
Tree love

I have always loved and appreciated trees.

I most especially like the large shady kinds. As a boy in the 1960’s I used to climb them, and hike through the woods as my adventures would take me.

With each and every event, the trees made my life magical.

The earth was rich and moist, and the air was cooler, with the sounds of the swishing of the leaves from the slightest breeze.

aspen woods
aspen woods

When I moved to Indiana, I noticed that people there did not appreciate the trees at all.

Entire forests were cut down and replaced by either flat farmland or parking lots. And Indiana was a most boring place.

Let me tell you.

When you all have a moment, take the time to stroll in a local woods. Spend the day. Take in the scents. Feel the moist earth. And listen to the birds.


What judgment surprised you in a court case?

I was night manager of a large resort hotel. We had a spate of thefts. People weren’t locking their doors, and the thieves would walk up the hall trying door knobs. If the door opened, they took a few steps into the room and took what they could quickly find. A lot of guys left they wallets on top of the TV, so that’s what most often got stolen.

The couple were caught, it was a 17 year old girl and a 19 year old guy. The girl turned 18 before the trial, so her juvenile record was sealed. She looked pretty punk when she was arrested (this was in the 80s). She showed up in court wearing a tasteful black dress and looked very proper.

They were both found guilty. The judge said the girl looked like she was “well bred and just got caught up with the wrong people”, and sentenced her to time served. The guy got 12 years.

After the trial, one of the victims told me he worked for the court system and saw her record before it was sealed. She had all sorts of crimes going back to when she was 12. The guy had one arrest. It was unfair, to say the least.

Rio Grande Valley Pink Grapefruit Pie


Yield: 8 servings


  • 4 medium to large pink or red grapefruit
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 3/4 cups water or strained grapefruit juice
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1 (3 ounce) box strawberry gelatin
  • 1 (8 or 9 inch) pie crust, baked
  • 1 cup whipping cream, whipped


  1. Peel grapefruit, separate sections* and remove from membranes. Place sections in a strainer over a bowl overnight.
  2. Cook sugar, juice, cornstarch and salt until thick and clear.
  3. Add gelatin and stir until dissolved.
  4. Brush gelatin mixture over pie crust.
  5. Chill gelatin mixture and crust.
  6. When gelatin starts to thicken, add grapefruit sections.
  7. Pour into pie crust and chill until set.
  8. Top with whipped cream.


The grapefruit should be sectioned lengthwise. By slicing the ends off, the fruit can be set flat on the cutting board to make it easier to slice the rind off lengthwise. Use a small, sharp knife to then remove the sections from the membranes.

What is the most underhanded thing a co-worker did to you that they mistakenly thought went unnoticed?

Oh I let them know I noticed, when I quit. I worked for a Spokane based home healthcare service. I’d been in hospice for a long time and the additional licence for this job was stupid easy. That should have been a clue.

This company has a jaw-dropping philosophy: they provide the barest minimum of service possible without getting sued. That’s it. They don’t give a damn about their clients. I actually offered to give a course in wheelchair safety because OVER AND OVER I’d hear about clients getting dumped on the floor by untrained caregivers. I’ve never dropped a client. Not in 13 years! I was told to “mind my own business.”

The absolute final straw was when I reported bedbugs in a home that had been treated just a few months before. The other two caregivers SWORE there were no bugs. My supervisor told me an exterminator had checked on my day off.

So I came to work that morning and went to make the bed. And it was ALIVE. And when I called the exterminator he said he hadn’t been contacted. So…my employer lied, and broke the law. I sent about 5 minutes of film to dispatch. Live bedbugs. Dead bedbugs. Bedbug and mouse poop. I told them I was reporting them. Well, that got their attention and a state case manager was there in 15 minutes. They got turned in. They got SUED. No job is worth the risk of contaminating my own home or carrying bugs to another client’s home! I’ve never, ever had an employer that literally didn’t care if the clients lived or died. In this case, the clients family had signed her very nice home over to the state to pay for her care. It’s heartbreaking! The state actually wants these elderly clients dead.

WW1 From Russia’s Perspective | Animated History

Do you find Wang’s argument that foreign companies are not truly withdrawing from China because they are merely cutting costs by moving production to countries with lower labor costs like Cambodia?

The problem is practical, in terms of cost.

Cost have risen so high that labor intensive goods below a certain value are increasingly non-viable in a a growing majority of China’s industrial regions.

The most critical problem of cost, though, is the enforced step change in the price of Chinese exports.

The two biggest factors in the past decade have been the reverse Plaza accord, and Donald the Orange’s illegal blanket tariffs.

The reverse Plaza accord was kicked off by the devaluation of the yen in 2013/14. A top-3 global currency was given the political mandate to devalue 100% in a single decade, pulling most of the third world along, making the yuan more than double against most third world peers this century.

China was singled out as a currency manipulator and threatened with designation to force the PBOC to keep the yuan up.

We live in odd times today. The JPY is a mover and shaker in the immense global derivatives market, but a 100% devaluation has been consistently ignored over the past decade. A 10% devaluation of the yuan, which doesn’t even show up in BIS reports, is exaggerated as a meltdown that will bring the rest of the global market along for the “china collapse”.

Note that the yuan will have to trade north of 14 to the dollar to mirror the yen’s decade-long move from 76 to 150 today.

These conditions created by the first world have sent shock waves rippling through margins and prices of Chinese exports.

Instead of climbing a gentle slope, the Chinese have had to struggle up a steep staircase, due to the speed of the enforced change.

But the biggest driver of long-term change in China is the replacement labor. In the 2000s, less than 10m students took the Gaokao. Today, that number is hitting 13m from a smaller cohort. There are fewer factory workers to go around, and the only answer is automation, and moving up the productivity ladder.

Take footwear. China competes on speed and quality, because there are entire shoe manufacturing ecosystems concentrated geographically that can turn idea into product within mere hours/days. Chinese speed underpins the success of Temu and Shein, which has redefined the fashion shopping experience by affording quality at the very forefront of trends.

In a nutshell, the jobs that cannot be automated away will have to eventually leave China, and the belt and road will be a big enabler. There are Chinese-run business parks in Pakistan, Laos, Vietnam and elsewhere, all enabled by infrastructure that didn’t exist before the Chinese came calling.

China will continue supplying the components, and as skills improve overseas, the lower-margin component lines will also be transferred.

What did a neighbor do to you that you will never forget?

My husband and I were living in an apartment but when we found out that I was pregnant we had to move, our landlord didn’t allow children (it was legal at that time and place). We looked for another place to live and found a lovely little cottage in a small village about 20 minutes out of town.

The day after we moved in, our neighbour to the right knocked on the door holding a plate of baked goods, she didn’t linger, just welcomed me to the village and gave me the goodies. Living there for the next few years, they became the best neighbours I’d ever had. They reminded me of The Waltons, so wholesome, cheerful and friendly. Two of their boys often came over to cut the lawns, shovel snow or to babysit. I’d stop by for visits and we’d share fruit from our trees to make pies and fruit salad.

My neighbour to the left side was a younger couple with small children, so when my daughter was a toddler she played with their children while their mom and I sat and enjoyed a chat and a cuppa.

The entire village seemed to be equally as kind and helpful. At the grocery store they packed my bags and delivered them for me, no charge. The local Ford dealership often fixed my car for no charge or just the cost of parts, and the local jeweler owned several homes that he rented out for low rent. Our landlady was a young woman who’d inherited the cottage, but she was happy living with her mother who worked at the post office, each of them were always pleasant. Generally the entire town looked out for each other. It was nothing like I’d experienced before, having come from an urban area and never lived in the country.

I doubt that it’s still the same, it’s been over 30 years, developers did their thing and it’s no longer a quiet little village. The grocery store has bars up the windows, the Ford dealership is a used car lot now, and the jeweler is probably no longer with us, but it was a very good time in my life that I still think about once in a while.

GERMANY Beg CHINA For Money As They Resume Economic Trade!

Germany should apologies to China and offer tea and stay sorry to China.

What will happen if the US and China enter a conflict over the South China Sea, particularly now the US is sending warships etc and will it be a “big” conflict or just isolated to one area?

Let’s start answering this question by addressing the “elephant in the room”.

If you read any Western press, you will be aware of the “common expectations” of what a war with China, and what it would entail. These are clearly explained in policy papers and popular media. The strongest promoters of this narrative is the legacy media to include Yahoo, CNN, BBC, FOX, ABC, MSNBC and all of Australian and Indian “news” media.

This is a “seeded” and intentionally promoted narrative, and no deviance is permitted on this script. This the narrative popularized by NEOCON publications, the United States Congress, and legacy media such as Forbes, Bloomberg, New York Times, etc.

It is a CIA / NSA / NED narrative concocted out of Langley, Va.

[CIA / NED Narrative]

  • China continues it’s “provocations”.
  • And “invasion” of Taiwan occurs.
  • The USA, through it’s proxy nations, intervene.
  • Chinese advantage is ONLY with numbers and proximity. And thus the PLA run like cowards to the massive military might of the combined Allied forces.

China does not have the ability to innovate, and are novices in fighting. They fall into the “new Verdun” that the United States constructed. The Chinese leadership is also swamped by plagues, famines, and internal revolts that suddenly cropped-out out of nowhere.

  • A long, drawn-out war ensues.
  • It will be limited to the South China Sea, and Taiwan.
  • All trade with China stops. All BRI are interrupted, and Naval blockades are complete.

It’s World War I all over again, only inside of Chinese territory.

  • China will pour weapons and men and material into those designated war-zones, and the Allies will do the same from their staging locations in Japan, The Philippines, Australia and South Korea.
  • Eventually, after a few decades, China backs down and surrenders.
  • The Chinese people, tired of their pathetic lives, revolt and topple the CCP.
  • Peace overwhelms the planet and everyone enjoys democracy and freedom under the brilliant leadership of the President of the Untied States.

Sound familiar. It should.

And only an ABSOLUTE IGNORAMUS would actually believe it. Because it relies on a plethora of lies, distortions, falsehoods, in order to arrange and fabricate a narrative that many WISH and HOPE to occur.

That is exactly how propaganda works; it tells lies that you WANT to believe.

But, you all know, it’s not really “rocket science”. This scenario has already been “gamed out”. At least the early stages. The United States has been following the well-worn, tired and true playbook for decades…

  • The United States initiates a provocation.
  • China refuses to act on it.
  • The United States the stages a “false flag” event, supported with a media barrage.
  • China reacts militarily and destroys all belligerents in the area.

What happens next depends on numerous factors, but I will break it down in really simplistic categories.

[Planned Response]

This is pretty-much a rehash of the earlier CIA plans.

  • This is what the Straussian NEOCON psychopaths want. This is their objective.
  • The United States now has the excuse for a war with China.
  • As a result, it starts blowing up Chinese cities, ships and assets. The plan is for overwhelming superiority in aircraft and missiles from numerous nations, Naval vessels, and bases.
  • The plan is for a victory over China, and the assumption that China would be incapable of fighting back in any positive way.

Now, this is where the NEOCON plans go “off the rails”.

Instead of fighting a conventional war, on American terms, to an American defined timeline, and on Chinese soil, using the well-worn war-playbook, China does something different, and unexpected.

I argue (it doesn’t take too much effort, either) that China would…

  • China and Russia work together lob hyper-sonic nuclear weapons at key cities and infrastructure in the United States directly. This is done at the same time as China is attacking the invading forces and their staging centers.
  • Most of the United States population centers, as well as those of the proxy nations, are erased from the face of the globe. New York gone. Los Angles and Silicon Valley; gone. Virginia… all of it…gone.
  • The dinged-up USA responds with nuclear weapons.
  • The Chinese shoots most of them down with their laser umbrella.
  • But even with a hand full of American detonations, the Earth experiences a global catastrophe. North America and Europe, as well as Japan, South Korea, and Australia are radioactive wastelands.

[The USA backs down]

This scenario describes the highest probability event cycle.

This concept of withdrawal is unheard of in the United States and Western media, but historically, this is almost ALWAYS the case. This is the Afghanistan, the Vietnam, the Korean War event scenario. Thus, this is a higher probability of occurrence than what one might otherwise think.

  • The USA performs a politically motivated war plan. While technically well-gamed out, political considerations force erroneous assumptions.
  • The plan goes to shit early on. FUBAR occurs, and the entire backbone of the plan collapses.
  • A period of aggressive losses in manpower and material occur, and Washington disengages from the battlefield(s) under some context.
  • The American and Western media praise the “Great American Win”.

But the impact of very bad Geo-political decisions ignite a “ticking time-bomb” internally.

  • American domestic opinion turn against the administration.
  • A nation-wide American civil war breaks out.
  • It is a catastrophe for the West, and aligned nations all experience internal violence. Japan, Europe, Australia and South Korea suffer massive changes at all levels.

[USA first strike]

This is the great concern, of the “Global South”; the rest of the world outside the G7 led by the United States. But, personally, I really do not see this ever happening. The American military will not allow it.

  • The USA launches MAD in the belief that China will stand down. Full spectrum war is unleashed, but unlike the earlier scenario, this one engages nuclear weapons from the start.
  • The SLBM’s and ICBM’s start flying
  • The Chinese shoots most of them down with their laser umbrella.
  • But severe damage still occurs inside of China.
  • China and Russia launch nuclear weapons at the entirety of the West.
  • Most of the United States population centers, as well as those of the proxy nations, are erased from the face of the globe. Europe is no longer a population region. The United States glows at night.
  • The, being leaderless, under the control of “the deep state” and rudderless, the United States continues to engage the world in a nuclear war on auto-pilot.
  • It is a global catastrophe.

[USA Sanctions China & interrupts shipping]

This is the “China Lite” version of war that is debated within the NEOCON publications and talks. I can confirm that this has a great deal of support as a “war on China” option in Washington DC.

  • The USA decides to implement sanctions (Russian style) against China, and also starts sinking ships. American piracy, and shipping losses enter billions of dollars in losses.
  • China readies it’s long-planned counter-actions. And they are BRUTAL.
  • A period of time passes, while the United States, and it’s proxies tries to ignite a “cold war II” fuze.
  • The Western media is on a full-war gallop…
  • The American led provocations are numerous, and dangerous. China continues to avoid all of them.

So far, it appears that this is on-going right now. Which makes this scenario the most worrisome.

  • Then, during a point in time when all the American “leadership is in one place”, such as during an election, or government event, China launches hyper-sonic nuclear weapons at major American cites. The idea being to completely unleash maximum damage in a very short amount of time.
  • America is erased from the surface of the planet. There simply isn’t any American government left.
  • The USA auto-retaliates with a MAD nuclear response.
  • The Chinese shoots most of them down with their laser umbrella.
  • But even with a hand full of American detonations, the Earth experiences a global catastrophe. But, the USA is the most destroyed nation on the planet.

It is a lose-lose in every scenario.

No one wins.

How ANYONE can advocate World War 3 clearly shows how idiotic, moronic, and deranged the Western “leadership” actually is.

How anyone can think otherwise is amazing to me.

There is absolutely NO SCENARIO where the world becomes a better place. Instead, it becomes HELL, and most people DIE.

At this point in time I want to address some misconceptions.

One of the greatest is accepting American anti-China propaganda as truth. It’s insidious, and everywhere. If you get any information about China, make SURE that it is from CHINESE sources in CHINESE. Otherwise you are regurgitating CIA propaganda and disinformation.

As a (now deleted) troll said “China only has 300 nuclear warheads, while the USA has over 6000”.

Oh, really?

And, “China is unable to make more because of <insert technical jargon here>”.

  • China can build two (x2) 6,000 bed hospitals in ten days.
  • China can build a 62 story skyscraper in two days.
  • China can design, manufacture and produce cutting edge IC chips, complete with it’s own OS, operating system, and includes satellite comm ability in four years.
  • China can lock down an entire nation of 1.6 billion people, with only 5000 deaths…

But it cannot make nuclear bombs.

Uh huh.

Sure. What ever you say.

(Eye roll.)

Drinking the American propaganda is dangerous as it is in everything. In fact, nothing is left untouched. Those in the upper (the very top) know its all a lie, but have succumbed to their own hubris; the believe their own lies. Oh man. That is dangerous.

So I have to ask…

How do you know that the United States has 6000 nuclear bombs?

Well it said so in an American report, and in American publications.

How do you know that the USA did not blow up Nordstom 1 & 2 pipelines?

Well, it is investigating the issue. American and Western publications say so.

How do you know that the Apollo moon landing program put men walking on the moon?

Well, NASA filmed the guys doing it, and the American government verified it happened.

It is not that EVERYTHING that the United States says is a lie. It’s just that most are distorted truths… approaching the laughable.

How do you know that America is recovering from the “disastrous Trump administration” and inflation is only a mere 3% today?

Well, the American government announced the latest inflation figures.

Crazy huh?

The world is spiraling all out of control, all because a group of psychopathic nihilistic narcissists with delusions of ultimate power. And they all are in a circle-jerk believing their very own lie-machine.

What will happen?

No one actually knows, but we do know this;

In 1995, the CIA remote viewed the year 2025. They remote viewed the world 35 years into the future.

This is what they observed…

The Shocking 2025 ‘Deagel’ Forecast and Remote Viewing the future

You might not believe in “remote viewing”, or the CIA. But you have to admit, that there is no way, that in 1995 anyone would be able to predict the world we live in today.

The predictions are uncanny.

And, if you think that the future is not going to unfold this way, then you are delusional.

VOA tried to sabotage Indonesia’s new high speed rail opening

Indonesia’s brand new, China-built and financed high speed railway officially opened to the public yesterday, with most Western media being surprisingly fair in their reports. Voice of America didn’t get the memo, apparently, and ran with a story using their typical, blatant misinformation, posting a picture of an old train directly under their headline. I rode the brand new train during a test run about ten days ago and will share some of my experience with you today, including a chat with a local reporter.

What Is Third Wave Coffee?

Third Wave Coffee

Coffee has undergone several major transformations in the past century, commonly referred to as “waves” that denote shifts in how coffee is produced, processed, and consumed. Here’s an overview of the progression of coffee waves.

First Wave Coffee: Accessibility and Mass Production

The first wave of coffee began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This era was characterized by the mass production and widespread accessibility of coffee.

Brands like Folgers and Maxwell House emerged, making coffee a staple in households across the U.S. and beyond.

The beans were often robusta, chosen for their yield and price point rather than quality and flavor. Brewing methods were basic, with drip coffee makers and percolators commonplace.

Espresso drinks like cappuccinos were rare outside of Italian immigrant communities. Overall, coffee was viewed as a commodity rather than a specialty product.

Key Features of the First Wave:

  • Instant Coffee: The invention of instant coffee made it easier for people to prepare and consume the beverage.
  • Branding: Major companies began advertising campaigns, making coffee a household name.
  • Consistency: The focus was on producing a consistent taste, often at the expense of quality and flavor nuances.

Second Wave Coffee: The Rise of the Coffee Shop Culture

The second wave, which began in the 1960s and peaked in the 1980s and 1990s, saw the rise of coffee shops and espresso drinks. Brands like Starbucks, Peet’s, and Costa Coffee played pivotal roles in popularizing this wave.

Beans were sourced from specific regions and often single origin. Roasts were lighter to preserve the distinct flavors of bean varietals.

The emphasis was on taste and freshness. While speciality coffee chains drove the second wave, independent cafes also popped up throughout the US and helped fuel coffee connoisseur culture.

Key Features of the Second Wave:

  • Espresso-Based Drinks: Lattes, cappuccinos, and mochas became popular choices.
  • Coffee Shop Culture: Coffee shops became social hubs, places for meetings, work, and relaxation.
  • Variety: Consumers started to become more aware of different coffee beans, origins, and roast levels.

Third Wave Coffee: Appreciation of the Art and Science

The third wave of coffee emerged in the early 2000s and continues today. This wave strives to produce the absolute highest quality coffee through control of the full production process from crop to cup.

There is an emphasis on direct trade, single origin beans, lighter roasts, and freshness. Brewing methods highlight the distinctive qualities of each bean, with pour over, cold brew, and microbatch espresso common.

The barista is viewed as a skilled artisan. Innovative coffee shops focus on the total coffee experience – the aroma, taste, feel.

There is also transparency about sourcing and farming practices. Third wave coffee is complex, nuanced, and treated more like wine or craft beer than a mere commodity.

Key Features of the Third Wave:

  • Direct Trade: Coffee roasters and shops often build direct relationships with coffee farmers, ensuring fair prices and sustainable practices.
  • Specialty Coffee: There’s a focus on high-quality beans, often graded 80 points or above on the Specialty Coffee Association’s scale.
  • Brewing Techniques: Methods like pour-over, siphon, and cold brew highlight the unique flavors of each coffee bean.
  • Traceability: Consumers can often trace the coffee’s journey from the farm to the cup, understanding its origin, variety, and processing method.

Fourth Wave Coffee?

Some speculate that a fourth wave of coffee is emerging, focused on sustainability and fair treatment of coffee farmers and workers.

But others argue the industry is still deep in the third wave, working to perfect coffee quality and the consumer experience.

Whether the fourth wave coalesces remains to be seen. For now, the focus is squarely on continuing to improve coffee quality.

Potential Features of the Fourth Wave:

  • Technology: From blockchain for traceability to apps that connect farmers and consumers, technology plays a central role.
  • Sustainability: There’s an even stronger emphasis on eco-friendly practices, from farming to packaging.
  • Education: Consumers are not just passive drinkers; they’re educated about every aspect of coffee production and preparation.

The progression of coffee waves shows an increasing appreciation of coffee as a complex food product requiring care and craftsmanship.

What began as a commoditized morning drink is now regarded as an artisanal product that brings nuanced flavor, community, and connection.

The future of specialty coffee promises even more dedication to the bean, the farmers, and the drinkers who savor every sip.

Ukraine SitRep: Bad Demographics – End of Support

Via a Responsible Statecraft piece I came onto a EU study that tried to predict the future demographics of Ukraine’s population.

The War and the Future of Ukraine’s Population

The study is from early 2022 and is based on Ukrainian casualty numbers from only the very first month of the war. Their worst case scenario was this:

Our third and fourth scenarios assume that the war will continue for a month or longer so that further casualties and refugees are expected. We assume the following casualties: 5,000 deaths among soldiers and 1,500 civilian deaths based on the current trends. There will be 5 million refugees, which is an estimate by UNHCR (UNHCR 2022a)

The real refugee numbers are twice as high and the casualty numbers, wounded and dead, are of course about 100 times higher than the study assumed. It was thus not worth the money that had been spend on it.

Still, some graphs in it are usable.

Yesterday I shortly discussed the op-ed by the former British Minister of Defense Ben Wallace in which he asserts:

The average age of the soldiers at the front is over 40.

He then urges the Ukrainian government to throw more young men into the meat grinder.

My response to Wallace was this:

The young Ukrainians are gone. They either have fled from Ukraine or are wounded, disabled or died. You can not mobilize what is no longer there.

Unfortunately the real situation is worse then I had thought.

The ‘age pyramid’ in Ukraine isn’t a pyramid. In 2020 there was a huge lack of 15 to 20 years old people. They were simply not there. They never existed. The number of newborns around 2000 must have been horribly low.

The reason for that was likely the serious downturn of Ukraine’s economy after it had separated itself from the Soviet Union.

It took a decade long severe recession for Ukraine to find a bottom for its economy. Bad economic times and low expectations of betterment had influenced the desire of its people to procreate. Two more downturns followed during the global recession around 2008 and due to the 2014 Maidan coup and the civil war following it.

Thus when the war started there were only half as many people of 20 year age than 40 year old ones. It is no wonder then that few of younger age are seen at the front line.

There is still one measure Ukraine might take to increase the numbers of young soldiers. There currently are exemptions from mobilization for those who study at a university. If Ukraine would draft these if could probably find a few ten-thousand additional soldiers. But it would also strip itself of its future elite.

The already bad demographic prediction some 20 years out would then look even worse than they currently do.

Early this year Ukraine’s birthrate had hit a new low:

To keep a population steady, research shows it’s necessary to have an average of about 2.1 babies per family — known as a replacement rate. In Ukraine, fertility rates have remained under that threshold since 1990. Over the last two decades, the rate has often dropped below what experts call a “very low” fertility rate of 1.3, when a population begins to shrink at an ever increasing rate. In January 2021, a year before Russia’s full-scale invasion, the fertility rate was 1.16, according to national statistics.

The birthrate has since dropped further and is now the lowest one in the world:

Birthrates in Ukraine have fallen by 28% in the first half of 2023, compared to the same period prior to the war, marking the most significant drop since Ukraine gained its independence in 1991, The Wall Street Journal reported on Sept. 25.

Due to the ongoing war, millions of Ukrainian women with children were forced to leave the country, while men aged 18 to 60 were prohibited from leaving. As a result, many couples were physically separated, while others delayed starting families, the report says.

In the first half of 2023, there were 96,755 children born in Ukraine. Since 2013, the country’s fertility rate has been dropping by approximately 7% per year.

The population of Ukraine will shrink further. In 1990 Ukraine had a population of more than 50 million people. Twenty years from now the country will have less than maybe 25 million inhabitants. This even if all refugees return. A large if that this is unlikely to happen.

Support for Ukraine is shrinking:

As Russia has become more bloodyminded, Ukraine’s allies seem caught in their own conflicting boundary conditions. There is no willingness to mobilize to defend Ukraine. There isn’t even a serious effort to ramp up military production to an adequate level to match, let alone surpass, Russia’s output.

And that’s before getting to the fact that Ukraine as a county has become a very costly ward of all its backers.

Yesterday a meeting of the EU’s foreign ministers on further military assistance for Ukraine ended without results (machine translation):

The foreign ministers of the EU countries at today’s summit in Kiev could not agree on the allocation of military assistance to Ukraine in the amount of 5 billion euros for 2024.

This was announced at a press conference following the event by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrel.

The EU’s budget for 2023 was €168.6 billion. €5 billion are peanuts but the EU countries could not unite over it. The senseless generosity has reached the end of the possible.

Borrel predicted the inevitable outcome:

Earlier, EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrel said that the cessation of military support for Kiev from the West will lead to a quick end to the conflict in Ukraine, but as a result, the country will lose its independence.

A quick end to the conflict is what all sane people should hope for.

Look at the demographics and economics above and ask yourself what 30 years of ‘independence’ have done for Ukraine.

To end it could well be the best that could ever happen to it. Unfortunately for it Russia is unlikely to step in and to subsidize its further existence.

Posted by b on October 3, 2023 at 13:30 UTC | Permalink

Something TERRIBLE is happening to me right now!

We are all in the same situation, Tucker is just the FIRST. The agencies will get away with this because CONGRESS won’t stop it.


Nation Hal Turner

Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) speaking about the growing BRICS nations engaging in “de-dollarization,” Gaetz told reporters “. . . if we’re going to lose the dollar . . . .”   

Does Gaetz already KNOW the Dollar is doomed?

Here is the one minute, fifty second clip, so all of you have context of the Congressman’s remarks:

This off-the-cuff remark by Congressman Gaetz made me sick to my stomach when I heard it.  In __my__ view, this validates ALL the reporting I have been doing on this web site and on my radio show, telling my readers and listeners the US Dollar is collapsing and will be rejected by nations around the world as a means of trade.

That would utterly cripple the United States since we don’t manufacture mcuh of anything here anymore; we import most of it from other countries.

If those countries stop accepting the US dollar in trade, how will WE get what WE need?

Stock-up, folks.  Food, clothing, medicines, etc. 

Get what you need NOW, while it still can be gotten.  

If this collapse takes place, I suspect it will happen like a lightning bolt out of the blue. 

No advance warning before it all goes to hell.

Don’t let the US fool you: China is AWESOME!

For a person who have been to China multiple times, I absolutely love and envy China. It’s absolutely a big disappointment when I return to India and hear all the negative news about China. Chinese people absolutely love Indian people and we instead are preaching hatred towards them. It’s a very very sad affair. Even my children are asking why we are always saying bad things about China all the time. They went to China with me too. I can’t answer them. What can I say? ….India afterall is my country and we are supposed to hate China.”

Israel Confesses War Crime

No, not really. Israel did not confess war crimes. It never does. It proudly announced that it will now commit a war crime:

Israel’s defence minister described Palestinians as “human animals” and vowed to “act accordingly,” as fighter jets unleashed a massive bombing campaign on the Gaza Strip.

Yoav Gallant announced a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip, an area of about 365 square km, and home to 2.3 million Palestinians, which has been under an Israeli-led blockade since 2007.

“I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” Gallant said.

“We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly,” he added.

The Israeli air force has dropped 2,000 munitions and more than 1,000 tonnes of bombs on Gaza in the last 20 hours, the army said on Monday morning, having shelled 20 high-rise residential buildings, mosques, hospitals, banks and other civilian infrastructure.

Ragıp Soylu @ragipsoylu – 13:37 UTC · Oct 10, 2023

Israel military spokesman Daniel Hagari said that the army drops hundreds of tons of bombs in attacks in the Gaza Strip, and —— “the emphasis is on damage and not on accuracy.”
— Haaretz

Israel Can’t Imprison Two Million Gazans Without Paying a Cruel Price (archived)

On Saturday they were already talking about wiping out entire neighborhoods in Gaza, about occupying the Strip and punishing Gaza “as it has never been punished before.” But Israel hasn’t stopped punishing Gaza since 1948, not for a moment.

After 75 years of abuse, the worse possible scenario awaits it once again. The threats of “flattening Gaza” prove only one thing: We haven’t learned a thing. The arrogance is here to stay, even though Israel is paying a high price once again.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bears very great responsibility for what happened, and he must pay the price, but it didn’t start with him and it won’t end after he goes. We now have to cry bitterly for the Israeli victims, but we should also cry for Gaza.

Gaza, most of whose residents are refugees created by Israel. Gaza, which has never known a single day of freedom.

The Israeli government has called up another 360,000 reservists for a total of 660,000 reservists plus the 170,000 in the regular standing forces. Israel’s total labor force is 4.4 million.

This is not sustainable for more than a week or two. With 660,000 mostly young people, 15% of the total workforce, suddenly absent, Israel’s economy will immediately tank. The Shekel and the Israeli stock market have already dropped significantly and the central bank had to intervene to keep the currency stable.

Meanwhile 200,000 out of a total of 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza are now displaced. Israel bombed their homes to smithereens and they have nowhere to go.

A few days ago Netanyahoo told people in Gaza to leave. The only place they theoretically could go is Egypt. Today Israel bombed the Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt.

A ground invasion of Gaza will be difficult and likely lead to massacres – on both sides. Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria would likely see a ground invasion of Gaza as a reason to intervene. It has missiles and drones that are precise and can reach any part of Israel. Israel may then retaliate by attacking the Syrian government. Iran and Russia would thereby get involved in the war. The U.S. of course would jump in on Israel’s side.

This war could really, really escalate and do so soon.

Posted by b on October 10, 2023 at 14:42 UTC | Permalink

First Time in U.S. History: SPEAKER of THE HOUSE — OUSTED

Nation Hal Turner

Speaker Kevin McCarthy was voted out of the job Tuesday in an extraordinary showdown, a first in U.S. history, that was forced by a contingent of hard-right conservatives and threw the House and its Republican leadership into chaos.

McCarthy’s chief rival, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, forced the vote on the “motion to vacate,” drawing together more than a handful of conservative Republican critics of the speaker and many Democrats who say he is unworthy of leadership.

It was the first time since 1910 that a vote has been held on whether to remove a Speaker and the only time such a motion has been approved.

McCarthy is now the shortest-serving House Speaker since the year 1876.

Next steps are uncertain, but there is no obvious successor to lead the House Republican majority.

Stillness fell as the presiding officer gaveled the vote closed, 216-210, saying the office of the speaker “is hereby declared vacant.”  The Hammer fell at 4:49pm EDT.  Here is video of the historic moment:

Moments later, a top McCarthy ally, Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., took the gavel and, according to House rules, was named speaker pro tempore, to serve in the office until a new speaker is chosen.

The House then briskly recessed so lawmakers could meet and discuss the path forward.

Trump Wanted U.S. Out Of NATO!

Among the list of Biden administration accomplishments, the expansion of NATA is usually mentioned prominently by the President’s supporters. And that represents a stark contrast with Donald Trump, who at one point during his presidency declared an intention to pull the U.S. out of NATO entirely. But he soon backtracked, which has led a number of observers to speculate about what might have changed Trump’s mind.

Has Huawei successfully challenged the dominance of American tech giants and truly democratized the tech industry?

Huawei has established the third truly COMMERCIAL Asian Tech Ecosystem from China and the eighth in Asia after Toyota, Nikon, Canon ,Samsung , BYD, Trina and Xinyi

The Huawei Ecosystem now has

  • The Chip
  • The OS
  • The 5G Modem
  • The GPU
  • The Networks

Yet Huawei Ecosystem is fragile because SMIC the manufacturer of the 7 nm Node depends on Advanced DUV equipment from ASML

Now SMIC has stockpiled massive orders from ASML and that will keep SMIC going till maybe 2026

However that’s still dependence, a lot of dependence on the West

So i would say HUAWEI has made a start

Meanwhile people forget the REAL WINNERS of the three companies that have established it’s own dominant ecosystem on which the West is entirely dependent on :-


BYD has:-

  • The Chip – The Mature 28nm Chip that only China can today manufacture cost effectively and in huge volumes
  • The Software
  • The Satellite Navigation System
  • The Battery
  • The Dynamic Unit

It’s completely and entirely Independent from Western Technology

Trina and Xinyi who have :-

  • The Intelligent Chip
  • The Micrograde Wafer Panel (That to this day no nation can produce except France but at 87% higher cost)
  • The Carbide micro layering etching equipment (Chinas equivalent of the EUV Lithography Machine)
  • The Silicon extraction process into Mono, Poly Crystalline Silicon with infusions

Yes Huawei deserves all the admiration for its clawback and fighting

Yet BYD, Trina and Xinyi actually get Proprietary License Fees from the West which is unique for a Nation that to thia day didn’t kowtow to the West unlike Japan, Israel and South Korea

Huawei to win, needs SMIC to become another BYD or Xinyi or Trina

If SMIC can achieve that, then China truly begins the challenge to the established Semiconductor industry

Oliver Anthony – I Want To Go Home| REACTION *TEARS*

Oliver Anthony is breaking a spell we’ve all been under with his pure unfiltered honesty. It’s just disarming and appears to allow everyone to drop the mask we put on everyday and speak to each other from the heart. I haven’t not cried yet.

Will the United States ever become a major manufacturer again like it was in the past, instead of outsourcing everything to China?

Why don’t you decide?

First you ought to understand the issue in the first place. Anything made in the U.S. simply cannot compete and won’t sell. Why?

Your workers demand 5 times the salary and is willing to work half the hours, expecting 10 times more benefits. You CEO wants 100 times their income, your workers refused to be train, your colleges turn out lawyers and bull shit artist and not STEM engineers, your infrastructure is dilapidated, Your government spends all its money fighting wars instead of helping industry. You offend all your prospective customers.

So my friend. You need to outsourced your production. China offers a best value for money. You Choose China. China don’t choose you.

So you want to stop. Can you? Can you ask US workers to get 20% salary, work twice as hard, accept 10% of benefits, your CEO earn 1% it did, you stop fighting wars, making wars and building infrastructure? Can you? I doubt so.

You can’t have the cake and eat it too. Choose one! I think this questioner will choose war because you have been conditioned your whole life to think the U.S. must bomb any nation that refuse to be submissive and subservient to you. Your media and your politicians made you what you are.

ER DOCTOR reacts to BRITISH PUBLIC guessing US healthcare costs | Dr Jmack

Heyo!! Today I’m reacting to the British public reacting to the cost of healthcare in the US. I thought this would be a cute and funny reaction video, but it really turned into something else. I may or may not have ended up ranting for 20 minutes! Topics hit: absurdity of US healthcare costs, does US medicine already have a combined capitalist/socialized structure, do doctors/nurses care that the system is rigged?

Have you ever had a job where you did nothing for years and nobody found out?

When I was in middle school, I took “typing” for all three years of my tenure there, and I never learned to type. I never did anything in the class except draw, use my Gameboy, or shoot the shit with my friends. Somehow I always got a passing grade, like a ‘B’, and I didn’t ask any questions. it wasn’t til my second year did I figure out what was going on….

The teacher always wore a decent conservative business suit, carried a large hard side briefcase (this was the late 80’s), and never really taught us anything. He only taught typing and “computers” and the computer class was the same vibe. Well, I viewed into his open brief case one day to see real estate materials, flyers, business cards, etc. This guy was a real estate agent, that somehow got hired as full-time teacher as a side hustle……..at least he had a steady income and full bene’s as a teacher.

He was always working on his real estate business when he should’ve been instructing! He couldn’t give the few of us that did nothing bad grade cuz that’d ruin his gig. I’m still not sure why he decided to teach, who decided to hire him, and why he seemingly got away with this for years.

However, this did teach me that I can successfully juggle two projects and receive two paychecks!

U.S Senators Travel to China to Beg Xi for Trade Deal !

Engagement and dialogue are essential for constructive international relations. This video examines the delicate US-Taiwan-China relationship, addressing the importance of mutual understanding, compromise, and respect for sovereignty for maintaining stability and trust between nations.

Has Huawei successfully challenged the dominance of American tech giants and truly democratized the tech industry?

My friend explained it like this.

He plays the piano beautifully, and he practices with the children on weekends.

He likened the first world’s iron grip on tech to this little tool here…

It’s called a metronome, and musicians use it to set the beat-rate for sheet music.

I taught myself how to read notes (very, very poorly) as an adult and as an engineer, I couldn’t figure out how sheet music communicated the speed one played the notes.

Until my friend explained the metronome to me.

Pre-2020s, the pace of progress was set by the first world. The standard-defining or cutting-edge tech always came from advanced economies. For cars, we had the S-class/7 series, for computers we had Intel and more recently, AMD/Mac, for planes we had Airbus/Boeing.

In essence, the west defined tech generations. We were stuck with 2G… until the first world came along with 3G. We were stuck with DDR3 Ram, until DDR4 was introduced.

The first world ran the clock when it came to tech, and the rest of the world planned around the schedule.

The most important reason was the monopoly they had on the upstream tools. If we gave the best talent the best tools, different teams will eventually optimize towards convergence. There is only so far one can push the expression of the state of the art, and that is why Airbus models are head to head with Boeing, and Android not too different from iOS.

China is third world.

And for the first time in modern history, a non-first-world country has dibs on the cutting edge. China has established itself as a dominant player in diverse fields such as nuclear power generation, medium voltage power architecture, EVs, high speed rail, TBMs, photovoltaics and many more.

In every one of these fields, China isn’t competing on cost alone, but setting standards, and helping to define the next generation.

Case in point: China is currently the only country to operate a test 4th-gen nuclear reactor that’s plugged into the grid, putting it a good decade (or more) ahead of the competition in terms of commercialization.

Similarly, Huawei, after being kicked out of the Bluetooth SIG, has redefined short-range wireless technology with its Nearlink standard, capable of 1.5Mbps speeds consuming way lower energy. And these are delivered numbers, in physical consumer products available TODAY.

That’s bluetooth 6.x/7.x territory, which is years away from being issued as a standard, never mind consumer availability.

Imagine Huawei, one third world company, leapfrogging the current state of the art Bluetooth by at least 1–2 generations.

The west/first world no longer controls the clock.

Let me repeat, because this is important.


Rather, China will continue to pop surprises, just because the country and society is poorly reported by the first-world dominated media.

The educated, and well informed who read ABOUT the Chinese exclusively will repeatedly wake up to head-scratching bombshells in the coming future.

What? The Chinese did THIS? That’s… impossible. Don’t they only know to steal and copy and reverse-engineer?

I won’t be surprised if Nearlink is adopted by Apple and the Android alliance, because it is a transformative standard that can enable brand new ecosystems. What will Huawei do with Wifi, and next-gen navigation, particularly indoor spaces? What will a 5.5G Huawei phone add to the mobile experience?

The Chinese, at the minimum, are turning up the metronome, and playing Beethoven as he originally intended.

Shape up, or screw up, sanctions be damned.

Things a Filipina Fears in Dating Foreigner – Untold Reasons!

Most of you if not all foreigners were really curious of us filipina why we are still single but always wish in the corner to have a foreigner partner. Now you will know the untold reasons and that includes mine. Some of it are very hilarious and might offend one of your pride but let me tell you a word that you will enjoy and learned alot by watching this video.

The first results from the extraterrestrial material of Bennu

The Osiris-Rex mission conference has wrapped up, and the newly released pictures of rock samples collected from the asteroid Bennu are leaving everyone in awe.

These samples consist of 250 grams of primordial material, which means they originated around 4.6 billion years ago during the formation of our Solar System.

Within these minute fragments, scientists have detected the presence of clay, water, and even organic material.

Three MORE Aircraft Carriers Leaving Port; 101st Airborne Division Relocating from Romania to Jordan. Target: Iran? Syria? Both?

World Hal Turner

Most of the general public already knows the USS Gerald R. Ford Aircraft Carrier and its Strike Group arrived in the eastern Mediterranean Sea near Israel.  What few people know is that THREE other aircraft carriers and a NATO Maritime Group are also being deployed . . .

The big media bru-ha-ha over the past few days was the urgent deployment of the USS Gerald Ford and Carrier Strike Group 12.  

But the mass media has been almost silent about some other vessels suddenly putting to sea and the US Army’s 101st Airborne Division are all heading out — fast.

How do I become very successful in my early twenties?

In short: Do more than everybody else.

If you work harder than everybody else around, you will become more successful.

It’s that simple… at least on a first glance.

But on a second glance, it might be a tiny bit more complicated than that.

Let’s look at an example: Elon Musk.

Elon Musk works 90 hour weeks regularly, although he has been known to work over 110 hour weeks during some parts of his life.

He definitely worked harder than anyone else around and eventually reached success with that.

But the question you have to ask yourself is if that is the kind of life you want to live.

Elon Musk has very little time for anything else in his life.

Since he works so much he only has very little time for friends and family, little time for hobbies and even less time for any other activities like watching movies.

He doesn’t travel much outside of work and is probably not caught up on any of the newest series or movies.

Instead his life is centered around his work and he invests most of his time into it. To him, this is the best place to spend his time.

Before you get all up and about in becoming successful ask yourself first what you are willing to sacrifice to get there.

Elon Musk sacrificed and still sacrifices a lot of family time, hobbies and experiences to give himself more time to work, allowing him experience of being successful. That is what he wants out of life and that is what works for him!

You can definitely reach high amounts of success in your early 20s, but to do that you have to sacrifice many friendships, hobbies, a lot of family time, a large amount of sleep and many other niceties.

You will miss the relaxing cinema experiences, opportunities to engage with friends about the newest series, and time spent on hobbies and other things… but you will increase your chances to be successful!

The question is: Is that worth it to you?

If you are still willing to work for success with that all being said, keeping in mind all you might need to sacrifice, then by all means, go and work!

If your definition of success does not include any of the sacrifices, then go for it! Do what you can, read more books, learn, improve, grow and spend 90% of your waking time grinding away.

If that however does not seem like the life you want to lead, then maybe think about what it is you want instead.

If you want to spend time with your family, want to travel and go on vacations, want to have crazy hobbies, and spend some time chatting about the newest series, then you will not be able to work that much or succeed that fast.

You will have to spend some time every week in these things. Is that okay for you?

Different people have different values in life and depending on them they need to spend their time differently.

While Elon Musk is driven by his work, you may not be, and that’s okay!

It’s not about creating THE successful life, but about creating YOUR successful life!

Okay… those were my 2 cents on it; now lets get into the actual How to do it!

  1. Ascertain what “Success” means to you – Depending on your personal definition, the work you do will be different.
  2. Consume Information from People that have reached that Success – The closer they are to your idea of success the better it is. Learn from them and follow their advice! Trust them, as they must have had some right idea to get where they are today.
  3. Produce don’t Consume – Besides the consumption above, you should be grinding and producing non-stop. More work = Faster results. That is the rule of thumb and holds generally true.
  4. Adjust – Every week… no… every DAY you should be looking at what works, what doesn’t, where you struggle and how to get results faster. Keep tabs on yourself and do not allow yourself to get away with less than you want!
  5. Create a System – You have to create a path that goes from your action to the desired result. In finance this is called a ‘Funnel’. How are people going to go from site X to purchase on site Z, for example.

The rest, depends entirely on what your version of success is and how hard you work.

Other than that, if you do steps 2–4 every day, you will become successful in your 20′s no problem.

Just make sure it is really what you want first!

6 Reasons to Retire as Soon as You Can

There is a MAJOR uptick in these kinds of videos about people dropping out of the work-force.

What is the likelihood of China using military force against the United States in the near future? What would be their likely method of attack?

The threat meter is flopping back and forth from zero to pinging at 100%.

The meter is normally at zero.

Then, out of the blue, some NEOCON psychopath does something stupid like slamming their fist on the meter, kicking the table or banging on the dial… and the meter pings to MAX.


One day, I’ll tell you what, that ol’ meter is gonna break.

I don’t want to be anywhere near it when the glass shatters and shards of metal start flying.

Pedernales River Chili

This is the chili that was always cooked at the LBJ Ranch in Texas. It was a favorite of Lyndon B. Johnson. He ate this with saltine crackers and a glass of ice cold milk.

2023 10 18 15 54
2023 10 18 15 54

Yield: 12 servings


  • 4 pounds coarsely-ground beef
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon Mexican oregano
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin seeds
  • 6 teaspoons red chili powder
  • 2 (16 ounce) cans tomatoes
  • Salt, to taste
  • 2 cups hot water


  1. Put the meat, onion and garlic in a large pot and sear until light brown.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil, lower the heat, and simmer, covered, for 1 hour.
  3. Let cool, then refrigerate.
  4. Skim the congealed fat from the top.
  5. Reheat the chili to serve.

Imagine Putin went to the ICC member country thinking that the leaders there is his friend but he is successfully arrested there and sent to Hague. What will be his fate and of Russia?

The next minute tanks will surround all the the unfriendly embassies in Moscow

Every Diplomat in Russia will be arrested with impunity

Putin will be arrested in an ICC Country and will be in a nice Dutch cell

The US Ambassador, UK Ambassador and others will be in Russian prisons where the probability of their rape in the first 24 hours is 82%

Their families will go out of contact

60–65 Kids will face their lives being risked in an ‘Unfortunate Accident’ where six and seven year olds will vanish

Any Western Leader who flies will face risk of attacks of his aircraft over Europe

Meanwhile Russian Diplomats will face nice European cells and european laws

Russia will then declare war on the ICC Country which arrested Putin

The West will be forced to Release Putin or see their diplomats never come out including the wives and kids

That would cause many diplomats to refuse to serve in 50–60 dangerous nations out of fear that they would be next

So that will never happen

Putin will not go to an ICC country because he won’t embarass the leadership but other wise if they touch him all hell breaks loose

And the Judges will pay

The Judges will face a fate like Prighozin

Nice Ricin Capsules or Novichok

China’s rise and the changing global order | Ben Norton & Li Jingjing

This is pretty good.

Ben Norton, has recently moved to Beijing. We’ve met in person and had a discussion on the rise of China and the whole Global South. We also exchanged our thoughts on Syria, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, BRICS, and all the recent events that will change the global order.

Two Different Americas

It is quite amusing to juxtapose these two articles and see how journalists create a very different picture than academics.

China Is Suffering a Brain Drain. The U.S. Isn’t Exploiting It.


Caught in the crossfire: Fears of Chinese–American scientists


Li Yuan is the author of the NYT article. Her article bases its assertions off of interviews with 14 Chinese professionals as well as China’s median yearly emigration as reported by the UN. In terms of claims, she is pushing this line of logic:

Quite a few people I interviewed said, like Mr. Chen, that they had started thinking of leaving the country after China amended its Constitution to allow Mr. Xi to effectively rule for life. The “zero-Covid” campaign, with nearly three years of constant lockdowns, mass testing and quarantines, was the last straw for many of them.

And as for why they aren’t showing up in the US:

Most of the emigrants I spoke to, explaining why they did not pick the United States, cited America’s complicated and unpredictable process for applying for visas and permanent residence status.

This is in stark contrast to Yu Xie et al., who have published a paper in the National Academy of Sciences’ official peer-reviewed publication. Their study has a sample size of 1,229 (or 934 for the federal grant question). In terms of their claims, they point to a steady increase in the number of academics leaving the US for China, and more crucially they have measured out some indicators.

Perceptions and intentions of scholars of Chinese descent. Note: Only past and current grant awardees were asked the question of whether they were considering “avoiding applying for federal grants”.

Their study claims fear is high in the Chinese-American community despite 89% of scientists clearly interested in promoting science in the US. Most dramatically, the study concludes with one data point:

One respondent, self-identified as a US citizen and a former recipient of the NSF CAREER Award, told us that he quit his academic position exactly because of what he perceived as an “anti-Chinese atmosphere”. He then wrote:

If it were not because the COVID pandemic cuts off international traveling and I am a U.S. citizen, my family would have left the U.S. permanently without any intent to come back in the future. What I have experienced at my former institution was not only disgusting, but a system[ic] corruption that I believe [is] illegal. I had never thought of somewhere in this count[r]y to be dark and corrupted like this. If I had, I would not have become a naturalized U.S. citizen, which I regret now. What I ha[ve] experienced not [only] ruined my academic career, but also destroyed my American dream.

Interestingly, Li Yuan makes absolutely no attempt to recognize or challenge the claims made by the paper. While the paper acknowledges weaknesses in its methodology, it notes that it is corroborated by two similar papers, one from University of Michigan, the other from University of Arizona. Instead, she goes for this description of the fates of those headed from China to the US:

But it won’t be easy to stay in the United States. Mr. Zhao has a job offer and will get temporary employment status as a graduate in a STEM, or science or engineering, field. That will last three years. He will participate in a lottery for an H-1B work visa. He did the math: There’s a 40 percent chance he won’t win the lottery by the end of the three years. He might have to go back to school to remain in the United States, or ask his company to transfer him to a foreign post.

Li Yuan’s claims are in my opinion cherrypicked and misleading. She points to data to support her position, but the mild rise in emigration out of China from 2016 until now is something she attributes strictly to political reasons. She makes no attempt to recognize economic factors, such as the well reported glut of graduates unable to find a preferred job, nor any temporal factors such as the COVID opening up releasing otherwise delayed plans due to COVID restrictions and more importantly prohibitive flight costs. Instead, we are left with a threadbare attempt at explaining data with a political narrative.

Li Yuan, and perhaps the staff at the New York Times, are selling a narrative that runs contradictory to peer reviewed science. They are advertising one America, which promises a better life for Chinese, if only America would make it easier for Chinese to migrate into the country. Meanwhile professors at Princeton, Harvard, and MIT are telling us a very different story in which Chinese living in America are doing so in fear of both the government’s actions as well as anti-Asian violence. They have chosen that dramatic quote at the end for a reason— the NSF CAREER award is NSF’s most prestigious award, and many go on to win Nobel prizes.

The NYT and Li Yuan wonder why the US isn’t attracting Chinese scientists. Maybe they should have asked Chinese scientists in the US before making their gloriously nationalist article.

A stray kitten was terrified of everyone and everything and just wanted to hide

There’s something about a kitten’s motor just purring along that makes me melt!

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Yunhao Tu

I just finished listening to your 1hour YouTube interview.It was very clear, and most of the content is not hard to understand at all.