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The Reality Of What Dreams Actually Are, Daegon Magus

DM has a video up that might be of interest to you all. He discusses dreams, and Lucid dreaming and some other attributes of this great and wide reaching subject. It’s worth a check out.

My experiences differ from his, but by looking at the same subject from different vantage points we can all learn something. Don’t you know.

The Reality Of What Dreams Actually Are, Daegon Magus

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Ohio Guy

And it is very beneficial for us to be reminded of our situation regarding these doping facilities. When we have a vivid LD, we are so excited to be “awake” to the non physical, that we draw too much attention to our consciousness. These doping guards then tend to keep an eye on us, so to speak, so that we are kept sleeping without waking to the non physical experience. It’s not too far out for me to believe this at all. I know for a fact, since it’s been almost 4 months since my last LD, that “they” are doping my conscience heavily. One must be very covert and aware once awaken to the non physical. Like DM said, the guards or orderly’s are everywhere. This is why I have some consternation that when my body dies, I’ll have the ability to call out to the Domain, or gather my Mantids to be onboard with our egress out of the prison pocket universe. But like MM says, “affirmations are key” in this respect of overcoming the doping. One must have an affirmation to negate the doping of consciousness. Thank you Daegon Magus for this reminder.


very good point OG. Going by my own affirmations, involving a desire to better lucid dream certainly helps. My LDs have been much clearer since verbally stating in my campaign that I would be doing it more frequently.

for everyone I have just bought some animation software for my CAD program which I am hoping to use to do some simulations of all these experiences. Give me a few month to learn how to use it and hopefully i will be able to bring you all into my world a bit better.