@HD enhanced 2023 05 09 15 20

The rules are draconian, but not applied equally. That is not fair.

I have said this over and over again. The world is changing. The West is going completely bonkers, and the “third world” is getting stronger and more aggressive.

If you are sitting in a pot of hot water, you will think that everyone in the world is experiencing what you experience, but that is not the case. You all need to step outside the cauldron. Cool down and enjoy yourself.

Many MM followers are writing to me and reaffirming their thoughts about all these “UFO disclosures” that seem to be very popular now. The over all opinion voiced here on MM is that it’s all a bullshit game, and the real deal is right here in MM land. I appreciate that. I really do.

Don’t get too caught up.

When one form of disinfo collapses, another one takes its place. The United States and the West) are so messed up that you will NEVER know the truth from the lies. Never.

Keep being yourselves and enjoy some nice Summer foods. Watermelon, tomato sandwiches, fried chicken, coleslaw, and all the rest. Like hotdogs over an open fire. Savor the good things.


Some smart guy named Porky Bickar fooled his whole town into thinking the nearby dormant volcano was about to erupt.

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This was in Sitka, Alaska, 1974.

Bickar was a local businessman, pilot and apparently the local prankster. He came up with the idea for the volcanic eruption prank as a way to promote his new helicopter charter business and to bring some excitement to the lifeless town of Sitka.

First, he secretly flew up a hundreds of old tyres to the volcano’s crater and tossed them in.

On April’s Fool’s he set fire to them.

As you can imagine, the resulting smoke and flames caused widespread alarm among the poor confused folks of Sitka.

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2023 06 09 17 25

Panic set in, immediate preparations for evacuations were made. Kids were sent home, families gathered their precious possessions, called in their pets.

The last eruption was over 4000 years ago. What’s happening? The Coast Guard sent a helicopter out to investigate. When the pilot arrived, he looked down and saw:

A spray – painted Happy April Fool’s message.

But don’t think of Bickar as careless. He had taken precautions and informed the authorities with the exception of the coast guard.

Once news got out that it was a prank, most Sitka residents thought it was hilarious. Even a flight that was leaving Sitka that day was diverted so that passengers could see the faux eruption. The admiral in charge of the Coast Guard in Alaska later told Bickar he thought the prank was brilliant.

Thankfully, people had a sense of humor back then so everyone pretty much laughed it off; it would have been considered an act of terrorism today.

White Man Scolds Black People For Not Listening To Malcolm X Regarding Lying Liberals

Have a lot of sex, if you are young and considered genetically attractive. They breed healthy Aryan girls who fit any type of man. Blonde and blue-eyed to the front of the line. It’s free, no-strings-attached sex. Something that young people tend to like. And Reich cared for the babies in a special SS “Kindergarten” called Lebensborn to raise them in order to replenish conquered territory. Most would be adopted to select families, mostly from the SS. An estimated 900 pregnancies were caused by the Nuremberg demonstrations alone.

Sex between chosen, young, and genetically pure Germans is recommended. Awards, such as the Cross of Honor of the German Lady, were given to women who contributed most to the Reich. The German high command knew that it had to replace the millions of soldiers and civilians who would be lost in the war. They think for the long term. But the Reich lasted only 12 years, not a thousand, so it was all in vain. Sports and physical fitness are also widely regulated and encouraged. And people are taught to give birth naturally, not look down on it as in previous generations. So, life was pretty good for most Germans until the war came to their home.

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I saved all the passengers on a plane, including myself and my family, from a deadly airplane accident.

But not in the way you might think. It wasn’t like the pilot passed out and I took control of the flight or anything like that.

Let me explain. I was around 7 or 8 years old. I remember we were at the airport, about to board a flight to Miami (USA). The plane was running a bit late (as it often happens), but eventually, we boarded, about an hour later than scheduled.

We entered the plane, stowed our luggage in the overhead compartments, and took our seats. Of course, I chose the window seat. I was sitting next to my father, while my mother was in the row next to us.

The pilot announced that they were ready for takeoff and asked everyone to fasten their seatbelts and prepare for departure. However, what he didn’t prepare them for was what was about to happen next.

Just seconds before the plane was about to start moving, I began convulsing out of nowhere, something that had never happened to me before. According to my father, veins popped out on my neck, and I wasn’t responsive to what they were saying, so he decided to shout for the takeoff to be stopped.

All the passengers got scared, thinking there was some kind of attack when in reality, it was just my father causing a commotion to halt the plane. In the end, a flight attendant announced that there was an emergency situation, and the plane abruptly stopped just as it was about to take off.

The curious thing is that after a doctor checked me and my father signed some papers, he made the daring decision (he wouldn’t miss his vacation for anything) to continue the journey. If anything happened to me, it would be his responsibility.

What’s even more curious about the whole incident is that after many passengers complained about the delay caused by me, the plane prepared to start again. However, as it started, one of the turbine generators spontaneously caught fire. They had to evacuate us, and the same passengers who had complained earlier now called me ‘The Blessed Child’ while giving me crosses and saint stamps, thanking me for potentially saving them from a fatal mid-flight accident.

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So, technically, thanks to my sudden seizure, I ended up causing a delay, which led to the turbine catching fire while the plane was still on the ground. I saved the lives of the passengers on that flight.

Johnny Cakes

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EDR Southern Johnny Cakes ExtraLarge1000 ID 1361175


  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup yellow cornmeal
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 3/4 cup buttermilk
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil or bacon grease, plus more, as needed


  1. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, cornmeal, baking powder and salt.
  2. In another large bowl, whisk together the buttermilk, water, eggs and sugar. Add the buttermilk mixture into the flour and stir until just combined. Do not over-mix or the pancakes will be tough.
  3. In a cast iron skillet, heat the oil over medium heat until just barely shimmering. Spoon 1/2 cup of the batter in the skillet. Cook until bubbles form all over the surface of the cake. Flip the cake and continue cooking until soft and fluffy, and the center is completely cooked through. Transfer to a plate.
  4. Repeat with the remaining batter, adding more oil as needed.
  5. Serve hot with butter, pure maple syrup, honey or your favorite pancake topping.

I’m going to try to give a more sympathetic interpretation to Rishi’s comments.

I grew up in Canada and studied in the US at a time the West had just emerged triumphant from the Cold War. Francis Fukuyama had just written “The End of History”, trumpeting the ultimate victory of Western liberal democracy as led by the US. My view of China was formed by reading books such as Jung Chang’s “Wild Swans” about China’s Cultural Revolution. I knew little about China except that it was poor and umm… communist lol.

Then I moved to Hong Kong for work. I started going into China on business trips.

My first visits pretty much confirmed my biases. The country was very poor. But I also noticed something; it was developing very rapidly. I’d visit Shenzhen and each trip it seemed that a new office tower or highway had sprung up seemingly overnight.

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Shenzhen in 1990 (top) vs 2014 (bottom)

I consider myself reasonably knowledgeable about China — in part because of all the business I did there. And even though I was an eyewitness to the changes taking place, I still didn’t predict how fast the country would develop. Who would’ve guessed back at the turn of the millennium that in less than 25 years, China’s economy would be bigger (by PPP) than the US?

So yes, if by “global security” Rishi is talking about the US led post-war order, China is a threat. Because it is big enough and has a center of gravity that offers countries an alternative to the United States’ view of the world. I wonder if American policymakers realize just what a seminal moment the Saudi – Iran peace deal that China brokered was. By pulling off something America was unwilling or unable to do, it showed the limits of American influence — and demonstrated that meaningful geopolitical objectives could and would get done without the US.

Change can be scary. We live in a world that is changing so fast. And much like me at the turn of the millennia, Western policymakers have yet to come to grips with how fast China’s rise is or what the implications are. That’s why they view China as a “threat” to global security.

The unipolar world is dying. Long live the multipolar world.

It’s time to EXPOSE AFRICA, where are you for your people you enslaved?

A comparison of China and the US’s legacy in Africa

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This isn’t so much finding something unexpected as not finding something expected. One time when I was young and on the road home in an older car, my car broke down in the evening, on the off-ramp in the town of Port Hope, in Ontario, Canada. We managed to push my car to a nearby auto service shop and a nice guy drove us to a nearby hotel. The clerk gave us a key to a room and we went and found the room, but there was no bed in the room! We went back to the front desk and found the clerk in the pool room shooting pool and said “ummm, there’s no bed in the room you gave us.” He apologized and gave us a different room, which did have a bed. Aside from the missing bed, the people of that town treated us very well. It was a few days before Christmas and someone came in on his day off to fix our car while someone else showed us around town. I have fond feelings for the people of Port Hope, Ontario.

Friday, 09 June 2023 7:05 AM [ Last Update: Friday, 09 June 2023 7:12 AM ]

US President Joe President Biden (L) meets Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at Alsalam Royal Palace in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on July 15, 2022. (File photo by the Royal Court of Saudi Arabia)

A classified document has revealed that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) threatened to impose significant economic costs on Washington after US President Joe Biden warned Riyadh over its decision to slash oil production last fall.

Even though the Saudi government publicly defended its actions politely via diplomatic statements, the 37-year-old de facto ruler of the country threatened in private to re-evaluate the Arab nation’s relationship with the White House and impose significant economic costs on the United States if it retaliated against the oil cuts.

According to the document, the crown prince claimed “he will not deal with the US administration anymore,” and promised “major economic consequences for Washington,” The Washington Post reported on Thursday.

The US intelligence document was circulated on the Discord messaging platform as part of an extensive leak of highly sensitive national security materials.

“We are not aware of such threats by Saudi Arabia,” a spokesperson with the US National Security Council said.

“In general, such documents often represent only one snapshot of a moment in time and cannot possibly offer the full picture,” the official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, added.

“The United States continues to collaborate with Saudi Arabia, an important partner in the region, to advance our mutual interests and a common vision for a more secure, stable, and prosperous region, interconnected with the world,” the official said.

The Saudi Embassy in Washington has yet to make a comment on the matter.

Eight months after Biden vowed “consequences” for Saudi Arabia after oil output cuts, the US president has yet to take any measures against the Arab country and MbS has continued to engage with top US officials, as he did with Secretary of State Antony Blinken in the seaside Saudi city of Jeddah earlier this week.

Biden, who had pledged to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah” as a presidential candidate, now scarcely communicates with the crown prince but the president’s top aides have gradually rebuilt ties with him hoping the two nations can work together on pressing issues, including normalization with Israel, Saudi Arabia’s growing relationship with China, a long-sought peace deal in Yemen and continued disagreements over the supply of oil.

A second leaked US intelligence document from December last year also warned that Saudi Arabia plans to expand its “transactional relationship” with China by procuring drones, ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and mass surveillance systems from Beijing.

During a news conference alongside Blinken in the Saudi capital Riyadh on Thursday, Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud highlighted that China and Saudi Arabia are close and strategic allies and have been increasing cooperation in the energy and financial sectors, and that “cooperation is likely to grow.”

He said Saudi Arabia’s ties with the United States and China were not a “zero-sum game.”

“I don’t ascribe to this zero-sum game,” Prince Faisal said in Riyadh. “We are all capable of having multiple partnerships and multiple engagements and the US does the same in many instances.

“So I’m not caught up in this really negative view of this. I think we can actually build a partnership that crosses these borders,” the top Saudi diplomat said.

Riyadh’s strengthening of its commercial and security ties with Beijing comes as US influence wanes in the Middle East region.

I prefer to raise my child in China over most Western countries.

A man, who identified himself as Ante, took his girlfriend to Disneyland, and there he got down on one knee on a stage in front of Sleeping Beauty’s castle, ready to propose. He had his friends waiting a distance away, phone camera out recording.

Ante whips out the ring box, and as he’s asking the question, a Disney employee sprints in out of nowhere, snatches the ring box from his hands, and runs off stage.

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Why? Because people aren’t supposed to propose there, unless they got permission to.

According to the person who filmed, they had permission but that employee didn’t know this.

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He tells them to come down the stage and complete their proposal there.

In a daze, Ante told the employee, “She said yes.”

The man responded: “Yes, that’s great, but over here, it’s going to be even better.”

Disneyland Employee Interrupts Proposal After Man Got Permission || ViralHog

It was too late, though; he had fully ruined the couple’s moment.

I understand the employee was just doing his job but Jesus, have some fucking tact. He could’ve stopped them with his voice, yelled at them even, anything but snatch the ring out of Ante’s hands mid-proposal. That was disrespectful.

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Ante reacted quite well; many others commented they would’ve punched the man.

Disney apologised in a statement:

We have offered our sincere apologies to the couple concerned and we will do everything we can to make this up to them.

“Disneyland stands for dreams,” Ante said in a phone interview. “Our moment was destroyed.”

Imagine for a moment that you were born in the year 1900. When you were 14 years old, World War I begins and ends only when you are 18 years old, leaving 22 million dead.

A little later, a worldwide pandemic, the Spanish Flu, appears, killing 50 million people. And you are alive, 20 years old.

At 29 years old, you survive the global economic crisis that began with the crash of the New York Stock Exchange, causing inflation, unemployment and hunger.

When you are 33 years old, Nazism comes to power.

When you’re 39, World War II starts and ends when you’re 45, with 60 million dead.

When you are 52 years old, the Korean War begins.

When you’re 64, the Vietnam War starts and ends when you’re 75.

A person born in 1985, for example, thinks that their grandparents have no idea how difficult life is, not knowing that they have survived several wars and global catastrophes.

Today we have been living with a great pandemic for more than a year. We are scared and tired. We lost friends and relatives, we are scared.

In the past, conditions were even worse, but yes, humanity survived under these conditions and overcame it.

Believe me, better days await us.

dig a grave

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This happens a lot in movies these days: someone kills someone else, and in an attempt to hide said body, they just go out and casually dig a 6-foot-deep grave big enough to fit a man with a shovel.

No. Crap. Chance.

Have any of these writers ever tried to dig a grave? Do you know what happens when you go below 8 inches of soil? Rocks. Clay. Slate. Very dense soil – you name it.

Very soon you will find that your shovel is completely useless.

Show at least someone with a pick, because that’s the bare minimum you need to dig a grave. And even with that, it takes you hours and hours.

Think about that too – if you assume the grave is 6 feet long, 3 feet wide and 6 feet deep – that’s 108 feet. mud. Dry mud typically weighs about 75 pounds per cubic foot. So one grave is 8,000 pounds of earth. 4 tons. Good luck feeling your hands after this.

Ukrainian Armored Columns Got SMASHED and AMBUSHED


2023 06 09 18 28
2023 06 09 18 28

Rear Adm. Mike Studeman might be referring to the phenomenon where individuals or organizations fail to recognize or intelligently address the strategic threat posed by China’s role as a significant global power.

This term “China Blindness” has been used to describe a range of issues related to China. In particular, it refers to a serious lack of understanding of what China is, how it operates, and what it is capable of. It is a “catch all” phrase that describes a cloud of ignorance of what China actually is today.

The Admiral is admonishing his peers as a warning. To believe the false narratives encapsulated in the public narrative is to risk serious defeat on the battlefield. To engage China, one must be realistic, and fully address the harsh and uncomfortable reality that confronts the USN. If it fails to do so, it could result in catastrophe.

As far as I can understanding it, the use of this term suggests a need for greater awareness and friendly engagement with China. As opposed to the politically-driven narratives of forcing and pushing China to follow United States dictates.

China Prepares for Worst-Case Scenario


This was in 2009. The woman pictured, Karen Sala, filed a paternity suit seeking around $3 milion a month in spousal support plus about $150,000 a month in child support (going back to 2006).

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Sala claimed she had a sexual relationship with Keanu, that they lived together and that he was present at the birth of three of her children.

She said she had known him since she was four or five, as he grew up down the street from her.

“I didn’t know he was Keanu Reeves,” she said. “To me he was Marty Spencer.”

Marty Spencer, lol. The claim that that was his name should have been enough to throw the whole case out.

The strongest piece of evidence against her was of course, the DNA test results, which showed Keanu was not the father of Sala’s children.

It gets better. When presented with this evidence, Sara, who was representing herself, claimed Keanu could’ve used hypnosis to alter the test results. What the hell.

The judge threw the case out.

I felt really sorry for this guy.

X-Factor New Zealand, 2015.

This man, Joe Irvine, stepped onto the stage and sang “Cry Me A River”.

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He sang well enough, nothing seemed to be wrong.

But when he was done, two of the judges ploughed into him, they completely laid into him. I mean they trashed him so bad they made Simon Cowell look like a sweetheart.

But why did they do that?

It wasn’t because of what he sang, or even how he sang. In fact it had nothing to do with his singing.

It was because of how he looked.

The two judges were Willy Moon and Natalia Kills, a married couple. Both of them are also singers.

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On that particular episode, the contestant Joe Irvine looked very much like Willy Moon.

Willy Moon, left. Joe Irvine, right.

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The couple claimed Joe Irvine changed his look so he could look like Willy Moon.

Willy Moon joined in the tirade, saying it felt cheap and absurd, and “like Norman Bates dressing up in his mother’s clothing”.

[1] (Norman Bates is the killer in the horror film Psycho).

All these comments were rude and completely unnecessary, and look at the poor guy’s face, he looked like he was about to cry.

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He didn’t say much back to them. He only said that he liked the way he looked.

The two judges’ tirade sparked an outrage on social media, causing both of them to be simultaneously fired from the show.

[2] They received so much hate that they fled the country to Los Angeles.
[3] The couple at the airport, accompanied by security, still trying to look fashionable as they flee the country. God, they look creepy.
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Joe Irvine received a lot of support on social media from the public and also from celebrities, such as Ed Sheeran.

New Zealand chart-topper Lorde sent him a letter and some cupcakes.

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Lorde’s letter read

I’m a performer too, and I wanted to say that no matter how many people make fun of me for how I dress, move and act, I’m being me – and that’s what’s important. Good luck and lots of love, Lorde.

People were understandably upset with those two judges. Those two judges said a lot of mean things to Joe Irvine, and even compared him to a (fictional) murderer.

On social media, people ridiculed those judges, and some people harassed them to the point where they felt they had to leave the country for the sake of their own safety.

No matter how much someone tries to copy your looks or style or whatever, you just can’t tell them they look like a psycho killer in front of thousands of viewers.

What I found hilarious were the memes made about the female judge, Natalia Kills.

She trashed Joe Irvine for copying her husband’s style, so people trashed her for copying the styles of other…..famous individuals.

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It’s kinda hilarious and she deserves it.

Southern Biscuits and Gravy

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biscuits and gravy e1327273264297


  • 1/2 pound bulk pork breakfast sausage
  • 2 tablespoons chopped yellow onions
  • 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups hot milk
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 batch Southern Biscuits


  1. Heat frying pan and fry the sausage and onion until the sausage is brown and the onion clear.
  2. Drain off all grease except for 2 tablespoons.
  3. Stir in the flour and cook for just a minute.
  4. Add the hot milk. Stir constantly until the mixture thickens and then season with salt and pepper.
  5. Serve over warm opened biscuits.
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Alexander Martis

Hello everyone.

Loved the video “I went to Canada and I was SHOCKED!”.The sarcasm is right on point. Being gay does not have to be a synonym of being anti-sovereignty. I place my human being sovereignty above everything else.
Thank God Puerto Rico has not gone as fast as Canada with their WEFers/Davosians agenda, probably because the island is a territory of the USA and not a country.
I find it so uncomfortable to shove in everyone’s face the gay thing, because I felt so uncomfortable being somewhat pressured to be heterosexual when I am not one.
The west has become a terrible joke in the eyes of the rest of the world. The ruling class of the west clearly believes in the slavery of everyone. They are anti-sovereign, anti-human. I have to borrow this, from Catherine Austin Fitts website:

“…Mr. Global’s goal of complete digital control, a dystopian plan that would downgrade human beings’ status from that of sovereign individuals to slaves or natural resources to be harvested. This vision goes beyond mere totalitarianism; at this juncture, it seems clear that we are dealing with a “Mr. Global” who views himself as a different species and believes that—by means of digital IDs, vaccine passports, mind control, and invasive Internet of Bodies technologies—he can manage the rest of us as livestock.”



PD-I wonder if the character she calls Mr. Global is really Mr. West, is it a combination of both, or something/someone else.
So sad to know my mind can’t understand so many things going on.

Alexander Martis

Guess what???
The video “I went to Canada and I was SHOCKED!” was removed.That means videos like that one should be downloaded and stored locally. Why? Because someone in YouTube will complain for it being “offensive”.
The truth is subversive and damaging to society according to the operators and algorithms of YouTube.
Please, anyone wanting or needing to post videos in YouTube or any platform relying on Google or Amazon Web Services should look for other platforms to do it.
On the other hand, a huge THANK YOU Metallicman for pointing out the young gentleman that posted that video. His channel:


His name is Rafael Cintron, a Puertorrican who emigrated to UAE.
For those curious of finding about living in Puerto Rico and what I have to deal with, check out his videos:

5 Reasons Why Americans LEAVE Puerto Rico [Why I Left]

Why Puerto Rico Taxes Won’t Last (Act 60)

I can confirm everything Rafael Cintron talks about in both videos is the absolute truth.

Cheers everyone, for the freedom and sovereignty of us, the Metallic gang.