In ten years all of this is going to be a distant memory, but for now, we are all sitting on pins and needles while the big-time crazy plays out.
You all have no idea what’s “next” for China.
After lifting up most of China out of poverty, the next two decades will be towards making the resulting middle class, a solid and long-duration class, and that means that the Chinese standard of living will surpass the upper middle class currently defined by the wealthy in the United States.
It’s gonna be brutal.
Of course, the USA is still playing the same old “games”. And we have endure this period of uncertainty…
The United States is “asking for it”
In response to the change in US nuclear weapons doctrine signed by POTUS on “No Fist Use, in a speech yesterday, Russian President Putin stated that the Russian Federation will change its defense doctrine and now will consider using nuclear weapons, even if only attacked by conventional weapons.
E.g. if we “detect that you are preparing to attack us, we will strike first with strategic atomic weapons.”
Navajo Ute Blanket
Sometimes, it is the simplest-looking objects that have the most astounding stories—and prices to match. This Navajo Ute blanket is finely woven with bands of white, black, and blue. Many people would walk right by it. But these so-called “chief blankets” can raise high prices.
The owner of the blanket seen on Antiques Roadshow had inherited it from his grandmother. As a young child, it was simply put on his bed and occasionally thrown over him on chilly nights. The experts on the Roadshow immediately recognized it for what it was. As an amazing example of Navajo weaving, it was estimated to be worth at least $350,000. The owner was left in tears because his grandparents had merely been poor farmers.
Another example of a blanket like this, which had once been used by a cat to give birth on, sold for $1.5 million. The owner of that blanket had been struggling to get by on $200 a month. So maybe check your attic for one of these.
The USA is rushing to secure South America…
Two coups in two days.
1. The President of Peru, Pedro Castillo, has been arrested and is being held in the police station located on Avenida España in the city of Lima. This is following a vote by the majority right-wing congress to oust him in a legislative coup. Vice President Dina Boluarte is sworn in as President of Peru.
2. Argentina’s corrupt, heavily politicized judicial system absurdly sentenced left-wing former President and current VP Cristina Fernández de Kirchner to 6 years in prison on ridiculous “corruption” charges
Apologists will make excuses for these coups. They always do
Sure, not every coup is as simple as a blatant Pinochet-style military coup But these are a new kind of coups, using hybrid war, lawfare, 4th Generation Warfare Don't let disingenuous appeals to "nuance" distract you — Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) December 8, 2022
Operation Condor is not a conspiracy theory.
Operation Condor is (was … and is now re-implemented by the looks of things) a criminal conspiracy to forcibly disappear people across international borders. Operation Condor coordinated repression among the countries of the Southern Cone. There were court hearings in Rome and in Buenos Aires. Eventually one of these ruled that Operation Condor was a criminal conspiracy and the Operation’s scope was proven in its full magnitude.
Only the methods by which to disappear people have changed. Now we create new leaders out of thin air and remove others via lawfare. Why now? you may ask. Simple, they could not get to Lula so they chose an area destabilization.
Let’s first take a look at the comments from other Latin American leaders. Leaders that resist a coup every day. Thanks to Ben Norton and Ollie Vargas for pulling this together so quickly.
Bolivia's leftist President Arce: "From the beginning the Peruvian right wing tried to overthrow a government that was democratically elected by the people, by the humble classes that sought more inclusion and social justice" "We send all our solidarity", and The constant harassment of anti-democratic elites against progressive, popular and legitimately constituted governments must be condemned by all. We advocate that democracy, peace and respect for Human Rights prevail for the benefit of the Peruvian people. Bolivia's ex President Evo stresses: "The political crisis" in Peru "was provoked by the endless conspiring of the Fujimori-supporting right and right-wing media outlets against an elected government whose 'unpardonable crime' was representing the poorest" Mexico's President AMLO says of Peru: It is "unfortunate that because of the interests of economic and political elites, since the beginning of the legitimate presidency of Pedro Castillo, there was an environment of confrontation & hostility against him" Honduras' ex President Manuel Zelaya (who was himself overthrown in a US-backed right-wing military coup in 2009) says: "We energetically condemn the coup d'etat in Peru violating the sovereign will of the people, represented by President Pedro Castillo" Lucho Arce, Bolivia: The constant harassment of anti-democratic elites against progressive, popular and legitimately constituted governments must be condemned by all. We advocate that democracy, peace and respect for Human Rights prevail for the benefit of the Peruvian people. Dilma Rousseff, previous leader of Brazil on Cristina Kirchner: The sentence, ultimately, is unfair and falls on Cristina Kirchner, who is one of the most important leaders in Latin America. Undoubtedly, it is a demand from the extreme right in Argentina, just as the condemnation of President Lula had a similar meaning in Brazil. She expressed solidarity with Kitchner as well as with all progressive leaders, militants and activists persecuted and unjustly condemned in recent history on our continent. Lula da Silva: "My solidarity with Argentina's VP Cristina Kirchner. I saw your statement that you are a victim of lawfare. Here in Brazil we know how much this practice can damage democracy. I support an impartial, independent justice system for all and for the people of Argentina."
It is fair to say that each of these people understands what has happened, understands how it happened, and knows with certainty that they are but a hair’s width away from similar action.
This is then the state of the fight in Latin America.
Peru is in chaos as the people actually voted for Pedro Castillo. As I said in my writing on Building Conflict , chaos is an acceptable outcome for the hegemon. If they cannot rule, chaos works for them while they attempt to snatch some victory out of chaos.
I posted some of the outlandish press on Brazil in the commentary. Take a look at the outcome of that press. It appears in Latin America, that we are now fighting the US Right and the crazy QAnon as well.
So much disinformation is spamming through US social media apps on Brazil that it's creating QAnon-like mass hysteria in Bolsonaro's most fanatical followers. I'm calling it #BRAnon. Here, a group of "patriots" reacts to a fake story on the arrest of a Supreme Court Justice. +
— BrianMier (@BrianMteleSUR) November 9, 2022
This is then the state of the fight in Latin America.
Every good leader is threatened with a coup on a daily basis and we fight the American right, convinced of their own manifest destiny, unable to do anything in their own country, and now they join the hegemon to destabilize Latin America. They have failed the political fight in their own countries, and now they want to carry it to the Latin American countries to continue the tenets of the Monroe Doctrine and to keep pillaging the Latin Americas.
The Latin American left brings change 'from below' through mass participation of majorities urban & rural. The pro-US right force change 'from above' through backroom deals among a select few in the capital city.
— Ollie Vargas 🧉 (@OVargas52) December 7, 2022
This is then the state of the fight in Latin America.
The Peruvian right-wing majority congress, who have just ousted Pedro Castillo, have an 85% disapproval rating. One of the worst in the region.
The decision of the Peruvian Congress to dismiss Pedro Castillo has been rejected by leaders and governments in Mexico, Bolivia, Colombia and Chile.
Chile is a surprise. Of course, reactions are still pouring in and we will hear from Cuba, Caricom, and most everyone else in our ‘zone’.
Thing is, this is a little weird. Pedro Castillo was not highly regarded in the rest of the Latin American pink tide. He was known to be so centrist that he could not truly unite his cabinet. This is a lesson – internal stability must be there, otherwise the rot creeps in. And this is so much more relevant for Latin America. They have been harassed, couped, raped and plundered probably more than African countries. This is then why I say that they could not get to Lula da Silva, and decided that chaos in the region is called for.
Bolivia’s former President Evo warns of a “new assault by imperialism” against the Latin American left: “The right-wing enemies of the people don’t accept anti-imperialist governments”. “We must remain united and never surrender”.
Diego Rivera Painting
Diego Rivera was one of the most important Mexican painters of the 20th century. His large murals sparked a new style of artwork. His third wife, Frida Kahlo, may be better known today, but when an article was written about her in 1933, it was headlined “Wife of master mural painter gleefully dabbles in art.” Today their reputations may have reversed, but Rivera’s works are still highly sought after.
One of his early paintings was thought lost for decades. It was only when a man brought it into the Antiques Roadshow that it was recognized and brought back into public awareness. Called “El Albañil,” or “The Laborer,” it was estimated to be worth around $800,000 to $1 million. Not bad for a piece of art that was just hanging up behind a door in a family home.
Fauci just dropped a BOMBSHELL in his covid collusion testimony
It’s all smoke and mirrors for the public to give us the impression that they care. They don’t, never have and never will. The corruption is so entrenched, we have no real idea how deep and connected these scumbags are.
Fearless – Jet Li vs Nathan Jones Cool Fight Scene HD !!!
What an honorable fighter, accepts defeat, acknowledges the winner asking the audience to cheer even more for the winner! Love that!
Walt Whitman Letter
Walt Whitman was among the most influential poets that America has ever produced. His works were celebrated and vilified in his own time, but his stature has grown. Today, he is now recognized as part of the American literary canon.
What was brought into the Antiques Roadshow was not a rare copy of his literary works but something more personal. During the Civil War, Whitman helped wounded soldiers by taking dictation so that they could send letters back to their families. He apparently wrote many such letters, but few have survived, and even fewer where Whitman signed his name on them.
The letter was brought into the Roadshow not for its own merits but because it was part of a family’s store of Civil War-era items. However, when the experts saw it, they recognized how rare it was. The price put on it was $8,000-$12,000. After later speaking to a specialist on Whitman, the price was revised to maybe as much as $20,000.
Meet Barcelona’s ‘Amazon Tax’
Enough with the subsidies. Tax dominant delivery platforms instead.
For local communities, the opening of an Amazon warehouse causes a bunch of problems, including lower wages, fewer jobs, and more local businesses closing. But the issues local residents tend to be the loudest and most upset about, particularly in the short term, are increases in traffic, noise, and pollution that necessarily come with such facilities, especially for those who live closest to it.
Indeed, the spike in e-commerce, not just from Amazon, but across the board — and of course exacerbated by the pandemic — has driven up traffic congestion and pollution, not just in the U.S. but across the world. According to the World Economic Forum, in order to meet e-commerce demands, “the number of delivery vehicles in the top 100 cities globally will increase by 36% until 2030. Consequently, emissions from delivery traffic will increase by 32% and congestion will rise by over 21%, equalling an additional 11 minutes of commute time for each passenger every day.”
But traffic isn’t the only concern. The pace Amazon demands of its drivers makes them a danger to both themselves and others: Nearly one in five Amazon drivers was injured on the job last year, and they causes loads of accidents (for which Amazon itself can often avoid legal liability).
Finally, I’m sure I’m not the only one who has been more than a little annoyed about having to navigate around a seemingly endless supply of Amazon vans double-parked in my neighborhood.
All in all, it’s bad news, even factoring in the consumer convenience of ordering something and having it arrive at your door the next day.
I’ve written quite a bit here about why its foolhardy for states and localities to subsidize the warehousing and logistics networks of big retailers, Amazon most prominently among them. But what about actually making them pay for some of these harms?
For a look at how to do that, we can look across the Atlantic to Spain, where one city is intending to take a delivery platform tax out for a spin.
Barcelona’s city council this week took the initial step toward implementing a tax next year on dominant delivery platforms. These are the large corporations, mostly in the e-commerce space, that deliver packages right to a consumer’s door. It has been dubbed the “Amazon tax” locally.
My Spanish knowledge is limited to what a few years of Duolingo can teach, so I may be mangling some details here (though at least some of the press coverage was in English), but it seems the tax will be applied to dominant delivery corporations above a certain revenue threshold, with exemptions for those that drop packages off at central locations where consumers can come pick them up, as well as those that deliver to other businesses. The goal is to levy a fee on the big corporations doing home delivery.
The city expects to raise 2.6 million euros, and says this would be the first such fee introduced at the local level in Europe.
Barcelona’s administration has given two rationales for the policy. First, it’s meant cut down on both damage to public spaces and emissions. “This planet cannot allow for a 300 gram package to be transported to your home in a vehicle that weighs more than a ton,” said city councillor Jordi Martí.
But second is to incentivize consumers to shop at local stores, since presumably the fee is going to, at least in part, be passed on to them in the form of higher prices. “We want local traders to have equal fiscal conditions compared to the major e-commerce platforms, who have a very high market share,” said Deputy Mayor Jaume Collboni, who added that the city wants consumers to “avoid the dominance of some platforms” and “favor local trade.” (Again, apologies for any mangled translations.)
But a delivery platform tax is a good idea!
Here in the U.S., Amazon alone has received more than $5 billion in state and local subsidies, most of which has gone toward its warehousing and logistics network. And other big retailers and food corporations have also gotten into the game, having the state and the public build out their necessary infrastructure, and therefore receiving a leg up over local businesses that aren’t getting the same level of public support.
That should obviously be cut off, and there’s legislation out there for state leaders who want to deny subsidies to e-commerce corporations generally.
Meanwhile, at the local level, leaders can absolutely look for ways to make giant corporations pay for some of the harms they’re causing, and boost their own local businesses at the same time by levying a fee on the corporations that want to clog streets and belch fumes. Wins all around.
Lincoln Assassination Eyewitness Letter
There are few moments in American history as famous as the assassination of President Lincoln. Everyone knows how John Wilkes Booth entered the box in Ford’s Theatre, where Lincoln and his wife were watching a performance of Our American Cousin. During a moment when the audience was laughing at a joke, he pulled out a pistol and shot the president. Wilkes then leaped from the box, landed awkwardly on stage, held up a dagger, and proclaimed, “Sic semper tyrannis!”—”Thus ever for tyrants!”
That’s the accepted version of events, but to people in the theatre at the time, it was a moment of confusion. That is why the letter brought into the Antiques Roadshow by one lady was so important. It is a contemporary eyewitness account of the assassination by her grandfather, who was there. He had gone to the theatre after hearing General Grant would be present. Instead, he saw one of the most momentous events of the 19th century.
According to the account given, Booth also announced from the stage, “I have done it!” and “The South’s avenged!” The letter was valued at $10,000-$15,000.
Lemon Chicken
“This is like the lemon chicken you get from your Chinese take-out place. The egg, cornstarch, and baking powder coating is extra light and crispy. No msg or flour involved! And remember, Zaar calculates fat and calories from the ingredient list…you won’t consume all the oil listed in the recipe! Note: Marinating time is included in prep time.”

- 1 tablespoon dry sherry
- 1 tablespoon soy sauce
- 1⁄2 teaspoon salt
- 3 lbs boneless chicken breast halves
- 2 large eggs, beaten
- 1⁄4 cup cornstarch
- 1⁄2 teaspoon baking powder
- 2 cups vegetable oil
- 1 cup chicken broth
- 1⁄3 cup sugar
- 1 tablespoon cornstarch
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
- 1 lemon, sliced
- Combine first 3 ingredients in a large zip-lock bag. Add chicken, and seal bag. Marinate for 15 minutes in the refrigerator.
- Combine eggs, 1/4 cup cornstarch, and baking powder in a large bowl; stir well. Dip chicken into batter, coating well.
- Pour 2 cups oil into a large heavy skillet. Fry chicken in hot oil over medium-high heat until golden, turning occasionally. Drain on paper towels. Cut chicken into 1 1/2 inch X 1 inch pieces. Arrange on a serving platter.
- Combine chicken broth and next 4 ingredients; set aside. Place 2 tbsp oil in a large non-stick skillet; place over medium-high heat until hot. Add lemon slices, and stir fry 30 seconds. Add broth mixture, and stir fry 3 additional minutes or until sauce is thickened and clear. Pour over chicken. Serve immediately.

Jeff J. Brown on Press TV: Pentagon chief says China has both will and power to reshape US-dominated order-but now we have the B21 Raider bomber. Seriously?

Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin on China: pivotal point in 21st century | Fortune
Zero-sum mentality and single-way thinking is scary: whoever (white/black/yellow/brown) in the position of power in those lands control of the crusaders, their behaviour tend to be the same, if this is not culture/DNA? What is? The me-only, self-centered, dictatorial, and barbaric doomsday threats of the Bible culture must go, before the west can learn to coexist with the rest of the world and enter the civilised stage of human civilisation. Christianity is the most divisive forces in this world. They are used by the crusaders to destroy culture, and to divide a population. South Sudan, East Timor seperatists moment are just some examples. These brainless believer are blinded by the brutality of their God in the old testament, and their GOD disrespect for women and his own mother in the New testament. As a result, these brainwashed people failed to respect their parents dislike of Christianity and make prayer on dinner table while eating food prepared by their parents.
Can the US Constitution be saved and updated?
Patrice Greanville – Chat @ Spike |
As usual, Eric A. brings up many important questions to the table relating to the great tasks facing humanity these days, a humanity unfortunately still mired in the ugly muck of Western colonialist momentum, whose main global anchor remains the Anglo-American empire.
I say “momentum” because ideologies—including “manifest destiny”, “national exceptionalism” and “raw racism”—can persist for a long and highly dangerous time, and lose their grip on the shaping of history only when the underlying material forces that gave them currency at one point are no longer capable of supporting the visible edifice. This is of course, as you all know, an old Marxian insight.
The US as the globe’s citadel of capitalism is clearly facing its terminal decline. Much of this mess is—curiously some would say, but logical when closely examined—self-inflicted. America’s industrial infrastructure is shot, in critical sectors weak or nonexistent, and generally ridiculously overextended. The once resplendent garments are now a beggar’s attire, rags covered in pitiful patches.
Hard to believe, many would say, but we know why this happened. The ruling elites myopically offshored and destroyed the onetime awesome American industrial base through short-term thinking, “boardroom hyper-individualism”, and the unchecked pursuit of profit—all natural and inherent offshoots of the capitalist dynamic.
Since this process took years if not decades, it is necessary to ask, how did these people get away with this slo-mo industrial suicide without a popular backlash? After all, as city after city saw its core gutted, with millions deprived of a decent livelihood, this is a question that deserves a proper answer, but suffice it to say here that the ruling oligarchy used its tested mechanisms of social control via instigated social divisions, absence and denial of genuine representative leadership, and pervasive, unrelenting manipulation via a globalised media that shamelessly served only massive disinformation.
In this context, it’s useful to recall that the US ruling elites commenced this new phase of their old class war right after the end of WW2, when they launched their McCarthyite persecution of communists and populists across all possible spheres of political importance. This “purged” the nation of true agents of change while depriving the working class of all forms of effective self-defense organizations, starting with combative labor unions.
Quite ironically, the US elites very triumph in controlling the population via massive propaganda and clever forms of repression ended up insulating them from reality. This “soft” US-style totalitarianism built on lies and corruption eventually removed all the necessary and healthy social limits to their actions, at home and abroad. As a class, they got no penalties for their mistakes or even high crimes. Thus, like the person who no longer feels his feet due to neuropathy and thereby loses a limb due to an otherwise avoidable injury, the US ruling class grew accustomed—especially since the end of the USSR in 1991—to acting in what the French might call “capitalism a outrance”, a capitalism without limits, savage and irresponsible, uncooperative and fragmented at its core, and above all short-term thinking, consummately hypocritical, and therefore unwise. This is the beast that eventually spawned this latest brand of imperialism, “Woke imperialism”, the pathetic culmination of the Western liberals’ war on real class struggle. The hegemony’s rulers have always wanted to “freeze history”, for capitalism always reaches a point where it can advance no further, and is finally overwhelmed by its own innumerable ills, product of its incurable contradictions, of which the first and foremost remains the crisis of overproduction.
Given the above, it’s no surprise that when we look about, things look the same, albeit in a worsened, coarser iteration. The first major crisis of overproduction (brought about by “Fordism”) detonated the Great Depression, a period the US ruling class survived due to FDR’s coping socialistic measures and eventually a world war. The current great crisis—which engulfs the entire “West”—is, as we know so well, caused by ceaseless technological innovations aggravated by the computer revolution and the shenanigans of a reckless financial class for whom the well-being of society is at best a minor consideration.
Under such conditions, the US economy remains almost completely dependent on its “Pentagon sector”, a form of military Keynesianism evermore aggravated by unchecked, unquenchable greed, a lethal God that requires constant blood offerings, the latest being, of course, the Ukraine adventure.
Domestically, on the financial side, the capitalist deficits and gross imbalances in income distribution have been papered over by the extension of near universal retail credit, created in the postwar as a great “invention” to neutralise the dangerous effects of overproduction. The problem here is that consumer credit depends for its stability on stable jobs which in turn require a stable economy, but this economy cannot exist because by its very nature is unstable. So we are dealing here with the old house of cards dilemma. Incidentally, bourgeois economists like to insist that successive waves of invention create more job opportunities to compensate for job losses stemming from the efficiency of new technologies. This was their answer to “Luddite” critics, for example, but the facts speak otherwise. Today the world witnesses throughout the West a growing glut of “unneeded workers”, while the ruling class toys at its highest levels (i.e., WEF), with options such as massive “degrowth” and “depopulation”. A whole industry of lies and excuses (and probably biological tools) is also being created to justify such eventual measures.
Externally, an elaborate financial edifice grounded in the petrodollar is now crumbling—faster than anyone expected, especially among the the empire’s select counsellors—precisely due to the ineptitude and blind arrogance of the imperial mandarins. It’s a house of cards, a magic trick kept alive only by the implicit blackmail of a supposedly almighty military, but this last trick in the wizard’s bag is now also being exposed as a fraud by the war in Ukraine, where the West and and the Russian people are locked in an existential struggle.
Despite some early mistakes and miscalculations, in the pursuit of their intervention in Ukraine, the Russians are showing the rest of humanity (to their delight), that the arrogant, oppressive West—except for its nuclear submarine force—is, as Mao said, a paper tiger. Russia is showing the world what a real military superpower is capable of, one, to put it in technical terms, that possesses real “strategic depth”, something the West and its NATO mafia, can only dream of. Andrei Martyanov, a leading military expert, has repeatedly mentioned this sobering fact in his efforts to cool down the reckless hubris of Washington elites in their pursuit of imperialist dominance.
On Dec 5, 2022, the editor of Moon of Alabama published a piece confirming (again) this very point, the incapability of the West’s industrial base to produce and deliver on short order the massive level of ammunitions needed in a modern war between peer powers:
The Ukrainian war machine is running on empty because the ‘west’ can no longer provide weapons and ammunition in meaningful quantities. The chance to change that in any reasonable time frame is low:
“High-end conflict consumes a lot of munitions and a lot of weaponry,” Mike McCord, the Pentagon’s top budget official, said in an interview. “We are also looking at the supply chain limitations. We haven’t got this figured out just yet.”
Top Pentagon and industry officials maintain that efforts are finally ramping up to replace the weapons that the United States and its allies have shipped to Ukraine — depleting stockpiles that are deemed crucial to deterring China or other potential adversaries for years to come.
She cited recent deals for tens of thousands of 155mm artillery rounds that the Ukrainians are using up almost as soon as they arrive. By the spring, “we will be able to do 20,000 rounds a month,” she said.
But it will take time to manufacture enough of them, she said, adding that the U.S. will get that rate up to 40,000 rounds a month in the spring of 2025.
20,000 rounds is what the Russian army uses in Ukraine on a quiet day. 40,000 rounds per day may be the average consumption, 60,000 rounds per day are fired when things get hot. It also produces enough to replace those rounds.
(Ukraine – Crimea Bridge Repaired, No Ammunition, Drone Attacks In Russia—>
(The bold italics are mine.)
That after so much huffing and puffing and so many expectations of a quick Russian collapse we have come to this realisation must be humiliating in some quarters in Washington. And this is perhaps the greatest irony in the current situation: the political hubris that has long dominated the thinking of London/Washington elites made their hegemonic impulse irresistible. So they picked what looks now like the empire’s “last war of choice”. Never mind this is still formal a “proxy war”. They forgot that this is not 1945 but 2022, and the world has changed, and, above all, they forgot that ganging up on Russia, that underestimating her, is an unpardonable error.
As things stand today, and no matter what the Western media say, there is no way the West can “win” the Ukraine war, let alone consign Russia to the status of a vassal nation. In fact, for a variety of quite sensible reasons, and because of the high level of toxic chauvinism that still permeates the American mind, Moscow is now probably engaged in NOT giving Washington too bad of a beating. Hence the slow pace of the military campaign, the underplaying of their own victories, and the gradual way in which they are introducing a new reality on Eastern Europe and the world at large. It’s more like a “slow gradual descent into the ground” instead of a brutal crash. The former spares the losing contender some of the humiliation.
Going now back to Eric A.’s questions.
I think it will be hard to make faster progress in the West, especially America, until we devise ways of neutralizing and defeating Washington’s massive propaganda power. Many things we wish to accomplish require us to “walk with both legs at once” as Mao once said, for there are many circumstances when one item’s presence determines the survival of another, both reinforcing each other.
As well, as long as the culture is bathed in narcissism, many things will escape proper examination.
In the war or clash of ideas, liberalism, for example, and one of its offshoots economic liberalism (aka libertarianism) has clearly run its course, historically speaking, that is. Liberalism was and remains an intrinsic part and pillar of the capitalist matrix; it gives rise, by normal evolution, to forms of extreme antisocial individualism. And while I appreciate that some libertarians clearly and bravely oppose the US criminal/imperialist foreign policy, I doubt they have seriously pondered the contradictions implicit in their favorite social and economic model.
For example, to this day, I have never found a libertarian that can accept how competition literally eats itself in a regime of perfect market freedom, yielding eventually enormous monopolies. Nor, how these monopolies eventually corrupt everything in sight, from the political class to all other major cultural institutions, including the press, the arts, academia, and so on. The proof is irrefutable and it exists in abundance in the history of the West, especially its Nirvana, that is, The United States. Finally, no libertarian that I know of has ever solved the problem of capitalist overproduction.
The bottom line is that, as the Ukrainian War has demonstrated, the stranglehold of hybrid power is choking history and may spell our demise as a species, along with much of the rest of life on this planet.
I think it is our duty to debate and exchange ideas on how to weaken and break this ideological wall. Difficult? By all means. Impossible? Not by a long shot.
Confessions of a Woman in an Arraigned Marriage
Where are you from and is it common in your culture?
I’m from Kuwait and yes its really common. Its even rare to find someone not in one.
Would you have rather chosen a husband yourself?
Well I don’t because I never dated but I think I got really lucky with my husband.
And I think it have saved me a lot of time and effort.
Did you have the choice to say “No dad, not this one, find someone else”?
Well I did the same thing with another guy before.
What made you decide to reject that man before your husband? How did your father react?
The three 3 times we met he just kept saying nice things about me. It was a marriage interview and he said nothing about marriage or our responsibility or children or anything important.
My husband understands the “ways” to get married.
Did you ever wanted to have a boyfriend or date someone you like?
Having a boyfriend? No never, I find it disgusting and gross. How could I sleep with a man who doesn’t hold an responsibility towards me and I don’t have responsibility towards him and I find it a risky thing.
How did the process work? Did you know your husband before you were arranged to marry?
Ofcourse, I had to know everything that happened.
He was the son of my father boss and I saw him couple times at events but never talked to him.
But afte my father came to me to tell me that I have marriage proposal and then I met him for coffee couple of time before we got engaged.
Was there any money exchange? Or any sort of exchange as sign of arrangement?
Yes there were a money exchange. The man had to pay the woman family a (jeza) and mine was 80k dollars .
A business contract? No but I had to sign a marriage certificate ( it means that I the woman approve of that man to be my husband)
How long have you been married?
4 years
Are you happy? Getting a good life?
Yes I am really happy and life have been treating me good.
Do you love him?
Do you love him?
What are the positive and negative aspects of your situation?
Positives: it was straight forward and it was good communication.
Negatives: that it felt like a job and he was at first like a business partner ( before we got engaged) and it felt like people was expecting something out of it.
Do you have a proper education or have you just been raised to be a wife?
Well a lot of girls are raised as future wives and to have education at the same time . So I was expected to study a lot and be a good caretaker.
But yes I have a master degree in math.
What are your career goals?
I stopped working after I got married.
But my life goal is to raise my son as best as possible and treat my husband with the most respect and make him feel like a king.
Will you push your children to be in arranged marriages?
Yes but I won’t be against him if come and tell me that he loves someone and wants to marry them.
What if ur daughter doesn’t want an arranged marriage
And that my friend a problem for future me
Would you want the same for your daughter, knowing the risk of choosing someone she would not be happy with?
I knew the risks when I first got on the “market” but I think it’s safer choice then the “western way”.
And yes her opinion matters.
To answer your question yes I want her to do the same
What do you think is unsafe about the Western way?
Like if my husband cheated on me I have to take half his money but in the west with dating he can cheat and nothing bad would happen to him. We have responsibility give by god to be a team.
And also what if i became pregnant with a man I don’t know who would take care of the baby. Those are my reasons.
Do you feel that you are judge by western people for being in such an arrangement. If so do you think there is any validity to their judgment?
Yes I do but i understand why. They want maximum Freedom to their life even if its lead to bad or good thing and what I did goes against what they believe. and they see me take part of it as the same as promoting it. But its human nature and I do the same. Like with drinking, you think drinking is working and not effecting you but it ruined alot of lifes. So I judge you for drinking because I see you promoting it.
I hope I explain it ( sorry my English is not good).
What will you do if your husband turns out to be physically abusive, does your father resolve that or it’s up to you? Are you allowed to file for divorce?
No it’s my father responsibility and mine to solve this maybe I can forgive him or I can go to the police or divorce him.
And yes physically abuse is one of the reasons for a divorce.
Is he allowed to have other wives?
Yes he is allowed to have more wives but we had an agreement that if he brings another woman I’m out.
When you and your husband have intercourse is it for enjoyment and pleasure, reproduction purposes, because your husband wants it, or all of the above?
It’s for lust on both sides. But I think in Christianity you do it for reproductive reasons only ( correct me if I’m wrong).
Johnny Hallyday Gabrielle Live Parc Des Princes 1993 HD
Bohdisattva Statue
Bronze statues can command high prices, but typically, they have to be in mint condition if they are to be truly valuable. When a slightly damaged bronze statue of a bodhisattva turned up on the Antiques Roadshow, it might not have been immediately obvious that it was worth much at all. The experts in Asian art, however, got very excited—even though it had lost one arm.
The owner of the piece had been shopping in an estate sale when she spotted it. Several antique dealers had already snapped up many of the best objects, but this statue had been ignored. The owner was able to buy it for around $100. The experts agreed she had got a bargain. They dated it to the early 15th century and suggested a retail estimate of $100,000-$150,000. It turned out they were wrong… on both counts.
When the statue was later auctioned, it was described as coming from the earlier Tang Dynasty. It eventually sold for $2 million at Sotheby’s.
This shows CORRUPTION at the highest level as new Twitter files drop
Jesus. This is amazing.
China’s new 10 measures against COVID-19 are adherence to original intention, logic
After the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee held a meeting on Tuesday to set the tone for the economic work for 2023 and proposed to better coordinate COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council announced on Wednesday 10 prevention and control measures to further optimize COVID-19 response. This was widely recognized by the public. These new measures include lifting COVID testing and health code requirements for domestic cross-regional travelers and scrapping negative nucleic acid results and health code requirements for entering public places except for designated locations such as nursing homes, medical institutions and schools. They also clarify that asymptomatic carriers and mild COVID-19 patients are allowed to quarantine at home. Once again, China’s epidemic prevention and control work has again taken an important step toward precision and science.
We can say that we have come through the most difficult times. Nearly three years of an exceptionally difficult “national fight against the epidemic,” countless people have made sacrifices, endured hardships and paid an effort to win this battle. From the Alpha to Omicron variant, in these three years, we were forced to fight the “war to protect Wuhan” at one point. But step by step, today we can take the strategic initiative against the virus. We have ushered in a time for adjustment where the virus becomes weaker, but we grow stronger.
Looking back when the virus was at the most aggressive stage, China built a strong defense line against the virus again and again, becoming the country with the lowest number of COVID-19 cases and deaths among the world’s major powers. A report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that life expectancy at birth for the total US population was 78.8 years in 2019. It reduced to 77 years in 2020 and further to 76.1 years in 2021. In contrast, despite the large gap between China’s average level of medical resources and technology compared to developed countries, we have achieved a steady increase in average life expectancy, reaching 77.93 years in 2020 and increasing to 78.2 years in 2021. In the past two days, a large number of netizens have left messages to thank the country from the heart for three years of protection.
From a global perspective, China’s contribution to the world during the epidemic is also unparalleled. In 2020, China became the world’s first major economy to achieve positive economic growth. In 2021, China’s economy exceeded 110 trillion yuan ($17.3 trillion), with an average growth rate of 5.1 percent over the previous two years. In 2022, the Chinese economy has withstood pressure and is progressing stably. As China has effectively controlled the spread of the epidemic, the country’s manufacturing industry has not been greatly affected. Made-in-China products continue to dominate globally, and China’s strong supply capacity has significantly stabilized the fragile global supply chain. Meanwhile, China has also selflessly provided anti-epidemic supplies, including vaccines, to a vast number of developing countries, which has strongly supported the global joint efforts to fight against the epidemic. The international community is watching all of this.
China is a large country with a population of over 1.4 billion. Such a population base determines that the course of this enormous ship must be very stable, and a slight deviation may cause irreparable and heavy losses.
In the past three years, China has issued nine versions of epidemic prevention and control plans and diagnosis and treatment plans. Each revision reflects the country’s pragmatic attitude of seeking truth from facts and being proactive and prudent. It keeps progressing by taking small steps, with the starting point of being “people-centered.” China’s prevention and control policy has constantly been adjusted in the past three years, but its logic and original intention have never changed.
Our ability and confidence to fight the epidemic have also been strengthened during the process. Ability is the foundation of confidence, and confidence is the source which inspires ability. The virulence of the Omicron variant is greatly weakened. We have effective technologies and drugs for diagnosis and treatment, and our capablities, such as medical treatment, pathogen detection and epidemiological investigation, continue to improve. The complete vaccination rate of the whole population exceeds 90 percent. All these give us the confidence to face the virus directly and lay a solid foundation for further optimizing the epidemic prevention and control measures.
For the next step, we still need to make persistent efforts on how to implement the new 10 measures, concentrate resources to protect vulnerable groups in society, and obtain the optimal solution for coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic development, so that this huge society can continue to move forward adapting to the new situation.
The rainbow comes after the storm. We have all expected a long time for this day to come out of the haze of the epidemic. To be more precise, every step we have taken in the past three years, no matter how difficult it is, is a step closer to this day or a preparation for this day. They are all meaningful.
Jet Li vs. Nakamura Shidō Fight | Jet Li’s Fearless | All Action
In my opinion this is Jets finest movie! Some of the best fight scenes ever filmed and a truly heartbreaking ending! A truly beautiful film.
BBQ Marmalade Chicken
“This is a simple dish to make, very tasty. It can be made in a crock pot or the oven. This is delicious served with steamed broccoli and mashed sweet potatoes.”

- 1 cup orange marmalade
- 2 tablespoons soy sauce
- 1 cup of your favourite barbecue sauce
- 12 boneless skinless chicken breasts or 24 boneless skinless chicken thighs
- 1 tablespoon cornstarch
- 2 tablespoons cold water
- In a medium-size microwave-safe bowl, stir marmalade with soy sauce. Microwave, uncovered, on high until softened, 1 minute.
- OR melt in a saucepan, stirring often.
- Stir in barbecue sauce.
- Place chicken in crock pot. Pour in sauce. Stir to coat.
- Cover and cook on high setting 4 hours or low 6 hours.
- To bake, preheat oven to 350F (180C). Place chicken in a large, ovenproof casserole dish that will hold at least 16 cups (4 L). Pour sauce over chicken. Stir to evenly coat. Set on a baking sheet to catch any drips if it bubbles over.
- Bake, covered, in centre of preheated oven until chicken feels springy when pressed and sauce is bubbly, about 1 3/4 hours.
- To thicken sauce, remove cooked chicken to a large serving bowl.
- In a small bowl, stir cornstarch with water until dissolved.
- Carefully ladle liquid from slow cooker or casserole into a medium-size saucepan.
- Set over high heat. Bring to a boil. Stir in cornstarch mixture.
- Reduce heat to medium. Stir until sauce thickens, 2 minutes. Pour over chicken.
- Note: I prefer orange marmalade, ginger marmalade can be substituted. Recipe yields approximately 3 cups of sauce.

DeSanits: Pfizer and Moderna CAN’T hide this anymore, and we’re coming for you
Yes crimes against humanity.
As a teacher, what is the harshest truth a student has ever taught you?
I was giving a lecture to around 50 international high school students in my college at Oxford University.
I got drunk before the lecture. I just wanted the paycheck.
The lecture was called ‘Shakespeare 101’ or ‘An Introduction to Shakespeare’ or something equally uninspiring.
I arrived in the hall. Saw a bunch of faces beaming up at me. I put my feet up on a desk and began reading from my notes in a dull monotone. Completely shameless.
The students tolerated about 10 minutes of this crap before one Chinese girl put her hand up and said this:
“Excuse me, Teacher? I have a question. Can you make it less boring?”
She was right. It was boring as hell.
Teaching is not about collecting a paycheck.
The onus is NOT on the students to make it interesting.
Good teaching is not just rattling off a bunch of facts while the students scribble down notes.
“You’re right,” I said. “This is boring. I’m so sorry. Here’s what we’re gonna do. I’ve got a script here for Hamlet. We’re all going to act this out line by line.”
I handed out a bunch of sheets and got the whole class up and acting. Actually acting. Saying the words with feeling.
The class livened up. The shy ones came out of their shells. We all laughed. We all became super enthusiastic. They asked me endless questions and I asked them questions back and we all had a great time.
Then at the end of the class, about 20 of them stayed behind for a photo and they all queued up to swap phone numbers with me.
So thank you to that girl who asked me to make my lesson less boring.
I then went on to make my living from teaching for the next couple of years and was never again told that my lessons were boring. In fact, my students all raved about how much fun they had and how I helped them to stay committed to their studies.
Teaching can be a hard gig but it’s damn rewarding when you do it properly.

China now accorded Highest Honors in Saudi Arabian Foreign Policy

Chinas growing stature as a Global Power was confirmed in Riyadh when Supreme Leader and President Xi Jingping was greeted by the Three Royal Party
A Three Royal Party consists of the Three Highest Ranking Royals below the King and Princes
So far only USA had a 3 Royal greeting while every other nation had either a 2 Royal greeting (UK) or a 1 Royal greeting (India) or a 0 Royal Greeting (Pakistan post 2013, Israel)
This was a subtle message from Saudi Arabia that China picked up and were grateful for.
A Second sign was when Four Saudi Jets flew to escort the Air China carrying the President. The Jets formally performed no loops indicate absolute trust in the incoming arrival into their airspace
They performed two loops when Bidens Aircraft came into Saudi Airspace.
In all earlier visits China had had a 2/1 Royal Party welcome into Saudi
Tang Marble Lion
The Chinese market for antiques and antiquities has never been higher. A newly wealthy generation of Chinese investors is spending their money to acquire art and artifacts that have left their country over the centuries. Objects that were once picked up by tourists have suddenly become hugely valuable.
One woman might have been somewhat disappointed when told that a marble lion that she had inherited from her grandparents was not from the Ming Dynasty as she had thought. But she should not have worried. The expert on the Antiques Roadshow realized that the exquisitely carved animal was actually from another golden period in Chinese history—the earlier Tang Dynasty. The expert was so impressed with the statue that he became emotional.
The marble lion was valued at $120,000-$180,000.
The European Union is Going to Split
President Xi is making an epic state visit to Saudi Arabia and other friendly countries, the biggy before the year is over, wa !
Thrift Store Vase

Going to second-hand shops, thrift stores, and charity shops is always exciting because you never know what you might come home with. Plus, there is always the chance that you might stumble on something hugely valuable that was cheap.
One man on the British Antiques Roadshow brought in his small collection of ceramics to find out whether they had any age. Most had been picked up cheaply in charity shops. One, a square vase in pale green with a pierced pattern on the sides, had cost him just £7.99. It was this vase that got the expert most excited because it was an old Chinese design. It was also a technical masterpiece because the vase was actually two vases joined together during production. Having examined the object, the expert was in no doubt. This was a vase dating from the Ming Dynasty.
The owner was stunned. “Ming, really Ming?” he asked. His joyful reaction when told that it was worth between £5000 and £10,000 was one shared by viewers.
Putin and China just scored a MAJOR victory over Europe and the U.S.
OPEC selling oil via BRICS currency…would leave the dollar in the dust. The EU would have no choice but to abandon the dollar..or come to a grinding & freezing halt. We have $35 trillion debt plus the ‘newly discovered’ $65 trillion in derivatives. I expect a black swan event soon to cover up the collapse.
Charlotte Brontë Ring

When a woman was rifling around in her attic, she found a grimy old locked box. After searching for the key, she was contacted by a relative who had found it. Once opened, she discovered a small ring inside. The ring was decorated on the outside, but the most remarkable thing was that there was a hinge on the edge. What was inside was even stranger—a braid of what looked like hair.
When taken to the Antiques Roadshow, the puzzle of the ring was uncovered. An inscription inside the ring bore the name Charlotte Brontë and a date—the date of the author’s death. The hair inside? Probably hair belonging to Charlotte Brontë. This would not have been uncommon in the 19th century. Mourning jewelry was often made to commemorate loved ones who had died. Other examples of mourning jewelry made of hair were known to have belonged to the Brontë family.
This ring was valued at around £20,000. Never leave a locked box unopened.
3 Tang Marble Lion
The Chinese market for antiques and antiquities has never been higher. A newly wealthy generation of Chinese investors is spending their money to acquire art and artifacts that have left their country over the centuries. Objects that were once picked up by tourists have suddenly become hugely valuable.
One woman might have been somewhat disappointed when told that a marble lion that she had inherited from her grandparents was not from the Ming Dynasty as she had thought. But she should not have worried. The expert on the Antiques Roadshow realized that the exquisitely carved animal was actually from another golden period in Chinese history—the earlier Tang Dynasty. The expert was so impressed with the statue that he became emotional.
The marble lion was valued at $120,000-$180,000.
2 Fabergé Flowers
Just like the word “Ming” sets the hearts of antique collectors racing, so does the name Fabergé. The master jeweler of the early 20th century worked extensively with the Russian royal family, including making Easter egg gifts for them. The jewelry expert Geoffrey Munn is famously a fan of Fabergé objects. He once mentioned on an episode that he had been informed that watchers who play a drinking game while Antiques Roadshow is on have to take a shot every time he mentions Fabergé.
Those drinkers must have been very drunk by the time he stopped talking about a delicate spray of blossoms he was shown. These were no ordinary flowers, however. The vase was made of solid rock crystal, the stem of gold, the petals were enamel, and a tiny drop of water on each bloom was a diamond. All were made by Fabergé.
When considering what such an object might be worth, the expert was forced to suggest that it could be worth over £1 million.
1 Bohdisattva Statue
Bronze statues can command high prices, but typically, they have to be in mint condition if they are to be truly valuable. When a slightly damaged bronze statue of a bodhisattva turned up on the Antiques Roadshow, it might not have been immediately obvious that it was worth much at all. The experts in Asian art, however, got very excited—even though it had lost one arm.
The owner of the piece had been shopping in an estate sale when she spotted it. Several antique dealers had already snapped up many of the best objects, but this statue had been ignored. The owner was able to buy it for around $100. The experts agreed she had got a bargain. They dated it to the early 15th century and suggested a retail estimate of $100,000-$150,000. It turned out they were wrong… on both counts.
When the statue was later auctioned, it was described as coming from the earlier Tang Dynasty. It eventually sold for $2 million at Sotheby’s.
Egypt joins BRICS bank – official
The country has reportedly been welcomed into the financial structure, further expanding the lender’s global reach
Egypt has officially become a member of the New Development Bank (NDB) of the BRICS group of major emerging economies, the country’s government announced on Wednesday.
The NDB was established by BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) in 2014 to finance infrastructure and sustainable development in member states and other emerging economies. Since 2016, the bank has invested in multiple projects, including $7.2 billion in India alone, according to the NDB.
Egypt, which has so far not joined BRICS, expressed an interest in becoming a member in July, along with Turkey and Saudi Arabia. It is now preparing to apply for membership, BRICS International Forum President Purnima Anand earlier said.
Card Table
John and Thomas Seymour were master furniture makers in the late 18th and early 18th century working in Boston. Their “Federal” furniture, made with expensive wood and richly decorated, can be found in museums across the country. This made it all the more unexpected when a table made by the pair was wheeled into the Antiques Roadshow upside down on a cart.
The owner of the table had picked it up at a yard sale for just $25 after haggling the price down from $30. Even then, she might not have purchased the table as her friend thought it was too wobbly to support a lamp. It was also filthy and covered in mold. The demi-lune mahogany card table was more than worth the price she paid and the effort of cleaning it. The experts estimated it might be worth $225,000. Had the owner given it too thorough a cleaning and destroyed the original patina, the price would have plummeted.
When the table was auctioned soon afterward, it sold for $490,000. With the buyer’s premium that is paid to the auction house, this made the final sale price $541,000.
My MM video on Hive and Matrix souls…
From my restricted archives. If you all haven’t seen this one yet, give it a chance.
Confessions of a 5-Star Hotel Concierge
What are some things we can use your services for without being assholes?
We can literally do anything! Don’t feel like you’re being an asshole we are there to make your stay as effortless as possible.
The best way to utilise us is restaurant recommendations, theatre tickets and taxis. We will get you the cheapest prices with VIP service!
Also if you want something different to do ask about local walks. We know all the local hidden treasures you wouldn’t find otherwise.
Do you guys have “training” for all the hidden stuff or are you hired specifically for your knowledge of the area?
No we learn as we go. It does help if you’re local! But more often than not it’s just experience. We have endless files on our computer though we don’t work entirely from memory! Don’t be too impressed!
What’s the craziest thing someone’s requested?
I had to get an elderly gentleman a toupee. He had never worn one before but decided he wanted one to go to dinner that night… not an easy task but we did it! (And he actually looked pretty good!)
How do you deal with illegal requests?
It depends on the request. Usually it’s just a case of turning a blind eye.. after all it’s up to the individual. Prostitutes are somewhat of a grey area! We will never advise a guest on where to find an escort nor will we arrange it for them. However if they ask us to send a car for ‘their guest’ we will!
So if I need some hash can you help a guy out or just hotel/travel stuff? Movies make it seem like you can ask you guys for seriously whatever they wanted.
No we can’t put you in contact with anyone but we will facilitate delivery.
I haven’t ever been asked personally but I was rooming someone once when a bag of white powder fell out of their pocket. They didn’t notice and I didn’t know what to do! When he turned round I just said ‘I think you dropped that’ bit awkward!
Say someone is staying at your hotel and on a whim wants to go to a sold out concert at a local venue. Can you get them in, and if so, do your connections get them regular ticket prices, or are they paying for crazy VIP rates? For something like that does the hotel buy the tix and then charge the guest room?
So we can usually get tickets for a sell out but in actual fact the venue was never really sold out. They have a certain amount of tickets for things like radio competitions or whatever. And of course for us to sell. We always try to negotiate the best price for the guest but the price is the price. The guest doesn’t have to pay upfront they can pay on check out. Money to the venue gets sorted through the accounts department I don’t know exactly how it works.
I’m not impressed with the restaurant and quite fancy a Gregg’s Sausage Roll or four, but all the local Gregg’s are all closed for the evening. What do you do?
Find the nearest Iceland store and buy the frozen greggs sausage rolls. Get the kitchen to bake them in the oven (not the bloody microwave) and send it to your room!
What’s the best way a regular person can enjoy things at the hotel only the rich and famous get?
Simply just ask! Always speak to the concierge not the reception staff. Reception can only do so much but the concierge team can get away with a lot of things.
When you arrive ask us about upgrading your room. If we can we will. If you’re eating in one of the hotel restaurants ask us if we could recommend a table, we’ll get you on a great table and and make sure the wait staff look after you well.
My best tip, though, to really feel like a VIP is call down from your room and ask us to run your bath! You might feel daft but we’ll run an awesome bath and we’ll bring you a bottle of wine to enjoy on the house! Do it! Just ask!
I would feel like such an asshole if I asked someone to come up to my room to run my bath. I mean it’s right there…
Haha yeah and we know you could run it yourself… you can also pour your own beer but you let the barman do it for you! It isn’t just running a bath it’s enjoying a bit of luxury and indulging yourself!
Are any of these people actually embarrassed or sheepish about some of their more outrageous or outlandish requests or demands? Examples?
Nope. The regular money just don’t care they ask for what they want and expect to get it.. the young couples who have saved up for a treat or the elderly couple coming in for afternoon tea.. they get embarrassed making the simplest request, because they don’t want to make work for anyone, they don’t want to be a pest! I’ll do everything I can to make their visit special! It’s a one off for them
How do I figure out what to tip the concierge? Is it a set price or do I do a percentage of what I’m getting etc?
Yeah it’s a bit different. We are built in with the price of your room. You wouldn’t tip us same as you wouldn’t tip reception staff. Save your tips for the bell hop and or wait staff. Of course it’s always nice to receive a tip and we appreciate the gesture but it isn’t expected like it might be in other roles in the hotel
Have there been times when you wanted to smack someone for being an ass/petty?
Yes! We hosted an Aston Martin car show a few summers ago. One guys Aston broke down on the hotels driveway. We called a local garage and left them to it. About an hour later he called the hotel and asked me to meet him at the garage… which I did. He expected us to pay for the repairs and when I told him that wasn’t possible he gave me a proper dressing down infront of everyone. I just had to suck it up and politely nod but I could have quite happily nutted him! Money does funny things to people
Are there any particular celebrities that were especially nice and easy to deal with?
Yeah. To be honest most of them are. It’s very rare you get a ‘diva’ that said TV personalities are generally nicer than pop stars. I’m not sure if you’ll know him but the nicest guy I ever met was Derren Brown! That’s my one name drop!
Who’s the most famous person you have ever met?
So i want to be as transparent as possible but discretion is rule 1 so I can’t give names. The two big ones though was a Prince in the British royal family and an American actor who made my missions quite impossible!
Worst thing a famous/rich person did?
One couple paid to stay in two separate rooms. The excuse ‘he’ gave was that his wife snored… the two nights they were there I showed three different women to his room, all at least half his age!
What is the protocol for handling the wife, when the husband is already checked in with his mistress?
So we never share that information. If the wife turns up and says ‘which room is my husband John smith in’ we say ‘sorry I can’t confirm that we have a John smith staying here tonight’ inevitably she says ‘ I know he’s here’ we say ‘have you tried calling him?’ And on it goes.
We will never tell another soul that you’re in our hotel we wouldn’t tell your own mother. We won’t even put a call through to your room unless you’ve ok’d it
How did you get into the business? how long did it take to work up to 5 star service?
I was really lucky tbh. I did all my training in the hotel I currently work at so I didn’t build up to it as such. I was barman in a different hotel before that. I’m currently working towards my golden keys though which will be a proud moment for me
Jet Li’s Fearless Fight Scene – The Tower
This movie is so great. Not just the fighting, but the lessons Jin learns through this movie. Just amazing.
What Is The Biggest No-No When Being Arrested?
Criminal defense attorney here. Allow me to share with you my personal top ten “don’t do these when being arrested” moments, all of which I have personally had to deal with from clients.
- Don’t resist arrest. When the handcuffs come out, you cannot talk your way out of the situation any more; cooperate, and things will be much better for you.
- Resist the temptation to “explain yourself” to the officer on your drive to the station. They are recording you — and this can be used against you. Just be quiet.
And some more…
- If you are being arrested for drunk driving, don’t refuse the intoxilyzer test. You will likely be much worse off for a refusal than a bad test number. Implied consent will screw you.
- Please remember to exercise your right to remain silent. There is nothing you can say that will help you in a meaningful way. Just stop talking.
- No one likes the guy who threatens to sue everyone in sight. Just request an attorney and stop talking.
- Routine booking questions don’t fall into the category of custodial interrogations, so please don’t refuse to give officers your real name. In many jurisdictions this can be a separate offense.
- For the love of all that is holy, do not use the following phrase when interacting with the police: “I’m drunk.” It is even less helpful when shouted at the top of your lungs.
- Do not, under any circumstance, ask the officer if he or she can “look the other way just this once” while holding out money in your hand.
- Sadly, most officers do not appreciate sarcastic remarks or observations about their weight or intelligence. Surprisingly, sentencing judges don’t particularly care for it either.
- Officers are not scared of attorneys. Don’t think that name dropping or threats of lawsuits will get an officer to leave you alone. Pro tip: it won’t.
Stephen Link, Attorney
Finally, a reminder…
Also one of my videos…
ARS is the most addictive show on TV. I have never forgotten the two old spinster sisters and their 200,000 pound Elizabethan period wardrobe. They had used it all their lives daily and the look of bewilderment and then joy on their faces was priceless. It’s a great show hey man. Cheers for that. The B21, be it a game changer or not, it’s a smaller upgraded B2 variant with link 16 as far as I am concerned and is at least 7-10 years away from fully operational status one would think. I believe the US has 6 in their inventory at present and these would still be in the developmental stage and far from operational in any way. Remember the 30 years it took to get the F 35 operational. In saying that the F 35 is still not “fully operational” to this day and needs continual software upgrades which might I add are only obtainable through the US government/military and Lockheed Martin. They can refuse the above upgrades at any time and leave that country with a few squadrons of gate monuments.
You are correct Sir: Fearless is a fantastic movie.