One of the big movies of the 1960’s was a Beatles movie called “Yellow Submarine”. It was so amazingly popular and it set off the 1970’s neon decorations and what not. But today it is a forgotten movie. Too bad!
This is a Beatles musical and well worth the time to watch.
There are various snippets from the movie on YouTube HERE.
We start off today with this short clip and sail off into the world of (yucky) reality.
What factors contribute to the success or failure of US companies in China? What can we learn from these experiences?
Two big failures. 1. Not enough market research 2. Not adapting to the market.
Just because it’s big in Baltimore it could still bomb in Beijing. So companies even naively believe that promoting their product or service as American, made in USA is going to be the key to entering the market.
KFC and McDonald’s are both in China. But KFC has over 10,000 locations while McDonald’s has around 4,500. KFC locations make more money at each location. Why? Adapting to local tastes. At KFC, they offer congee for breakfast. They created a chicken roll that mimics a Beijing duck roll. Grandpa Colonel Sanders is more endearing than Ronald McDonald. Chinese tastes lean towards chicken more than beef. McDonald’s is trying to adapt their menu, but too little too late. KFC is owned by Yum brands but has been spun off into Yum China and the CEO is a local Chinese.
Proctor and Gamble came in with a bang. Using their standard TV demonstration commercials, they made big changes in the consumer market. In five years, they changed urban dwellers from using soap to wash their hair to using shampoo. Vidal Sassoon and Head and Shoulders took top spots. Then a local upstart called Slek came from nowhere and killed them. They hired an army of young ladies to give out free samples. They used painted billboards and smoke stacks in smaller cities to get attention. Became market leader very quickly.
Starbucks came in big using the aura of American culture. For a long time, they ruled the nest. Locations at the Great Wall and the largest roastery in Shanghai. Until competition came. Luckin Coffee came in fast. Starbucks has 5000 locations but Luckin has 20,000. Luckin came in with a killer app. Coconut cappuccino! Starbucks is trying new things as well. For Chinese new year they launched a pork flavored coffee. But not a big hit.
To enter any market, including China, its critical to understand the market and what you may need to do to adjust to that market.
Seven Layer Ground Beef Casserole

Yield: 4 to 6 servings
- 1 cup uncooked rice
- 1 cup cooked or canned whole kernel corn
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 2 cups (15 ounce can) tomato sauce
- 3/4 cup water
- 1/2 cup finely chopped onion
- 1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper
- 1 cup cooked or canned green beans
- 3/4 pound ground beef
- 4 slices bacon, cut up
- Put rice and corn in baking pan or dish. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
- Mix tomato sauce and water. Pour half over corn and rice.
- Add layers of onion, green pepper, green beans, and beef.
- Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
- Add rest of tomato mixture, top with bacon. Cover tightly.
- Bake at 350 degrees F for 1 hour.
- Uncover; cook 30 minutes more.
When was a time when someone threatened legal action on you only to find out that you were a lawyer?
My sister and I were roommates when I was in law school. She was a recent law school graduate when I started my first year. Fast forward three years: now I’m a recent law school graduate. My fiancee and I are moving in together, and my sister bought her first condo. Time to move on.
After we vacated the apartment, our landlord charged us for some damage, some of which was totally fair, some of which was not. We responded as much, and were swiftly served with a complaint in small claims court. I don’t remember the amounts at stake, but let’s say it was something like $1000 for “real” damage and $1000 for BS damage.
(As an aside: what was the real damage? A busted countertop. Not having a knife handy, my sister decided to use the lip of the granite countertop to open a squash. The squash won. What was the BS damage? Damage to our unit and the unit below us from an unattended overflowing toilet. The shenanigans were that the damage (if any) happened in April, and the remediation didn’t happen until late August, between tenants. Our position was that this was work that would be performed in the ordinary course of turning the apartment over to new tenants, and so we’re not responsible.)
Okay okay, so we get a complaint. There follows a phone call from a lawyer, “encouraging” (to put it charitably) us to settle. Less charitably, this lawyer was attempting to intimidate us into settling, lest we face the full wrath of the justice system.
I didn’t mention I was a lawyer. At least, not at first.
I just calmly stated our case. Then the threats. Then the re-statement of the case. Then the threats. Etc.
I didn’t mind. In fact, I did all I could to keep the lawyer on the phone. After all, they bill by the hour. More and more times going in circles is just money out of the landlord’s pocket.
But after a few more such phone calls, it got old. I did have work to do, after all.
On our next call, I started dropping legalese. Things like, “I dunno about speculation, but I believe I’m allowed to testify as to events of which I have first-hand knowledge.” Or “I get that you have to zealously represent your client, but your case has to have a good-faith basis in fact and law.” Each time, quoting various rules of evidence of ethics. Like, word for word. Because I just passed the bar exam.
None of that seemed to register. When he finally insisted he’ll see me in court, and that I’ll have to waste a whole day waiting around for my case to be called. I said something like, “well, I guess I’ll bring my computer and get some work done.” He responded, “oh no… only attorneys can bring a computer in to court.”
I chuckled.
Alas, I didn’t get my day in court. A few days later, I got a notice that the trial was rescheduled, allegedly based on a motion I consented to. I did not consent. I was able to get the case dismissed (without prejudice), and the whole thing had to start again.
That prompted yet another furious call from my new friend. I asked with genuine curiosity how he was able to represent to the court that I consented to rescheduling the case, when that wasn’t the case. He dismissively squawked that “it’s done all the time.” I said, “huh, okay. I’ll guess we’ll find out… unless we settle.” I then offered something like $700, a few hundred bucks less than the amount we legitimately owed. He accepted.
I asked that he send the settlement agreement to my and my sister’s work addresses — we both worked for high profile law firms at the time. I made it a point to drop off the check in person, and he finally acknowledged: “You guys are attorneys? Why didn’t you say so?”
China VS America | Yanis Varoufakis on Big Tech, Capitalism and Techno-Feudalism (Part 3)
Why do developing nations kind of trust China and Russia these days?
Virtually the whole world
Even the West!
How many times has Putin gone back on a commitment given?
Almost never
Do you see white russians swarming into Chechnya and taking over and ending their autonomy?
Same with Xi Jinping
Once he signs that paper, the Chinese honor what ever they have committed to
They follow rules
They obey International Laws
The US?
They have cheated everyone so far
Native Americans?
African Americans?
Even the Japs have been cheated
They do so citing DEMOCRACY
Their explanation is “We are helpless because OUR PEOPLE don’t want this so we have to stop”
Yet there is no referendum
It’s a based on a bunch of corrupt or stupid senators and congressmen
Russia and China are trusted by the entire world and even the West trusts them openly
That single lie could be so overblown by the MSM that their reputations could be severely damaged
What is the most unbelievably clever thing you have ever witnessed an animal do?
I watched a very smart crow in front of a Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). This is just one of those weird memories that stay in your brain forever for no specific reason.
Originally, I was just waiting outside on my food order when I happened to notice this amusing crow. It was absolutely fascinating how intelligent this crow was; so, I stayed to eat my lunch and watched him for nearly 40 minutes. It was very entertaining and eye-opening to watch this clever crow operate.
There was a swivel-top trash container outside the front door of the KFC. The crow would wait until a customer threw trash in, fly to the top of the container, rock the swivel top back and forth then slide down inside the trash can. He’d be inside there 15-20 seconds, then surprise; he’d come flying back out with a bag in his beak.
He flew beeline under a nearby tree, opened the bag and began to extract the contents one by one. It was almost like he was sorting out to the right and left what was edible and what wasn’t. I watched him open catsup, butter and honey packets. He’d hold them down with his claws, rip them open with his beak, then ingeniously step-pressure the contents out of each packet with his claws while pecking the goodies inside down his gullet.
The crow would only fly to the trash can after someone threw trash in; when they did, he was on it quickly. This smarty-bird also knew how to pry the lids off little containers of mashed potatoes and coleslaw. He had a few pieces of chicken that he was picking clean between flights to the trash can but always kept an eye peeled toward that trash can for the next customer.
After about 30 minutes, his crow family found him and he had to defend his between-flights chicken bone. He finally flew it out from under the tree and set it on an exterior window sill closer to the trash can. He then did only what I could describe as a ‘bird strut’ where he walked back and forth, puffed his body up and cawed out a warning to any other crows who dared invade his lunch territory. I felt so silly laughing my ass off while sitting all alone in my car but his moves were so intentional and understandable and hilarious.
One of the smartest moves was what he did with drinks and straws. He’d stand a soda cup up, pry off the lid, remove the straw from the lid, then amazingly jam the straw back down into the drink. I don’t know if he clamped off the pressure to hold liquid in; but I saw him extract a nearly-full straw, toss his head way back and let the liquid run down into his mouth. I know a few teenagers that probably couldn’t figure out how to do this. This feisty crow was a seasoned fast-food connoisseur. After he was through getting the liquid out, he flew the cup over to the tree and dumped the ice from about 10 foot in the air. I swear this was a diversionary tactic because a bunch of other crows began investigating all the scattered ice cubes and left him alone for the time being.
This sounds like a silly way to spend your lunch time but that crow kept me so captivated. They sure do learn to adapt. I had heard crows were smart birds, but now I’ve seen it first-hand. Just before I left, I tossed him an encore biscuit and a new chicken bone.
What is the most useless fact you know?
- When you say “a, e, i, o, u” your mouth gets smaller with each vowel you say.
- You don’t really wash your hands; They actually wash each other while you stand there and watch. (Imagine)
- If a man says you’re ugly, he’s being mean. If a woman says you’re ugly, she’s envious. If a little kid says you’re ugly, you’re ugly.
- Things are not on fire, fire is on things.
- When you say ‘Forward’ or ‘Backward’, your lips move in those directions.
(yes, just like that) - The word ‘Australia’ has three A’s, all of which look the same, but are pronounced differently.
- If You Rip a Hole in a Net, There Are Actually Fewer Holes in It than there were before.
- This sentence “All the faith he had had had had no effect on the outcome of his life.” is actually correct.
- Sometimes you have to sing the whole alphabet in your head just to find the next letter.
- The latest scientific research has shown that you can travel on an airplane without announcing it on Social media.
- What’s More Dangerous than Running with Scissors?
Falling on them (imagine). - Lazy fact #1725402648207549
You are too lazy to read that number - “Dammit I’m Mad ” backwards is still “Dammit I’m Mad”.
- Nothing is behind Your Back. it is always in front of your back.
- Most of the time the People who tell you to calm down, Are the same people that made you angry in the first place.
- Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
Its not fun to say, but ironically, this is the medical term for the fear of long words. - You Can Inflate the the Word Count on Your Essays by Writing the the Word “The” Twice. (I just did that).
- Yes, English can be weird. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.
Adding some more
- If you attempt to rob a Bank, you will have no trouble with rent or bills for the next Ten Years, whether you are successful or not.
- If you swim with a Friend, your chances of getting eaten by a Shark will drop to 50%.
- The early Bird gets the worm, but the early worm gets eaten by the Bird.
- You’ll get everything you want in Life if you lower your expectations.
- Never Run from an overweight Policeman. He’s more likely to shoot than chase you.
- If someone calls you by your full name, either they are in love or you are screwed.
- The more you weigh, the harder you are to kidnap.
- Don’t mess with Elephants. they NEVER forget, and NEVER forgive.
You will understand when the time is right. - You can’t break your New Year Resolutions, if you don’t have any in the first place.
- The people who go to Jungle Safari with their slowest friends are more likely to survive during animal attack. (sounds weird but it works).
- Second place means you’re the best Loser.
- Brushing your teeth is the only time you clean your skeleton.
- You have never actually seen your face, you have only seen reflections and photographic depictions of it.
- History classes are only going to get longer and harder as time passes by.
Adding some more
- when you lie down outside, looking up at the sky, you’re actually staring down into an infinite cosmic abyss with only the earth’s gravity stopping you from drifting off forever.
- A 45 year old Bosnian man named Amir Vehabovic faked his death back in 2007 because he wanted to see who would attend his funeral. Only his mother attended. After this debacle, he wrote dozens of angry letters to his so-called friends and what he thought of their friendship going forward.
- In the mid-1880s Aluminum was more valuable than gold, now we use it wastefully to wrap food.
- It rains diamonds on Saturn and Jupiter.
- There’s no reason the alphabet needs to be in that order.
- The swimming pool onboard the Titanic is still full.
- Everything you’ve done in life has led to you reading this line.
“How do I hold 1.4bn Chinese together” – Douglas Macgregor
International Business: Why didn’t American companies choose India instead of China for manufacturing products?
I’ve come across similar questions from time to time on this very topic and I don’t recall anyone ever pointing out the true reason.
The reason as to why India can’t out perform China in manufacturing is NOT because of infrastructure, it’s NOT because of skilled labors, it’s NOT because of corruption, and it’s also NOT because of “superiority of the Chinese mentality”.
I’d like to answer this question with this noun
Now repeat after me.
This is the single most powerful noun that’s preventing India from being a manufacturing hub – because doing business in India is so god damn unpredictable, therefore it is impossible to calculate your return on investment when dealing with India.
Bad infrastructure? No problem, that can be factored into shipping cost & delivery time
Lack of experienced labors? No problem, that’ll factor into capital/startup cost
Corruption? No problem, tell me who I need to pay and how much, that’ll become part of operating cost
Lots of paper work? No problem, longer startup time means lower return on investment, but that again, can be calculated, and can be made up with higher profit margin.
You know what the problem with India is?
In India:
When a someone says “yes”, you have no idea whether he/she actually meant yes or no.
When a worker say that “I’ll be there in 5 minutes”, you have no idea whether he’s one of those workers who keeps his word, or he’s one of those workers who’ll just show up 4 hours later
When an official approaches you and ask for “expedition fee”, you have no idea how much he’s asking, and how much faster he can expedite, and how many more like him are coming
When you are presented with a pile of paper work, you have no idea whether this is the last pile, or whether there are 20 more piles that’s coming after, and whether you were even given the correct paper works to fill out.
Heck, even if you have someone coming in to help, you have no idea whether he’ll hit a cow on the way here and then forced to wait for another 8 hours for a shaman to show up and complete the ritual.
All that plus the occasional “I refuse to work with people from that caste” plus union strike and power outages makes doing business in India extremely unpredictable.
If you are a business owner, would you buy from someone who sells you the same item with $3, knowing that the goods will likely be delivered on time and to specification, or are you going to buy from someone who sells you for $2, but you have no idea when, or even if you’ll get that item?
Most people would buy it for $3, then just markup the profit.
Business is all about predictability, trying to make money without ability to predict is called gamble, and business owner don’t like to gamble when they could avoid it.
So to wrap this up.
Unpredictability is what’s killing manufacturing in India. Not infrastructure, not mentality, not corruption, not skilled labor.
It’s UNPREDICTABILITY, in capitalized bold letters.

Why don’t U.S. companies move their overseas manufacturing to friendlier countries than China? There have to be other countries willing to manufacture goods at reduced prices.
Business issues requires business expertise to solve. US-China tension is political ones, manufactured by its politicians, which power and influence is waning after one of the parties started the “government is the problem” thing, and unhealthy amount of idiots voted for it.
Indonesia has been wooing foreing multinational businesses to move here, we once aimed for the likes of Foxconn, but it is super difficult. Politicians talk as if it is as easy as organising a campus protest.
It got picked up by the clueless media, read by ignorant audience, and the hype is fired up.
But the problem is always started by the stupid country that promotes this “international trade” system and their fake science like economy. The principles called for:
- Economics of scale: achieve efficiency by mass production, and market that is big enough to give demand cushion.
- Infrastructure and facilities: setting up operations require utilities, workers, and supporting policies.
- Finances & access: the capitalistic system requires the money market to be aggressive and risk-taking enough to make it a reality.
Number 1 is easy. China and India is big enough, but for greedy businesses, Indonesia, being the 4th biggest is never enough. The US, being 3rd biggest is too problematical and the people often fight back. India is similarly problematical – unlike US’ 2 parties-same package deal, India is super fragmented, you can’t control India after buying their winning party. China is just one party state, pretty much like Japan and Singapore in practical manner. Get chummy with the party, get the entire country.
Number 2 is also very evident. US is probably the best at this. But, US politicians are growingly becoming a show business. Upgrading and maintaining activities are not something that generate media headlines and spectacle for the politicians, so they often neglect the infra and facilities. Politicians hogging the stage, inspired people to be more like them, peddling influence either as social media or actual influencers, taking socio-political studies instead of the scrutinised STEM subjects. China is all new and still pretty much aspirant. India is the same. But unlike China, India still has the Da Falun problem: superstition and traditionalism running rampant. While CCP purged such movement effectively back in 1990s, the rot is beginning to haunt them back with the growing BS that always entail populism, and CCP increasingly more interested in keeping things the way they are instead of rooting out the problem. And this presents an opportunity to Indonesia, but we are way too far to be competitive with those 2. As Tim Cook said to the Chinese media last month, calling in 10,000 engineers in China is much easier because they have them. The US whines about “higher quality engineers”, but less than 3,000 quality engineers will not produce the overwhelming amount of volume at the same quality level.
Number 3, while China the mainland calls itself communist, they are home to more billionaires than Indonesia. Only India has more than them despite being poorer – which speaks volume about the wealth disparity there. People there are more risk-taking and has the “doer” mentality. Indonesia is the kind of dilletante that knows everything, but do nothing. You won’t attract investors if you yourself just don’t show confidence-inspiring commitment.
Another big irrational reason that is not intrinsic factor of China’s competitors are easily the US market itself.
American are hustlers, and some of them are sleazy as F.
I mean, they hired $30k marketer to turn $3 ordinary goods into $80 at WalMart with warranty backed by head office registered in Delaware or Utah or Florida.
I know this, because we get the excess goods flowing into our secondary market, still packaged with all US labelling and shameless promotion wrapping the box.
Granted, it never hides the fact that it is Made in China.
Okay, maybe the $77 excess profit taken by the US entity might go to some well-paid support staff employed by the importers. But what about the consumers? How do they feel like paying $80 for a crappy Chinese product being marketed as a result of “Hong Kong univeristy research project by a genius that has moved to stateside”?
These questions will go over American politicians and its imbecile congress. They don’t have any intellectual capacity to understand these things.
Ask them, like who own Chrysler now, I don’t expect 50% accurate answer from these fools who tried tp “grill” their business excutives with the most brain dead questions ever.
As for other alternative countries:
Hardworker, hustler, the young upstart seemingly capable of everything. But ultimately is never big enough for the greedy western capitalists.
“Made in Taiwan” – proceeds to smack the machine. No longer stands for the quality, and probably never were. They are just “discount Japanese” as ever. I owned Taiwanese phones (htc) for almost ever. It is as funky as “Made in Taiwan” of the yesteryears – low quality beats by dr. Dre-branded speaker or poorly fitted volume button on flagship phone. Today, even internet techies are dropping more and more bombs on Taiwanese electronic brands’ flagship model (which btw, I still use quite fine).
This is not 1960s anymore. Needs more US money injection like what they received during Marcos era. But then again, the competition landscape is no longer 1960s. I use Intel processor made by them, and it is quite fine.
Interesting alternative, but again, it is on the smaller scale.
Only for certain products.
This fool has dismantled themselves slowly, and prefer to point finger at others instead of doing it themselves.
Same as above, but worse.
Wait another 10–20 years.
As long as you are fine with them.
Back to US
Perhaps the best solution of all: make your own stuff. I think everyone can easily agree with this. Even the Chinese are also moving to US. You just need to undo all those years of Reaganism brainwashing about unions and lazy American workers.
Why I Never Dated American Women And Moved To Eastern Europe
Have you ever met somebody so stupid that they made you question how they survived this long?
I used to work as a teacher at an elementary school in rural Ohio. I was consistently blown away by the stupidity of EVERYONE there: my students, their parents, my co-workers, and the administration.
Once we had a school cancellation because of snow. We didn’t get just a few flakes, but literally a couple of feet. One mom dropped her kid off anyway – even though there obviously were no buses, no vehicles, and no people around at all, like you always have during a school day drop off.
I was inside the building, along with a couple of other teachers. A few of us had already arrived at the school when the superintendent decided to cancel, and we decided to get some work done before heading back home.
One of these other teachers was the one who found the student wandering around.
This kid was a fourth grader, and apparently of the same mental caliber as her mom. She didn’t know her home phone number or her mom’s cell phone number, but she was “pretty sure” she knew her address.
The other teacher proved to not be so bright, either. She asked me what she should do, and I advised her to call the cops and let them handle it. That’s what I assumed she did.
Found out later that she actually drove the kid to her apartment building. They knocked on the door of the kid’s apartment but got no answer. A neighbor heard them and told this teacher that the kid could just come inside their apartment and stay with them until the mom came home.
This teacher, without knowing ANYTHING about the neighbor, did exactly that. I kid you not.
When the mom realized that school was actually closed, she panicked and drove back. She pounded on the door until another teacher let her in. (I was in a different part of the building and didn’t hear this.) The other teacher had enough brains to do what I’d suggested at the outset: she called the cops.
It took a few hours before the kid was located inside the neighbor’s apartment. Thankfully, the kid appeared to be safe and sound. But, yeah, it was a SERIOUS lack of judgment for that first teacher to have left the kid with a complete stranger.
She got a reprimand, and we all got a memo on what to do in the event of a similar situation (predictably, leaving a student with the first random stranger who offered was NOT a recommended course of action).
I left the job and the area a few years later, thinking that maybe all of the pesticides being used there (it was mainly a farming community) were rotting peoples’ brains.
I sure didn’t want the same thing happening to me.
Roll with the Changes (REO Speedwagon) | Classic Rock Cover – Kelly and the Ding Dongs
If you are a teacher, have you cried in front of your class? What happened?
Six times, I think – 2 nice, 4 not. That makes me seem like an emotional wreck!
- Within my first month teaching, my whole class climbed out the windows and ran away. I was sure I was going to be fired.
- A 14 year old student who died suddenly and unexpectedly from an undiagnosed brain tumour. He was literally in class one day and dead the next. Telling the class was horrific.
- A colleague and friend (my husband’s best friend) killed in a cycle accident on the way to school. Telling my husband (also a teacher) was horrific.
- I had a seriously unstable student attempt suicide in my classroom by jamming a pencil up his nose and well, I don’t want to go into more detail. I cleared the room while help was being sought and he then tried to set himself on fire with spray deodorant and a lighter. I don’t think I’ll ever get over that.
- When my ‘naughty’ junior class baked me a massive purple velvet cake covered in miniature My Little Ponies (an in-joke) and created a a huge collage when I got engaged.
- After years of trying for a baby, my husband raced into my class to tell me we’d been chosen to adopt our little girl and we’d get to meet her the next day. The whole class cried!
Edit 1:
My most recent update about the student in #4: It would have been 4 years ago I last heard about him (I also taught his two younger siblings), but he survived and was getting the help he needed. No miraculous ‘cures’ – the whole family was deeply affected by the dad’s hidden addiction issues (the youngest sibling confided in me, I didn’t know at the time of teaching the eldest) – but he was physically healthy and in a day-program to get his schooling back on track.
Have you ever confronted a thief?
Yes, during Covid lockdown, I stayed temporarily in a little guest cottage on my sister in law, Jay’s property.
I nipped out one afternoon, to the shops, and though I wasn’t gone even 30 minutes, a burglar took his shot at my goodies.
I came home to the broken window, and I was telling Jay about it, through the shared gate, at the bottom of my walkway (i walked past the window to get to her). So I was about 5 meters away telling her, when I saw him climbing out of the window he’d just broken! He was however, now trapped in the tiny walkway, the end to which I was blocking. And I was in the process of alerting all other 8 people on the property to his presence.
Well, because I’m never what you expect, instead of panicking, I dropped what was carrying and charged the bloke with ferocity. Jay, though shaking and yelling for her husband and friend to call the cops, trigger the panic alarm and come help us, pulled out her phone and started recording my interaction with the thief.
The thief had seen me coming at him and turned and tried to scale the 14 ft wall behind him (which hilariously had an unlocked door he could have simply opened and exited, but he didn’t know it was unlocked). Not thinking twice I weighed him up and figured he was slight enough that if I could get him on the ground I could probably pin him with my weight long enough for the men on the property to get to me.
I didn’t know they had not reacted as I expected, so despite pulling him off the wall and delaying him considerably, he unfortunately he managed to dump a handy bucket of water over me, and sliping out of my grasp got away with several thousands worth of jewelry.
He was, however, arrested just the next week when he decided to return to the scene of the crime. No one said the chap was bright.
I still have the video of the altercation. She didn’t keep it steady while I was wrestling with the guy, but she got an excellent view of his face as he ran past her making his getaway. 🤣 A still of that video landed the guy in jail, without the need for court testimony from me!
I’m a legend in town, but nameless. You can’t really see my face in the video, so no one knows who the crazy chick was that pulled a burglar off a wall and tried to sit on him till the cops got there!
Anonymous Just Leaked The US Sent An Email Asking For The Resurrection Chamber Of Gilgamesh
History story
Instead of shooting down the bomber, the German pilot guided the heavily damaged plane safely out of German air space.

During World War II, Second Lieutenant Charles Brown was the pilot of a B-17 and after a tough aerial battle, his plane was the only one left behind in German air space. His plane was running dangerously out of fuel, half of his crew was wounded, his tail gunner was killed, and his plane was rattling from all the gunshots it had taken.
German ace, Franz Stigler, was only a kill away from earning The Knight’s Cross, Germany’s highest award for valor. He was on the ground when Brown’s B-17 passed over him and he took off on his Bf-109 to chase after the American plane.
When he got behind the B-17, he was about to press the trigger to take down the plane, but noticed that no one from the B-17 was shooting at him, he flew closer to see that the tail gunner was dead and the crew inside were injured and huddling together.
Then he nudged his plane alongside the bomber’s wings and locked eyes with the pilot whose eyes were wide with shock and horror.
Stigler pressed his hand over the Rosary he kept in his flight jacket. He eased his index finger off the trigger. He couldn’t shoot. It would be murder.
Alone with the crippled bomber, Stigler changed his mission. He nodded at the American pilot and began flying in formation so German anti-aircraft gunners on the ground wouldn’t shoot down the slow-moving bomber. (The Luftwaffe had B-17s of its own, shot down and rebuilt for secret missions and training.) Stigler escorted the bomber over the North Sea and took one last look at the American pilot. Then he saluted him, peeled his fighter away and returned to Germany.
Brown eventually reached England and landed safely. He got married, had a job in the State Department during Vietnam War, and eventually settled in Florida.
Then, he wanted to know who this German pilot that saved his life was. He put up an ad in a German newspaper.
On January 18, 1990, Brown received a letter. He opened it and read:
“Dear Charles, All these years I wondered what happened to the B-17, did she make it or not?”
It was Stigler. He had had left Germany after the war and moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, in 1953. He became a prosperous businessman. Now retired, Stigler told Brown that he would be in Florida come summer and “it sure would be nice to talk about our encounter.”
They met up at a hotel in Florida and from being once enemies, they became close friends.
Brown and Stigler became pals. They would take fishing trips together. They would fly cross-country to each other homes and take road trips together to share their story at schools and veterans’ reunions. Their wives, Jackie Brown and Hiya Stigler, became friends.
Both of them passed away in 2008. Brown was 87 and Stigler was 92.
So yes, it is possible!
My almost 15-year-old son watched a movie for 16+ year old people without my permission. What should I do?
My 15 year old son and his friends went to a cybercafe in the afternoon, sent to take photocopies of practice questions and watched dirty photographs in a browsing centre
The cafe owners own kids went to the school so he tipped off the teachers who summoned the parents
It’s what all teenagers should do and do
It’s what I did in my teens (though I never got caught)
Too much discipline almost always goes the wrong way and you don’t want your kid becoming desperate enough to HIDE THINGS from you right?
So dont push him
I set a few red lines and that’s it
- Dont lie about your marks or performance and come clean if you fail so that correction can be done
- Don’t smoke at any cost or have a first beer until you get a paycheck
- Don’t take a girl out on a date or have sex with her until you have a decent paycheck
- Close the door when watching Porn and don’t let your mother find out and for gods sake don’t use fake labels on CDs
That’s it
Within these boundaries , you do what you feel is best
I can’t set academic targets for them
A 15 yr old watching a 16+ year old movie is pretty normal
I bet he knows way more than a 16+ year old movie
Is Taiwan part of or separate from China?
Well, I am not Taiwanese or from any Chinese state, I am from Singapore, and to give you an honest answer. Technically it is part of China.
I get like Taiwan wants independence, but they can’t, I am not saying that they have no capabilities, but they just can’t. They can survive on their own, but they can’t be independent because China is looking after them.
Before anyone gets angry at me for not supporting Taiwan independence and all sorts of such things, I want to make my point that Singapore used to face this issue too. Singapore was once a part of Malaysia too because of a merger. And when Malaysia kicked us out, we could have said no, but Singapore minister Lee Kuan Yew said that they have come to accept it to gain independence from Malaysia. Even the US gained independence from the UK after the UK allowed them to become independent. Have you noticed the common criteria between these two examples? If you think that both have came to an agreement, then you’re right. Both came to an agreement and hence became independent. That’s why to me, if China is not allowing Taiwan to be independent, then it cannot be independent no matter how hard you try to fight for it. So, yes, Taiwan IS a part of China as of now.
And if you think about it, do you think China needs Taiwan? Just like Hong Kong and Macau, the only reason why China claim it as their territory is to make sure those pesky western power doesn’t come down to claim them and use them against China. Only Taiwan minsters and citizens are blind to see that, but if you don’t get involve in such issue and take a step back, you will realise that this is most likely the case. I study history in secondary school and I saw a source during the Korean War where the Chinese had a poster that states to kill the Americans who were in Taiwan and South Korea, you do realise it is the KOREAN War, it was between North and South Korea, but what does Taiwan have to do with it? Well China wants to chase away Western Power in Asia. It is as simple as that.
Now, whether Taiwan will get independent or not, it is really based on whether the US gets too involved with Taiwan, if China seizes Taiwan, no matter how hard Taiwan fights, it still is a part of China. The only reason why they had a government down there was because Chiang Kai Shek lost against Mao Ze Dong, and he had a thick skin to start a government down in Taiwan, and if you think Mao Ze Dong is bad, well, it doesn’t make Chiang Kai Shek any better, just know about White Death or White Terror and you will know why. People can claim that Mao Ze Dong was evil, but technically he was also good in building China to what it is today, same goes for Chiang Kai Shek (Taiwan), Syghmen Rhee (South Korea) and Ngoh Dinh Diem (South Vietnam), these people who were supported by the US, also were dictators and killed many too. Back to the point, Chaing Kai Shek just ran down to Taiwan to set up a local government system but China ignored it as they had many issues to solve in their own country, if China back then did not ignore it, they would have went to Taiwan and kill Chiang Kai Shek and his party of people. And this is not a joke, I am serious when I say this that they would have if they realised it was really a huge threat that will affect today.
China says that Taiwan is their own people, but I feel that’s an excuse, seriously? Taiwan VOLUNTEERED to join the Japanese army and killed many Chinese in China, Malaysia, Singapore, regardless of whether they were communists or not. Do you think they will see the Taiwanese Chinese people as their own people? People would rather see them as Japanese than Chinese. And Taiwan is very influenced by Japanese culture with their way of life, I would rather cede them to the Japanese rather than taking them back since they are very Japanese like and most of their habits are very Japanese like. Again, they only don’t want to give them independence because of the Western Power plans to surround China.
All in all, I am not saying that Taiwan cannot be independent and I don’t support their independent, but I am just stating down of why I think they cannot be independent and hence is a part of China regardless of whether you think it is or not because in reality and in actual fact, they are not and they cannot be independent, it all lies on whether China is willing to give up, only time will tell.
The Lost Boys – I Still Believe – Tim Capello (Subtitulado)
Some of the strange AI artwork from today
Really strange stuff today.

I think that this picture wins the prize for the strangest painting…

Contemplating coffee…

Worshiping a coffee God?

Submitted into Contest #247 in response to: Set your story on a spaceship exploring the far reaches of space when something goes wrong.… view prompt
Connor Engstrom
This story contains themes or mentions of suicide or self harm.
“Roll it, Andromeda.”
Cameras are recording in three, two, one.
“As an astronaut, I need long-lasting freshness to keep my helmet smelling great, even for long spacewalks. That’s why I choose Taurodyne.” I flashed a smile before dropping the facade.
Your recording is compressing and will be flashed to the nearest base. Orienting communication lasers…
I took out one of my more space-friendly toothpaste packs. I hated these ads. I thought everyone on Earth could see through my ingenuine smile and yellowing teeth, even after they were whitened in post-production. I felt so exposed, so alone. Andromeda eased my yearning for interaction, but the blasted ads were a constant reminder that there was an Earth I had left behind.
Message sending…
Nonetheless, they were necessary. Ever since President Flint had cut funding for the space program, the budget had been strained. The program subsisted on nothing but our own ad revenue and philanthropic donations by eccentric trillionaires. Second-class, loaned rockets plagued the ASA – formerly NASA – while private and Chinese missions used their new, top-of-the-line ships.
The message will take one month to travel and will be received at base PACS-867 on April 3, 2130.
“Thanks, Andromeda,” I responded absentmindedly.
Today was the culmination of my mission to find humans a new home. It was the final leg of the journey before I would be assigned to another lifeless sphere, devoid of interest and isolated in the perennial vastness; venturing in hope that there, somehow, humanity could continue its endless crusade of existence, a reckoning never resolved, only delayed. The population was growing by nearly two billion people a year, mandating the rapid colonization of the unknown; however, no suitable planet had been found yet. The “balloon problem,” as scientists referred to it, was explained to me by the man who popularized it: Mario Perez.
Mario was well-dressed and -spoken for a man who spoke English as his fourth language. I met with him at his home nearly two years ago. Contrary to his gloomy work, Mario was a jovial man. Perhaps he felt safe in the knowledge that he would never survive to see his prediction come to fruition – he had stage four cancer at the time. I arrived at his warmly lit house filled with tchotchkes and knickknacks where he cracked jokes and told me about a painting that hung in his living room where we talked. It was Dali’s “The Persistence of Memory.”
“Is that real?” I asked, floored.
“No, not at all,” he chuckled. “They offered it to me, but I figured, why hang it here where a couple of people can enjoy it when it can be at MoMA where it is seen by thousands?” He delivered the rhetorical question in such a way that I couldn’t help but laugh, though I wasn’t quite sure what I was meant to be laughing at. It was the kind of joke to be enjoyed at barbecues, perhaps said by a paternal grill master during small talk. Our conversation topic was anything but small talk.
After we settled in, him in a reclining chair and me on an itchy sofa, Mario began a routine that had, by then, reached billions of listeners.
“Assume you put a single piece of bacteria in a cup, and that organism doubles every minute. The process begins at midnight on Monday and will end when the glass is full in exactly twenty four hours. When will the glass be half full?”
I had seen his work, but him, sitting across from me in his La-Z-Boy (but not relaxed) staring unflinchingly at me gave it a whole new gravitas.
”11:59 pm on Tuesday night,” he said with finality. “The pocketwatch of humanity is ticking. Our time is running out, and we have just one precious minute left. What’s the solution? Say we colonize a hundred planets. Let’s represent the space they provide by expanding our limit to the entire room. That buys us only ten short minutes. It is only a matter of time, even if we colonize those hundred planets, until our timepiece once again reads 11:59.” That warning was the thing that drove everyone in the spacefaring business to work harder, go faster, and travel further than ever before.
I assumed Mario was dead by now. His doctor’s prediction was far eclipsed by my mission length. As for Mario’s prediction, he prognosticated that barring an alternative to Earth, population control would have to be utilized by 2150, twenty years from now.
Population control. That had been the question of the last few years. Whether it was righteous to struggle against an ever-increasing flood of humanity by accommodating the endless new bodies, or whether it was nobler to sterilize a portion of the population in the hopes of helping a section of the yet unborn to thrive in an Earth of plentiful resources. The UN and other international bodies were paralyzed by debate and the lack of a right answer to a confounding moral problem. It seemed that inaction would rule doomsday.
I shook off my existential crisis, moving toward my modest living area, and more importantly, the breakfast pouches inside my plastic cabinet labeled food.
“What exciting alien species will I be encountering today?” I queried with no small hint of sarcasm.
You must repair atmospheric sensor 3b before I take low-atmospheric photos and data of planet Confutatis Spes. Once the data is collected and you are safely aboard, I will perform a boomerang maneuver to shoot you back toward PACS-867 where you will return the Edison-4 to the Chinese.
Everything as expected. “Sounds good, A. When am I disembarking?”
T minus ten minutes until your EVA.
Everything seemed to be on schedule. I quickly slurped down my blueberry oatmeal and went to put on my suit in preparation for the spacewalk. I was done sitting around doing nothing but filming promos for shitty toothpaste. Today was a day of action, where I would become master of my own life.
“Andromeda, put on Space Oddity” I mused with a smirk slowly working its way to my lips.
Space Oddity by David Bowie now playing.
By this time, I had made my way to the suit staging area. I went through the checklist drilled into me at training. When I pulled the tether taut to test its strength, the lyrics began to rise high above the sci-fi sounds that played in the background of my favorite song as the song’s ship countdown began. The unique voice of David Bowie became ubiquitous. I looked out of the airlock toward the planet I would soon visit, both my ears and now eyes filling with beauty. I started mouthing the lyrics, slowly working up the confidence to sing in earnest, broken high notes joining the forlorn verse.
“Ground control to Major Tom:
The time is near, there’s not too long.
Can you hear me, Major Tom?”
The red-tinted sun at my back combined with the deep purple clouds that I could only assume were toxic iodine made the planet reminiscent of a sunset. As pretty as it was, a lot of work would be required to make this planet into a home. I stepped into the main body of the suit.
“Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear?”
I donned my heavy helmet equipped with a life-support system and boasting a sun-protectant visor. The song shifted to the sound system contained within the helmet, but I kept belting.
“Here am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the moon
Planet Earth is blue
And there’s nothing I can do”
I slipped on my gloves, cleared my throat, and asked, “You there, Andromeda?”
Here as always. We have entered the upper atmosphere and are in a stable orbit. Your mission is a go.
“Then let’s do this thing.”
The airlock opened and I pushed off toward sensor 3b. It was impossible to see through the purple clouds all around me so I navigated with the help of Andromeda as she activated different thrusters attached to the suit to correct my movements.
You will have to perform a jump out to the right engine module. Two o’clock.
“Copy that.” I jumped without hesitation, feeling a slight correction from the right side of my suit, and latched onto the metallic surface.
You must adjust the collection unit to 37 degrees to accommodate our low-orbit angle when collection is happening.
I reached out, trying to feel the porous, cylindrical device. My clumsily controlled hand made contact and slowly started pushing it into position.
“Just tell me when to stop.”
Stop. Well done. Time to return to the main body. Eight o’clock.
I pushed off once again and felt the familiar correction. “I thought I had that one,” I complained sarcastically. Andromeda didn’t respond. She was used to my humor. We had grown close over the past two years. Any interaction, even with a machine, was welcome in the void. Her competence and real-seeming empathy for my predicament gave me complete trust in her. Deprivation of human contact over the years had made me boring and socially inept. I thought Andromeda was the only one who understood me.
I reached the airlock and reentered the ship. The pressure equalized, and I took off my helmet.
We will be entering the lower atmosphere in thirty minutes where data collection will begin.
“Great. I’m gonna get a nap. Let me know when we’re boomeranging”
I doffed the remainder of my suit and drifted back to my cramped quarters. I strapped myself into my sleeping bag and fell into a deep sleep.
Marc, there is a slight problem.
Marc, you must wake up.
“What is it, Andromeda?” I asked crankily.
An anomaly has been detected in the oxygen levels of the ship.
“Are we leaking? How bad is it?”
I did a scan for leaks and found nothing. We are losing 3.4 times ten to the negative eight atmospheres of partial pressure per minute.
“Log the deficit. It’s probably a reading error. If the problem persists, wake me up in twenty minutes.”
The problem is persisting.
“How so?”
We are losing 1.4 times ten to the negative six atmospheres of partial pressure per minute.
That was anomalous. That the oxygen was leaking 100 times worse was flustering. “Show me the data on oxygen levels,” I implored.
I looked left at my monitor and zoomed in.
“A, assign a line of exponential regression and give me an R squared value.” I looked intently at the exponential model, where terror awaited me. Oxygen would run out in fifty minutes at the current rate. The confidence metric read an even 100%.
“Oh, no.” My panicked voice began to crack as I recognized the severity of my situation.
I ripped off my bed straps and careened toward the airlock. What could be causing the leak?
“Andromeda, I’m going to check the oxygen tank for leakage from outside of the ship.” I frantically jumped into the suit I had so joyously put on less than an hour ago. I reached down and strapped myself into place, but I was still missing something. I cried, “My gloves! Where are my gloves?”
On the table to your right next to the purple smudge.
I hadn’t done a good job cleaning up, but there wasn’t time for that now.
I snatched the gloves, pulled them on, and hooked the tether onto my waist loop. Finally, I opened the airlock.
Wasting no time, I made a beeline for the oxygen tanks. When I reached the panel, I unscrewed it with shaking hands and practically ripped it off.
“Andromeda, scan the device for external oxygen.”
Scanning through suit sensors… no leak has been detected, although there is oxygen in the air outside the ship at high concentrations.
“We have no way to collect it,” I assessed militarily. “Besides, the iodine would make it unsafe for consumption.”
The iodine content in the atmosphere is negligible.
“Well then what is this purple stuff?” I asked. “What the fuck is this?” I yelled in shock and desperation. “If it’s not iodine what the hell is it?”
It appears the substance is a rudimentary life form.
I was silent for a few seconds as I processed the information. “No kidding.” This was humanity’s first contact with an alien species. I went limp for a second, my hands slipping from their holds, but I forced my clammy palms to latch on tight. Then I went as white as a sheet. “That’s the problem with the oxygen.” I realized. “There are aliens on my ship, and they’re multiplying.”
I raced back to the airlock, took my suit off as fast as possible, and rushed to grab the disinfectant in the living area. I sped back to where I had seen the purple smudge before. It had noticeably grown in size. Panicked, I applied the antibacterial substance and began to scour the ship for more of the colored organism.
Horrified, I found the purple film on counters, hallway walls, and a large amount in my bedroom. I must have tracked it in. I tried scraping some of it off with my fingernail, but it clung to my harness with incredible veracity.
I hastily checked my first clumping to see if the disinfectant was capable of saving my life. To my dismay, if anything, the stain had gotten larger; reality set in.
I crumpled and wept forlornly, “Andromeda? Am I doomed to die?”
With current supplies, There is no way to stem the organism’s growth.
“I need to send word of first contact to ASA.” If anything, my sense of duty propelled me upright. “How long do I have?”
10 minutes before mild asphyxiation begins, 15 before death.
“How long before we’re out of the clouds and I can send the message?”
13 minutes.
The air was already getting thin. What loyalty did I have to ASA? I could buy humanity time, but was it worth it? Did anything outweigh the agony I would feel? Maybe they’d name the planet after me, I mused. But what would I care? I’d be dead. Did it matter what I left behind? What about the obligation to my species? I resolved to send the message, my allegiance, not to ASA, but to humanity prevailing.
The damn bacteria. I laughed in the face of my quandary. Isn’t this what I wanted? To find alien life? But why must it compete with me for oxygen? I supposed existence itself gave any being the prerogative to fight for its survival, big or small. Existence is a competition and we’re just gladiators in the arena, battling trillions and trillions of others.
My breaths became ragged. I located a camera and faced it.
“Andromeda? Are you ready?”
Ready as always.
“Thanks, A. For everything.”
It has been an honor, Marc. You’re live.
“Hello ASA” I wheezed. “I have discovered life on the oxygen-rich planet Confutatis Spes.” Each word was preceded by a gasp now. “The organism has contaminated my ship and used up my oxygen.” I struggled to make a sound as I rasped a final “Good luck.”
Sending… sent.
“A, put on … second half of … space oddity.” I didn’t have time to listen to the complete song.
With pleasure.
I floated down my now-colorful hallway to my living area where I found my kitchen knife. I ventured to the airlock where I looked out at the maroon planet below me, my insides slowly being consumed by suffocating fire. I had prolonged humanity’s survival, even if it was just for a precious minute or two on the grandfather clock of human existence. As for my own life, the clock had struck 12:00. I serenely drew my blade, feeling like a conquistador of old on a new frontier, Space Oddity serenading my final moments.
Here am I floating in my tin can,
Last glimpse of the world,
Planet Earth is blue and there’s nothing left to do.
As the final line played, I plunged the knife into my stomach, my beautiful vista giving way to the blackness of the void I knew so well.
Sour Cream Chili Bake

Yield: 6 to 8 servings
- 1 pound ground beef
- 1/4 cup chopped onion
- 1 (16 ounce) can kidney beans, drained
- 1 (15 ounce) can tomato sauce
- 1 envelope taco seasoning mix or 2 tablespoons homemade Taco Seasoning
- 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
- 3 1/2 cups corn chips
- 1 1/4 cups sour cream
- Cook ground beef and onion until meat is browned and onion is tender; drain.
- Stir in beans, tomato sauce, taco seasoning mix and 3/4 cup cheese.
- Sprinkle 2 1/2 cups corn chips in the bottom of an 8 inch square baking dish.
- Cover with beef mixture.
- Bake at 350 degrees F for 20 to 25 minutes.
- Spread sour cream over chili.
- Top with remaining corn chips and cheese.
- Bake for 3 to 4 minutes longer.
Why do people like Linda Sun, who had held privileged positions within American government and society, betray our country?
It must be recognized there are two kinds of Chinese stateside. Those with pinyin names, and those with dialect names, usually wade-Giles flavor.
Linda belongs to the former group, and it marks her out as mainland diaspora.
Linda is 41, a naturalized US citizen, and attended American schools from childhood.
She is being charged with charged with violating and conspiring to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act, visa fraud, alien smuggling and money laundering conspiracy, more than a year after losing her job in the New York state government, whom she had served with distinction for 15 years.
In other words, she was a career civil servant, a lifer.
I find the media extravagance too well-timed, and the myriad details too well-stitched together for this not be a professional hatchet job. This is trial by media at its finest, and a continuation of the China Initiative timed to the election cycle.
The charges leveled are not too different from the professors with pinyin names who were indicted in the China Initiative witch hunt. Careers and lives have been destroyed, with few convictions to show. That’s what happens when a web of insinuation is spun on flimsy evidence.
Particularly galling are the accusations on Taiwan. Linda was following official US Department of State policy on One China contained in the 3 Communiques and 6 Assurances. Apparently, she is supposed to know when to bend the rules when it comes to Taiwan, just like her political appointee bosses.
In other words, she has committed the crime of NOT overstepping her authority as a civil servant, and acting within her pay grade.
I think Linda’s family can kiss a big chunk of their wealth goodbye fighting the case. Life will not be the same for a long time as this drags through the court.
Have you ever known someone who was wrongly imprisoned? What happened to them?
My cousin was wrongly accused and convicted of murdering a 13-year-old girl back in 1983, He spent more than 10 years on death row as a convicted child murderer.
About 2–3 years after his conviction another man was arrested for kidnapping, rape, and murder of a little girl and on an adult woman. During this man’s arrest and prosecution, he tried to make a deal saying he would confess and take responsibility for the kidnapping and murder of the girl my cousin was in prison for if they would spare giving him the death penalty. The state’s attorney refused as they didn’t need this because in their opinion they could put him on death row for 2 murders and they already had guys in prison for the other murder.
When my cousin’s legal team found out about this, they questioned the man and he was able to give intimate details of the murder that were never made public and were discussed in the open trial. Things like what type of sheet the body was wrapped in and where she was left and condition of the body and so on. His legal team took it to the authorities but they would have nothing of it. They said they had the men for both sets of murders and they didn’t need him.
My cousin managed to get 2 more trials and finally on the third trial his defense team was able to prove that the cop who testified he heard my cousin confess to the murder wasn’t even there to hear the confession. He was on a fishing trip in Florida and not in Illinois to hear this so-called confession. At this point, the state’s case fell apart. They were able to prove that he was completely framed by the police and state’s attorney’s office. There were many people who made their careers on my cousin’s case so they didn’t want to admit they framed him when the other guy came forward.
My cousin’s case was such a big story as it was ongoing that he was interviewed by 60 minutes and there was an episode of Unsolved Mysteries dedicated to his story.
In the end, after 10+ years on death row, he was freed. He sued the state and received a huge settlement. A lot of people lost their jobs and credibility when it was all said and done. Eventually, Illinois put a stop to the death penalty because my cousin’s case was the first of a handful of cases where people sentenced to death were actually innocent.
Edit update – I did mention in comments but he was freed with the help of the innocence project. They did amazing work to finally secure his innocence.
Was any woman that filed a false 498a case convicted or fined?
I have personal experience where a woman who married a decent guy (my client) had an open affair with an ex boyfriend (she married due to parental pressure) and eventually decided to leave my client. She got him arrested under false 498A, DV Act charges plus a 307 IPC (Attempt to murder) by manipulating the local cops and sent him, his parents (who had not spend a minute with the woman) and his sister to Judicial Custody in Chennai. The parents got bail within a day or two as did the sister but the guy spend 83 days in Custody.
Luckily – as it happened the man had proof that on the days the woman had alleged to be beaten and harrassed – the man was in a training program in Singapore for 14 days. He was not in the country at all. Likewise her allegations of bruises were rubbished when facebook photos of her dancing at a sangeet ceremony on the same evening when she claimed she could not move out from bed were discovered. Using this evidence we filed a 482 Crpc quashing case with HC.
HC Judge eventually quashed all the charges especially noting that it appeared that the woman had made false statements and he condemned the woman strongly but that was it. Just condemned the woman strongly but no criminal case because she was a woman. Just the single statement that she acted beneath her dignity. Just a single warning.
So the guy goes to jail for 83 days in a false case, loses 6 kilos, spoils his reputation and even if his honor knows the truth – his honor still only reprimands the woman with a scolding but no criminal case or jail.
The divorce was finalized in Jan 19 and the settlement was smooth.
Great crow story. I used to watch crows and seagulls (they’re verrry careful not to venture into each other’s territory, and the crows, though smaller, are much more aggressive, easily chasing the seagulls away from any transgressions) for hours, sometimes. Other birds, too. And I can honestly say that their behaviour and empathy towards each other, and particularly their young, would turn everything that most people think they know (= have been told) about our feathered friends upside down. Other animals, too, but that’s another story altogether, and thanks to the Domain Commander’s insights, we’ve a better idea of precisely why that is.
Loving the Sexy-Space-Girl art of late, too. Are they Metallicman reminiscing about the kick-ass Old Empire security patrols who answered to Mades Escapalion? Even his own personal bodyguard, I wonder… (the Domain did tell us many of them resemble “humans”) Maybe some old memory-stuff is filtering through.
The guy smoking in the coal mine. Wow. Likely dead soon after