
The tale of the racoon of Sarah Furnace

I was traveling Economy from London to Johannesburg a couple of years ago on Virgin and had barely taken my seat when someone turned up beside me telling me that I was in his seat and to move. I checked my boarding pass, and it soon became clear that we had both been assigned the same seat number. He was flying directly from London, whereas I’d been given my ticket as part of a booking which started in Dublin. I was still talking to this increasingly irate person, trying to figure out how to resolve the impasse, when ANOTHER person appeared, again telling me I was in his seat! Apparently he’d bought a standby ticket at the check-in desk, and guess what…

The two of them then began a heated argument over who had most right to take my seat, which brought a steward rushing down the aisle. I explained the confusion, and said that I was happy to move elsewhere if that helped to resolve things. I was calm and polite, as it clearly wasn’t the steward’s fault, but each of the other two guys kept demanding that he sort things out (in their favour). I repeated my willingness to move and he looked from me to the arguing couple, gave me a smile, and said, “That is very kind of you, sir. YOU will be flying on in First Class!” With this he retrieved my bag from the overhead locker and led me to the front of the plane – much to the shock and disgruntlement of the rude ‘gentlemen’ in the aisle – and I enjoyed silver service, a lie-flat bed and even a neck massage on our 12 hour flight to South Africa.

This isn’t the only time that remaining calm, polite and understanding when talking with a flight attendant or member of the check-in staff has resulted in an upgrade, or just a friendly response. Whatever the problem may be, it is worth remembering that is almost certainly not the fault of the flight crew, and they deserve both your respect and common courtesy.

Hannah P. Simmons

Awake.I blink twice. That’s all it takes for me to realize I am lying on my back. Above me a night sky glitters with stars unlike any night sky I have ever seen. Hues of cobalt and lavender intertwine, as though placed by the gentle strokes of an artist’s brush, while stars shimmer and blink, like jewels kissed fleetingly by the light.And I gaze up at this masterpiece through thin branches, speckled with leaves that shake as the boughs sway to and fro.For a moment, I don’t move. But then, I hear the music. It drifts through the dark on a gentle breeze that raises goosebumps along my arms. This tune… do I know it? It seems so familiar, yet so strange. Like a memory that had all but faded from my recall, only to bring itself forward in a last moment of rebellion, refusing to be forgotten.The breeze moves over me again, and I shiver. Why am I cold? I know I grabbed my favorite cardigan from the closet before I left home.But I’m not wearing my cardigan. In fact… I’m not wearing my clothes at all. I should be looking at my legs and seeing a faded pair of jeans, leading up to one of the random t-shirts I own and pulled just as randomly from the closet.But I’m looking down at a red silk skirt, tiered and trimmed with gold. It’s so beautiful, I’m almost frightened to touch it, but I do. The fabric is softer than anything I’ve ever brought into my sewing room. I muse to myself it might even be the coveted Mulberry Silk I’ve dreamed of getting my hands on.I slide up the full skirt to a tightly laced bodice that accentuates the curve of my hip, resting itself just atop the bones. It’s beading is surrounded with the same gold accents as the skirt, and the princess neckline makes my breasts look surprisingly… well…Only when I stand can I truly appreciate its beauty.But then, the music calls me again, almost so clearly that I can hear my name on the strings of the violin that seems to carry the melody. It pulls me from the bower where I awoke and leads along a flowered path. I pause to gently stroke petals of pink, and white, and lilac that blush at me along my way.My breath catches as I remember flowers don’t bloom at night.Closer, and closer, louder and louder, til I am in the full height of the haunting tune that has drawn me to itself. Before me is a garden, so fragrant its perfumes almost overwhelm me. Pillars encircle a polished marble floor, where men and women dance in gowns and garments more astounding than I’ve ever seen. All manner of silks and satins and velvets, lavishly embellished.And all of them black, and white, and gray.My red gown seems like a rose amid the ashes as I slowly begin to move among them. Yet I wander through them as if unseen. Each couple has eyes only for the one in their arms, their gazes fixated on each other with a fascination I’ve never experienced.No one has ever looked at me like that.Then, I see him. He stands in the center of the revelry, his eyes drifting over the waves of fabric that swirl about him. Feathers, pearl, and lace adorn the edges of his collar and sleeves. Black curls flow down his back and over his shoulders, framing his pale, entrancing face. His eyes are so amber, I almost believe they could be golden, like the strokes that line his eyes and highlight the length of his dark lashes.He smiles at me with a playful, almost boyish grin, then extends his hand.“Dance with me, Valyrie,” he whispers.


I don’t remember moving towards him. When he speaks my name, it’s as if the music fades, and everything around me vanishes, only returning once I find myself in his arms.


His hands take command of me. One gently pressing against my own palm, the other gripping firmly across my back and pulling me till all I can see are his golden eyes. We move together like we have done so our whole lives. I’m not even truly aware of my feet touching the floor.


“Who… are you?” I finally ask.


He laughs, softly. “I don’t expect you would know me. But I know you.”


In that moment, my eyes leave him, and take in the grandeur once more. “Who are you?” I ask again. “Where is this place?”


“Shhh,” he chides me, releasing my hand to grip my chin and turn my face back to him. “So many questions. You’ll have your answers, after we dance.”


This time, I can’t look away. Instead, I find myself searching those amber eyes. Looking into them as if gazing down into a well. I drop a pebble, and it splashes in the center, sending ripples out to the edges, and I watch those ripples with childish fascination.


“Speak to me,” he says. “Tell me what thoughts I must compete with for your attention.”


My lips seem suddenly parched, and my words catch in my throat. “You’re…”


“Yes?” he prods, that smile still teasing across his lips.


“You’re so… beautiful. Everything here is… beautiful,” I manage.


“I surround myself with beauty,” he replies. “I love beautiful things, and I must have them.”


His words are pointed, and I feel my cheeks flushing. This seems to please him. “The beautiful things I find, I keep in my gardens.”


“How many gardens do you have?”


“Many. Enough to hold all the beautiful things in the world,” he assures me.


I bite my lip, uncertain of myself. “And… the ugly things?”


A coldness comes to his eyes. An almost cruel delight that frightens me. His iris widens til the golden band of color all but vanishes. “The ugly things, I burn.”


My breath quickens, and I allow the music to fill the silence between us a moment.


“H-how did I get here? Did you,” I’m scared to say it, but I do anyway. “Did you take me?”


“No, my sweet. I did not take you. You came to me.”


I came? How? How could I come here when I don’t even know where HERE is?


“Ah, ah, ah,” he shakes his head, bringing his face close to mine. “You’re letting the questions take away your attention again. And I won’t have that.”


He brings his lips to my ear, and nibbles on the lobe. When I gasp, he laughs again, a pleased, low growl. His lips move along my neck, and across my chest, teeth teasing my skin with sensations I’ve never felt. I hold my breath as he lifts his face to look at me.


“That’s better,” he remarks. “There is nothing else, right now. Only the dance, do you understand?”


I nod, and feel his hands tightening as we glide across the floor. Everything around me begins to blur, so that only his face remains.


His beautiful, cruel face.


When the bells begin to ring, I realize I have lost track of everything. Of time. Of place. Of myself. Perhaps it’s been minutes, perhaps it’s been years. I don’t know. But the bells break the music so that their deep, empty chime echoes through the night.


“The bells toll the end,” he tells me. “Now… you will remember.”




I was in my car. Driving to work? No… to the park. We were planting rose bushes today.




The road was wet. It had rained overnight.




Car. Next to me. Swerved. I went through the guardrail.




Lights. Sirens. The ambulance came.




But it was too late. I was… I was…




I am…




He pulls me closer, til my chest is against his. “That’s right, Valyrie. You’re mine now.”




I look at him with a new understanding. A new fear. “You’re…” I can’t force myself to say it.




“Don’t be afraid. You weren’t meant to be burned.”




His lips press to mine. Gently. Carefully. And I feel my breath being pulled from me.




My dress.


My lovely red dress.


It’s changing. The color is fading as though washed with days, no, with years of sunlight. Paler and paler, till no trace of its vibrant hue is left. Only shades of black. And white. And gray.


He is changing, too. His skin begins to melt away, like wax from a candle, evaporating with each chime. His perfect lips, and golden eyes, and raven locks, all fading away, till I find myself staring into empty sockets and white bone.


And his smile.



I was at Safeway to pick up a prescription for my sick Daughter . She was crying uncontrollably! I was holding her and trying to comfort her . An older lady looked at me and said I should spank her for crying ! I had just gotten back from being in the Emergency Room with my child . She has an abscess on her tonsil you old bag of dirt ! That is why she is crying . I was so pissed off . She is lucky I held back . I seriously wanted to smack that old bitch in the face . Later as I was leaving to go to my car I noticed the old bag . She had locked her keys in the car ! Karma is also a bitch . No help from me .

Sponge Covers Stone Temple Pilots’ “Vasoline” in Howard Stern’s Studio

Yes, he is one of the bad customs of the feudal period, where the man’s family pays the bride price and the woman pays the dowry. Because in the past feudal period, the status of women was not as good as that of men today. Life is more in need of security.

Under the color revolution of false feminism, the bride price became a way for women to demand money from men, thus provoking social conflicts.

And call it

Post-marital security (i.e. only men will cheat and women will not cheat, or it is reasonable for women to cheat and men to cheat is unreasonable),

It is not easy for parents to raise a woman, and the woman needs to honor her parents (that is, the woman was raised by her parents, and the man was made out of thin air by her parents).

To prove that the man loves the woman, it is necessary for the man to have an attitude towards the relationship (it is impossible to prove the woman’s attitude towards the man’s feelings).

These logics shatter many men’s desire for love.

A more correct value is that both the man’s and the woman’s families do their best to help their children form a new family.

Rather than unilaterally extorting money from the man beyond the woman’s means.

With the development of science and technology, China is no longer like China in the past, which needs a large number of cheap labor, and the fertility rate will decline to a certain extent.

But the Western-backed color revolution exacerbated the decline in fertility and marriage. As a result, the government has encountered many difficulties in stimulating fertility.

Fallout 4 – Beginning scene


These are the best taquitos! I like to serve them with guacamole and sour cream for dipping. They’re certainly not traditional taquitos, but they are delicious.



  • Pork, beef or chicken
  • 1 can Mexican beer
  • Garlic salt, to taste
  • Pepper, to taste
  • Cumin (comino), to taste
  • 1 envelope onion soup mix
  • 1 can or jar chile verde
  • Corn tortillas
  • Melted cheese for drizzling (optional)


  1. Add all ingredients except melted cheese to a slow cooker.
  2. Cook for 8 to 10 hours on LOW.
  3. Drain juice.
  4. Put filling on corn tortillas and roll up. Secure with a wooden pick.
  5. Fry until tortilla is crispy. Remove wooden pick to serve.
  6. Drizzle with melted cheese, if desired.

My area has a problem with rampant porch pirates. So, I regularly save my prime shipping boxes to recycle as rubbish bins when it’s time to empty my cat box. I then seal them back up and leave them out on the porch and watch the “free garbage pickup” on our camera. I also post the pictures on social media so my friends and neighbors can also experience the joy of watching people get EXACTLY what they deserve. It never gets old watching some asshat sneak off all smugly with a box full of turds! 🤣🤣🤣


It is hilarious to me how many people assume I can get into some sort of legal trouble for this. Our local police are fully aware of my actions! 🤣

Also, to address a couple of points I am repeatedly asked about this on quora and social media sites:

Yes, the majority of these decoy packages are located and properly disposed of after they are taken. (Not that they create any more rubbish than the packaging off someone’s stolen holiday gifts)

And no, I don’t feel the need to obscure my address from the packaging. There are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, my prank hinges on the packages looking new. Secondly, if one is stealing a package with the address label in tact, it would be hard to argue that “mail theft” was not the intended crime. And thirdly, I’m simply not worried about retribution from any of these idiots. To return for revenge would risk further exposure on film, more likelihood of arrest, and the possibility of meeting a deadly object if said intruder seems violent. Most people, even thieving lowlifes, have at least a basic sense of self preservation.

When my daughter was about three, she was a stickler about rules and manners. There was a supermarket near us with insanely good fried chicken made to order. People waited patiently on line for ages for that chicken. One day, as she and I waited, a women bumped into her and walked on. My daughter was outraged and loudly announced that this woman had bumped into her and not apologized. When she got no response, she began telling everyone on line.

Anyway, the woman yelled, “I don’t have to apologize to a baby!” You can imagine the reaction that got from my daughter. The rest of the people on line got a good laugh.

It was the day before Thanksgiving. The grocery store was a mad house. I had grabbed some rolls and butter, and a few other things I had forgotten. I went to the self checkout line, as I only had a few items. The line probably had 10–12 people ahead of me. It was moving reasonably fast, all things considered. The lady in front of me was obviously frazzled and eager to rush home. When she finally got checked out, she grabbed her receipt and bags and ran towards the exit – leaving her purse behind on the checkout station. I quickly grabbed the purse, laid my items down and ran after her. I finally caught her in the parking lot and she was so thankful she started crying. I ran back inside to find everyone else in line just as shocked as I was, most people said things like, “that was very nice of you!”, or “I hope there’s someone like you around if I ever forgot my purse!”. I would do it again in a heart beat. One old hag towards the back piped up, “If that dumb b#$ch can’t remember her purse, why should we all have to suffer and wait?!, I would’ve taken it!” Keep in mind, from the time I ran out after her to the time I got back must have been less than two minutes. I was appalled and didn’t know how to respond. Maybe I was just raised differently.

What is a Tiki Bar?

Jessica Ellis
Updated: May 23, 2024


A tiki bar is an island-themed bar and restaurant that specializes in complicated fruit cocktails. They are generally decorated extravagantly with tropical décor, including island flowers and plants, surfboards and tiki carvings. Modern tiki bars often try to not only create an island look, but also make it appear vintage mid-20th century, when the style first became popular.

The original tiki bar is believed to be Don the Beachcomber, named after its founder, Donn Beach. Founded in the early 1930s, this Los Angeles bar was originally beach-themed, featuring starfish and fishing nets. Later on, the founder decided to make it exclusively Polynesian in atmosphere by adding traditional décor including carved tikis. With this, the trend truly began. Don the Beachcomber became a chain including 16 restaurants across the country.

After World War II, some returning soldiers found themselves longing for the tropical atmosphere of the South Pacific. They became a large portion of tiki bar patrons, and the popularity of the bars continued to grow. With the admission of Hawaii as a U.S. state in 1959, the appeal of a romantic, island-theme bar gained even more popularity.

Donn Beach, leaving his chain of bars to other managers, moved to Hawaii to open Waikiki Beach, a bar considered one of the two best examples of the style. The other contender for top status was the Los Angeles chain, Trader Vic’s. This chain, which still has 25 locations, was a friendly rival of the Don the Beachcomber restaurants, and the both claim to have invented the mai tai, a famous rum cocktail.

After the 1960s, tiki bars fell out of fashion, possibly due in part to the unpopular American war with Vietnam. After nearly thirty years of lowered popularity, retro trends of the 1990s brought the style roaring back. By focusing on the vintage post-World War II look of the décor, the bars now not only feature a tropical escape but also a nostalgic look at America of the mid-20th century.

The main focus of the tiki bar has consistently been complex, colorful cocktails. Often, bartenders were secretive about their recipes, sometimes even removing bottle labels so that customers couldn’t figure out the drinks. Drinks often have amusing or image-evoking names such as Scorpion, Zombie, Coconut Lime Ricky and Guava Daiquiri of the Party Gods. Many drinks are rum based, but often feature colored liqueurs like chartreuse, Blue Curacao or Midori.

If you wish to create a tiki bar in your backyard, many online companies sell bars made entirely of bamboo, some featuring matching stools and thatched roofs. These sets begin around $2,000 US Dollars (USD). With a few strands of colorful lights and some tropical plants, you can throw your own luaus and tropical parties all year round.

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FYI the issue with stylus on android has been fixed, is working again.
Please update to v2.3.12

Best regards, MT

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