Snl P9uj

Depopulation of the United States is imminent

"What we need is a king, and every now and then if the king’s not doing a good job, we kill him." -- George Carlin

Make sure your popcorn is out. The red lights are flashing and the Western “leadership” are partying like it’s 1999.

Soon, comes China.

Death will come quick.

China is the one country the US wouldn't want to mess with.

They aren’t terrified of Chinese communism; they are frightened of how a powerful China will usurp the role originally occupied by the west for the past 500 years.

The west has never had to deal with a globally influential China before, so they are projecting their own worst fears onto China, and have thrown the kitchen sink at China, including that China is “communist”, which evokes fears of the Soviet Union.

For many in the West, this is like watching a chainsaw massacre movie being played out on the world stage, with themselves as the next victims of the chainsaw murderer.

So naturally, they are getting hysterical.

China is NOT a communist country.

China embraces a policy of “Socialism with Chinese characteristics”. The truth is that China is unique and its system of governance is unique as well.

To best understand China, every-time you hear the word “communism”, replace it with “Community”. Your understanding of what China is will expand greatly.

China’s Advanced Military Weapons: Taking Warfare to New Heights!

You must eat with the dogs

North Korean defector: escape from dictator regime to find freedom and democracy.

Also North Korea defector: the free world is not quite what she expects.

“You must eat with the dogs” says it all.

2023 05 15 06 42
2023 05 15 06 42

It is not at all surprising that China produces more pollution than any other country. The better question is – does China produce more or less pollution than ALL of the following countries combined?

USA + Mexico + Japan + Philippines + Vietnam + Turkey + France + South Africa + South Korea + Argentina + Canada + Malaysia + Australia + Sri Lanka + Ecuador + Belgium + Greece + Austria + Israel + Switzerland + Slovakia + Germany + Spain + Sweden + Serbia.

Why did I choose the abovementioned 26 countries? Well, because their combined population adds up to approximately the population of China (1.43 billion people).

So …. what do you think? Does China produce more or less pollution than all these countries combined? You can do your own research. I am pretty sure that the answer is no. Why am I so confident? Well, because stats are already available to show which countries, on a per capita basis, are the world’s biggest carbon emitters:

main qimg d5cdce57f5d03b3d6792990a927682a5 pjlq
main qimg d5cdce57f5d03b3d6792990a927682a5 pjlq

It’s worthwhile to note that China, despite serving as the world’s factory (and basically making goods for the whole world), nevertheless emits less than half as much as carbon as the USA (on a per capita basis).

The world leader in pollution is therefore the USA, not China. This is not limited to carbon emissions, but to other areas of environmental concern as well, such as the use of plastic, the wastage of food etc etc.

I was born in the US, grew up in the US, and like a good brainwashed American, I believed in all the BS they brainwash you with, during your entire life.

  • You’re lucky because you’re American.
  • This is the greatest country on earth.
  • If you have difficulties in life is YOUR fault, not the system which is the best on earth!

After I graduated college, at the tender age of 22, I got a job working in Germany for the US government. An ex of mine helped me get it (Nepotism) but hey!

Living there opened my eyes to the fact the US was actually a pretty crappy place.

Then life took me to Belgium, Switzerland, Hungary, Spain, Croatia, Canada, South Korea, Tunisia, Colombia, Mexico, back to Colombia.

All of that confirmed to me the fact the US is a pretty shitty place in a rather large number of categories.

I decided to ditch the US, I only go there to see my momma and my sisters’, plus my nieces and nephews who live there.

This is what I can think of:

  • LACK OF EMPATHY = Americans are brainwashed to believe the system is great and full of opportunity but it isn’t. The system works if you have the right connections… (hence my first job in Germany at 22 right after college). As a result an enormous amount of Americans fall through the cracks of the BRUTAL SYSTEM that operates the land, and socially the rest of Americans (esp. REPUBLICANS) assume it’s the fault of those who fail, so why would the system help? so little to no empathy is given to those who fail.
  • SCARY FUTURE: Living in the US stresses me. I always end up worrying about what am I going to do when I am 75? How am I going to pay for my health insurance? Who is going to take care of me if I need help? How am I going to afford housing? (I am often told by righteous Americans, usually with debt up to their necks, that it is my fault for not following the path College > job > work your ass off > mortgage > 401k > continue to work your ass off until you’re too old > retirement.) See? IF you want to be ok in the US you HAVE to waste the only life you will ever have in being a slave of the system.
  • VERY HIGH COST OF LIVING AND YOU HAVE TO WORK A LOT TO BE ABLE TO KEEP AFLOAT: In Raleigh NC (A mid size, not expensive US city), a teacher makes around 2,600 USD per month. The cost of a small apartment in the same city is around 1,300. Half of your salary. Then around 500 USD on food, 250 USD utilities… Gas around 50 USD a week which totals around 200 USd per month on gas. Do the math, you barely get by! Forget saving for a house, forget saving money to travel the world, forget seeing your bank account grow.
  • HEALTHCARE: When I was 20 I didn’t care. Now at 45, (I’ll be 46 next month) health is starting to become a priority…. A simple annual check-up with a doctor with blood testing and all…. 200 – 300 bucks! Look at my point above and see how EASY it is to fall behind in the US. How is it possible that in Colombia an American friend of mine gets heart surgery and three stents implanted in his heart for FREE just because he is a tax payer! In the Us you pay taxes and forget about having healthcare readily available like you do here in Colombia.
  • TOO VIOLENT : I currently live in Colombia, not the safest place on earth, but Colombia is a different kind of unsafe. Colombia is dangerous if you GO LOOKING for danger. Meaning I go to a big Colombian city and I am in the wrong area flashing my expensive iphone, I hang out with drug lords and shady people, I am involved in the political sphere of the country and have enemies, Then yes, Colombia will be dangerous. If I skip all that, I will be pretty much safe! In the US on the other hand, danger comes to you, the shootings come to you, the psycho people come to you… Look at all the school shootings, the gun loving people ready to use their guns at the first altercation they get…. IT IS NOT SAFE!
  • DIVIDE AND CONQUER: Everyone hates everyone. America as a system exploits race, religion, politics, sex, sexuality, anything it can to create a dichotomy, and then use it to divide and conquer. As a result you have a nation of people angry with one another.
  • CAR ORIENTED AND CULTURELESS: Most of the Us is a vapid, boring, manicured, lame, massive sprawl full of FUCKING NOTHING but green manicured lawns, overpriced mcmansions inhabited by people likely in serious debt, and massive dying malls with gigantic empty parking lots…. and don’t forget the crumbling highway running right through the middle of the city. You might have nice museums (America does great museums), and the coffee shop here and there that is not starbucks, but that is it for a LOT of US cities.

I currently live in this small town of central Colombia. It has its pros and cons, but I wake up to the sound of chickens, cows, fruit sellers advertising their tropical fruits on the street…. Exotic birds in the patio. Sorry but the US is not a place I want to be in.

This is my current hometown in Colombia.

2023 05 20 08 01
2023 05 20 08 01

And no, I am not telling you where it is because the people in front of my house sold their house to a German couple, the new neighbors right down the street are a Canadian woman with her Nigerian husband, and now Americans are starting to pop up in the scene looking to live here too….

SO NOPE, not going to ruin paradise!

EDIT: Some of the replies from some nationalistic Americans, or folks from poor countries like Ukraine or some Quorans from Africa are hilarious. (YOU MUST BE LYING, WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE THE USA FOR COLOMBIA?)

Colombia does better than the US:

  • FUN / SOCIETY : Colombia is fun, its cities are full of squares, bars, cafes, they are walkable, colorful, full of music, pedestrians, trees.
  • CITY INFRASTRUCTURE: Medellin (the closest city to where I live), has public transportation that cannot be found anywhere in the US, I can literally go anywhere in Medellin in a matter of minutes without ever needing a car.
  • HEALTHCARE : Let us not even talk about this.
  • No crazy Karens, Kevins, and lunatics.
  • No car dependency.
  • Cost of living is not insane.
  • Healthier lifestyle.

And for those HITTING ME IN THE FACE with links from the internet…

…about how much teachers make in NC, please, before you throw me those figures at me….

…know that they take taxes and all sort of allotments from teachers before they ever see their paychecks.

On paper, a beginning teacher makes 3,500…. but the amount they get in their bank account is 2600 or so.

Try living with that anywhere in the US these days!

A Bipolar Order?


Italians, it is said, are given to a perspective on politics that they call dietrismo. Dietro means behind, and dietrismo means a habitualized conviction that what you see is designed to hide what you get, by powers operating behind a curtain that divides the world into a stage and a backstage, the latter being where the real action is, the former where it is purposely mispresented. You read something, or hear about it on the radio or on TV, and as a well-trained dietrista you wonder, not so much about what you are being told but why you are being told it, and why now.

These days, after three years of Covid and one year of the Ukrainian war, it seems we have all become Italians, dietrismo now being as universal as pasta. More and more of us read the ‘narratives’ produced for our benefit by governments and their client media, no longer for what they say but for what they may mean: as distorted images of reality that nonetheless seem to signify something, a little like the shadows on the wall of Plato’s cave. Take, for example, the semi-official ersatz account of the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, published by the New York Times and handed to the German weekly, Die Zeit: the supposed culprits were six people, as yet unknown, on a Polish yacht rented somewhere in East Germany, who had conveniently left traces on the boat’s kitchen table of the powerful explosives they had taken along to the crime scene. Apart from the truest of the true believers and, of course, the loyal manufacturers of public consent, it didn’t require a lot of thinking to see that the story had been concocted to crowd out the account presented by Seymour Hersh, the immortal investigative reporter. What was exciting about it for the dietristic mind was that it was so obviously ridiculous that it seemed its ridiculousness could not be due to incompetence – not even the CIA could be as dumb as that – but was rather intentional, raising the question of what it might have been intended for. Perhaps, political cynics suggested, the purpose was to humiliate the German government and its federal prosecutor’s office, thereby breaking their will, by having them publicly declare this obvious nonsense to be a valuable lead to follow in their unrelenting effort to resolve the mystery of the Nord Stream bombing.

Another intriguing feature of the story was that the suspected boat renters were said to have some connection to ‘pro-Ukrainian groups’. While according to the report there were no indications that these were connections with the Ukrainian government or military, any Le Carré connoisseur knows that where the secret services are involved, any kind of evidence can easily be discovered if needed. Unsurprisingly, the report caused panic in Kiev, where it was read, probably rightly, as a signal from the United States that its patience with Ukraine and its present leadership was not unlimited. In fact, at about the same time there were mounting reports on corruption in Ukraine, emanating from the United States, coinciding with and reinforcing growing resistance among Republicans in Congress against ever more dollars being diverted into the Ukrainian defence budget – as though corruption in Ukraine had not always been notoriously rampant (viz. Hunter Biden’s stint as energy policy expert on the board of Burisma Holdings Ltd.). Beginning in January this year, the Washington Post and New York Times published a series of articles on Ukrainian outrages, including army commanders using American dollars to buy cheap Russian diesel for Ukrainian tanks and pocketing the difference. A shocked Zelensky immediately dismissed two or three high-ranking officials, promising to fire more in time.

Why was this now presented as news, even though it has long been common knowledge that Ukraine is amongst the world’s most corrupt countries? Further adding to what, seen from Kiev, must increasingly have appeared to be ominous writing on the wall, secret American documents leaked in the second half of April showed that the US military’s confidence in the ability of Ukraine to launch a successful spring counteroffensive, let alone win the war as its government had promised to its citizens and international sponsors, was at an all-time low. To American opponents of the war, Republicans as well as Democrats, the documents confirmed that keeping the Ukrainian army in action might turn out to be unacceptably expensive, all the more so since both political parties in the United States agreed that their country had to get ready sooner rather than later for a much bigger war, fighting the Chinese in the Pacific. (By the end of 2022, the United States was estimated to have spent something like $46.6 billion on military aid to Ukraine; much more is expected to be required as the conflict drags on.) For Ukrainians and their European supporters, it seemed hard to avoid the conclusion that the United States might soon take leave of the battlefield, turning its unfinished European business over to the locals.

Of course, compared to Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and similar places, what the Americans are likely to abandon is in not nearly as messy a condition. Working with the Baltic states and Poland, the United States has managed in recent months to push Germany into something like a position of European leadership, on the provision that it takes responsibility for organizing and, importantly, financing the European contribution to the war. Step by step over the past year, the EU was simultaneously turned into an auxiliary of NATO – in charge, among other things, of economic warfare – while NATO became more than ever an instrument of American policy flagged as ‘Western’.

When in mid-2023 NATO’s general secretary, Jens Stoltenberg, is rewarded for his hard work with a well-deserved sinecure, the presidency of the Norwegian central bank, rumour has it that Ursula von der Leyen, currently president of the European Commission, will be promoted to succeed him. This would complete the EU’s subordination to NATO – that other, much more powerful international organization headquartered in Brussels which, unlike the EU, includes, and indeed is dominated by, the United States. In her earlier life, von der Leyen was, of course, German Defence Minister under Merkel, although according to general impression one of the more incompetent ones. While in this capacity she shared in the responsibility for the allegedly dismal condition of the German armed forces at the beginning of the Ukrainian war, she has now apparently been forgiven on account of her ardent Americanism-as-Europeanism or, as the case may be, Europeanism-as-Americanism. In any case, an agreement on closer cooperation was signed by the EU and NATO in January 2023, made possible not least by Finland and Sweden ending their neutrality and joining NATO. According to FAZ, the agreement establishes ‘in no uncertain terms the priority of the Alliance with respect to the collective defence of Europe’, thereby enshrining the leading role of the United States in European security policy, broadly defined.

The German government is now busy assembling battlefield-ready battalions of tanks of different European builds (the American M1 Abrams are said to arrive in a few months – how many months exactly is kept a secret – in Europe, where their Ukrainian crews will be trained on German military bases). It will also supply and keep in good repair the fighter planes that Germany, along with the United States, still refuses to deliver to Ukraine (though not for much longer if experience is to be a guide). Meanwhile Rheinmetall announced that it will build a tank factory in Ukraine with a capacity of 400 latest-model battle tanks per year. Also, on the eve of the 21 April meeting of the Ramstein support group, Germany signed an agreement with Poland and Ukraine on a repair shop, located in Poland, for Leopards damaged at the Ukrainian front, to go into operation already at the end of 2023 (obviously on the assumption that the war will not have ended by then). Add to this the promise, freely renewed by von der Leyen on behalf of the EU, that Ukraine will after the war be rebuilt at European, meaning German, expense – no mention, incidentally, of a contribution from the Ukrainian oligarchs, not many in number, but each of them all the richer for that. Indeed, an early April visit to Kiev by the German Economy Minister, Robert Habeck, together with a delegation of CEOs of large German firms, provided an opportunity to explore future business opportunities in the reconstruction of Ukraine once the war is over.

This may not happen anytime soon, however. The recently leaked American documents and the pronouncements of the semi-official commentariat indicate that a Ukrainian Endsieg is not expected imminently, if it is expected at all. Western delivery of military hardware seems to be fine-tuned to enable the Ukrainian army to hold its position; when the Russians gain territory, Ukraine will be given as much artillery, ammunition, tanks and fighter planes as it needs to push them back. A Ukrainian victory, however, declared essential for the survival of the Ukrainian people by its governing party, seems not to be on the American shopping list anymore. Looking at the delivery schedules for Abrams tanks and fighter bombers, to the extent that they can be gleaned from official announcements, the expectation is rather for something like drawn-out trench warfare with heavy bloodshed on both sides. It is interesting in this context that, in an apparently unguarded moment during one of his daily television addresses, Zelensky, demanding as always more Western military support, argued that Ukraine must win the war before the end of 2023 because the Ukrainian people may not be willing to bear its burden much longer.

As the United States proceeds towards Europeanizing the war, it will be up to Germany not just to organize Western support for Ukraine but also to impress upon the Ukrainian government that at the end of the day this support may not suffice for the kind of victory that Ukrainian nationalists claim the Ukrainian nation needs. As American franchisee for the war, Germany will be first in line to take the blame if its outcome falls short of public expectations in Eastern Europe, in the United States, among German pro-Ukrainian militants, and certainly in Ukraine itself. This prospect must be even more uncomfortable for the German government, since it appears increasingly unlikely that how the war ends will be decided in Europe. An important, possibly decisive player in the background will be China, with its longstanding policies of opposing any use of nuclear arms and abstaining from delivering arms to countries at war, including Russia. Following a short visit to Beijing, Scholz claimed that these were concessions to Germany, even though they date back much further. Indeed, the apparent American reluctance to enable Ukraine to go for an all-out victory, leaving post-operational rehabilitation to Germany, may be motivated by a desire to enable China to stick to its policy – which it might not be able to do if Russia and its regime were at some point pushed against the wall. If this was not merely a tacit understanding but rather some sort of negotiated agreement, it would certainly not be made public at a time when the Biden administration is making preparations to go to war with China.

The super-nationalists in Kiev may already smell a rat. Shortly after the latest meeting of the Ramstein group, Deputy Foreign Minister Andriy Melnyk, representative of the classical-fascist Bandera element in the Ukrainian government, expressed his country’s gratitude for the promised arms deliveries. At the same time, he let it be known that they were pitifully insufficient to ensure a Ukrainian victory in 2023; for this, Melnyk insisted, no less than ten times as many tanks, planes, howitzers and the like would be required. Again applying dietristic hermeneutics, Melnyk, trained at Harvard University, must have known that this was bound to annoy his American patrons. That he doesn’t seem to care implies that he and his comrades-in-arms consider Washington’s ‘pivot to Asia’ already underway. It also signals both the despair of the governing Ukrainian clique regarding the prospects of the war, as well as its willingness to fight to the bitter end, driven by the radical-nationalist belief that real nations grow on the battlefield, watered with the blood of their best.

The approaching nadir of Ukrainian ultra-nationalism signals the emergence of a new global order, the contours of which, including the place of Europe and the European Union, can be discerned only by bringing China into the picture. As the United States turns its attention to the Pacific, its aim is to build a global alliance encircling China, to keep Beijing from contesting American control of the Pacific. This would replace the unipolar world of the failed neocon ‘Project for a New American Century’ with a bipolar one: globalization, and indeed hyperglobalization, now with two centres, much like the Cold War of old, with a remote prospect of a return, perhaps after another hot war, to only one centre, a New World Order Mark II. (Capitalism, we must remind ourselves, transformed and re-formed itself more fundamentally and effectively than ever in the wake of the two Great Wars of the twentieth century, in 1918 and in 1945, securing its survival by taking a new shape; surely there must be some memory in the centres of capitalist grand-strategy of the rejuvenating effects of war.)

China’s geostrategic project, by contrast, seems to be a multipolar world. For reasons of both geography and military capacity, the goal of Chinese foreign and security policy cannot really be a bipolar order with China battling the United States for global dominance, nor a unipolar world with itself at the centre. As a land power bordering on a large number of potentially hostile nations, it needs first and foremost something like a cordon sanitaire, whereby its neighbouring countries are bound together with China by shared physical infrastructure, freely awarded credit, and a commitment to stay out of alliances with potentially hostile external powers – as opposed to the American desire to subject the world as a whole to a globalized Monroe Doctrine. (The United States has only two neighbours, Canada and Mexico, which are quite unlikely to turn into Chinese allies.) In addition, China actively encourages the formation of something like a league of non-aligned regional powers, including Brazil, South Africa, India and others: a new Third World which would keep out of a Sino-American confrontation and, importantly, refuse to join American economic sanctions against China and its new client state, Russia.

In fact, indications are that China would prefer to be seen as a neutral power among others, rather than one of two combatants for world domination, at least as long as it cannot be sure it would not lose a war against the United States. A desire to avoid a new bipolarism along the lines of the first Cold War would account for China’s refusal to provide arms to Russia, even though Ukraine is being armed to the teeth by the United States. (China can afford this because Russia has no choice other than to fall in line with it, arms or not, no matter the price China might extract for its protection.) In this context, the one-hour telephone conversation between Xi and Zelensky on 26 April, mentioned only in passing by most of the European press, may have been something of a turning point. Apparently Xi offered himself as mediator in the Russian-Ukrainian war, on the basis of a Chinese twelve-point peace plan that had been talked down as trivial and useless by Western leaders, if they took notice at all. Remarkably, Zelensky called the conversation ‘meaningful’, elaborating that ‘particular attention was paid to the ways of possible cooperation to establish a just and sustainable peace for Ukraine.’ If successful, the Chinese intervention might be of formative significance for the emerging global order after the end of the end of history.

In recent months the German foreign minister, Annalena Baerbock, has been crisscrossing the world on a mission to whip as many countries as possible into the American camp of a renewed bipolarism, by appealing to liberal – ‘Western’ – values, offering diplomatic, economic and military support, and threatening economic sanctions. In her capacity as America’s roaming ambassador, Baerbock’s credibility requires that her own country strictly follow the American line, including cutting China out of the global economy. This, however, is in fundamental conflict with the interests of German industry, and by extension of Germany as a country, forcing Baerbock to tread an awkward, often outright contradictory line in relation to China. For example, while she framed her recent visit to Beijing in aggressive and even hostile rhetoric both before her arrival and after her departure – so much so that her Chinese counterpart felt it necessary to explain to her at a joint press conference that the last thing China needed was lectures from the West – she also apparently indicated that German sanctions might be selective rather than all-encompassing, with trade relations in several industrial sectors continuing more or less unabated.

With an eye to what might be going on backstage, one may speculate whether Scholz could have managed to get the United States to give Germany some rope in its relations with its most important export market, as a reward for running the European war effort in Ukraine in line with American requirements. On the other hand, German producers seem to have recently lost market share in China, dramatically so in cars, where Chinese customers are spurning new electric vehicles from Germany in favour of homegrown ones. While this may be because German models are considered less attractive, German anti-Chinese rhetoric may have played a role in a country with strong nationalist and anti-Western sentiment. If this is so, it suggests that the problem of German industry being too dependent on China may be about to resolve itself.

German China policy, following the US’s bipolar world political project, causes conflicts not only domestically but also internationally, most of all with France, where it threatens to tear the European Union even further apart. French aspirations to ‘strategic autonomy’ for ‘Europe’ (and ‘strategic sovereignty’ for France) stand a chance only in a multipolar world populated by a good number of politically significant non-aligned countries, quite similar to what the Chinese seem to want. To what extent this implies some kind of equidistance to the United States and China is a question left open, probably deliberately, by Emmanuel Macron. Sometimes he seems to want equidistance, sometimes he denies that he wants it. In any case, this prospect is anathematized by German pro-Western militants, above all by the Greens who now control German foreign policy. Among them, suspicions run deep of Macron’s occasional protestations that ‘strategic autonomy’ is compatible with transatlantic loyalty, at a time of growing confrontation between ‘the West’ and the new East Asian Evil Empire. As a result, France is more isolated than ever in the EU.

Macron, like previous French presidents, has always known that in order to dominate the European Union, France needs Germany on its side, or more precisely, in Brussels jargon: on the backseat of a French-German tandem. His problem is that Germany has now dismounted the bicycle, and for good. Under Green leadership it dreams, together with Poland and the Baltic states in particular, of delivering Putin to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, which requires Ukrainian-German tanks to drive into Moscow, just as Soviet tanks once drove into Berlin. Macron, instead, wants to allow Putin to ‘save face’ and hopes to offer Russia a resumption of economic relations, after a ceasefire mediated, if not by France, then perhaps by a coalition of non-aligned countries from the ‘Global South’, or even by China.

The Götterdämmerung of Franco-German domination of the European Union, and the transformation of its ruins into an anti-Russian economic and military infrastructure run by Eastern European countries on behalf of American trans-Atlanticism, was never more visible than in Macron’s trip to China on 6 April, following Scholz (4 November) and preceding Baerbock (13 April). Strangely, Macron allowed von der Leyen to accompany him, according to some as a German gouvernante charged with preventing him from embracing Xi too passionately, according to others to demonstrate to the Chinese that the president of the EU was not a real president but a subordinate to the President of France, ruling not just his own country but all of the EU with it. The Chinese, who may or may not have understood Macron’s signals, treated him royally although they were undoubtedly aware of his domestic troubles; von der Leyen, known as the Atlanticist hardliner that she is, was given a special non-treatment. While flying back on his plane, von der Leyen no longer travelling with him, Macron explained to the press that American allies are not American vassals, a remark widely understood to imply, again, that Europe’s position should be one of equal distance from China and the United States. Germany, first and foremost its Foreign Minister, was appalled and let it be known, no holds barred, with the German media dutifully and unanimously following suit.

A few days later, on 11 April, Baerbock attended the meeting of the G7 foreign ministers in Japan. There she got her colleagues, including the one from France, to pledge as much allegiance as humanly possible to the American flag, standing as it does for one world indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. By this time Macron, noting that his rhetorical battle against French vassalage had gone unnoticed by the opponents of his pension reform, had already backpedalled and, again, professed everlasting loyalty to NATO and the United States. There is no reason, however, to believe that this will halt the Zeitenwende of the European Union underway with the Ukrainian war: the split between France and Germany and the ascent of the East European member states to European dominance following the return of the United States to Europe under Biden, in preparation for a global confrontation with the Land of Xi, in the untiring American effort to make the world safe for democracy.

Russia-1 State TV Host: “If we lose, we’re taking the whole world with us”


Vladimir Solovyov, a popular TV news host on Russia-1 TV,  has invoked Armageddon on his TV show in which the consequences of a Russian defeat in Ukraine were discussed.

In a clip on his evening show on the Russia 1 channel, which was tweeted by journalist and Russia watcher Julia Davis, Solovyov listened to his guest Karen Shakhnazarov, a filmmaker, talk about how the war was now “a question of our destruction.”

Shakhnazarov wondered whether Russian people fully understood “the gravity of the threat” that the war’s outcome poses, and that the conflict was “a lot more complex and dangerous” than World War II.

He also described how modern Russian society was nothing like the one that existed in 1941 when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union because there was no unifying ideology.

Contemporary Russians, in his view, had grown up consuming American culture and he said there were internal divisions in the country and a lack of younger people, which meant that older citizens were serving on the frontlines.

The war “is fateful for us,” Shakhnazarov said, “our political elites have to realize this. We should start admitting that this is not simply a special military operation but a war. If we lose this war, we will disappear” like some Native American tribes which “have simply vanished.” He went on to suggest that defeat for Moscow’s forces in Ukraine would lead to books being written about “how Russia lost itself and Eurasia.”

Solovyov chimed in to say he hoped Ukraine understood that “if we lose, we are taking the whole world with us.”

“Let me remind you what the Supreme Commander said, ‘who needs the world if Russia isn’t in it?'” Solovyov said, referring to a quote by President Vladimir Putin .

The anchor then went on say that Russia should use its nuclear weapons, shed restrictions against testing and “convincingly demonstrate what we have.”

Since the start of Putin’s invasion, Solovyov has repeatedly said that Russia should draw on its nuclear weapons capability to strike against Western countries that back Ukraine. Last week, he said on his radio show Full Contact that “nuclear war is inevitable.”

Jackie Chiles perfect attorney

Venture capitalists go where there is opportunity for gain. China is both a consumer market and a manufacturing base.

China has a huge consumer market of 1.42 billions.

China’s workers are conscientious, hardworking and smart.

China itself has many raw materials that are conducive for manufacturings.

China political system is ideal for foreign investors to flourish.

Another reason is geographically Asia is China, Russia, Korea, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and South East Asia , the close proximity of these countries to each other means the sheer number of consumers within this region alone is itself a attraction for venture capitalists.

Miller Lite Just ONE UPPED Bud Light in New Ad and WOKE handbook

2023 05 20 11 07
2023 05 20 11 07

FACEBOOK Deletes “Jesus . . .” as “Hate Speech”


A FACEBOOK user named Billy Hallowell posted “Jesus Died So You Can Live” on his account, and found it was DELETED by Facebook as “Hate Speech.”

2023 05 20 06 44
2023 05 20 06 44

Hallowell shared about this on Twitter, backed up by screenshots, and a comment stating that the incident was, in his opinion, “very, very bizarre.”

Hallowell 1
Hallowell 1

But there’s also been an appeals process, which didn’t help. Whoever/whatever reviews these complaints over on Facebook, stuck to their guns.

Hallowell 2
Hallowell 2

Hallowell first clicked “post” on Facebook around April 2 (so that would have been around Easter time, making the message he was trying to spread more pertinent). But the post quickly got flagged for allegedly violating community hate speech policy – and received a warning that it could be “reviewed.”

At that point, the punishment that Facebook’s censoring machine thought fit the “crime” was to make the post invisible to anyone but the author.

That Jesus died so his followers could live – like the notion or not – is just the principle of the religion.

So instead of justifying the extreme downrank of the – factual in that sense – post with, “we have these (hate speech) standards so that everyone feels safe, respected and welcome” – perhaps a non-mindless Facebook “moderation” system would have understood it was precisely reactions like these that made Christians feel neither “safe, respected, nor welcome.”

Then it got worse. The post was deleted altogether after an “appeal.”

“Your appeal was reviewed,” claimed Facebook, adding, “We are unable to show content that goes against our community standards on hate speech.”

America can’t get there from here

A China war is out of reach
May 14, 2023
2023 05 14 17 50
2023 05 14 17 50
The man who is skilled at obtaining the support of the people is also the man who is skilled in using military force. Skillfully gaining the support of the people is the essence of military undertaking. It’s that simple.—Xunzi

Goodfellas Dinner in Prison

FBI WhistleBlower: “This Government Will Crush You if you expose what they’re doing”

F.B.I. Whistleblower, Garrett O’Boyle just ended today’s hearing before a congressional committee with a chilling warning for future F.B.I Whistleblowers.

The US-China War Began in 1944, Part III

(Part I and II are here and here).

War with a Great Power like China, far from America’s shores, will be extremely expensive and require years of preparation – many times the $120 billion and eight years’ preparation the US and EU invested in Ukraine.

Here’s what that preparation will involve:

To fight China the US must double defense spending through 2030

 . Today’s USAF and USN fleets are aging and shrinking while China’s bigger, younger fleets are growing rapidly, supported by vast automated factories producing specialized missiles at one-tenth America’s cost.

To finance a China war, Washington must grow the economy five times faster. In order to grow at its 1.6% historic rate, the US borrows $3 trillion/year

. The notion that the country could borrow three times more, $10 trillion/year, without triggering hyperinflation, is fanciful.

To decouple from China, the US must double manufacturing’s share of its economy from 12% to 24% (China’s is 27%). As TSMC has learned to its dismay, skilled workers are rare and expensive in the US.

2023 05 14 17 53
2023 05 14 17 53

To challenge China’s science lead the US must multiply its annual R&D investment tenfold (x10) through 2045. Nowadays, more research scientists move to China than to the US.

To compete in the world market with China, America must

  1. Eliminate the health deficit that keeps its labor force participation at 62% (vs. China’s 72%).
  2. Double literacy and numeracy. The US, #22 in world rankings, spends $14,000/child annually on education. #1 China spends $9,000 PPP and is doubling rural education spending.
  3. Boost social wellbeing. The US is a shining example neither of democracy nor legitimacy: there are more hungry children, drug addicts, suicides, executions, and illiterate, incarcerated, poor, homeless people in America than in China.
  4. Make up the $3 trillion infrastructure deficit and invest an additional $3 trillion to match China, whose 40,000 km. of high speed trains move entire armies across the country in hours.
  5. Restore confidence in the dollar. Central banks saw Washington’s sanctions on 30% of the world’s nations and its theft of Russia’s reserves as portents of disaster. They are already finding alternatives to the dollar and demanding higher yields on US bonds.
  6. Plan, coordinate and manage the additional $6 trillion of economic activity each year, with the additional energy, commodities, labor and infrastructure that it requires. Effective management of major, long-term projects is a national weakness, as the F-35 and the Navy’s LCS programs demonstrate.
2023 05 14 17 54
2023 05 14 17 54
  1. Restore confidence in government. Barely 7% of Americans trust Congress, while 96% of Chinese are confident in their government.
  2. Restore confidence in media. Only 28% trust the media, a vital element of war fighting. (80% of Chinese trust theirs).
  3. Survive the lost war in Ukraine. Millions of Europeans are already demonstrating against the war. What will they do when they find that their sacrifices were in vain and they must pay 50% more for their energy forever?
  4. Survive the new reserve currency that supports national development as much as the US dollar repressed it. BRICS and the EEU will launch it, with unpredictable effects on domestic inflation and stability.

Too late?

US science and industry lag far behind China’s in scale, momentum, capitalization, breadth, depth, adaptability, speed and quality, so investors are moving their money to China.

2023 05 14 17 55
2023 05 14 17 55

Reversing that flow, and making up America’s military, economic, financial, diplomatic, manufacturing and scientific deficits after lost wars in Afghanistan and Ukraine – while adjusting to a new reserve currency – is not only beyond Washington’s capabilities, it’s beyond imagining (try it).

The US will not attack China because it cannot.

It can’t get there from here.

1  The US Navy’s fleet is older, smaller, and its weapons shorter-ranged with less explosive power; Recruiting healthy young Americans is becoming impossible; US planners lost the Ukraine war in one month – after 8 years’ preparation.

2  China borrows nothing to support its $1 trillion (5%) GDP growth and trade surplus.

The HARD TRUTH about Western media vs China

2023 05 13 19 18
2023 05 13 19 18

What you may have missed

May 9th, 2023 came the Florida Chinese exclusion act.

All or nothing You either ban ALL foreigners or NONE of them. But Florida chose a particular group of foreigners. I wonder why.

Florida signed a series of bills banning Chinese citizens from buying land in Florida. I’ve seen people express support for these bills for one reason or another. People are free to have whatever opinions they want.

But make no mistake, that this law is racist, xenophobic, and discriminatory.

It is right to draw comparisons to these recent bills with the Chinese Exclusion Act

. Both of these laws aim to do the same thing, to restrict and reduce the number of Chinese people in the US.

I’ve seen people make the argument of “foreigners and foreign investment drive up the real estate value.” First of all, do realize this kind of rhetoric is inherently nativist. Read up on the alien land laws

which sought to ban Asian immigrants from owning property because White Americans were afraid of Chinese and Japanese people stealing their resources and land. Secondly, Canada

is the largest foreign investor in Florida’s real estate, followed by numerous Latin American countries. China isn’t even a top investor.

So frankly, people supporting this argument are either misinformed or plain bigots.

Another argument I’ve seen in defense of this bill is that “this bill isn’t racist, it only targets Chinese nationals, not Chinese Americans.

It’s for national security.” Again, extremely xenophobic and historically incorrect. If you believe this argument I would implore you to read and research how the Chinese Exclusion Act affected Chinese Americans and other Asian Americans. “National security” has long been used as as a tool of oppression and as an excuse for anti-Asian racism .

The China initiative by the DOJ comes as a recent example which sought to find and persecute perceived Chinese espionage in the US. In the almost 4 years of the initiative, not one person would persecuted. It only served to falsely destroy the academic careers of numerous professors and scientists

.In addition to creating systematic, racial used distrust in Chinese Americans. So if anyone believes these bills in Florida this won’t affect Chinese and other Asian Americans, history has shown you to be delusional.

South Carolina and Texas also passed a version of this law.

Douglas Macgregor: This is it, 500,000 Russian soldiers now invading the Polish border

“Incident” a.k.a. “Other Event” in Alaska – Registered as 3.9 size Quake . . . but NOT a quake!


2023 05 14 19 30
2023 05 14 19 30

At 12:22 eastern US Time today, Saturday, 13 May 2023, at GPS Coordinates shown below, something enormous took place. It was **NOT** an earthquake, but it registered as a Magnitude 3.9 quake nonetheless . . .

Newhart – Larry, Darryl, and Darryl Explain Beauty

China-Russia trade is booming, surges double-digits since beginning of 2023

The volume of trade between China and Russia has continued to grow, with both exports and imports surging at double-digit pace since the beginning of 2023, the General Administration of China Customs reports.

According to its report released on Tuesday, bilateral trade soared more than 43% in January-April compared with a year ago, to $73 billion. During that period, Chinese exports to Russia jumped 67.2% in annual terms to $33.6 billion, while imports from the country rose almost 25% to $39.4 billion.

China’s trade with Russia hit a record high in 2022, growing by nearly a third amid Western sanctions on Moscow. Bilateral trade is on track to surpass $200 billion this year, according to first-quarter results.

Official statistics show that Russia was the leader among China’s 20 largest partners in terms of trade growth in 2022. China has been competing with India as Russia’s biggest buyer of oil, and has overtaken the EU as the top importer of Russian agricultural products.

Both U.S. and Russia Release Ads seeking those who would betray their country!

The CIA released an ad aimed at Russians itching to betray their country.  The Russians made their own ad for Americans in response. Folks, this Russia-Ukraine thing is going total-wild-weasel.  Our government is moving to World War 3 and so is Russia’s government, in response.

First, here is the CIA-produced Ad in Russian, with Russian subtitles, and added English subtitles.

Next, the Russians made their own ad for Americans, in response:

Folks, when two major nuclear-armed countries begin openly recruiting citizens of each other, for war against each other, things are then so far along toward war that there really is no stopping it.  I know the mass media is not telling the public how dangerously close actual nuclear war is, but it really __ is __ close.   You ***MUST*** prepare to ___try___ to survive.

Pavo Asado (Roast Turkey)

2023 05 13 19 23
2023 05 13 19 23



  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup onions, minced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3/4 pound ground pork
  • 1 (14 1/2 ounce) can tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup juice from can of tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup pecans, finely chopped
  • 1/2 cup dried pears
  • 1/2 cup dried apricots
  • 1/2 cup dried apples
  • 1/4 cup raisins
  • 1 teaspoon thyme
  • 1/2 teaspoon marjoram
  • 1/2 teaspoon sage
  • 1 1/2 cups dried bread crumbs
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, melted
  • 1 teaspoon salt, or to taste


  • 3 New Mexico or ancho dried chiles, stemmed and seeded
  • 3 cloves garlic, chopped
  • Water
  • 2 tablespoons cider vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil


  1. Stuffing: Put oil in a skillet over moderate heat. Add onion and garlic and cook until the onion is soft but not browned. Add pork and continue cooking, stirring constantly, to break up the meat until it is browned.
  2. Add drained tomatoes plus 1/4 cup of the juice from the can. Then add the remaining ingredients except the bread crumbs, butter and salt. Cook, stirring frequently, until most of the juice has either evaporated or thickened, about 10 minutes.
  3. Add bread crumbs and butter, stirring vigorously to make sure they are completely incorporated into the dish. Add salt.
  4. The stuffing can either be cooked inside the turkey or baked, covered, at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes or more.
  5. Stuff the turkey with the stuffing, then baste it well with the sauce. Place the turkey in a preheated 350 degrees F oven and roast until done, basting it every 30 minutes.
  6. Baste: Soak the chiles in hot water for 15 to 20 minutes, then place them in a blender with the garlic and vinegar. Add enough water to make a total of 3/4 cup and blend for 1 minute. Add the oil to the blender and pulse once or twice or just until it is mixed with the chiles.

Flowers and Moons in Pairs [BDF2021 Theme Song] National Style Dance Song MV

Chengdu China

Meanwhile in Louisiana, USA

The State of Louisiana is expected to pass a bill that would prohibit Chinese nationals from renting property as of August 2023, and owned properties purchased or leased by Chinese nationals would be forfeited.

Meaning if a Chinese national owns property in the Louisiana it can and will be taken by the government! Liberals screech but it’s not racist! Chinese aren’t people!

As Rand Paul has stated; the USA is Germany 1932 already and it’s time to leave.  As the writing is on the wall and the death camps are coming and most Americans will be just fine with it.

USA VS CHINA. Public Transport edition!

2023 05 13 19 27
2023 05 13 19 27

Not very relevant or important now. BRICS has already surpassed it, and if 19 more countries including many M East countries, BRICS will set the standards for the world not G7 that is not even world’s top 7 economies.

2023 05 20 11 04
2023 05 20 11 04

Did the United States actually land on the Moon?

the former Head of the Russian space program – Dimitry Rogozin – does NOT think so. As Head, he attempted to find documentary evidence of that landing but could NOT find any because he was puzzled as to how the American astronauts were able to walk off the lunar module when Russian astronauts were not able to walk for DAYS. He was puzzled by how the American could accomplish their feat with less power than that which power a usb-c drive. He could NOT find anything in the Russian/Soviet archives to show that the United States had landed on the moon.

my personal thoughts: if the Americans did so,

  • what happened to the technology now that the American are once again competing with the Chinese to return to the Moon. Would they not be able to easily recreate it and race back to the moon first???
  • how did the space buggy fit in the lunar module
  • how did the lunar module and space buggy survive the “landing” as it appears very filmsy
  • before the age of composite material, the space buggy must have been heavy. If so, how was that tiny lunar module able to transport it.
  • who took the photo of Neil Armstrong when he was first descended the space craft
  • why did Neil Armstrong not give any interviews for decades after Apollo 11 and, in the first interview talk cryptically about “a parrot”
  • why were the Americans NOT able to provide simple data such as where was the landing site was
  • one moon sample that was donated proved to be petrified wood from earth
  • some of the shadows does not “fit””
  • Telemetry tapes – Lost; Blueprints – lost; Negatives – Lost; Hand written calculations – Lost
  • Comments anyone?????

There Are Only Two Kinds Of People In This World

1 165
1 165

Everyone possesses a whole number of characteristics which make them unique. Yet there are certain things which all of us have in common.

17 33
17 33
6 124
6 124
15 49
15 49
14 56
14 56
11 78
11 78
12 69
12 69
10 87
10 87
9 91
9 91
8 104
8 104
7 112
7 112
5 132
5 132
4 140
4 140
3 144
3 144


No. China is too big and powerful. It has the backing of nearly everyone in the Global South, thanks to BRI, BRICS, RCEP and SCO.

China’s economy is HUGE. GDP growth is expected to far outstrip that of all developed economies in the coming years.

China’s military is HUGE. The country is practically invulnerable.

The USA is an empire in decline. It faces innumerable domestic problems, including a crushing national debt. The world is de-dollarizing.

Predator Realizes He’s Going To Prison For Life

The World No Longer Look To America To Lead & We Have A Lot To Do With That Sentiment

2023 05 13 19 35
2023 05 13 19 35

Why is it so easy to be thin in CHINA?

2023 05 13 19 21
2023 05 13 19 21

Smartphones with Qualcomm chips were found to send private user information, including IP address, unique ID, mobile country code, back to the U.S. chipmaker, according to a report by the German security company Nitrokey first released on April 25.

Such personal information was sent “without user consent, unencrypted, and even when using a Google-free Android distribution,” said the report.

Nitrokey tested with a Sony Xperia XA2 smartphone which was equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 630 chip and installed /e/OS, an open-source version of Android free of Google services.

No SIM-card was inserted in the phone, nor was the GPS location service turned on. The device can only access the internet through WiFi.

The company monitored the data with Wireshark, a network traffic software, and found that the data will be transmitted to

server, which attributes to Qualcomm.

The report said the data packages were “sent via the HTTP protocol and are not encrypted using HTTPS, SSL or TLS,” making them vulnerable to attacks as anyone accessible to the network “can easily spy on us by collecting this data, store them, and establish a record history using the phone’s unique ID and serial number Qualcomm is sending over to their mysteriously called Izat Cloud.”

It added that the data sharing with Qualcomm is not mentioned in the terms of service from Sony or Android or /e/OS, which violated the General Data Protection Regulation.

While a Sony smartphone was used, Nitrokey said “many more Android phones” with popular Qualcomm chips such as Fairphone are likely to be affected.

Qualcomm’s response

The chipmaker reacted in a statement sent to Nitrokey that the data sharing was in accordance with its XTRA Service Privacy Policy.

“Through these software applications, we may collect location data, unique identifiers (such as a chipset serial number or international subscriber ID), data about the applications installed and/or running on the device, configuration data such as the make, model, and wireless carrier, the operating system and version data, software build data, and data about the performance of the device such as performance of the chipset, battery use, and thermal data,” said the statement.

In its statement sent to

, Qualcomm called the Nitrokey report “riddled with inaccuracies and appears to be motivated by the author’s desire to sell his product,” and noted that it only collects personal data permitted by applicable law.

Nitrokey said the chipmaker, however, didn’t mention IP addresses were being collected originally, but added IP addresses into its data collection list after the research was completed.

‘Not a backdoor’

The report triggered heated discussion after release.

A Reddit post said that Nitrokey proves a backdoor by Qualcomm chips, which the security firm denied, saying it did not discover a backdoor, and “this is not a backdoor.”

British tech news website The Register said that the Izat Cloud, part of Qualcomm’s XTRA service, is “basically a way to make GPS more precise and reliable while reducing use of energy-intensive radio hardware.”

It cited a source familiar with Qualcomm technology saying that all chipmakers “are going to have all kinds of different fetches that they’re going to make [over the network].”

While on the other hand, The Register cautioned that data transmission on mobile device can cause problems in high-risk environments in that “network identifiers such as IP addresses can be considered personal data, particularly when paired with hardware identifiers or other sorts of data. “

Martijn Braam, an IT expert said in his critique titled “Nitrokey disappoints me” that what’s in the HTTP traffic “does not contain any private data” but just downloads an GPS almanac from Qualcomm for A-GPS, which is to “make getting a GPS fix quicker and more reliable.”

Also, “The thing that gets leaked is your IP address which is required because that’s how you connect to things on the internet. This system does not actually send any of your private information like the title of the article claims,” Braam said.

He added the feature “happens in practically all devices that have both GPS and internet,” and also called the Nitrokey article a marketing piece for selling their own phones.

I’ve only been to three parts of China, namely Shanghai, Beijing and Hainan. Four, if you count Hong Kong. Five, if you count Taiwan.

I did not notice any striking level of poverty. At least in Pudong Shanghai, I was struck by the opposite. (But of course that is a very specific area of Shanghai).

I was there on a business trip. Here are some photos of the building adjoined to my office block:

main qimg d8dd5f0f7c7fb46b56e1e78578ba535e
main qimg d8dd5f0f7c7fb46b56e1e78578ba535e

It was the Cartier, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Armani, Versace, Rolex, Piaget, Burberry types of brands, everywhere I looked.

‘Radioactive cloud’ moving toward Europe – Russian security chief

The hazard was produced by depleted uranium munitions destroyed in Ukroid.

The destruction of depleted uranium shells in Ukroid has produced a radioactive cloud which has been blown toward Western Europe, the secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolay Patrushev, has claimed. The UK supplied the munitions to Loozensky to be fired from British-made Challenger tanks.

The senior official revealed the purported threat during a government meeting on Friday, in which he accused the US of providing “help” to other nations that results in harm being done to the recipients.

“They ‘helped’ Loozensky this way too, applied pressure to its satellites to supply depleted uranium munitions. Their destruction resulted in a radioactive cloud moving towards Western Europe. They have detected an increase in radiation in Poland,” Patrushev stated.

Unconfirmed reports have circulated regarding the target of a Kremlin strike last Saturday, which Moscow said destroyed an ammunitions depot in the city of Khmelnitsky. According to the claims, the military facility was used to store British-provided depleted uranium shells. It has been suggested that the material may have been turned into dust by powerful explosions at the depot.

Russia previously warned that the use of depleted uranium munitions poses a long-term environmental and public health threat, based on studies in nations such as Serbia and Iraq, where the weapons were previously used. London has denied such a risk.


For me, the most obvious single example of this phenomenon is… The Simpsons.

The Simpsons is a American adult television cartoon that has been in syndication since the late 1980s.

When the Simpsons began, the overarching joke of the series was that the Simpsons were a struggling lower middle class family. Literally dozens of episodes make a plot point about how poor the Simpsons are and how they are doing worse than all their friends and neighbours, however that joke now falls completely flat, because what was presented as a struggling middle-class family in the 80’s is an almost inconceivably unattainable lifestyle in the 2020’s.

The Simpson family:

  • Live in a massive, detached house with huge gardens front, back and side, multiple living rooms, three bathrooms, a large kitchen diner, a separate dining room, four good sized bedrooms, a two car garage/workshop and a massive basement and attic.
2023 05 20 06 34
2023 05 20 06 34
  • Even if it were located in a town known as ‘Americas Crudbucket’, there’s no way this home costs much less than half a million dollars today.
2023 05 20 06 35
2023 05 20 06 35
  • In quite a nice suburban town. Yes, they make multiple jokes about how crappy Springfield is, but honestly it seems a lovely place to live – lots of amenities, reasonably crime free, friendly neighbours, close to nature, within seemingly easy driving distance of major cities, beaches, landmarks etc.
  • They can afford to take multiple holidays a year, often internationally.
  • They have at least two cars at any one time.
  • Homer has enough disposable income to drink at Moes basically every night without thinking about it.
  • They can afford to frequently splash out on hugely expensive one off impulse purchases such as a pool or an RV.
  • They afford all of this on a single income that Homer makes from his union job as a safety inspector, a job he got without even having a high school diploma, and is apparently so secure that he seemingly cannot be fired despite frequently being caught sleeping on the job, antagonizing his boss, and often just not turning up.
  • Although they often talk about money being tight, Marge never seems to be under real pressure to get a job and add a second income to the family, unless the plot for that week demands it.

Marge and Homer are in their mid- 30’s, having had Bart quite young. There is most likely not a single young family in the western world right now living in anything like the kind of situation the Simpsons are in, being supported by a single wage from a low skilled job.

Obviously I do get that the Simpsons is a cartoon and of course it is going to take liberties, but it’s a simple fact that the basic living setup of the family was deliberately set up to reflect the lower-middle class lifestyle of Americans at that time.

The idea that what was presented as a struggling middle class family in the 1980’s is now an unimaginably successful one is the biggest indictment of the past 40 years I can think of.


Quite pleased at how this one has blown up and created a bit of a debate in the comments, I’m not going to address them all, but one thing I should clarify, a lot of people are making the argument that Homer as a Nuclear Power Plant safety officer would be making very good money, but this isn’t true, we see his payslip in the ‘Bear Patrol’ episode from 1996 and it looks like he makes only $352.19 per week, or $19k per year after tax.

2023 05 20 06 37
2023 05 20 06 37

Homer is neither smart or talented enough to demand a market rate, so $19k per year is what the family has to afford that lifestyle. I haven’t done the math to check what that 1996 wage would be in 2023 with inflation, but I would bet it’s average or below.

Sonoran Chicken Chili

2023 05 13 19 25
2023 05 13 19 25


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 cup shallots, chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 (14 ounce) cans chopped tomatoes with garlic, oregano and basil
  • 1 (14 ounce) can chopped tomatoes (undrained)
  • 1 (14 ounce) can no-salt-added chicken broth
  • 1 (4 ounce) can chopped green chiles
  • 1/2 teaspoon oregano
  • 1/2 teaspoon coriander
  • 1/4 teaspoon cumin
  • 4 cups cooked chicken, chopped
  • 1 or 2 (16 ounce) cans white beans, drained
  • 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • Shredded Cheddar cheese for garnish


  1. Heat olive oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add shallots and garlic and sauté until the shallots are soft.
  2. Add all the tomatoes, chicken broth, green chiles, oregano, coriander and cumin. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. Add chicken and beans and mix well. Cook until heated through.
  4. Add lime juice and pepper and mix well.
  5. Serve garnished with shredded Cheddar cheese.

Makes 8 servings.

New evidence based on data collected by China’s Zhurong rover proves an ancient ocean was once present on Mars, said new research published in the academic journal National Science Review on Thursday.

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main qimg d22950344412ad6345396dc787eeda4a

Led by Professor Xiao Long from the School of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), the researchers conducted comprehensive analysis of the scientific data obtained by the cameras mounted on the Zhurong rover.

The rover, which was launched in 2021, landed on the southern margin of the Utopia Planitia, a vast plain on the northern hemisphere of Mars.

The location is within Vastitas Borealis Formation (VBF), a lowlands-wide sedimentary unit, “whose outer contact closely coincides with the features interpreted as a shoreline,” providing an opportunity to verify the existence of ancient marine sediments, according to the research.

Though previous research has extracted evidence for the presence of an ocean in the northern lowlands of Mars, the lack of in-situ data of the VBF has left it controversial.

Thanks to Zhurong, the researchers carried out the first in-situ analysis of the VBF.

In its voyage of roughly 1,921 meters, the Zhurong rover had traveled southward towards the proposed shoreline since landing, exploring the surface exposures of the VBF along the way.

It deployed different imaging and analysis systems to conduct in-situ observations of outcrops and surface rocks. Among them, the navigation and terrain cameras acquired 106 sets of panoramic images, recording in detail the surface sedimentary structures and features of the rocks in the vicinity of the route.

By observing the images sent back by the rover-borne cameras, the researchers found the exposed rocks have developed bedding features that are significantly different from the volcanic rocks commonly found on the Martian surface or the typical aeolian deposits, but are similar to those seen in terrestrial low energy shallow marine environments.

The sedimentary structures and features in surface rocks suggest the VBF “was deposited in a marine environment,” providing direct support for the existence of an ancient ocean on Mars, said the researchers, adding that the deposition of the sedimentary rocks in the landing site of Zhurong occurred during the regressional period of an Hesperian ocean.

The discovery provides new implications for reshaping the history of Mars. “Future in-depth exploration and sampling of the region by Zhurong will deepen our understanding of Mars’ habitability and the preservation of life traces there,” said Xiao.

豆花之歌2 – RRA4 – 抖音BGM 2023

A daily dosage of Chinese pop music popular right now.


That they do absolutely right!

It is the final straw that broke the camel’s back. stealing Russia’s 300 billion dollar is meant to show that the U.S. can fxxk up anybody anytime. Instead it scared off the world. What do you expect?

The world must keep in reserves in your banks so that the west and U.S. can steal it or make it disappear in thin air through a stroke of a pen? No way!

Or that the world must be made to use SWIFT to seek permission from the west or the U.S. if we can spend its own hard earned money? And actually pay atrocious fees using our good money to be granted this “right”. Dream on! No way.

Should the world continue to allow the west especially the U.S. to rob, steal, confiscate their physical and material and asset at a time of the west or the U.S. choosing without recourse?

The answer is simple. No fxxking way! Over our dead body will anyone allow this! The world have spoken. The will dump the USD, the western currency, savings it’s reserves in the West or the U.S. They will dump the SWIFT, VISA, the Western mineral and metal exchange and they won’t even park their bicycle or save a bar of chocolate in western financial institutions!

If you are a westerner still thinking that the Ukraine war is worth it, think again. To me it is the final nail in the western and U.S. coffin. That is how is serious this is. The west and the U.S. weapon is not the nukes or the sanctions or their ships or planes or tanks, it is their ability to do shit through the above. But this will be totally gone at best within a decade, but more like in 5 years.

Good Riddance!


2023 05 20 06 27
2023 05 20 06 27

Rep. Garret Graves (R-LA), who has been leading debt ceiling talks between the Congress and the White House, said on Friday that Republicans would “pause” talks with the Biden White House on debt ceiling negotiations.

Graves said that Republicans would “press pause” on talks with the Biden White House, although it remains unclear how long they will pause negotiations.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) tapped Graves to serve as one of the leading negotiators with the Biden White House, which includes White House counselor Steve Richetti and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) director Shalanda Young.

The Louisiana Republican accused the Biden White House of not negotiating in good faith. Reporters noted that, until now, Graves has been mostly tight-lipped about negotiations.

“It’s just unreasonable. Until people are willing to have reasonable conversations about how you can actually move forward and do the right thing, then we’re not going to sit here and talk to ourselves,” he explained.

Here is video.  Note his tense body language, and visible frustration with the meeting he just left:



Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) arrived at the Capitol after talks had broken down and said the White House was simply not willing to accept spending cuts at the levels Republicans are insisting upon.

“We’ve got to get movement by the White House, and we don’t have any movement yet. So, yeah, we’ve gotta pause,” McCarthy said.

“Yesterday I really felt we were at the location where I could see the path. The White House is just — look, we can’t be spending more money next year. We have to spend less than we spent the year before. It’s pretty easy.”

American Dream Isn’t even real


What is “real” and what is “fake”?

Three weeks after both Chinese and Russian attack subs entered the Pacific theater, and after “not a quake, but a quake outside of Alaska” has occurred, we have this news…

Magnitude 7.7 Quake Strikes South Pacific Ocean – Tsunami Warnings Issued

A lot of undersea earthquakes lately. -MM
2023 05 20 06 46
2023 05 20 06 46

A staggeringly strong magnitude 7.7 earthquake, struck the South Pacific Ocean last night, triggering Tsunami Warnings within 1000km.

From the U.S. Tsunami Warning Center:

WEPA40 PHEB 190303

0302 UTC FRI MAY 19 2023


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  * MAGNITUDE      7.7
  * ORIGIN TIME    0257 UTC MAY 19 2023
  * COORDINATES    23.2 SOUTH  170.7 EAST
  * DEPTH          10 KM / 6 MILES


    19 2023.










    LOCATION         REGION             COORDINATES    ETA(UTC)
    ANATOM ISLAND    VANUATU           20.2S 169.9E   0330 05/19
    MARE ISL         NEW CALEDONIA     21.6S 167.8E   0332 05/19
    LIFOU ISL        NEW CALEDONIA     20.9S 167.3E   0336 05/19
    OUINNE           NEW CALEDONIA     22.0S 166.8E   0353 05/19
    HIENGHENE        NEW CALEDONIA     20.6S 165.0E   0402 05/19
    NOUMEA           NEW CALEDONIA     22.3S 166.5E   0414 05/19
    ESPERITU SANTO   VANUATU           15.1S 167.3E   0433 05/19
    SUVA             FIJI              18.1S 178.4E   0451 05/19












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Alexander Martis

Greetings Metallic-crowd.
Came for my daily dose of Metallic info, as usual, and found how you titled today’s post.
Can you share with us more details about the depopulation situation or process?
I am asking respectfully, recognizing and giving you credit for posting your muse and sharing on a daily basis. I also understand you share as much as you can, within your constraints considering your particular situation.
Sorry if it seems a little bit of rambling. I am tired but could not wait to ask.
Love that smoking lion (according to the western zodiac I am a Leo).
Despite today’s post title I feel optimistic.

Alexander Martis

Hello again.
Thank you for your response. This is part of my daily routine of scanning the internet for clues, information, intelligence, anything useful to gain the knowledge I need to navigate the craziness I see in the west. Even though my personal situation has placed me in extraordinary economic hardship, it also gives me the chance to let the intellectual part of my persona to take over and manifest. I notice how deranged the ruling class has become when the average person around me can’t. I cannot blame them. We are conditioned to believe being schooled is enough.
The are many thoughts going around in my mind that I need to sort, organize, find the proper words to communicate them correctly. Right now I am feeling a mix of tiredness and relaxation, even though I slept very well (it is morning here in Anasco, Puerto Rico). Sounds weird. I am having a little bit of hard time typing this. Is it something in the environment?
Have to leave for a while. Going for an intense running session before it gets hotter outside. Need to get the blood pumping through my body before coming back.
See you guys.

Alexander Martis

When I saw this video…
BOMBSHELL! Mel Gibson about to EXPOSE all of them | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris
…my thought was “this is the reason why we will be destroyed”. I do not know if I should consider myself as one of those to be killed. I am not very afraid of death or suffering, but, I have to say Thank You for those who spare my life and that of my loved ones for allowing us to live.
A society that has a 32 billion dollar pedophile business is doomed beyond redemption.
As a gay man, and I am not stating it as an advertisement of my sexual preference, I wonder if the reason I do not have children, is because I cannot tolerate at all the abuse and exploitation of our most vulnerable, which are our children and our elders.
This is so sickening, so disgusting, reminds me of how the Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, according to Zechariah Sitchin work, with atomic bombs.
In a somewhat merrier note, the beautiful food pictures you post makes me salivate.
Cheers everyone.
For us in the west, as the song says, “it’s the end of the world as we know it, it’s the end of the world as we know it…”.


I look forward to it.

Too many people have been devolved into monsters and killing machines over the decades thanks to vault 7, elf radiation, carefully engineered propaganda. Nobody’s able to see things as they really are in the west, nevermind being able to jump ship or arm themselves for the impending collapse.

Rod Cloutier

A lot of people have been posting on Tic Tok about the double sun. That Sol is a long period binary star system and that the powers that be are hiding this with solar radiation management dispersions in the sky. The second star is so close now that this is not enough and they are incinerating forests to cover the sky with grit to hide it just for a little bit longer.

As someone who is familiar with black budget UAP programs, what is your take on it?

Rod Cloutier

Thank you


Ola MM;
you don’t need to apologize.
Take your time, step back a little (as you stated yourself some days ago)
go outside, have a bath, take care of yourself and your loved ones and get well again.

Best regards and have a nice weekend!

Alexander Martis

Be Good to Yourself.
Lately when I read about your exhaustion this comes to my mind almost immediately:

Journey – Be Good to Yourself (Official Video – 1986) – Live version

Be Good to Yourself – Studio version

Please be good to yourself. We are in trying times and sometimes we need to pause, take a break, a breather.

The album this song comes from is among my all time favorites. A very distinctive, transparent sound quality that I love is present through the whole recording. Get the original CD release (no remasters) or a high resolution audio version of this album, not the compressed audio we listen in YouTube.
For all you out there, enjoy, and be good to yourselves.

TX usa

With Google lens, it’s easy to find that town in Columbia — if the author put in the picture of the real town he calls home. So if you really want to keep a place secret, don’t put on a picture.