2022 12 30 18 56

We are now entering the twilight zone of reality

I’ve read some of the madness out of the West. It’s approaching critical mass. First the leadership goes mad, and then the population enters a period of bat-shit crazy times. yeah. It’s here. It’s the twilight zone – American style.

For some reason, I lost about 80% of this article. I now have to manually recover it. I'm not a happy camper.

This post is my tribute to the bat-shit insanity that America has become.

Meet Trophy Wife Barbie: She Smokes, Drinks, And Raises Hell

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Trophy Wife Barbie is divorced. She drinks wine, smokes weed, and owns a massive arsenal of pink guns. She vomits, bleeds, and goes to the bathroom. She breastfeeds in public, has transgender friends, and frequently gives the finger. Oh, and she has antlers sprouting from her head.

In other words, Trophy Wife Barbie is nothing like the real Barbie.

Instead, she’s the brainchild of Annelies Hofmeyr, a Toronto-based artist. Thanks to Hofmeyr, Trophy Wife Barbie lives her wild life publicly on Instagram.

“Dolls are non-threatening and allow us to project our feelings onto them. I use Trophy Wife Barbie to explore gender issues and the modern female identity while highlighting the limitations of labels. The antlers are a physical representation of a label imposed on her. The beauty of using Barbie iconography is that I’m able to circumvent censorship and talk about more challenging topics.”

Are Americans known for their high intelligence?

I’ve been debating them for years in multiple platforms online and my conclusion is that most of them have brain damage.

Now whenever i see someone make a stupid comment online I’ll automatically assume that they’re american, and I’ll be correct 70–80% of the time

You’ll know you’re debating an American when

  1. He ( almost always male) doesnt know anything about the topic, you can see that from his 1st comment.
  2. He’ll call you brainwashed, lol see he doesn’t know anything about the topic but you’re the brainwashed one LoL
  3. He brags about his freedom, especially Freedom of information LoL, see he doesn’t know anything about the topic, he doesn’t bother to google it one bit, then he brags about his freedom of information LoL 😂 even freedom of information doesn’t help when you have a severe brain damage
  4. He thinks that calling someone brainwashed or wumao or CCP shill or whatever ethnic and religious slurs is a valid argument, thia type is pretty common like 50% of them dont even bother to argue they just call names lol 😂
  5. Try Debating them about american domestic issues then everything becomes fake news, CNN is fake news , MSNBC is fake news, fox news is also fake news, NYT, WSJ, ABC, BBC, daily mail every single domestic and foreign media all of them are fake news, LoL then try debating them about China, russia, islam and international stuff then all of those fake news media are now 100% valid news LoL 😂
  6. Suddenly talking about their genitals, this is quite common for american I don’t know why LoL
  7. And lastly severe outdated view of the world, this is perfectly describes by this question, most Americans think that china is dependent on their market, china cant innovate because china is not a democracy, and many other stuff that might be true in early 2000.

Enjoy some BIG CATS

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Quick and Easy Chicken Enchiladas

2022 12 30 20 42
2022 12 30 20 42



  • Boil chicken until it falls apart, then shred.
  • Mix 1/2 can of sauce and a little cheese with chicken.
  • Put other 1/2 can on bottom of 11×9 baking dish.
  • Microwave tortillas until soft.
  • Roll chicken mixture into tortillas.
  • Put in pan semi-tightly.
  • Cover with remaining 2 cans sauce.
  • Cover top with remaining cheese and bake at 350 until cheese is fully melted (usually about 20-25 min).
  • Brown top slightly or to preference.
2022 12 30 20 43
2022 12 30 20 43

Enjoy some vintage 60s advertisements

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Cops Start ARRESTING Stranded Southwest Passengers At Airport!

China’s aircraft carrier Liaoning spotted edging close to Guam for first time amid US strategic threats

Published: Dec 29, 2022 09:46 PM


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The Liaoning aircraft carrier group of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy was recently spotted for the first time sailing close to Guam, a key US military node in the second island chain, during its ongoing exercises in the West Pacific, a move analysts said on Thursday showed that the Chinese carrier is ready to defend the country against potential US attacks launched from there, including military interference attempts over the Taiwan question.

Japan’s Ministry of Defense Joint Staff updated the Liaoning aircraft carrier group’s movements in a press release on Wednesday, saying that Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Force spotted the PLA Navy’s aircraft carrier Liaoning, the Type 055 large destroyer Wuxi, the Type 052D destroyer Chengdu, the Type 054A frigate Zaozhuang and the Type 901 comprehensive replenishment ship Hulunhu continuing their voyage in the West Pacific since entering the region on December 16.

The Liaoning has hosted about 260 fighter jet and helicopter landing and takeoff operations from December 17 to Tuesday, according to the Japanese press release.

Citing a map attached to the release marked with the routes of the Liaoning aircraft carrier group from December 17 to Tuesday, Japan’s Kyodo News said on Wednesday that from December 23 to Sunday, the Chinese carrier group sailed south deeper into the West Pacific, arriving in waters west of Guam, before returning to waters east of the island of Taiwan and south of Japan from Monday to Tuesday.

This seems to be the first time the Liaoning has approached Guam, observers said.

The Chinese activity is likely a large-scale movement with an eye on the US military, Kyodo News quoted the Japanese Defense Ministry as saying.

Guam is home to US air force and bases that host strategic bombers and nuclear-powered submarines, and is considered an important node in the second island chain that is designed to contain China, observers said.

The US is building a group of military bases in Guam, Japan and Australia targeting China, with Guam being a core forward operating base featuring all types of military services, Chinese military expert Song Zhongping told the Global Times.

The Liaoning‘s drills in the West Pacific clearly have a tactical background, as it displayed its enhanced capabilities in seizing air superiority and control of sea far away from homeland, Song said.

China will never attack US military bases in Guam as long as the US military does not attack China or interfere in the Taiwan question, but having such capabilities is a deterrent against potential US provocations, analysts said.

In addition to the Liaoning, which demonstrated its capability in reaching Guam with its latest voyage, the PLA’s DF-26 intermediate range ballistic missile and H-6K bomber with air-launched standoff missiles can also reach the island, according to media reports.

On Sunday, when the Liaoning aircraft carrier group was near Guam, the PLA Eastern Theater Command organized “record-breaking” cross-service joint combat alert patrols and joint fire strike exercises in maritime and aerial areas around the island of Taiwan in a resolute response to the recent escalation in the US-Taiwan collusion, after US President Joe Biden signed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 on December 23, marking the first time the US government will finance weapons for the island of Taiwan.

Since the PLA has been focusing on training as a system, it cannot be ruled out that the Liaoning aircraft carrier group’s far sea exercise was interrelated with the drills around the island of Taiwan, another Chinese military expert told the Global Times on Thursday, requesting anonymity.

The waters south of Japan and west of Guam, both areas in which the Liaoning has held exercises, are important in cutting off military interference forces from the US and Japan, the expert said.

The Japanese Defense Ministry previously also reported the PLA Navy’s Type 055 large destroyer Lhasa, the Type 052D destroyer Kaifeng and the Type 903A replenishment ship Taihu sailed through the Osumi Strait into the West Pacific in mid-December, and has not updated their whereabouts as of press time. The Type 055 large destroyer Anshan, which was previously spotted in the Liaoning aircraft carrier group, is also missing in the latest Japanese report.

It is not known if these activities were also interrelated, observers said.

Chicken Quesadillas

“I have found that it works great to make the “filling” up a head of time. Just prep and put in the refrigerator until needed. This is one of our favorite meals. NOTE: The friend who gave me this recipe uses canned cooked chicken. I’m sure the other precooked chicken tenders they sell now would also work.”

2022 12 30 20 38
2022 12 30 20 38



  • Broil the chicken for about 5 minutes on each side, or until no longer pink inside. Cool and then shred or cube the chicken. (I have found the slicer in my salad shooter works great for this!).
  • Mix chicken, salsa and cheese in a bowl.
  • Place 1/10th of the mixture on half of the tortilla, fold over and press down slightly to “seal”. You can moisten the edges with water to help the edges seal but I usually don’t. I’ve found pressing firmly so that the tortilla sticks to the mixtures works fine.
  • Bake at 400°F for about 5 minutes or until tortillas start to brown.
  • Serve with additional salsa, sour cream, or guacamole for dipping.
  • Goes well with refried beans and/or Spanish Rice.



2022 12 30 20 40
2022 12 30 20 40
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Thanks mate for todays post and thanks also for having yesterday off, really man. A pressie for you cobber and I hope your feeling way better. Love to you MM


That is the scariest rendition of Barbie I have ever seen in my life. Props to the artist for making something so compelling as a means to convey stereotypes and hypocrisy in Moder, Western Culture

Ohio Guy

Love the kitties.