Toilet paper, toothbrush, and a razor

The absolute hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.1984 bought a piece of property. 1 acre out of a 5 acre plot. Short time later had someone buy the one next to us and he ended up buying the next two. Ended up being the best friends we ever had. Did everything together. One night they came over to dinner and right after they ate, he got sick. Walked them back over to their place. Got back to our place, started stripping down for bed when his wife called screaming about something wrong. Quickest I’ve ever covered that distance in my life. He was in their water bed her standing there screaming. My wife had worked at a hospital over 20 years at that point. She’s 5′4″ and then about 180lb of soft flesh. She yanked him out of that bed and started CPR. Seemed forever the ambulance getting there. Before it was over, we had two ambulances, the supervisors car, a nephew of theirs that was an EMT but heard the call and the address. They carried him out and took off. Grabbed his wife throwing her in with us and hauled for the hospital. Wasn’t 5 minutes the Dr came out to tell us he had a massive heart attack and had died before my wife even started on him. By then the nephew had called most of the local relatives but most of the family was in Kansas. I’m the only one that carried a phone card for making calls so I had to call all these relatives most of whom I had never met to tell them he had passed away. Then Monday morning I had to call his job explaining why he was not there with the 1st pot of coffee made that morning and had to set up with them to get his company truck back to their shop, collect his belongings from them to bring back to his wife. That was the worst couple of days in my life then served as a pallbearer to help bury him, the best friend anyone could have had.

Some vintage pulp art and other stuff

Kenetic narratives, thomas robson, ls
Kenetic narratives, thomas robson, ls

I use to date a VERY cute, very boobsy little gal that had a 76 Datsun B-210 she bought brand new….She brought the car home and parked it out front of her house….The very first night it was hit by a drunk driver that pushed the rear bumper to about the rear of the front seats, but since the car only had about 16 miles on it the insurance would not total it…..It took 8 months to get it back from the body shop, and when it did come back the clutch slave cylinder was http://leaking….So (http://leaking….So) we took it in to the dealer the next morning and dropped it off….About noon they called Mary Beth and told her it needed a new clutch for $500 so she said we’ll just pick it up later….That evening I took her to get the car, she went inside as I waited for her to come out….After several minutes I wandered in to see what was taking so long, I got there just in time to hear the mechanic telling her that for Dinner and $100 he could do the clutch as a favor for http://her….So (http://her….So) I said,”HELL YES, we’ll take that $100 clutch special !!” Can I come too !?!

I’m not positive, but I think that mechanic was out job hunting the next morning…..

How Do I Tell My Daughter’s Boyfriend That She’s Cheating On Him?

This is a painful memory and one I don’t so much want to share on Quora as much as I feel compelled to. Whoever asked the question deserves my thanks for letting me unload this burden.

We had a separate memorial ceremony for my Mom as she was ultimately laid to rest next to my grandmother at the Jewish cemetery in Prague.

I was responsible for picking the music.

We had been instructed to put the music on a CD and there was time for two songs.

The first song I chose was one that meant the world to me. It was “Kadish” by Giora Feidman. (For my other answer paying homage to this great and humble artist, please see here) The second song I chose was a song that my mom had told me she wished to have played at her funeral because of the life affirming message it contained.

At the time it was difficult to find a copy and I got a friend at a large music label to get me a digital copy.

He was someone I respected enormously and he would never have provided a copy of any of his company’s catalog if it weren’t for such a special occasion. (This was before ubiquitous online music stores)

I was touched that he would let me have the music, especially because he, too, appreciated this song deeply, revered the band that played it and understood what a meaningful song it was and how it would express my mother’s love and joy of life. I felt I had done the right thing and was anticipating the memorial service as much as feeling the burden of saying goodbye.

On the day of the memorial, everything happened in a blur. I didn’t have time to discuss in great detail what was on the CD and there was no time planned for speeches or to introduce the music.

When the Klezmer and choir began to sing Kadish a great awe fell over the loved ones that were assembled to honor my Mom. I looked up towards the cathedral ceiling of the hall we were in and felt truly elevated. The music ended and we all shared a sigh, both of awe and sadness.

Then there was a short pause and the Beatles’ “Obladi-Oblada” came blaring, joyful, clanking and clanging in all its fun fair beauty from the speakers. This was the song my mom had said she would like everyone to hear when we were celebrating her memory. “Life goes on” – In honoring my mom’s wish I had not realized how much of a jarring contrast the song would create for the solemn occasion and how out of place if would sound, especially after the choir had finished “Kadish”.

Everyone was shocked and more than one head turned towards me, thinking that this was another of my juvenile jokes and acts of rebellion that I was still being remembered for.

At the reception afterwards a close friend of my mom’s approached me to ask me if I was “happy with having achieved what I wanted.” I asked her what she meant and she said “You wanted to shock us!” – I was mortified and tried to explain, good as I could, that I had tried to respect my mom’s wishes and had not realized how out of place the song would sound in such a sad and serious setting, especially without a proper introduction.

Which brings me to today. Where I sit down to write of this special, sad, beautiful, painful moment. One of the moments in my life where I truly wish I could have gone back and done it differently.

And as I write this, what do I discover?

The same Giora Feidman, who’s music was the gift that allowed me to say goodbye to my mom in tears before that peace was broken by the joyful, out of place sounds of Obla-Di, Obla-Da, that very same wonderful man also recorded an album, playing the Beatles in his inimitable mournful clarinet style.

Feidman recorded his version of Obla-Di,Obla-da last year and as I write this and listen to his beautiful rendition, I find the joy of life my mom wanted to share on that day, dedicated to her memory, sweetened by the melancholy bliss of his beautiful clarinet.

If we could’ve played that version then it would’ve been right and it would’ve told the story she wanted to have told about who she was and what inspired her.

And, who knows. Maybe, if I hadn’t had that experience then, finding this gem today wouldn’t have meant as much and wouldn’t have allowed me, many years later, to celebrate the memory of what an extraordinary person she was in yet another special and meaningful way.

So, yes, sometimes, honoring the departed’s request for Music can lead to the most inappropriate moment.

And I’m still proud I followed her wish, because she would’ve loved this story with a happy ending and one where I can cry and laugh and share, once more, with you, dear reader, the joy and burden of life.

Years back my partner and I used to regularly do work in a small Mississippi Coastal town which has a 90%+ black population – we’re a couple of old white freaks ( “hippies” to those who don’t know better ) .

There was a restaurant on the main road called “Buddy’s House of Food” with a lighted sign of a young boy with a pig under his arm – an absolutely sure sign of killer food. I told John that this was where we eating.

When we entered, it was fairly full of people and everyone just sort of froze and looked at us: this little older lady, who literally looked like a Mammy Doll come to life, came over and said : “Can I help y’all?” in a genuinely quizzical tone.

I said: “ Yes, M’am: we’d like to eat if we could.”

You could tell it surprised her: she really didn’t know why two white dudes were in her restaurant.

She sat us down, and in 30 seconds it was like you had just shown up at your Grandmaw’s for Thanksgiving – she was bringing out all manner of pure Southern comfort food that was so bad for you but absolute balm for your soul – you could feel your arteries clogging as you ate while your taste buds yelled “thank you”.

Turned into a 2 hour lunch with hugs and extra slices of pecan pie when we left.

From then on every time we were in that town, we ate at “Buddy’s”; and every time it was the same welcome.


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I took a friend and her barely adult son out for a day water skiing. Everything was going great, and then on the way back to the dock, we ran out of gas. Fortunately I had a little 3.5 hp trolling motor, that would move us along at a walking speed, or maybe a slow trot. No where near the excitement of the 235 HP outboard, but certainly better than paddling. I fired it up and was quite pleased that I had a backup, with its own gas.

The son started complaining, asking, where’s the fun in that? He couldn’t seem to get it through his head, that we were no longer in fun mode, now we were in getting to the dock the easiest way possible. He demanded that I fire up the big outboard, as I was ruining his day. Telling him that I couldn’t fire it up, did no good. He started screaming, just like a 2 year old. Saying “Fire it up, fire it up, fire it up”

As we approached the dock he picked up a lot of stuff, like he was going to carry it back to the truck. Then when we were 3 feet from the dock, he threw it over board, jumped onto the dock, and just calmly walked away. Dhe asked him to pick it up, and he just kept walking.

His mother didn’t punish him. Though, how do you punish an adult. He didn’t have a job, and lived at home with his mother.

When we had collected everything, and walked to the parking lot, he was sitting on the hood of his mothers truck.

I got in my car, to head for my cabin, but I waited to see that he would react rationally. She unlocked the truck and he got in, and they followed me out onto the road. After a kilometer or so, she pulled out and passed me like I was standing still.

I worked with her, and we never discussed this ever again . I never socialized with her after that. This hadn’t been any kind of a romantic thing, I took male friend’s boating all the time. I have never been able to explain any of what happened, but I didn’t want the drama in my life

  1. Don’t fight when you’re weak, leave when you’re strong.
  2. Avoid crying in front of someone who doesn’t care about you.
  3. Don’t waste time on your ex or stalking them on social media.
  4. Never hurt yourself, the world will bring enough hurt.
  5. Don’t take things personally, even if you know it’s personal.
  6. Avoid listening to sad songs as they can drain your energy.
  7. Don’t miss out on important engagements and events.
  8. Be kind to your family, they’ll be there for you in tough times.
  9. Cut out friends who break the “Bro Code.”
  10. Be cautious of trusting a crying woman and a smiling man.
  11. Don’t mess with negative people, they reflect who you are.
  12. Don’t beg twice, know your worth.

My wife and I have lived together for nearly 20 years. We separated in 1998 and lived apart for nearly two years. My wife left me because she wanted to ‘find herself’ and see what life could be on her own. I helped her move into an apartment.

We both agreed we would always love each other but we are no longer IN love with each other.

My wife asked to come back two years later because of her economic problems. She insisted on her own room and her own identity.She’s lived in her own room for 18 years and usually stays with her girlfriend. We haven’t hugged, kissed or shaken hands in nearly twenty years.

We stay together so she can have insurance from the VA and soon will collect widows benefits. She will also receive Social Security benefits.

We’re friends but nothing more.

She’s 66 and in poor health. I’ve know her since she was 17 years old. I have my life and girlfriend but I refuse to let my ‘wife’ be homeless and hungry.

We have found a one bedroom for her to move in after I’m gone.I want her to move in now and continue her life.

She sees more and more people coming in to my house to help me as my body fails me. She freely admits she can’t help me and I love living alone even when she’s in her room. We rarely speak and I visit my lady friend at her house, My girlfriend knows about her and respects my decision not to divorce her.

Our marriage may have ended years ago but my caring for her hasn’t.

You shouldn’t wish ill for your ex. You should care for the person if the person needs care.

My integrity remains intact. Everyone should want the same.

Cajun Chicken and Dumplings

Cajun Chicken and Dumplings
Cajun Chicken and Dumplings

Yield: 6 servings



  • 1 large chicken
  • 2 quarts salted water
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
  • 1/2 cup chopped celery
  • 1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper
  • 1 pimento, chopped
  • 1/4 cup chopped onion
  • 1 quart milk
  • 2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/8 teaspoon white pepper
  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon garlic salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground white pepper
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon thyme
  • 1/4 teaspoon oregano
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 slightly beaten egg
  • 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) softened butter
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1/2 cup milk



  1. In medium bowl, place flour, salt, garlic salt and ground white and black peppers.
  2. Add cayenne pepper, garlic powder, thyme, oregano and baking powder.
  3. Stir in egg, butter and olive oil.
  4. Gradually stir in milk. Knead dough until soft and smooth; divide into 5 small balls. Roll each ball on floured board until paper thin; cut into strips 1 1/2 inches wide and 3 inches long. Lay strips on wax paper for about 15 minutes before adding to broth.


  1. In large saucepan, place chicken and water over medium heat. Simmer about 45 minutes or until fork tender.
  2. Remove chicken, reserving broth. Chop chicken in large pieces, discarding skin and bones; set aside.
  3. In medium fry pan, place butter over low heat.
  4. Add mushrooms, celery, bell pepper, pimento and onion; sauté about 2 minutes.
  5. To broth in saucepan, add milk, hard-cooked eggs, Worcestershire sauce, vinegar, cayenne and white and black peppers.
  6. Stir in sautéed vegetables; heat to boil, reduce heat to simmer and add alternating layers of chicken and dumplings, pushing each layer down into broth. Simmer about 15 minutes or until dumplings are tender.
  7. Serve chicken, dumplings and broth in individual bowls.

I once had a friend who had a serious case of “Little Man Syndrome.” He was short, and kind of a loudmouth, but really a good dude once you got to know him. One night we were out at our favorite bar, and I saw him chatting up a girl.

For perspective, my friend was about 5′6/145, so he was really small. As he’s talking to this girl, a guy walks up to them and says “Hey bro, that’s my girl.” Normally, that’s enough to end a conversation, usually followed with a “My bad” or something of that nature. Not this night. My friend promptly responded with “Smurf you, she’s talking to me now, so smurf off.”

The gentleman in question was literally a giant. At least 6′4, and probably weighed 230 or so. As my friend spoke to him, I knew that it wasn’t going to end well, but the Giant simply repeated, “Really, bro, she’s my fiance, and we don’t want any trouble.” He was calm, and didn’t seem affected by the way my friend spoke to him.

My friend decided that he didn’t care and kindly told the Giant where he could go, and how he could get there. He then followed it up with “And if you have anything else to say, I’ll kick your smurfin smurf.”

The Giant politely told my friend to meet him outside.

A lot of stories on this thread end up with the small guy taking down the big guy, but not this one. The Giant hit my friend 1 time with a right hook, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d swear my friend was hit with a baseball bat. The Giant then looked at those of us he knew were with his punching bag, and dared any of us to complain about what just happened. I have a rule about getting into fights with/for my friends, and because this friend actually started and somewhat deserved what happened, I had no beef with the Giant, nor did the rest of my friends.

The Giant then went back into the bar, finished his drink, and left with his fiance.

It was actually an act of aggression from Australia.

First off:

It wasn’t international waters, the Yellow Sea isn’t international waters. It was either South Korea’s EEZ or China’s EEZ there is no peanut hole like Russia had.

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The UN Security council was responsible for enforcement of UN sanctions against North Korea. This panel was dissolved in April 2024. This means their excuse of enforcing sanctions is a lie. Australia is not part of the UNSC and thus had no mandate to be there.


It was a cul de sac, that is there was no destination to get to, so it can’t be innocent passage.


The Australian mission breaks UNCLOS as it was trying to deny Chinese the right to defend themselves.

All the above is meaningless puffery anyway as westoids never actually obey the rules THEY agree to but expect every one else to follow. They’re like that…

So what do I think of it?

There’s a weak leader in this picture. Guess which one it is?

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main qimg 15446d963f8c930b08f4bdc4b7e03b1c

You see in 2021 we had the Hainan island incident.

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The USN aircraft was forced to land on Hainan and we made them dismantle their plane and didn’t allow it to be flown away.

Before 2021 there was this

Korean Air Lines Flight 007


It is now 2024, 40 years since Korean Air 007, and 20 years since Hainan island incident. Yet the leaders of China have become weaker.

I mean we literally have all this tech like beidou satellite navigation system, GPS spoofing and fancy warships and such like… and yet we can’t repeat something like Hainan with a ‘stray drone’ somehow getting into the rotors of the Australian spy helicopter?

Bah weak leaders…

Here’s one Chinese leader telling off another one that he’s a pussy.

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main qimg e201d5eaf5565ce8ccb8316e9b0c75fa

And I don’t even like Zemin, a bit too neo liberal for me.

When I was pregnant I hated my husband. I decided the first time that I would divorce him as soon as the baby was born. I hated the way he breathed and chewed. I did not say a word about it to anyone. I knew somewhere in my mind that I was crazy. When my baby was born I loved my husband again. The second time around same thing but this time I knew it was hormones. The third time I knew what it was and just ignored it.

Then Mike got stressed out at work. He took his stress out on the kids. I said I love him not that he was perfect. I went away with the kids for a few days to decide what to do. The kids all voted him out of the family with no input from me. It was hard but Mike and I started over after going to a MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER. We started over from scratch. He courted me again. We realized we were worth saving. We put in the time and effort to win each other all over again. 15 years after our wedding we vowed again to love each other. Not in a fancy ceremony , just between the two of us.

From then till the day Mike died I never fell out of love with him. I know he never fell out of love with me. The last time I saw Mike he drew me a heart on the window frost.

Do not feel sorry me. I have had a wonderful life. I am alive and well. I continue my life . God may provide me with more people to love. Nothing is impossible.

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