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Watch out for crutches

We have never seen China as a threat or rival.
Unlike Trump and his dumb as fuck cabinet.

The only Australians I have ever heard say a bad thing about China are those in regions where China has purchased large swaths of land.
They purchased a research farm near us, some people complained, but most of us understand the reason, as they want somewhere to teach their people our farming methods to improve farming in China, which is happening, so most of us see this as okay.

We all celebrate such things as the Chinese new year, and enjoy Chinese food and learning their cooking techniques to improve our own lives.

Chines tourism here is a massive industry and we enjoy their visits.
There is no animosity between Australians and Chinese, in fact many Australians have Chinese heritage and most of my best friends are Chinese who go back to China once or twice a year to be with family for important occasions.

I had fun trying to teach them to speak English properly, most have “L” in words sounding more like “R”, as “lolly” sounds like “rorry” but that was because they don’t lift their tongue when they pronounce the “L”s, once they master that, they talk like any other Australian.

So the majority of Australians are fond of China and are happy that Australia is deepening their trade ties to China.
Though when China put high tariffs on our lobsters, we got very cheap lobsters here, but the lobster industry suffered.
Now that such tariffs are to be removed, the price of lobsters here will rise, but the industry will flourish.
We must accept the bad with the good.

Ex Wife Caught Cheating at Bachelorette Party

Weird or Confusing

A website that showcases the weirdest and most confusing things found on the internet. It’s a treasure trove of oddities and curiosities.

Weird World

Here’s some of the content…

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Was Assad really a tyrant or is that just western propaganda?

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He wore Savile Row Suits stupidly when People were starving, he drove luxury cars on Syrian streets with tons of bodyguards while the average Syrians had 8 hours power, his own family took treatment in Dubai & Riyadh while Syrians scrambled on the black market for basic antibiotics

His Soldiers were paid 18000 Syrian Pounds a month which came to around 360 American Dollars in 2006

By 2023 they were paid 300,000 Syrian Pounds a month, yet barely around 30 American Dollars

They paid 16 Syrian Pounds for a Liter of Gasoline in 2006

In 2023 they had to pay 13,000 Syrian Pounds for a Liter of Gas which means they could afford only 24 Litres of Gasoline on their monthly salaries

They paid 1500 Syrian Pounds for Pregnancy Hospitalization in 2006

Now the Private Hospital charges 2 Million Syrian Pounds and only accepts payments in Emirati Dirhams

The official rate is 3,520 Syrian Pounds for 1 Dirham but nobody gives you official rates

The Black market rate is 6,500 Syrian Pounds for 1 Dirham

A 10 Pound Bag of Rice in 2006 cost a mere 69 Syrian Pounds

Today it costs 46,000 Syrian Pounds in the Black market

A Leg of Mutton cost 270 Syrian Pounds in 2006

Today it’s almost 200,000 Syrian Pounds

Yet Assad and his select few – around 500–1000 people received their Mutton, Fine Pilaf Rice, Fresh Vegetables all air delivered to Damascus from other places

People were seething with anger and frustration

Drinking Water came Once in 14 days Or 21 days

Officers often got 50 Liters of water a day to their homes from their Bases where water was available in larger quantities

Otherwise you had 300 Liters of Water for 14 days Or 21 days

And not free!!!!!

You paid 10,000 Syrian Pounds for the Water

That’s 20 Liters of water or 1 Bucket of water a day

For Toilet, Cooking, Cleaning and Drinking

Assad had a Olympic Size Swimming Pool

He imported 60,000 Bottles of Evian Water for his own personal use every year

You expect Soldiers whose families live in this condition to be faithful to this regime?

Now I can’t confirm this but since it was a Syrian Soldier who came on George Galloway show – I will accept his word

The Syrians often wiped their behinds with Syrian Pound notes 😡😡😡 instead of water or toilet paper

Now China was supposed to change this after approving a $ 500 Million Swap facility which means handing Syria 500 Million Greenbacks and taking worthless Syrian Pounds into their Chinese Banks

However the Chinese sensed that this 500 Million would likely go into the pockets of a few generals , given their experience with Pakistan, so they dithered and dithered and didn’t come through

In fact I feel China felt all along Syria was on a downward spiral

It’s why they delayed the favorable status trade agreement for almost a year

So he wasn’t a Tyrant

He was terribly indifferent and was sleepwalking

Many of his Generals and Officers could easily be purchased for Dollars and Western Gifts

He himself could have done a lot of things, fought against corruption of his own officers and corps and his political lackeys

I feel he just finally felt tired of carrying his fathers legacy and just wanted to relax and get away from all the mess

When People protest in such conditions, of course police will be asked to beat them up and lock them up

Happens in India many times so imagine Syria where there is no letter of law !!!!!

Thats where Iran scores over Syria

Those Iranians live frugally, wear Islamic clothes, Maoist suits, Rugged Outfits and dont like Opulently

Plus they have a full plethora of goods from China that keeps them heavily plied with stuff

They have supermarkets chock full of Chinese & South Asian Food

Beef, Chicken, Basmati, Fruits from Pakistan and Afghanistan

Canned Seafood from China

Pilaf Rice from Afghanistan and Pakistan

Wheat from Russia for Bread

Cooking Oil from Russia

Affordable Clothing thanks to Bangladesh

So Iran is unlikely to fall like Syria

Unless China does a Volte Face

If Syria had decided the same thing a few years ago and opened their markets to China things may have been different

Yet I doubt China would have done much given that Iran gives precious Oil and Gas to China and Syria has nothing whatsoever

I work an excellent job, for a very large company. I’m well paid, and I have the ONLY health plan they allow me to have (a high-deductible, Health Savings Account supported plan from United Healthcare). I pay $5000 in premiums each year and my employer pays even more. My company forced me to switch to this plan from a lower deductible one several years ago – at a time when my wife and I were both over 50. So, while we max out our legal HSA contributions each year, we have never NOT spent all the money in our HSA account in any year. We’ve never had the chance that young people would have to build up actual SAVINGS in this account. And we’re not really unhealthy people. I take no regular medication at all. We’re just in our 50’s & 60’s.

I have a nephew, whose parents are dead, and who became chronically ill himself and could no longer work. He went on Medicaid. The program was made for people like him. I don’t resent it.

Last year, my nephew and I both went into the hospital for a week with (different) life threatening issues. When I – the one WITH an (American) corporate insurance plan – came out, I had almost $4000 in hospital & doctor bills above what my insurance covered. And I had to pay for several prescriptions for weeks after that. This more than emptied my HSA account.

When my nephew came out, he had more presriptions that I had and had spent as many days admitted as I did. But he was never shown a bill of ANY kind. His (also UHC) Medicaid Plan just covered it all. He just focused on feeling better.

So, I really have to ask this question: Why THE FUCK don’t we ALL want it to work that way?!!! That’s LITERALLY how it works in almost every civilized country EXCEPT the USA (the Unintelligent States of America). WTF is wrong with us?!!

Fleetwood Mac Greatest Hits | Best Songs Collection

“Little Joe” Steak Sandwich

From Guadalajara comes this version of the steak sandwich known as “El Pepito” or “Little Joe.” Hot cooked steak, thinly sliced, is served on a crisp roll and spread with avocado sauce (guacamole) and refried beans. Chile or taco sauce takes the place of steak sauce.


Yield: 4 servings


  • 1 pound lean tender steak (sirloin New York cut about 1/4 inch thick, broiled or barbecued)
  • 4 crusty round or rectangular rolls
  • Refried beans with cheese
  • 1/4 cup guacamole
  • 4 thin slices mild sweet onion
  • Taco sauce


  1. Trim fat from steak if desired and barbecue or pan fry.
  2. Split rolls and spread one side with 1 tablespoon of refried beans and the other side of the split roll with about 1 tablespoon of guacamole. Pile equal portions of steak on the bean side of each roll. Put onion slice on the guacamole side.
  3. Serve the sandwiches open so that sauce can be added according to taste before they are closed.
  4. Sandwiches can be eaten out of hand or with knife and fork.


Submitted into Contest #150 in response to: Write a story that either starts or ends with someone (or something) saying, “Please, don’t do it.” view prompt

Futurama Delivery

This story contains themes or mentions of mental health issues.

Dear God,Oh, please don’t do it.Please forgive this ungrateful sheep for abandoning the Holy Shepherd in a prosperous and bountiful time. You harvested my filthy wool, shearing it from my oozing-pus-filled skin marred by my temporal infirmities; you transformed me into a resurrected fleece of harlequin nature. I swear to you that I haven’t abandoned you out of sheer lack of faith; I even want to be wrapped in your gracious grace again, with your light penetrating the void and casting a divine glow that speckles across in glory.An earthly family matter has taken up my time; however, I sway to your great tune, and my free will is gifted towards you. I know that’s no excuse for my lapse in prayer. I also know that you have seen the core of my rotting corpse. You have ignited a blazing fire that scorched away my char-infested delusions.A golden service yesterday moved me beyond belief. There was a profound guest speaker: Elbert Spriggs. Spriggs talked about the recent inaction of Church leaders as a blight ravaging society. My Lord, his sermon filled the congregation with the warmth of your glory. Crush and destroy the nonbelievers; break and remold them in your glory. He spoke in the most holy of tongues with his honey-encrusted words.Our world is ruled by the filth-coated tongues of the unbelievers, whose words emanate from their hollow, psychopathic souls with such precision that even the Holy is damned. The call to action flooded us with light and love, which was enough to inspire us to reach out to our fellow man. We must carry your message like rats to a plague, good sir.For many years, I was a lost lamb with no flock. My world abandoned me, even the heavens, but your gracious eternal flame relit my dying-extinguished flame in this accursed world. You’re the vine from the Tree of Life.You have healed me, so I am eternally grateful for all of your charitable deeds. 

Oh, Lord, you’re oddly like a yellow deli: you offer the most sumptuous treats in the form of human compassion. You brought me a golden throne adorned with thorns, crowned by your transcendence, instead of me finding you in some sick advertisement. You must have seen that I was at my wit’s end; my path disappeared before me into a dark, sunless abyss, wrecked by a warped mentality of survival. I was so lost, only surviving for myself alone.


Based on the skeletons of the unbelievers, you could have let me rot on the marred ground. Instead, you allowed me to live in the glory of your presence. This world of isolation, with screens and blinking monitors, screams their disillusioned division.


My eternal gratitude knows no bounds.


You’re the King and my Rock.


People really don’t understand who God is. Their sickly delusions amaze even me! In the Bible, Acts 17:24 proclaims that “The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands;” and yet human beings indulge themselves in the worship of statues, drinking from their own human-carved and gold-trimmed chalices, glance at corroded cruets on Peliculas, and get into a trance by peering into the monstrance. You must pasteurize the sin from their hearts!


However, a new version of God is not found within some Churches but within the stained, bloody hearts of men. Unless humanity comes to its senses, you will macerate them in another Noah flood of unprecedented proportions.


He is found within nature’s corridors; He is not some foreign object who glances at humanity from above—He’s here right now. And I will beat my ilk with rods until they know that, oh dear Lord!


Perhaps, the Bible is enough for people to foolishly put their faith in a clouded book with folk tales, stories, legends, and, at their most, third-hand accounts. Despite their arguments to the contrary, Satanists are not unrelated. Both seem content to worship deities from the sidelines and trust these unseen entities will take care of them.


I laughed at them.


I know who God is. Seeing God walk among us and be truly magnificent, I know this.

You made me yours the moment you came to me. As I slowly bled out from being shot in my own backyard while no one was concerned about my condition, I found myself lying face down with the cold rain pouring down on me. Although I was aware that my end was near, I am ashamed to admit that a part of me was hoping it would happen sooner rather than later. In a sense, I was suicidal, oh Lord.


Suddenly, the rain stopped. Under a pitch-black sky filled with infinite stars, I was no longer lying on pavement but on a grassy field. I no longer felt pain or bleeding. As I looked around, I felt at peace. The grassy field seemed endless. My eyes were drawn to a colossal bonfire, which was at least ten stories high and as wide as your grand ventures. The flames licked at charcoal-black wood. I was blasted by the fire’s heat. Until then, I had never experienced such scorching temperatures.


It was at that moment, God, that you came into view. It would be a mistake to call it walking. Every step was intentional and powerful. Instead, it felt like a storm was rolling in. Please accept my apology. Alas, language limits my ability to describe you.

Now, I looked up at you, towering above me. You were significantly larger than me. You wove the infinite tapestry of existence, and I was only a thread.


God’s sight is beyond the capacity of the human mind. While I was able to process certain aspects of you, I couldn’t process every nuance and detail. But I saw that a flicker of fire replaced the points of your mighty antlers, which extended from your inconceivable faces. The skin on your face shifted and constantly changed like onyx.

You looked at everything in your kingdom with your three faces, toward me and through me. The seven legs of your body dig into the soil like pillars of a temple.


My knees buckled before you. You were all I had. I was shocked to see you reach down and pull me back up. Looking directly into my eyes, it was like you saw every little thing about me. You saw through me like the sunlight entering into the glass.


Thank you for considering me worthy! Without you saying a word, I would be walking with you forever. My eyes filled with tears of joy as I accepted my place at your feet. I will now wash and clean your feet for all of eternity, my Lord. I mean that.


My head was baptized by your majestic hands before the raging bonfire with blood so hot it boiled. The words of your scriptures were scorched and burned into my soul as they poured down upon me. I feel and know every syllable of your decrees at all times, unlike lesser religions that rely on the written word to spread their messages.


God truly is within me.


Upon seeing your glory again, I knew I was now a part of the one true faith. He does not look down from a cloud in the sky or up from a dank pit at His people. No, my God walks among us, eliminating the weak and creating the strong.


Blood and fire are His judgments.


He will crush those who refuse to heed His words in the dirt before Him and consume them in His many jaws. Do not be fooled: forgiveness is reserved for the Holy.

My goal has been to spread your message since that moment when I was reborn. You saw that I was well-suited to this task because of your infinite wisdom. My ability to convey my words isn’t as good as Spriggs’, but I can bring your message to nonbelievers.


An affluent family in Colorado asked me to share their will according to your scriptures last night. My mission was to bring them together in the largest room on the first floor of their house in the middle of the night. I baptized them one by one, burning your mark into their foreheads as you had once done for me.


Then I poured their blood into their mouths in holy communion. The flames of the massive bonfire were brought to the house to cleanse it with fire, with the souls of those who had passed to your eternal embrace.


I hope you’ve accepted the many offerings I sent you before these, as well as these small ones. Throughout my life, I will continue to follow your words and ways.


Forever and ever, I am yours, oh Lord.



Short answer: Google quitted.

According to google, they left mainland China because what Chinese government asked them to do was a violation of their motto, which is “Don’t be evil”.

Since what the Chinese government asked them to support identifying possible terror threat and block contents which are illegal in China, I suppose that they won’t do such thing in other countries as well.

But sadly enough, I read a news after they quitted about Google India provide related info to the local police which led to a young man being arrested. The cause of the arresting was that this young man said something close to “Sonia Gandhi go to hell” online.

It was about 8 years ago, so I cannot guarantee the 100% accuracy about what happened. But I was arguing online with pro-google people, and I saw someone mentioned such incident. I didn’t take the words from another online user as granted, but decided to search online to find some solid support. With no google and VPN at the time, it took me quite a long time to find a piece of news saying it was true.

So Google refuse to monitor the key words in Email, but accept providing personal info to arrest a kind of innocent man?

As for YouTube, it belongs to Google, isn’t it?

When I got my stable VPN and logged in to YouTube for the first time (because I wasn’t a online video fan when I was in Swiss), once YouTube noticed me being a Chinese, it kept pushing those videos which suppose to “expose the evil side of China”.

I can still recall a guy called Winston Serpentza, who lives in Shenzhen but cannot stop trashing China for even a day. I searched online about his background. It turns out that he is an illegal English teacher who has no certification whatsoever. He had a bad life in South Africa, and tried to make some easy money in China. But his teaching carrier was not so good as well, so he chose to do trashing videos to fulfill the anti-China/Communist/Orient demands.

I remembered pressing not interested bottom for at least 20 times, but YouTube still pushing his videos to me, along with quite a lot videos which are obviously fake to me.

In addition, let’s briefly talk about Facebook, which is also banned in China.

People do have freedom on Facebook, as long as you don’t support evil communist China. Regarding on the same topic, anti-China posts got survived, but not pro-China ones.

I read some of the pro-China posts, and didn’t find any aggressive words or emotions. So no one knows why exactly they got banned by Facebook.

Some off centered thoughts:

I think that the weird attitude towards China is quite cold war style. Take the recent death sentence of a Canadian drug smuggler as an example:

  • PM of Canada accuse China being unfair and arbitrary.
  • Acting foreign minister of AU said that Schellenberg’s case is not suitable for death penalty.

OK then, So:

  • a drug smuggler who tried to bring 220KG of methamphetamine from China to Australia shouldn’t be punished by death penalty
  • and Chinese law shouldn’t be respected when the crime was caught in China.

What should China do then? Release Schellenberg and send him to AU to complete his job? Would AU government be happy to receive 220KG of crystal?

And should CA government legalize methamphetamine, if they think that smuggling 220KG of it is OK?

In Chinese laws, illegal drug trading must face criminal penalty, 5 situations could cause death sentence:

  1. Trading more than 1KG of opium, more than 50 grams of heroin/meth, or significant amount of other type of drugs
  2. Being major member of a cartel
  3. Smuggling drugs with armed guard
  4. Resisting inspection, detention, arresting with severe violence
  5. Participating in a organized international drug smuggling

By all the standard, this dude is dead. He received 15 years in jail in his first trial because of some missing evident which could identify him as a cartel member, so the judge gave a chance to the “innocent person who just did a favor to a friend”.

I DON”T believe that there is NO political issue involved in this sentence. But Chinese government couldn’t planned this, since it was Schellenberg himself filled an appeal which led to the second trail of death sentence, and 220KG meth is more than enough to get death penalty in China.

I mentioned the Schellenberg case is to show you some live case about how “unbias” the western government can be, and how much they care about the justice and law.

So when Google said that they quitted China because of “Don’t be evil”, I don’t believe them.

I read a news in about 2009 (or 2008) saying the Secretary of State at the time Hillary Clinton hosted a dinner with the chief of 4 companies, and praise them as the frontline of promoting US values (again, I cannot recall the exact words). I remember Facebook and Google were invited.

China PULLS The Trigger – U.S. Trade War Just Got FLIPPED (Enough is Enough!)

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That whole Mandela Effect thing still has the power to freak me out– but not as much as it used to, now that Metallicman and the DC have explained why we experience it.
I’ve experienced dozens of jarring effects, and have noted them all in my trusty notebook. But the weirdest ones for me are celebrity deaths. My mother and grandmother were avid radio listeners and media consumers, among other interests, so I always heard about who died, or whatever– especially celebrities they knew about from the age of the Silver Screen. I come across frequently minor media names who’ve died recently, yet know they died quite long ago in some cases. Kirk Douglas for example died in the late 1980s on my timeline. I know that for a fact. The Monopoly guy had a monocle, because we played that game a lot. And weirdest of all, my grandmother loved maps. World maps, especially, and on my former timeline Australia was much farther south than PNG, which now it practically touches from across the Strait. As in, MUCH farther south. I clearly remember it because I’ve always loved maps, too– and knowing how to read and manipulate one saved my arse on a number of occasions. I could draw a map of the world accurately from memory.
The Volvo and VW badges also changed markedly. I know that too because I loved to sketch patterns ad a child. Still do, occasionally. And saw some old notebooks of mine before I chucked them all out. I’d bet my life’s savings on it all.
So yeah, Mandela is a vety weird phenomenon.

Last edited 21 days ago by Jambo99

The weirdest symptom of the Mandela effect in my area are the names of “Autobahn-Parkplätze” (highway rest areas)
All of them are uniquely named –
But Everytime I pass them, it looks and feels completely new to me, like – I have never heard that name before.
I have driven past some of those hundreds of times^^
I still can’t recall the names even shortly after.

Best regards, MT

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