needs to focus on. He has sisters to look out for. And, because he’s male, he doesn’t have many, if any, resources to escape to. The only abused victims shelter in his area is for women and their children. Does it really sound like they would take him in?
The thing that pisses me off the most about today’s society is when people say abuse victims must not want to escape if they haven’t already. It’s not that they don’t want to. It’s because they either don’t know how or don’t think they can.
Why the US Don’t have this? (America Failed)
I have to fire an employee who has been with the company for 42 years – orders from above. He doesn’t know. How do I fire him?
I’ve had more.experience with this than I care to remember,.
At one point during my tenure with GM, the average age of my subordinates was very nearly 60 years old (59.8 I believe). Under CAW/UAW/UNIFOR, terminating someone with this kind of seniority was often a multi-year ordeal. By asking this question, I at least know you are not dealing with a union, or you would have been trained on a specific protocol for it. Also, you are likely working for a fairly small company or this would probably be left to an HR rep, who would also be trained. So with that in mind;
First depending where your company is located, I would make good god damn sure you have one hell of a rightous, well documented case for termination. In many places firing a 42 year employee without sufficient grounds could lead to the type of wrongfull termination suit that could sink a small company.
Secondly, if your company doesn’t already employ security, hiring a security company for a month or two after the termination is advisable. Being fired after 42 years would be a pretty massive shock for anyone. The potential for retaliation by someone who has dedicated nearly half a century to their career is a much more likely than it is with the average worker.
After 42 years, it is safe to assume the person considers their career to be a large part of who they are. Depending on the circumstance it’s very possible you are about to do something this person will view as one of, if not the greatest betrayals of their lives. Treat them with honesty, respect and compasion, don’t be afraid to show remorse, and be aware of the fact that l if you leave a person feeling like they have no options, they are financially ruined or you take away a part of their life they believe defines them, they are likely to lash out.
Lastly, you should never terminate anyone on your own but especially someone who has been with a company their entire adult life. You should always be acompanied by at least one other person, be that someone from HR, thier direct supervisor, another manager, a company lawyer and/or a security guard would all be reasonable choices, the 20 year old replacing him for 25% his salary, not so much (this should be obvious, but its the internet, who kows who will read this..)
Meet Joe Black – Bill meets Joe
China invades Taiwan. America merrily sends out its ultra quiet 50 nuclear attack subs. Every transoceanic Chinese ship is sunk in 6 months. China runs out of gas, oil, food & can’t sell ANYTHING. China is now back to 1900. Why would China want that?
US cities destroyed by nuclear weapons??
You white power types are always so funny. In that I can ATTACK YOU BUT YOU CANNOT ATTACK ME. Sinking our shipping is literally a declaration of war.
We have these things fuckers

And remember in any nuclear exchange China will win.
While you may kill a lot of us…
…We’ll rebuild…
…you won’t be able to.
Today in the western world your societies are atomised so much that you literally kill each other daily.
After the dust settles? The survivors will rebuild, you’ll go mad max. By 2100 we’ll be back on our feet again, you’ll still be shooting each other.
What is the fastest way you’ve seen a co-worker get fired?
I got a bunch of short ones:
- Guy brought his crack pipe to work and it fell out of his pocket in front of his boss. Was in his 2nd day on the job.
- Employee did coke in the bathroom and got caught.
- Guy punched another guy at work when he found out he was sleeping with his girlfriend—all three were fired.
- At a retail gig a guy fell asleep in a recliner chair for customers while on the clock. The store manager walked buy and saw him sleeping. To be fair it was one of those high end comfy recliners that older people sleep in.
- A co-worker showed up drunk to work in the morning. Happened at two different jobs —two different co-workers. One was in AA at the time.
- Co worker had sex at work with a customer.
- Co worker went on a lunch break for four hours in his first week at the job.
- Co worker fell asleep at his desk. Boss walked by.
- Co worker watched porn while in new hire training at work —and was caught. It was his first day on the job.
- Twice two different people at different companies stole sensitive company information and sold it to a competitor. One of them was sued by the employer.
- Employee was soliciting co-workers as John’s for sex. One of them men turned her in. I am not sure if she ever got an actual client from the office.
- Co worker caught on tape going from desk to desk in a cubical environment removing expensive items. Weird thing was the cameras were not hidden. He must have known that the cameras were there.
He recently got charged for murdering his two children using a fishing spear gun.
At first glance he resembles a normal bloke you meet on the streets.

But he’s my perfect definition of extremely stupid.
The crime is horrendous in itself, extremely so, but, his reason for committing it is on an another stupid extreme level.
A criminal complaint filed against him by the prosecutors alleges that he told the FBI that he killed his children because he believed they “were going to grow into monsters” and that conspiracy theories led him to believe that his wife had passed down her “serpent DNA” to the children.
The complaint further alleges, that he knew what he did was wrong but that “it was the only course of action that would save the world.”
Serpent DNA, is supposedly linked to ‘Lizard people’ conspiracy theory. If you’re wondering what’s that is I’ll let Wikipedia explain it you Reptilian conspiracy theory .
So, this stupid shitbag killed his kids because he believed that there’s a reptilian aliens species which is secretly running the world and have taken over important positions in government, banking and Hollywood. And his children supposedly carries the said alien DNA.
Coleman also told authorities that he learned about “serpent DNA” through QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories, even though the lizard people conspiracy theory predates both by several decades.
QAnon is a more recent conspiracy theory premised on the belief that a similar global cabal at the top of the U.S. government is secretly murdering and eating children and that Donald Trump was quietly working to defeat them during his time in office.
I mean WTF?!!!!!
In my definition it takes extreme stupidity to believe in such bullshit. And, Coleman is an embodiment of extreme stupidity.
How do you deal with a neighbor stealing?
I grew up on a farm in Outback Australia. We had quite a big workshed full of equipment up a lane behind our house.
Even out in that area, we would occasionally get people in cars wandering up our back lane; fair enough, they’d get a bit lost and turn when they noticed their mistake and leave. We could always spot them, as the lane ran right by our house. We didn’t bother to shut the gate, since there was always somebody coming or going during the day and who can be bothered if you’ve not got stock there at the time?
Until one day when somebody went up there late one night and didn’t turn around and go straight back. My dad and I went and shut the gate on them and then waited, with our dogs and shotguns (this was a working farm, and so we had guns.) We also called the cops.
The two guys came back down the lane, saw us and the locked gate, backed up and went charging around the back fields trying to find another exit. By the time the cops got to our place, the two would-be thieves were pretty shaken up, and the cops found a heap of our stuff that they’d pinched from the shed.
We kept our front gate locked after that. And at night the dogs were let off.
What Putin and China just did is SHOCKING and the U.S. is in Real Trouble
I have to fire an employee who has been with the company for 42 years – orders from above. He doesn’t know. How do I fire him?
I’ve had more.experience with this than I care to remember,.
At one point during my tenure with GM, the average age of my subordinates was very nearly 60 years old (59.8 I believe). Under CAW/UAW/UNIFOR, terminating someone with this kind of seniority was often a multi-year ordeal. By asking this question, I at least know you are not dealing with a union, or you would have been trained on a specific protocol for it. Also, you are likely working for a fairly small company or this would probably be left to an HR rep, who would also be trained. So with that in mind;
First depending where your company is located, I would make good god damn sure you have one hell of a rightous, well documented case for termination. In many places firing a 42 year employee without sufficient grounds could lead to the type of wrongfull termination suit that could sink a small company.
Secondly, if your company doesn’t already employ security, hiring a security company for a month or two after the termination is advisable. Being fired after 42 years would be a pretty massive shock for anyone. The potential for retaliation by someone who has dedicated nearly half a century to their career is a much more likely than it is with the average worker.
After 42 years, it is safe to assume the person considers their career to be a large part of who they are. Depending on the circumstance it’s very possible you are about to do something this person will view as one of, if not the greatest betrayals of their lives. Treat them with honesty, respect and compasion, don’t be afraid to show remorse, and be aware of the fact that l if you leave a person feeling like they have no options, they are financially ruined or you take away a part of their life they believe defines them, they are likely to lash out.
Lastly, you should never terminate anyone on your own but especially someone who has been with a company their entire adult life. You should always be acompanied by at least one other person, be that someone from HR, thier direct supervisor, another manager, a company lawyer and/or a security guard would all be reasonable choices, the 20 year old replacing him for 25% his salary, not so much (this should be obvious, but its the internet, who kows who will read this..)
Glitterbomb 3.0 vs. Porch Pirates
Can you describe what life is like for inmates in prison? Are there any surprising aspects of prison life that people may not know about?
Prison Life
- Your woken up at 5:00 AM 7 days a week 365 days a year.
- Your then called out for chow, in which your section / tier heads to the chow hall. The food is served to you just like you were served while in elementary school. The difference is you could eat what they served you in the school cafeteria, In prison the food they serve you would make a belly goat puke. You will be given 8–10 minutes to consume the prison slop and out you go., On most days you will get some live entertainment to go with your food, such as fights, stabbings and of course the strong praying upon the weak.
- You then have a choice of a shower, yard, going to your prison job, school, or the yard.
- At about 10:30 am they issue the call for noon time chow, in which you march down to the chow hall in groups, afterwards they will send you to be counted, then when the count clears it’s back to your routine. In between is usually the gambling, tv watching, card games, beatings, hustlers, snitch squad, cell searches, stabbings, rapes and suicides. The golden rule is if you are walking on the tier, and you gotta use the restroom bad, you either soil yourself or run to your cell or dorm, you do not enter into any cell that is occupied or un occupied, because you will be beaten beyond recognition. If you see a person hanging and bleeding you just keep walking, if someone collapses from a heart attack or jumps off a tier you didn’t see anything.
- if it’s your time to go to store then go, but remember the sharks are circling at all times, and you have to be prepared to meet your maker, over a candy bar, or a bottle of shampoo. You don’t share a stick of gum, if you’re cash didn’t come in you do without.
- At about 3:30 pm they will issue the chow call for dinner, they will then count you again and when the count clears, they will allow you to have yard time, work time or shower time. At around 8:30 pm they will toss you into your cell for the night, and by 9pm the night has pretty much ended. If you listen close enough you will be able to hear the screams, of the inmates attacking the weak, and in some cases you will hear the goon squad coming to extract an inmate. In some cases you will hear a few brave cell soldiers, acting out and making noise.
- Come 5:00 AM the process starts over again, unless someone calls a strike, or your tier is locked down .
Welcome to prison life.
Cheesy Smothered Pork Chops

- 4 or 5 boneless pork chops
- Salt and pepper
- 1/2 onion, thinly sliced
- 1/2 cup mayonnaise
- 1 cup Cheddar cheese, shredded
- Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
- Place pork chops in a baking pan. Season with salt and pepper on both sides.
- Sprinkle the onion on top of the pork. Spread mayonnaise on each pork chop. Top with shredded cheese.
- Bake for 25 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and browned. Baking time may be longer, depending upon thickness of pork chops.
What’s the strangest wrong number you’ve ever answered?
About fifteen years ago, my cell phone rang at 10 o clock at night. When I answered, a very upset guy was on the line.
“Hey man!” He said. “You should be ashamed of yourself.”
I was sitting in bed next to my wife reading a book. I tried to think if I had done anything shameful recently.
“I think you have a wrong number,” I replied.
“”Don’t even try that bulls—-t on me.” He said. “My girlfriend is really upset, man.”
I tried to explain that I didn’t know what he walking about.
“Yes you do. You’re answering her phone, dude. How can you do stuff like this? Steal someone else’s phone? You think that’s okay?!?”
I desperately tried to assure him that it wasn’t her phone, but he was insistent that he had dialed her number.
Suddenly, it hit me. He had dialed without an area code, and got my number, not hers. (Can that even still happen now?) As I tried to explain this to him, he faltered slightly, but I could tell he thought I was somehow pulling a fast one on him, and didn’t want to believe me.
Finally, I had the solution. I realized that I wouldn’t have been able to change her voicemail message, even if I had her phone. I said I was going to hang up, and he should call back. He would hear my message, and know he had the wrong number.
I hung up. My wife and I watched as the phone rang four times and then went to voicemail.
I felt this weird flashback to when I was a kid and got accused of shoplifting because I had walked into a store with a soda I had bought elsewhere, and the owner was convinced I had taken one from his store. There were no adults with me, and I had to surrender the soda, and I got a tiny inkling of how it must feel to be in serious trouble for something you didn’t do, and how scary it is to have to prove a negative.
The phone went silent, and the problem was resolved. He left no message.
“Smite Me, Almighty Smiter!”
Have you ever had a car salesman speak down to you and not take you seriously? Were you able to make him learn the error of his ways? How?
About fifteen years ago, my cell phone rang at 10 o clock at night. When I answered, a very upset guy was on the line.
“Hey man!” He said. “You should be ashamed of yourself.”
I was sitting in bed next to my wife reading a book. I tried to think if I had done anything shameful recently.
“I think you have a wrong number,” I replied.
“”Don’t even try that bulls—-t on me.” He said. “My girlfriend is really upset, man.”
I tried to explain that I didn’t know what he walking about.
“Yes you do. You’re answering her phone, dude. How can you do stuff like this? Steal someone else’s phone? You think that’s okay?!?”
I desperately tried to assure him that it wasn’t her phone, but he was insistent that he had dialed her number.
Suddenly, it hit me. He had dialed without an area code, and got my number, not hers. (Can that even still happen now?) As I tried to explain this to him, he faltered slightly, but I could tell he thought I was somehow pulling a fast one on him, and didn’t want to believe me.
Finally, I had the solution. I realized that I wouldn’t have been able to change her voicemail message, even if I had her phone. I said I was going to hang up, and he should call back. He would hear my message, and know he had the wrong number.
I hung up. My wife and I watched as the phone rang four times and then went to voicemail.
I felt this weird flashback to when I was a kid and got accused of shoplifting because I had walked into a store with a soda I had bought elsewhere, and the owner was convinced I had taken one from his store. There were no adults with me, and I had to surrender the soda, and I got a tiny inkling of how it must feel to be in serious trouble for something you didn’t do, and how scary it is to have to prove a negative.
The phone went silent, and the problem was resolved. He left no message.
About 30 years ago, as a young woman, I needed a new vehicle and decided to buy a small pickup truck. My boyfriend (now husband) and I had gone out for breakfast and went to the Ford dealership to look at trucks. I found a Ranger that I really liked. The salesman seemed really nice and helpful. My boyfriend had to go to work, so we told the salesman we would come back. When my boyfriend left for work he asked what I was going to do for the afternoon. I told him I was going back to buy the truck.
I went back to the dealership and found the same salesman and told him I had returned to purchase the Ranger. He actually laughed. I told him I was serious. At that moment a man drove onto the lot. The salesman walked away from me to go talk to the man. I looked for another salesman and was ignored by all. I even went inside and said I want to buy a Ranger and was ignored by all. I left.
I went down the street to the Nissan dealership and purchased a new Nissan pickup that I liked better than the Ranger. I drove my new truck back to the Ford dealership and asked to see the original salesman and the sales manager. I took them both outside, showed them my new Nissan and told them I had stopped to buy the Ranger, but was laughed at and ignored by all. I told them to have a nice day, got into my Nissan and drove away.
As I was leaving I heard the manager yelling at the salesman. I loved that Nissan and drove it for years.
What did you do when you were suddenly fired from a job?
Went to McDonalds , and had a late breakfast, coffee and read the paper for half an hour.
I was pretty fed up with the job, and was trying to get through the next month before starting to look, but even so the dismissal was still a surprise. I arrived at 8: 30 on Monday morning , after working the Saturday and Sunday on a piece of work for the bank, and by 9: 30 was on my way home with no job, and an appointment with the company lawyer for the Friday , for my exit papers, so a bit bamboozled.
By the end of my macca breakfast , I was sorted in my head , with a plan and way forward. Gave my wife a call , and said “Sorry its happened again” She said. God bless her ”Are you OK?”
Me “disconcerted, but I’ll be fine, let’s look at the finances tonight, but I think we’re in good shape, and I should be able to negotiate a settlement from these guys that will get us a free holiday”
“That sounds nice, see you tonight“
Car Thief Gets Instant Karma (the FINAL Glitterbomb 6.0)
Are Russia and America engaged in a tough love relationship?
The United States has been using NATO to attack Russia.
A simple look at the map has shown NATO encroachment into the (former) Soviet Union Eastern Block and then with the 2014 color revolution, a full invasion of Ukraine… a battlefield from which to attack and destroy Russia by.
Only idiots forgot that Ukraine was originally a significant part of Russia. Look at the maps.

Like I said; only ignorant idiots; with a brain no larger than a peanut, don’t realize this FACT. I mean it. These brain-dead piles of vomit can’t even tell the difference between a boy and a girl. They don’t know what the root of Pi is, and they sure as fuck cannot tell you how many mm are in a yard.
Ambulatory Stupid feces wearing diapers.
But the stupidity doesn’t stop there…
Oh no. The great mental retardation is alive and well in the West.
Look, I know that some people cannot help their stupidity. But Lordy, you all shouldn’t elect them into office. What the Hell were you thinking?
Only a real IDIOT would think that they could take on Russia.
A massive, blundering ignoramus of a pile of weeks-old pig-feces, would possibly think such an absurd idea.
So, now…
No shit… NOW…
…they are now looking to “pivot to Asia”… and take on the Russia + China alliance.
Surely, the world has NEVER seen such ignorant, and stupid fools in all the history of mankind.
There’s more.
No shit!
Can you believe… actually believe… that a virtual army of United States officials have been marching off to China to TELL THEM to stop being friends with Russia.
To order them to buy a shit load of American Treasuries…
to force them to stop being the manufacturing center of the world.
And what did China do immediately afterwards?
Oh, the hug between Putin and Xi was pure gold.
The absurdity of this situation is pristine. You just cannot make this shit up!
I’m having major problems accessing your blog this morning for my daily fix– usually your current, plus a random post from the past, hidden gems with nuggets of priceless info and insights– often relevant to what’s going on now.
I guess your Sitrep above ruffled a few feathers. There are military jets buzzing the coastal cities of Korea this past week, highly unusual, like they’ve upped their training or are looking for something lurking off shore. Good luck locating “that”, Pilot Kimchi.
Strange times, looks like Biden has been targeted for deletion. One thing’s for sure though, if you’re looking for information online, especially via English language, you’ll find diddly squat. Impassioned “Who shot at Trump” debates (😂, yeah, right– aided along by Scott Ritter, cough!) are keeping the Muggles’ sights firmly fixed elsewhere.
I wonder if, in the final days of the “Old Empire,” such insanity and misplaced arrogance was also manifest?
I get the feeling that it’s not uncommon in an end-stage empire collapse.
I’m just glad this is all managed so well by our benevolent benefactors. I don’t worry, as my belief in them is unshakeable, and am learning to see all this as a form of art!
An amazing show of beautiful complexity, subtlety and sheer brilliance now playing called “The deconstruction of the OE legacy,” by Putin and Jinping, showing how nothing can stop STOs when they work together for the good of everyone.
I look forward to joining you in China next year sir. We will have a grand old time, I am sure of that!