Russia is in this for the long haul and understand now exactly who and what they are confronted with. They will be conservative, pummel the Ukrainians with artillery and slowly strangle Ukraine by destroying it's critical infrastructure, all the while protecting and increasing their military capabilities for what they must believe at this point will be an inevitable military confrontation with NATO. The west has gone insane...on pretty much every level. It has reached a level of dystopia that I feel I wake up each day in the Matrix waiting for Agent Smith to come and get me...for simply refusing to stay within the designated lines... How can this not end in all out conflagration with the entire western world being led by madmen and outright psychopaths. Someone is going to do something extremely stupid and we will all pay the price. At this point I really no longer care of I go down, as long as the Empire of Lies goes down with me. Posted by: JustAMaverick | Dec 10 2022 17:48 utc | 1
Gosh. There’s “high strangeness” afoot!
I shake my head. Are youse guys doing so also?
Tiny kitty couches

I have not commented on Xi’s visit to Riyadh until now; I wanted to wait until I could see what was really going on.
Here are the developments, which you will not see in the western media:
- The Riyadh summits place Xinjiang’s development at the center. Xi is determined to make Xinjiang a showcase for how well the Chinese development model works with a Muslim-majority population, and Saudi Arabia’s Prince Muhammad bin Salman fully supports this project because he wants to show that Saudi society first, and then Muslim nations can modernize without western financing and support.
- Because of US sanctions on Xinjiang products, it will switch from selling its exports to the US to selling to Central Asia and the Middle East markets. US Congress scores another own goal for China.
- Next step: Energy sales from Saudi and Gulf will be denominated in yuan or BRICS currency after Saudi joins SCO.
- Saudi, Gulf states, Russia are all against Muslim extremist movements. Guess who will support Muslim extremist movements’ terror attacks to disrupt their economic integration? These attacks will be disruptive and cause casualties, but will strengthen the commitment to the Russia/China/Central Asia/ Islamic nations economic integration through the Belt and Road Initiative.
- China has committed to plugging in the Belt and Road Initiative to the Saudi Vision 2030 project, which is MBS’s pet project for Saudi modernization with Chinese technology and products using Saudi financing. Huawei is getting top billing and will make billions.
- Almost all of the Islamic nations have modernization vision projects just like Saudi Vision 2030. In every instance, Xi is connecting these visions to the Belt and Road Initiative. This is very notable: Unlike the US, China positions itself as a technology and construction partner equal with these governments instead of as a domineering partner as the other global power does.
The simplest and easiest way to understand this is that the modern technology and transport infrastructure China now has is getting rolled out into the Arab and Islamic nations, and they will plug into China through Xinjiang, which will not look that foreign to many Muslims.
China has decided

Cat fun comix

Ozzy Osbourne Flying High Again 1982
Man , this is a blast from the past.
Did Tom Cruise Wear Shades or Not?
No, apparently. One this world-line template he doesn’t!
The “Old Time Rock n Roll” scene in Risky Business featuring Tom Cruise became an instant classic after the movie was released in 1983. Tom Cruise’s dance moves in the scene have been parodied countless times, including very memorably by snarky butler Niles in the American TV sitcom The Nanny and the cast of Scrubs.
Curiously, in the vast majority of these parodies, people wear shades when they strut along to the lyrics of “Old Time Rock n Roll”—Niles included.
That is because most people around the world seem to remember Cruise wearing shades during the scene.
And yet, he doesn’t.
And there’s the white vs. pink shirt issue… but that’s for another list.
What is something unrealistic that you often see in movies that annoys the hell out of you?
- The geeky girls in high school movies who are supposed to be ugly are still extremely damn good-looking
2. When the real ugly person gets a 15-minute makeover and becomes the sexiest guy in the country wtf.
If it’s a girl all she has to do is take off her glasses and let down her hair and suddenly she’s America’s next Top Model.
3. Drivers taking their eyes off the road for almost a minute to have a conversation with passenger
Yet somehow they miraculously keep the car straight and NEVER crash into anything. But if I look away for 6 seconds I’ve killed 4 people.
4. Bad guys missing EVERY SINGLE SHOT fired at the hero.
Henchmen with machine guns firing at the protagonist down a straight indoor hallway and missing every single one of the 50 shots fired. I’m pretty sure if you blind-folded a dude and told him to fire in the general direction of the protagonist at least a few bullets would hit.
5. Jumping out a glass window and coming out the other side unscathed
I’m not even going to mention how easily glass breaks in movies. But people will dive through a glass window head-first and land on surface full of broken shards of glass and come out unscathed.
6. High school students portrayed by someone clearly in their 30’s
Every High school senior looks like they’ve been a senior for 10 years.
7. Superman holding a building up
I like when a building is practically falling over and Superman holds it up by something like the windows. The real superhero is the manufacturer of that window because it just supported an entire damn building.
8. Female protagonists in dystopian movies looking like Miss Universe
We’re in a post apocalyptic world, and we’ve got bad-ass female fighters, covered in blood and dirt because life is fucking tough, and she’s tough. But you better believe her eye-liner game is on point. Because she’s a warrior, not a goddamn savage.
9. The same bad-ass female with perfectly waxed leg and armpit hair.
Because it’s a tough world out there and surviving without silky smooth legs is not an option.
10. Cellphones never work in an emergency (See Home Alone)
Somehow they are lost, dead, out of coverage area, stolen, etc. It’s cheap story telling. I am always amused at how creative movie makers become in order to destroy the cell phone plot-hole.
11. Sparing the villain’s life for a few minutes of monologue
I’ve watched countless movies that could’ve ended a lot sooner had the hero just not given a damn about the villain’s evil plan and dramatic back story.
12. Letting off a damn .45 pistol indoors multiple times with no ear protection and carrying on normally like they’re not temporarily deafened for the next 30 seconds.
Anybody who has actually shot a round of that will know how unrealistic that is.
13. Also racking back the slide on a handgun to do the “ch ch” thing that sounds cool before they shoot someone.
Unless you’ve literally just put the magazine in, all that will do is eject a perfectly good unused round out the side
14. Whenever there is a bird of prey, no matter what it is, they always use a red-tailed hawk call.
Because all birds of prey sound the same.
15. Computers that beep on every keystroke.
If that were real, nobody would last more than ten minutes before heaving the damn thing out of the nearest window.
16. Any device can be hacked no matter where or how far away it is.
Doesn’t matter if the device is in another solar system. It can be hacked.
17. Hacking only takes a few seconds
I don’t know who came up with the notion that anything from my grandma’s toaster to the NSA’s satellite database can be hacked in 5 – 6 taps of a keyboard, but I’d like to have a word with them.
18. Everyone’s house is so clean
No stray Cheetos, random toys or grubby counters? Not even a hair out of place.
19. Calling “HELLO?” when you think there’s a serial killer in your home
Oh yeah because a serial killer would totally just respond “Oh hey Brenda, I’m in the kitchen – would you like a sandwich?”
20. Small misunderstandings leading to emotional breakups
Movie: Girl sees new boyfriend having lunch with another girl. Immediately freaks out and runs off. Guy yells, “Wait I can explain!”
Reality: Girl sees new boyfriend with another girl. She’s concerned but walks up and says hi. He introduces other girl as his sister. Sister says she’s heard so much about the girl. All is well.
21. Waking up with your hair perfect and not a drop of drool on your pillow
Sometimes I feel like I’m the only ugly sleeper in the world.
22. When aliens say “EARTH” they really just mean the USA
The only place aliens ever seem to land on.
23. Aliens can speak perfect English
Especially in Marvel. How tf does Thanos speak English? Star Wars was slightly better.
24. Children taking two bites of toast and a sip of orange juice before rushing out the house to go to school.
It is ALWAYS TWO BITES. Never mind the fact that the mother woke up early and prepared a full 3-course breakfast.
25. After sex they just roll over like there’s nothing to clean.
Never have to deal with wet sheets or bodies.
26. Explosions that don’t impair hearing
You’ll see someone narrowly dive away from an explosion and walk away fine, because apparently the only things that can harm you are the flames.
27. You can knock anybody out with blunt force trauma without causing any serious injury or permanent damage.
They wake up with no headache or permanent brain damage.
28. Supervillains only operate in the same city as superheroes
Why can’t the Joker just move to another city?
29. Bombs will always have a clearly visible timer
From the villain’s point of view, it’s just good manners.
30. It is perfectly simple to resuscitate somebody with a few half-hearted pushes as long as you say you love them
It usually goes something like this: “You can’t leave me…please! Live Kyle! Live damn it! I love you!”
Kyle: *coughs*
31. People never say good-bye when they hang up the phone
What is up with this? They just end the call and walk away – WTF?
32. High school party stereotypes
There will always be 500 people at the popular guy/girl’s house playing beer pong and getting drunk with super-loud music blasting through the streets. And at some point the cops show up to stop the party. This happens every time without fail.
Pulp Fiction is an exception to this.
34. If the hero has to fight a group of bad guys, they’ll sportingly attack him one at a time
I mean come on. It’s just good manners.
35. People in grocery stores always have a baguette in their bag
Whenever someone in a movie goes grocery shopping, you can tell because they have a perfect French baguette and celery leaves poking out of the top of their brown paper bag.
36. Nobody sneezes
Never. Not once.
37. The news is always turned on at the perfect time
When someone gets a call and the other person says “Turn on the TV!” It’s always turned on to the correct channel just as the news headline is at the perfect point for them to see.
38. It takes 12 seconds to strangle someone to death.
Yeah maybe I’m a superhuman, but I can hold my breath for over two minutes so that’s not working on me.
39. If there’s an ASIAN character in the movie, he will know martial arts
Because all 1.5 billion people in China are martial art Masters.
40. People running away from moving vehicles
I don’t care how fast you are, unless you’re the Flash, you can not outrun a car from this century. (unless it’s a toy car – then I back you)
41. Coughing generally equates to a terminal illness.
I’ve never seen a cough not mean anything in any movie in my life.
42. Subtitles.
This one takes the cake. I have spoken to many foreigners in real life and never seen any subtitles that translate what they’re saying to English. Not true. Completely fake.
Tiny kitty couches

Cat fun comix

The US Dollar is over
This is a quick overview (short and punchy) of some momentous events today with great impact on how multipolarity rolls out and how the US dollar is being ditched.
I believe today (December 9th, 2022) we saw somewhat of a coup d’état, a major step towards leaving the US Dollar behind, in a blistering scenario.
1. Xi Jinping’s visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) encompassed three separate summits, the first being China’s state visit to Saudi. Two other summits, a China-Gulf summit, and a China-Arab summit, with leaders from Gulf Cooperation Council countries and Arab states, are also in the line-up. So, it is a series of summits.
Xi Jinping was welcomed on purple carpet, for royalty, and with much pomp and circumstance. I guess the Abrahams Accords are lying in a river somewhere, abandoned. He also met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi
Early in the day, we started getting indicators that the trade agreements signed during these three summits will be non-Dollar trade. What actually happened is quite vast in scope.
China will continue to import large quantities of crude oil from GCC countries, expand imports of liquefied natural gas, strengthen cooperation in upstream oil and gas development, engineering services, storage, transportation, and refining, and make full use of the Shanghai Petroleum and National Gas Exchange as a platform to carry out yuan settlement of oil and gas trade.
The number of trade agreements signed exceeds 24 separate deals. Xi Jinping proposed further areas of cooperation in the next three to five years, including finance and investment, innovation and new technologies, as well as aerospace, and language and cultures. China will carry out financial regulatory cooperation with GCC (Gulf Cooperation Countries), and facilitate GCC enterprises to enter China’s capital market, establish a joint investment association with GCC, support sovereign wealth funds of both sides to cooperate in various forms.
I have not seen a number inked below these various agreements. This is of lesser importance as Big Money has met Big Money. The preparatory work for these three summits would have been huge and yet, it escaped the notice of most. It will of course be vast in monetary terms, and with the proposed areas of cooperation following, we can extrapolate that many of those already have draft agreements ready.
Let us segue for a moment. We’ve all heard of the long arm of the US law specifically in issues of US dollar usage. To explain this very simply is that the US, through their instruments such as Swift, claims an erstwhile jurisdiction on any transaction anywhere in the world, that is done in their dollar. This then is the core of the financial power of the dollar. Or shall I say, the core financial power of the US Dollar eroding fast.
2. In St.Petersburg, Russia, a similar summit reached its culmination today at a meeting of the Eurasian Economic Council Summit
The EAEU member states have signed agreements to implement financial industrial cooperation equivalent to $270bn – here is the stated kicker – business will be done in non-dollar terms.
This is why I say trade in non-dollar terms is now a marketing slogan and we will see more and more countries following. The US Dollar is therefore being left behind in new business done and the tone and pace is set by China / Gulf States / EAEU. The concept of free trade is also being changed materially to major trade in blocs and blocs will have their trade agreements. It remains to be seen how organizations such as WTO will reform to new conditions.
The long arm of the law in terms of the US Dollar is Done and Dusted and being Ditched! Welcome to practical multipolarity.
From the Saker
China Meets Saudi Arabia – The Asian Era Has Begun!
We are witnessing a pivotal moment in history! I appreciate the facts as well as the possibilities. Great video as always Sean!
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Tiny kitty couches

Alice Cooper – I’m Eighteen (from Alice Cooper: Trashes The World)
The United States is nuts!
The US actions are just nuts. The US media is just nuts. The responses of the American people are just nuts. I am glad that President Putin has had so much patience and self-control. It will likely lead to a much more everwhelming win for Russia ... and China ... and Iran and Saudi Arabia and a lot of other countries. The other benefit of his approach is that it minimizes the odds of nuclear annihilation. Posted by: Woke American | Dec 10 2022 18:27 utc | 13
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Tiny kitty couches

Without a doubt one of my favourite Alice Cooper songs,such a sentimental song.Love the E major fanfare at the end.Alice sang the tune so we can forgive Michael for not getting the lyrics exactly right.Michael Bruce is a living legend.The original AC group were so inspiring musically to many young would be rockers out there.RIP Glen Buxton.
Did King Henry VIII Hold a Turkey Leg?
The Mandela Effect happens with just about anything, including movies, TV series, books, Broadway shows, and even paintings or portraits.
One of the most famous paintings of King Henry VIII is of him sitting at a dinner table, just his upper torso visible, holding a turkey leg in his hand. At least, that is how most people visualize it. In reality, there is no painting of King Henry VIII holding a turkey leg. There is, however, a Renaissance painting of him holding a pair of leather gloves in one hand and the string of a scabbard in the other.
Expanding on this Mandela effect example, some people took things even further by claiming that Henry VIII was the first English king to eat turkey and that he was a huge fan of the meat. There is also a host of examples in the media in which Henry VIII is depicted as holding or eating a turkey leg as a direct result of the belief that the turkey leg painting exists.
Cat funny and strange…

Tiny kitty couches

In case you wanted to know…

Cat fun comix

Apple Pear Cobbler
“I created this recipe wanting a cobbler, yet only having canned ingredients on hand. I kind of surprised myself by how well it came out! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do!”

- 1⁄4 cup butter
- 1 cup sugar
- 3⁄4 cup self rising flour
- 3⁄4 cup milk
- 1 (15 ounce) can pears in heavy syrup (save syrup)
- 1 (21 ounce) can apple pie filling
- cinnamon, to taste (optional)
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Cut butter into pieces and place in 8×8″ pan.
- Place pan in preheated oven to melt butter.
- While butter melts, combine flour and sugar.
- Slowly add milk to flour mixture, stirring to combine; set aside.
- Drain pears from syrup, saving syrup.
- In another bowl, combine pears and apple filling.
- When butter is melted, removed pan with butter from oven; pour in batter; do not stir.
- Place apples and pears on top of batter; top evenly with saved pear syrup.
- Sprinkle with cinnamon (if using).
- Bake in 350 degree oven for 45 minutes.

Cat fun comix

Aerosmith – Sweet Emotion (Live)
Their early stuff was unadulterated, unapologetic rock and roll in it’s purest form and as such remains among the best examples of the genre.
How Social Media CENSORS Conservative Voices; and Deceitfully LIES about it
A new Twitter Files investigation has revealed the many tools that company executives employed to blacklist and shadowban conservative voices. The thread posted to Elon Musk’s platform reveals that the internal Twitter name for shadowbanning is “visibility filtering.”
Released by former New York Times reporter Bari Weiss in yet another lengthy Twitter thread, the revelations on Thursday showed that several mainstream conservative voices, from Charlie Kirk to Dan Bongino, were shadowbanned by the social media company under the rubrics of “Visibility Filtering” or “VF.” At one point, Twitter even placed Stanford professor, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, under the label “Trends Blacklist” for arguing that coronavirus lockdowns would harm children. Per Weiss:
Twitter once had a mission “to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.” Along the way, barriers nevertheless were erected. Take, for example, Stanford’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya who argued that Covid lockdowns would harm children. Twitter secretly placed him on a “Trends Blacklist,” which prevented his tweets from trending. Or consider the popular right-wing talk show host, Dan Bongino, who at one point was slapped with a “Search Blacklist.” Twitter set the account of conservative activist Charlie Kirk to “Do Not Amplify.”
As Weiss and multiple conservative commenters pointed out, Twitter routinely denied shadowbanning voices, especially based on “political viewpoints or ideology.” While shadowbanning might not be the term that Twitter employed, the company still performed the censorial practice under the banner of “Visibility Filtering or “VF.” According to Weiss, “multiple high-level sources confirmed that “Visibility Filtering” took place.
“Think about visibility filtering as being a way for us to suppress what people see to different levels. It’s a very powerful tool,” one senior employee is quoted as having told Weiss.
“We control visibility quite a bit. And we control the amplification of your content quite a bit. And normal people do not know how much we do,” said one anonymous engineer, which two other Twitter employees confirmed.
Bari Weiss further profiled efforts by Twitter executives to censor accounts like Libs of TikTok, which Breitbart News will cover more extensively as the investigation unfolds. Recently, former Twitter safety executive Yoel Roth, who quit after billionaire Elon Musk acquired the company, defended the platform’s fateful decision to censor the Christian satire site The Babylon Bee for calling transgender HHS assistant secretary Dr. Rachel Levine a “man.”
“We have seen from a number of Twitter accounts, including Libs of TikTok, notably, that there are orchestrated campaigns, that particularly single out a a group that is already particularly vulnerable within society,” Roth told New York magazine editor Kara Swisher at the Informed conference last week. “So, not only is not funny, but it is dangerous and it does contribute to an environment that makes people unsafe in the world.”
Cat fun comix

Van Halen – Jump [Best version ever!]
What can America learn from Xi Jinping anti-corruption campaigns?
America’s biggest problem isn’t “corruption”, China’s is. So, China solves it. (Or, at least try to)
America’s biggest problem is almost no one knows where the real problem is, and 99% of the people is either not intelligent enough, or don’t have the motivation to point it out.
And the worst part is, it’s a democracy.
On one hand, you got politicians hiring extremely smart people studying what kind of words voters like to hear, analysing opinion trendings like a business model.
(Imagine this kind of effort devoted to actually solving the problems)
On the other hands, your average joes know absolutely zero about anything complicated beyond their 20 feet yard. When you talk to these folks, they repeat the narrative their subscribed media feed tells them. Over and over again. It’s tedious and boring, but these people think they are so original and cool to be like this.
If you are a voter, and you are actually not smart enough, you are susceptible to the rich and powerful people’s manipulation. It literally seeps through every corner of your life.
And if you are smart enough, you’d realize these political problems are complicated beyond comprehension, and it won’t have mattered either way you vote, you’d not show up at the booth at all (which, to my comfort, a large portion of Americans do choose not to vote).
Americans are intentionally divided by the politicians and big money. Two groups are too caught up in their heated debate and bickering, they don’t even need censorship to keep the country intact — flooding the media with random information every which way is just as effective as a censorship… or perhaps even more effective.
Back in the days when America’s education system wasn’t about who throw balls far, American capitalists did not monopolize everything, politicians still cared about the people, and media still had a sliver of integrity left, and its international competitions are either caught up cleaning a bunch of communist rebels and failing, trying to collect dead relatives from a nuclear aftermath, scavengeing for factory parts after Ally bombing, or trying to fend off soviet invasion in the vast desolate mountain ranges, yes, democracy in America worked well.
It worked so well, that Americans started to genuinely believe it was the other way around: Democracy gave all of those good things to them.
Now? It’s a sad entertainment business. At best. A comedy that fails to make me laugh.
Let’s not forget the challenges, missions, and the level of development for the two countries are entirely different.
If China does something and it is effective (somewhat), it doesn’t mean America learns and does it, it would be effective as well.
So no, there is nothing to learn from the Chinese government cleaning up corruption for the American government.
Cat fun comix

China set to shake up energy market. Mongolia gas pipelines
Enjoy this bit of truth.
Explosions and Fire Smash Moscow Shopping Mall

The fire spread across an area of around 7,000 square meters (75,000 square feet) at the Mega shopping mall in the town of Khimki on the outskirts of Moscow and just seven kilometers (four miles) from the capital’s Sheremetyevo Airport.
Cat fun comix

Sammy Hagar & the Circle “Why Can’t This Be Love” on the Howard Stern Show
Tan Youhui and the Dirty Half-Dozen
Outsourcing is common nowadays. Unfortunately, this often means you don’t get what you pay for. Chinese real estate investor Tan Youhui learned this the hard way back in 2013. The mogul paid hitman Xi Guangan approximately $282,600 to kill a plaintiff in a lawsuit against him named Wei. But instead of completing the job, Xi Guangan outsourced it to another hitman.
The second killer then outsourced it to a third, who outsourced it to a fourth. The fourth killer then hired Ling Xiansi to commit the murder. Instead of killing Wei, Ling Xiansi contacted him for a meeting. The two conspired to fake Wei’s death. They used false photographic evidence to fool Tan Youhui into thinking Wei was dead. Wei then called the police, who launched a full investigation. According to Chinese court records, all six men involved were found guilty and sentenced to prison.
Full text of Xi Jinping’s keynote speech at China-GCC Summit
Source: Xinhua
Editor: huaxia
2022-12-10 03:08:30
RIYADH, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech here Friday at the China-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Summit.
The following is the full text of the speech:
Building on Past Achievements and Jointly Creating a Brighter Future of China-GCC Relations
Riyadh, Dec. 9, 2022
Distinguished Colleagues,
Secretary General Dr. Nayef Falah Al-Hajraf,
Good afternoon!
At the outset, I wish to express heartfelt appreciation to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for hosting the China-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Summit. It gives me great pleasure to join you in planning for the future of China-GCC relations.
The friendly exchange between China and GCC countries goes back nearly two millennia in history. Throughout those years, the two peoples interacted with each other continuously along the ancient Silk Road inspired by the “Eastern wisdom” of peace, harmony and truth. In 1981, China established contact with the GCC upon its inception. Forty plus years on, the two sides have written together a splendid chapter of solidarity, mutual assistance and win-win cooperation.
The leapfrog growth of China-GCC relations is attributed to the profound mutual trust. China and GCC countries have all along supported each other’s sovereignty and independence, respected each other’s development paths, upheld equality between countries regardless of their size, and stood firm in defending multilateralism.
The leapfrog growth is attributed to the high degree of complementarity. China has a vast consumer market and a complete industrial system, while the GCC, with rich energy and resources, is embracing diversified economic development. This makes the two sides natural partners of cooperation.
The leapfrog growth is attributed to the empathy of the two peoples. Both belonging to the family of Eastern civilizations, China and GCC countries have similar culture and values. And the peoples enjoy close bonds of friendship.
The leapfrog growth is also attributed to the solidarity between the two sides in times of adversity. Against regional and international uncertainties as well as challenges such as the financial crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic and major natural disasters, the two sides have come to each other’s aid and navigated through the difficulties together.
In response to the profound changes unseen in a century, GCC countries have strengthened themselves through unity, achieved economic growth despite COVID-19, and worked vigorously for political settlement of regional hotspots and thorny issues. They have made the GCC the most dynamic regional organization in the Middle East and the Gulf. China highly commends you for all this. Standing at a historical crossroads, we should carry forward the tradition of China-GCC friendship, and take the establishment of the China-GCC strategic partnership as an opportunity to enrich the strategic substance of this relationship.
– We should be partners for greater solidarity. We need to further consolidate political mutual trust and firmly support each other’s core interests. We need to jointly uphold the principle of non-interference in internal affairs, practice true multilateralism, and defend the common interests of all developing countries.
– We should be partners for common development. We need to better synergize development strategies and leverage our respective strengths to cultivate driving forces for development. China looks forward to working with all parties to advance and implement the Global Development Initiative (GDI) and follow through on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with a view to promoting regional development and prosperity.
– We should be partners for common security. China will continue to firmly support GCC countries in safeguarding their security, and support the efforts by regional countries to resolve differences through dialogue and consultation and to build a Gulf collective security architecture. China welcomes the participation of GCC countries in the Global Security Initiative (GSI) in a joint effort to uphold regional peace and stability.
– We should be partners for cultural prosperity. We need to enhance interactions between our peoples, increase cultural exchanges, draw on each other’s fine cultural achievements, and promote the rich values of Eastern civilizations, so as to contribute our share to the development and progress of human civilizations.
In the next three to five years, China is ready to work with GCC countries in the following priority areas:
First, setting up a new paradigm of all-dimensional energy cooperation. China will continue to import large quantities of crude oil on a long-term basis from GCC countries, and purchase more LNG. We will strengthen our cooperation in the upstream sector, engineering services, as well as storage, transportation and refinery of oil and gas. The Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange platform will be fully utilized for RMB settlement in oil and gas trade. The two sides will work more closely on clean and low-carbon technologies involving hydrogen, energy storage, wind and photovoltaic power and smart power grids, as well as localized production of new energy equipment. We will jointly establish a China-GCC forum on peaceful use of nuclear technology and a China-GCC nuclear security demonstration center. China will provide 300 training opportunities to GCC countries on peaceful use of nuclear energy and technology.
Second, making new progress in finance and investment cooperation. China and GCC countries could collaborate on financial regulation and facilitate the entry into China’s capital market for GCC companies. China will work with the GCC to set up a joint investment commission and support cooperation between sovereign wealth funds from both sides in various forms. The two sides could explore setting up a China-GCC forum on industrial and investment cooperation, strengthen investment cooperation on digital economy and green development, and build a working mechanism on investment and economic cooperation. The two sides could start currency swap cooperation, deepen digital currency cooperation and advance the m-CBDC Bridge project.
Third, expanding new areas of cooperation on innovation, science and technology. China is ready to build big data and cloud computing centers with GCC countries, strengthen 5G and 6G technology cooperation, build together innovation and entrepreneurship incubators, and implement ten digital economy projects in such areas as cross-border e-commerce and communications network. A China-GCC cooperation mechanism in meteorological science and technology will be set up, and the two sides could convene a seminar on climate response.
Fourth, seeking new breakthroughs in aerospace cooperation. China will carry out a string of cooperation projects with GCC countries in remote sensing and communications satellite, space utilization, and aerospace infrastructure. The two sides could select and train astronauts together, and China welcomes GCC astronauts to its space station for joint missions and space science experiments with their Chinese colleagues. China welcomes GCC countries’ participation in payloads cooperation in its aerospace missions including Chang’e and Tianwen, and will consider establishing a China-GCC joint center for lunar and deep space exploration.
Fifth, nurturing new highlights in language and cultural cooperation. China will cooperate with 300 universities, middle and primary schools in GCC countries on Chinese language education, work with GCC countries to set up 300 Chinese language smart classrooms, provide 3,000 “Chinese Bridge” summer/winter camp opportunities, and set up Chinese language learning and testing centers and online Chinese classes. The two sides could hold a China-GCC language and culture forum, and compile a bilingual library for people-to-people and cultural exchanges and mutual learning.
China and GCC countries share the glorious mission of developing and revitalizing our nations. Our relations are both time-honored and young. Let us build on our achievements and work together to deliver an even brighter future of China-GCC relations.
Thank you. ■
What are your thoughts on Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption push? Over 100,000 Chinese officials have been indicted under it.
I don’t know for sure if corruption has been totally eradicated by I can share my personal experience as follows:
– 20 years ago when I was running a business in China, corruption was rather rampant. A high level official with a power company (i.e. lots of $ to purchase goods) that was my customer flaunted his wealth and status, admitting he had several mistresses. We as a supplier had to kiss his ass and give him a cut (through a 3rd party as we were not allowed to touch it directly) of the sales deal. A few months later I heard he got arrested. Obviously whoever he was leaning on one level up for support also got caught himself.
- A few years back when I went to ShiJiaZhuang for a business visit with my Canadian friend, we were treated to lunch after the morning meeting. The receiving party was very apologetic and said with Xi’s new directive they are not allowed to be lavish even when entertaining foreign visitors. Very different from the days when I was working there. We were taken to a modest restaurant for lunch but the food was good though inexpensive, and I had no complaint at all.
- If you look at the way infrastructure is built in China, the speed and the quality, you have to draw the conclusion that low-level, wide-spread corruption simply cannot be there. For if it was, progress would have been at a snail’s pace. So I do believe this problem is at least contained, if not totally solved, by Xi’s measure.
Xi Jinping’s Visit to Saudi Arabia and the overthrow of Atlanticism
Originally published on The Cradle
As Atlanticists continue their commitment to a future shaped by energy scarcity, food scarcity, and war with their nuclear-capable neighbors, most states in the Persian Gulf that have long been trusted allies of the west have quickly come to realize that their interests are best assured by cooperating with Eurasian states like China and Russia who don’t think in those zero-sum terms.
With Chinese President Xi Jinping’s long-awaited three-day visit to Saudi Arabia, a powerful shift by the Persian Gulf’s most strategic Arab state toward the multipolar alliance is being consolidated. Depending on which side of the ideological fence you sit on, this consolidation is being viewed closely with great hope or rage.
Xi’s visit stands in stark contrast to US President Joe Biden’s underwhelming ‘fist bump’ meeting this summer, which saw the self-professed leader of the free world falling asleep at a conference table and demanding more Saudi oil production while offering nothing durable in return.
In contrast, Xi’s arrival was greeted by a multi-cannon salute and Saudi jets painting the red and yellow colors of China’s flag in the skies over Riyadh. Beijing’s delegation of political and business elites, in the following days, will continue to meet with Saudi counterparts to strike long-term strategic deals in cultural, economic and scientific domains.
The visit will culminate in the first ever China-Arab Summit on Friday, 9 December, where Xi will meet with 30 heads of state. The Chinese foreign ministry described this as “an epoch-making milestone in the history of the development of China-Arab relations.”
While $30 billion in deals will be signed between Beijing and Riyadh, something much bigger is at play which too few have come to properly appreciate.
Riyadh’s steps toward the BRI since 2016
Xi Jinping last visited the kingdom in 2016, to advance Riyadh’s participation in China’s newly unveiled Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). A January 2016 policy report by the Chinese government to all Arab states reads:
“In the process of jointly pursuing the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiative, China is willing to coordinate development strategies with Arab states, put into play each other’s advantages and potentials, promote international production capacity cooperation and enhance cooperation in the fields of infrastructure construction, trade and investment facilitation, nuclear power, space satellite, new energy, agriculture and finance, so as to achieve common progress and development and benefit our two peoples.”
It was only three months later that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) inaugurated Saudi Vision 2030 which firmly outlined a new foreign policy agenda much more compatible with China’s “peaceful development” spirit.
After decades serving as an Atlanticist client state with no viable manufacturing prospects or autonomy beyond its role in supporting western-managed terror operations, Saudi Vision 2030 demonstrated the first signs of creative thinking in years, with an outlook toward a post-oil age.
On the energy front, China Energy Corp is building a sprawling 2.6 GW solar power station in Saudi Arabia, and Chinese nuclear developers are helping Riyadh develop its vast uranium resources while also mastering all branches of the nuclear fuel cycle.
In 2016, both nations signed an MoU to build fourth generation gas-cooled nuclear reactors. This follows the UAE’s recent leap into the 21st century with 2.7 GW of energy now constructed.
By early 2017, Riyadh had firmly bought its ticket on the New Silk Road with a $65 billion agreement integrating the Saudi Vision 2030 and BRI with a focus on petrochemical integration, engineering, refining, procurement, construction, carbon capture, and upstream/downstream development.
In the new post-American epoch, signs of this spirit of cooperation and bridge building have increasingly come to be felt, even while its effects have been forcibly restrained – as millions of Yemenis suffering under seven years of war can testify.
Unlike the Atlanticist fixation on Green New Deals which threaten to annihilate industry and farming, Riyadh’s post-oil outlook is much more synergistic with China’s idea of “sustained growth” that demands nuclear power, continued hydrocarbons, and robust agro-industrial development.
China’s trade with Saudi Arabia rose to $87.3 billion in 2021, which saw a 39 percent increase over 2020, while US-Saudi trade has collapsed from $76 billion in 2012 to only $29 billion in 2021.
Some of this Beijing-Riyadh trade may now be conducted in the Chinese Yuan, which will only undermine the US-Saudi relationship further.
In the first 10 months of 2022, China’s imports from Saudi Arabia were $57 billion and exports to the kingdom rose to $30.3 billion. China is additionally building 5G systems and cultivating a vast technology hub with a focus on selling electronic goods, all while helping Saudi Arabia build up an indigenous manufacturing sector.
A trend of Harmonization
Despite the continued chaos in Yemen, and economic devastation in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, Beijing’s subtle trend has nonetheless been one of healing with Saudi Arabia – and regional power Turkiye.
Saudi Arabia and Turkiye have often acted as rivals, and front two distinct foreign agendas with broad regional ambitions that overlap on many fronts. But despite this competitive past, higher necessities have induced both nations to harmonize their foreign policy outlooks with a new “look east” focus.
This was expressed during the Saudi crown prince’s visit to Ankara in June 2022 where the two heads of state called for “a new era of cooperation” with a focus on political, economic, military and cultural cooperation outlined in a joint communique.
Only days after MbS’s return from Turkiye, then-Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi visited Jeddah to promote regional stability stating in a press release “they changed points of view on a number of issues that would contribute to supporting and strengthening regional security and stability.”
Iraq and Saudi Arabia had only re-established diplomatic ties in November 2020 due to Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait 30 years earlier.
Between 2021-2022, Iraq had worked hard to host bilateral talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran with five rounds of talks held and Kadhimi stating his belief that “reconciliation is near.” Tehran-Riyadh diplomatic ties were cut in the aftermath of the 2016 execution of outspoken Saudi Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr, prompting the storming of the Saudi embassy in Tehran by angry protestors.
In March 2022, MbS stated that Iran and Saudi Arabia “were neighbors forever” and stated that it is “better for both of us to working it out and to look for ways in which we can co-exist.”
By August 23, 2022, the UAE and Kuwait created a new milestone by restarting diplomatic relations with Iran. And although nearly every Persian Gulf state (plus Turkiye) had devoted years to supporting regime change in Syria, a new reality has imposed itself with all Arab parties veering toward the Chinese BRI model of regional integration and economic development.
The Key Role of Iran
Not only is Iran a key player in the Greater Eurasian Partnership serving as a strategic hub for the southern route of China’s BRI, but it is also a keystone of the Russia-Iran-India-led International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) which has become a major force synergizing with the BRI.
Iraq and Iran themselves are in the final stages of building the long-awaited Shalamcheh-Basra railway which will unite the two nations by rail for the first time in decades while also offering a potential extension to the already existent 1500 km railway through Iraq to Syria’s border.
The climate for cooperation was undoubtedly made possible by the presence of Chinese economic diplomacy which established a 25 year, $400 billion energy and security deal with Iran – but also Russia, whose similar but smaller $25 billion, twenty-year deal with Tehran may easily expand to $40 billion in Russian investments in Iran’s vast oil and natural gas fields in the coming years.
Saudi Arabia and Russia’s relationship with OPEC+ demonstrated its potency this summer when Riyadh won the ire of Washington by not only denying Biden’s requests for increased oil production, but cutting overall oil production and driving up global prices of oil. Saudi Arabia benefited by vastly increased imports of discounted Russian oil which were then sold to a desperate Europe.
Furthermore, Saudi plans to join the global hub of multipolarity itself, BRICS+ (alongside Turkiye, Egypt, and Algeria), in addition to recently becoming a full-fledged Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) dialogue partner, have placed its destiny ever deeper into the growing Multipolar Alliance.
With the increased potential for stability and harmonization of interests across various power blocs, an atmosphere more conducive to long-term economic investments is finally presenting itself to Chinese investors who had long looked upon conflict-ridden West Asia with justifiable trepidation.
In August 2022, the Saudi state oil company Aramco and China’s Petroleum and Chemical Corporation Ltd signed an MOU expanding on the aforementioned $65 billion cooperation deal of 2017, which involves the construction of Fujian Refining and Petrochemical Company (FREP) and Sinopec Senmei Petroleum Company (SSPC) in Fujian, China, and Yanbu Aramco Sinopec Refining Company (YASREF) in Saudi Arabia.
Rail and interconnectivity
Perhaps most exciting are prospects for interconnectivity that play directly into the development corridors tied to the BRI. In Saudi Arabia, this train has moved steadily apace with the 450 km high speed Haramain Railway built by China Railway Construction Company connecting Mecca to Medina completed in 2018.

Discussions are well underway to extend this line to the 2400 km North South Railway from Riyadh to Al Haditha completed in 2015. Meanwhile, 460 km of rail connecting all Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members is currently under construction, which is driving reforms in engineering, trade schools, and manufacturing hubs across the Arabian Peninsula.
In 2021, all GCC states gave their full support to a $200 billion Persian Gulf-Red Sea high speed railway dubbed “The Saudi Landbridge,” which also dovetails another $500 billion megaproject with vast Chinese investments, dubbed the futuristic NEOM mega-city on the Red Sea.
The Eurasianists stand to gain
It can only be hoped that this new chemistry of harmonization and win-win cooperation may soon provide a key to ending the fires of conflict in Yemen and other regional states.
Further, with Russia and China both helping to broker diplomatic backchannels, and with Iran playing an active role within this process, perhaps negotiations for reconstruction can begin in this war-torn zone of conflict.
It is not an extreme stretch of the imagination to see the new Persian Gulf-Red Sea rail project extending north into Egypt and south into Yemen.
Looking at a map of the region, one can imagine the reactivation of the “Bridge of the Horn of Africa” first unveiled in 2009, that would have extended rail across the 25 km Bab el Mandeb strait connecting pipelines and rail lines into Djibouti and East Africa, more broadly.
While a western-manipulated Arab Spring derailed that concept in 2011, and the Saudi war against Yemen drove it further under ground since 2015, perhaps this new spirit of inter-civilizational cooperation under a new economic architecture liberated from the Atlanticist-dominated dollar system may provide just what it takes to revive the idea once again.
Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel Admits: Minsk Agreements were only to “Buy Time” for Future Ukraine-Russia War
Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel yesterday admitted that her participation in the Minsk Agreements between Ukraine and Russia in 2014 and 2015, was a deliberate deception; designed only to “buy time” for Ukraine to build its army for war with Russia. A war that is now presently taking place.
All this was PLANNED . . .
It is widely known that so-called “Conspiracy Theorists” believe almost all of the things going on politically in the world are “theater.” They claim that the upheaval, dislocation, troubles are “all planned” long in advance. Most folks discount such claims as being too fantastic to believe, yet now we have actual proof that the present Ukraine-Russia war, was, in fact, planned as far back as 2014. All the troubles we have today from that war . . . were, in fact, planned.
In public remarks this week, Angela Merkel quite casually revealed that the Minsk Agreements of 2014 and 2015 were not signed with the intention of achieving lasting peace. Instead, they were signed, according to Merkel, “to buy time” for Ukraine during which it would strengthen for new conflicts with Russia.
She also admitted that at the time “NATO was not able to provide military support to the Kiev regime to the extent to which it does so today.”
Merkel went on to point out that “Ukraine used that time to get stronger” and event went so far as to say “the Ukraine from 2014-2015 is not the Ukraine we see today” and that Russian President Vladimir Putin “would have easily run over” Ukraine back then.
Bear in mind that the Minsk Agreements were hammered-out during what were described as “marathon negotiations” in one case, lasting a non-stop nineteen hours, between then-Ukraine-President Petro Poroshenko, German Chancellor Merkel, French President Francois Holland, and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
It was only this past June, 2022, when the world found out that Ukraine’s former President Petro Poroshenko publicly admitted he deliberately LIED at the Minsk agreements, participating in them even though he already knew he had no intentional at all of implementing them.
In an interview with German Television Deutche Welle, Poroshenko said the Minsk agreements “meant nothing” and claimed credit for giving Kiev enough time to militarize
Petro Poroshenko admitted that the 2015 ceasefire in Donbass, which he negotiated with Russia, France and Germany as president of Ukraine, was merely a distraction intended to buy time for Kiev to rebuild its military.
He made the comments in interviews with several news outlets back in June of this year, including to Germany’s Deutsche Welle television and to the Ukrainian branch of the US state-run Radio Free Europe. Poroshenko also defended his record as president between 2014 and 2019.
“We had achieved everything we wanted,” he said of the peace deal. “Our goal was to, first, stop the threat, or at least to delay the war – to secure eight years to restore economic growth and create powerful armed forces.”
He cited Sun Tzu’s stratagems as an inspiration for the deception. Winning a war does not necessarily require winning military engagements, Poroshenko said, calling the deal he made a win for Ukraine in that regard.
In the interviews, Poroshenko spoke about his role in negotiating the Minsk agreements, a roadmap for reconciliation between his government and the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. The former president apparently confirmed that Kiev hadn’t come to the talks in good faith, but simply wanted a reprieve after suffering a military defeat.
Now, with the comments made by former German Chancellor Angela Merekel, the world finds out that she, too, was “in on it.” She KNEW the entire Minsk Agreement meetings were nothing more than a farce, yet she sat through those meetings, face-to-face with the President of Russia, and deliberately, willfully, LIED right to his face.
What kind of people must Merkel and Poroshenko be, that, as heads of state, (or even just as plain, ordinary people) they could willfully sit at a serious negotiation for peace, when in reality, they were simply planning for a much worse war, years later? Does that make Merkel and Poroshenko Sociopaths? Psychopaths?
Based on web definitions of sociopath and psychopath, both people may very well qualify for those diagnosis.
You may have heard people call someone else a “psychopath” or a “sociopath.” But what do those words really mean?
You won’t find the definitions in mental health’s official handbook, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Doctors don’t officially diagnose people as psychopaths or sociopaths. They use a different term instead: antisocial personality disorder.
Most experts believe psychopaths and sociopaths share a similar set of traits. People like this have a poor inner sense of right and wrong. They also can’t seem to understand or share another person’s feelings. But there are some differences, too.
Do They Have a Conscience?
A key difference between a psychopath and a sociopath is whether he has a conscience, the little voice inside that lets us know when we’re doing something wrong, says L. Michael Tompkins, EdD. He’s a psychologist at the Sacramento County Mental Health Treatment Center.
A psychopath doesn’t have a conscience. If he lies to you so he can steal your money, he won’t feel any moral qualms, though he may pretend to. He may observe others and then act the way they do so he’s not “found out,” Tompkins says.
A sociopath typically has a conscience, but it’s weak. They may know that taking your money is wrong, and they might feel some guilt or remorse, but that won’t stop their behavior.
Both lack empathy, the ability to stand in someone else’s shoes and understand how they feel. But a psychopath has less regard for others, says Aaron Kipnis, PhD, author of The Midas Complex. Someone with this personality type sees others as objects he can use for his own benefit.
They’re Not Always Violent
In movies and TV shows, psychopaths and sociopaths are usually the villains who kill or torture innocent people. In real life, some people with antisocial personality disorder can be violent, but most are not. Instead they use manipulation and reckless behavior to get what they want.
“At worst, they’re cold, calculating killers,” Kipnis says. Others, he says, are skilled at climbing their way up the corporate ladder, even if they have to hurt someone to get there.
If you recognize some of these traits in a family member or coworker, you may be tempted to think you’re living or working with a psychopath or sociopath. But just because a person is mean or selfish, it doesn’t necessarily mean they have a disorder.
‘Cold-Hearted Psychopath, Hot-Headed Sociopath’
It’s not easy to spot a psychopath. They can be intelligent, charming, and good at mimicking emotions. They may pretend to be interested in you, but in reality, they probably don’t care.
“They’re skilled actors whose sole mission is to manipulate people for personal gain,” Tompkins says.
Sociopaths are less able to play along. They make it plain that they’re not interested in anyone but themselves. They often blame others and have excuses for their behavior.
Some experts see sociopaths as “hot-headed.” They act without thinking how others will be affected.
Psychopaths are more “cold-hearted” and calculating. They carefully plot their moves, and use aggression in a planned-out way to get what they want. If they’re after more money or status in the office, for example, they’ll make a plan to take out any barriers that stand in the way, even if it’s another person’s job or reputation.
Brain Differences
Recent research suggests a psychopath’s brain is not like other people’s. It may have physical differences that make it hard for the person to identify with someone else’s distress.
The differences can even change basic body functions. For example, when most people see blood or violence in a movie, their hearts beat faster, their breathing quickens, and their palms get sweaty.
A psychopath has the opposite reaction. He gets calmer. Kipnis says that quality helps psychopaths be fearless and engage in risky behavior.
“They don’t fear the consequences of their actions,” he says.
Draw your own conclusion if Merkel and Poroshenko meet the definitions of sociopath or psychopath cited above.
Which brings us all back to the “Conspiracy Theorists” who warn us that all the things going on in the world are carefully planned and scripted “theater.” Clearly, since we now know that the Minsk Agreements were a farce, entered into willingly by Poroshenko and Merkel, that the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine __was__ actually planned, as far back as 2014!
The other participant in the Minsk Agreements, Francois Holland of France, has not said if he, too, was aware that the effort was a farce, but since both France and Germany are NATO members and allies, it seems logical to believe President Holland of France would have known too.
Which leaves President Vladimir Putin, of the Russian Federation. We now find out he was deliberately deceived by both Ukraine and Germany during both the Minsk one and Minsk two meetings.
What is he to do?
Clearly, Ukraine cannot ever be believed again; it’s very top leader willfully lied – twice – for the express purpose of building an army to fight a war with Russia.
Clearly Germany cannot ever be believed again; it’s leader participated in the willful deception.
France . . . it’s likely they were “in on it” but we just don’t know right now.
Oh, and the most important party regarding the Minsk Agreements -a party who was NOT ACTUALLY PARTICIPATING — the United States . . . under then President Barak Obama, HAD TO KNOW the meetings were a deception. It seems impossible that the largest, most important member of NATO, the USA, did not know.
So how can Russia believe __anything__ the United States says, when it, too, seems to have been part of the deliberate deception?
The major “takeaway” from all this is the simple reality that the present Ukraine-Russia war __was__ planned . . . as far back as the year 2014. Ukraine INTENDED to have a war. YEt now that they have gotten what they planned, WE in the US and NATO, are expected to cough up tens of billions of dollars in cash and weapons, to “help” them.
“Poor Ukraine” we hear. “They’ve been invaded by Russia” we hear. Yet it turns out, they PLANNED this confrontation as far back as 2014.
I say, since Ukraine planned it, let Ukraine fight it. Since Ukraine planned it, let Ukraine PAY FOR IT.
All US Military aid and cash to Ukraine should stop immediately. They built this treehouse, let them sit in it.
Of course, I might be missing one important aspect. What if it was the US and NATO that actually planned this? Maybe THAT is why the US and NATO are so heavily invested in it?
If that’s true, then I’d like to find out the names of the people in the US and NATO who came up with this plan. I’d like to send them the $195 bill I just got to fill-up my diesel pick-up truck that took 32 gallons and cost me $195 for ONE tank full. I’d like to send them the $400+ food bill from the supermarket every couple weeks to feed my family. I’d like to send them my now $400-$500 electric bill for my small, 1200 square foot condo.
I am suffering all these increased costs because of a war THEY planned. Let THEM pay for it.
The more serious part of this deception, is that since they clearly PLANNED the Ukraine-Russia War, then they clearly knew all these economic hardships would come with that war – and they did it anyway.
The absolute worst part of this is that their deception, may actually result in a nuclear war. They must have considered this as well, since they planned it so many years ago.
If the ongoing troubles result in a nuclear exchange, I want to know the names of the people here in America who planned this all the way back in 2014 and 2015, so they can be held personally accountable, on the spot. Their “Qualified Immunity,” only works in court. It doesn’t work out in the real world, out in the streets.
No, their “Immunity” doesn’t work at all out here.
Unrelenting propaganda: we hear speculation of Putin is dying as well….now flee to America backyard waiting for US to arrest him?
The West is truly BAT-SHIT crazy! -MM
Vladimir Putin’s former aide suggests he will flee to South America if he loses Russia’s war with Ukraine
Dubbed Operation Noah’s ark, a former aide of Vladimir Putin has shared the plan the President could take in the advent that he begins to lose the war.
The vomit-ready “article” can be found HERE
Cat funny and strange…

Evan Dando – Drug Buddy live 01/30/10 New York, NY Lemonheads
Been there. (nod)
The Fishmobile
Can fish avoid obstacles on land? Okay, fish and land don’t gel. But this didn’t stop researchers in Israel from building a car for goldfish. Kind of like an aquarium on wheels. The goal was to understand how fish learn to navigate and if their brains could handle a trip on land.
Six goldfish were trained to pilot the fish-operated vehicle or FOV. At first, the fish swam erratically but then seemed to grasp the situation and their movements became more deliberate and relaxed. Indeed, the goldfish quickly learned how to make the FOV drive forward, but it was harder to teach them to think outside the tank, so to speak.
But with simple obstacle training and a lot of treats, the fish stopped driving aimlessly around the room and headed straight for targets. Once they reached a target, they were rewarded with a snack. When obstacles were placed in their path, the fish learned to drive around them to get to the target—and something yummy. This proved that fish can be remarkably resourceful in challenging environments in order to find food.
Cat funny and strange…

Don Henley – The Boys Of Summer (Official Music Video)
This song is quintessential 80’s, absolutely one of the coolest and best songs by Don and of the 80’s. Takes me back to growing up in the 80’s. What an awesome time.
Brazil in Chaos Over Stolen Election; Emergency Broadcast System Activated, Military Says MARTIAL LAW Coming
The country of Brazil is in chaos this morning after weeks of citizen protest of the “stolen” Presidential Elections. The Emergency Boradcast System is Activated. Citizens are being told to stock up on food and water for 21-30 days. MARTIAL LAW will be implemented and troops given SHOOT TO KILL Orders for anyone found out on the streets.
This is a fast developing situation, check back.
Cat funny and strange…

Ukraine SitRep – Catastrophic Losses, Failing Wonder Weapons, NATO Escalation
The Russian military is still integrating most of the mobilized 300,000+ men and volunteers. According to Putin 25% of the mobilized forces are in combat units, 25% in rear positions, while 50% train in Russia. It does not look like an imminent all out attack on the Ukrainian front lines is in the cards. The expected large winter attack may not be coming at all. Instead the new forces will rotate through the frontline and only attack locally whenever they see an opportunity.
The Russian do not need to attack. Their task is to demilitarize Ukraine. As long as the Ukrainians come to the front lines and attack the Russians their is no need to launch a large attack on them.
The map from a months ago versus today shows only a few small changes of the front lines.

Every day all of the frontline sections are full of artillery/bombing symbols. That is mostly Russian artillery mowing the grass and killing Ukrainian soldiers.
Over the last month it was mostly the Ukrainians who attacked all along the front only to run into walls of steel and explosions. They did not manage to break the Russian lines. They tried again and again but failed with high losses.
Russian offenses were mostly confined to the Bakhmut/Artemovsk front where the Wagner private military contractor group has captured multiple Ukrainian trench lines and villages. This usually comes only after the artillery has cleaned the area and the few surviving Ukrainians moved out. The map from a months ago versus today shows small but important differences in that front line.
There must be a Ukrainian high order to hold onto Bakhmut at any price. The Ukrainian army has again and again moved reserve brigades into the area. Its hold operation is extremely costly:
Tony @Cyberspec1 – 5:46 UTC · Dec 10, 2022Polish newspaper NDP (Independent Political Journal) believes that without the support of NATO, the fighting in 🇺🇦 would end within a week.
NDP: daily losses of the AFU near Bakhmut reach a battalion (500-800 soldiers), hospitals in the city of Konstantinovka are overcrowded,
The above is not the only source which made that claim.
Big Serge @witte_sergei – 18:32 UTC · Dec 8, 2022LPR officials claim that Ukraine is transferring up to 500 men *per day* to Bakhmut to replenish losses. Even Arestovych admitted that Russian artillery strength in the sector has a 9 to 1 advantage. Bakhmut is becoming the largest and most costly battle of the war for Ukraine.
Newsweek spoke with a ‘former’ U.S. Colonel who, together with ‘volunteers’, trains Ukrainian soldiers. Here is what he says about Ukrainian losses:
“Bakhmut is like Dresden, and the countryside looks like Passchendaele,” he said, referring to the German city destroyed by allied bombing in World War II and the infamously muddy and bloody World War I battlefield. “It’s just a horrible and miserable place.”Ukraine closely guards its casualty figures, but its forces are believed to be suffering badly around Bakhmut.
“They’ve been taking extraordinarily high casualties,” Milburn said of the units training with Mozart. “The numbers you are reading in the media about 70 percent and above casualties being routine are not exaggerated.”
Despite their “tremendous morale,” Milburn said the defenders “have an acute ‘regeneration problem,’ which means getting new recruits into the line as quickly as possible.” This means those being thrown into the fight have little beyond basic training.
“Typically about 80 percent of our intake who are coming off of the line have never even fired a weapon before,” Milburn said. “We’ve got our work cut out for us.”
A unit that has 50% casualties is usually no longer able to fight and must be replaced. But the Ukrainians leave their units on the frontline until nearly nobody is left in them.
So the number of 500 casualties per day on the Bakhmut front seems realistic. Over the last months the daily report of the Russian ministry of defense listed on average some 300 Ukrainian casualties per day. But the ministry does not report the casualties from Bakhmut as the operations of the private military contractor Wagner are not included in it. So the daily total over the last month, despite little movement of the front lines, must have been some 800 dead Ukrainians. In the 30 days between the two maps at the top at least 24,000 Ukrainian soldiers have left the battle field.
It is no wonder that such high numbers can not be replaced.
The mix of dead or wounded will likely be 1 to 1 as medical evacuation from the frontline trenches is extremely difficult. Most wounded will just die there.
It is not only the men that are lost. The equipment they used is mostly lost with them. 24,000 men are the equivalent of 6 to 7 NATO brigades. The German army has now only 8 of those. When I was it that army it had 36 brigades plus significant reserve units. The same large downgrade happened with the general state of NATO. It is not ready for a war with Russia.
The western wounder weapons have done little for Ukraine. The Russians have update their air defense systems to now detect and shoot down HIMARS missiles. They report some 10 to 20 of such kills per day. The shooting down of small and medium sized Ukrainian drones has dropped from 20-30 per day in the summer to 2-3 per day. Either the Ukrainians have run out of drones or the weather has made theirs unusable. Russian drones continue to fly and they help with artillery targeting. The western artillery systems can not be repaired in the field as the Ukrainians lack the training and tools to do that. The Wall Street Journal reports:
Less than 50% of the self-propelled Panzerhaubitze — a class of mobile, long-barreled battlefield guns officially known as PzH2000 howitzers that are widely considered to be among the best-performing weapons of their kind — are on the battlefield at any given time, because they must be taken to Lithuania for repairs, nearly 900 miles from the Kherson front in southern Ukraine, senior German officials said. Germany has so far delivered 14 such weapons, and the Netherlands another five.Other allies, such as the U.S. and Britain, service the arms they donated to Ukraine in Poland, near the Ukrainian border. But Warsaw has refused to allow Berlin to set up a servicing center in Poland, requesting instead that the German manufacturers provide confidential technical information in order for a Polish state-controlled company to do the work, according to German officials involved in the talks.
There was also a spat over Patriot air defense missiles. Germany offered to station these in east Poland but with German crews. Poland first accepted the offer, then rejected it and said the missiles should go to Ukraine. It then retracted again and will now accept the offer.
The international relation within Europe are getting worse. The German chancellor Olaf Scholz has declared that he wants Germany to be the leading power in Europe. Germany’s neighbors, and most of its own population, are not happy with that.
Over the last five months Latvia has hosted the Russian opposition TV station TVrain. It has now shot it down because TVrain, sending for a Russian audience, also had some positive things to say about Russia. TVrain had survived in Russia for 12 years. In Latvia it lasted only four and a half months.
Alec Luhn @ASLuhn – 19:24 UTC · Dec 9, 2022.@tvrain journalists have been blacklisted in Latvia & declared a foreign agent in Russia on the same day 🤔
What these anecdotes show is that NATO is slowly falling apart. NATO is losing the proxy war in Ukraine and it is losing it badly. The people know it and it will have consequences. An increasingly authoritarian EU will follow the same path.
But there are powers in NATO that want to prevent that downfall. They will try to get NATO directly into the fight:
NATO’s secretary general warned on Friday that Russia’s war in Ukraine could expand into a wider war with the Atlantic alliance.The official, Jens Stoltenberg, repeatedly cautioned in news media interviews this week against underestimating the situation in Ukraine and emphasized the wider threat President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia could pose to Europe.
“If things go wrong, they can go horribly wrong,” Mr. Stoltenberg said in an interview released on Friday with the Norwegian journalist Anne Lindmo, in which he added that there was “no doubt” a full-blown war against NATO was a “real possibility.”
“I understand everyone who is tired of supporting Ukraine. I understand everyone who thinks that food prices and the electricity bills are far too high,” he said. “But we have to pay a much higher price if our freedom and peace are threatened through Putin winning in Ukraine.”
Reread that last sentence:
“But we have to pay a much higher price if our freedom and peace are threatened through Putin winning in Ukraine.”
Putin wining in Ukraine, which he is doing, will threaten our freedom and peace?
Russia has no interest in Europe beyond Ukraine’s borders. So how is that suppose to endanger us?
It is bullshit but it is designed to push for NATO entering the war when it becomes obvious to everyone that Russia is wining it.
The Russians see that coming:
NATO countries are increasingly involved in the conflict in Ukraine, with the United States intentionally proceeding with an escalation on this track, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on the Rossiya-24 TV channel on Thursday.”NATO members are increasingly and directly involved in this conflict. Their support for Kiev is now much diversified than it was a few months ago. This is a reflection of Washington’s intentional policy, obediently pursued by the Europeans, of escalating the conflict. They are playing with fire. The risks are soaring,” Ryabkov said.
Indeed. But Stoltenberg has one thing right:
Mr. Stoltenberg’s comments came two days after he said that Russia was intentionally stalling the war in order to prepare a renewed onslaught against Ukrainian forces next year.
Let us assume that Russia waits until March for its all out attack on Ukraine. In the meantime it continues to grind the Ukrainian army down without itself having significant casualties. The Ukrainian army will by then have lost another 72,000 men. That is probably a third of its current strength. By then its acute ‘regeneration problem’ will have become even more acute. It means that it will then be much weaker.
What plans may Russia have for an all out spring attack?
Dr. Michael Vlahos and Col. Douglas Macgregor are military historians. They have watched the war in Ukraine and recently discussed it. They have come to their own conclusions. Neither believes in the nonsense of a winning Ukraine that the ‘western’ media are trying to sell us. They have ideas how Russia may want to attack.
Part one of their talk is here:
Is the war in Ukraine entering its decisive phase? Pt.1
Why NATO strategic failure? A war of deceit, denial Pt2
What is to be done? Can a corrupted US military be renewed? Pt.3
Each of those videos is some 30-50 minutes long. But it is content on a higher level than what you will see in other talk shows. I highly recommend these.
Posted by b on December 10, 2022 at 17:24 UTC | Permalink
Norman Feller
Despite his name, Norman Feller is far from a “normal fella” (sorry, I had to).
Like many people at the time, Feller was extremely concerned about the coming of the new millennium and the potential Y2K disaster. Feller took it a few steps farther than others, though. He built an underground bunker before 2000 and stayed in the bunker. Not for just a few days, but for 14 years. He only emerged in September 2014.
I can only assume that fear and paranoia played a major part in his underground living for over a decade! Despite that, Feller was in good health and spirits.
“She’s Gone” – Yacht Rock Revue featuring John Oates
Cat funny and strange…

Does The Thinker Hold His Hand against His Head or His Chin?
The bronze sculpture The Thinker stands in the Musee Rodin in Paris. The sculpture depicts a nude male figure sitting on a rock and leaning over with his right elbow on his left thigh. The weight of his chin rests on the back of his right hand, according to many tourists.
But several people who have visited the statue believe that the statue’s right fist is pressed against his forehead. The frontal view of the statue reveals that the knuckles of the right hand are actually pressed up against his mouth—and his hand is not in a fist.
Several books, both fiction and non-fiction, describe the statue as having his right fist to his forehead, though, confusing the issue even more.
Cat funny and strange…

Tiny kitty couches

Putin: Threat of Nuclear War on the rise
Russian President Vladimir Putin said minutes ago today (Wednesday) that “the threat of a nuclear war is on the rise” over NATO’s interference in Ukraine.
The Russian President also said:
“Russia will defend its allies with all available means.”
“Russia does NOT have tactical nuclear weapons in other countries unlike the United States.”
Means; they have the BIG PLANET BUSTER NUKES. Not the smaller bombs based on precision nuclear strikes. - MM
“We didn’t speak about usage of nuclear weapons.”
“Russia has not gone mad.”
“We have most advanced weapons, but do not want to wave them around.”
“Russia considers such weapons as deterrent.”
Developing, check back . . .
Cat funny and strange…

Jimmy Buffett performs MARGARITAVILLE with special guest JJ Watt
Tiny kitty couches

Pear and Gruyere Omelet
“Pears and creamy Swiss Gruyere fill this easy omelet.”

- 1 pear, peeled, cored and thinly sliced (ripe)
- 5 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided
- 4 eggs
- 4 teaspoons cream (or milk)
- salt & pepper, to taste
- 1⁄3 cup gruyere cheese, shredded
- Melt 3 tablespoon of the butter in sauté pan.
- Sauté pear slices until just turning soft.
- Beat together eggs, cream or milk, and salt & pepper until blended but not frothy.
- Melt remaining butter in omelet pan over high heat until foam begins to recede but before beginning to color.
- Pour in egg mixture into omelet pan, stirring lightly, but allowing it to set on the bottom.
- Top half of the omelet with sautéed pears and cheese.
- With spatula, fold other half over pears and cook until cheese begins to melt. Slide omelet out of pan onto a heated plate.
- Serve.

Cat funny and strange…

It’s a crazy train…

Tiny kitty couches

Ozzy Osbourne Crazy Train(Ozzfest 2010)
Russia Considering Adding “Preventive Nuclear First-Strike” to Military Doctrine
Why do so many foreigners go to China and think China is good?
I’ve lived for substantial time in 3 Asian cities (Singapore, Hong Kong, and Shenzhen), and they all surprised me on the upside. In the case of China, here’s why I like it:
- it’s modern, and continues to develop all the time. They have modern cities, excellent transport infrastructure (highways, airports, high-speed trains network which is unmatched in the world, excellent public transport and taxis), excellent hotels, malls, restaurants and cafes, beautiful parks, etc.

- There’s a feeling of safety and freedom in Chinese cities, which impress with their size. There’s no one to tell you what to do, and you can see from the behavior of the diverse crowd, people just do what they want. In most places you won’t see any police. In some others they are present in security posts. They just do their job, i.e. sit there silently and behave reasonably, adding to the security and order. Do you know that police in China doesn’t have firearms? They are just like a part of the crowd, only doing their job.
- friendliness of Chinese people. You will always get help, no matter that you can’t speak a word in Chinese besides 你好, or they can’t speak English. They’ll spend their time and go out of their way to explain you how to get somewhere, or how to buy a train ticket, they’ll patiently and enthusiastically explain how to get what you need. They’ll be positive and practical all the time while helping you.
- they are non-dogmatic. The people are simply pragmatic and hardworking, they want to live good lives, and feel responsible for their well-being. They are not brainwashed (something which is actually more typical to Western countries, and you can see it on Quora too). The main philosophy of China is just common sense and being a good person.
- business is in the genes of Chinese. Small shops and restaurants are ubiquitous, which makes me think self employment and small business must be a major kind of employment. The government creates excellent business infrastructure. For example, the hi tech city area in Shenzhen is very impressive and has lots of spaces to support innovations and startups. China hosts some of world’s biggest trade shows and exhibitions. It’s easy to see trends in the world economy here.

- they are connected and communal. It’s easy to talk with people and make friends, especially if you are open and respectful.
- technologically, China is of course advanced in many ways. For example, electric transport has been very developed here for years. You can find electric bikes, personal transportation vehicles (like kick scooters or mono wheels), electric taxis and cars, even electric buses (the photo below is a bus charging station).

- some things are convenient. The Chinese messenger app (WeChat) is very advanced and makes it easy to make payments and much more; it’s a technology marvel. For example, in some cafes you can scan QR code on your table, which brings up the menu on your phone; you can make an order and it will be sent to your table. You can pay with your mobile phone almost everywhere, you don’t need cash or credit card. It’s fine to leave your wallet at home if you have a phone with you.
- still kept (and in some cases even exaggerated) some of its sweet traditions. Well, their language itself is ancient to begin with. In the very developed Chinese cities you’ll see many people still trying to live simple ways. Outdoor tai chi, dragon boat festivals, traditional medicine, etc., add charm to the urban culture.
- it’s vast and intellectually stimulating. It’s very geographically diverse, has rich history, and Chinese are passionate about learning and self development, they’re smart and focused. I love book shops here and book cafes; Shenzhen’s central book store claims to be the largest in the world.

To give a more balanced answer, I’ll mention a few negatives. They are not big, but are a part of life, too:
- air pollution in some cities and regions. People are used to it. Most of the time it’s not terribly bad, and unfortunately air is more or less polluted in most (if not all) cities of the world. I take break from cities and travel once in a while to other countries or areas in China (such as Yunnan, Hainan) where the air is clean.

- internet problems. Although the networks are fast, but due to traffic monitoring some Western sites are blocked (Google, popular social networks, and some news sites).
- you shouldn’t be lazy and start learning the language and culture. It is very worthy. Although you always get help and generally friendly attitude, you need to do your part and learn at least the basics of Mandarin. Unlike in HK, in the mainland little effort is made to translate anything into English (beyond road signs and metro announcements). It pays a lot to know at least common phrases and basics of characters writing (汉字). It is a lot of fun actually.
Overall, China is fast pace, generally efficient, straightforward, but you need to get used to it and learn ways of doing things. They may be not what you are used to coming from another country.
Cat fun comix

Tiny kitty couches

周深【光亮(大型紀錄片《紫禁城》主題歌)】HD 高清官方完整版 MV
Worth a smile…

Tiny kitty couches

Cat funny and strange…
