This will be considerably uglier than the last depression. Back then people still had a clue on how to survive with gardening, cooking, canning, hunting, fishing, and sewing skills. Almost all still had wood or coal burning stoves. They also lived in communities of extended families, which does help in creating a micro supply chain of helping hands and necessities. Payment of government debt will pretty much limit the bankers response. Of course we could go the route of a debt jubilee. Would the funny money bankers allow it? Or are they just the giddy architects of financial collapse for the great banker reset? Sooner or later the grids will be going down, so good luck to all. My best advice is get yourself the access to clean water, buy warm clothing, and get a coal/wood stove if you can. Posted by: Old and Grumpy | Oct 3 2022 19:14 utc | 27
Some stories and news article for your reading pleasure. I hope you enjoy them.
FDI into China Rises 16.4%YoY in Jan-August 2022
Uh? I thought that China was “isolated” and collapsing?
Foreign direct investment into China climbed 16.4% year-on-year to CNY 892.74 billion (USD 138.41 billion) in the first eight months of the year, China’s commerce ministry data showed. In dollar terms, FDI rose 20.2%. Foreign investment into the service sector climbed 8.7%, while high-tech industries FDI inflow surged by 33.6%. Among the main sources of investment, FDI into China increased mainly from South Korea (58.9%), Germany (30.3%), Japan (26.8%), and the UK (17.2%). less 2022-09-19
A story of a young Rufus
“I was on my usual running path when I heard an older man yelling loudly enough for me to hear through my headphones. “Sexy lady, hey hey hey sexy lady!” He kept screaming it and I decided to just ignore him and keep running.

This ignoring seemed to piss him off so he lashed out and said “eff you, dumb B****!” Now let’s keep in mind he was well-dressed and appeared to be on his lunch break from an office job.
That was my trigger point. The B word. I ripped off my headphones prepared to stand up for myself when this little boy who was walking alongside his mother and little sister in a stroller looked at the guy and said, “Hey. That is not nice to say to her and she didn’t like you yelling at her. You shouldn’t do that because she is a nice girl and I don’t let anyone say mean things to people. She’s a girl like my sister and I will protect her.”
The man was immediately embarrassed and started gathering his lunch to leave. I asked the mother if I could hug the little boy (his name is James) and I told him how grateful I was for him. He just shrugged and said “Well I just wanted to make sure your heart was okay.”
According to his mother, this is a typical day in the life of James. Thank you so much to the mothers and fathers who are raising the next generation to be brave and courageous, and to be little earth angels for all. I am so touched.”
The Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) departed Naval Station Norfolk, on Oct. 4.
The Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group (GRFCSG) is deployed to conduct operations alongside NATO Allies and partners to enhance integration for future operations and demonstrate the U.S. Navy’s commitment to a peaceful, stable and conflict-free Atlantic region.
The Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group (GRFCSG) deployment includes:
Carrier Strike Group (CSG 12),
Carrier Air Wing 8 (CVW 8)
and Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 2.
Deploying with the group will be Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG 60); the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers USS Ramage (DDG 61), USS McFaul (DDG 74), and USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116); the Legend-class national security cutter USCGC Hamilton (WMSL 753); the Henry J. Kaiser-class fleet replenishment oiler USNS Joshua Humphries (T-AO 188), and the Lewis and Clark-class dry cargo and ammunition ship USNS Robert E. Peary (T-AKE 5).
Daryl Braithwaite – The Horses
The United States is run by idiots

Livin’ Ain’t Livin’ – FIREFALL
Are you sick of the tipping culture in the United States?
The breaking point for me was when I got a letter from a major hotel chain saying the people who clean the rooms don’t make much money, and encouraging guests to leave them a tip.
Rather than, you know, the hotel paying them a living wage.
From the very beginning, tipping has been a way for restaurant owners to underpay staff, and shift the burden of decency from themselves to the customers.
For a long time I believed the story that tipping somehow encouraged better service, because if I wasn’t satisfied I could leave a smaller tip. Couple of problems with that theory. The first is, by the time the bill comes I’ve already suffered from the unsatisfactory service. Leaving a lousy tip might satisfy my thirst for revenge, but it doesn’t make my evening any more enjoyable.
Second, often service suffers for reasons unrelated to the server. When the kitchen gets slammed, or the steak gets overcooked and has to be redone, the food comes slowly. I mentally reduce the tip, even though there is nothing the server could have done about either situation.
Third, the reality is that most people tip within a fairly narrow range. You really don’t have much more control than you would if the tip were built in.
Fourth, some restaurants let the servers keep their tips, while others pool them and divide them according to the owner’s wishes (meaning he/she can underpay line cooks, busboys and dishwashers as well). The direct relationship between tip received and money pocketed is illusory.
Fifth, it has led to a restaurant culture in which waitstaff can be unbearably chatty. In much of Europe that’s considered annoying; a server’s job is to keep an eye on the table, and be ready to respond promptly if anything is needed. British television regularly mocks the hyper-enthusiastic American server.
Sixth, WHY IS THERE A TIP JAR AT STARBUCKS? They make my coffee. I pay for my coffee. Their employer pays them. Why do I have to stand there while the person at the register keeps glancing from me to the tip jar, making me feel like a heel if I don’t toss in a little extra for someone who is doing their job? We don’t tip doctors or nurses or the guy who adjusts your brakes (though tipping him might be wise). Why have we decided that everything food-related can’t simply be paid for?
Don’t get me wrong (probably a bit late for that request): If you think someone has gone beyond expectation for you, hit ’em with some cash. That, to me, is a real tip. The rest is just hiding the real cost of your meal, and making life easier for the owners.
Powderfinger – (Baby I’ve Got You) On My Mind [Official Video]

There has been a large explosion at a South Korean air base; the closest base to the North Korean border.
Photos and videos from social media show what appears to be a missile launch from the ground up into the sky, but seconds later, something on the ground exploded.
Locals say the South Koreans fired a missile interceptor that MISSED it’s target allowing the inbound missile to hit successfully.
This is DISPUTED by other sources that say the explosion was the result of an “accident” at the base, although no one is saying what the “accident” was.
But the photo above clearly shows the launch contrail of a previously fired missile, illuminated by the explosion and fire below. So it is clear just from this empirical evidence that some type of missile WAS fired into the sky BEFORE whatever caused the explosion, actually hit.
More details as they become available
What are some underrated turning points in history?
In the morning of May 3, 1986, China Airlines Flight 334 took off from Changi Airport in Singapore. Its final destination was Taipei, but it was scheduled to make stopovers in Bangkok’s Don Mueang Airport and Hong Kong’s Kai Tak Airport.

On its way to Bangkok, the plane suddenly shifted course. One of the plane’s pilots, Wang Xijue, got into a fight with the other pilots, subdued them, and took over the plane. He then made contact with aviation authorities in mainland China and landed in Guangzhou Baiyun Airport, where he defected.
Wang Xijue, a pilot of Taiwan’s China Airlines Flight 334 who orchestrated the hijacking that enabled him to defect to mainland China. He lives on the mainland today.

When news of the hijacking reached Taiwan, the government of Chiang Ching-kuo was faced with a dilemma. Since 1979, Chiang Junior had insisted on not making any contact, compromise, or negotiation with mainland China. But now, a plane from Taiwan had unexpectedly ended up in “enemy territory,” leaving Chiang with two choices: he could look tough and refuse to enter talks with mainland officials, but risk not getting his plane back — and the crew in it who didn’t want to defect. Or he could make contact with the mainland to get his plane back, but risk upending a longstanding policy and allowing future defections.
In the end, Chiang settled on talking with the mainland, and sent officials to Hong Kong to meet up with mainland officials to get Flight 334 back. Finally, the plane and crew were returned to Taiwan, but Wang, who had defected to visit his family on the mainland, stayed behind.
The hijacking of China Airlines Flight 334 was a pivotal moment in Cross-Strait relations. By negotiating with mainland China to get his plane back, Chiang Junior opened the gates for further contact with the mainland. A year later, the government allowed military veterans who had fled to Taiwan during the civil war to visit their family in the mainland, seeing no reason to keep them in Taiwan when one of their own (Wang was a former air force pilot) managed to break loose. Slowly, the scope of people allowed to travel between mainland China and Taiwan widened until it included basically everyone.
Today, over a million Taiwanese live in mainland China, and people from mainland China with the proper documentation can fly straight to Taiwan and back.
All because someone hijacked a plane.
China Airlines Flight 334 – Wikipedia
Talk Talk – Life is What You Make it
How has China been able to maintain such a large economy despite being an authoritarian state?
Simple. Each country has a different situation. Only Chinese know how to govern their country. We should not judge a country by a name eg democracy or dictatorship or monarchy etc. We should judge it by whether the leader is doing a good job for their people & whether their people are happy.
Why is the West paranoid (China-phobia) about Communist China? Vietnam is also communist. Why no paranoid about Vietnam?
Haha. Right away, we know US propaganda is at play.
Why USA bad-mouths communist China & communist N Korea? But not communist Vietnam. Because China is rising. It is militarily & economically challenging USA’s #1 status in the world. Not only does Vietnam not challenge USA, USA needs Vietnam’s geographical value as a stepping stone to create troubles for China.
N Korea also has geographical value to USA. But USA already has S Korea. That is why USA must bad-mouth N Korea too.
See, nothing scary about communism. Everything to do with US paranoid (China-phobia) & dictatorship.
Like religion, propaganda manipulates people’s mind. Look: all cultures have creators. All creators made the same sun, rain, humans, animals, plants etc. It is the same creators. Different wisdom will develop diff religious practices & myths. You use flour to bake cake. I make noodle. Diff wisdom. Diversity. But some religion propagates their creator is the true one. Others are false & evil.
Let say it was USSR who won over USA, ie communism/Marxism won over democracy. Then democracy will be propagated as evil.
Core-communist democracy
A smart Quoran added an adjective “communist democracy” to settle an argument.
Communism & democracy are 2 different things. But we can put the 2 together by using an adjective eg communist democracy or democratic communism.
Communism/Marxism, socialism & capitalism refers to distribution of public fund/assets. Socialism is less extreme as communism/Marxism. Most western countries in Europe & Canada today are socialist who have a generous welfare system. In capitalist USA, a Harvard research revealed that 20% of Americans owns 80% of US assets with 1% owning 25%. 20% as middle-class owns 5%. 40% at the bottom poor owns zero. In some cases, the middle-class is worse than the bottom poor because their income may not pay off their debts ie negative asset while the bottom poor has zero asset.
Democracy has 2 parts: election & spirit. Democracy spirit calls for …
1, for mutual respect & coexistence with the different. We do not tell our neighbors how to manage their home, do we? Same for governance of a country. To force western values onto others who has a different situation & culture is DICTATORSHIP.
2, for compromise. Today’s political parties fight with each other for votes. Oppose for the sake of opposing. Never think for the welfare of the country as a whole. Each party acts like a dictator.
Not many countries practise 100% democracy. Hence, democracy generally refers to election.
All western socialist countries have elections. They are called socialist democracies. USA is a capitalist democracy.
A communist country can also run elections & should hence be called a communist democracy. Those who are less communist but have elections should thus be called socialist democracy eg Chile, Venezuela & more.
In China, the ruling party is called Communist. But they have evolved to have democratic elections. Regions below provincial level have general elections. Provinces or above have representative elections. At the same time they practice socialism with Chinese characteristics (ie mix of Marxism & capitalism). Therefore, instead of “communist China”, China should be called “socialist China” or socialist democracy today. Westerners have not updated their knowledge & think China is like a bible that never changes.
Why not just call “China”, without an adjective? Like we call USA, UK without an adjective.
We learn not to label people by religion, skin color or ethnicity, eg Muslim, black or Jewish. Can we do the same for a country?
Who call China a dictator despite China has election? The one who breaks democracy spirit ie the US-led West.
Democracy calls for respect & coexistence with the different. We don’t tell our neighbors how they should manage their home, do we? Same for governance of a country. To force western values onto other country who has different situation & culture is DICTATORSHIP.
If a country is a democracy, but the leader is not pro-USA, USA will say their election is fraudulent, or the leader is corrupted, Then declare the elected govt is illegitimate. Then incite a coup & put a pro-USA person as legitimate govt eg 2011 Egypt. 2014 Ukraine & more. … It is god of USA who chooses the leader for other country & not elected by local people. … US democracy = dictatorship
For countries that do not have western styled elections, all leaders are called dictators & evil & must be overthrown by USA. Except communist Vietnam who has geographical value to USA. Haha
… it is US benefits. Nothing to do with communism or democracy/dictatorship.
A Harvard survey that has been conducted regularly for the past 10 years shows that over 90% of Chinese approve their leader. It is not up to westerners to rate other countries if they truly believe in democracy. Democracy calls for respect & coexistence with the different. We do not tell our neighbors how to manage their home, do we? Same for governance of a country. To force western values onto other country who has a different situation & culture is DICTATORSHIP.
Democracy also calls for compromise. The 2 US parties oppose for the sake of opposing without compromise for the welfare of the country. USA looks more like a dictator by definition.
To be fair, China did have times when they used dictatorship. China’s 1st revolutionist who used democracy to overthrow the Qing emperor, Sun Yat-sen, was a dictator after revolution. Why? He (& his successor Chiang Kai-shek) has to unite a country that was divided during revolutions. Same for other revolutionist eg Mao Zedong. The only difference between Sun & Mao is the slogan. Sun shouted democracy. Mao shouted Marxism/communism.
France’s path to democracy also mixed with dictatorship eg emperor Napoleon.
To summarized: today’s China has elections & freedom. It is not a dictator. But because China is rising, the West is worried & thus propagated hatred & fear toward China. That is all.
How can I learn to focus well?
This is Legit.
Being greedy in progress is one of the most typical causes of procrastination.
We intend to achieve our goal as quickly as possible by climbing a gigantic ladder that becomes more challenging for our brains every day.
Instead, concentrate on forming habits by taking little everyday measures.
If you want to finish a 350-page book.
Start by reading 10 pages every day, not 50 pages a day.

America’s plan to cannibalize Europe
From Hal Turner. Worth a thought…
For months, the world has watched as the U.S. and its NATO vassals, take deliberate steps to engage Russia in direct war. Russia has not taken the bait . . . yet.
The reasoning behind the militant actions of the U.S. and NATO escaped most folks. Sure, the whole “protect democracy” nonsense has been spewed endlessly and the dupes in the general public believe that, but slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people through war is never a good option.
So what is the __real__reason for the whole blow-up?
Well, Ukraine has a well-earned reputation for being the most corrupt nation in Europe and likely, the world. Politicians launder “foreign aid” money through Ukraine, then filter it back to their own pockets through non-governmental organizations and then into shell corporations they control. So that’s a reason the powers-that-be want to keep Ukraine in existence; it feeds their cash.
Child sex trafficking is another reason. Ukraine is a literal hub for kidnapped children being forced into the sex trade for deviant, degenerate, perverts that infest the so-called “elite.” The upper classes of society have become so evil, so filthy, that rich perverts enjoy sexing children. So that’s another reason the rich and powerful want Ukraine in existence.
Cocaine and Heroin trafficking throughout Europe and into the USA is very lucrative and Ukraine is so saturated with illicit drugs that even their President has a reputation for being a coke-head. So that’s another reason the rich and powerful want Ukraine around.
But while these activities and the cash they generate are sizeable, something much, much, bigger had to be in the works.
I have found out what that “something” is.
Europe Must Be Killed
The real goals of the US in Ukraine are the destruction of Europe and its economic leader: Germany.
Let’s describe the world situation at the beginning of 2022 (immediately note that I give inaccurate figures to do justice to MMI and @Spydell_finance, but the approximate figures do not affect the disposition itself or the conclusions):
China: GDP: $16.9 trillion. Industrial sector ~30.5%, or $ 5.1 trillion. Export economy 15.3% with an export degree of 1.35 (easily interchangeable, technologically not advanced, but massively price-elastic, requires low profit margins of producers and not expensive labor, as well as agglomeration of producers).
Germany: GDP $4.2 trillion USD. Industrial sector ~27-30%, or $ 1.1-1.3 trillion. 35% with the world’s highest export ratio of 2.07 (only Japan has an even higher ratio of 2.49). That is, exports are irreplaceable, technologically complex and therefore VERY HIGH MARGINS)
The EU as a whole. GDP 17 trillion USD (suddenly !!! more than China, or at least the same amount). Industrial sector ~25%, or $4.1 trillion. (suddenly a little less than China). Only this branch of industry, as already written above, is a high-tech sector, that is, a marginal area that allows rapid positive capital growth.
US. GDP $22.9 trillion USD. However, the industrial sector accounts for only 18%, or $ 4.1 trillion. (Suddenly less than China and just as much as the EU)!!! And the financial sector is over 20%, as is the entire service sector with 77% of the economy. But even this industrial sector accounts for only 7.7% of exports and has an export development index (ECI) of only 1.57 (just like China).
To go back to the beginning of the year, the accumulated imbalances in Quantitative Easing (QE) by the federal reserve are accelerating inflation and could bury the entire dollar system.
The end of QE and the beginning of the Fed’s balance sheet reduction would guarantee the collapse of the services sector, the near-death of the financial sector and a large part of venture capital IT as zombie companies with negative revenue margins or without cache flow.
In order to survive, the United States urgently need to develop the real economy, i.e. industry.
However, since the world has become global, no new markets are foreseen. The system cannot conquer Mars and then sell to Martians, so therefore it will have to grow on intensive investments, which means negative capital work. Since aggregated venture capital investments on intensive investments do not pay off, which has been obvious since 2009, the U.S. is staring at an economic dead end.
So what to do?
Kill the competition.
To get more industry, the US has to get it from somewhere it already exists. Let’s look at each possible candidate for the US to grab industry:
Option 1: China.
But, firstly, China is a subject (sovereign), secondly, the Chinese and US economies are too intertwined, and thirdly, the development of an industry comparable to China means low profit margins, long payback periods and falling personal incomes. And a decrease in personal income is a revolution in the USA. The option is not suitable.
Option 2: EU.
Fits perfectly, no subjectivity and high margin business.
However, the business is so profitable because it is very technological, i.e. it has a high and long entry threshold. It takes decades of development, thousands of patents and the construction of a team of specialists.
But the patents, specialists and companies do not belong to the EU.
The US has to force these companies in their entirety to move to the USA, just as, for example, low-margin production migrated to China in the 90s.
To do this, you need to create unbearable conditions for the economy: war, hunger and cold.
Take a look at the EU now!!!
News 1:
German industrial production fell by 1.8% in the first 8 months of 2022 due to sanctions against Russia, and the German chemical-pharmaceutical sector (high gas dependence) recorded a decrease of 10.7%.
News 2:
The Wall Street Journal published a report on the mass relocation of large German companies to the New World on September 21.
Report HERE
News 3: Explosion at branches of Nord Stream 1 and 2.
To those watching closely, all these things are links in a single chain of events: The EU must be destroyed. At any cost.
It doesn’t matter how many people get killed, there’s $4+ TRILLION dollars a year (of real industry) at stake.
It doesn’t matter how many cities or even countries get wiped out, there’s $4 TRILLION dollars a year (of real industry) at stake.
People will breed, so they can replace whatever war dead take place. Cities and countries can be rebuilt. But the $4 TRILLION a year (of real industry) absolutely, positively, must — and will — come to the US.
Period. Full stop.
This war is about money. $4 TRILLION a year in real industry. Anyone who gets in the way of that will be steamrolled.
This is the main goal of the USA in Ukraine.
Why do so many Chinese people have Western first names but Chinese surnames?
It’s for your convenience.
And in many cases, ours as well.
My colleague’s name is 映雪.
When romanized, it is Ying Xue.
She has completely given up hope on any non-Chinese-speaking person pronouncing her name right.
She told me that, sometimes, when people call out her name, like the time she went to a clinic for a medical check-up and they called out her name because yeah, the doctor can see her now – she doesn’t recognize it all, because it gets mangled and butchered beyond belief.
So now, she just goes by the name “Snow”.
Everyone gets that right the first time round.
Given a choice between spending minutes trying to work out if someone is calling your name, or introducing yourself by a name that the vast majority of people will get right, some people decide to go with the latter.
It’s not rocket science.
Would you be able to pronounce 映雪 correctly the first time round, Mr. Asker?
And it’s not only the Chinese.
I have a Vietnamese colleague.
Her last name is Duong.
Except for our Vietnamese colleagues, and most of our Asian colleagues – everyone gets it wrong.
So she goes by Linda, as in Linda Duong.
There is a Korean colleague.
Her last name is Choi.
Yeah, that’s another hard one.
So she goes by Jenny Choi.
Everyone gets the Jenny part right.
Lynyrd Skynyrd – Freebird – 7/2/1977
A thought
Yup, owning farmable/gardenable land and growing organic food is definitely the key to survival. Gold, shitcoins, et al. cannot be eaten or bargain with when the real shit hits the fan. But go it now! Posted by: Sam Smith | Oct 3 2022 19:20 utc | 29
Brigitte Bardot, Jane Birkin in great scene from 1973 Don Juan movie
An overlooked point
One thing that is overlooked is the Return of the Dragon dollars. China and other countries have started reducing their dollar reserves; these dollars are coming home, and boost the inflation. The symptom is the export of hitherto less traded items out of the US. Those who are dumping the dollars back in the US will want to buy something, anything, with those dollars, because tomorrow those dollars will lose value even more. Therefore buy and take away whatever you could out of the US, before it declares bankruptcy, I mean, refuses to redeem its T bonds. Posted by: Old Brown Fool | Oct 3 2022 19:23 utc | 32
Do abandoned cats get really sad?
Look at the eyes…
1 Tess, left outside for 8 years and treated like garbage. Photo taken while she was a stray.

2 Tess a few months after I took her in (her owners moved away and left her behind).

3 Phoebe – found in the weeds behind my house, 4 months old, starving and flea-bitten.

4 Phoebe six months after I took her in.

Look at the eyes.
Abandoned cats are sad, beaten down, and afraid.
Adopt a stray cat or dog from the street or the shelter. Save a life and change your life for the better.
Brothers Johnson – Strawberry Letter #23 1977
Is the United States in decline?
I could cite some dry statistics and display some graphs but plenty of other people have done that. I am going to give the perspective of a 52-year-old who has seen a great deal of change, some of it for the better, most of it for the worse. I am going to share what has led to my misanthropic nihilism and negativity concerning the current “state of affairs.”
- When I was growing up I literally never heard of mass shootings. This does not mean they did not happen. It means they were very rare. Now, they are so commonplace as to be discussed with barely a nod. “Ten people dead; sixteen injured. Pass the potatoes, please.” We must get to the root of this epedemic, and there are multiple causes. A solution is not easy. The non-glorification of violence would be a good start. Unfortunately, Americans are not only desensitized to the horror of violence and death; we are entertained by it. We have cultivated a culture of violence appreciation. I am further alarmed that so many people completely dismiss this phenomena because it hasn’t happened to them or someone they know. We have dismissed and accepted this with a shrug.
- Republicans: Beginning in the middle part of the 20th century, GOP conservatives went so far to the right that they no longer resembled their former somewhat progressive selves.They became increasingly less liberal and more racist. Dixiecrats saw this and were incensed. Going forward, more and more conservatives and racists joined the Republican Party. Ideologies flipped. Republicans became the party who swung to a racist extreme, enshrined guns to a bizarre extent, and demanded their religion be legislated into law. In addition, their every effort has been to take from the poor and give to the wealthy. This became abundantly clear during the absolutely ridiculous “trickle-down-economics” era of Ronald Reagan. The rich can never be rich enough. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social security are all in danger. The gulf between the poor and the rich widens every day. The time grows nearer when the 95% will not be able to put roofs over their heads, even as the very rich, who should be paying more, lounge on their sun-drenched pool decks contemplating their wealth. I do not advocate “taking their money away,” as so many people suggest. I advocate a fairer playing field where the poor and the wealthy pay a more equal percentage in taxes rather than allowing the wealthy unfair advantages that have them paying less. And, big news flash here; we need to tax everyone fairly across the board and bring down our overall spending to decrease the deficit, rather than cut social security, and Medicare. Why are the poor the first people we think of when we consider cutting costs? Even the legendary investing guru Warren Buffet once said that his secretary’s tax rate is higher than his own, and Buffet is a multi-billionaire. We are an oligarchy, folks. Republicans have now become the number 1 problem, as they have enabled and backed Donald Trump and begun destroying voting rights in the wake of his lost bid for reelection. Republicans have become a much bigger threat than Democrats ever since they refused to allow Dems to seat Supreme Court justices and proceeded to stack that and other federal courts with super-majorities. The Supreme Court has now become nothing more than a partisan tool. Many progressive rulings will be overturned in time. This is a terrible development.
- Democrats: ( I am just left of center myself) have swung so far out into fantasy land that we have to be careful of everything we say and do. Literally everything is offensive. We have taken equal treatment and turned it into some kind of weird Frankenstein’s monster. Everyone deserves equal rights but political correctness has run amok. I am on the liberal side, but we need to tone down the anger. SJWs care about the welfare of all but are often so angry they can’t even be engaged in a polite debate without wanting to call in a firing squad. Wokeness, cancel culture, and censoring free speech needs to stop. Fight bigotry and hate where it exists, but don’t see it in every corner, jumping to identifying it as such until you know for sure what it is. Treat everyone equally. Use common sense and learn to identify some extreme left ideas from fringe groups as the bizarre notions they are. Up to 100 different genders? Seriously? I am also very unhappy with my party’s new tendency to try to destroy individuals by digging up comments they made 35 years ago. All of us have said something risque’ or controversial at some point. Doing this is plain ridiculous. Even with all this said, at least the Democrats mostly shed their past racism (even as it was embraced by many conservatives) and have been the leaders in advancing minority rights for decades. They have made mistakes, but I fault them far less in current times than Republicans.
- Politicians are bought and paid for. They should be forced to wear the names of their contributors on their suits, like those ads that are printed on the sides of racing cars. I saw this suggestion on Facebook and it is so true. How can politicians properly serve the people when they are beholden to the wealthy benefactors and corporations who donate money to them? Capitalism isn’t necessarily bad but it must be overseen and regulated. Unchecked, it produces tremendous wealth inequality and political corruption, as noted above. We need strict limits on political donations and a restructuring of how they are made, perhaps with a government supplied stipend distributed equally.
- Religion still rules the masses, much more so than other highly developed countries of the world, allowing bigotry and anti-science to flourish on into the 21st century. Politicians (especially conservatives) pander to this because it is one way to ensure continued support. Give your voters a couple of the things they want most and they will overlook the crooked bigger things (like tax cuts favoring the super rich.) I am not against religion: I am against having it in politics. Separation of church and state has always been a nifty idea in America but has never been a real thing. That is sad.
- Housing costs are out of control. One must mortgage away many decades of one’s life to buy a house that is too large and too expensive. It’s ridiculous. Small, modest homes could be purchased for much less money, but that would meet with the dissatisfaction of city ordinances and neighbors. It’s a big, fancy house in many cases or nothing. The alternative is sky-high rent on an apartment. Gone are the days when renting was cheaper than owning. Now, even modest apartments are so expensive they leave little money left for food. No one seems to advocate rent control anymore because greed is master. A livable wage is not high on the agenda either. Meanwhile, more and more people are pushed out onto the streets and homelessness increases. We find it easy to put the blame on the victims. Yes, many homeless have made mistakes but not all of the onus is on them. We have a system that is, by its very nature, generating more and more of this problem.
- A college education has gone completely into the stratosphere with its exorbitant cost. It’s unbelievable. A text book can cost several hundred dollars and full-time tuition for a single semester well into the thousands. Small non-traditional for-profit “colleges” didn’t help the situation any either. Though some are at least somewhat legit, many are not, and nearly all are far too expensive, thereby producing many graduates with overpriced degrees that are not likely to be valued at what they cost. And what about the large percentage of dropouts who aren’t likely to benefit at all from what they have spent? In the 1980’s college was still affordable. I signed promisory notes and managed to pay the 4 or 5 hundred dollar costs by the time the term ended. I could not afford to go to college today. It would not be possible. People are exiting universities (not necessarily graduating) many thousands of dollars in debt. Even upon graduating, most students have depressingly low chances of landing jobs in their chosen fields. Competition is greater than ever. Young people are depressed. They are sarcastic and prematurely cynical; and they have every right to be. This generation is yet another that promises to perform more poorly, save less money, have less opportunity, and be more dysfunctional than their parents and grandparents; yet, the bulk of our politicians do not appear to care. A country that wants to offer hope to all people, grant a good standard of living, and preserve this standard for the future, understands the value of turning out well-educated citizens. Yet, we make it ridiculously expensive to become educated. Why are we doing this? We must take greed out of higher education. Should profit be the top priority? * I would also add that we need to stop housing students in luxury apartments while they attend college. Living in an efficiency or a dormitory is good for you. It builds character to live simply and humbly while going through school.*
- Infrastructure has begun to suffer. Our city roads aren’t built to withstand the burgeoning population. Roads most everywhere are in terrible shape, and bridges are a nightmare, old and deteriorated as they are, and in need of expensive care. I am amazed, after having traveled a fair amount, that many of our states have some of the worst roads in the developed world. The power grid as well is old and crumbling in many areas. This is embarrassing and we can do better. At least in 2022 we have a president willing to put a trillion or two into tackling infrastructure. Sounds expensive, but it’s grossly overdue. * as of April 2022, money has finally been allocated for this. Perhaps that will be one step in the right direction.*
- My newest edit in this piece is to mention the problem we have with illegal drugs in this country (and I do not refer to pot, which I consider less dangerous than alcohol). The illegal use of powerful, lab-created drugs has reached wide-scale pervasiveness both in cities and rural communities. It is a huge problem that ruins lives, costs a great deal of money, creates crime, violence, and too often results in death. Elderly folk lose their life savings (and sometimes their lives) to some charismatic stranger who cons them for drug money. Many addicted people will stop at nothing to get their fix. Drugs become these people’s lives. Only the lucky few benefit from some sort of intervention/rehab, while the majority do not. On top of this, it has now become harder for people who desperately need pain medications to be prescribed them because of the violence and crime that people are willing to commit in order to obtain, sell, and use them. One of our mistakes (in less violent cases) has been to over-incarcerate. With the exception of violent and murderous offenders, this hasn’t helped much, if any. Drug-users also enter the work force and cause constant problems. I have had the displeasure of working with them. In some industries this is dangerous. One thing we need to do is stop romanticizing drugs and to stop treating those of us who recognize the problem as being uncool nerds. Many of the other items on this list, such as cost of living and the political divide, cause depression and hopelessness, and these things make drugs more appealing. Reduce the pain caused by many of our other problems and you do, to some extent, reduce the desire to take drugs. We must examine the pharmaceutical industry as well and look into its marketing practices to determine the extent to which it has contributed to the problem.
- U.S. companies relocate to other corners of the world in order to pay their employees very little and government encourages this. Good employment opportunities domestically are shrinking and I am not talking about the many low pay service jobs. Many people who would have formerly held these higher paying skilled jobs are forced into the only careers available; retail, restaurants, and other service jobs where the pay does not meet one’s needs. While unions were desperately needed at one time, their demands grew out of control, demanding ever-higher pay and benefits even in sectors that were no longer profitable. They are partly to blame. We also need officer salary caps, especially on publicly traded companies. More profits need to be handed down to shareholders and lower tier employees rather than having officers make 100 million or more salaries. To the fat-cats of corporate America, this is a big grown-up game of Monopoly where they horde as much wealth as possible while everyone else suffers. I am not against capitalism, but (like any system) it has to be monitored and governed; otherwise, it becomes capitalism out of control, and that is what we have now. The operative word is GREED.
- Our health care is still unaffordable. The Health Care Act is a start but is flawed, largely due to the concessions that had to be made to pass it. Greed is absolutely rampant in this industry in which a simple pill can cost hundreds of dollars. The very sick must worry about medical bankruptcy while trying to battle their illnesses. Some of the most broadly advertised physician-prescribed medications are the most expensive ones still under patent. When was the last time you saw a commercial for an older unpatented inexpensive medication? Any minor move made on a patient’s behalf in the hospital is ridiculous in its cost. Greed is master above all else. Now, it is quite likely that Republicans will remove protections for people with pre-existing conditions as well as other features of the health care act. Additionally, a little-known consequence of the health care act is that it forces people who might otherwise retire early to remain in the work force into their late 60s in order to receive health care. Medicare and Medicaid will not kick in yet (in most cases) if you retire at 58 or 60. This is one item that tells me that the government is worried about the lack of enough workers in the next few decades.
- By the 2030s or early 2040s things will be gravely worse, with an ageing population and fewer people paying into social security than drawing from it. Thanks to government’s redistribution to the wealthy, the problem is exacerbated. We will initially lose a chunk of those payments and will eventually lose this and other programs completely. This initiates our entry into third-world status.
- I think what disturbs me most is the complete unwillingness of our two major parties to work together for the good of the nation. And yes, (due to individuals like the hateful obstructionist Mitch McConnell), I fault the conservative party more for this than the other, although fault lies on both sides. A few decades ago, we had some caring politicians who went to the table with honest intentions of compromising and reaching a solution, even when they strongly disagreed. Even with this disagreement, we often respected eachother. Now, we have a complete unwillingness to cooperate, even going so far as to refuse to allow the opposing party to put judges on the supreme court. This hateful divide hurts everyone. The parties have opposing views, but they should not be enemies. Their goal should be to unite in promoting as good a life as possible for all citizens. Additionally, we have tactics and tricks like gerrymandering and voter-suppression as well as the grossly outdated electoral college that suppress the will of the actual majority of people.
Even with our greater technology, I-Phones, computers, medical advances, and other luxuries, these problems lessen us every day, and not enough people care to do a damn thing about it. Obsessive greed is one of the things we most need to tackle, from big corporations to medicine and higher education. Money is important but we have allowed that obsession to get in the way of the higher interest of caring for all our citizens. Making all their needs more affordable and obtainable is a good start. I am thankful I do not have kids. I would grieve incessantly now to think of the world I have brought them into. I only hope that younger people are observing this disaster and that they will take the reigns and make some needed changes. It may be too late.
* To the few folks (including a lady who was so rude I deleted her comment) who think we should love the country as it is or “get out,” I say this. Such reactions are naive and juvenile. I love my country and I wish to see it become better. Civilizations do not progress through complacency. They advance when folks sound alarms and encourage change. That is why women and minority groups now have rights they would never have enjoyed had they just “loved it or got out.”
In response to people both in this thread and in their own answers who keep pointing out that the U.S. is a world leader, has a great military might, has abundant freedom and influence, etc.. this is my reply.
- I am largely talking about internal conflict here. I am discussing problems that are dividing us from within, and this includes the aforementioned two-party system of hatred and divide. There is more to being a success than having a great military or a high GNP or world influence.
- I am talking about the hate that has nearly taken us over, and of the increasing unaffordability of the cost of living.
- We are disintegrating. We still lead the world in many ways, perhaps, but even the rest of the world sees the problems we are experiencing that are collapsing us from within and are appalled. We lose the world’s respect more every day.
- Some of the horrendous politicians and presidential administrations of recent years (including Trump in particular) have greatly contributed to the problem. What one administration accomplishes, the other tears down with the next election. We can’t even be trusted to remain in a peace agreement or environmental agreement anymore. The two-party hate is palpable.
- *Years later, I now look upon the blatant attempt by one narcissist and his legion of worshipers AND legislative enablers to overthrow our government to install a backward dictatorship and I am more pessimistic than before. Our representative democracy is in dire trouble and the unpleasant marriage of government and religion threatens to roll back decades of progress.
- What happened to us?
Butch DeConcini attacks Tony Soprano
Is there a way for the United States to disentangle their economy from China without wrecking its economy?
My opinion: NO.
Whether America likes it or not, the US is dependent on China for its growth and survival. Most people focus on consumer goods which indeed are an important sector for the US since the US is strongly a service economy and not a manufacturing economy. 80% of America’s GDP is in the service sector. Only 10% is in manufacturing. But, in the sector lies much of the technology sales and foreign affiliate sales for the US.
Those like Trump that think they can bring manufacturing back from China to the US and compete internationally are on a fools errand. What these misguided zealots fail to realize is that Trump is like the Pied Piper and leading them to a false narrative. It is not trade in products that is of singular importance as Trump would have you believe. It is the positive inflow of wealth from all sectors to the US that is important and the reason the US has been so successful since WW2. The US had a head start after WW2 because both Europe and Asia laid in ruins, US industry was unscathed by the war and in fact enriched by the war. FAS more than doubles US exports to the world.
One of the biggest reason the US is so wealthy is a sector called: ‘foreign affilate sales’ It is those sales by a multinational from domestic sales in a country from its subsidiary operating in that country. The US enjoys a health FAS in China as it does around the world. If one counts FAS into the math, the US enjoys a wealth surplus, not only from China but from the whole world. In 2016, that wealth surplus was about $3 trillion which dwarfs America’s total export trade About 2 to 1, FAS exceeds US exports .or about $5.7 trillion in FAS vs $2.5 trillion on total US exports. in 2016. Not only that, but wealth inflows into the US from Chinese tourists, students, investment in US debt, and FDI are on top of what US companies do in sales in China.
Trump jeopardizes that FAS by threatening China.
Not only that, but there are 16 minerals the US depends on China for. There are over 60 mineral from around the world the US depends on others because we don’t either have them domestically, or not enough for our needs, 16 are from China. On that list are things like rare earths that have the attention of media today with people saying we don’t or do have a problem. In rare earths, the US has one mine in California and it sends its concentrates for processing before it can be used. It is dominated by light rare earths which is not the section most in need by the military. However, the US military has proposed to fund a US processing capability to keep military needs from being shut out by China. It does not offer a commercial solution. The US tried twice to compete with China and both times the civilian company involved failed and declared bankruptcy.
Mountain Pass mine – Wikipedia
I think there is a equally important mineral, Gallium that China produces 95% of. It is the reason China is moving ahead of the US in 5G. Huawei owns 2000 patents in Gallium. Why? Gallium replaces silicon for high frequency and high power applications in 5G. So far the US seems oblivous to that fact. If the Chinese cut off rare earths and gallium, would that start a war? Gallium is used in things like radars, sensors, and ELINT applications and China is the world’s 95% source.
China produces 95% of world’s gallium, used in 5G base station chipsets
KELLY’S HEROES Clip – “Western” (1970) Clint Eastwood
Barbecue Pulled Pork Mac and Cheese
Tangy barbecue sauce, cheesy mac, and a sprinkling of buttery, toasted Progresso™ bread crumbs team up to make this meal a total hit. Our bbq pulled pork mac and cheese is a super hearty meal that is easy to make whenever the inspiration hits you. The big, bold BBQ flavors add a delicious twist on the classic favorite, now reimagined as pulled pork mac and cheese. It all starts with the pulled pork and a homemade cheese sauce that comes together with just a little bit of whisking. From there, it’s only a matter of combining the ingredients and baking them into the best bbq pulled pork mac and cheese.

- 4 cups cold cooked shredded pork shoulder (from Make-Ahead Oven-Roasted Pulled Pork, thawed)
- 1 cup barbecue sauce
Macaroni and Cheese
- 2 cups uncooked elbow macaroni (about 9 oz)
- 4 tablespoons butter
- 1/3 cup Gold Medal™ all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 3 cups milk
- 4 cups shredded cheddar cheese (16 oz)
- 1 1/2 cups Progresso™ plain panko crispy bread crumbs
- 4 tablespoons butter, melted

Could China manage without exports to America?
Based on 2016 numerical data:
$479 Bn in US exports amount represents less then 5% of China’s GDP.
- China’s GDP is growing at 6.7%. If the loss of US exports were to impact China’s GDP proportionately, it will be absorbed within less then one year through normal growth all things being equal.
- To replace lost export volume to the US, China would need to grow exports to other countries by an average of 6.5%.

You can judge for yourself if China can manage without exports to the US.
Can the US manage without smartphones, personal computers, tablets and empty shelves in Walmart?
Sly & The Family Stone “I Want To Take You Higher” LIVE on U.S. TV 7/74
As a police officer, what’s the one call that will be with you forever?
There is a lot of calls I remember but the one I remember most was this one:
It was about 2AM on a Wednesday morning and that is typically a quiet time in Bexar County (San Antonio), Texas. I got a call for a “10–50 Major Vehicle vs. Motorcycle” and to respond Code 3 (A major accident involving a motor vehicle and a motorcycle and respond with lights and siren due to the level of the emergency. For those who are reading this – this was in the time of Harlon Copeland as Sheriff so I am dating myself.
I hit the Code 3 and arrived 4 minutes later, and about 1 minute after another unit who was sent also. Upon my arrival, I observed a 1980’s era Ford F-150 pickup truck sideways against a curb and a motorcycle, totally smashed laying upon alongside the front of the Ford. I could not see the motorcycle operator, but the driver was freaking out.
As I approached, I saw the left side of the Ford pickup and walked around the right side where my partner was standing. As I came around, I saw that the right front tire was totally 100% on top of the motorcyclist’s head – and he was wearing a helmet (I remember specifically it was a “Bell” helmet!). Fire companies were still far away. My partner was talking to the motorcycle operator and believe it or not he was answering! My partner and I rushed to our patrol cars and took out our tire jacks and put them both under the truck and jacked it up.
Once the motorcycle rider was freed from under the crushing weight of the Ford F-150’s tire, he literally stood up and unbuckled the helmet and said, “Thank GOD I was wearing my helmet!”. He walked away with some scrapes to his face and serious scrapes to that “Bell” motorcycle helmet. At the time there was no law to wear a helmet and today there isn’t either. He chose to protect himself.
To this day, when I see a motorcycle operator without a helmet I think of that guy and his lucky, strong, and wonderful “Bell” helmet. I am sure he has it somewhere high on a shelf in a place of honor for saving his life. *** WEAR YOUR HELMET!”
Lawson, The Most Professional Arms Dealer In Albuquerque
Have you ever seen someone being literally laughed out of a courtroom?
The situation was too serious for someone to be literally laughed out of the courtroom, but this is a true story.
My daughter was kidnapped when she was 10 — recovered 12 hours later in bad shape. Imagine the worst and then multiply that by 100 and you have an idea.
After my daughter testified, I was up next. I wasn’t allowed in the courtroom, nor my wife because we were also witnesses.
The defense attorney tried to paint me as a “wanna be” cop loving hick. He starts asking me questions.
“Is this a picture looking in your daughters room” says our monster’s attorney (who, I shit you not, looks exactly like Mr Burns from the Simpsons).
“Yes” I answer.
“And this is?” he asks pointing.
“Um, her door?” I answer.
“And this thing stuck to her door?” he asks.
“A poster.” I say, firmly.
“And this writing — what does it say?” he asked with a grin.
“It’s a TARDIS. My daughter is a Doctor Who fan. She also has Tardis sox and a Tardis dress. It’s a time machine disguised as a police call box from the 1960s.” I answered. I’m thinking where the heck is he going with this.
The jury giggles — there’s some laughter in the courtroom.
“And who gave this to her?” he asked with a stern tone.
“Um. Santa”. I said maybe a bit too softly
“What was that?” asked the Simpson Burns clone.
“Santa Claus. It was a Christmas present from Santa” I said loudly.
Both the jury and the court ‘audience’ erupted in laughter, even the judge did a face-palm, I’m told.
That ended the “police” fan boy line of questioning.
Note: Our monster was found guilty, received LWOP (life without the possibility of parole) and 14 life sentences totaling up to 200+ years to life (that’ll give you an idea of the horrors our daughter endured. When our daughter (now 13) found out about my testimony, she gave me a big hug and told me: “OMG! I can’t believe you got Doctor Who and Santa Claus in the court record!”

Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan
What’s something your cat has done that you’re going to talk about forever?
This is Stella who’s just turned 17. Back in early 2010 I’d had ivf and was waiting the 12 days until I could test to see if I was pregnant. A few days before I was due to take the test, Stella started climbing onto my stomach and curling up and would fall asleep. Now Stella loves her strokes and cuddles, but isn’t a lap cat at all so when she did that I thought ‘she knows something I don’t!’ Sure enough, 3 days later I was looking at 2 lines on that pregnancy test and my son is 12 next week. And she’s very protective of him too.

How are they going to prevent global nuclear war?: Will Cain
The Expected Financial Crash Is Finally Here
When two experienced economy and finance analysts, who both correctly predicted the derivative crisis of 2008, again warn of an imminent crash one better listens up.
Today Yves Smith of Naked Capitalism writes about the now Inevitable Financial Crisis:
For months, I have been confident that Europe would suffer a financial crisis and a depression, as in a real economy catastrophe accompanied by a market crash. It might not be that severe and lasting as 1929, but the breadth would mean there would not be 1987 quick bounceback nor a 2008 derivatives crisis concentrated at the heart of the banking system. Even though that looked like financial near-death experience, the same factors that made it more acute in many respects also made it easier for the officialdom to identify and shore up the key institutions that took hits below the water line.The short version of what follows is things are looking even worse now, and on multiple fronts.
Below we’ll discuss the rapidly accelerating real economy crisis, which is exacerbated by central bank tightening as pretty much the only line of defense against inflation that is almost entirely the result of a multi-fronted supply shock.1 Needless to say, the Fed raising interest rates (which Bernanke recognized as necessary in 2014 to tame bubbly asset prices but then lost his nerve) does nothing to get more chips from China or magically cure Covid-afflicted staffers so they can show up at work. But it will whack all sorts of speculators and financial firms who have wrong-footed their interest rate positions.And it also seemed apparent that the US would be pulled into the maelstrom, perhaps not as far, but contagion, supply chain dependencies, and the importance of Europe as a customer would assure the US would suffer too.
The second warning comes from ‘Dr. Doom’ Nouriel Roubini:
- There are signs a debt crisis is forming and the economy is headed for a hard landing, Nouriel Roubini says.
- Roubini predicted a deep recession and a 40% fall in the stock market by the end of the year.
- He has warned that a wide range of shocks will have dire effects on global economies.
There are signs that a debt crisis has already started taking shape, and a hard landing of the economy before the end of the year is now the baseline scenario, according to top economist Nouriel Roubini.
Roubini, who has earned the nickname “Dr. Doom” for his pessimistic views on markets and the economy, has warned of a looming debt and inflationary crisis for about a year. Previously, he predicted it would lead to a Frankenstein-style recession by the end of 2022, mixing the worst aspects of 1970s stagflation and the 2008 financial crisis.
And the signs of that financial meltdown are finally emerging, Roubini said, who referred to a hard landing as the baseline scenario in an op-ed for Project Syndicate on Monday.
“Signs of strain in debt markets are mounting … the crisis is here,” Roubini said, referring to recent moves by central bankers to stem market volatility.
Roubini’s Project Syndicate headline is the message: The Stagflationary Debt Crisis Is Here.
His argument which I highlighted is nearly similar to the one Yves makes:
NEW YORK – For a year now, I have argued that the increase in inflation would be persistent, that its causes include not only bad policies but also negative supply shocks, and that central banks’ attempt to fight it would cause a hard economic landing. When the recession comes, I warned, it will be severe and protracted, with widespread financial distress and debt crises. Notwithstanding their hawkish talk, central bankers, caught in a debt trap, may still wimp out and settle for above-target inflation. Any portfolio of risky equities and less risky fixed-income bonds will lose money on the bonds, owing to higher inflation and inflation expectations.
Everyone now recognizes that these persistent negative supply shocks have contributed to inflation, and the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, and the US Federal Reserve have begun to acknowledge that a soft landing will be exceedingly difficult to pull off. Fed Chair Jerome Powell now speaks of a “softish landing” with at least “some pain.” Meanwhile, a hard-landing scenario is becoming the consensus among market analysts, economists, and investors.
It is much harder to achieve a soft landing under conditions of stagflationary negative supply shocks than it is when the economy is overheating because of excessive demand.
The central banks have misdiagnosed the reason for the currently high inflation rates. They were caused not only by too much stimulus provided by governments and the central banks but to a large part by the lack of supplies which is to the consequence of the pandemic and the ‘western’ sanctions following the war in Ukraine. By increasing interest rates the central banks fought against the wrong enemy. They made things worse:
Are we already in a recession? Not yet, but the US did report negative growth in the first half of the year, and most forward-looking indicators of economic activity in advanced economies point to a sharp slowdown that will grow even worse with monetary-policy tightening. A hard landing by year’s end should be regarded as the baseline scenario.
While many other analysts now agree, they seem to think that the coming recession will be short and shallow, whereas I have cautioned against such relative optimism, stressing the risk of a severe and protracted stagflationary debt crisis. And now, the latest distress in financial markets – including bond and credit markets – has reinforced my view that central banks’ efforts to bring inflation back down to target will cause both an economic and a financial crash.
Moreover, there are early signs that the Great Moderation has given way to the Great Stagflation, which will be characterized by instability and a confluence of slow-motion negative supply shocks. In addition to the disruptions mentioned above, these shocks could include societal aging in many key economies (a problem made worse by immigration restrictions); Sino-American decoupling; a “geopolitical depression” and breakdown of multilateralism; new variants of COVID-19 and new outbreaks, such as monkeypox; the increasingly damaging consequences of climate change; cyberwarfare; and fiscal policies to boost wages and workers’ power.
US and global equities have not yet fully priced in even a mild and short hard landing. Equities will fall by about 30% in a mild recession, and by 40% or more in the severe stagflationary debt crisis that I have predicted for the global economy. Signs of strain in debt markets are mounting: sovereign spreads and long-term bond rates are rising, and high-yield spreads are increasing sharply; leveraged-loan and collateralized-loan-obligation markets are shutting down; highly indebted firms, shadow banks, households, governments, and countries are entering debt distress. The crisis is here.
There is little one can do to protect oneself from the consequences of this crisis. Try to stay on the safe side. Have as little debt as possible. If you have debt it will likely be much better to have it at a fixed interest rate. Don’t bet on the value of any assets you might have.
This storm will be rough and the consequences will be severe.
Posted by b on October 3, 2022 at 18:01 UTC | Permalink
The Band – The Last Waltz – The Weight feat. the staples singers
I just got a notice of eviction, and I’m due to be out by Christmas. How do I fortify my house so I can’t be removed?
Imagine this if you will. I was a landlord for a few years and would’ve hated a tenant like you.
I am not a rich man by any means of the term. I worked for years in 100+ Louisiana heat to afford my house, then when things were finally looking up I moved to a nicer one for my family.
My friends talked me into renting not selling by saying I could make extra money, and that people depend on rentable properties when they can’t afford to buy. The numbers worked out so that’s what I did.
I got a renter who met the criteria and was nice. Paid rent on time, never broke anything or was loud.
One day rent was late, I waited. 3 days late, I sent a letter. 7 days late, I deliver a letter. 12 days late, I knock on the door, I am met with the same nice renter that explains they were out of town and they just walked in as I knocked and that they’ll write it immediately.
3 weeks late, I knock and was told they lost their job and can’t pay. I tell them how sorry I am for their situation, but maybe they can take a loan, borrow from family, or something alike.
I made them aware that regardless of either of our situations, the bank wants their mortgage payments. Their response was, no matter what, they would not be paying rent anymore. In return I told them they would need to be out as soon as possible. They reacted as if I asked for their first born,“I just told you I can’t afford rent, where am I supposed to go?”. I told them that I am so so sorry about their job, but if they aren’t paying then I have to, and how are they comfortable enjoying the fruits of my labor which they are now refusing to pay back.
They asked me to leave! That’s right, my house! The mortgage was $1200 a month. I understood that they would no longer pay, so I called every lawyer friend that I had until one sent me the forms I needed. It took 6 months to get them out. Over $7000 that I had to pay for another person/persons to live in my house.
I am not vengeful or spiteful, but I smiled when Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Deputies dragged him out.
They left a small collection of firearms which they never returned for our contracted me about. I was allowed to keep and sell anything left after a certain date, which I did. Luckily he didn’t try to barricade himself, but he did trip himself(on camera) coming down the 3ft steps, then try to sue me and my insurance. Which he then said he would settle for 25k. I sold the firearms for about $5600 individually! Why didn’t he just do that and pay the rent?!?!?!
I’m sorry you are in this position, but keep in mind that you are putting someone else in the same position by not leaving, on top of being an asshole.
Thin Lizzy – Cowboy Song
Something is Happening in Belgorod Russia . . . Strange Glow from sky

Something very peculiar is taking place in the sky above Belgorod, Russia: First there was a single beam of golden light, shining down from the sky, then there were TWO!

“This is the letter my neighbor sent me after I let him babysit my pets while I was on vacation”

Peter Frampton – Do You Feel Like We Do
Ah. 1977.
I notice that an international student living next door often goes tutoring for extra cash. How can I collect evidence and report him to USCIS for deportation?
Ok, so you’re an awful person.
Also wrong.
You’re allowed to work up to 20 hours/week during term, and 40 hours/week during breaks.
Unlike you, the US government understands that international students have bills to pay, and might need to eat occasionally. What your neighbor is doing is both legal and praiseworthy, precisely the sort of person we should be welcoming with open arms.
Mr.Inbetween 3×09 – Farmhouse Shootout Scene
What’s China planning for the long run?
Several general goals:
- Complete her economic development. Become one of the so-called “advanced” economies.
- Complete her military build-up. Become safe from US and NATO aggression.
- Complete her technological development. China still lags behind USA in several technological areas.
- Build a more unified and multipolar world order. The process has begun with alliances such as BRICS, RCEP, and SCO.
- Reunify with Taiwan, peacefully if possible.
Cool Change – Little River Band
Sad Kitty
My adopted sad kitty( had to get him, heart was breaking)hid in the basement for 8 months. My husband and I tried everything to make him comfortable, then one day recently he came up and is loving and accepting. He has nice fur now and is much bigger. At the shelter his name was jinx, changed to binx. Looks like he has a will to live and be loved now. So happy had to share!

Did China keep Snowden in Hong Kong?

On May 7th he requested for a 21 day Holiday to go to Hong Kong for Traditional Medicine Treatment for Epilepsy.
On May 13th 2014, Snowden wrote to the Ministry of State Security in China and the FSB in Russia requesting for Asylum.
He gave 10 IP addresses to each Country monitored by the NSA as an initial offer of Asylum…
The US promptly decided to extradite him from Hong Kong
Enter Robert Libbo & Ong Boon Keong
US filed three immediate requests :-
- Provisional Arrest Immediately
- If not Provisional arrest, at least Confinement in his Hotel Room
- Monitoring all his activities
Sadly for US, China had got the IP Addresses and were Furious!!!!
Two Chinese Big Shots from the CPC visited HK and left a day later.
HK said – Sorry!!!! We cannot arrest him or monitor his activities!!! Send your Extradition request within 30 days
Chinese Officials from the Singapore Consulate met Snowden and Snowden gave them over 278 GB of Data across qty=4 80 GB Support Disks. It contained many, many; many monitored IP addresses and protocol routes.
A Pro West Judge (in HK) was slated to hear the case…
…but 1 hour before the first hearing…
… He was so terrified by someone who called him that he mysteriously took a 14 day recuperation and the case moved to a devout pro chinese Judge.
This judge was a Lady who refused everything to the US and openly told HK authorities to arrest anyone who entered the Mira Hotel without permission- diplomacy be damned!
Arrest them immediately! No exceptions!
By the time US used its Political clout – Snowden vanished.
He moved to Kowloon to some Refugee apartment and the Pro Chinese Judge exempted him from any appearance in court.
The Technicalities
The US sent a formal extradition request and Lackey HK politicians dutifully endorsed it to the court. (Known as “rubber stamping”.)
Our Pro Chinese Judge promptly rejected it on grounds of:-
[1] Error in listen name
[2] Social Security Document not a valid proof of ID in HK.
[3] The Passport details are mismatched.
This was true. The Request was so hurried that the Name and Passport were botched up.
However China of 2013 wasn’t the China of 2022. It was much weaker.
The Mainland Authorities knew eventually they would have to kowtow to US and send Snowden to US unless they invaded HK. (There were too many American assets, operatives and CIA operators inside of HK).
So they tipped off Snowden who immediately moved to the Russian Consulate in HK
Snowden throws a Brilliant Curveball
Snowden applied to 21 Nations for Asylum knowing fully well he would go only to China.
Later he changed to Russia after advise from the Chinese.
Snowden used the NSA tracking against them by making 20 calls to the Bolivian consulate in HK and talking to the Bolivian Ministry. All in an elaborate ruse.
Everyone believed he would make for the Bolivian consulate.
Unlike Assange, Snowden wasn’t an Idiot who trusted the Western System. He knew that they were all prostitutes of the USA for a long, long time.
But, you know…
Nobody looked at Russia
Everyone thought that it was either China or Bolivia.
Meanwhile HK authorities passed an order forbidding Snowden to leave by Air if he presented his passport.
China makes the last call
Again China made a call.
And just like that, the order forbidding movement by air was revoked on Human Rights grounds and was called for somewhere in Mid June 2014.
Snowden left 2 hours after it was revoked and well before US State Department could respond.
By the time the US State Department responded, Snowden was Long Gone and was in Moscow where Asylum was granted in a record 40 minutes pending a hearing scheduled 11 months later.
So it was China who ensured that Snowden never got caught or extradited
They however knew that they could not bring Snowden to Beijing and risk so much Political Pressure, so they orchestrated his movement to Russia and subsequently demanded details from the US on their spying that US simply could not give.
Today Snowden is a Russian Citizen
What happened in China next
The Great Firewall was enhanced and every single American spy Protocol was destroyed.
China amended the law to exempt Personal Security to US Equipment Server Engineers .
Two Engineers who were arrested on grounds of spying were beaten so badly in custody that the rest fled China in sheer terror.
Over 500 Equipment Contracts with US were decimated
China demanded newer Security Agreements and told a Facebook Engineer who was arrested how they would target their families in very, mean, cruel and nasty ways.
It was literally a Mafia Moment in China
US Security Experts in China were so frightened that they all fled China and their equipment was seized and destroyed. They dropped what they were doing and left within hours. Some didn’t even pack.
US didn’t protest because they were caught “red handed” and with their pants down.
The Israels entire Surveillance system was compromised within Iran. Aside from the many captures and long imprisonments, Five Iranians were executed and their families completely disappeared.
Israel and US lost a Massive Surveillance Behemoth in the Region.
Snowden was easily Chinas Greatest Patriot
Without him imagine?
China would never have [1] set up counter surveillance on US, [2] created their Great Firewall and [3] protected itself from Malicious Western Impacts.
Is the 48 contiguous U.S. states larger than all of China?
No. China is much larger.
The land area of China is around 3.7million square miles, while the land area of the U.S. (minus Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories), is 2.9million square miles.
Do cats become more attached to their owners as they age?
I believe they do.
When Mikey was a kitten he was pretty attached to me but then after 6 months old he became more independent.

He was so funny and so full of life and he was such a busy guy. Though, he was always ready for cuddle time at bedtime.
I noticed a shift in Mikey’s behavior towards me when he was around 8 years old.
He started following me around again like he did when he was a kitten.

He started keeping tabs on me.
Mikey was born deaf so he always had his own way of communicating and his meow was super loud.

When I would return from the store or wherever I had been he would protest loudly to let me know he was not happy about me leaving him.
By the time Mikey was 12 years old we were joined at the hip. Where mommy went, Mikey went too.

I even took him with us on our vacation to California from Oregon. 12 hours in the car and he did so well, he was so happy he got to go.

Mikey died at 18 years old and we were closer than we had ever been before.
We spent quality time together especially between the ages of 12 and 18 years old.

Honestly, his senior years were my favorite years, I loved how he depended on me because for all the years prior it was me depending on him.
He never let me down.

So I couldnt let him down.

We had a wonderful life together with every moment filled with love.
We were best friends.
Truth be told, I was always the one with the attachment issues.

Divinyls – Boys In Town [HQ]
Oh SHIT they think Putin is bluffing and they’re pushing nuclear war.
Well worth the two hours. At least check out the first segment (after the 30 minutes or so lead in)…
Australia Day, cheers MM. Mr Inbetween is excellent mate, I loved it. Ray is quite the character but do not fuck with him. You need to watch the first series when Ray has to attend an anti violence coarse, the rhetoric is so good. For example the phycologist asks Ray when has violence ever achieved anything, Rays response was simply WW2.
Talk Talks Mark Hollis passed away in 2019 sadly, He walked away from stardom to raise his family, Vale the Rufus. The Divinyls I have seen live, back in 1986 from memory, sadly Chrissy has also passed.
Nostradamus’s rod of light weapon which was mentioned in the WW3 quatrains ?
Cheers all.
Forgot to mention Harry Smith was a fine Tasmanian. Born and breed in Hobart.
Hal Turner – “The EU must be destroyed. At any cost.” – for the US to survive. Sadly they succeeded. Beautiful song “The horses”!
Google the lyrics to Horses my dear friend and let me know that you think.
Hey you WT, IBiY, I certainly do, always
WT, Google the lyrics to all the tracks on this post, MM I think I get it man. I believe I can, yes I do even if I fail WT will make it. It’s about her mate not me. “He is down on the ground. He has a broken wing looking all around”. I put myself here onto the PP but WT was put here against her will she’s the one who deserves to get out, yes she is. Be the Rufus hey man. Yes I will.