"Why did the majority of Taiwanese vote for the DDP?" Excellent question ! I'll have to meditate deeply before giving you an acceptable & palatable answer... I suggest for now that they have been mesmerized by the so-called shining liberal world because they drunk the Kool-Aid especially prepared for them by the spin doctors of the KFC-AZAEL (Kakistocratic Feudal Conglomerate of the Anglo-Zio-American EstabLishment) who are truly geniuses in that domain. But I'm aware of the weakness of that answer because it's tantamount to write that they have been stupid. Alas ! Let's say that they are waking up slowly since the graduated answer by Beijing since August 3, 2022 and keeping on... But I persist, The Taiwanese are waking up and realize that their future is with Beijing ! Arrivederci ! Quan
I’m just swamped. This is going to be a tad unusual post. Heavy on cats. Light on food. Hopefully no one will get too upset with me.
The Brazilian billionaire Jorge Guinle
Jorge Guinle died of old age after burning all his money on fun, basically. He once said that he lost all his money because he thought he’d last about 70 years but he only died at 88.

In fact, he was no longer a billionaire after his family lost the concession of the Port of Santos in 1972. He was still very rich for years, but no longer had a steady source of income.
In his final years, after selling everything he had, he lived for free – as a favor – in Copacabana Palace, a famous luxury hotel formerly owned by his family. He got a very small pension from the government and would work as a tourist guide and sometimes appear in advertisements.
I know people who knew him and told me he would happily pay for other people’s bills in restaurants and nightclubs and do things like send trucks full of flowers to women he was interested in.
He had no regrets though.
His life was well lived, he studied philosophy in Paris, dated famous actresses in Hollywood (including Marilyn Monroe and Rita Hayworth), met and befriended his favorite jazz musicians, who he’d fly to Rio to attend his parties.
Not only that, he had a semi-official role during and after WWII as a liaison between the United States and Brazil. He was asked by Nelson Rockefeller, working for the US government, to help influence Brazil towards the American side and away from the influence of the nazis.
Meanwhile, he’d also work for the Brazilian government spreading the word in the US about Brazil and Rio de Janeiro. He’d advise Hollywood studios about Brazil, fixing scripts that mentioned the country and so on. He was room mates with Errol Flynn and partied with Orson Welles, Howard Hughes and Ronald Reagan.
A fascinating character. People say he was a genuinely nice, interesting, sensitive person, not just a flashy playboy.
They don’t make playboys like that anymore.
I knew Titan loved me one day after my ex broke things off.
She’d cheated on me (multiple times I later learned) and was both shacking up with her new guy but still living in my house. Needless to say I was stressed, depressed, and a bundle of nerves.
Titan had always liked my ex (we’d adopted him and her cat at the same time so he’d known us both his whole adopted life). But he was MY GUY and I knew it unequivocally when Erika tried to pet him about a week after the whole mess came down.
He hissed and ran away from her…straight to me for comfort and snuggles. He knew she was the reason I wasn’t doing well and he wasn’t about to put up with it. She moved out a couple days later. When even the animals think you’re a terrible person it’s hard to stay there.

He’s been my best buddy ever since.
Fox News
Former President Trump on Monday said that his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida was “under siege” by a “large group” of FBI agents conducting a search warrant. “Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate,” Trump said. “It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections.” “Such an assault could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries. Sadly, America has now become one of those Countries, corrupt at a level not seen before,” Trump said, alleging that the FBI agents broke into his safe.
Thomas Lucipurr Lipshaw
Yes, this is my cat, Thomas Lucipurr Lipshaw, he is now 4 years old but this happened when he was 1 1/2. An ex of mine was working with this woman who was bragging at work about having her cat put down for being destructive, i was called about it ten minutes later, i got the information told my then girlfriend id be making a call and after work id fill her in. Called the vets office she surrendered the cat to. No clue why i did this, i never really interacted with cats before. Well i got them to agree to hold him for me until tomorrow morning.
Next morning this was what came home with us, his name Thomas, he supposedly weighed 9 lbs but he was way too skinny, i could feel his vertebrae and see a few ribs.

his first day with me was spent under the couch while i chatted with him, peeked under now and again to check on him and offer some tasty morsels.
well turns out he was abused, and then my now ex was mean to him a LOT. so after a lot of drama i threw her out, and he became my cat and mine alone. My son of fur fang and claw, hes a daddy’s cat, he will actually hit me if i begin getting worried about stupid shit, he will put a paw on my arm or hand if i am crying, he sleeps on my bed with me, and always wants to be held.
Here he is today…

WWII redux: The endpoint of US policy
“This is not going to be a war of Ukraine and Russia. This is going to be a European war, a full-fledged war.” So spoke Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky just days after berating the US for beating the drums of war.
It is not hard to imagine how Zelensky’s words must have fallen on those European ears that were attentive. His warning surely conjured up images of World War II when tens of millions of Europeans and Russians perished.
Zelensky’s words echoed those of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on the other side of the world at the eastern edge of the great Eurasian landmass: “When elephants fight, it is the grass that gets trampled flat.” We can be sure that Duterte, like Zelensky, had in mind World War II, which also consumed tens of millions of lives in East Asia.
The United States is stoking tensions in both Europe and East Asia, with Ukraine and Taiwan as the current flashpoints on the doorsteps of Russia and China, which are the targeted nations.
Let us be clear at the outset. As we shall see, the endpoint of this process is not for the US to do battle with Russia or China, but to watch China and Russia fight it out with their neighbors to the ruin of both sides.
The US is to “lead from behind” – as safely and remotely as can be arranged.
To make sense of this and react properly, we must be very clear-eyed about the goal of the US.
- Neither Russia nor China has attacked or even threatened the US.
- Nor are they in a position to do so – unless one believes that either is ready to embark on a suicidal nuclear war.
Why should the US elite and its media pour out a steady stream of anti-China and anti-Russia invective? Why the steady eastward march of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization since the end of the first Cold War?
The goal of the US is crystal clear – it regards itself as the Exceptional Nation and entitled to be the No 1 power on the planet, eclipsing all others.
This goal is most explicitly stated in the well-known Wolfowitz Doctrine drawn shortly after the end of the first Cold War in 1992. It proclaimed that the United States’ “first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet union or elsewhere….”
It stated that no regional power must be allowed to emerge with the power and resources “sufficient to generate global power.” It stated frankly that “we must maintain the mechanism for deterring potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger regional or global power” (emphasis mine).
The Wolfowitz Doctrine is but the latest in a series of such proclamations that have proclaimed global domination as the goal of US foreign policy since 1941, the year before the US entered World War II. This lineage is documented clearly in a book by the Quincy Institute’s Stephen Wertheim, “Tomorrow, the World: The Birth of US Global Supremacy.”
Target No 1: China
China’s economy is No 1 in terms of PPP-GDP (gross domestic product based on purchasing power parity) according to the International Monetary Fund and has been since November 2014. It is growing faster than the US economy and shows no signs of slowing down.
In a sense, China has already won by this metric, since economic power is the ultimate basis of all power.
But what about a military defeat of China? Can the US with its present vastly superior armed forces bring that about? Historian Alfred McCoy answers that question in the way most do these days, with a clear “no”:
“The most volatile flashpoint In Beijing’s grand strategy for breaking Washington’s geopolitical grip over Eurasia lies in the contested waters between China’s coast and the Pacific littoral, which the Chinese call ‘the first island chain.’ “But China’s clear advantage in any struggle over that first Pacific island chain is simply distance.…The tyranny of distance, in other words, means that the US loss of that first island chain, along with its axial anchor on Eurasia’s Pacific littoral, should only be a matter of time.”
Certainly the US elites recognize this problem. Do they have a solution?
Moreover, that is not the end of the “problem” for the US. There are other powerful countries, such as Japan, or rapidly rising economies in East Asia, easily the most dynamic economic region in the world. These too will become peer competitors, and in the case of Japan, it already has been a competitor, both before World War II and during the 1980s.
Target No 2: Russia
If we hop over to the western edge of Eurasia, we see that the US has a similar “problem” when it comes to Russia. Here too, the US cannot defeat Russia in a conventional conflict, nor have US sanctions been able to bring it down. How can the US surmount this obstacle?
And as in the case of East Asia, the US faces another economic competitor, Germany, or more accurately, the European Union with Germany at its core. How is the US to deal with this dual threat?
One clue comes in the response of President Joe Biden to both the tension over Taiwan and that over Ukraine. Biden has said repeatedly that his administration will not send US combat troops to fight Russia over Ukraine or to fight China over Taiwan. But it will send materiel and weapons, and also “advisers.”
And here too the US has other peer competitors, most notably Germany, which has been the target of US tariffs. Economist Michael Hudson puts it succinctly in a penetrating essay: “America’s real adversaries are its European and other allies: The US aim is to keep them from trading with China and Russia.”
Postwar rise to power
Such “difficulties” for the US were solved once before – in World War II.
One way of looking at that conflict is that it was a combination of two great regional wars, one in East Asia and one in Europe. In Europe the US was minimally involved as Russia, the core of the USSR, battled it out with Germany, sustaining great damage to life and economy. Both Germany and Russia were economic basket cases when the war was over, two countries lying in ruins.
The US provided weapons and materiel to Russia but was minimally involved militarily, only entering late in the game. The same happened in East Asia, with Japan in the role of Germany and China in the role of Russia.
Both Japan and China were devastated in the same way as were Russia and Europe. This was not an unconscious strategy on the part of the United States. As Harry Truman, then a senator, declared in 1941: “If we see that Germany is winning the war, we ought to help Russia; and if that Russia is winning, we ought to help Germany, and in that way let them kill as many as possible.”
At the end of it all, the US emerged as the most powerful economic and military power on the planet. McCoy spells it out:
“Like all past imperial hegemons, US global power has similarly rested on geopolitical dominance over Eurasia, now home to 70% of the world’s population and productivity. After the Axis alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan failed to conquer that vast landmass, the Allied victory in World War II allowed Washington, as historian John Darwin put it, to build its ‘colossal imperium … on an unprecedented scale,’ becoming the first power in history to control the strategic axial points ‘at both ends of Eurasia.’ “As a critical first step, the US formed the NATO alliance in 1949, establishing major military installations in Germany and naval bases in Italy to ensure control of the western side of Eurasia. “After its defeat of Japan, as the new overlord of the world’s largest ocean, the Pacific, Washington dictated the terms of four key mutual-defense pacts in the region with Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Australia, and so acquired a vast range of military bases along the Pacific littoral that would secure the eastern end of Eurasia. “To tie the two axial ends of that vast landmass into a strategic perimeter, Washington ringed the continent’s southern rim with successive chains of steel, including three navy fleets, hundreds of combat aircraft, and most recently, a string of 60 drone bases stretching from Sicily to the Pacific island of Guam.”
The US was able to become the dominant power on the planet because all peer competitors were left in ruins by the two great regional wars in Europe and East Asia, wars that are grouped under the heading of World War II.
If Europe is plunged into a war of Russia against the EU powers with the US “leading from behind” with materiel and weapons, who will benefit? And if East Asia is plunged into a war of China against Japan and whatever allies it can drum up, with the US “leading from behind,” who will benefit?
It is pretty clear that such a replay of World War II will benefit the US. In World War II, while Eurasia suffered tens of millions of deaths, the US suffered about 400,000 – a terrible toll certainly but nothing like that seen in Eurasia.
And with the economies and territories of Eurasia, East and West, in ruins, the US will again emerge on top, in the catbird seat, and able to dictate terms to the world. World War II redux.
But what about the danger of nuclear war growing out of such conflicts? The US has a history of nuclear “brinksmanship,” going back to the earliest post-World War II days. It is a country that has shown itself willing to risk nuclear holocaust.
Are there US policymakers criminal enough to see this policy of provocation through to the end? I will leave that to the reader to answer.
The peoples of East and West Eurasia are the ones who will suffer most in this scenario. And they are the ones who can stop the madness by living peacefully with Russia and China rather than serving as cannon fodder for the US.
There are clear signs of dissent from the European “allies” of the US, especially Germany, but the influence of the US remains powerful. Germany and many other countries are after all occupied by tens of thousands of US troops, their media heavily influenced by the US and with the organization that commands European troops, NATO, under US command. Which way will it go?
In East Asia the situation is the same. Japan is the key, but the hatred of China among the Elite is intense. Will the Japanese people and the other peoples of East Asia be able to put the brakes on the drive to war?
Some say that a two-front conflict like this is US overreach. But certainly, if war is raging on or near the territories of both Russia and China, there is little likelihood that one can aid the other.
Given the power of modern weaponry, this impending world war will be much more damaging than World War II by far. The criminality that is on the way to unleashing it is almost beyond comprehension.
China’s top chip maker SMIC beats earnings estimates despite threat of more US sanctions
- Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp reported revenue growth of 41.6 per cent for the June quarter
- Net profits were down 25 per cent from the same period last year, as gross margin rose to 39.4 per cent
Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) reported better-than-expected earnings for the June quarter, as China’s top chip maker faces up to rising risks of harsher US sanctions.
The company reported on Thursday that revenue during the three-month period rose 41.6 per cent year-on-year to reach US$1.9 billion, slightly better than Bloomberg’s consensus estimates of US$1.89 billion.
Net profits came in at US$514.3 million under global accounting standards, down 25 per cent from the same period last year, compared with US$447.2 million in the previous quarter. This was better than Bloomberg’s consensus estimates of US$469 million.
Article HERE
China Creates Its Most Powerful General-Purpose GPU: Meet Biren BR100 With 77 Billion Transistors on 7nm, Faster Than NVIDIA Ampere In AI
Birentech, a small enterprise based in Shanghai, China, has released the country’s most powerful General-Purpose GPU, the Biren BR100.
China Makes Its Most Powerful General-Purpose GPU To Date, The Birentech BR100 With 77 Billion Transistors
The Birentech BR100 is the flagship General-Purpose GPU that China has to offer, featuring an in-house GPU architecture that utilizes a 7nm process node and houses 77 Billion transistors within its die. The GPU has been fabricated on TSMC’s 2.5D CoWoS design and also comes packed with 300 MB of on-chip cache, 64 GB of HBM2e with a memory bandwidth of 2.3 TB/s, and support for PCIe Gen 5.0 (CXL interconnect protocol).
The Majority of U.S. Voters Cannot Find Taiwan on a Map
Most American people are uneducated and simply accept the crusader media propaganda to like or hate a country , a religion, and people. This make our mission to spread the truth very important. In an Aug. 6-7 survey experiment conducted during heavy media coverage of Pelosi’s trip to the island, 34% of U.S. voters could find Taiwan on a blank map of Asia. That’s the same as the share of voters who said they heard “a lot” about the California Democrat’s trip there last week. It’s also the same fraction of the electorate that could identify Ukraine on a map when asked a few weeks before Russia’s invasion of the country. Those who could identify Taiwan were more likely to have heard news coverage about the island recently, with 86% saying they had heard at least something about Pelosi’s trip — though the story did manage to break through to 71% of the general electorate. Those who could find Taiwan were also significantly more likely to have heard details of China’s retaliation, with more than three-quarters hearing about China’s missile launches as part of naval drills and dispatching of fighter jets across the middle of the Taiwan Strait, compared with 60% and 56% of all voters, respectively, for those developments. -Chua
Ukraine Using American-Supplied Weapons to ATTACK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT

The Ukrainian Army is using American-made and supplied Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) to fire shells at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant in Ukraine, which is occupied by Russian Troops.
The image above shows a blast fragment from an American GMLRS shell “Actuator” recovered after it exploded on the grounds of the Nuclear Plant Thursday. The English language on the Actuator manufacturing label shows the part number, serial number, the date of manufacture, and says “Actuator Module Assembly” on it.
The Russian Army won control of the Nuclear Power Plant early in its Special Military Operation to de-militarize and De-Nazify Ukraine. The nuclear power plant is the largest in Europe, with six nuclear reactors. Russia conquered it in March of this year, and has safeguarded the plant ever since.
The reason Russia took the plant is that if there was a nuclear accident with that plant, radioactive contamination would be carried by local prevailing winds, directly into Russia. The Russians don’t want any radiation floating into their country.
But early this week, Ukraine began doing the unthinkable: Deliberately firing artillery shells at the plant; then made the absurd claim that Russia was firing – at their own Russian troops!
Russia even invited the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to come to the plant with inspectors to see exactly WHO it is that is firing at the plant. Russia said they will bring the inspectors in safely and allow them to see for themselves who is attacking the plant.
Then things got an order of magnitude worse:
Russia publicly stated that Ukraine is attempting to hit the spent fuel cooling facilities on the grounds of that plant which will cause what they described as a “nuclear catastrophe worse than Chernobyl.”
By doing this, Russia says Ukraine is attempting to use the plant as a sort of Tactical Nuclear Weapon. If Ukraine can cause a nuclear accident, the levels of radiation would be very much akin to the detonation of a battlefield tactical nuke.
SO . . . . .
Russia has told Ukraine and the rest of the world that “If Ukraine causes a nuclear catastrophe by shelling the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, Russia will consider such an act to be “nuclear terrorism” and, under Russia’s long-established military doctrine, such nuclear errorism would require a Russian nuclear response; Russia will respond to Ukraine’s “nuclear terrorism” by firing Russian Tactical Nuclear Weapons at Ukraine.”
Readers may recall that early in the Special Military Operation, illegitimate president Joe Biden publicly commented that NATO would not get involved in the Russia-Ukraine situation “unless Russia uses Biological, Chemical, or Nuclear weapons.” If such weapons are used, the US and NATO say they will immediately go to war in Ukraine.
Hal Turner Analysis and Opinion
We in the West are now sitting on a sort of ticking time bomb. Russia has made its position crystal clear. If Ukraine causes a nuclear catastrophe, Russia will treat it as nuclear terrorism and hit back with tactical nukes.
The US/NATO has said they will enter the Ukraine war if such weapons are used. And so, as you read this, the only thing standing in the way of the outbreak of actual nuclear world war 3, is some dumb Ukrainian, firing GMLRS at a nuclear power plant.
Forgive me if I think we’re all doomed.
Witold Pilecki

Dude was already a war hero before he decided to sneak into Auschwitz. As a young man, Pilecki had been a decorated officer in the Polish-Soviet War of 1918.
After the war, Pilecki moved to the Polish countryside, married a schoolteacher, and had two kids. He enjoyed riding horses and wearing fancy hats and smoking cigars.
Life was simple and good.
Then that whole Hitler thing happened, and before Poland could get both its boots on, the Nazis had already Blitzkrieged through half the country.
Poland lost its entire territory in a little more than a month. It wasn’t exactly a fair fight: while the Nazis invaded in the west, the Soviets invaded in the east.
It was like being stuck between a rock and a hard place—except the rock was a megalomaniacal mass murderer trying to conquer the world and the hard place was rampant, senseless genocide.
Early on, the Soviets were actually far crueler than the Nazis. They had done this shit before, you know—the whole “overthrow a government and enslave a population to your faulty ideology” thing. The Nazis were still somewhat imperialist virgins
In those first months of the war, it’s estimated that the Soviets rounded up over a million Polish citizens and sent them east. A million people, in a matter of months, just gone. Some didn’t stop until they hit the gulags in Siberia; others were found in mass graves decades later. Many are still unaccounted for to this day.
Pilecki fought in those battles—against both the Germans and the Soviets.
And after their defeat, he and fellow Polish officers started an underground resistance group in Warsaw. The Secret Polish Army
In the spring of 1940, the Secret Polish Army got wind of the fact that the Germans were building a massive prison complex outside some backwater town in the southern part of the country. The Germans named this new prison complex Auschwitz.
By the summer of 1940, thousands of military officers and leading Polish nationals were disappearing from western Poland. Fears arose among the resistance that the same mass incarceration that had occurred in the east with the Soviets was now on the menu in the west. Pilecki and his crew suspected that Auschwitz, a prison the size of a small town, was likely involved in the disappearances and that it might already house thousands of former Polish soldiers.
That’s when Pilecki volunteered to sneak into Auschwitz. Initially, it was a rescue mission—he would allow himself to get arrested, and once there, he would organize with other Polish soldiers, coordinate a mutiny, and break out of the prison camp.
It was a mission so suicidal that he might as well have asked his commander permission to drink a bucket of bleach. His superiors thought he was crazy, and told him as much.
But, as the weeks went by, the problem only grew worse: thousands of elite Poles were disappearing, and Auschwitz was still a huge blind spot in the Allied intelligence network. The Allies had no idea what was going on there and little chance of finding out. Eventually, Pilecki’s commanders relented.
One evening, at a routine checkpoint in Warsaw, Pilecki let himself be arrested by the SS for violating curfew. And soon, he was on his way to Auschwitz, the only man known ever to have voluntarily entered a Nazi concentration camp.
Once he got there, he saw that the reality of Auschwitz was far worse than anyone had suspected. Prisoners were routinely shot in roll call lineups for transgressions as minor as fidgeting or not standing up straight.
The manual labor was grueling and endless. Men were literally worked to death, often performing tasks that were useless or meant nothing. The first month Pilecki was there, a full third of the men in his barracks died of exhaustion or pneumonia or were shot.
Regardless, by the end of the 1940, Pilecki, the comic book superhero motherfucker, had still somehow set up an espionage operation.
Over the course of two years, Pilecki built an entire resistance unit within Auschwitz. There was a chain of command, with ranks and officers; a logistics network; and lines of communication to the outside world.
And all this went undiscovered by the SS guards for almost two years. Pilecki’s ultimate aim was to foment a full-scale revolt within the camp. With help and coordination from the outside, he believed he could stoke a prison break, overrun the undermanned SS guards, and release tens of thousands of highly trained Polish guerrilla fighters into the wild. He sent his plans and reports to Warsaw. For months, he waited. For months, he survived.
But then came the Jews. First, in buses. Then, packed in train cars. Soon, they were arriving by the tens of thousands, Stripped of all family possessions and dignity, they filed mechanically into the newly renovated “shower” barracks, where they were gassed and their bodies burned.
Pilecki’s reports to the outside became frantic. They’re murdering tens of thousands of people here each day. Mostly Jews. The death toll could potentially be in the millions. He pleaded with the Secret Polish Army to liberate the camp at once. He said if you can’t liberate the camp, then at least bomb it. For God’s sake, at least destroy the gas chambers. At least.
The Secret Polish Army received his messages but figured he was exaggerating. In the farthest reaches of their minds, nothing could be that f*****. Nothing.
Pilecki was the first person ever to alert the world to the Holocaust. His intelligence was forwarded through the various resistance groups around Poland, then on to the Polish government-in-exile in the United Kingdom, who then passed his reports to the Allied Command in London. The information eventually even made its way to Eisenhower and Churchill.
They, too, figured Pilecki had to be exaggerating.
In 1943, Pilecki realized that his plans of a mutiny and prison break were never going to happen: The Secret Polish Army wasn’t coming. The Americans and British weren’t coming. And in all likelihood, it was the Soviets who were coming—and they would be worse. Pilecki decided that remaining inside the camp was too risky. It was time to escape.
He made it look easy, of course. First, he faked illness and got himself admitted to the camp’s hospital. From there, he lied to the doctors about what work group he was supposed to return to, saying he had the night shift at the bakery, which was on the edge of camp, near the river. When the doctors discharged him, he headed to the bakery, where he proceeded to “work” until 2:00 a.m., when the last batch of bread finished baking. From there, it was just a matter of cutting the telephone wire, silently prying open the back door, changing into stolen civilian clothes without the SS guards noticing, sprinting to the river a mile away while being shot at, and then navigating his way back to civilization .
Beijing metro replace English with pinying
Article HERE
Russian airports replace English with Chinese? – iNEWS
Her name was Blue

I once had a cat that I found feral in the woods, living off mice in a neighbor’s junk pile. Eventually I coaxed her out with some food, and after a few days, into the house, where she eventually made a home. She was a good cat, and a good companion to my brother’s cat, and after I got out of college, became a favorite of my wife’s.
She lived with us a long time before the tumors appeared. Twice, we had them cut out and gave her a little extra love and tried to appreciate her remaining time.
Then one day, she wasn’t at the door when I came home. I found her in a back room, laying paralyzed in a puddle of urine, pleading with her eyes for help. I had waited too long.
I held her as the needle went in. She winced, and I rubbed her head like I always did when I comforted her. She snuggled against my hand, the fear and the pain left her eyes, and just for a moment, she was herself again.
I held her till she stopped breathing, then went outside and cried a good long time, not for the loss of a pet, but for having failed an animal what depended on me utterly, for having stubbornly denied my duty to her and let her suffer longer than I should have.
Her name was Blue.
She was regal and sleek, and deserved a more dignified end. She knew she was dying, but needed me to let her go.
When I finally did, she was relieved.
I’m sure that when it comes time for your loved ones to go, they will be ready.
Chinese tech firm launches GPU chip it claims marks ‘new era’ for computing
I knew he was special.

I saw hime and knew he was special…
I walked into a cat room at the shelter and sat on the floor, sad, because my home cat just died a mere one week earlier.
I put my purse on the floor.
This Ginger cat pranced up to me and immediately laid down on top of my purse. I thought he was telling me that he wanted to come home with me.
I visited this shelter 3 X and each time, he did the same thing.
When I brought in the cat carrier the third visit, I set it on the floor and he ran over to me and walked into the carrier.
The shelter personal, said, “NO NO, you have to take him out so we can take the Success story “forever home” picture…so I took him out, held him, they took the photo.
I set him back down on the floor and he immediately walked back into the carrier and said, “Ok, I am ready, take me to my new home.”
What are the chances of that? Special, I say !
I passed on a gorgeous 1 year old all white male with one blue eye and one gold eye, for an extraordinary, every day normal ginger that you see everywhere.
He is so worth it.
MM Comment. Cats share bodies. Her previous cat entered the boy of this cat at the shelter. I'll bet you with a 95% certainty. -MM
In Actual Russia, No Sign of Sanctions
It’s time to get real. It’s been time to get real. Russia has won its war against Ukraine.
This outcome comes as no surprise. Anyone with access to a map could see that the chances of Ukraine prevailing against Russia were slim to none.
The only way Ukraine could have emerged victorious — which would, according to the Ukrainians themselves, mean pushing it out of Crimea and deposing the separatist pro-Russian republics of Donetsk and Luhansk — would have been if the United States and its Western allies had been willing to launch nuclear weapons, which would have led to global annihilation. Once the decision was made not to start World War III, Ukraine’s defeat became inevitable. This, everyone sane knows, is for the best.
Determinative to this conclusion was an unusual pair of motivations. Normally, when a war is fought on one country’s territory, the invaded country fights harder than the invading forces. Paradoxically, despite suffering damaged infrastructure, the invaded state enjoys the home advantages of complete knowledge of the battlefield and much shorter supply lines. Aside from sporadic cross-border missile strikes, this war has been fought entirely on Ukrainian territory.
This conflict is different because Russia has to win; it cannot walk away. Ukraine has a 1,200-mile border with Russia, it wants to join an anti-Russia military alliance and its government was openly hostile to Russia before the war. And when Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, its armies came through Ukraine, where the Nazis were greeted as liberators. Unlike America, which could bring its troops home after losing on the other side of the world in Afghanistan and Iraq and shrug off its imperialist misadventures and could leave Vietnam after pretending that more political will on the home front would have resulted in victory, Russia sees its military operation as existential. Ukraine isn’t a misbegotten side project. It’s as essential in the same way the United States would respond to a Canada that turned hostile to the U.S.
Unfortunately, and dangerously, American media consumers are being pounded with an endless deluge of propaganda promoting the ludicrous idea that Ukraine is winning and/or will ultimately prevail militarily. This fantastical assertion props up political support for shipping $60 billion worth of weapons to Ukraine, with more on the way — never mind the 70% that President Volodymyr Zelensky’s wildly corrupt government sells on the black market and the Javelin missile systems that wind up for sale on the dark web. (Christmas is coming! Don’t forget your favorite political cartoonist and columnist.) By way of comparison, the U.S. Department of Health of Human Services estimates that we could abolish homelessness here for $20 billion.
We’re also being told that Russia is crumbling under the crushing blow of vicious Western sanctions deployed as part of the White House’s openly stated war aim that it wants “to see Russia weakened.” The Russian economy, it is said, is collapsing. Russian elites, they say, will soon overthrow President Vladimir Putin.
Let me tell you firsthand: There is zero sign of economic distress in Russia.
I’ve spent the last two weeks in Moscow and Saint Petersburg, Russia’s two biggest cities. Stores are bustling; people are spending; unemployment is low and still falling; there are lines at ATMs and whatever else is happening, the economy is anything but bad. The Galeria Mall across the busy street from my hotel in Saint Petersburg has a few closed stores shut down by Western chains, but the majority remain, and consumers are shopping like mad. European and American tourists are few and far between, but it’s exactly the same here in sanctions-free Istanbul where I’m writing this. Westerners stopped coming at the start of the COVID-19 lockdown two years ago and still haven’t returned. If Russians are unhappy with Putin — and they’re not — it’s not because of the economy.
I know from bad economies; where I live in New York, crime is out of control, homeless people go untreated for an array of mental illnesses and some are killing people, and being killed, and many storefronts have been empty and boarded up since the beginning of the pandemic. Any New Yorker would or should happily trade places with their Muscovite counterpart, who lives in a city with clean streets and subways that don’t serve as rolling homeless shelters and where life feels as if COVID-19 was never a thing. News stories that claim Russia is on the ropes are a giant magnificent pile of lies so over-the-top that I can’t help but be impressed by their glorious audacity and easily debunked mendacity. All you have to do is go to Russia, as I did, and see for yourself that it’s all bull — but hey, that’s a lot of trouble — because of sanctions that seem to be hurting us more than them.
Self-delusion is more fun.
Who, after all, should you trust? The same U.S. state media that told you Saddam Hussein had WMDs? Or some cartoonist-columnist who told you, well in advance, that the U.S. didn’t stand a chance in Afghanistan, Trump would win in 2016 and that he would attempt a coup d’etat to remain in power?
Billy the cat

I had a very sad day recently when I met a cat whom I’ll call Billy.
He had been found as a stray by a good client of the clinic where I was working.
He was a black and white male cat who had been recently neutered.
The odd thing was that all of his white paws were colored pink as if with magic markers. When I asked what the pink paws meant, I was horrified to find out that this is the way people who run dog fights mark cats they’ve acquired. This is so that when they throw the cats in the ring with the dogs, the spectators can tell the cats apart and bet on which one will last the longest.
I did not know that this practice even existed and I am sad and angry that animals are treated that way.
Billy must somehow have escaped the fate intended for him.
He initially weighed only six pounds, but he was eating and drinking like a champ. We checked him out thoroughly and found to our dismay that he had a greatly enlarged kidney and signs of severe kidney disease.
After all Billy had been through, the new owner, staff and I weren’t going to give up. We pulled out the stops and treated for what we hoped was a kidney infection and Billy responded!
After one week in the hospital, he went home and is doing well —a victory for the kitty with the pink feet!
Sun Gang
Sun Gang is a truck driver. His truck caught fire during maintenance. At that time, he was in a downtown area, and there was a gas station nearby. In order not to put others in danger, he drove the truck for 5 kilometers until there was no one. Not long after he got out of the trunk, the fuel tank in the car exploded. The newly bought truck became scrap metal.
He said that the truck was like a big stove at that time. He was very scared, but there was no other way. He didn’t want others get hurt.

His heroic action was widely viewed on the Internet. Many people were moved by his bravery and kindness. A few days later, two companies presented him with a new one.
Sun Gang had a new truck and continued to deliver goods to earn money.He donated the money he earned from the first transportation to the nursing home , saying that kindness should be passed on.

I recalled this news published 2 months ago because I saw similar videos today. A truck carrying wheat straw caught fire, and the driver drove it one kilometer to ensure the safety of nearby villagers.
The act of saving others but putting himself in danger is so typical of China.
Maine Coons
I have three Maine coons, and have had other cats, and I have to say that they act differently than other cats.

My cats have always been very spoiled – they get a lot of attention; they basically have the run of the house, receive the best food, etc. etc.
So my last three cats (littermates) were wonderful, but could be skittish and sometimes lashed out when they were overstimulated. They were interactive, of course, but spent a lot of time on their own.
My Maine coons are giants, can’t stand to not be in the same room with me, never bite, nip, scratch, or anything else.
If they get tired of me petting or snuggling, they just push me away and rearrange themselves.
They LOVE people.
I had a plumber here today – you’d think I’d hired a magician to entertain a room full of kindergarten kids.
They sat in the tub and watched him, followed him to the door and watched him go to his truck – never said a peep or tried to touch him – just wanted to see what was up.
I think it’s the general disposition of the breed to be confident, friendly, and outgoing.
When my doorbell rings, they line up like the staff at Downton Abby, waiting to greet our guest.
They are very, very smart, so any new interaction is very exciting for them.
Shavarsh Karapetyan

The trolley bus sank 80 feet offshore at a depth of 33 feet. Shavarsh immediately dove in and swam to the bus and despite zero visibility, managed to kick in the back window, injuring himself in the process.
He proceeded to save twenty people trapped in the bus, one at a time, for hours.
The combined effect of the cold water and his inquiries from breaking the glass window led to his hospitalization for 45 days after the incident, during which time he developed pneumonia, sepsis, and lung damage which ended his athletic career.
For years, his story wasn’t known, until an article about the event identified him by name in 1982.
In 1985, he happened to pass by a burning building and rushed inside, again saving people trapped inside one at a time until he collapsed. He was again hospitalized with severe burns and lung damage.
He’s still kicking it at 66.
Just an awesome person, a real Rufus.
Creativity, Entrepreneurship, and Other American Myths
German GDP Could Fall 10% If Production Brought Home from China
A move to restore domestic production of key goods in Germany – mostly from China – could lead to a gross domestic product decline of almost 10%, a recent paper has suggested.
Near-shoring to neighbouring countries would also have a clearly negative effect of a comparable magnitude, the report published by the IFO Institute for Economic Research said.
Tough little momma
My parents owned a convenient store back in the 80’s. It was located in Denver Harbor a.k.a. 5th Ward (when you call an area a WARD, you know it’s not the nicest or safest of areas). It was a Saturday, my brothers and I did not have school so we were there helping. This man walks in with a gun and robbed my mom of all the money in the register, runs out and hops in his van that he had backed into the parking lot.
My mom ( petite Asian woman) grabs her gun and runs after him.
She starts shooting at his van and he shoots back. She gets down on all fours and starts crawling to hide behind his van, all while shooting! He couldn’t get his van started so he escapes on foot running towards the freeway!
My mom was unaware that he had taken off on foot and she’s still playing crouching tiger, hidden dragon by his van. Cops apprehended the guy running on the freeway. Bring him over to my mom and said, “Is this the guy that robbed you?”
Before she could answer, the robber says, “ I’m gonna sue you lady for shooting at me!” ( Yeah…I know).
My mom was so pissed he said that so she hocked a loogie and spit in his face and told the police, “Yeah, dat him!”

More stories about my mother and her convenient store “hey days”—
My mom got a 2nd store in 92. It was dry (no alcohol). We were about to close. But a couple of wanna be cholas (gang members) comes in. One opens up the pickle jar and tried to reach in with her hands to get a pickle.
My mom yells at her and tells her not to do that. She would get it for her.
Girl curses out my mom with all kinds of profanity so my mom tells her to get out but she won’t and is still cursing and yelling do my mom pulls out the gun and told her to get out and don’t come back again.
Girl leaves but threatens my mom with more violence.
We start closing up.
My mom goes to the dumpster and has her steak knife to cut up boxes. Out of the blue she is jumped by the girl AND girl’s mom!!!
Yes! She brought her mom as reinforcement!
In my mom’s defense, she swings the steak knife and cuts the girls arm.
Her mom calls 911 and my mom is taken to jail for assaulting a minor!
Girl was 16… mom spent night in jail and made friends with her cell mates…they were all concerned for her due to being diabetic and in jail without her meds.
When we were able to post bail and get her, she was hugging on each one saying her good byes…Charges were eventually dropped against my mother because not even a week later, said girl and her mother were involved in an altercation with each other.
Girl and mother had a rap sheet so long that it wasn’t worth it for prosecutors to go after my mom.

Not an MM story, but great anyways. -MM
I used to hate+fear cats (childhood trauma from cat attack) and I’m also very, very allergic.
About five years ago I was entering my car at night, in the rain, with my wife when I saw a messy, furry lump of hair reminiscent of the movie “the ring” streak around the corner of the car. I went out to look and there was this gnarly black feline looking back at me. I was like… eugh… and went back into the car. But the darned thing followed me and crawled up my lap, up along my arm up towards my shoulders all while I’m all but screaming “WHAT THE FUCK IS IT DOING??!?” to my wife, who I knew had a lot of experience with cats. The cat, that was obviously in a bad state, proceeded to lie down around my neck like a nasty, wet scarf and passed out with a huge sigh. Weirdest thing ever.
Despite my aversions against cats, especially one that had just punctured my leg, arm and neck in about a hundred spots with its nasty, infected claws – we decided to walk down to the vet, cat around my neck, to get advice on what to do with it (and also to have it safely removed from the vicinity of my carotid artery :D)
The lady who worked there was involved in a local animal support group and offered to do her best to find the owners and said the cat could live there for now – in a small cage, in a dark corner until the owner could be found or if not – be sent off to the shelter.
I suppose that was where love won out over hate, fear and allergies, so I asked if it wouldn’t be better for the cat if we took it home to try and care for it for the time being.
The cat was dirty, had ticks, fleas, skin infections, ear infections, worms and was in obvious psychological distress.
Long story short, the owners were found – but because they’d had kids and the kids were beating up the cat they decided to kick the cat out instead of teaching their kids manners. The cat was homeless and given the previous owners mentality, probably hadn’t gotten much love or attention.
So we decided to give him a fighting chance and spent a minor fortune (no insurance = expensive) getting him the help he needed, removing ticks, cleaning out fleas, daily skin care, minor ear surgery, vaccinations, anti-worm medication, intensive care diets, castration and whatever “love” I was able to muster. My allergies were terrible, but I pushed through. This was not a fun experience for any of us, but the cat never, ever tried to hurt us despite being put through weeks of painful and likely terrifying medicinal procedures as well as my constant, ear shattering sneezing.
In time (many months), my body started getting used to having “cat” in the air all of the time and my allergies started to slowly fade, in straight opposition to what doctors have always told me should happen. Not just my cat allergies, mind you. My dog and generic fur allergy, pollen allergies (hay fever) and contact allergies all improved significantly over the next two years!
Today, five years later, I could not imagine living without Sheldon. He is the perfect pet – with beautiful, soft and glistening black fur. He’s one of those cats who never do annoying “cat things” like topple things over, attack from behind a corner or walk all over the keyboard when you try to work, and when I lie down in the couch in the evenings he comes over with a slight meow, as if to ask if it’s okay to hang out, and when I move over he jumps up and snuggles up right next to me for hours on end. When I go for a walk he will follow me around wherever I go. He keeps the house and garden free of mice and rats. Warns us when something is awry. Hangs out with the pet rabbits my wife keeps in the yard or when we are outdoors he will run around the neighborhood playing and jumping up and down trees and fences. When we are away he spends most of the day comfortably resting in bed, only to come running to us like a dog when we get back. Every time we open a door for him, or give him food, he will first take the time to turn around and give us a gentle stroke against the leg, before proceeding about his business.
I can now go outdoors in the summer without being destroyed by allergies, the family has gained a wonderful friend and Sheldon gives us more than enough love to go around. These are the gifts we were given for deciding to love, when we could’ve just walked away – and certainly had our reasons to do just that.

California’s Paul Gonzales, 45
I was watching a TED talk by a woman called “Cracking the Online Dating Code” or some such about how she found her husband online. It was pretty interesting, but she told several stories about initial “dates from hell”, including one man who took her to a “white tablecloth” restaurant, ordered copious amounts of food, and multiple bottles of wine, all the while saying, “Have whatever you want! It’s on me!” and then of course, went to “go to the bathroom” and never returned.
“That dinner,” she mused, “cost me a month’s rent.”
People aren’t putting up with con artists anymore…

This is Los Angles, California’s Paul Gonzales, 45, nicknamed the “dine-and-dash” dater for asking women out to restaurants, eating and drinking, then leaving with bills unpaid.
He was sentenced to 120 days in jail and three years of probation, and was barred from using dating apps or websites.
Prosecutors said he had defrauded at least 10 women of more than $950. Eight of the women said they were forced to pay, twice the restaurant picked up the bill. I hope they sued him in civil court.
When someone leaves, and “it’s not your fault” it’s still their bill.
It’s not a “prank,” it’s theft.
Have the police called.
Pay for your portion (always bring some cash and a credit card on a date) and give them enough information to pursue the thief.
I also think that if you call the police, it’s less likely that the restaurant will try to force you to pay for his half, with happened to the women above.
Twitter Cancels Russia Over Covid Biowarfare Accusations
I was two weeks old
I was two weeks old and when my owner stopped at a stop sign.
And he hurled me out of the window into the woods.
Luckily for me the guy who took this photo thought it looked odd and was behind my previous owners car.
He stopped to see what was thrown out.
And even though my eyes were not open I had a hell of a pair of lungs, and even though I could only squeak my squeak was loud enough for me to be found .

My new owner took me home , against his instincts to find my previous owner and beat them to a pulp, and fed me some nice warm milk with some honey in it .
After a few days my eyes opened fully and I could focus on this really nasty looking guy who without a doubt would have beaten my previous owner to a pulp.
I recognized his smell and the warmth I had felt as he kept me close for a few days and for a week or so afterwards I learnt how to eat for myself and to not annoy his much bigger cats too much.
Now I’m a big guy myself and follow my new owner about everywhere .
Hes a pretty cool dude for someone who looks like he could rip your head off…..but I like him .
He tells me he doesn’t like humans much but I have no idea what that means .
India dumps US dollar for UAE dirham, Chinese yuan in Russian coal trade
Article HERE
Tokyo and Seoul embarrassed by Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan
The atmosphere surrounding Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Japan on Friday, August 5, is like the sky over Tokyo: stormy. After a visit to a defiant South Korea, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives is making a stopover in a worried, even discontented, archipelago. Japan is the last stop on an Asian tour marked by a visit to Taiwan, which is embarrassing for the US’s two main allies in East Asia who are reluctant to upset their Chinese neighbor.
The issue dominated Ms. Pelosi’s breakfast with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and her meeting with Japanese Lower House Speaker Hiroyuki Hosoda, as angry China is conducting live ammunition military maneuvers around Taiwan through August 7. “They will not isolate Taiwan by preventing us from going there. We had high-level visits, senators in the spring, in a bi-partisan way… and we will not let them isolate Taiwan,” Ms. Pelosi said in a press conference in Tokyo….
Everything Wrong with the West in 55 seconds
Many of them won’t work, and yet think the world owes them comfort and convenience.
The video below proves this in 55 seconds:
Worth a big watch!
I do not understand how our nation or our world will survive if THIS is the generation that’s coming into adulthood. The level of self-centeredness, immaturity, and sense of entitlement, is utterly astounding.
The Point: Exclusive with Chinese KMT ex-Chair
Talking about the Chinese “white paper” with the former chairperson Taiwan political party. Well worth the first 5 minutes, then you can go unless you live here in the region.
At the end

This old woman raised her cat since it was a kitten. On her death bed, the cat refused to leave her side to stay with her. Guarding, comforting and accompanying her on her final journey. Such loyalty and unconditional love.
Fur babies are the best!
When I was a little boy, I was very fond of China and Chinese culture despite being a Jew. When I told my family I wanted to visit China and learn Chinese, I was told I was crazy and stupid because “US is the best”.
Fast forward to today, now that I have read this article, I can see that I was not stupid or insane after all. They are for having been indoctrinated by all of the lies and propaganda the US has been programming them with for decades on end. Looking back, I feel embarrassed that I allowed them to gaslight me into thinking that my fondness was a problem or that China was a dangerous and corrupt place that should be avoided at all costs.
When the fact of the matter is: the US with its ruthless propaganda, warmongering, killmongering campaigns is the real baddie. I know that even know I won’t be able to explain to them the hypocrisy and manipulation that underlies their beliefs about the Dragon that have been instilled on them by the Western news outlets and puppeteers they have long depended on for information.
So I keep it all to myself and hope that they’ll eventually learn as the West implodes on itself for trying to uproot one of the most humane, autonomous, and genuinely enterprising civilizations on Earth (while ironically claiming to be all of the above in their justification for their exploits).