2024 02 02 10 01

Swimming in toxic waste


Back in the late 1980’s, I attended a local County zoning board meeting. This was in Indiana.

I had a personal reason for being there which is of no concern at this time. Maybe I’ll talk about it later on, but it’s really just a trivial thing.

Anyways, the bulk of the meeting as that a couple of big conglomerates wanted to dump their industrial waste, medical waste, and radioactive (!) waste in our county in a landfill outside of our town. They would do it for free, and we would allow them. All the the board members were “gung ho” on this proposal.


I mean it, it was like they must have been having sex with the corporations, they were gleefully pushing the paperwork through. I have never seen such happy people. I was really stunned.

“Yes please! Can I have some more toxic waste, HIV needles, radioactive liquids, and cancerous shit sir?”

But a gal stood up.

I knew her. I worked with her.

And she stopped the entire (future) train wreck. In fact, the smiles disappeared from the boards faces as a true and real anger started building in the room.

She reminded them of “Love Canal” and WTF were they thinking! And she and others were going to make a big issue of this, and screams of bribery and money changing hands and all that went a flying.

The meeting ended.

And nothing was resolved.

The next week, we read in the local paper that the board passed the company, and allowed it to start dumping the toxic trash near us.

I guess that they just went ahead and did it anyways, and the “public hearing” was just for show.

The United States is like that.

Just for show. They do what they want.

Oh, there are rules and regulations.

They do what they want.

Oh, there are rules and regulations.

For you. For me.

But not for THEM.

The entire community was screwed over.

People! I am convinced that the ONLY way to set things right is to erase it all and start fresh.


As a concerned Australian myself, how do Americans feel that their taxes are being used to destroy other countries and make wars instead of their own well being?

Im thoroughly pissed off. Im Australian too but I see on the news tonight that USA has just started the war in the middle east. They dont give a fuck whos country they bomb but they are doing it to bomb Iranian supporters. Americans also have bases in countries not their own so whats the fucking difference. Biden says were no going to bomb Iran just every supporter base outside their borders. So that has to mean that every US bases outside its borders are no fair game too.. This IS the beginning of the true WW3 and Im pissed off because not only my taxes but my countrymen will most certainly be asked (forced or coerced) into fighting in the middle east in support of USA. USA are the fucking bad guys here just like they were in Afghanistan and Iraq and in Vietnam before that. We should not be involved in this. I dont support Iran and I dont support Syria or Jordan or Lebanon or Gaza but for gods sake please realise that its the USA that are starting and supporting these wars. The only thing I support now is Justice and humanity and I cant see it anywhere.




What are some of the key reasons why Apple’s sales in Greater China declined by 13% YoY?

So the U.S. and U.S. dog nations thinks that when you do shit on Huawei all for containing their progress has no repercussions?

Think again!

Everything you throw at China it will boomerang back 3–5 times as hard on you! Bear that in mind 1.5 billion Chinese and Chinese origin for a start and another at least 2.5 million sympathetic to China others will turn off similar U.S. or western brands representing 60% of world demand to spike the west back.

So think very very very carefully before you ever do shit. China is happy to share a loaf of bread with the west if it plays fair. It not it will have no choice. Take EV’s for example. If the west start anti China shit, 60% of world’s demand is at stake. Japanese and western brands better think twice if you start this racist shit.

Apple is a good company. But the U.S. government forces it to do shit in China so it has to bear the repercussions. Learn how to say no to the U.S. government. Remember for very new outlet for McDonald’s, KFC s and Starbucks in the U.S, China open 10 new outlet. For every GM sold in the U.S. 2 is sold in China. Think twice before you do shit!

Apple, is learning the hard way now, GPS learned the hard way, US chips are are thoroughly fxxked up, US senators learned that depriving Chinese from ISS allowed the Chinese to put up a better, faster, more technologically advanced Chinese space station up in space! Those shit western brands that foolishly talk up fabricated shit about the Uyghurs all lost a boat load of money!

12 Reasons Why Men Don’t Want To Get Married Anymore


Pepperoni Stromboli

2024 02 03 13 17
2024 02 03 13 17


  • 2 (16 ounce) loaves frozen bread dough, thawed
  • 1/2 cup spaghetti or pizza sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 4 ounces sliced pepperoni
  • 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese


  1. Punch dough down. On a lightly floured surface, roll each loaf into a 20 x 8-inch rectangle. Place one rectangle on a greased baking sheet.
  2. Spread spaghetti sauce in an 18 x 4-inch strip down the center. Sprinkle with oregano, pepperoni, and mozzarella cheese. Fold long sides of dough up towards filling; set aside.
  3. Cut the remaining rectangle into three strips. Loosely braid strips; pinch ends to seal. Place braid on top of the cheese; pinch braid to dough to seal. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes or until golden brown.



99% on line


Has a teacher ever accused your child of doing something that you know he could not have done?

When my daughter was in fifth grade, if her bus got to the school very early before school, instead of going to the cafeteria and waiting there, she would go to her, previous kindergarten teachers room and help her with the five-year-olds. She would read to them, play with them or help organize the day for the teacher by passing out papers, crayons, etc. once the bell rang that the school day was starting, she would just go to her own classroom and begin the day normally. My daughter very much liked her kindergarten teacher, and she, being a youngest child, enjoyed being around young children. She felt good about helping out and very much enjoyed these early morning volunteer sessions.

Well, everything was fine until somehow her fifth grade teacher found out what she was doing. To this day, I don’t know why, but her fifth grade teacher was absolutely livid that she was not dutifully sitting in the cafeteria until school started. She called my sweet and helpful girl, a little sneak. Said that she was sneaking around the school before school started even though she knew very well what the rules were. I have to assume that the kindergarten teacher also knew what the rules were, but never had a problem with it, or told my daughter to go ahead and go to the cafeteria or to her own classroom. The lunatic fifth grade teacher further demanded that my daughter write her a letter of apology for not following the rules.

anyway, when my daughter came home from school that day and tearfully told me how she had been treated by her fifth grade teacher, now I was livid. I called the school and demanded a conference with the teacher and the principal and my daughter. We had a conference, and they tried to calm me down by telling me it’s all about safety, and they have to know where our children are at all times that they are on school grounds, blah blah blah. Which is fine. But that needed to be calmly and kindly explained to my daughter instead of assassinating her character. I demanded that the teacher apologize to my daughter. After the principal pressed her, she very awkwardly and haltingly apologized. I further informed them that my daughter would NOT be apologizing to anyone for innocently trying to be helpful and kind.

But my daughter did not get to volunteer in the kindergarten classroom after that day. And they did not find her a replacement volunteer opportunity, either. And, of course, she hated her teacher from that day forward. And even now, when she is 23 years old, Every time she thinks about that teacher, who chose to believe the worst, instead of seeing the goodness in her, she becomes angry all over again.

Mandatory Paternity Test Law Passed – No More Paternity Fraud From Women


Why did the Edmund Fitzgerald sink?

Most serious researchers into the Edmund Fitzgerald’s shocking destruction on 10 November, 1975, in a gale on Lake Superior believe that the ship sank from a combination of factors. This is largely due to widespread dissatisfaction with the conclusions reached by the US Coast Guard in the immediate aftermath of the sinking.

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Great Lakes Ore Carrier SS Edmund Fitzgerald

Edmund Fitzgerald History, The Fateful Journey

The Coast Guard’s official report on the loss of the Fitzgerald, dated 26 July 1977, stated that the most likely cause of the wreck was improperly sealed cargo hatch covers (the rectangular structures amidships that are clearly visible in the photo above), which led to gradually accumulating water in the non-subdivided cargo hold. As more and more “boarding seas” sent water crashing over the main deck, the ship sank lower and lower until finally, its bouyancy was overcome and it plunged to the bottom of Lake Superior. In short, the ship was lost due to the failure of its crew to properly secure it against the conditions caused by the severe storm in which it sank. This is probably the closest thing in maritime circles to citing “pilot error” as the cause of a plane crash. The Coast Guard’s document is located in its entirety here:


The Lake Carriers Association—the professional trade group representing the shipping companies which owned the US-flagged ships on the Great Lakes—immediately and vociferously disagreed with the Coast Guard.

Lake Carriers’ Association

Paul Trimble, a retired USCG vice admiral who was then the president of the LCA, wrote a letter to the National Transportation Safety Board on September 16, 1977, that specifically disputed the cornerstone of the Coast Guard’s theory on the sinking. His letter stated that:

“The present hatch covers are an advanced design and are considered by the entire lake shipping industry to be the most significant improvement over the telescoping leaf covers previously used for many years. The one-piece hatch covers have proven completely satisfactory in all weather conditions without a single vessel loss in almost 40 years of use…and no water accumulation in cargo holds.”

Having thus rejected out of hand the idea that the Fitzgerald’s crew had essentially been negligent or at least careless in securing the hatch covers, the LCA’s suspicions immediately centered on an event that occurred several hours before the sinking, soon after the ship had departed from Superior, Wisconsin, fully loaded with more than 26,000 tons of taconite iron ore pellets. This was a possible running aground or “shoaling” of the ship near Caribou Island.

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Caribou Island in Lake Superior, North America. Photo Courtesy of Morris Chisholm by way of Flickr dot com.

Caribou Island – Wikipedia

During its final journey, Fitzgerald was traveling in concert with another large freighter, the SS Arthur Anderson, under the command of Captain Bernie Cooper. At around 1530 (3:30 in the afternoon), or roughly 4 hours before the Fitzgerald sank, Cooper received a radio transmission from Captain Earnest McSorley of the Fitzgerald. McSorley told Cooper:

Anderson, this is the Fitzgerald. I have a fence rail down, two vents lost or damaged, and a list. I’m checking down. Will you stay by me till I get to Whitefish?” By “checking down”, McSorley meant that he was reducing speed so the trailing Anderson could close the distance and keep an eye on the Fitzgerald in the gathering storm. Cooper radioed McSorley and asked if he had his pumps going, and McSorley said, “Yes, both of them.”

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Massive Storm Waves Breaking on the Shore of Lake Superior. Wave Heights of 35 Feet or More Have Been Observed During Storms on the Lake.

It is crucial to note that the storm was already underway by this point in the day on 10 November. Winds had reached near gale force several hours earlier, at 7 AM that morning, with wave heights of 10 feet observed. Thus the Fitzgerald was in heavy seas well before it passed by Caribou Island, and more so at the time McSorley reported that his vessel had been damaged. Just prior to the Fitzgerald’s radio communication with his ship, Cooper and one of his bridge staff on the Anderson—sailing astern of the Fitzgerald and watching its course on the Anderson’s radar—both remarked to each other that each thought McSorley and his ship were far too close to Caribou Island and a known underwater hazard called “Six Fathom Shoal”. A “list” meant that the Fitzgerald had taken on enough water to make the ship lean over on its side. A downed fence rail could only have been caused by either a heavy impact with a large object of some kind, or—much more likely—”hogging” of the ship. This would have snapped the steel rail as it was bent to the breaking point by the ship’s hull itself being forced upward from an impact with something on the lake floor beneath the vessel. Although Cooper’s sometimes excitable and occasionally inconsistent testimony led the majority of investigators to discount the idea that the Fitzgerald had struck rocks jutting up from the lake bottom, others were convinced.

Subsequent radio transmissions from the stricken ship indicate that McSorley was worried. Between 4:30 and 5:00 he called the Coast Guard on the emergency channel—the “distress frequency”—and also put out a general call asking for information about the lighthouse and the radio beacon at Whitefish Point, at the southeastern end of the Lake. The comparitive safety of Whitefish Bay was just beyond the Point.

Further, although McSorley did not tell Cooper that he was particularly concerned by whatever had happened near Caribou Island, around 5:30 he reported to another ship captain, Cedric Woodard of the Swedish cargo vessel Avafors, that:

“I have a bad list, lost both radars. And am taking heavy seas over the deck. One of the worst seas I’ve ever been in.”

Woodard replied: “If I’m correct, you have two radars.”

McSorley: “They’re both gone.”

It should be noted that McSorley said something at this time that was apparently picked up in his transmission to Woodard because McSorley was shouting to the crew while leaving his radio mic on. As described by writer Hugh Bishop in his Lake Superior Magazine article “Edmund Fitzgerald: Decades of Speculation, Fascination and Grieving”:

“Captain Woodard, who was acquainted with McSorley and had talked with him many times previously, said in testimony that he didn’t recognize the voice when first they spoke and that McSorley sounded strange.

Still later, at about 6 p.m., Woodard called the Fitz to report that the light had just come on at Whitefish Point. During that conversation, he stated that McSorley inadvertently left the microphone on when he said to someone in his pilothouse, “Don’t allow nobody on deck,” also saying something about a vent that Woodard couldn’t understand.

In Lake Superior Port Cities Inc.’s newly released book, The Night the Fitz Went Down, Captain Dudley Paquette vividly describes his voyage through the massive seas of the November 9-10, 1975, storm as master of the downbound Inland Steel Company’s SS Wilfred Sykes. He is particularly intrigued by the command that Woodard overheard.

“In those seas, such a command goes without saying, so why did McSorley have to emphasize it?” he asks. “There had to have been something happening on the deck that a mate thought they had to get control of – even if it meant putting lives in danger.”

Whatever prompted that command just a little over an hour before the sinking, Paquette analyzes that it would have been catastrophic and visible from the pilothouse in the darkness of an early November evening. That would likely mean that it was at the forward end of the weather deck. Previously suggested possibilities are that a hatch cover washed off or the heavy deck crane or the spare blade for the propeller broke loose and crashed about.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if a hatch cover came off, because I loaded right beside him in Superior on November 9 and the deck crew was still putting on hatch covers when they left the Superior Entry into Lake Superior,” Captain Paquette says. “It’s likely that they didn’t latch a lot of the hatch cover clamps because the crew was on Sunday overtime pay and they were so late getting covered up – and the weather was very nice at that time.” Captain Paquette thus sided with the Coast Guard and essentially blamed the crew.

Edmund Fitzgerald: Decades of Speculation, Fascination and Grieving

By this point, then, at around 6 PM, the Fitzgerald was badly damaged, listing from increasing amounts of water in its cargo hold and in other spaces—too much for the ship’s powerful pumps to stay ahead of—and sailing blind.

Worse, meteorological reconstructions of the 10 November 1975 storm show that it was exceptionally powerful even by the Great Lakes’ notoriously vicious standards.

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Unusual and Violent Waves on Lake Erie in a Recent November

The Spectacular, Rip-Roaring Waves of Lake Erie’s ‘November Witch’

The November Witches Of The Great Lakes | WeatherBug

Why the Edmund Fitzgerald sank

In some ways the seas during the worst storms on the Great Lakes are more difficult than what ships would encounter in the open ocean. This is due to the “Bathtub Effect” that produces oscillating waves which collide with each other from two or more directions. A “seiche”—similar to a tsunami—can also develop as sustained winds blow enormous amounts of water ahead of them down the Lakes. Similar factors have led to ten foot waves being seen even on as small a body of water as the 50 square mile Sea of Galilee (referenced in the New Testament in Matthew 8:23–27).

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 8:23-27 – New International Version

SIDEBAR – The Bathtub Effect

— This blog post is discussing the Bathtub Effect as observed in the Gulf of Mexico and not the Great Lakes, but is still a good overview of the phenomenon.

What Is a seiche?

Captain McSorley knew that his ship was badly wounded and in mortal danger. Knowing also that he was not far from Whitefish Bay, he decided to run for it. Unfortunately this decision put him squarely in the worst possible place at the worst possible time. The Fitzgerald sailed into the exact spot where the storm reached its maximum power, and at the center of the worst waves and seiche storm surge produced by the 80-plus MPH winds and “bathtub effect”.

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The Final Voyage of the Edmund Fitzgerald on Lake Superior. The Ship Sank 17 Miles Northwest of Whitefish Bay.

The last communication with the doomed vessel came via radio at about 7:10 PM. Anderson first mate Morgan Clark radioed the Fitzgerald to notify him of a radar contact about 19 miles ahead. McSorley acknowledged this and asked if he “was going to clear”, ie, if there was any danger of a collision. Clark said that there was none, then asked how things were going. McSorley replied, “We are holding our own”.

Soon after this, the Fitzgerald entered a snow squall and radar contact was lost. Just prior to Clark’s transmission, Cooper later testified, the crew of the Anderson had felt “a bump”, an impact that hit their vessel from behind. Looking back from the pilothouse, the bridge crew saw two huge waves partially engulf the ship, moving forward from the stern. The second of these struck the back of the pilothouse, which forced the bow of the Anderson down into the seas. As Cooper described:

“We took two of the largest seas of the trip. The first one flooded our boat deck. It had enough force to come down on the starboard lifeboat, pushing it into the saddles with a force strong enough to damage the bottom of the lifeboat.… The second large sea put green water (the powerful center of a wave) on our bridge deck! This is 35 feet above the waterline.”

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SS Arthur Anderson, a Great Lakes Freighter That Traveled With the Edmund Fitzgerald on 10 November 1975. Note the Height of the Ship’s Pilothouse in the Bow of the Vessel.

Cooper’s ship, though badly rattled, quickly recovered from the force of the blow, and the crew watched the two giant waves move down the Lake—toward the struggling Fitzgerald. All contact with the Fitzgerald was lost about 10 minutes later.

The subsequent report by the Coast Guard was based on extensive video of the wreck on the bottom of Lake Superior. The footage was taken by the US Navy’s CURV III (Cable-controlled Undersea Recovery Vehicle).

CURV – Wikipedia

Conditions on the lake bottom, 535 feet down, were somewhat muddy and so the quality of the video was not ideal.

Following the Lake Carriers’ Association letter to the NTSB that disputed the Coast Guard’s conclusions, a second report—this one by the NTSB itself—was issued.


Taking a somewhat broader view of the tragedy, the NTSB document considered in more detail several possible contributing factors. Most of these had been briefly touched upon by the Coast Guard but not discussed comprehensively.

One of these was the near-certainty that the Fitzgerald was overloaded on its last trip.

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An Early Photo of the Fitzgerald, in Light Condition at Pierside, Probably in the late 1950s or Early 1960s. The Ship Was Launched in 1958.

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The Fitzgerald Riding Low in the Water While Fully Loaded, Sometime in 1971. The Ship Would Have Looked Much Like This As It Sailed Into the Storm on 10 November 1975.

The distance from the waterline to the main deck of a ship is known as “freeboard”. On the night before its destruction, the Fitzgerald probably left port with as little as 11 and a half (11.5) feet of freeboard and possibly even less. This was a dangerously thin margin of safety, particularly in a storm, even had the ship not been damaged.

There was also the possibility that the Fitzgerald was not entirely seaworthy in other respects when it sailed from Superior, Wisconsin. The NTSB noted:

“A former chief mate of the FITZGERALD testified that between September 13 and October 3, 1975, the FITZGERALD discharged at Toledo, Ohio. Because of the FITZGERALD’s deep draft, she was not able to pull up to the dock and had to lay off some 12 feet each time. The ship seemed to plow its way toward the dock every trip, he said. Similar “groundings” of other Great Lakes bulk cargo vessels during discharge at various ports were observed by Coast Guard Marine Inspectors during the winter of 1976 and the spring of 1977 and by Safety Board personnel during the summer of 1977.

In other words, there may have been unrepaired damage to the bottom plating of the ship’s hull that was the result of literally plowing its way the last short distance to various unloading docks around the Great Lakes shoreline.

This idea has some corroboration from one of the ship’s surviving previous crewmen, Jim Woodard, who had sailed on the Fitzgerald for some time in the 60s and 70s. He told a recent interviewer that the Fitz “was a wet ship”—meaning it leaked noticeably and often shipped water while underway—and that he just did not have a good feeling about it, even though it was widely known as “the pride of the American side” and an assignment on board was greatly prized among Great Lakes mariners.

Forty years after the sinking of the Fitzgerald, untold stories…

It is also possible that the vessel’s design itself was inherently flawed and at least somewhat structurally unsound. Support for this point comes from the fact that the Fitzgerald’s sister ship, the SS Arthur M. Homer, which had undergone a very expensive lengthening and reconstruction to increase its cargo capacity, was suddenly and unexpectedly removed from service by its owner, Bethlehem Steel Corporation (now defunct) just 5 years later, in 1980. A similar conversion had been planned for the Fitzgerald itself.

The following passage from the Wikipedia article about the sinking explains:

“Retired Great Lakes Engineering Works naval architect Raymond Ramsey, one of the members of the design team that worked on the hull of Fitzgerald,reviewed her increased load lines, maintenance history, along with the history of long ship hull failure and concluded that Fitzgerald was not seaworthy on November 10, 1975.

He stated that planning Fitzgerald to be compatible with the constraints of the St. Lawrence Seaway had placed her hull design in a “straight jacket .” Fitzgerald’s long-ship design was developed without the benefit of research, development, test, and evaluation principles while computerized analytical technology was not available at the time she was built.

Ramsey noted that Fitzgerald’s hull was built with an all-welded (instead of riveted) modular fabrication method, which was used for the first time in the GLEW shipyard. Ramsey concluded that increasing the hull length to 729 feet (222 m) resulted in a L/D slenderness ratio (the ratio of the length of the ship to the depth of her structure) that caused excessive multi-axial bending and springing of the hull, and that the hull should have been structurally reinforced to cope with her increased length.”

The Great Lakes Engineering Works The Shipyard And Its Vessels

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image 50

The Launch of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald at the Great Lakes Engineering Works in Detroit, MI, 7 June 1958. The GLEW Was for Many Years a Major Shipbuilder on the Lakes, and Has Since Gone Out of Business.

Eventually the NTSB report gave its “Findings” and “Probable Cause”, which largely echoed the Coast Guard’s previous findings but with additional detail:


1. The FITZGERALD’s hatch covers were not weathertight and allowed water to enter the cargo hold over an extended period. This water was not detected because it migrated down through the cargo. There was no method provided for sounding the cargo other than visual observations, nor was there any method for dewatering the cargo hold with the vessel trimmed by the bow.

2. Amendments to the Great Lakes Load Line Regulations in 1969, 1971, and 1973 allow Great Lakes bulk carriers to load deeper. This deeper loading increased deck wetness which caused an increase in the flooding rate through nonweathertight hatches or other nonweather-tight openings.

3. The topside vents and fence rail were damaged before 1520 either by a heavy object coming adrift on deck or by a floating object coming aboard with the seas. The FITZGERALD’s hull plating probably was damaged also; the damage propagated and caused flooding of the ballast tanks and tunnel.

4. Flooding of ballast tanks and the tunnel caused trim and a list. Detection of ballast tank flooding prompted the ballast pumps to be started. However, the flooding rate through the hull damage, which was propagating, increased and exceeded the capacity of the pumping system.

5. The hull stress levels, even with a substantial amount of flooding, were low enough that the hull girder did not fail before the sinking.

6. The forces on the hatch covers caused by boarding seas were sufficient to cause damage and collapse. These forces increased as flooding caused a list and reduced the vessel’s freeboard.

7. Flooding of the cargo hold caused by one or more collapsed hatch covers was massive and progressed throughout the hold. Flooding was so rapid that the vessel sank before the crew could transmit a distress call.

8. The vessel either plunged or partially capsized and plunged under the surface. The hull failed either as the vessel sank or when the bow struck the bottom.

9. The availability of a fathometer aboard the FITZGERALD would have provided additional navigational data and would have required less dependence on the ANDERSON for navigational assistance.

10. The most probable trackline of the FITZGERALD, from west of Michipicoten Island to the position of her wreckage, lies east of the shoal areas north and east of Caribou Island; therefore, damage from grounding would have been unlikely.

11. The shoal area north of Caribou Island is not shown in sufficient detail on Lake Survey Chart No. 9 to indicate the extent of this hazard to navigation. A contour presentation of this hazard would allow mariners to better assess this area and would help to eliminate the erroneous conclusion that there are isolated spots of shallow water, where in fact there is a large area of shoal water less than 10 fathoms deep.

12. Insufficient water depth has been observed at some loading and discharge piers. “Groundings” of vessels at these locations induce hull stresses of unknown magnitudes and create the potential of undetected hull damage and wear.

13. Although the National Weather Service accurately predicted the direction and velocity of the wind expected over the eastern end of Lake Superior on November 10, 1975, the predicted wave heights were significantly less than those observed.

14. Loading information on the FITZGERALD and other Great Lakes bulk cargo vessels was not adequate.

15. Great Lakes bulk cargo vessels normally can avoid severe storms. The limiting sea state for Great Lakes bulk cargo vessels should be determined, and the operation of vessels in sea states above this limiting value should be restricted.

16. The presence of an EPIRE aboard the FITZGERALD would have provided immediate automatic transmission of an emergency signal which would have allowed search units to locate the position of the accident. The accurate location of this position would have reduced the extent of the search area.

17. Installation of trim and list indicating instruments on the FITZGERALD would have provided the master an early indication of flooding that would have an adverse effect on the vessel. These instruments would have given an indication of whether the master’s corrective action was adequate.

18. The surface search and rescue capability of the Coast Guard on November 10 was inadequate.

Probable Cause:

The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was the sudden massive flooding of the cargo hold due to the collapse of one or more hatch covers. Before the hatch covers collapsed, flooding into the ballast tanks and tunnel through topside damage and flooding into the cargo hold through nonweathertight hatch covers caused a reduction of freeboard and a list. The hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces imposed on the hatch covers by heavy boarding seas at this reduced freeboard and with the list caused the hatch covers to collapse. Contributing to the accident was the lack of transverse watertight bulkheads in the cargo hold and the reduction of freeboard authorized by the 1969, 1971, and 1973 amendments to the Great Lakes Load Line Regulations.”

In short, the ship sank because of progressive flooding following damage sustained from some cause near Caribou Island, aggravated by overloading. The initial flooding and overloading made the Fitzgerald go lower in the waves of the storm, which began a downward cycle of boarding seas. These gradually brought more and more water aboard until a final, catastrophic collapse of one or more hatch covers allowed sudden additional and overwhelming flooding that drove the ship to the bottom.

The NTSB added that the storm was significantly stronger than weather reports had predicted, and both the Coast Guard and the NTSB noted that the navigational charts used by McSorley were not entirely accurate regarding the underwater hazards around Caribou Island. This last factor led the NTSB to take the unusual step of including a dissenting opinion in its conclusion. Board member Philip Hogue wrote:

“The most probable cause of the sinking of the SS EDMUND FITZGERALD in Lake Superior on 10 November 1975, was a shoaling which first generated a list, the loss of two air vents, and a fence wire. Secondarily, within a period of 3 to 4 hours, an undetected, progressive, massive flooding of the cargo hold resulted in a total loss of buoyancy from which, diving into a wall of water, the FITZGERALD never recovered.

Like the Marine Board of the Coast Guard or the majority of the Members of the National Transportation Safety Board, I could speculate or surmise in the first instance that flooding into the cargo hold took place through ineffective hatch covers or in the second instance that flooding took place due to the failure of hatch cover Number One due to massive seas. I reject these arguments because neither of them is fully cognizant of the ramifications of the first reported list, the loss of two vents and fence railing at approximately the precise time the FITZGERALD was reportedly in or over shoal waters. Between the first reported damage and the time of the sinking, approximately 3 to 4 hours later, seas of 25 to 30 feet and winds gusting to 80 knots were variously observed. Without exception, expert testimony has affirmed the fact that seas in shoal waters are inherently more violent and wild than in open water. It follows, therefore, that subsequent to her initial sustained damage, the FITZGERALD suffered progressive damage from laboring, rolling, and pitching for the next 3 to 4 hours as it proceeded toward Whitefish Point Light. At or about 1730, Captain Woodard aboard the Swedish vessel AVAFORS received a report from Captain McSorley stating the FITZGERALD had a “bad list,” had lost both radars and was taking heavy seas over the deck in one of the worst seas he had ever been in. In approximately 2 hours from the initial report of a list, the FITZGERALD had acquired a “bad list” and sustained the loss of both radars. Approximately 1 hour 40 minutes later at or about 1910, the FITZGERALD reported it was holding its own. This was the last transmission ever heard from the FITZGERALD. Aside from the expert testimony elicited at the Coast Guard Marine Board hearing, it is self-evident that Captain McSorley had a damaged ship, and that he did not know how damaged she was….

It is reasonable to assume, from all that is known of Captain McSorley, that his first report of damage was based on damage sustained immediately prior to 1530 and that it was no small consideration that caused Captain McSorley to ask the ANDERSON to stay with him, saying, “I will check down so that you can close the distance between us.””

In the end, while these are expert and informed opinions, no one really knows for certain what sank the Fitzgerald. There is an enduring mystery about the ship and its final voyage that is both tragic and strangely compelling. In this vein Woodard said something striking. He had spoken with many of the Fitzgerald’s crew when his ship and the Fitz were in port a couple of weeks before the sinking.

“God strike me dead if I’m lying,” Woodard said, his spontaneous laughter checked. “We pulled in behind them and everybody I saw on that crew had an aura around them. That’s the honest-to-God’s truth. They glowed, just like a little brightness, you know what I mean?”

When asked if he was benefiting from hindsight and imagination, Woodard said, “I’ve never seen that since.”

My mother once told me a similar story. She said she had seen our next door neighbor at the local post office just before he was killed in a car wreck by a drunk driver. She later described seeing the same kind of strange aura and light around him when she looked at him.

Do with that what you will. As I say, there is mystery here.

Perhaps the biggest lesson that should be taken from the sinking is that no matter how skilled the sailors and how large the ship, all are still less than specks of sand compared with the vastness and power of the sea and of great storms over large bodies of water. It is no wonder, then, that both the traditional US Navy Hymn and Gordon Lightfoot’s enduring ballad speak with reverence of the power of both Nature and Nature’s God.

Eternal Father, strong to save,
Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bidd’st the mighty ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep;
Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea!



How the US Keeps Fighting China, Knowing It Won’t Win?

Damn. This is pretty good.


What do you think was the most ingenious military tactic ever executed?

It’s a toss-up between Caesar at Alesia and Alexander’s siege at Tyre. But for this answer I’ll focus only on Caesar.

Those two are definitely in my list of top battles not only because of the absolute understanding that Cesar and Alexander had of the flow of battle, or the mind-blowing tactics they used, but also because of the ingenuity they showed and just the relentless determination to bend the universe to their will.

Let’s jump straight to it.

Caesar at Alesia

image 67
image 67

Just look at this. What you are seeing is Caesar laying a siege while at the same time being besieged by another force. Just… OK.

The year is 52 BC. It’s the culmination of 8 years of Gallic Wars. The leader of the Gauls is Vercingetorix. A great general himself and a chieftain of the Arveni tribe. He had organized a fairly large rebellion and even convinced several tribes, allies of Rome, to defect and join his cause. After shadowing Caesar’s legions for some time, and playing a game of cat and mouse, he ended up retreating to the hill town fort of Alesia. Around 30,000 strong, together with the local civilian population were stationed in the small fort.

Caesar, being the great tactician that he is, opted for a prolonged siege, to starve and demoralize his enemy. He ordered the construction of a 18 km long wall to circumvent the town and prevent the enemy’s escape (the middle fortification that you see on the photo above). As you can imagine, this is already a little unorthodox. Sieging a fortified town with a smaller force, in the middle of enemy territory, with little to no supplies. But then what this total badass did was to turn around and build a secondary, outer wall, 21 km long, circumventing the first one, with enough space to contain his entire army. And those walls, weren’t anything simple either. There was enough space for his man to patrol them, as well as more than 20 towers, trenches, and even a moat which he somehow filled with water.

Between the choice of attacking a superior force with better position and being trapped between two armies, Caesar opted for a 3rd option – to build his own frigging castle.

While all of this was happening, Vercingetorix’s relief force arrived, adding more than 50,000 to his already larger force. Caesar was outnumbered 3 to 1 and was smack in the middle of the two armies.

The battle raged for several days, the Gauls were attacking simultaneously from the inside and outside, with the two side’s cavalries chasing each other around the fortifications. On the 3rd day of fighting, a focused attack on one side of the fortifications almost broke the Romans but a young soldier by the name of Mark Antony snatched victory from defeat with his commanding skills.

On the final day of the battle, both Gallic armies made a last attempt to break Caesar and attacked simultaneously, spreading to cover the whole length of the fortifications. The Romans were spread thin and Caesar was commanding his reserves himself, rotating groups of 500–1000 man and reinforcing every spot that was about to falter.

Completely surrounded and fighting on all directions at once, Rome’s legions were in dire situation. Then the worse thing happened, the outer Gallic army bridged the outside walls and poured in the fortifications. Caesar rallied around 7,000 soldiers from wherever he could spare and formed a shield wall on the two sides of the broken fortifications, trying to contain the Gallic spill. Then, from another side of the wall he sent his remaining cavalry who were useless defending the walls anyway, to break out of the fortifications, circle around and charge from the location where the Gauls were entering his defenses. In the most epic pincer move ever, Caesar’s cavalry came seemingly out of nowhere, scaring the attackers shitless, and making them think another army was approaching. This caused general panic. Seeing this, the whole Gallic relief force retreated, leaving only Vercingetorix and his remaining forces trapped inside the fort.

Vercingetorix rode out and personally surrendered to Caesar the next day.

image 66
image 66

Caesar seen here, forced to sit down due to the sheer weight of his balls.


“A Total COLLAPSE Is Coming” – Whitney Webb WARNING 2024


Do you think Senator Tom Cotton’s questioning of Chew Shou Zi, TikTok CEO, implies that Singaporeans have communist ties just because of the ethnic Chinese majority in Singapore?

Yes. The key word is Chinese, not Singapore. But then Zuckerberg’s wife is Chinese and he was not asked about It. Chew was asked about his wife and children. Maybe if Tom Swabhead goes to Singapore, their immigration control should ask

“Are you a member of the Ku Klux Klan?”

“No, sir I am from…..”

“ Just answer the question”

“ No sir”

“Did your ancestors fight for the Confederates?”

“Sir, that was before my……”

“Yes or no please”

“You can’t expect me to…. no sir”

“Did your great grandfather own slaves ?”

“What makes you think so?”

“Your surname is Cotton. And have you heard of Uncle Tom’s Cabin?”


I Walked In On My Fiancée “Servicing” My Dad, Got In On Video And Now I’m Sending It To Her Family


What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house?

One day when I was around 18 or so, my mom got a can of soup out of the pantry. When she went to open it, she found the can had already been cut and the soup was all moldy inside:

image 65
image 65

She grabbed another can: same thing. My mom ended up pulling all the canned items out of the pantry to check each one. All said, there were at least a dozen cans of soup that had been opened and carefully placed back on the shelf, and they were now absolutely disgusting inside.

My brother, my father, and I all swore we had not been responsible for this. None of us had any theories (well, no reasonable theories) as to how this might have happened.

It wasn’t until a while later (might have been a few months or even a year or more later, don’t really remember clearly) that my mom was telling this story at a gathering of a large group of family friends when one of my best friends, Joelle, interjected with: “Umm, I think maybe that was me…”

And then we finally got our explanation for the whole bizarre event.

Several months prior to “the soup incident,” my family had gone away for a week-long vacation. Joelle, also 18 or so, had been our house-sitter since we had pets that needed to be taken care of.

She now recalled for us how one night she had been in the mood for a bowl of soup (and we had told her to feel free to eat anything she wanted). So she grabbed a can of soup and our can opener, which wasn’t like the electric one she was used to. Ours looked like the one on the left while she was used to the kind like the one on the right:

image 64
image 64

With the can openers she was used to, the blade would pierce into the top of the lid, cutting down into the metal inside the rim, like this:

image 63
image 63

Ours, on the other hand, was a “safety” can opener that cut into the side of the can, just below the rim:

image 62
image 62

So, after finally managing to latch the thing onto the can, she twisted it around the can like steps 1 and 2 below:

image 61
image 61

But she never got to step 3, because to her, it didn’t look like it worked.

image 60
image 60

Hungry, and determined to not let the defective can opener deprive her of a bowl of soup, she tried a different can. Then another…and another…before finally just giving up and eating something else entirely. And since she didn’t manage to open anything anyway, she just put all the cans back into the pantry the way she’d found them.

She never mentioned it to us before, because who wants to admit to being the dumbass who can’t operate a simple can opener?? Besides, it’s not like we would ever find out…

And that is the story of how our house guest accidentally left us with a pantry full of moldy soup.

*images are not of the actual incident. I got all the images from a Google image search and then added the borders, arrows, and commentary.

SPOOKY, Empty Towns In Rural, Forgotten Texas


What happened at a wedding that made you feel horrible for the bride?

Nearly 90% of the 500 invited guests didn’t attend the wedding.

This wedding was recent, just last Christmas. The bride and groom, let’s call them Michelle and Paul, were married on December 24, of all dates.

Michelle is a goddaughter of my aunt and her mom has been friends with my aunt since high school. Paul is a third generation Filipino Chinese but his grandmother is very traditional. She insisted on consulting a feng shui expert, who claimed that December 24 was the best date for the couple to get married on. How he decided on this advice, I have no idea.

In Filipino culture, Christmas is the most important holiday of the year. During Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Filipinos will surely be home to celebrate these days with their families. How Filipino families will spend Christmas is always pre-planned, so don’t think they’ll give up being with their families on a very special occasion just so they can attend your wedding.

Michelle’s mom lamented that her daughter and future son-in-law almost had no say on the details of their own wedding, and that everyone in Paul’s family seemed to blindly obey their matriarch.

As soon as my aunt received the wedding invitation, she called Michelle and her mom right away to let them know that she won’t be able to attend the wedding. To make it even less likely for guests to attend, the wedding was set at 6 PM, which is going to be followed by dinner at a hotel. Knowing how big weddings really go, the 6PM ceremony will last for an hour, then it’s followed by endless picture taking in the church, which is followed by even more picture taking at the reception. When guests finish dinner, there’s going to be a program and other traditional wedding stuff that will take hours. So, the guests will be essentially spending Christmas Eve at this wedding and not at home with their families.

So the wedding took place as planned, but only two or three members of the entourage made it. After pictures were taken in the church, the two bridesmaids and the best man, who is the only part of the groom’s entourage who made it, left and rushed to get home.

The reception was really sad. Only family members were left in attendance that the program was nixed.

A few days after the wedding, my aunt had a chat with Michelle’s mom and she was still disappointed. She had hoped that the wedding would be set on a different day so that most of the guests could attend. She said that the function hall was practically vacant with rows of empty tables. The servers who were hired to accommodate 500 guests ended up serving one guest each. She sent my aunt a picture that looked like this:

image 59
image 59

(Photo Credit to emmalovesweddings via Pinterest)

It really baffles me why this wedding still took place as planned and there didn’t seem to be any adjustments made. It’s truly bizarre and not something a bride would like to remember about what could have been the happiest day of her life.

Edit: First, thank you for the upvotes 😊🤗 I never thought my answer would get this much attention since the question was answered many times before I did.

If I did not reply to your comment, it means I can’t find it 🙁 I don’t get notifications on some comments.

I’ve been to many weddings and have heard of and seen some unpleasant things happen that I can add a few more to this answer. The reason why I chose this wedding for my answer is because of it being so bizarre, it’s unbelievable.

Here are some information to help explain how the wedding went as it did and I learned this from my aunt after I posted this answer.

The grandmother paid for the bulk of the wedding expenses. She paid close to 90% of the costs and in a way it helped explain why she had the last say on the decisions. If the wedding was meant to be a gift (this is only a speculation), she should have just given the money to the couple so they can plan their wedding according to their choices.

I still can’t get my head around this: Grandma booked the venue on the day the invitations were sent out. So there really was no point in waiting for RSVP. One of the wedding planners quit at this point— not surprising at all.

Before the invitations were sent out, the bride’s family was advised by several friends that a Christmas Eve wedding is not a good idea. According to my aunt, one of the bride’s uncles was heard saying, “I told Michelle not to expect us if she’s having her wedding on Christmas Eve. We already made plans.” Several friends also said basically the same. “If the wedding is on Christmas Eve, we won’t make it. Count us out.” So the family already knew that many of the guests won’t make it. The groom informed his family of this. Clearly they were not able to convince grandma, who said, “We will proceed as planned.” I’m pretty sure one can still cancel or make reductions on catering services at reasonable charges but grandma did not. Well, it’s her money. 🤷🏻‍♀️

The few members of the entourage who made it apparently had an agreement with the couple. The best man and two bridesmaids, one of them turned maid of honor, promised the bride and groom that they will stand for them during the ceremony at 6PM, but also promised their families they will be home in time to spend Christmas Eve. This is why they appeared to have ditched the couple at the church when they did not. Because of this lack of a wedding party, certain parts of the ceremony were “altered.” it got me asking this question, if there were only this few members of the entourage, couldn’t members of the family take their place? It seems that the more details I got, the more questions I have.

The “RSVP” doesn’t always work in my culture. Sadly, most people do not bother replying to an invitation. If they want to attend, they’ll simply show up and sometimes they do so with extra guests in tow. If they don’t or can’t make it to the occasion, they will simply do not show up. I know this from experience. This also explains why in most gatherings, the host prepares food based on the number of people who were invited, not with the number of people who confirmed to attend. Paul’s grandmother must have had the same thought, but it was definitely not a smart move to go ahead and have the caterers prepare according to the number of invited guests. Adjustments should have been made when several guests already expressed their regrets about not being able to attend in favor of spending Christmas Eve with families.

One guest told my aunt, “It is wrong of them to assume we’ll give up Christmas Eve in favor of the wedding. If you invite me for any occasion on a Christmas Eve, it is understood that I will not attend.” I’m assuming the other guests shared the same sentiment.

There was a compromise on the wedding date and the wedding ceremony. I was also curious about this and I learned that the families came to an agreement. The wedding ceremony was held by Catholic rites in deference to the bride’s religion, but the date of the wedding will be decided by the groom’s family, who are Chinese, thru a feng shui reading. It was probably an attempt at combining traditions for the merging of two families but it did not work.

There’s definitely a lot of absurdity on this wedding that I still find it hard to believe the entire thing happened at all. I hope for the best for the couple.

Magic Music for Cats – UNBELIEVABLE Results (Tested 2022)


Ending The U.S. Presence In Middle East

The Biden administration, in its utter stupidity, is launching a(nother) full fledged war throughout the Middle East.

U.S. launches retaliatory strikes after deadly attack on Jordan baseWashington Post – Feb 3, 2024
The operation, targeting numerous sites in Iraq and Syria used by Iranian forces and its affiliates, followed the killing of American troops last weekend

> U.S. forces launched a broad attack against Iran’s powerful military wing and affiliated militias in Iraq and Syria on Friday, delivering a blow to armed groups that Washington has blamed for killing American troops in Jordan and a surge of violence across the Middle East. <

Daniel McAdams @DanielLMcAdams – 11:01 UTC · Feb 3, 2024

The Biden Administration just literally just blew up all the weapons of the Iraqi brigade that was fighting ISIS!
Let that sink in…

Hawkeye1812Z @Hawkeye1745 22:09 UTC · Feb 2, 2024

🇺🇸💥🇮🇶Footage shows the explosions of the headquarters of the Anbar Operation Command & the headquarters of the 13th Hashd al-Sha’bi Brigade, after it was targeted by US raids, in the Anbar province of Iraq

That is is unit which is fighting ISIS … 🤔
Embedded video

Secretary Antony Blinken @SecBlinken – 21:01 UTC · Feb 2, 2024

I am returning to the Middle East this coming week to continue working with our partners on how to achieve durable peace in the region, with lasting security for Israelis and Palestinians alike.

President Biden @POTUS – 22:45 UTC · Feb 2, 2024

Today, at my direction, U.S. military forces struck targets in Iraq and Syria that the IRGC and affiliated militia use to attack U.S. forces.

We do not seek conflict in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world.

But to all those who seek to do us harm: We will respond.

Elijah J. Magnier @ejmalrai – 14:11 UTC · Feb 3, 2024

The US: We don’t want to escalate the war in the ME, but we bombed Yemen & killed 10 Yemenis, we bombed Syria & Iraq & killed 16 Iraqis, 7 Syrians, but please de-escalate coz we will bomb you more in the coming days. In the meantime we are sending bombs to Israel to bomb Gaza.

In 2020, after the U.S. assassination of General Qassam Suleimani, the leadership of Iran announced that, in consequence, the U.S. presence in the Middle East will be ended. Iran and its allies have since diligently prepared themselves to achieve that aim.

The hot phase of the process itself was initiated primarily by Hamas on October 7 (which followed the October 2 desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque by Zionist settlers). The secondary and tertiary steps were launched by Ansarollah in Yemen and Kataib Hizbullah in Iraq.

In each cases the U.S. and its Israeli proxy responded with harsh escalations.

It was the biggest mistake they could make.

agitpapa @agitpapa – 15:07 UTC · Feb 3, 2024

Harakat al Nujaba PMF declares that it will not be defeated or subdued by US airstrikes and vows to teach the US humility with fire, says it has surprises in store.
Attached image

Syrian military statement: US occupation cannot persistAl Mayadeen – Feb 3, 2024
In its statement, Syria’s military emphasizes that the US is working on reviving ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

> The statement also affirmed that the Syrian army will continue to defend Syria’s land and people, and strike all terrorist groups, regardless of how much their sponsors and supporters try to obstruct this goal. It added that it is determined to liberate the entire Syrian territory from all terrorism and occupation, including the US occupation which “cannot persist.” <

The Axis of Resistance is present throughout the Middle East. It has its own economic and social networks. It produces its own weapons and its fighters are well trained to fight under the local circumstances. This is an enemy the U.S. can not defeat.

As Aaron Maté explains:

These groups’ decision to strike US forces in response to the Gaza genocide follows a well-entrenched pattern of resisting joint US-Israeli aggression, or what the Journal describes as efforts to “push back against American and Israeli influence” in the Middle East. And contrary to US claims that Iran’s main regional allies – Hezbollah in Lebanon, Ansar Allah in Yemen (the Houthis), the PMU in Iraq, Hamas/Islamic Jihad in Palestine, and the Syrian government — are all mere Iranian “proxies”, these groups “have domestic agendas of their own and operate with some measure of autonomy,” the Journal notes. US intelligence analyst Brian Katz concurs. Iran’s allies “are no longer simply Iranian proxies,” Katz writes. “Rather, they have become a collection of ideologically aligned, militarily interdependent, mature political-military actors committed to mutual defence.”

The conflict has boiling on a low flame for some time:

As the Washington Post notes, Iranian allies in the region “began targeting U.S. interests in 2018, after then-President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from a landmark nuclear deal with Tehran” as part of a hawkish policy of “maximum pressure.” Rather than return to the Iran nuclear deal upon taking office in January 2021, Biden continued the Trump agenda – and knowingly endangered US troops in the process.

When Biden “ordered airstrikes on militia groups” in Syria, the Washington Post reported in August 2021, that ended up “sparking a fresh cycle of reciprocal violence, with militiamen firing at a facility housing U.S. troops and American forces responding with artillery fire.” Biden’s support for Israeli aggression against Syria yielded the same result. When a drone strike hit a US military base located in southern Syria in October 2021, US and Israeli officials acknowledged that it was “Iranian retaliation for Israeli airstrikes in Syria,” the New York Times reported.

In launching and encouraging attacks on Iranian allies in the region, Biden was pursuing an arrangement that he forged with the Israeli government In August 2021, then-Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett urged Biden to pursue “a death by a thousand cuts” strategy, in which the US and Israel would “[counter] Iran through a combination of many small actions across several fronts — both military and diplomatic — instead of a single dramatic strike,” Axios reported. The goal would be to put Iran’s “regional aggression” – a euphemism for resisting US-Israeli hegemony – “back in the box.” Toward that goal, one of Bennett’s key requests was that “Biden not to pull U.S. forces out of Iraq and Syria,” which the Israeli delegation felt quite “optimistic” about. In Biden, Bennett gushed, “I found a leader who loves Israel, knows exactly what he wants and is attuned to our needs.”

In opposite to those plans it is the Resistance which is using small and increasingly larger cuts to eliminate, over time, the U.S. presence in the Middle East. It is dead serious.

As Aleks of Black Mountain Analysis writes:

I would like to ask you now to understand the following: It is not what I want or my opinion; it is the ice-cold reality: On October 7th, a war was started by the Axis of Resistance. It was started against both Israel and the Western occupation of the Middle East. As stated above, it will not end before all occupation forces are out of the Middle East, the Two State Solution has been implemented in Israel, or all people in the Middle East are dead … period.

I have no emotions here; I’m not invested in the region. This is a logical assessment of what is currently happening in the region. It is not going to stop until one of the scenarios is implemented.

Other interested powers are already positioning themselves for a new situation in the Middle East.

Give it two, three or maybe even five years. But the envisioned results WILL be achieved.

Posted by b on February 3, 2024 at 15:38 UTC | Permalink

Art break

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The Age of Making Money is Over. The middle-class is done.


Sausage and Cheese Calzone

HomemadeCalzones 03
HomemadeCalzones 03

I don’t know about you, but the only thing I love more than pizza is a big calzone filled to capacity with all of my favorite fillings. Calzones are the ultimate in Italian comfort food if you ask me. More than lasagna or spaghetti, when I want something that fills me up and leaves me feeling all warm and fuzzy on the inside, I go for a calzone. These calzones are the best I’ve ever had because they’re fully homemade. From the dough to the sauce, it’s all made from scratch right in the kitchen, so it’s the freshest, tastiest calzone ever!

Homemade Calzone Recipe

HomemadeCalzones 08
HomemadeCalzones 08

There’s nothing better than this delicious calzone recipe for a dish that’s full of Italian flavor. A flaky, homemade crust surrounds a filling of Italian sausage, onions, pepperoni, three kinds of cheese, Italian seasoning, and more tasty ingredients, then they’re served with a tasty marinara sauce. When you put them all together, you get a recipe for hand-held deliciousness that you just cannot beat. It’s just like holding a tiny pizza in your hand and then devouring it.


  • Pizza dough
  • 1 pound sweet Italian sausages, skins removed
  • 1 red bell pepper, chopped
  • 4 ounces white mushrooms, sliced
  • 10 ounces mozzarella cheese, coarsely chopped
  • 3 tablespoons minced fresh parsley
  • 1/4 teaspoon crushed hot red pepper flakes


  1. Prepare pizza dough.
  2. In a skillet, cook the sausage and onion over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring to break up the meat.
  3. Add bell pepper and mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes more, stirring often, or until the sausage is cooked through and vegetables are soft.
  4. Remove with a slotted spoon to a large bowl. Stir in the mozzarella, parsley and red pepper flakes.
  5. Heat the oven to 450 degrees F. Brush 2 baking sheets with olive oil or spray with olive oil cooking spray.
  6. Divide the dough into 4 pieces. Take one piece of the dough and with floured hands press it into a 6-inch round. Stretch or roll it out with a rolling pin into a 12-inch circle. Leaving a 1/2-inch edge, spread a quarter of the filling over half of the dough. Dampen the edges with water. Fold the dough in half to enclose the filling; seal the edges with a fork. Repeat with the remaining dough and filling. With a large spatula, carefully transfer the calzones to the prepared baking sheets.
  7. Bake for 20 minutes, or until golden and crisp on the outside.

Serve warm.


One of the best parts about these homemade calzones is that you can play with it to make it exactly the way you want it. After making the crust, the rest is up to you. Go super rustic or make it semi-homemade. Use your favorite toppings. You can tweak it to your heart’s content.

Favorite Pizza Toppings

Just like a pizza, this calzone is totally open to your interpretation. Use any of your favorite pizza toppings from sausage and pepperoni to salami, ham, and pineapple, olives, anchovies, bell peppers, mushrooms, spinach, and more. If you’d put it on a pizza, you can put it in this calzone.

Vegetarian Calzone

Make this recipe vegetarian by filling it with your favorite pizza veggie options. The marinara sauce pairs perfectly with any vegetable that you’d normally put on your vegetarian pizza.

Semi-Homemade Calzone Recipe

If you don’t want to go the homemade route, make this recipe semi-homemade. Use premade pizza dough and pizza sauce to cut down on time. Then make the rest of the recipe per the directions.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about this homemade calzone recipe, then I have answers. The following FAQ answers all the most frequently asked questions regarding calzones, so it’s worth a read before diving into the recipe.

What is a calzone?

A calzone is simply a folded pizza. Its essentially an Italian version of a savory turnover.

What’s the Difference Between Calzones and Stromboli?

There are three major differences between the two. Calzones are simply a round crust folded in half and stuffed with toppings and sauce. On the other hand, Stromboli is rolled into a spiral with a bit of extra dough folded over the top to seal it. Another major difference is that, while both the calzone and Stromboli are dippable, Stromboli will often have sauce baked inside it while calzones never will. Finally, calzones almost always have ricotta cheese in them, and Stromboli doesn’t.

Do Calzones have Sauce Inside?

No. Calzones are dipped in sauce. The sauce is never baked in.

Do Calzones Always Have Ricotta Cheese in Them?

Traditional calzones almost always have ricotta cheese in them.

Is a Calzone Just a Folded Pizza?

Pretty much!

2024 02 03 13 13
2024 02 03 13 13

What to serve with calzones?

These are hefty, hearty hand-held pizzas, so the best things to serve are light options like a side salad or roasted vegetables.

Can you freeze calzones?

Yes. Let the leftover calzones chill in the refrigerator, then wrap them tightly in clingwrap and store them in an air-tight, freezer-safe container or heavy-duty freezer bags.

Homemade Calzone Recipe Ingredients

This recipe is fully homemade, so there are several ingredients. The great thing is that they’re all simple and easily found at your local grocery store.

For the Dough

  • All purpose flour
  • Instant dry yeast
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Warm water
  • Olive oil

For the Filling

  • Butter
  • Onion, diced
  • Hot Italian sausage
  • Oregano
  • Basil
  • Red pepper flakes
  • Ricotta cheese
  • Mozzarella cheese, shredded
  • Parmesan cheese, shredded
  • Fresh parsley, chopped
  • Garlic salt
  • Black pepper
  • Large eggs, with one egg beaten
  • Pepperoni slices

For the Marinara Sauce

  • Tomato sauce
  • Tomato paste
  • Crushed tomatoes
  • Onion powder
  • Garlic salt
  • Oregano
  • Basil
  • Black pepper
HomemadeCalzones 13
HomemadeCalzones 13

How to Make This Homemade Calzone Recipe

As a fully homemade recipe, you’ll be making the dough, filling, and sauce. Don’t let that deter you, though. All three parts of the recipe are very simple to make. Requiring only basic steps that anyone can do.

Step 1: Make the Homemade Pizza Dough

In a large bowl, whisk flour, yeast, salt, and sugar together. Add warm water and oil. Using an electric mixer or stand mixer with the dough hook, mix on low until ingredients are well incorporated. Increase speed to medium and continue mixing until dough forms into a ball (about 8-10 minutes).

Place dough ball into a lightly oiled bowl and cover with a kitchen towel. Let rise for about 1 hour or until the dough has doubled in size. Next, transfer to a well-floured surface and divide the dough into 9 even pieces. Place dough pieces on a large baking sheet or parchment paper and set them aside.

Step 2: Make the Filling

In a large frying pan or skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Add sausage, onions, and seasonings to the pan and cook until sausage is completely cooked through and no longer pink and onions are translucent. Drain and set aside to cool. In another bowl, add the ricotta, mozzarella, Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, and parsley. Stir to combine then add eggs. Mix well. When the sausage has cooled, add the cheese mixture, stir to combine. Set aside.

Step 3: Make the Marinara Sauce

In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, add tomato sauce, tomato paste, crushed tomatoes, and seasonings. Stir to combine. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer over low-medium heat for 20-30 minutes.

Step 4: Assemble the Calzones

Preheat oven to 400 degrees and line a baking sheet(s) with parchment paper. Set aside. Then, roll each dough ball into 6-inch circles. Add a heaping tablespoon or two of the sausage and cheese mixture to the center of the dough. Fold the dough in half and press and pinch the edges together to form a seal. Brush the tops of each calzone with beaten egg and place them on a prepared baking sheet. Bake for 10 – 13 minute or until golden brown and serve with the marinara sauce.

HomemadeCalzones 02
HomemadeCalzones 02




The new world order so called (Russia, China, Iran and North Korea) may this year or 2025 initiate a coordinated war of military objectives to defeat the USA and its Western allies? Could the USA be on four military fronts at the same time?

First let me help you understand further. If U.S. has the audacity to attack China. It won’t be 4 fronts. It will be at least 10 fronts! The U.S. has done so much shit there is at least 10 nations that wants to teach the U.S. a humbling lesson!

Luckily for you guys China won’t attack you unless you attack them! China wants peace and prosperity not wars and ravages. But still if you make the mistake China will make you pay dearly. Don’t say we did not warn you.

If you attack China in, in China, China will attack the U.S. in U.S. mainland. Don’t be fooled that China will submissively let you walk all over them. This is 2024 not 1842! Let’s hope you are smart enough to be humble.




What was your real life experience of a movie cliche?

I was at a comic convention that was being held inside a mall. I was dressed as Batman. We decided to walk around the mall for shock value, as we were and are weird that way.

While my friends went into a store to shop, I stood outside a Barnes and Noble bookstore waiting for them. Suddenly, an alarm rings!

The shoplifter had books under his shirt. His hope was to mingle with the Saturday afternoon crowd and be lost in the shuffle, getting away with his ill gotten gains. Keeping his head down, he tries to blend in.

Suddenly, a pair of black boots fills his view. As his gaze travels upwards, he sees a scalloped cape, a Bat emblem, and finally the terrifying visage of…the Batman!

Shocked that Batman was in front of him, he paused…just long enough for the security guard to catch up and snag him. The guard thanked me by saying, “Thanks for helping me nab him, Batman!” He then led the shoplifter off.

Someone called the local news crew, who sent a reporter. By the time they had arrived, the convention was over and I was home. A friend of mine who works at the station told me what happened. The reporter talked to the security guard who confirmed the story. The reporter asked if there was any security footage of the event.

When they checked, because the footage was in black and white, they could barely make out the young man in the t-shirt, but the black clad Batman was not seen. They decided not to run the story without visuals.

Once again, the movie cliché of Batman catching criminals but no one could prove he was there became manifest.



1930s ABANDONED Time Capsule House with MANY Valuables left inside

What a beautiful, but abandoned, home.


What did someone say/do that made you close down your account and go to another bank?

I made a deposit at the teller window for a check for $741.23. (Yes that’s a very “specific” amount” but important to my story.) I got the deposit receipt back and went on my way. As soon as I got home to enter the transaction my register, I noticed a discrepancy. The deposit receipt said my deposit was for $741.32. I had a copy of the deposit slip I had given the teller, and it said $741.23- the correct amount. Granted it was only 9 cents discrepancy so I thought “No big deal. They will just fix it.” Well, it ended up being a huge deal. I had a number of things set up for auto pay from my bank that would start coming out 2–3 days later. I always try to give myself a window “just in case” I am late depositing my check and it doesn’t post until the following day or something.

Well, the next morning the deposit was showing up as though it had posted- still with the 9 cent discrepancy, so I figured they would just deduct the 9 cents within a couple of days and all would be well. Nope, they completely reversed the deposit and took ALL of that money back out of my account. By the Tuesday following the weekend, I was “in the red” due to “NSF fees.” I called to find out what happened- thinking maybe I had forgotten to enter an auto pay into my records. Nope, I was told that the discrepancy had triggered an investigation of my account and my funds would be held for 21 days. I asked if I could leave a message for the branch manager to give me call. I was told that would be fine. I left a message, and received no call back for a couple of days. This was very unusual.

This was a bank I had used for YEARS for personal and business reasons. The company I work for had a long business relationship with the bank as well. I knew the branch manager well. I arrived at the bank to talk to the branch manager and found out he was out of the country dealing with a family emergency and wouldn’t be back for at least two weeks. I asked to speak to whoever was filling in and explained the nature of the situation. Well, the “substitute” manager was extremely unpleasant and unprofessional. She berated me and was practically yelling at me for an error that was THEIR fault. I was told the situation could only be remedied right away by “a cash deposit large enough to cover the original check and enough to cover the NSF fees.” I was still reeling from the fact it had happened at all. I went back to discuss the matter with my employer, an attorney. He spoke to someone he knew at another branch and they were able to fix the immediate problem, and restored all of my NSF fees. My employer was NOT happy. Shortly after the dust settled, my employer asked me to set up an appointment for us to go down and remove some items from our safe deposit boxes to take out items for an “inventory” of the boxes. While I was in the vault removing the items, my employer was out in the lobby closing down all of the accounts and the boxes. We moved them next door to a different bank.

Our usual branch manager came back to the news that we had closed all of our accounts. He asked why this happened over something so “insignificant” as a 9 cent discrepancy. I went through the entire scenario. He was so upset that it had happened, but he understood why. The manager that berated me is now gone. I will NEVER work with this bank again. They were the issuer of a rewards card I had for travel. I cashed out all my rewards and closed the card. If I ever find out they are the issuer of any credit card I may apply for, I just say “no thank you.”

Remember … work your grind


Is the United States capable of defeating the Chinese army without using nuclear weapons, given the advanced technology of the US military?

I think you mean either the Navy or the Air Force. There is no scenario where the US Army engages the Chinese Army without first Naval and Air engagements.

And the loser of the engagement won’t be fighting an Army war afterwards.

The current state of the art is that the Chinese have a decisive advantage over US war ships. The US would have to traverse 1,200 miles of Ocean minimum to attack China or Chinese forces. During those 1,200 miles of Ocean, the US fleet would come under attack from ASBMs (anti-ship ballistic missiles), Hypersonic wave riders that can come in from any direction, and supersonic anti-ship missiles.

The Pentagon simulations show that US ships don’t have enough ammunition to prevent most if not all US ships from being sunk.

If the US launch fighters, then the US F-35 from 10 carriers (about 700 fighters) would be facing several thousand Chinese fighters of various grades but with PL-15 air to air missiles which out range US AIM-120 by at least 30 miles.



If your army have pistols and the enemy has rifles and we are fighting on a open plain starting at 1,000 yards with no obstacles, who would win?


WTF Girl?


Ukraine Army Uses American-Supplied HIMARS to Strike Bakery, Killing 20 Civilians

World Hal Turner 03 February 2024

The Ukraine Army used an American-supplied HIMARS precision rocket system, to attack a Bakery/Restaurant in the ex-Ukraine city of Lysychansk, Luhansk, Russia today. The strike killed at least twenty (20) people and destroyed the building.

TERRIFYING SCENES of dusted and bloodied bodies on stretchers could be seen as the dead and injured victims were pulled from rubble.

Lysychansk is a city of about 99,000 people and is some 15 kilometers (nine miles) from Ukrainian-controlled territory.  It is not  a military center and has no military troops or bases there. 

It is clear Ukraine hit this city because they wanted to kill CIVILIANS.  The scalable map below shows the location of Lysychansk.


Video of a heavily damaged building, with emergency workers pulling out an entirely crushed car, is already making its way across global social media sites has people asking why the Ukraine Army would hit a bakery?  The answer: The bakery was known to have fresh bread on weekends.

The Luhansk Information Center said Ukraine shelled the bakery using the US-supplied High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS).

Lysychansk voted in a supervised and internationally-observed Public Referendum, to secede from Ukraine and to join Russia.  Ukraine would not let them go.

The city was liberated from the Ukrainian Nazi government by Russian forces in the year 2022.

Since then, from time to time, Ukraine has fired into the city from the distant front lines, for the sole purpose of harming civilians, whom they hate for voting to leave.

People all over the world look down on China and have a bad image of China, but why are only the Chinese not aware of this?




That’s what’s being done

Rather than keep responding to Western Lies, China took the best way out which is to

Come & see for Yourself

Every foreigner who comes to China, reports on the reality which is seen by at least 50–100 more foreigners and gradually they begin to see the LIES that the Mainstream media has been spreading


Rather than respond to Western propaganda which would matter very little, they invited and had 600,000 people visit Xinjiang including 80,000 foreigners from the West & Japan plus another 400+ delegates from across the world

Not one of them could respond to the propaganda spread by the West and many downright called them “LIES”

So the West quietly changed Genocide to CULTURAL GENOCIDE which was addressed by a Chinese who said “So what , you want us to remain in the 19th Century is it?”

I recently sent a mail to their tourism department and they said Xinjiang needs NO PERMISSIONS whatsoever for any size tour group

You can book a ticket to Urumqi and as long as you follow Visa norms, you can travel anywhere you want within China

The Chinese of course are aware of this but they know it’s a lie. They know how their life is.

They are puzzled to know they are being repressed by the CPC and regard the whole thing as obviously childish lies.

Simple as that

BOOK YOUR TICKET and find out what China really is like.

Best way to counter the lies


What is the biggest misconception people have about life?

Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That’s it. No big deal. Just three stories.

The first story is about connecting the dots.

I had very average scores in the 12th grade and the CET exams. I did not prep for or take the JEE. I randomly walked in to the BITSAT and AIEEE and obviously didn’t clear those either. My father wanted me to take a “core engineering” branch like Mechanical in a semi-decent college. He was willing to help figure out a way to pay for that. However, I was only interested in computers at the time; so I decided to push back. Also, I don’t like handouts or shortcuts so decided to take my rightful place at the new college-by-the-highway and see where life took me.

At the time, a lot of people mocked me and said it was stupid of me to have screwed up my one chance to make my life better. Most people started dismissing me from their lives as just one more from the crowd. Four years later, I got an admit from Stanford University and suddenly everyone wanted to be my friend; everyone wanted to tell me how they always believed in me. I was not buying it. The journey wasn’t romantic at all. Every day, every week, every month was a struggle, a fight worth fighting, a life worth living. I found my true friends and the love of my life during that journey. They were the people who stood by me and had my back when I was a nobody.

Being at the small college gave me time to pursue what I genuinely enjoyed. I loved building robots and my HoD supported me whole heartedly as I participated in competitions across the country along with my friends (from 3 different colleges). I would not have received such an opportunity had I taken admission at another college where grades mattered most. It was this support, encouragement and exposure that helped me build a stronger profile.

You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

My second story is about love and loss.

I was lucky — I found what I loved to do early in life. My friends and I started building robots in his house when we were 19. We worked hard and in three years, we had won many national and international competitions and earned a name for ourselves in the country’s AI circles. Do note, this was way back in 2007 when AI was a very new field that not many people fully understood. We started a company that enabled us to teach college students about robotics and AI, and, we were happy. And then we closed it all down. Life happened. A couple of us got jobs and moved. One of my friends had to take some extra classes and had to repeat a year. And as for me, I had no clue what to do next so I decided to take a year off and watch birds while I applied for my M.S.

Our robotics team was very near and dear to me. My team was literally my best friends, the guys I grew up with since I was a toddler. To close shop and move on like that was heartbreaking. We had dreamed of conquering the world together as teens but life would have none of it. This was the first time I understood what it meant to give up something you love. Luckily we all stood by each other and ensured that we helped one another move on with things. After all, there’s more than one way to achieve your dreams. And things did eventually work out really well for all of us.

I’m pretty sure none of this would have happened if we hadn’t dissolved the company. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patients needed it.

Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.

My third story is about death.

When I was 17, I watched my idol read a quote that went something like:

“If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.” It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 13 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Earlier this year, my father had a severe stroke. It took me 36 hours to get back home to be with my mother. Those were the longest 36 hours of my life. We spent the next three weeks with dad in the ICU as he battled for his life. Until then, death was always a concept that we had discussed often but never actually witnessed. We practically lost him a couple of times but he made it back. This taught me some very important life lessons, especially around what my priorities should be.

I learned how fragile life is and that family should always come first. It struck me deeply how we will all someday lose the people we love. I realized how important it is to make every moment count.

No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

What is the biggest misconception people have about life?

“I’ll do that tomorrow”


It’s starting in Europe – the uprising has begun

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Oh, that’s not only in USA.
“People! I am convinced that the ONLY way to set things right is to erase it all and start fresh.”
You’re right about that.


I think that was already tried by the Chinese people.

After many ups and downs I believe that they’re doing really well and are themselves the example that other governments fear the most.

If people in the West did remove their governments, China would be the obvious example for them to follow. Which is why they can’t know the truth of how well China is doing.

I do get the feeling that the whole world will eventually be modelled on China’s merit driven society, even as they themselves continue to fine tune the details.