splash 28

The Northern Catalpa (Catalpa speciosa)

I grew up on a farm in Outback Australia. We had quite a big workshed full of equipment up a lane behind our house.

Even out in that area, we would occasionally get people in cars wandering up our back lane; fair enough, they’d get a bit lost and turn when they noticed their mistake and leave. We could always spot them, as the lane ran right by our house. We didn’t bother to shut the gate, since there was always somebody coming or going during the day and who can be bothered if you’ve not got stock there at the time?

Until one day when somebody went up there late one night and didn’t turn around and go straight back. My dad and I went and shut the gate on them and then waited, with our dogs and shotguns (this was a working farm, and so we had guns.) We also called the cops.

The two guys came back down the lane, saw us and the locked gate, backed up and went charging around the back fields trying to find another exit. By the time the cops got to our place, the two would-be thieves were pretty shaken up, and the cops found a heap of our stuff that they’d pinched from the shed.

We kept our front gate locked after that. And at night the dogs were let off.

What Putin and China just did is SHOCKING and the U.S. is in Real Trouble

I’ve had more.experience with this than I care to remember,.

At one point during my tenure with GM, the average age of my subordinates was very nearly 60 years old (59.8 I believe). Under CAW/UAW/UNIFOR, terminating someone with this kind of seniority was often a multi-year ordeal. By asking this question, I at least know you are not dealing with a union, or you would have been trained on a specific protocol for it. Also, you are likely working for a fairly small company or this would probably be left to an HR rep, who would also be trained. So with that in mind;

First depending where your company is located, I would make good god damn sure you have one hell of a rightous, well documented case for termination. In many places firing a 42 year employee without sufficient grounds could lead to the type of wrongfull termination suit that could sink a small company.

Secondly, if your company doesn’t already employ security, hiring a security company for a month or two after the termination is advisable. Being fired after 42 years would be a pretty massive shock for anyone. The potential for retaliation by someone who has dedicated nearly half a century to their career is a much more likely than it is with the average worker.

After 42 years, it is safe to assume the person considers their career to be a large part of who they are. Depending on the circumstance it’s very possible you are about to do something this person will view as one of, if not the greatest betrayals of their lives. Treat them with honesty, respect and compasion, don’t be afraid to show remorse, and be aware of the fact that l if you leave a person feeling like they have no options, they are financially ruined or you take away a part of their life they believe defines them, they are likely to lash out.

Lastly, you should never terminate anyone on your own but especially someone who has been with a company their entire adult life. You should always be acompanied by at least one other person, be that someone from HR, thier direct supervisor, another manager, a company lawyer and/or a security guard would all be reasonable choices, the 20 year old replacing him for 25% his salary, not so much (this should be obvious, but its the internet, who kows who will read this..)

Glitterbomb 3.0 vs. Porch Pirates

Prison Life

  1. Your woken up at 5:00 AM 7 days a week 365 days a year.
  2. Your then called out for chow, in which your section / tier heads to the chow hall. The food is served to you just like you were served while in elementary school. The difference is you could eat what they served you in the school cafeteria, In prison the food they serve you would make a belly goat puke. You will be given 8–10 minutes to consume the prison slop and out you go., On most days you will get some live entertainment to go with your food, such as fights, stabbings and of course the strong praying upon the weak.
  3. You then have a choice of a shower, yard, going to your prison job, school, or the yard.
  4. At about 10:30 am they issue the call for noon time chow, in which you march down to the chow hall in groups, afterwards they will send you to be counted, then when the count clears it’s back to your routine. In between is usually the gambling, tv watching, card games, beatings, hustlers, snitch squad, cell searches, stabbings, rapes and suicides. The golden rule is if you are walking on the tier, and you gotta use the restroom bad, you either soil yourself or run to your cell or dorm, you do not enter into any cell that is occupied or un occupied, because you will be beaten beyond recognition. If you see a person hanging and bleeding you just keep walking, if someone collapses from a heart attack or jumps off a tier you didn’t see anything.
  5. if it’s your time to go to store then go, but remember the sharks are circling at all times, and you have to be prepared to meet your maker, over a candy bar, or a bottle of shampoo. You don’t share a stick of gum, if you’re cash didn’t come in you do without.
  6. At about 3:30 pm they will issue the chow call for dinner, they will then count you again and when the count clears, they will allow you to have yard time, work time or shower time. At around 8:30 pm they will toss you into your cell for the night, and by 9pm the night has pretty much ended. If you listen close enough you will be able to hear the screams, of the inmates attacking the weak, and in some cases you will hear the goon squad coming to extract an inmate. In some cases you will hear a few brave cell soldiers, acting out and making noise.
  7. Come 5:00 AM the process starts over again, unless someone calls a strike, or your tier is locked down .

Welcome to prison life.

Cheesy Smothered Pork Chops

cheesy smothered pork chops
cheesy smothered pork chops


  • 4 or 5 boneless pork chops
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1/2 onion, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 cup Cheddar cheese, shredded


  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Place pork chops in a baking pan. Season with salt and pepper on both sides.
  3. Sprinkle the onion on top of the pork. Spread mayonnaise on each pork chop. Top with shredded cheese.
  4. Bake for 25 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and browned. Baking time may be longer, depending upon thickness of pork chops.

About fifteen years ago, my cell phone rang at 10 o clock at night. When I answered, a very upset guy was on the line.

“Hey man!” He said. “You should be ashamed of yourself.”

I was sitting in bed next to my wife reading a book. I tried to think if I had done anything shameful recently.

“I think you have a wrong number,” I replied.

“”Don’t even try that bulls—-t on me.” He said. “My girlfriend is really upset, man.”

I tried to explain that I didn’t know what he walking about.

“Yes you do. You’re answering her phone, dude. How can you do stuff like this? Steal someone else’s phone? You think that’s okay?!?”

I desperately tried to assure him that it wasn’t her phone, but he was insistent that he had dialed her number.

Suddenly, it hit me. He had dialed without an area code, and got my number, not hers. (Can that even still happen now?) As I tried to explain this to him, he faltered slightly, but I could tell he thought I was somehow pulling a fast one on him, and didn’t want to believe me.

Finally, I had the solution. I realized that I wouldn’t have been able to change her voicemail message, even if I had her phone. I said I was going to hang up, and he should call back. He would hear my message, and know he had the wrong number.

I hung up. My wife and I watched as the phone rang four times and then went to voicemail.

I felt this weird flashback to when I was a kid and got accused of shoplifting because I had walked into a store with a soda I had bought elsewhere, and the owner was convinced I had taken one from his store. There were no adults with me, and I had to surrender the soda, and I got a tiny inkling of how it must feel to be in serious trouble for something you didn’t do, and how scary it is to have to prove a negative.

The phone went silent, and the problem was resolved. He left no message.

“Smite Me, Almighty Smiter!”

About 30 years ago, as a young woman, I needed a new vehicle and decided to buy a small pickup truck. My boyfriend (now husband) and I had gone out for breakfast and went to the Ford dealership to look at trucks. I found a Ranger that I really liked. The salesman seemed really nice and helpful. My boyfriend had to go to work, so we told the salesman we would come back. When my boyfriend left for work he asked what I was going to do for the afternoon. I told him I was going back to buy the truck.

I went back to the dealership and found the same salesman and told him I had returned to purchase the Ranger. He actually laughed. I told him I was serious. At that moment a man drove onto the lot. The salesman walked away from me to go talk to the man. I looked for another salesman and was ignored by all. I even went inside and said I want to buy a Ranger and was ignored by all. I left.

I went down the street to the Nissan dealership and purchased a new Nissan pickup that I liked better than the Ranger. I drove my new truck back to the Ford dealership and asked to see the original salesman and the sales manager. I took them both outside, showed them my new Nissan and told them I had stopped to buy the Ranger, but was laughed at and ignored by all. I told them to have a nice day, got into my Nissan and drove away.

As I was leaving I heard the manager yelling at the salesman. I loved that Nissan and drove it for years.

Went to McDonalds , and had a late breakfast, coffee and read the paper for half an hour.

I was pretty fed up with the job, and was trying to get through the next month before starting to look, but even so the dismissal was still a surprise. I arrived at 8: 30 on Monday morning , after working the Saturday and Sunday on a piece of work for the bank, and by 9: 30 was on my way home with no job, and an appointment with the company lawyer for the Friday , for my exit papers, so a bit bamboozled.

By the end of my macca breakfast , I was sorted in my head , with a plan and way forward. Gave my wife a call , and said “Sorry its happened again” She said. God bless her ”Are you OK?”

Me “disconcerted, but I’ll be fine, let’s look at the finances tonight, but I think we’re in good shape, and I should be able to negotiate a settlement from these guys that will get us a free holiday”

“That sounds nice, see you tonight“


The United States has been using NATO to attack Russia.

A simple look at the map has shown NATO encroachment into the (former) Soviet Union Eastern Block and then with the 2014 color revolution, a full invasion of Ukraine… a battlefield from which to attack and destroy Russia by.

Only idiots forgot that Ukraine was originally a significant part of Russia. Look at the maps.

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main qimg 4dd70bdda51ecd4e00124a2dbb67e7a6

Like I said; only ignorant idiots; with a brain no larger than a peanut, don’t realize this FACT. I mean it. These brain-dead piles of vomit can’t even tell the difference between a boy and a girl. They don’t know what the root of Pi is, and they sure as fuck cannot tell you how many mm are in a yard.

Ambulatory Stupid feces wearing diapers.

But the stupidity doesn’t stop there…

Oh no. The great mental retardation is alive and well in the West.

Look, I know that some people cannot help their stupidity. But Lordy, you all shouldn’t elect them into office. What the Hell were you thinking?


Only a real IDIOT would think that they could take on Russia.

A massive, blundering ignoramus of a pile of weeks-old pig-feces, would possibly think such an absurd idea.

So, now…


No shit… NOW…

…they are now looking to “pivot to Asia”… and take on the Russia + China alliance.

Surely, the world has NEVER seen such ignorant, and stupid fools in all the history of mankind.


There’s more.

No shit!

Can you believe… actually believe… that a virtual army of United States officials have been marching off to China to TELL THEM to stop being friends with Russia.


To order them to buy a shit load of American Treasuries…


to force them to stop being the manufacturing center of the world.

And what did China do immediately afterwards?

Oh, the hug between Putin and Xi was pure gold.

The absurdity of this situation is pristine. You just cannot make this shit up!

China & Russia, better than alliance

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I’m having major problems accessing your blog this morning for my daily fix– usually your current, plus a random post from the past, hidden gems with nuggets of priceless info and insights– often relevant to what’s going on now.
I guess your Sitrep above ruffled a few feathers. There are military jets buzzing the coastal cities of Korea this past week, highly unusual, like they’ve upped their training or are looking for something lurking off shore. Good luck locating “that”, Pilot Kimchi.
Strange times, looks like Biden has been targeted for deletion. One thing’s for sure though, if you’re looking for information online, especially via English language, you’ll find diddly squat. Impassioned “Who shot at Trump” debates (😂, yeah, right– aided along by Scott Ritter, cough!) are keeping the Muggles’ sights firmly fixed elsewhere.


I wonder if, in the final days of the “Old Empire,” such insanity and misplaced arrogance was also manifest?

I get the feeling that it’s not uncommon in an end-stage empire collapse.

I’m just glad this is all managed so well by our benevolent benefactors. I don’t worry, as my belief in them is unshakeable, and am learning to see all this as a form of art!

An amazing show of beautiful complexity, subtlety and sheer brilliance now playing called “The deconstruction of the OE legacy,” by Putin and Jinping, showing how nothing can stop STOs when they work together for the good of everyone.

I look forward to joining you in China next year sir. We will have a grand old time, I am sure of that!

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