Back in the late 1980’s, I transitioned from the “lost in the wilderness” to my return back to the US Navy. There the MAJ (a black group in the ONI) found me, recovered me and put me back in training for my role in MAJestic.
I used my savings, and bought a motorcycle. Brand new. Paid in hard-earned cash. And drove it to Ridgecrest where I trained at China Lake Naval Weapons Center for my role.
I was so proud of FINALLY getting back into my new role. It had been, after all, three years of delay after delay until they were FINALLY ready to train me for MAJestic.
And when I arrived there, they put me in a hotel. Gave me a per diem, and I lived there in training for a few months until I could afford my own apartment.
The hotel was next to a High School. And every morning I watched the kids go to and from school and pass though the parking lot outside my hotel.
One day, I noticed that one of the kids dropped a cigarette on the black tar parking lot. Yah. I should of picked it up and tossed it, but I just ignored it and went on to my office.
After work I went to my motorcycle.
One of the kids lit that cigarette and placed it on my motorcycle seat. Destroying the seat.
Stupid fuck.
Luckily for me, it didn’t rain that often in the desert.
So it wasn’t too bad.
Then one day it did rain, and for days, every bike ride had my crotch soaking wet. For after all, the motorcycle seat was a sponge.
Cost me a couple of hundred dollars to fix.
Fucking kid.
I should have picked up that cigarette and threw it away. Don’t be lazy. Be responsible. Karma, and life, has a way of biting us in the back. Be good. As even the most apparently harmless things can bite us in the ass in a big way.
Can someone who is completely sure Russia will win the war in Ukraine explain why they think that?
I’ll tell you a trick to watch out for on western media. It’s like clockwork.
The less reporting there is on it, the less western goals are being met.
Reporting on Ukraine is at a trickle and they’re just repeating the usual tropes that westerners buy over and over again. We had SUPERIOR ARYAN TECH but the Asiatic inferior hordes beat us!
The lack of reporting can be seen in multiple instances:
Hong Kong, where I live. Once the protests became violent (around June 2019) reporting slowed down. By September 2019 reporting in the western world became a trickle as the wide spread violence couldn’t be covered up. By October 2019 I had friends in the UK asking me if I was ok as all coverage had stopped. This was when people were being set on fire for disagreeing and bombs were going off in Hong Kong. This is why many of them haven’t heard of the bombing campaign and insist the riots were completely peaceful. They didn’t get to see much reporting after November 2019.
I literally humiliated one of my stalkers Ah Meng and his alt account when he said bombs were widely reported on! I then mentioned an actual bomb attack that he never heard of and his PEACEFUL protestors narrative collapsed 😀 😀 😀
The same with Afghanistan and Iraq. Once the tide turned? Western regime media simply stopped reporting on it.
Apple Stuffed Chicken Breasts

- 4 boneless chicken breasts
- 3 slices bacon, chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 3 scallions, finely chopped
- 1 apple, peeled and chopped
- Pepper to taste
- Salt to taste
- 1/2 teaspoon thyme
- 1/3 cup Parmesan cheese
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- Cut a small pocket into the thickest part of each chicken breast and set aside.
- Fry bacon until crisp. Drain on a paper towel. Add garlic and scallions to the bacon drippings; sauté slightly.
- Add apple, pepper, salt and thyme and return the bacon bits to pan. Heat thoroughly. Remove from heat and cool.
- When mixture is cool, add cheese and stuff into chicken breast. Brown chicken on both sides in a very hot fry pan with olive oil.
- When brown on both sides, place in a baking dish and bake at 350 degrees F for 15 to 20 minutes or until chicken is done.
Men Are Done Being The Punching Bag
Yes they are. Systemic male bashing at all levels has created the beginnings of a angry tide of men…

- 70% of people like old songs because of the memories attached to them.
- When a person dies, they have 7 minutes of brain activity left, it’s the mind playing back the person’s memories in a dream sequence.
- Psychology says that playing video games makes you more creative.
- Most people type faster when there’s someone they like.
- You appear more attractive to a person when you make them laugh or smile.
- 80% of women choose silence to express pain. You should know she is truly hurt when she chooses to ignore you.
- People with sarcastic personalities are more honest with their friends.
- Overthinking is a special form of fear. It gets even more dangerous when anticipation, memory, emotion and imagination are added together.
- The average woman smiles 60 times a day. An average man smiles only 10 times a day.
- When people refuse to tell you what’s wrong, you tend to think that it’s probably your fault.
- Intelligent men and women are more easily annoyed by people in general.
- Women and men experience the same kind of emotions but women are more honest with them.
- Life becomes more meaningful when you understand the fact that you will not get the same moment twice in your life.
- What we wear tends to affect how we behave.
- Introverts tend to have more thinking capabilities than extroverts.
- Eat bananas, because bananas contain a special chemical which can make a person happy.
- Pretending not to care is the habit of those who care the most.
- Pretending not to care is the habit of those who care the most.
- When you become really close to someone, you can hear their voices in your head when you read their text.
- Being sarcastic can add upto 3 years in your life.
- Appreciating someone can boost their confidence and motivate them to do better things in life.
- Following the above point if you appreciate this answer, it will boost my confident.
Vintage comics

10 REAL Reasons Why I Left the United States (and you should too)
Welcome to the club, buddy.
Is America a failed nation?
It is an evil state, and seems like it pretty much always was with its stealing of American Indian land (Lebenscraum and genocide), stealing of Mexican land, occupying Hawaii, its black slaves, its indentured servants. Andrew Jackson and wilson were a horrible bigot. It was not failed but so very evil, doing pretty much every evil thing that it accused other countries of doing. But failed no.
But that was until recently. Its presidents have done some amazing things to make the United States the imperial power it has been for most of its history, and for the last 80 years the global hegemon, trampling the French and British empires. Now it is desparately trying to hold on to its global hegemony, but China has the same advantage that almost guranteed the United States becoming the global hegemon and that is populatiion. The United States had so much larger a poulation than that other western nations that there was not competetion given that is large population led to the largest GDP. Now China has managed to overcome what has held it back for a couple of centuries and its population of four times the United States has led it to having the biggest economy in the world (GPD PPP), and its leadership seems to be a lot more competent than the Amerian leadership ever was. All China needs is to have a GDP per capita of a quarter of the United States, and it will far surpass the United States in GDP PPP just because a dollar will go a lot further in an economy where the GDP per capita is a quarter of another economy. Russia is doing fine because China is not sanctioning it. Iran seems to be doing OK also. The Chinese economy is just too strong for the Americans to use thier economic power to crush countries that China will support, and the US cannot crush China because the Chinese economy is bigger than the United States, and China is very rich in resources so it could handle any attempt to control it through controlling resources like the US (and UK) did to Germany, Japan, and so many other countries.
Economically, China may not yet be the global hegemon, but neither is the United States. But China is stronger economically.
It will take a while, but with the econonimc advantage China is gaining over the United States, the political power of the United States will deminish, and American stupidity is just accelerating this fall. I cannot think of a single win the United States has had internatinally in that last eight years, and there are many disasters, especially under that idiot Biden.
Politically it appears that the US has lost it hegemony, and bad international decisions of the the last decade have have hurt the respect for American dipolmacy with first a loss in Vietnam, and then the losses in Afghanistan and Iraq. Also effectivley Libya and Syria have been loses. then to stupidly push Russia into a war with Ukraine, and even more stupidly not to clamp down on the Israeli genocide in the Gaza.
The US seems to have lost any ability to declare moral high ground, which it really never had in the first place, but it is run by some of the best liar in the world given that its political system is perfect for selecting the best liars given that a beleivable lie is probably more likely to get you elected than the truth, and the best liar is going to win elections. China and Russia just cannot compete with the ability of the Americans to lie. But the Chinese are very smart, much smarter than the Americans, and if you ever listen to thier arguments you will hear excellent logic against American emotionalism. China also very much values wisdom, something the west does not understand any more than it understands how to be honorable, or trustworthy.
San Francisco today 2024
What is one thing you caught your parents doing that you wish you had never seen?
Not my parents, but my father alone.
My older brother committed suicide when I was in my late teens; he was 21 at the time.
I periodically visit his memorial; I’ve been once or twice with other family and my father. Visits tend to be emotional, but the pain clears after some time – different people grieve in different ways.
I hadn’t been to my brothers grave for a long time – years. I felt I’d had closure – not forgotten, but forgiven as it were. I’d moved on, in a way.
One day I was driving past the cemetery and thought, simply I’d go and say “hi,” – I could barely remember what the plaque looked like. As I got closer, I saw someone standing right by where I was heading. I backed off, I thought I’d give them respectful space.
Some time passed, and the person turned – he had a flower in his hand, and he was exiting the area of the garden away from me. I recognised his gait, and I don’t know why I hadn’t picked up on it earlier – I guess I just wasn’t expecting it or something, but I knew my Dad – it was definitely him. He was too far away, and I awkwardly didn’t want to shout out to him – I called his phone. The distant figure pulled his mobile out, looked at it, and cut the call.
He put his flower in the garbage can, leaned heavily on it and heaved his shoulders. Then, he stuffed his hands in his pockets and kept walking.
Nothing in my life at that moment has alarmed or disturbed me so much – my father who I love deeply, the pain he feels at the loss of a son. I saw something that day that cut me in two. Defeat? Whatever it was, it was painful for both of us.
We’ve talked about it – that day in fact. He told me he didn’t take my call because he was too raw – sometimes it happens I guess. He’s angry sometimes at my brother but more often himself; he feels despondent and worthless sometimes – a father who buried a son.
I wish I never had to see my parents (either of them) like that, ever.
Shorpy Images from the past

Moms NUDE Photos Used To Heckle HER SON Ahead Of His Basketball Game
Only Fans girls TAKE NOTICE.
China experts, explain away.
I must say this is a sophisticated piece of infographic that’s out of reach for the average keyboard warrior.
BTW, Bertelsmann Stiftung is a well funded German NGO, and owner of Bertelsmann, a 15b Euro media conglomerate and one of the world’s largest.
Not too dissimilar from Ikea and Rolex being registered as charities.
Isn’t that nuts?
The wealthiest people in the United States
Dead by Cancer
“My name is Sonia Todd, and I died of cancer at the age of 38. I decided to write my own obituary because they are usually written in a couple of different ways that I just don’t care for. Either, family or friends gather together, and list every minor accomplishment from cradle to grave in a timeline format, or they try and create one poetic last stanza about someone’s life that is so glowing one would think the deceased had been the living embodiment of a deity.
The truth, or my version of it, is this: I just tried to do the best I could. Sometimes I succeeded, most of the time I failed, but I tried. For all of my crazy comments, jokes and complaints, I really did love people. I didn’t always do the right thing or say the right thing and when you come to the end of your life those are the things you really regret, the small simple things that hurt other people.
Some folks told me that writing my own obituary was morbid, but I think it is great because I get a chance to say thank you to all the people who helped me along the way. Those who loved me, assisted me, cared for me, laughed with me and taught me things so that I could have a wonderful, happy life. I was blessed beyond measure by knowing all of you. That is what made my life worthwhile.
If you think of me, and would like to do something in honor of my memory do this:
– Volunteer at a school, church or library.
– Write a letter to someone and tell them how they have had a positive effect on your life.
– If you smoke – quit.
– If you drink and drive – stop.
– Turn off the electronics and take a kid out for ice cream and talk to them about their hopes and dreams.
– Forgive someone who doesn’t deserve it.
– Stop at all lemonade-stands run by kids and brag about their product.
– Make someone smile today if it is in your power to do so.”
ARGENTINA Collapsing – Protests Against Milei as Inflation Hits World High of 288% & Peso Crashes
News you won’t read about in the West.
What is one thing you caught your parents doing that you wish you had never seen?
I saw my parents crying.
I was in standard second, just eight years when I saw tears trickling down my father’s cheek. I do not remember any other childhood memory of that age, but I remember this. And probably this will haunt me all my life.
That year, we had a great downfall in business. Without mentioning the details, I would just mention finally the business was shut down.
After that, every now and then, investors would come to our home and ask my father to repay them back.
It was one such day, when I saw this happening.
One investor was at home for the same cause. His words were so sharp and his demands too high that probably break down my father. My mother with tears in her own eyes was consoling him. While I hid inside the kitchen watching, afraid to move.
That day I saw my parents break down, for money. And I wish no other child sees it.
I wonder today, did my parents cry when finally we shifted from a cosy apartment to a small quarter which had seepage everywhere.
“There is a big ground in front of the quarters. You can play, my mother said.”
It was enough for me and my brother to shift in happily, but did my parents cry again?
Did my parents cry when they needed to sell whatever little gold jewellery my mom had?
Did my parents cry when sometimes I would bring a result suspended due to non payment of fees notice from school?
Did my parents cry when my brother gave my father a 100 rupees from his piggy bank(all in coins) to take me to the doctor when I was sick.
Did they cry when dad got an angioplasty not because of smoking or drinking(he never does) but due to stress(doctors say)? Well, I cried all night.
Did they cry when my mom acquired hypertension?
I do not know.
Today they have rebuilt their little world. And say let bygones be bygones.
My parents are my support system. I have neither too many close friends( I have two to be precise, one married and one miles away) nor any lover.
I wish my parents never read this,never know that I have seen their tears.That I know and remember their bad times.
And if they do, I wish to tell them, you are my heroes. And I am proud to be your daughter.
the american dream is dead… this is why people are leaving the US.
Dead. Dead. Dead.
Escape while you still can. And, then RUN!
What has your child’s school done that got you so mad, you went in and read the riot act to the teacher or principal?
My step-daughter was in 6th grade, she brought home a basic math worksheet, marked with a zero.
I was supposed to sign it and return it to the school.
Since it was basic math, I took a closer look at it. She had all the answers right. I asked why she got a zero. She said it was from her “calculator math” workbook and the teacher gave her a zero, because she hadn’t used a calculator.
I called the school and requested a meeting with the teacher and the principal.
I wanted to know:
- What is calculator math
- Why was she given a zero
Apparently, the school district had bought into some idea, that as a life skill, kids needed to be taught how to use a calculator, so they bought a special workbook and calculators from an education company, and they were doing an hour a week, learning how to use a calculator.
I told the principal and the teacher, that one of the important skills about calculators is when to use one and when to just do the math. Apparently, later in the workbook are problems that are hard enough that it makes sense to use a calculator.
I told them that when they got to the section where doing the math in her head became difficult, my step-daughter could use a calculator. Otherwise, she should use this extra hour a week to improve her math skills.
Step-daughter’s paper was regraded as 100%, we never had to repeat the conversation, and she got an “A” in calculator math.
Why Bother Working For a Living …. Public Assistance Game
There is no more middle class. Every thing has been gentrified from housing , cars People not being able to find a decent paying job and the cost to live is getting way out of hand . Gen Z and Millennials No Long Want to work towards nothing. America is Broken and it’s not cool. Looks like everyones going to be on welfare
Baked Cream Cheese Topped Chicken
Chicken breast halves are topped with a nicely seasoned cream cheese mixture, then baked.

Yield: 4 servings
- 1/2 (8 ounce) package Challenge Cream Cheese, softened
- 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
- 1 teaspoon chopped fresh oregano*
- 3 tablespoons 1/4 inch chopped red bell pepper
- 4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves (about 1 1/2 pounds)
- 2 tablespoons Panko style unseasoned bread crumbs
- Oregano or parsley sprigs for garnish (optional)
- Heat oven to 425 degrees F.
- Combine softened cream cheese, garlic salt, oregano and red bell peppers. Set aside.
- Wash chicken pieces, pat dry, and place on a foil line baking sheet.
- Top each chicken piece with 2 tablespoons of the cream cheese mixture. Spread just to coat the top surface.
- Sprinkle each piece with 1/2 tablespoon of bread crumbs.
- Bake until chicken is thoroughly cooked (center temperature of 165 degrees F), about 20 minutes.
- Garnish with oregano or parsley sprigs.
* If only dried whole oregano is available, use 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon.
A man from Texas
A young guy from Texas moves to California and goes to a big department store looking for a job.
The manager says, “Do you have any sales experience?”
The kid says, “Yeah, I was a salesman back home in Texas.”
Well, the boss liked the kid, so he gave him the job. “You start tomorrow.I’ll come down after we close and see how you did.”
His first day on the job was rough but he got through it. After the store was locked up, the boss came down.
“How many sales did you make today?”
The kid says, “One.”
The boss says, “Just one? Our sales people average 20 or 30 sales a day.How much was the sale for?”
Kid says, “$101,237.64.”
Boss says, “$101,237.64? What did you sell him?”
Kid says, “First I sold him a small fish hook. Then I sold him a medium fish hook. Then I sold him a larger fish hook. Then I sold him a new fishing rod. Then I asked him where he was going fishing, and he said down at the coast, so I told him he was gonna need a boat, so we went down to the boat department, and I sold him that twin engine Chris Craft. Then he said he didn’t think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down to the automotive department and sold him that 4X4 Blazer.”
The boss said, “A guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a boat and truck?”
Kid says, “No, he came in here to buy a box of tampons for his wife, and I said, ‘Well, since your weekend’s shot, you might as well go fishing.'”
Family went to animal shelter to get son a cat as replacement for one that went missing but found
ALWAYS check animal shelters and veterinarians’ offices first for missing pets. Leave photographs of the pet and your phone number with them. Put up posters with photos of your pet around your neighborhood (don’t forget to take them down when your pet is found, though). We got our cat back after two months, when our local animal control identified him and called us. he was an indoor cat who sneaked out, then got too scared to come home. He had been tossed over the fence at a veterinarian’s office that didn’t bother to check the photo we left—but animal control did. We were so happy to have him back! check animal shelters and veterinarians’ offices first for missing pets. Leave photographs of the pet and your phone number with them. Put up posters with photos of your pet around your neighborhood (don’t forget to take them down when your pet is found, though). We got our cat back after two months, when our local animal control identified him and called us. he was an indoor cat who sneaked out, then got too scared to come home. He had been tossed over the fence at a veterinarian’s office that didn’t bother to check the photo we left—but animal control did. We were so happy to have him back!