Default A 1950s era pinup In the opulent 1950s golden age of i 2(18)

The road is shit

1. Men can go for hours without thinking about anything.

2. Most men own three pairs of shoes.

3. 50% of men say they would feel comfortable if their girlfriend had a lesbian lover.

4. A man speaks about 2,000 words a day; a woman, about 7,000.

5. It’s easier for a man to buy a bathing suit.

6. Women have two types: depressing and more depressing.

7. Men have two types: sexy-cool and horrific-speedo.

8. Love can help men quit smoking. If a man suddenly quits smoking, he may very well be falling in love.

9. Men are 150% more likely than women to use dating sites.

10. Physical intimacy is even more important for men than for women, who may value verbal communication or emotional intimacy more.

11. On average, men are more colorblind, but their eyes also perceive motion better.

12. Most men would rather take a bullet than buy tampons at the supermarket.

She seems like a nice lady

It actually happened before we got on the plane. I was travelling alone from Toronto Canada to London Uk. I had loads of bags with me. I’d checked in my big suitcase but I also had my small suitcase, a backpack and a hold-all with me. My hold-all has my laptop and other electrical in it and I was terrified of it getting damaged. I got to the departure lounge early so I sat close to the door but also away from people. I picked an area that wasn’t crowded and saw one gentleman sitting there. He was sat the the middle of the row of seats, so I wanted to give him space. To his right there were three empty seats and to his left there were four. I went to the left and sat on the last seat, putting my electrical bag on the seat next to me and trying to keep all my bags in a little area around me. Normally I wouldn’t have put it on the seat but there were a lot of kids running around and I was worried my laptop would get kicked.

A man came over to where I was sitting and asked if anyone was sitting in the seat next to me/ my bag. It wasn’t clear which. There were a lot of other seats available with no one sitting next to them. I said no.

He sat down in the seat right next to my bag. His husband/ boyfriend joined him a few minutes later. They both look super grumpy.

The first guy turns to me and says ‘I thought you said someone was sitting there’

I said, ‘no, I told you no when you asked me’

’then why can’t you be less fucking dumb and move your bag so I can sit there?’

‘Why? You could have sat anywhere else and I wanted to give the gentleman over there space and myself space’

basically he wanted to sit in that seat. It wouldn’t mean not sitting next to anyone in any configuration of where he sat on the bench but he wanted that seat because reasons? There were loads of seats available where he and his partner could have sat with no one on either side of them. He basically started anmassive tirade at me saying I saw stupid and a complete uneducated idiot who didn’t know anything in public. People looked at me and I have really bad anxiety so I almost had a panic attack.

I don’t remember exactly what I said at that point because my fight or flight anxiety mode started going off and I got super dizzy. I do recall saying something like ‘yes, clearly I’m stupid and my science degree confirms it’. And then telling him to fuck off when he wouldn’t stop bothering me.

I wanted to leave but I didn’t want to give in now as he’d been rude to me for no reason. I wasn’t hurting him and he’d just started having a go at me over nothing. If he’d wanted me to move my bag he could have asked politely but I was tired from travelling from my university in Peterborough to Toronto after a day of classes.

I got onto the plane and sat down.

Like ten minutes later the people behind me sit down and it’s the dude and his partner. They immediately start bitching about me and calling me a dumb whore etc. I started crying and called my mum to tell her what had happened.

May I also point out at this point that I was a 20 year old lone student and these men were in their thirties. I just wanted a calm journey home.

I ended up talking to an air stewardess and telling her what had happened. I asked to move seats because I was so upset. She told me once we took off I could sit wherever I liked in the area of the plane and she would keep an eye on them. I ended up able to sit in a row where a lady and I were the only people in a four seater. We sat on the furthest points on their side, both napped, and she told me she’d be my travel mum and if they were mean again she’d tell them off.

Yes I didn’t need my bag on the seat but I’m always prepared to move my stuff if someone needs space. I have osteoarthritis so I often can’t hold heavy things on my lap and my legs were in a lot of pain already so I tend to put bags next to me instead. I also get paranoid of being robbed if I don’t have everything closer but to the side. I just feel safer when I can block my items in with my suitcase and I can hold onto the suitcase at the same time. I just don’t feel the men handled it fairly in response to what was happening.

NB: 1. The carrier I was flying on does not have the two bag limit. You are also allowed a laptop bag. My laptop didn’t fit a standard size so it went into a sportdirect hold-all that wasn’t too big and was cleared by the crew. My backpack was small and just had my passport, money etc valuables you wouldn’t put in the checked bagged. I wasn’t being abnoxious with the amount of stuff I had, it was well within my limit and I kept it as much out of everyone’s way as possible.

Also clearly someone couldn’t read as I wasn’t worried my laptop would be stolen while in the air, but at the departure gate.

Furthermore, I am apparently not allowed to call my mother if I’m upset and should stay at home. I want to clarify that I was studying abroad as part of my degree. I was returning home to the UK. I don’t think it is a bad thing to be able to share things with your mum if you’re upset and unsure what to do in a situation. It was only my second time flying alone and I have severe anxiety. I was like 19 at the time and hadn’t ever lived in another country, but clearly there are some assholes on Quora.

Some AI generated pictures

Default dark skinned beautiful curvy woman wearing a tshirt wi 0
Default dark skinned beautiful curvy woman wearing a tshirt wi 0
Default Dragon 3
Default Dragon 3
alchemyrefiner alchemymagic 3 350932c3 11b3 42aa b659 9c4d74fc3298 0
alchemyrefiner alchemymagic 3 350932c3 11b3 42aa b659 9c4d74fc3298 0
Default Asian lovers kiss 1
Default Asian lovers kiss 1
Default Golden background Gold texture Beautiful luxury and el 3
Default Golden background Gold texture Beautiful luxury and el 3
Default Golden background Gold texture Beautiful luxury and el 2
Default Golden background Gold texture Beautiful luxury and el 2
Default Please create a YouTube thumbnail image featuring a fe 0
Default Please create a YouTube thumbnail image featuring a fe 0
Default Advanced Aquatic Civilization A society made up of int 0
Default Advanced Aquatic Civilization A society made up of int 0
Default Advanced Aquatic Civilization A society made up of int 2
Default Advanced Aquatic Civilization A society made up of int 2
Default cute creature leader march of the cute creatures empir 0
Default cute creature leader march of the cute creatures empir 0
Default cute creature leader march of the cute creatures empir 2
Default cute creature leader march of the cute creatures empir 2
Default cute leader march of the cute empire cute empire cute 0
Default cute leader march of the cute empire cute empire cute 0
alchemyrefiner alchemymagic 3 6aaf1929 46c1 435b 966d 85d00e64a38b 0
alchemyrefiner alchemymagic 3 6aaf1929 46c1 435b 966d 85d00e64a38b 0
Default In the center of the image stands a man with an astoni 0
Default In the center of the image stands a man with an astoni 0
alchemyrefiner alchemymagic 3 def2657b d1b0 4dd9 aff7 696f5aee7f04 0
alchemyrefiner alchemymagic 3 def2657b d1b0 4dd9 aff7 696f5aee7f04 0
Default Dark Grand library with staircase windows that show a 3
Default Dark Grand library with staircase windows that show a 3
Default Dark Grand library with staircase books on shelves ups 2
Default Dark Grand library with staircase books on shelves ups 2
Default Dragon 1
Default Dragon 1
Default Advanced Aquatic Civilization A society made up of int 1
Default Advanced Aquatic Civilization A society made up of int 1
Default tree house cozy bunk dark bedroom with circular windo 2
Default tree house cozy bunk dark bedroom with circular windo 2
Default Dark Grand library with staircase windows that show a 2
Default Dark Grand library with staircase windows that show a 2
Default tree house cozy bunk dark bedroom with circular windo 0
Default tree house cozy bunk dark bedroom with circular windo 0
Default tree house cozy bunk bedroom with circular windows sho 2 6842236d b97c 4293 b8ef 163c6718b014 0
Default tree house cozy bunk bedroom with circular windows sho 2 6842236d b97c 4293 b8ef 163c6718b014 0
alchemyrefiner alchemymagic 0 7551e666 1d7d 4758 a86a 13a4826e6523 0
alchemyrefiner alchemymagic 0 7551e666 1d7d 4758 a86a 13a4826e6523 0
Default tree house cozy bunk dark bedroom with circular windo 1
Default tree house cozy bunk dark bedroom with circular windo 1

I know more about alcohol than the average bear.

While working on my ChemE degree at Michigan State I took coursework towards a specialization in Beverage Science and Technology. Over the years I have brewed beer, made wine and cider, and distilled whiskey, rum, gin, vodka, and brandy (legally, of course…)

Hell, I even tried my hand at drowning in it. 0/10, not recommended.

I don’t drink like I used to and I sold off all of my alcohol making equipment years ago, but I am still fascinated with the history, culture, and science of booze.

It suffices to say that I am not often surprised by anything to do with alcohol. I mean, sure, we’ve come a long way in some of the finer details of production, but in general alcoholic beverages are made in much the same way as they have been for hundreds of years.

Or, so I thought…

Cue the world’s first Carbon Negative Vodka

In general, vodka production is about as tough on the environment as vodka itself is on your liver. Most vodka is made from grain or potatoes which must first be mashed (requiring heat/energy) to convert basic starches into fermentable sugars, it is then fermented (releasing carbon dioxide), and distilled to a high degree of purity (lots more energy), before being filtered and watered down to drinking strength.

Being that traditional vodka production necessarily evolves CO2, it’s pretty much impossible to make a carbon-negative vodka. That it has been achieved at all is pretty surprising. How they pulled it off is beyond surprising, it’s mind-blowing:

They make it out of air.

Yes, air. Specifically, carbon dioxide. The Air Company, out of Brooklyn, NY, has figured out how to make ethanol using nothing more than air, water, and solar energy. No mashing, no fermentation; just air, water, and sun.

Each bottle is made from the carbon dioxide equivalent of the daily uptake of eight trees.

I would have never guessed that this would be possible. The solution to global warming has finally arrived: We all just need to drink more vodka.

The earth will thank you, unfortunately your liver probably won’t.


Edit: You know how you write an answer and it languishes at under 100 views for weeks until you all but forget about it but then it gets shared to Gold Medal Answers and suddenly you wake up to a bazillion comments and you can’t possibly answer them all? My apologies to those who I can’t address directly, but I’d like to clear up a few questions here:

  1. No, I am not affiliated in any way with the Air Co. and this answer is not meant to be an endorsement. I have not even tried the vodka and can’t say anything to whether or not it is even good. I think that the concept and chemistry are amazing, though.
  2. There have been some comments about what it actually tastes like. Again, I haven’t tried it but it’s a valid question. While vodka is theoretically nothing but water and ethanol, it certainly is more than that in practice. Distillation is not a perfect separation, most fans of vodka can taste flavors from the source material. I am a fan of neutral vodkas, but none are completely neutral. This one might be…or maybe not. There might be some side products that can be tasted. I’d love to find out for myself if anyone can get their hands on a bottle (*wink wink*).
  3. “Carbon Negative” is not the same as “Violates the laws of thermodynamics”…
  4. For anyone interested in the chemistry, my guess is that the process is a commercialized version of this: Scientists Accidentally Turned CO2 Into Ethanol, but I don’t know for sure. If any chemists out there know better, let me know (I am not a chemist, just a lowly chemical engineer…)!

Cajun Catfish with Honey Dijon Bacon Potato Salad

Fried catfish paired with a delicious Honey Dijon Bacon Potato Salad…yummy!

cajun catfish honey dijon
cajun catfish honey dijon

Yield: 4 servings


Honey Dijon Bacon Potato Salad

  • 5 cups baby Yukon gold potatoes, cooked and quartered
  • 1 medium red onion, diced
  • 1 1/2 cups celery, diced
  • 1 cup bacon, cooked, drained and chopped
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon Creole mustard
  • 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Hot sauce to taste

Cajun Catfish

  • 4 U.S. Farm-Raised Catfish Fillets
  • 1/2 cup fish breading
  • 1 tablespoon Creole seasoning
  • 1 1/2 to 2 cups frying oil


Potato Salad

  1. Combine all ingredients and mix well.
  2. Adjust seasoning with salt, pepper and hot sauce. Cover and refrigerate.

Cajun Catfish

  1. Combine fish breading and Creole seasoning in shallow bowl. Coat catfish in breading, lightly shaking off any excess.
  2. In a large skillet, heat oil over high heat. Fry catfish until golden brown, approximately 3 minutes per side.
  3. Place on paper towel to drain.
  4. Serve immediately with Honey Dijon Bacon Potato Salad.

Rent is too high

“Please don’t touch this car”. A salesman told me once. I worked at a car dealership in Florida and I wanted to buy a car. A nice little Volkswagen with teeth. The sales manager told me that if I ever needed a car to come to him and he’ll handle it. So I did and he told me to work with this one gentleman and that when I found the car I wanted, to let him know and he’ll speed it on through. So I went on my lunch break with the salesman he recommended and when I got to the car I wanted, a brand new 2004 VW R32 (at the time). So I found the one I liked, silver and I said that I wanted this one and proceeded to open the door (I had been eyeing them whenever they came through the shop on pre-delivery inspection).

“Please don’t touch this car.” I said, “what?” “Please don’t touch this car unless you intend to buy it”.

I didn’t fuss, I walked away and got into my car and drove across town to another VW dealer and bought the car there. All the Volkswagen guys in that area more or less knew each other from meeting at VW training school or from the racetrack plus I used to work with some of them.

I said don’t prep it, don’t clean it just take the sticker down and let me take it the way it is. Don’t even gas it up. Maybe I spent 20 minutes there, I had my own financing so it wasn’t a hassle. Their sales manager was blown away when I told him what happened to me not half hour earlier. I drove back to work and parked it in the employee parking lot. Went into the break room to eat a sandwich. That rude salesman from earlier walked in and tried to offer me a deal. I said “I already got the car.” He said, “really, from who?” I said, “from XYZ Volkswagen”. He looked at me weird. I dropped the keys onto the table with the id tag still on it. “Wanna see the receipt?” He walked away.

The sales manager comes and asks what happened and why didn’t I come to him first. I had nothing against the sales manager at the dealership I worked for but I told him “every single time I’ve tried to buy a car from any dealership I’ve ever worked for I’ve gotten a hassle from the sales department, every single time – cash deal or otherwise. I agree to the price, I buy the warranties and extras, why isn’t my money good enough?” He was speechless.

Come to find in the next week the owner of the dealership was highly upset I bought a car from another VW dealer. I told him the story, all he could do was apologise. Did you know that the following month the owner threatened (off record) to fire anyone who bought a car from another dealer? Talk about punishing the victims of his hostile sales department. Since that day, whenever I go to a dealer to buy a car, I go to the weakest salesperson and give them their fastest sale ever. The big shots can go pound it.

Two different times within 3 hours of being married.

The first time the bride and an ex-boyfriend were caught, *ahem*, having relations together by a member of the groom’s family.

Lots of screaming, yelling, and drama. The bride and ex-boyfriend were both escorted out. The groom was sitting in the corner surrounded by his family in tears. What seemed to make everything worse was the music kept playing.

The second was a bit more interesting, to say the least.

First of all, neither the bride nor groom seemed interested in the planning. The second thing was that every meeting we had, the best man AND maid of honor were there too.

Day of the wedding and the groom gets caught with the best man. The bride was pissed, but not for the usual reasons. What she said when she found out was,

“I can’t believe you two couldn’t wait until tonight!”

I swear you could have heard a pin drop. Come to find out, both were from very strict conservative and Christian families. Both were also homosexual. So they worked out a deal to “marry” but live their lives how they wished. Even more drama at that one. We escorted the bride, groom, and their significant others (for a lack of a better term) out of the area.

The Monday after, I just looked at my boss and said,

“That was one hell of a coming out party, wasn’t it?”

The U.S. can do whatever the hell they so chooses but the real question is that does it fall faster into oblivion? Right at this moment the image of the U.S. is that of lacking confidence and weak mentally and unstable to think straight!

That U.S. the present day image of the U.S. let alone it is getting ridiculous by the day. Using a fighter aircraft to shoot down a 1000 bucks weather balloon l floating across the U.S. costing them millions to trying to did armed a teeny booper social media and calling EVs. A security risk!

Investors and business partners watch for confidence and risk in dealing with a mature economy and the US looks and sound like a mentally unstable nation to have a serious relationship! So can you do what you want? Sure yes especially if you can print money freely but at what cost? This is what smart person ought to think!

Everyone in the world knows it is a Singaporean tanker run by Indian seaman but if you feel like fooling your own citizens that you still can do shit it is easy. But you are losing credibility by the day!

Damn! This is amazing! It really is. This is dark. And it is truth.

We cannot continue to allow the corporate model within a society. It is toxic to society. As we are experiencing right now.

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