The turkey that did not happen

It’s practically non existent.

Petty crimes are not even a statistic.

I’ve lived in Macau for over 40 years. Can go out on the street anytime of day or night.

I live near the Macau prison. But I still leave my balcony door wide open at night without fear.

There was one period in the 1990s where it became a lawless state. The triads were trying to get their hands on the lucrative VIP rooms in the casinos. In one year we had 37 killings. In broad daylight.

I told everyone it didn’t matter as long as you don’t hang around the triads. The next day I heard a loud bang in a shopping district. I turned around and saw a guy bleeding to death on the sidewalk. The killer put his gun away and fled the scene. Everyone walked around like nothing happened.

I understood the indifference. A week before an American friend witnessed a stabbing at a Japanese restaurant. He called the police. Then became uncomfortable and hung up. When he got home, seven police were waiting for him. They asked (in a nasty tone) why he called the police and hung up. A week later, he went to Hong Kong with his family. When he came home, he found it was ransacked and they poisoned his cat. At that time, the police and triads were linked.

The commissioner of gambling escaped a car bombing. The triads were very brazen. Two motorcycles killed a carload of people in broad daylight in front of the then Portuguese appointed governor’s mansion.

China came in and “talked” to the triads and increased their security at Chinese government buildings.

Within weeks, the killings stopped.

That year 37 killings. The next year zero. Everyone was relieved.

Nowadays Macau is completely safe.

Operation Sunray | Hunting the Entity in the Tsarichina Hole


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