You really need to assess who is mentally ill and who isn’t.
Mental illness is not a temporary thing that comes and goes. It is, instead, a permanent condition.
There are different variations of mental illness, like different flavors. Some are not so bad. Some are really horrible. And a mentally ill person will go though various stages in the illness that you (as an outsider) will not be aware of.
Obviously, you don’t want to be married to someone with this illness. As it will be an anchor chained to your ankle and it will really negatively affect your quality of life.
But also be careful about friendships as well.
Once, we were invited to a Thanksgiving meal by some friends.

Now, for you non-Americans, this is a big holiday in the USA. There is one huge meal. Often similar to that of a Christmas feast. It would have turkey and all the rest.
The people who invited us were friends. They had mental illnesses of some undisclosed nature and we accepted. Because we were not going to host the meal, we didn’t buy groceries. We waited two weeks, and when the Thanksgiving day arrived, we were all dressed up and went to their house.
The woman came to the door wearing her pajamas.
She nonchalantly told us that she didn’t feel like it. So they didn’t buy any food and were just going to stay inside and watch cartoons and eat “Cheerios” all day.
And so we went home.
Restaurants were out. All were closed.
Other friends were out, they all went to relatives homes.
We had nothing in the fridge.
So we went home, and made up some toast and had a can of chicken-noodle soup.
Some Thanksgiving eh?
Never put your trust in crazy people. Not only are they unreliable, but your association with them will often be painful.
Why do Chinese students educated in the West not support democracy when they return home?
Chinese are the world’s most apolitical people
They never discuss or talk about any form of politics
They complain if their services go wrong loudly to the local representatives
They call 12345 and if three guys make a phone on the same topic, the district level administration sends a team immediately
However beyond that – things like Democracy,Free Speech, Gender never ever occur to them
The mistaken notion is that somehow the Chinese would get attracted to democracy in US and support it when they come home was a MAJOR REASON BEHIND OPENING THE DOORS TO CHINA by Bill Clinton
The Chinese got attracted to the consumerism and the standard of living in the US but never the democracy or freedom
They are culturally different
They find the FREE SPEECH impractical and stupid
In China, if something is wrong – they complain to the authorities and get a solution
And Authority listens
Authority HAS to listen
Every People’s Representative has to have ONE DAY a week to meet the people and listen to their problems and open a Ticket and solve them
For instance when High Power Cables were rumored to cause cancer, the Local Representatives escalated the issue all the way to Beijing and got alternate leases to almost 9000 people in a district in Shaanxi
So Chinese Students find a system where a Politician is elected once in two or four or six years and after that disappears to Washington DC and spends all his time fund raising and never focusing on HIS PEOPLE until the next elections as Inferior
They find such Politicians who discuss Color Politics, Gay Rights and Abortion rather than the most pressing problems of the day as an Inferior and broken down system
They have found it to be impractical and often STUPID
They find nothing unique in the Freedom to Vote because they also Vote
They find nothing unique in Free Speech because the issues covered by free speech like Gay Rights or Color Politics are things that are never talked about in China but pretty much happen anyway
Why would they suggest or recommend a system they feel to be impractical and stupid to their Country?
In the older days, they have felt US had a much better standard of living and a nice consumerist credit driven society with limitless goods
Now China has better access to limitless goods at a far lower price
They have the same KFC and Starbucks but also the 99 CNY store and plenty of other things to buy
They are appalled at the Crime they see in US because in China major crime is virtually non existent and criminals get caught in hours or a couple of days at the most
Today the main reason for a Chinese Student NOT to return to China after graduation is LOVE
They fall in love with a Local American Girl or American Citizen and get married to them
Otherwise they go back to China quite happily
Now the opposite is happening
American Students who go to China return back with huge praise and discuss the failings of their own system
Many westerners fall in love with Chinese and get married and settle down there
Yes Chinese do migrate to the West but most of them are those who are Rural Residents who go for jobs like Cooking or Running a Kiosk or some small china town business
The Intelligent Chinese inevitably always come back now
Many can’t wait to get home
They come home and get inspired by Research Facilities and other stuff
Not by Democracy which I repeat they find STUPID and IMPRACTICAL
They have convinced me of the same
It’s why I worship the Chinese System and detest western democracy with every fiber of my being
Ex-Google CEO’s BANNED Interview LEAKED: “You Have No Idea What’s Coming”
Can Chinese economically survive if the USA were to cut Beijing out of the U.S. capital markets?
China does not need the US capital market. Know also that it does not borrow from the US$ dominated international capital market. China’s foreign account is in substantial surplus.
There are only a few Chinese companies listed on NYSE. Those who sought listing on it did so for the higher valuations. Some like Alibaba, whose primary listings are on NYSE have secondary listings on the HKSE. Alibaba is seeking to upgrade it to primary listing.
US venture funds were once active in China. They made lots of money, and would have expanded were they not discouraged or banned by the US government. These funds brought with them connections and networks which benefitted China. Nevertheless, China’s start-up scene thrives, and unicorns are being created as a matter course. China is not short of venture funds, state- and private-sponsored, from incubation and nursery through pre-IPO.
There is no shortage of capital in China and Hong Kong. You may add Singapore in the mix. These are “new” money accumulated and nurtured from the growth of the economies in Asia. US capital is more in the nature of “old” money.
US financial investments in China have fallen. To some extent, they are replaced by inflows from Saudi Arabia and other Middle East countries. China itself has massive supply of capital. Its foreign assets are worth several trillion dollars, including $750 billion of US Treasuries. It has large reserves of gold holdings. It current account from world trade is in surplus.
China offers far better investments opportunities and potentials than US and Europe, judging by their relative economic growths, and the prospects of growths.
China does not focus on financial investments that are short-termed and speculative capital flows.
China’s focus is on organic investments. It remains welcoming of foreign direct investments. These remain significant, including from the US, and notably Germany.
Meatballs in Kraut Casserole

- 1 1/2 pounds ground chuck or round
- 1/4 to 1/2 cup minced onion
- 2 teaspoons dried parsley
- 1 egg
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 1/2 cup dry rice, divided
- 2 (1 pound) bags sauerkraut
- 1 teaspoon caraway seed (optional)
- Mix ground beef, onion, parsley, egg, salt and pepper well by hand and make meatballs the size of ping pong balls.
- Drain kraut, saving juice.
- Put half the kraut in a large deep casserole with half the drained juice.
- Sprinkle 1/4 cup rice over the kraut, with caraway seed, if desired.
- Place meatballs on kraut and add remaining 1/4 cup of rice.
- Cover meat with remaining drained kraut and carefully pour water into casserole until it can just be seen under the kraut.
- Cover and bake at 375 degrees F until kraut is beginning to brown and rice and meat are tender.
- Serve with mashed potatoes and hearty bread and butter.
What are some incidents where people took revenge in a mind-blowing way?
How a singer avenged the damage of his guitar from United Airlines by causing it a loss of $180 million
David Carroll, a singer, was flying from Nova Scotia to Nebraska. At the time of luggage unloading, he noticed the unloaders were just throwing the luggage out.
And when he checked his luggage, he discovered his $3,500 Taylor guitar’s neck had been broken.
Dave tried for nine months to get a claim processed with United. The response was always “no.” They said he had waited longer than 24 hours to process a claim.
Dejected, he wrote a song and produced a music video. The song was titled “United Breaks Guitars.” He put it up on YouTube and it went viral.
United Breaks Guitars Song 2-1,322,582 views.
United Breaks Guitars Song 3-405,790 views.
After 150,000 views on song 1, United contacted Dave Carroll and offered payment to make the video go away. He had changed his mind by now, he told them that “United Breaks Guitars” wasn’t just a single song. It was part of a trilogy.
News media picks up the news
Soon newspapers and news broadcast media across America were doing stories about the song. He did over 200 interviews in the first few months.
Final outcome
The BBC reported that United’s stock price dropped by 10% within three to four weeks of the release of the video – a decrease in valuation of $180 million.
The Nazi Trap Scene – Fury (2014)
Do you think China is understating its numbers?
I do
I believe for certain that Chinas Actual Forex Reserves are a minimum $ 7 Trillion today
The Total Trade Surplus of China from 2007 to 2024 June equalled $ 8.673 Trillion at various stages and various exchange rates every year
So i am absolutely certain that China has at least another $ 3.5–4 Trillion of secret reserves buried globally
Likewise I believe China has a minimum 800 Nuclear Warheads and even as many as 2000 Warheads
The Number 350 was way back in the 1990s and Fissile Material Production has Quadrupled since 1998 yet Nuclear Energy as share of total power hasn’t surged by 400% but by a mere 87%
So a huge amount of fissile material was not likely used to produce nuclear energy
So obviously they were used to make Warheads
Finally I believe a fairer estimate of Chinas GDP would be closer to $ 27 Trillion nominally
That’s because I believe the GDP of China in Yuan excludes a large portion of services from its 1977 methodology and if you include that, the GDP is closer to 137.2 Trillion CNY
The Exchange Rate with USD is artificially kept low to keep exports cheap and the real value is closer to 4.74
So the Nominal GDP would be 137.2/4.74 minus 7% variance = $ 27 Trillion
Why do Chinese students educated in the West not support democracy when they return home?
Because they found out, you are the ones living in a lie. Isn’t that hard to understand?
The Chinese economists and social scientists discuss and explain more important subjects and the mechanism behind it in details. Other than repeatedly teaching check and balance, separation of power, freedom of press, and all we see was the manipulation of that in the west.
Whenever there are problems they can’t solve, they are bringing out LGBTQ, abortions, BLM, China, in order to redirect public attentions.
It happens over and over again, nothing gets solved at the end, yet you dumb public never get tired of it.
That was why.
The Chinese doesn’t claim they have the best system, they don’t believe they have the best system, however they rather deal with the real problem than bullshiting. If they can’t solve the problem, they deliver development at their best.
TOP “Is He Smart” Reactions *SPOILER* Forrest Gump Reaction
What happens when the Chinese take over the moon and Mars like a D-Day invasion?
Fifty years after China landed on the moon, the Chinese will do what the Americans did:
The sudden loss of the ability to land on the moon, the sudden loss of all the records and drawings of the time, the regression of space technology, the regression of space station technology.

The Chinese stole US technology to be able to build the space station, go to the moon, have hypersonic missiles, 5G, BeiDou navigation system, DJI drones, e-payments, shield machines and high-speed rail …
It is easy for the Americans to take over the Moon and Mars like the Normandy landings. I really don’t know what America, the world leader in technology, is worried about.
My Parents Want Help With My Spoiled Brat Sister, I Told Them She’s Their Problem And Blocked Them
What are the benefits and drawbacks of retiring in Hong Kong or Macau for an American?
I have lived in Macau over 40 years and am retired here.
In Macau, we pay very low taxes. The government collects most of it’s taxes from the gaming operators
During covid, the government sold us masks at low cost. Paid our water and electric bills. Gave us free test kits. Gave a few rounds of $$$ in the form of consumption vouchers. Macau residents coming back from overseas were quarantined in a Sheraton! Tough life. We had a few rounds of city wide testing but it was well organized and we had to app so we could determine best times to go. There were no food shortages and life was normal except we had to wear masks on public transport. But most people just wore them everywhere. There was only two weeks of lockdown.
The government gives every citizen US$1200 as part of the wealth sharing. (Casino profits). Seniors get a monthly pension. Plus a new year payment and a payment in the fall. Public transport is free if you are over 65. Most buses are kneeling buses, so it’s great if you have mobility issues. Seniors pay US $6 a month for mobile phone service including 5G data. $3 more gets you three country service. Macau, Hong Kong and China. No long distance charges.
The streets are pedestrian friendly. Overhead walkways everywhere with escalators and elevators.
Medical services are top notch. All free if you are over 65. Including medicine. I’m taking two Entresto tablets a day for my heart. They are US$9 a pill. I don’t pay a penny.
There is a new hospital opening this month and it is state of the art.
Macau has many festivals year round. Film, art, music. World renowned performers and we pay peanut s because the government subsidizes these events. I’ve seen Midori, New York philharmonic, London Symphony, George Benson and many more. Seniors pay half price off the already low price. New York Philharmonic was like US $10!
Even a fireworks competition. And a Grand Prix every November.
Food in Macau is fantastic. Listed by UNESCO as a city of gastronomy. We have 18 Michelin Starred restaurants. Portuguese food that is authentic and delicious. The world’s first fusion cooking. Think Portuguese salt cod in a fried rice.
If you don’t speak Cantonese, you will miss opportunities to go deep in the local culture.
And it is hard to get residency and retire in Macau.
On August 20th, Jennifer Bachus, a senior official of the US State Department, stated that the US’s excessive stance could lead to the loss of most of the world, and many countries do not want to take sides. What do you think?
“If we go in with a big anti-China message, we actually lose most of the world," she said during a panel discussion. "Countries around the world know where the U.S. stands on our concerns about the PRC, but many of them also don't want to get drawn into what they see as a U.S.-PRC competition,"
What is Jennifer saying?
Corporate interests have been hurt, both foreign and domestic. They (I.e. Big tech) want a policy reset. The occasion after all was a gathering of big tech to talk future regulations.
It’s simple as that. Money talks. And here, we are talking mortal levels of damage that is dangerously close to being irreversible.

The Last Day of Summer Vacation in China
Yesterday marked the final day of summer vacation for most provinces in China. I asked my child, “Once today is over, your grueling school life begins again. So, how do you want to spend the last day of your summer vacation?” After thinking for a moment, he replied, “I want to go to the dyke by Wēi Shān (微山) Lake and skip stones.”
I wasn’t sure how to translate this game correctly into English. It’s a popular pastime among Chinese children in past days. The basic idea is to find flat stones by the water’s edge and throw them at a very low angle across the surface(dǎ shuǐ piāo,打水漂). If you’re lucky, the stone will skip across the water, flying up and down in a series of parabolic arcs.
So, we drove about 40 minutes to Wēi Shān Lake, located on the border between Jiangsu and Shandong provinces. It’s one of China’s major freshwater lakes, with the northern shore forming part of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. The dyke here stretches for over 160 kilometers, lined with tall poplar trees and doubling as a roadway.
In the glow of the Wēi Shān Hú Lake sunset, my child and wife skipped stones together. We stayed until the sun set, then drove home in the direction of the fading light. The spot we chose felt like a hidden gem—rarely visited, with only the occasional cargo ship sounding its horn. When they grew tired, the three of us sat quietly, watching the ships pass by. Some of these vessels are homes, with living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, and bathrooms on board. My child and wife were fascinated by these “families on the water.”
And so, this unexpectedly delightful summer vacation came to an end. Over the past two months, we drove 5,500 kilometers across China, challenged mountains with an altitude of 3,700 meters, and visited over 30 natural and cultural sites. Besides all that, my child read seven novels, watched 30 movies by Stephen King and Alfred Hitchcock, and listened to over 200 episodes of traditional Chinese storytelling, including The History of the Sui and Tang Dynasties and The Story of Hero Yue Fei. However, he also managed to fit in 70 online math and physics lessons. Every day was busy, but also joyful and fulfilling.

Today is September 1, 2024, and we hope for an even better future.
The Election Ritual: the illusion of American democracy
Speaking TRUTH.
The big trip
Submitted into Contest #247 in response to: Set your story on a spaceship exploring the far reaches of space when something goes wrong.… view prompt
Maranda Watford
I grab the scope that lets us see outside the spaceship. As I’m looking around I see nothing as well, it’s pitch black and scary, even for the ones trained to be up here.
“We’ll check some more later. We should eat something.” I say to Sam.
Now being a astronaut is the most amazing thing ever but I’ve seen dog food that looks better than the crap they bag up for us.
“Meatloaf and mashed potatoes.”
Samantha says shaking the bag that sounds like it’s full of sand.
We prepare our dog chow and dig in.
“Mmm kibbles” I said sarcastically.
We both broke out laughing. We need to laugh after all it’s just us up here.
A few hours later, we’re studying per usual. We don’t have kids so our careers are everything to us.
I decide to check the scope again and when I did my heart almost gave out. Looking back at me is this giant, dark triangular spaceship but it’s nothing from earth and it don’t look friendly or welcoming.
“S-s-samantha, you might wanna see this.” I said said very shakily.
“What is it?” She grabs the scope from me and looks for herself. Her face said it all.
“Oh my God,aliens!” She could barely get it out.
And just as she said that we lost all power to our spaceship, it’s dark and scary in here.
“What do you think is going to happen Harmony!?” She is scared out of her mind, probably thinks we’re going to die soon but not me. I’m scared but that ship could easily consume this one, I think they’re just trying to intimidate us.
“I don’t know but we need to remain calm.” I say as I’m internally not remaining calm
I look through the scope again and I see this big ass ship start to divide into two and slowly start to come towards us. I watch slowly as we get pulled into the ship and it comes back together.
“Put your gear on, now!” I tell Sam as I start trying to put my gear on as fast as I can but in space that’s not fast at all. Before I could put my helmet on the top of our unit is ripped off.
Samantha might be right, this could surely be death. I’m scared but I can still breathe, How? I’m consumed with a million questions.
We hear something from above, footsteps maybe? Definitely footsteps, looking up we see something that absolutely blows our minds. Humans? Or aliens that look like humans. Three of them, two women and one man.
“Hello..?” I half expect to hear a English reply.
The alien humans consult with each other in a different language. It almost sounds sinister but then they look at us.
“Earthlings?” It was almost a question. Holy shit I’m getting scared because these aliens must be very smart. They have their extraterrestrial language and yet know our language too?
“Yes, we’re from earth. We’ve came to study a new planet that may be able to support human life.” Says Sam
I look at her shocked that she even spoke. Sam is doing a great job remaining calm or at least maintaining the image of calm.
“Earth is evil,greedy and scum, y’all must be destroyed one by one.”
The man looking alien say shining a glare right at me. I gulp back my tears as I can’t believe what I’m hearing.
“We’re not bad people..or greedy…or evil. What makes you think earth is so evil? I say defending the lie that humans aren’t greedy or evil.
They completely ignored the question.
“You two will stay here forever. We have our own study to do and you just made it a lot easier for us.” One of girl looking aliens said with a chuckle.
The aliens climb down our broken spaceship and bring us out so we can finally see inside of this massive, intimidating spaceship. It’s way more advanced than what we came up here in, it’s like our ship of from the 1800s and they’re living in 2100.
We’re brought to a large room on the left side with only 4 beds. It’s painfully white compared to the rest of the ship.
Samantha is trying not to show her tears but I see them. “Can you please take us home?” She sobs.
“Maybe later Samantha, we have work to do.” The guy aliens says. “You two should get some rest.”
And we don’t put up a fight. We’re exhausted and shocked and really don’t know what to do. Maybe some sleep will help. The aliens bring us some crazy looking what we think are pajamas, silver latex pants and matching top with a pair of socks.
We change and get into the thin beds right next to each other. The aliens disappeared.
“Harmony, I love you and if we die I’m glad I’m spending my last few hours or days with you. Thank you for always being there to study and explore life with me. You were the sister I never had” Samantha says. I still see tears falling down her face. She’s accepted her fate.
Me, not so much. I’m not superman but I feel like I’m going home. Maybe my mind is playing games with me. We’re somewhere in space, our spaceship is destroyed and yet I still have a gut feeling that we’re going to be fine.
“I love you too, Sam. But please don’t give up just yet. We’re going home, we’re going home.” I say, giving her my “we got this” face.
We then said goodnight. Is it even night? What time is it? Oh yeah, time doesn’t exist in space. Sam surprisingly went right to sleep, being scared takes it out of you. I drifted off about 10 mins later….
“Start PREPARING Yourself…” – Danielle DiMartino
Have you ever bought a gun and regretted it?
Yes. I bought a “Bring Home” Russian SKS from a friends mother. After his father died, the mother and kids were cleaning up his dad’s stuff in the attic. They found what they thought was a fully automatic rifle and asked me to take a look at it and help them dispose of it, without being charged by the local police or ATF.

For those that don’t know, an SKS holds 10 rounds of 7.62x39mm, the same as the AK-47, but it is a semi-automatic rifle.
They did not want it. It was rusted, the bluing was well worn and the barrel was crusted in rust. Definitely not in any condition to fire unless you just had the fantasy of having a rifle breach blow up in your face, leaving you blind or burnt (or both) or dead in an extreme case.
In the condition it was in, in 2012, it was worth about 50 bucks. With the rifle was a typed note that detailed how it was obtained in Vietnam. “On February 4th, 1967, this rifle was used by a sniper chained to a branch in a tree, to engage a squad of Soldiers of the 3rd Infantry Division. Two Soldiers were injured by the sniper before he was located and shot by CPL ****** of 3rd Platoon.”
It had a typed rank and name of the Captain (probably the Company Commander the squad belonged to) and it was signed by the Captain and CPL ******. Corporal ****** was the father of my buddy.
I showed my buddy how much the rifle was worth in the condition that it was in, but, if they would throw in the letter, I would give them $200 for the rifle. They accepted and I added a non-functional Russian Stamped SKS to my collection.
Sounds like something you should not regret, right? Well it was the veritable double-edged sword.
By that, I mean after letting it set on my Foreign Weapons Wall, I could not stand it any longer and spent the next month disassembling the rifle, another three months de-rusting the trigger housing group, using enough Naval Jelly and solvent to flood a small room before I could remove the barrel without stripping/ruining the threads and soaked the barrel in Naval Jelly for three months, running a few patches through it each weak to remove the rust.
After the three months, I was able to clean the barrel and maintain the lands & grooves of the rifling.
Six more months and I was able to clean it up enough to remove the oils and grit to re-blue the barrel and receiver. I touched up, but did not change the furniture (wood buttstock, forearm grip, etc.
I spent about thousand bucks getting it back into very good condition and it’s a fantastically accurate rifle that I would use for hunting, but would use the 7.62x39mm round for only Whitetail deer because it is not a powerful round compared to the 7.62x51mm NATO round or the 30–30.
Why do I put it in the REGRET section? Because I’ve done a lot of work in my lifetime, but I’ve never put so much into a single personal project. I love the result, but the level of detail small and large and the hours and hours put into it was amazing that my “self-diagnosed” ADHD allowed me to work on the weapon for so long.
Yes, I do regret purchasing the weapon, but I am so freaking happy at the same time.
How common is it for recruits in basic training to sleep on top of their bedding in order to avoid having to make their bed in the morning?
“One hour in it equals two hours on it"
That was probably the most common quote I heard in the navy. Most of the time it was in the fleet, not training but the same principle applies. You will get a far better quality of sleep in a bed rather than just on their bed.
In basic training your sleep is limited. You need to get as much and as good quality sleep as you possibly can. Yes you may have to get up ten minutes earlier to make it, but if you lose an hour of quality sleep for it, that’s not a good investment.
There was only one time in training where I remember anyone doing it. It was the night before a really big, detailed inspection. People had spent hours getting their beds just perfect. They chose to sleep on the floor instead. I didn’t agree, but I saw the logic.
It also happened in the fleet during periods of intense training. If you were off watch but expecting an exercise you may not see the point in getting into bed, and lie on top ready for it all to kick off. Again experience showed this was a bad idea. I remember once being told a fire exercise was due to start in five minutes. I decided to risk getting into bed, hoping it may be a bit late and I could steal ten minutes of sleep. I was woken six hours later to come back on watch. There had been a defect and they could no longer do the exercise. A few others had waited up, then missed their chance to sleep.
My opinion, get sleep whenever you can, and get the best sleep whenever you can.
Hard Work Gets You Nowhere. Why Men Are Leaving The Labor Force En Masse
Meat Lovers Pizza Casserole

Yield: 6 servings
- 1 pound ground beef
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- 1 (15 ounce) can pizza sauce
- 8 ounces elbow macaroni, cooked and drained
- 2 cups (8 ounces) mozzarella cheese, shredded
- 1 (3 1/2 ounce) package sliced pepperoni
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- In a large skillet, cook beef and onion over medium heat until meat is no longer pink. Drain.
- Stir in remaining ingredients.
- Transfer to a greased 2 quart baking dish.
- Bake uncovered at 350 degrees F for 40 to 45 minutes or until heated through.
Yield: 6 servings
What’s the most terrifying thing you’ve ever experienced?
I found the dead body of my best friend inside her apartment. She was murdered.
She was missing for 4 days. Me and the other girls were hypothesizing that she’d gone on vacation to Hong Kong or Singapore with her boyfriend so we weren’t worried that much.
A couple of days later, we decided to check up on her apartment just to make sure everything was okay. We had her spare key, so there we went.
We got there, opened the door, and found blood all over her apartment. Blood was all over the living room, the sofa, bathroom, everything was scattered all over the place. The room was in disarray even her giant coffee table had moved around one meter to another area. And when I got in to her bedroom, I found her dead body lying there on the floor, her body has bloated up and gotten so dark, it was almost purple-ish black, I couldn’t identify who was it. Even her eyes had already pushed out of the sockets. It looked nothing like her. But I recognized the dress. It was hers.
I freaked out. I got out of there and called the security and then the police.
She was murdered by her guy friend. They were close friends.
He was on drugs. They were fighting over money (which didn’t make sense to me, knowing exactly what kind of person she was), he ran to the kitchen, took a knife, and there. He stabbed her multiple times and dragged her to the bedroom.
I still vividly remember the trails of blood on her living room floor all way to the bathroom.
I still remember her bloated body, her dress, the color of her skin, her eyes. It was a nauseating scene I thought I could only see in a crime movie.
What are some mind-blowing facts that sound unreal but are actually true?
What if I say an entire national team vanished into thin air?
In 2004, the Sri Lankan national Handball team disappeared in Germany and it is one of the biggest mysteries in the world of sports that remains unsolved till date.

20 years back, a 23-man Sri Lankan handball team arrived in Germany to take part in a program consisting of matches against local clubs. They were received with great hospitality by the Germans. Everything was normal until this point. However, the team’s performance during a match raised suspicion. The players seemed to not even know the rules properly and their performance was ‘awful’.
Well, what happened the next morning was unthinkable. The whole squad of 16 players and 9 other members, including the coach just vanished into thin air!
When the team did not show up for breakfast, the German hosts got worried and went out to look for them. When they could not find them anywhere they went to the team’s room only to realize that they had vanished. They had left all their personal belongings behind, including sports equipment and team jerseys, as well as a thank-you note to authorities thanking them for the hospitality, indicating that they were all leaving for France.

The German authorities were baffled and when they contacted the Sri Lankan government regarding this, was when they found out: NO SRI LANKAN NATIONAL HANDBALL TEAM EVER EXISTED!
The team members haven’t been found to date and most of them are said to have settled in France.
P.S. There is also a movie called ‘Machan’ about this made-up team that vanished into thin air.
My Mom INSISTS A College Gal With Tatts + A Nose Ring A Can Still Have Her V-Card & Be Wife Material
Are the Japanese aware that they are about to enter a Third World War against China, North Korea and Russia and that, even though they are a peaceful country, they will have to lead military efforts in the Far East?
Chapter 2 of the Japanese Constitution: RENUNCIATION OF WAR
Article 9. Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.
In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.
The constitution was designed to prevent Japan, a defeated nation in World War II, from rearming after World War II.
UN Charter
After the end of the Second World War and the surrender of the former axis powers in 1945, the United Nations became the successor of the dissolved League of Nations. To ensure that these states, including Germany, Japan, Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Italy and Romania (Hey, almost all of them are US allies) would never be able to start a war again, the Enemy State Clause was added to the UN Charter to maintain international peace and security.
The Enemy State Clause is a passage of chapter 53 and 107 of the UN Charter, which says that enforcement actions can be taken without the permission of the Security Council against all as Enemy States defined nations. Enemy States are declared as nations which have been an enemy of any signatory of the present Charter during the Second World War.
Furthermore these states can face consequences trough aggressive behaviour by UN members.
How prevalent is crime in Macau?
It’s practically non existent.
Petty crimes are not even a statistic.
I’ve lived in Macau for over 40 years. Can go out on the street anytime of day or night.
I live near the Macau prison. But I still leave my balcony door wide open at night without fear.
There was one period in the 1990s where it became a lawless state. The triads were trying to get their hands on the lucrative VIP rooms in the casinos. In one year we had 37 killings. In broad daylight.
I told everyone it didn’t matter as long as you don’t hang around the triads. The next day I heard a loud bang in a shopping district. I turned around and saw a guy bleeding to death on the sidewalk. The killer put his gun away and fled the scene. Everyone walked around like nothing happened.
I understood the indifference. A week before an American friend witnessed a stabbing at a Japanese restaurant. He called the police. Then became uncomfortable and hung up. When he got home, seven police were waiting for him. They asked (in a nasty tone) why he called the police and hung up. A week later, he went to Hong Kong with his family. When he came home, he found it was ransacked and they poisoned his cat. At that time, the police and triads were linked.
The commissioner of gambling escaped a car bombing. The triads were very brazen. Two motorcycles killed a carload of people in broad daylight in front of the then Portuguese appointed governor’s mansion.
China came in and “talked” to the triads and increased their security at Chinese government buildings.
Within weeks, the killings stopped.
That year 37 killings. The next year zero. Everyone was relieved.
Nowadays Macau is completely safe.
Operation Sunray | Hunting the Entity in the Tsarichina Hole