
Reaching the evaporation threshold

Let’s look at the check-list…

  • Discord (check)
  • Unrest (check)
  • Overspending / debt (check)
  • War (check)
  • Foreign policy failures (check)
  • Climax (check)
  • Evaporation period…

…Up we are reaching the “evaporation period’; a time when the big bubbles pop, the long ride comes to an end, the champagne bottles are empty, the buzz wears off, and the long headache begins.

Except there’s no aspirin for this kind of hangover.

This is the moment when you wake up in the hospital, and are told that your loved ones in the car accident are all dead. This is the BIG ONE. The life-changing event.

We are almost there.

It’s the “evaporation threshold”. It’s a time of crash. It’s the “big ending”.

It’s the quiet cleanup after the big party.

It’s soon really soon.

16 Candles after the party scene

The Western “leadership” is still living their fantasies, and the anti-China forces, and the forces of control are all bought and paid for and will continue to operate until the funds dry up.

But it’s getting close to an “evaporation threshold“.

It’s soon.

It will be spectacular, and FINALLY, the USA will be forced to make some changes to policy. Both international and domestic. Well, long, overdue. I’m looking forward to it.

When it will happen is unknown, but it will be soon.

This will begin a two to three year long period of difficulty (domestically) within the United States.  2023/4 through 2026/7.

It will characterize the President (of the next term).

  • I anticipate calls for war NOW!, but an inability to engage.
  • I anticipate crazed and disorganized fiasco domestically.
  • I anticipate all sorts of discord and troubles, but yet…

…I anticipate that the Untied States will still stay cohesive. Uncomfortably cohesive, but still together.

Businesses will operate, but will be sized down. Banks will operate, but will limit access, and all the rest.

My guess is in the next year, leading up to the next Presidential election, but after the crash will be a massive slump and collapse.

You have one year to prep.

Start now.

2023 05 13 16 2w6
2023 05 13 16 2w6

All is to schedule.

All is proceeding to plan.

I think that you all will be able to avoid the big hurts, if you are prudent and take the appropriate actions. Control your thoughts. Prepare, and be social. You will be fine.

Spring FREEZE Hits Northeast; Crops Being Killed

28 degrees 6 02 AM 05 18 2023 2 large
28 degrees 6 02 AM 05 18 2023 2 large

As of 6:02 AM eastern US time today, 18 May 2023, I awoke to the temperature outside reading twenty-eight degrees (28°) — a Spring Freeze!  This will KILL crops in much of the northeastern USA.

I spoke about this during my radio show last night, telling my audience the National Weather Service has issued a FREEZE WARNING for my area here in northeast Pennsylvania, as follows:

Sent: 11:41 EDT on 05-17-2023
Effective: 23:00 EDT on 05-17-2023
Expires: 09:00 EDT on 05-18-2023
Event: Freeze Warning



* WHAT…Sub-freezing temperatures of 24 to 28 in rural areas, and

28-32 in urban locations expected.


* WHERE…Portions of central New York and northeast



* WHEN…From 11 PM this evening to 9 AM EDT Thursday.


* IMPACTS…Frost and freeze conditions will kill crops, other

sensitive vegetation and possibly damage unprotected outdoor



* ADDITIONAL DETAILS…The coldest temperatures will be in rural

valley locations.

Instructions: Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold. To prevent freezing and possible bursting of outdoor water pipes they should be wrapped, drained, or allowed to drip slowly. Those that have in-ground sprinkler systems should drain them and cover above- ground pipes to protect them from freezing.
Target Area:
Northern Wayne
Southern Wayne
Forecast Office: NWS Binghamton (South Central New York and Northeastern Pennsylvania)

Unbelievable: John Fetterman’s Incoherent Rant Raises Questions About His Fitness for Office

PA Senator.

China on Wednesday announced the launch of the world’s first commercial 5G inter-network roaming service trial at the conference of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) 2023.

The WTISD is celebrated every year on May 17. The conference this year was held in Hefei, capital city of east China’s Anhui Province, with the theme of “empowering the least developed countries through information and communication technologies.”

The first commercial 5G inter-network roaming will be put into trial use in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, allowing users to access 5G services of other operators when outside the range of their operators’ 5G network.

In areas where 5G roaming services are provided, users can use terminals that support 5G roaming without changing their SIM card or phone number, and directly use the 5G roaming service without paying additional fees.

Promotes large-scale 5G application, plans for 6G

In the future, China will promote the large-scale application of 5G and the industrial internet, and plan for future industries such as 6G, quantum information and brain-like intelligence, said Zhang Yunming, vice minister of industry and information technology during the conference.

The innovative application of 5G and the industrial internet has unique advantages in improving the efficiency of resource allocation and facilitating economic circulation at home and abroad, according to Zhang.

The next generation of information and communication technologies has become an important engine for the country’s high-quality development, said Zhang.

“We will deepen the integration of 5G and the industrial internet to support the development of high-end, intelligent and green manufacturing industry,” he added.

Mexican, While Being Arrested for Catalytic Converter Theft, Tells Cops “The Russians and Chinese are coming for you soon”

GuyStealingCatalyticCoverter large
GuyStealingCatalyticCoverter large

Lynnwood, Washington Police officers were called to a suspicious circumstance. An officer arrives and initiates contact with a man under a truck, apparently STEALING a catalytic Converter.  Then things get VERY interesting . . .

The officer immediately orders the man out from under truck. The individual claims it’s his friends truck and it going to get towed.

The officer asks for identification but the man tells officer he doesn’t have it.

The individual admits to officer he was taking out the catalytic converter.

At that point he walks away from the officer towards his vehicle. The man disobeyed officers commands to stop and forces officer to go hands on.

The man resists arrest as other officers respond to assist taking him into custody.


The individual is patted down for weapons and at that point the begins to resist again.

The officers walk him to another patrol car where he is seated in the vehicle.

Officers then begin to conduct an investigation. Officers walk around the vehicle and discuss the crime.

During the course of the investigation, officers determine the man has been stripping the truck. The officers finish up their investigation and transport the man to jail.

Here’s the Police Body Cam footage of the arrest from start to finish.  Listen for yourselves once police intercept the guy:


For many years, those who keep abreast of the illegal aliens crossing into the US have observed that most of the males are of military age, and very fit.  Those observers have wondered aloud if these invaders are __actually__ foreign military, being sent into the US to be pre-positioned to harm us from within once hostilities begin.

This video seems to (quite accidentally) confirm that!   A guy is being arrested for stealing catalytic converters.  Why would he tell cops “The Russians are coming for you soon” unless he knows something that the rest of us do not?

I mean, who in their right mind would even bring something like that up while being arrested?

Oh, and the other thing he said “America is a Bitch”  — THAT tells you that these PRESUMABLY (but not certain) Illegal aliens aren’t coming here for freedom or for love of America.  Nope!   They clearly seem (to me) to have some other agenda.

It now seems quite possible to me that these men are being sent from foreign military to be pre-positioned to harm us from within.

And the Americans respond in the comment section…

2023 05 19 14 40
2023 05 19 14 40

BOMBSHELL! Zelensky’s Pro-Russian Speech Uncovered!

China growth story

Companies covered in this issue include: Huawei, OPPO, Lenovo, Baidu, Tencent, Alibaba, Li Auto, BYD, ByteDance

A key question for China’s growth story for the next decade will be how well China’s tech sector, especially the so-called “hard tech” (as opposed to consumer internet), can develop into a globally advanced level. However, a considerable amount of high-quality content in China resides in the Chinese-language world and is neither reported by mainstream Western media nor easily searchable. China Tech News Digest is a curated series that provides the most important trends and updates on China’s public companies and industry leaders.

We monitor and scan information in these less accessible domains under-reported by mainstream media, but are still worth your attention. This includes millions of articles published by professionals, independent journalists, industry experts, and analysts on platforms such as WeChat official accounts.


Huawei: Huawei has applied for a semiconductor packaging invention patent that provides an alternative molding solution, aiming to reduce costs and improve the efficient and reliable manufacturing of semiconductor packaging. This move is part of Huawei’s efforts to innovate in semiconductor packaging and mitigate the impact of US chip sanctions. [source]

2023 05 18 20 05
2023 05 18 20 05

On May 12, Chinese consumer electronics and mobile maker OPPO abruptly shut down its chip development subsidiary, ZEKU, resulting in over 3,000 employees losing their jobs. The closure came as a surprise to employees, with no prior warning or indication. The sudden decision has raised speculation about the reasons behind it.

“Yesterday we were still rushing to meet the deadline, and today the company is closed,” said Chen Jia, who works in the ZEKU mixed-signal department.

ZEKU, established in 2019, is a chip-focused subsidiary of OPPO with seven research and development centers worldwide. It has grown to a scale of around 3,000 employees, with many of the employees coming from Huawei HiSilicon, Unigroup Guoxin (002049.SH), and some semiconductor companies in Taiwan. About 80% of the employees hold master’s or doctoral degrees from well-known universities, and 40% of the engineers have more than 10 years of experience. As ZEKU was laying off employees, Huawei held an emergency job fair to quickly recruit people.

Zeku CEO Jun Liu: “The global economy and the mobile phone industry are extremely pessimistic now, and the company’s entire revenue is far below expectations, so in this situation, such a huge investment in chips will be something the company cannot afford, so I have to make an announcement here with regret: After careful discussion, the company has decided to close Zeku and terminate its self-developed chip business.”

2023 05 18 20 0t5
2023 05 18 20 0t5

A Minus And Plus For The Debt Ceiling Crisis

The debt ceiling discussions in Washington may well be help President Biden’s secret domestic agenda but it is hampering on of his foreign policy aims.

The New York Times economy columnist Paul Krugman is aghast that the Biden administration had not prepared for the obvious showdown with the Republicans:

As soon as Republicans took control of the House last November, it was obvious that they would try to take the economy hostage by refusing to raise the federal debt limit. After all, that’s what they did in 2011 — and hard as it may be to believe, the Tea Party Republicans were sober and sane compared to the MAGA crew. So it was also obvious that the Biden administration needed a strategy to head off the looming crisis. More and more, however, it looks as if there never was a strategy beyond wishful thinking.

[R]ight now I have a sick feeling about all of this. What were they thinking? How can they have been caught so off-guard by something that everyone who’s paying attention saw coming?

I am amused over this. Krugman seems to have believed Biden’s election campaign talk about being ‘progressive’ or on the ‘left’. Joe Biden was and is far from that. I for one would characterize him as a centrist with strong leanings towards the right.

The fight over the debt ceiling is arbitrary but a chance for Republicans to threaten some damage. The fear is then used to push for domestic policy concessions:

For those somehow new to this, the United States has a weird and dysfunctional system in which Congress enacts legislation that determines federal spending and revenue, but then, if this legislation leads to a budget deficit, must vote a second time to authorize borrowing to cover the deficit. If even one house of Congress refuses to raise the debt limit, the U.S. government will go into default, with possibly catastrophic financial and economic effects.

This weird aspect of budgeting allows a party that is sufficiently ruthless, sufficiently indifferent to the havoc it might wreak, to attempt to impose through extortion policies it would never be able to enact through the normal legislative process.

I do not for one moment believe that Biden is unhappy about that.

In the 1990s and early 2000s Biden supported bankruptcy reform that made it more difficult, especially for the poor, to get rid of debt:

[Biden] had pushed for two earlier bankruptcy reform bills in 2000 and 2001, both of which failed. But in 2005, BAPCPA made it through, successfully erecting all kinds of roadblocks for Americans struggling with debt, and doing so just before the financial crisis of 2008. Since BAPCPA passed, Chapter 13 filings went from representing just 24 percent of all bankruptcy filings per year to 39 percent in 2017.

Before that Biden had called for cuts to Social Security:

In 1984 he proposed freezing Social Security benefits — that is, ending cost-of-living adjustments that boost benefits to keep up with inflation. In January 1995 he gave a speech endorsing a balanced budget amendment (an utterly lunatic policy) and boasted about his previous record of proposing “that we freeze every single solitary program in the government, anything the government had to do with, every single solitary one, that we not spend a penny more, not even accounting for inflation, than we spent the year before.” In November 1995 he did so again, boasting that “I tried with Senator Grassley back in the ’80s to freeze all government spending, including Social Security, including everything.”

There are other non-progressive laws and several wars that had Biden’s support. In the current fight over the debt ceiling the Republicans demand cuts to several welfare bills. It is certainly not obvious that Biden is against those. He may well be using the debt ceiling fight to push for politics he favors but which a majority of Democrats would otherwise oppose.

Talks have been held in the White House with Senate and House majority and minority leaders. There were no serious results because the Democratic Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer held Biden back from making concessions to the Republican House speaker Kevin McCarthy:

The California Republican had vented to his colleagues just hours before the meeting that the current format of negotiations — with all four party leaders in a room with the president — wasn’t fruitful. Speaking to his conference on Tuesday morning, McCarthy said the five of them had achieved little in their first sitdown last week, arguing that Schumer had prevented Biden from fully engaging with the speaker and McConnell, according to two people familiar with his remarks. Whenever Biden did seem to agree with Republicans, McCarthy said Schumer would try to cut him off.

The talks will now continue without the Senate leadership:

Leaders agreed to narrow a bicameral negotiation down to Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Biden, hoping fewer players might be more productive in reaching a bipartisan deal to raise the debt ceiling. Even then, it looks like a longshot to some Senate Democrats.

That setting will give Biden the opportunity to make ‘concessions’ that are favored by his rich donors but opposed by a majority of people who voted for him. He will then sell those by presenting them as the only possible step to take. Maggie Thatcher’s “There is no alternative!” will again succeed.

The current due date for a debt ceiling deal is Friday:

Reflecting the growing sense of urgency, the White House announced Tuesday that the president will cut short his trip to Asia and now plans return to Washington on Sunday in order to resume negotiations with Republicans as soon as possible.Biden will depart Wednesday for a trip to Japan but will no longer make stops in Papua New Guinea and Australia before returning stateside.

There is a G-7 meeting in Japan during which Biden will press for some anti-China wording but probably without much results. The canceled Quad meeting in Australia was also to support his anti-China agenda as was the planned stop in Papua New Guinea where the U.S. navy wants extensive port rights.

For Biden’s foreign policy agenda the canceling of those dates is bad. It makes the leadership of the PNG look stupid:

PNG News & Info @PngPles – 2:08 UTC · May 17, 2023PNG declares Monday as Public Holiday in Port Moresby as US President Joe Biden makes historical visit

The canceling of the visit may well be the end of the planned port agreement as the opposition in PNG will now have chance to look into the dubious and secretive deal:

The Opposition Leader, however, said the cancellation of the trip would give the opportunity for the Prime Minister to tell this country what this Defense Cooperation Treaty is all about.Mr. Lelang said information on the contents of the Defense Cooperation Treaty with the United States was sketchy, therefore, created a lot of confusion and uneasiness around the country as to what this means for us. The Opposition is calling on the Prime Minister to come out and tell the nation the details of the Defense Cooperation Treaty.

The Opposition Leader reminded the Government that we have a foreign policy of “Friends to All and Enemies to None” and PNG need to stand firm on this foreign policy position.

Mr. Lelang said we should not be blinded by the dollar sign or be coerced into signing deals that may be detrimental to us in the long run.

Meanwhile, Former Prime Minister and Ialibu Pangia MP Peter O’Neil also expressed concern that the only people who seems to know about this security pact is the former Minister for Foreign Affairs, the PM and Minister for Defense.

I am told there will be Security Agreement to be signed between US and PNG, however, that particular agreement was never made public, never debated on the floor of Parliament, never been approved by Parliament so we are all going blind and some of the reports we are getting are concerning”

From the information we gathered, the Agreement is that the pact was largely drafted by the US Government. Only a few of our own PNG Government officials and the then Minister for Foreign Affairs have seen this document and as a result has been put forward to the Prime Minister and officials to sign the agreement on the day of the visit of the US President,” Mr O’Neil said.

This reminds one of the AUKUS deal which will see Australia pay huge amounts of money for nuclear submarines it does not need. That deal was also negotiated secretly and agreed upon without any public discussion.

If the Defense Cooperation Treaty with the PNG fails the chance for a conflict with China will lessen and the world will be better off. If some people in the U.S. will lose some government support due to a debt ceiling agreement it will be bad for them.

But in total that would still be a win.

Posted by b on May 17, 2023 at 16:12 UTC | Permalink

What A 9 IQ Criminal Looks Like

Today’s JCS Inspired true crime documentary will cover the interrogation of John Elliott, Who started this interrogation by giggling about what a rough night he’s having.

Chinese disapora living in the West are currently being scapegoated for the failures of the West. Chinese students and researchers are currently seen as spies, seen as guilty of technology theft and Chinese businesses helping the community are seen as “secret police stations”. This is the picture that Western politicians have been happy to paint. What worse was during the pandemic, Chinese were the first to be seen as the source of the coronavirus despite evidence in Red Cross blood donation indicating the earlier presence of the virus in US.

Today, every technology advancement in China is not credited to the brilliance of Chinese scientists but perceived as “technology theft” despite the high number of STEM graduates every year and the high number of patents filed every year. So ultimately, China rising to the top may not make the lives of Chinese diaspora safer but in fact force them to relocate to a more welcoming place.

Remember the murder of Vincent Chin? He wasn’t even Japanese to start with. The rise of Japan didn’t make it safer for Japanese or Asians. It made lives more difficult.

Currently, there’s an exodus of Chinese scientists in the West since the FBI carried out unwarranted investigations against researchers of Chinese descents. It’s not that they are guilty, but having their home raided with guns pointed at their family members for being Chinese researchers just made them ask this question. “Is America still a place where Asians can enjoy higher degree of freedom?”

Saying all that, the rise of China and Asia are inevitable. Hate crimes and discriminations against Chinese and Asians are only going to worsen in the West. China will not bow down to the pressure from the West, there will not be a Plaza Accord. So be prepared, be safe and pray that one day those politicians may see cooperation as more rewarding than confrontation.

6G Development

Chinese scientists have developed an electromagnetic shielding material that can be used for 6G base stations and electronic devices

China is on track to introduce early 6G mobile applications by 2025 and roll out commercial services by 2030 [source]. The main difference between 6G and 5G lies in the communication frequency bands: while 5G mainly operates in the gigahertz (GHz) range, 6G will expand into the terahertz (THz) range. Challenges in 6G development include the need for electromagnetic shielding materials that can cover a wide frequency range, from gigahertz to terahertz, and withstand demanding usage environments, such as extreme temperatures, salt spray, and bending.

To address this challenge, researchers at Nankai University in China have developed a new type of electromagnetic functional material using MXene, a two-dimensional material, and polymers. The resulting composite film offers high-frequency compatibility and shielding performance, mechanical strength, and stability in harsh environments. The material is expected to be used for 6G base stations and electronic devices.

2023 05 18 20 06
2023 05 18 20 06

Why we think it’s important:

Countries around the world are actively developing 6G technology. It is expected to be officially put into commercial applications around 2030 according to market predictions.

  • In October 2020, the United States established the “US 6G Alliance” with companies such as Apple, Samsung, and Nokia to promote research and deployment in the field of 6G.
  • Research teams, including one from Nagoya University in Japan, have studied and experimented with urban 6G communication networks.
  • China has included the development of 6G network technology in its “14th Five-Year Plan” and “2035 Long-Term Vision Outline.” It has also established a national 6G technology research and development working group.
  • In 2021, Huawei conducted the world’s first trial operation of a 6G network.

Kidnapped for 18 days: How police found 4-year-old Cleo | 60 Minutes Australia

Merit-driven detective activity. This is what happens.

Artificial Intelligence

Lenovo (992:HK): Lenovo’s infrastructure Solution Group (ISP) revenue grew 48% YoY

The demand for computational power in the field of artificial intelligence, driven by the rise of deep learning and AI applications like ChatGPT, has led to increased revenue for Lenovo’s Infrastructure Solutions Group (ISG). In the third quarter of the 2022/23 fiscal year, ISG achieved a record revenue of 20.3 billion RMB, a 48% YoY increase.

Kirk Skaugen, Executive Vice President of Lenovo and President of the Infrastructure Solutions Group (ISG), said, “The reason for the high-speed growth is first of all the obvious increase in market demand, and secondly, more and more customers are beginning to realize that Lenovo is not only a PC company, but also a service and solution provider.”

In recent years, the number of supercomputers manufactured by Lenovo has been steadily increasing. As of 2022, more than one-third of the TOP 500 high-performance computer (HPC) systems are provided by Lenovo Group.

In June 2022, Lenovo Group’s Hungarian factory was fully operational. Currently, 90% of Lenovo Group’s data center products in the EMEA region and approximately 50% of Think desktop and workstation products in the region are produced at this factory.

How This 31 Year Old Woman Scammed JP Morgan

Looks harmless. Eh?

Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU): Baidu’s Fintech arm, Du Xiaoman, won the highest honor in China’s AI field

Du Xiaoman’s Intelligent Credit Interpretation Middle Platform applies large-scale language models and graph algorithms to interpret credit reports, which can extract 400,000 dimensions of risk variables and improve the precision of bank risk control models by 26%. The project was awarded the Wu Wenjun AI Science and Technology Award, the highest honor in China’s AI field. Previously, Du Xiaoman’s intelligent voice robots, intelligent risk control, and other projects were selected as the first batch of Fintech application pilots by the People’s Bank of China.

The Mistake That Got So Many CIA Agents Killed in China

Actually, pretty good. Learn something.

Autonomous driving solutions for mining

The Chinese government has also set a clear policy goal for the implementation of autonomous mining by 2025. Several Chinese autonomous driving companies are actively involved in testing and operating in mining areas, with significant investments being made in the sector.

Carver Zhao, an industry expert, stated that “autonomous driving in mining areas has not met full expectations, but mining companies are willing to cooperate for their safety, efficiency, and cost reduction needs” … "Market penetration in the near future should still be mainly focused on large state-owned mines.”

Best of Larry, Darryl, and Darryl (part 4)

PandaLM: Reproducible and Automated Language Model Assessment

The PandaLM project, developed by researchers from Beijing University and Westlake University, introduces a new paradigm for evaluating large models. PandaLM aims to provide automated and reproducible testing of large models’ capabilities, with a focus on protecting privacy, reliability, and cost-efficiency. It offers a simple interface and can be run on consumer-grade hardware, making it suitable for academic research and organizations dealing with sensitive data. (PandaLM is an open-source project available on GitHub)

2023 05 18 20 07
2023 05 18 20 07

The research team constructed a diverse human-labeled test set of approximately 1,000. On the test dataset, PandaLM-7B achieved an accuracy level of 94% that of ChatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo).

China has the advantage of large market demand, with downstream applications in various industries. Additionally, local companies generally develop and manufacture products in a much faster development cycle. Although there are currently no local AI-driven products comparable to those developed overseas, companies are actively exploring this field. The terminal consumer demand will largely drive the outlook of the semiconductor industry.

Best of Larry, Darryl, and Darryl (part 5)


Li Auto (NASDAQ: LI): Li Auto has established a new chip company

Li Auto has established a new chip company, Jiangsu Changxiang Power Technology, with registered capital of RMB 200 million.

Automakers in China, including Xpeng, NIO, Geely, and BYD, are investing in chip design and manufacturing. Li Auto focuses on silicon carbide (SiC), while Xpeng and NIO are more focused on self-driving chips. Traditional automakers such as Geely and BYD are also developing self-driving chips and power semiconductor devices.

*SiC chips are used in automotive applications due to their higher voltage and temperature handling capabilities compared to traditional silicon chips, resulting in improved energy efficiency and reduced power losses

Due to the extremely complicated process requirements of SiC, the global SiC market is mainly monopolized by international giants such as STMicroelectronics, Rohm, and ON Semiconductor. Despite the alleviation of the chip shortage, silicon carbide is still in relatively short supply. The successful production of SiC would be a major step forward for domestically produced SiC chips.

Best of Larry, Darryl, and Darryl (part 6)

BYD (1211. HK, 002594. SZ): “Autonomous driving is all nonsense, it’s all bullshit!” – said Mr. Wang Chuan Fu, Chairman and President of BYD

The following statements are from Wang Chuan Fu, extracted and translated from BYD’s 2022 financial report earnings call:

“If you can’t even fix the problem of automating factory production lines, how can you do autonomous driving? Autonomous driving is much harder, tens of thousands of times harder!

“In Shenzhen, there were 24 deaths in one month due to car accidents, an average of 0.8 deaths per day, and BYD’s market share in Shenzhen is very high, so many of these may be BYD cars. But we haven’t received a single complaint phone call. Why? Because our steering and braking comply with regulations, and the accidents have nothing to do with us!”

“Autonomous driving is different. If you can’t make it clear, one car accident will make your car unsellable. Who dares to buy this car? Who will bear the responsibility? Neither the automaker, supplier nor the government is willing to take responsibility, and in the end, only the user will bear it.”

“Now the so-called “autonomous driving” is just being sugar-coated up by capital. I think that in the end, it will only be able to achieve “advanced assisted driving” at most.”

“The autonomous driving nonsense is all bullshit! How many years have they been fooling people? How many have succeeded?”

2023 05 18 20 09
2023 05 18 20 09

BYD’s PR Manager Li Yunfei mentioned that BYD is a leader in vehicle intelligence, including intelligent entry, intelligent cabin, and intelligent driving assistance. However, he acknowledged the challenges and limitations of fully autonomous driving, mentioning that the industry is not yet fully prepared.

BYD’s current offerings, including higher-end models like Han and Haibao, are equipped with mid-range automotive chips and only support Level 2 advanced driver assistance features. Their previously launched intelligent driving assistance system, DiPolot, has been criticized for its limited functionality.


  • Xiaopeng He (Xpeng CEO): “Autonomous driving is not a scam”; he emphasized the importance of advanced driver assistance and claimed that Xpeng’s XNGP represents the ultimate form of intelligent assistance.
  • Richard Yu (Huawei Consumer Business CEO): “Claiming that autonomous driving is bullshit has two reasons: either you don’t understand the industry or you are intentionally trying to say that. Those who say this are probably trying to undermine the industry. Leading the industry is not something that can be said casually, it can only be boasted about after achieving it.”

Best of Larry, Darryl, and Darryl (part 7)

Orange-Pineapple Chicken
(Pollo con Jugo de Naranja)

2023 05 13 19 07
2023 05 13 19 07


  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 (3 to 3 1/2 pound) broiler-fryer chicken, cut up
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 3/4 cup orange juice
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 1/4 cup dark rum
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1 (8 ounce) can crushed pineapple, undrained
  • 1/4 cup toasted slivered almonds


  1. Mix flour, salt and pepper. Coat chicken with flour mixture.
  2. Heat oil in 12-inch skillet until hot. Cook chicken over medium heat until brown on all sides, about 15 minutes.
  3. Place chicken in ungreased 13 x 9-inch baking dish.
  4. Mix remaining ingredients except almonds; pour over chicken.
  5. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees F, spooning juices over chicken occasionally, until thickest pieces of chicken are done — 40 to 50 minutes.
  6. Sprinkle with almonds.

Yield: 6 servings

Privacy-Preserving Computation

China recognizes the importance of privacy-preserving computing and has issued guidelines to promote the development of the data security industry. It is projected that the privacy computing market in China will reach ten billion yuan by 2025. Currently, the financial industry is the largest application area of privacy-preserving computing.

Developments in Privacy-Preserving Computing by Chinese internet giants:

Tencent (OTCMKTS: TCEHY): Tencent’s Angel PowerFL is a secure federated learning platform that has been widely applied in finance, advertising, healthcare, government, and other industries. It has also been used for cross-institutional data collaboration, bank credit, insurance, government, and online education. Tencent’s privacy-preserving computing team has received accreditation both within China and internationally. The team has won the iDASH championship three years in a row from 2020 to 2022. (The iDASH competition, sponsored by the National Institutes of Health in the US, is the most authoritative international competition in the field of privacy computing.)

Alibaba (NYSE: BABA): Alibaba’s DAMO Academy released the FederatedScope federated learning framework in 2022. It is open source, supports large-scale and efficient asynchronous training, and is compatible with PyTorch and TensorFlow.

Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU): Baidu has deployed privacy-preserving computing technology on multiple platforms, including Baidu Cloud, Baidu Security, and Baidu Super Chain. PaddleFL, a federated learning framework based on Baidu PaddlePaddle, can be used in computer vision, natural language processing, and recommendation algorithms.

ByteDance: ByteDance’s Fedlearner platform, which was launched in 2019, uses neural network vertical federated learning technology to improve advertising efficiency, and has expanded to the e-commerce, Internet finance, and education industries.

According to IDC’s estimates, China’s total data volume is expected to reach 48.6 ZB by 2025, accounting for 27.8% of the global total, and will contribute an average of 1.5 to 1.8 percentage points to the growth of domestic GDP. The development of the digital economy will bring new investment opportunities.

Buddy Hackett – penile implant / elephant’s trunk

Chinese Apps continue to gain global popularity, counterbalancing with those from US

Smartphone applications developed by Chinese companies are expanding internationally. A survey of the five most downloaded apps in 95 countries and regions revealed that Chinese apps, such as the video publishing software “TikTok”, made up more than 30% of the total. Compared to three years ago, the proportion has increased and is now on par with US applications. Despite increased regulation in the US for reasons of safety and security, the prevalence of Chinese applications has continued to grow.

Based on data from Sensor Tower, a US-based research firm, the Nikkei analyzed new downloads of Google and Apple’s app release services in the US from January to March 2023. Out of the top 5 apps in 95 countries and regions, including Japan, China, and the US, Chinese apps accounted for 33%, or 156 out of 475. This represents an increase of approximately 8 percentage points compared to Q1 of 2020.

The app with the highest number of downloads is TikTok, developed by ByteDance, which ranks among the top five in 82 countries and territories, accounting for 86% of the total. Additionally, CapCut, a video editing application provided by the same company, has also experienced significant growth and is ranked among the top five in 48 countries (51% of the total).

SHEIN, an online clothing shopping application that imports apparel and groceries from China at a competitive price point, has gained significant popularity among the younger demographic. It has secured a spot in the top five rankings across ten countries, primarily in European and South American regions such as Spain and Brazil.

In terms of countries and regions, four Chinese applications occupied four out of the top five positions in the United States, ranking first, second, third and fifth respectively. Chinese apps are present in 90% of countries and regions’ top five rankings while only ten countries including Japan and India have no Chinese apps among their top five.

Regarding the Chinese app, Toshihiko Okano from NTT Data stated that “new technologies and initiatives are required in the Chinese market from a user-centric perspective. The companies that have succeeded in China are expanding their business globally and demonstrating strong competitiveness.” He also mentioned that TikTok’s algorithm for recommending videos based on users’ preferences and SHEIN’s ability to leverage the Chinese supply chain to ensure stable product supply are both supported by young people.

In the past, the top five apps in the US accounted for over 30% of the market share, which is comparable to China’s app market. Meta apps like Instagram alone held a quarter of the total share, but American companies’ overall percentage dropped from over 50% in January to March 2020. Currently, Chinese and American enterprises are counterbalancing each other.

This has raised a number of concerns as the Chinese government is entitled to request personal data held by domestic Chinese companies.

In response to the Chinese app, countries are strengthening controls in areas such as risk management for safety and security. The US and Europe have prohibited its use on public terminals for government employees, while Montana state legislature passed a bill in April banning the activities of TikTok’s operating company. Additionally, in April, the US parliamentary advisory body published a report titled “Risk of Data Infringement and Intellectual Property Infringement” regarding SHEIN.

New Chinese apps continue to be introduced and welcomed despite the presence of adverse forces. Temu, the most downloaded online shopping app in the US and Canada from January to March 2023, was released by China’s PDD Holdings in the autumn of 2022, and the photo-sharing app “Lemon8” by ByteDance, released after the autumn of 2021, is also gaining popularity in Japan and US.

Thomas Sowell – The Origins of Woke

Tomas Sowell is great.

Sista Says We Will Never Be Respected In America, Africans Shouldn’t Run From The Continent

2023 05 13 19 11
2023 05 13 19 11

Person Who Ran Biden’s Psycho-Aggressive Agenda Against China Resigning – Will There be a Strategy Change?

You may remember that it was not too terribly long ago that China was considered something of an ally to the United States. We are now ostensibly planning some kind of massive war against them.

How did that change happen?

Well, in 2015, Xi Jinping engaged in a series of government reforms which effectively made him Supreme Leader for life and dashed any hope the US still had that China would magically transform into a liberal democracy (this was the initial plan, going back to the 1970s).

Under the Trump Administration, you had Mike Pompeo, an obese psychopath and alleged cannibal, stirring up trouble with China. You’ll remember that the State Department was organizing massive riots inside of Hong Kong. The leaders of the riots were photographed meeting with US officials at the US embassy.

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Screenshot 2023 05 13 at 6.56.33 AM 618×384

These terrorist color revolution figures were at one point flown to Washington to meet with Nancy Pelosi.

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However, it was not until Joe Biden took power that things started going really psycho.

Trump, for all his faults, was legitimately anti-war. Biden lined his State Department with unhinged Jewish lunatics who want war with the entire world. The man he chose as Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, was actually more known for his promotion of war with China than war with Russia.

But the Russia was was all ready to go, so Biden triggered that one first.

And he did trigger it – don’t let this “Putin is the one who invaded” nonsense fool you for a second. This was the equivalent of a guy getting an inch from your face saying he’s going to kill you and then you being called the aggressor for pushing him back.

Biden started talking about the Ukraine joining NATO, he shipped in all these new weapons, the Administration emboldened Zelensky to start talking about nukes on Russia’s border.

Where Trump had been engaged with Russia’s concerns about the humanitarian situation in the East of the Ukraine, Biden consistently rejected Putin’s attempts to negotiate a peace in the Donbass, instead encouraging neo-Nazi attacks on civilians.

While they started the war with Russia first, they also planned some kind of war with China, and started talking about Taiwan as “the next Ukraine.” The Biden Administration started sending all kinds of warships and warplanes through Chinese territory and aggressively questioning and threatening Chinese territorial claims.

They started going absolutely ape hyping up the Taiwan issue, which had not really been an issue before, with Biden personally suggesting repeatedly, in public, that Taiwan should start a war with China to gain “independence.”

No Western leader had ever said that before, by the way. It’s something you would only say if you were trying to start a war with China.

(For those who don’t understand: China liked the status quo with Taiwan as semi-autonomous. The situation was profitable for all parties, and they had no reason to question it. They certainly had no reason to invade Taiwan before these Biden neocons started saying Taiwan should start a war with China.)

They sent Rahm Emanuel to be the Ambassador to Japan, in order to plan a war footing there.

They started negotiations to build all these new bases in the Philippines, they sent Nancy Pelosi on this bizarre trip to Taiwan to try to humiliate the and provoke the Chinese (in the way they were humiliating and provoking Russia).

They then staged a totally bizarre hoax, accusing a weather balloon of being a “Chinese spy balloon,” and issued further threats.

Oh, and lest we forget – Biden with the media started ratcheting up brain-dead nonsense about “human rights abuses” of Islamic terrorists, while providing zero evidence.

Mainstream sources started published weird CIA disinformation straight from the pages of the Falun Gong (CIA-run cult) publication Epoch Times.

In multiple articles published since the Biden election, the Israeli English-language paper Haaretz published the cartoonish claim that China is murdering tens of thousands of people every year to harvest their organs.

Presumably, Haaretz wanted these stories picked up by Western media, but I think even WaPo type publications viewed the stories as too ridiculous for publication.

However, if they say it enough times, it will eventually become mainstream.

“Torture rape camps for innocent Islamic jihadists” was also at one point considered too goofy for publication, but under the Biden Administration, state-funded NPR publishes sicko fetishist type material about rape dungeons (all based on eye-witness accounts of supposed random, almost entirely anonymous people).

The whole thing has just been a whirlwind of aggression and provocation, without any real explanation. The media has simply not reported on the escalation of aggression, and how it is viewed by China and the rest of the world. If you are in say, Latin America, random people will ask you: “why is the US trying to start a war with China? Aren’t they worried this will cause problems?” But the American people are so dumbed down and dim-witted that they seem to believe that China is the aggressor here. But hey – the America people believe in child trannies. Most Americans are fat, stupid, amoral pigs that will believe anything.

Just as the Jewish hag Victoria Nuland runs the war against Russia at the Jewish Blinken State Department, the Jewish hag Wendy Sherman has been running the war against China. Interestingly, she is being replaced.


US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman is set to retire, the State Department said on Friday. The 73-year-old official was heavily involved in devising Washington’s current strategy toward China and the broader Asia-Pacific, where it seeks to challenge Beijing on several fronts.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken hailed Sherman’s lengthy career as a diplomat in a statement announcing her resignation, saying she has “helped lead our engagement in the Indo-Pacific, the region where the history of the 21st century will be written.”

She has deepened our bonds with our friends around the world, especially with the Republic of Korea, Japan, and the European Union. She has overseen our efforts to strengthen the [State] Department’s capabilities to manage our relationship with the People’s Republic of China, and built greater convergence with allies and partners,” he added.

As Blinken’s deputy, her focus has largely been set on China, often acting as an official spokesperson to explain the US strategy toward the People’s Republic.

In comments to lawmakers earlier this year, Sherman warned that China is “the only competitor with the intent and means to reshape the international order,” accusing Beijing of “provocations in the South China Sea,” human rights abuses, “economic coercion,” and “threatening behavior against Taiwan,” which China considers to be part of its sovereign territory.

It was ostensibly her idea to keep sailing warships back and forth through the Taiwan straits, and she had some role in planning the weird Pelosi trip.

I’m not hopeful that the aggressive stance towards China is going to change, despite the fact that some people from the State Department are showing signs of wanting to open diplomatic channels back up. It is notable that Jake Sullivan talked with some Chinese officials earlier this week, just before this woman resigned. So it is possible that they are trying to slow things down a bit as the Ukraine situation is getting overly complicated, and the idea of kicking off something more aggressive with China, while continuing the war with Russia – especially given the state of the US economy – must sound crazy to some people in Washington.

This debate can be followed in the think tanks, if you’ve got the patience, but it’s much easier to follow it on the opinion pages of the Washington Post and the New York Times. Just as an example, Jewish columnist Josh Rogin regularly argues that a two front war with Russia and China would be fun and easy.

It looked to me for a while like the Biden Regime was looking to scale down the Ukraine conflict in order to focus on escalating the conflict with China. However, the basic outline that China hawks have presented for a war with China, based on turning Taiwan into another Ukraine – that is, a spot for a proxy war – does not make any sense, for reasons I’ve outlined in some detail on this website.

There are cultural and geographical reasons, which are more or less self-explanatory, as to why Taiwan can’t be the new Ukraine. Obviously, whatever you want to say about the strength of the Chinese navy (which clearly does not compare with that of the US), China has the ability to rapidly surround and blockade Taiwan, so you would have to send in the US Navy to break the blockade by sinking Chinese ships in order to provoke some kind of urban warfare in Taipei.

The whole thing is just a tad bit ambitious.

However, with the entire world now turning on the US as a result of their instance on a brutal, endless war in the Ukraine, their ignoring of the disastrous economic consequences, and most importantly, their lunatic sanctions on Russia, the American Regime has left itself with very few options in terms of a strategy to maintain global hegemony.

So, the counterpoint to “we can’t possibly fight a two front war against Russia and China” is “we don’t have any choice.”

This is certainly the debate happening in Washington, where everyone agrees that the US should control the entire world, but disagrees as to how this system of control should be maintained.

For all of their talk of Nazi Hitler and grabbing ’em by the pussy, the real problem that the US regime has with Donald Trump is that he views a peaceful “multipolar” world based on trade, rather than violence, as good for the Untied States.

And while most of Trump’s promised policies failed to materialize during his term as president, he did manage to end the war in Syria and he did manage to prevent any new wars from starting.

As I always say when I discuss the potential behavior of this government: you can no longer use basic game theory when considering the next move of the US government, because it is no longer run by people capable of acting in rational self-interest. Y

ou can no longer look at the world and say “this is all part of their plan.” Clearly, something has gone terribly wrong. The people in Washington have lost control, the empire is on the decline, and the question now is how they will respond to this situation.

With Russia and China aligned, the Islamic world closing ranks around China, and even Latin America making it clear they prefer the Chinese trade-based model of global order to the violence-based model of the US, the idea of starting a major war with the entire world does not seem feasible.

Instead, the logical thing to do would be to accept that the post-USSR norms of US hegemony are gone, and a new balance needs to be sought, which allows the US to survive as a peer nation. The fear is that there are people in Washington – and

What Happened to the Middle Class Prosperity of the 1950s?


Which country is collapsing more, China or the US?

Oh, a fun question to answer, and I (being an American) living inside of China can answer this question.

First, some criteria.

Let’s establish a rating scale.

  • 0 = Everything is functioning. And absolutely nothing is collapsing.
  • 2 = Everything is functioning well. A looming problem or two are observed in the future, and the government is taking actions to prepare and diminish the impact of the looming problems.
  • 3 = There are some problems, but the nation is well regarded, and functioning quite well. Inflation is causing problems, and some bad decisions made in the past are starting to cause discord.
  • 5 = Some things are suffering from problems, some of which are indicative of eventual collapse. And other things are operating normally, and will continue to operate normally in the future. There is inflation, but it forms “bubbles” that come and go, and grow and wane.
  • 7 = The nation has many problems. Key government functions are dysfunctional. Some items have collapsed and operate in zombie mode. Government budgets are bloated, and inflation is rampant.
  • 9 = Many, many elements of the society has collapsed. Key functions of the government are failing at various levels. The government operates under a figurehead, but the entire operational premise of the government is missing. Elements of crime, organized criminal elements, and a break down of society are present. News media is covering up this fact and is run by the government. Internationally, the nation is considered dangerous.
  • 10 = The nation is in full scale collapse.

Now, with that rating system well established, let’s now add another factor. This factor is national unity. A unified nation is one that is best able to “ride out the storm” and mitigate any problems that the nation might encounter.

National unity scales…

  • AAA = 100% unified. Over 95% approval rates by it’s people. A shared sense of identity.
  • AA = Mostly unified, with a shared national identity.
  • A = National pride, and a sense of purpose.
  • B = Significant problems, and a separation into groups of US vs. THEM.
  • C = Many groups all competing for power. Some of which are political, some are social, and some are geographical.
  • D = Many competing groups. Some are backed by the ruling government, while others are maligned by it.
  • F = Balkanized nation. Not only are people divided into groups, but the government favors some, and has created policies and laws supportive of that.
  • FF = The balkanized national groups are violent against each other. The national government is unsuccessful in preventing violence, and a certain section of the population is arming itself for protection as they no longer believe the government can protect them.
  • FFF = Open war and revolution.

Now with all that being said, let’s rate the United States.

The United States is a 9FF. Many, many elements of the society has collapsed. Key functions of the government are failing at various levels. The government operates under a figurehead, but the entire operational premise of the government is missing. Elements of crime, organized criminal elements, and a break down of society are present. News media is covering up this fact and is run by the government. Internationally, the nation is considered dangerous. The balkanized national groups are violent against each other. The national government is unsuccessful in preventing violence, and a certain section of the population is arming itself for protection as they no longer believe the government can protect them.

Now, let’s look at China.

China is a 2AAA. Everything is functioning well. A looming problem or two are observed in the future, and the government is taking actions to prepare and diminish the impact of the looming problems. The country is 100% unified. Over 95% approval rates by it’s people. A shared sense of identity.

Of course, if you haven’t set foot in the nations listed, you might have a different idea. In fact, the well-funded anti-china narrative might give you all a very strange and warped idea of what is going on with China. But remember, UNLESS YOU ARE PHYSICALLY THERE NOW, you haven’t any real idea of what is going on.

So You Can Buy a Fake Tongue To Lick Your Cat

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0 12

Sometimes the idea of making something extremely weird outweighs the actual usefulness of the item. Take for instance this fake tongue that you hold in your mouth and use it by fake licking your cat with each stroke of fake tongue sticking out of your mouth.

More: Amazon h/t: sadanduseless

fake tongue1
fake tongue1

Not only does this most likely not work at all in regards to actually washing your cat, but also just makes you look like a complete idiot while using it, so it’s essentially a lose-lose situation.

fake tongue2
fake tongue2

You have to bite down to hold onto the fake tongue, that’s how it stays in your mouth. To use it simply approach your cat with a the fake tongue in your mouth and ease into a slow licking movement on their back or head while they’re sleeping or in an otherwise pleasant mood.

fake tongue3
fake tongue3

Since for cats it’s mutually beneficial to be licked, don’t be surprised if they start licking you back… while thinking that you have finally completely lost your mind.

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fake tongue4

Let’s use Logic to see who is right

Both countries have a lot riding on the reputation of their weapons

However US has a lot more riding

The US advertises Patriots as a first generation AD to every Country across the Globe and openly sanctions anyone who buys or asks for the S 400s

Imagine if the Patriots were destroyed by the Kinzhals. That would be a HUGE EMBARRASSMENT

Let’s see the Narrations by each side

The Western Narrative

  • The Western Narration began with the fact that Six Kinzhals had been destroyed by the Patriot system
  • Then a Video emerged that showed the Patriot systems firing 30 Salvos at least. That means a minimum of Two Complexes and more probably Three Complexes of 36 Missiles (12 each)
  • The same video also showed a Huge explosion at the end of the 30 Missile Salvo around the area of the Patriot Complex
  • Now the West slowly changed their tune. They now claimed that the Patriots had received Minor Damage from the Kinzhals and that Five Kinzhals had been intercepted
  • Once again slowly it came to light that Russia used only two Kinzhals and the rest of the missiles for Air Saturation were Kalibrs.
  • Now the West changed the narrative for the third time and claimed that the Patriots intercepted both Kinzhals and the damage was minimal
  • Then again for the fourth time , the video was once again released which showed a huge explosion that always happens only if a missile strikes its target. No Debris. This was a straight inferno.
  • So by Logic, US admitted it’s Patriot Complexes were in that Location and the explosion reves that there was a huge inferno on that location. So the Patriots must have been destroyed , if not all Complexes then at least two of them.
  • Finally now US admit to significant damage to one Patriot complex.

As you can see the western narrative began minutes after the incident and changed six times in the last 48 hours

The Russian Narrative

  • As always the Russians TOOK TIME to release their statement. They first studied and investigated the number of missiles fired.
  • They confirmed that they had launched 24 Kalibrs on Kiev and that 22 had been intercepted by Patriot Missiles which had launched 30 Salvos or 30 Missiles.
  • They confirmed that because of these 30 launches,the Russians pinpointed the exact location of the Patriot Complexes and fired Two Kinzhals, both hitting their targets causing a massive inferno that comes only when a missile strikes its target.
  • They later confirmed that Two Complexes were destroyed and the third was damaged minimally and out of action for a few weeks
  • Finally yesterday based on Satellite Feeds, they concluded that as many as Five Patriot Complexes were located in that region and that three had been completely destroyed and one had suffered minimal damage. The evidence for this was the satellite movement of engineer corps who moved in very quickly

Even if both sides are lying,my guess is Russia is much closer to the truth

They took their time

They did their work

Then they made their statements

The West or Ukraine made a statement exactly fourteen minutes after the incident , logistically IMPOSSIBLE to make a statement like that so quickly without finding out what happened

Next point; Ukraine openly lied about Six Kinzhals

Russia has a policy never to launch more than Two Kinzhals at a given time because sustained launches allow the enemy to predict the trajectory code easily using latest computational software.

Next point; Ukraine kept shifting the narrative whereas Russia never did. They kept the same narrative.

So basically my guess is the Russian version is true

Maybe they didn’t destroy three Complexes, maybe they destroyed two complexes and inflicted minor damage to a third

However on the whole their version is believable.

As for US, the Patriot caused a huge embarrassment and the share prices depressed by a whopping 4.5% , another example that Americans tend to believe the Russian version


the big sleep

Americans are so full of shilt they thought that that China will be helpless if the yanks kicked them out is the U.S. space Center! Hahahaha what a god damn fool!

Chinese officials were laughing till they drop. China that’s as little as less than 15 years before Chinese own space Center, which is bigger, better more high tech an in space and U.S. space station is dead and gone. Today China says international mean international. Not the US international which favours white Caucasians and slaves of the U.S.

The U.S. are super mad because China shame the hypocrite US. They show that the U.S. has absolute no class. They show that all the US has is to talk shit. Today 195 out of 195 countries are invited to the Chinese space Center. Including the pathetic and despicable USA. Hahaha

The World No Longer Look To America To Lead & We Have A Lot To Do With That Sentiment

2023 05 13 19 12
2023 05 13 19 12

I had my pro-west days.

Many patriotic Chinese had their pro-west days.

We were young, and saw the world with a childish ideology. We were easy targets of western media.

When I went to school in HK, all I saw on the news was negative things about China.

First thing was 1989 incident. I was furious. Then I went to Victoria Park on June 4, and listened to what they said. I dug the information that I could, and found a lot of things contradicting each other.

The I learned about color revolution. And I saw the US doing it in different countries again and again. I understood that there could be propaganda.

I used to see what the west have, but China doesn’t, and i thought, damn, the government must have pocketed the money that’s supposed to be used for the people.

But, no. China was a poor country, and still is today. China doesn’t have that much. That’s why we have to work our asses off, to barely support ourselves.

There are people pocketing a lot of money. But those people believe in the west. The rich people always immigrate to the west. Those people are greedy, and they learn it from the capitalists.

The west can have so much while work so little, because their ancestors did the work for them.

What work, you may ask.

The colonization, duh. Well, even though the colonies are no longer there, they never returned the gold, the artifacts, and all the money they made by unfair trade.

That’s a huge jumpstart on economy, and can keep a country ahead of others for centuries. They get to make the rules, and force others to follow. You need to pay to join their so-called alliance. If you don’t, the fine you. They also patent a lot of stuff, so when you produce something, you pay them.

That’s sounds a lot like extortion to me.

The west are hypocrites. They use so called human rights as an excuse to do indespicable things.

The US uses its dollar dominance to rip off the whole world.

Do you know that Venezuela has the most oil reserve on the planet? They could have been living like Saudi. But the US put their sanctions, to make sure the people in Venezuela can’t even feed themselves.

They had the jumpstart, now they need to make sure third-world countries never catch on.

Hence, all the accusation of human rights violations. Sanctions starve people. How can you starve people for the sake of human rights? Doesn’t it sound ironic?

They believe third-world people only deserve to work in sweatshops. It’s the modern day caste system. That makes me very angry.

That’s why I am pro-China. I want to live to see the world returns to the way it should be.

Pollo con Coca-Cola

2023 05 13 19 09
2023 05 13 19 09


  • 1 (3 to 4 pound) chicken, cut into pieces
  • 2 cloves garlic, halved
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 24 ounces Coca-Cola
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 large Spanish onion, sliced thin
  • 4 carrots, peeled and cut in rounds
  • 2 fresh chile peppers, seeded and cut in half
  • 1/2 teaspoon oregano
  • 1 cup uncooked rice


  1. Rub each piece of chicken with garlic halves; sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  2. Heat oil in cast iron pot. Brown chicken in oil. Add onion, carrots, oregano and chile peppers, then the water and enough Coke to cover the chicken. Salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Simmer, covered, for 1 1/2 hours. After 30 minutes cooking time, remove 1 cup of the liquid and use it, with 1 cup water, to cook the rice.
  4. Serve chicken on a platter with rice alongside and the vegetables and sauce as a side dish.
  5. Serve with salad and lots of French bread to sop up the sauce.

Serves 4 or 5.

Indonesia is in the process of changing its capital city from Jakarta to a new location on the island of Borneo.

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main qimg 8c218bdadc42c57c14bae0f8fa2e428b lq

There are several reasons behind this decision:

  1. Overpopulation and Congestion: Jakarta, the current capital, is one of the most populous cities in the world and has been facing significant challenges related to overpopulation, traffic congestion, and strained infrastructure. The move aims to alleviate these issues by reducing the burden on Jakarta and distributing development more evenly across the country.
  2. Environmental Concerns: Jakarta is sinking at an alarming rate due to excessive groundwater extraction, land subsidence, and rising sea levels. The city is also prone to flooding, which causes significant damage and disrupts daily life. Relocating the capital is seen as a proactive measure to address these environmental challenges and ensure the long-term sustainability of the new capital.
  3. Economic Development and Regional Balance: The government aims to promote economic growth in other regions of Indonesia by shifting the capital. The relocation is intended to encourage investment and development in the chosen area on Borneo, thereby creating new opportunities and reducing regional disparities.
  4. Administrative Efficiency: The move is expected to improve administrative efficiency and governance by providing a fresh start and an opportunity to design and build a modern capital with better infrastructure and facilities.

The decision to move the capital is part of Indonesia’s vision for sustainable development and aims to address various challenges faced by the current capital, Jakarta.

Casablanca, 1942 – Bogart learns the truth

One of my students in Kerala was praising America a lot one day.

He spoke of the big roads and big cars and big restaurant portions. He spoke as if everyone was wealthy and living the perfect life.

Then he said,

“The roads are so clean you probably eat off them.”

I never have and never intend to do so. I promise you our roads aren’t that clean 😅 Please never eat off the roads here 🙏.

Airbus signs deal with China aviation industry to expand A320 family production

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I won’t wait until next year.

I just sent in my application for my passport, expedited. It should be here by the end of August. Then and there, I will buy my one-way ticket to China.

Plenty of time to learn Mandarin and buy suitcases in the process.

Just Another Asian

What? 2+ months to get an expedited US passport? Surely you’re joking.

Here in third world South East Asia, we apply to renew passport online, upload most recent photo, pay online (Visa/MasterCard) & barring no ID authentication issues, collect new passport in 3 days.

Even with ID authentication issue, an appointment is schedule online & you show up at your choice of Immigration office to get authenticated (via thumb print scan to match national ID card at the counter). Collect your new passport within the same day (usually hours after identity authentication).

Not bad for a third world shithole, aint it.