The world is changing. And China is growing. The United States is falling inward, and the rest of the world is making choices. What choice will you make? To collapse along with the litany of lies, distortions, greed and perversions, or grow with a new phoenix that rises out from the ashes of the old? What will be your choice?
We the Silent Majority
by Asia Teacher for the Saker blog
History has an unfortunate habit of repeating itself, invariably drawing the minority into the same world of beliefs as those who previously fell for them. Removing moral, spiritual and intellectual values, aka traditions and replacing them with woke ideologies, green agendas and cultural equality follows a well-trod political path to disaster. As we head for collapse, can or will the silent majority stop the decline?
We’re not statesmen or diplomats and we don’t know Russia’s battle plans, nor are we ever going to be president of anything. We’re famous, but unknown, who are we?
We’re the silent majority!
If you’re over forty you’ll probably remember us. We’re the ones who told you not to put your finger in the fire as it would hurt. However, if you’re under forty you’ll have met us at the ballot box every four years as we try to stop the crazies among you from voting in the demagogues promising you a utopia.
We’re an odd lot and believe in things others find strange, such as God and think Justin Bieber is something found in a tissue after blowing your nose. We don’t get our news from twitter which is probably why we’re a bit behind the new-age times and we don’t believe Generation Z when they tell us Shakespeare was an African. However, we do remember the warnings from former dissidents Solzhenitsyn, Bukovsky and even President Putin who warned you not to go down the road you’re on now.
We the silent majority were laughing at the ‘Woke’ Cultural Revolution and diversity obedience training years before it became fashionable. It was already obvious what would happen way back in 1993, coincidently, shortly after the collapse of the USSR when the European Union emerged offering the gullible an unhealthy dose of Gramscian Cultural Marxism disguised as freedom. As the vocal minority now scratch their collective heads at the mess they’ve created, we’re the silent majority occasionally heard muttering “I told you so.”
Likewise, we are not responsible for the current political, economic and moral decline around you. We did not support corporate fascism in minimum wage gig-economies, lock downs, non-existent alternative energy sources, or an unhealthy obsession with homosexuality believing it had anything to do with freedom and democracy.
As attention spans wane due to a lack of sensationalism and the Ukraine becomes just another ongoing news item, the next self-inflicted crisis is an energy one. We silent majority raise an eyebrow as we’re told that Russia is an unreliable energy supplier sanctioned from supplying the oil needed and the reason behind rising food prices is the fault of a European drought as we had two weeks of hot sun in the summer.
In our brave new world, everyone’s smiling but no one’s happy. Moreover, when we glance around us we all know something is wrong. The only difference between us is who we point our fingers at. Currently, it’s all Biden’s fault but yesterday Trump was to blame. Today it’s Russia, tomorrow it will be China (again). Russian and Chinese societies aren’t collapsing, ours are and we’ve got nowhere to flee as the stupid lash out in all directions to prolong the agony of indoctrinated beliefs they’re hiding behind.
Our political system is broken, our multicultural societies are in chaos, inflation is soaring, we’re bankrupt and awaiting possible mass civil protests in the near future; that’s if the fools in charge don’t lead us into a nuclear conflict first.
Yet whilst muttering “here we go again”, nevertheless we the silent majority are prepared to join the coming mass civil disobedience protests as the minority complain about the agents of social programming they not so long ago cheered for and are too stupid to realize they’re the cause of, but think more of it is the solution.
Asia Teacher is a UK citizen, retired teacher of English plus Social and Political Science.
From the 1960s television show 1Adam12.
What is something that you can do in your country that a person in America cannot do?
American citizen living in Germany here.
I get asked often about how long I will stay in Germany and why Germany. I want to stay indefinitely and the reason why is precisely because the USA is not the best country in the world (there is no such thing). I am treated better and have more opportunities in Germany.
Here are some things that I can do in Germany that I could not do in the USA.
- I can go to the doctor without fear of bankruptcy, without having to argue with insurance companies, without receiving random medical bills at a later date.
- I and my husband can have a child and get paid maternity and paternity leave.
- I can go to university without taking on debt.
- I get 30+ days of vacation each year that I am encouraged and expected to take.
- I can feel secure in my job because they cannot fire me without cause. There is no such thing as so called “employment at will” laws.
- I can raise kids who are bilingual in an environment that values bilingualism.
- I can drink in public places. I can crack open a beer or wine on the sidewalk, in a park, on public transit, nearly everywhere.
- I don’t have to worry about taking a bullet at my place of work (I’m a teacher). When I do have kids I won’t have to worry about them being shot in school either. In fact I don’t have to worry about guns at all because they just aren’t prolific here.
- I don’t have to worry about CPS (Child Protective Services) being called or being arrested if I let my kids be independent and go do things by themselves. It’s considered normal for even a 6-year-old to walk to the bakery by themself, go to the park by themself, and to walk to school by themself… even in big cities.
- I don’t have to leave a tip because I know that my servers are paid fair wages. My servers don’t push me out of a restaurant when I am finished eating. I can sit and enjoy a drink and conversation and I can let my server know when I am ready to leave.
- I don’t have to worry so much about nudity. People here tend to have the perspective that it’s just a body and being nude is generally not illegal.
- I don’t need to have a car to get just about anywhere. I can use public transit.
- I have more freedom of movement. As a woman, I can walk around alone in a big city at 2 in the morning and feel safe. I experience far fewer (nearly zero) instances of street harassment.
- I don’t have to tolerate religion being shoved in my face on a regular basis. Yes, people here can be religious too, but they nearly always keep it to themselves.
Slow-Cooker Stuffed Pepper Soup
Perfect for the approaching Fall weather.
If you’re a fan of our famous Stuffed Peppers, this hearty stuffed pepper soup is for you! Made with ground beef, green bell peppers, and diced tomatoes, this comforting recipe simmers all day in the slow cooker, so it’s ready for dinner when you get home. While this soup is richly flavored and oh-so delicious on its own, a slice of crusty garlic bread would make for an excellent companion.

- 2 lb lean (at least 80%) ground beef
- 2 green bell peppers, diced (about 1 1/2 cups)
- 1 small onion, diced
- 3 to 4 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 can (15 oz) tomato sauce
- 1 can (14.5 oz) Muir Glen™ organic diced tomatoes, undrained
- 1 carton (32 oz) Progresso™ beef-flavored broth
- 1 cup water
- 2 tablespoons packed brown sugar
- 2 teaspoons salt
- 1 teaspoon pepper
- 4 cups cooked rice
- Shredded cheese, if desired

Just made this for dinner tonight and it was delicious. Only modification that I made was using 1 lb ground beef and 1 lb Italian sausage. My whole family loved it. Definitely will be making this one again.
The Brady Bunch – Marcia, Marcia, Marcia
Short clip.
Can the US derail China’s Made in China 2025 plan?
Heard of this company?

They are one of the world’s most famous EPC companies, known for successfully delivering megaprojects around the world. It is not an exaggeration Bechtel can build entire cities, industrial complexes, and power grids from scratch.
Fifty years ago, that was rather special, because Bechtel already had a CV that included the Hoover dam, and BART. In more recent years, Bechtel’s major projects include Boston’s Big Dig, and the Channel tunnel linking the UK with France.
Pretty impressive, by any standard. If you have a difficult civil engineering project, Bechtel is the go-to contractor if you need been-there, done-that expertise. It has been the top U.S. contractor for 21 consecutive years, according to the ENR.
How much revenue did the top U.S. contractor generate last year?
About $25.5 billion.
Now let’s cross the Pacific to China, a flight from first world to third to look at the Chinese competition.
What’s China’s Bechtel?
I would wager a bet very few have heard of this company:

CSCEC, or the China State Construction Engineering Corporation.
What was their revenue in 2019?
1.2 trillion RMB, or $171 billion—almost 7 (yes, 7!) Bechtels worth of business.
With a list of completed projects that include:

That is what one third world EPC is capable of, in terms of sheer scale and complexity.
What’s my point?
Fifty years ago, Bechtel was special, and operated in the rarefied air of exclusivity.
Two decades into the new century, third world “upstarts” operate on way greater scale and have just-as-impressive references.
The difference this time? They are significantly cheaper and faster while staying on-spec.
Which is the same story you will find across the industrial spectrum. There may be few Chinese brands you’re aware of, but I bet there are numerous Chinese-made products in the average household, especially critical components of electronics found in everything from throwaway flashlights to the latest iphone.
China has consistently delivered on-spec products at unbeatable prices and speed for decades. That is why she is the world’s factory—entirely on merit.
I once asked an industry veteran why businesses are unable to resist the allure of China. He explained it wasn’t a matter of choice. If his competitor moves his factories to China, he has to follow suit or risk irrelevance within a decade. In other words, business models are turbocharged with Chinese production. Unless you have a niche market with moats and high walls, you die, even if you are brontosaurus size.
All that talk about IP theft and forced tech transfers is way off base. The companies that went to China made decisions with their eyes wide open. They caught the prevailing wind which blew them into China’s embrace. In fact, many couldn’t wait to get in bed with the Chinese after catching wind of their competitors’ bottomline post-China.

Notice the elevated proportion of those 25–34? That translates into tens of millions jobs that won’t be filled by those coming after them (the 10–24).
China is facing a labor crunch in the coming decade. Thankfully, it is not a nightmare because China is now at $10,000 GDP per capita, firmly third world. Which means there are plenty of third world jobs in the economy. Like assembling iphones. Or making plastic flowers. What the demographics tell us is older factories making low-margin goods will find it difficult to replace labor in the tight market, and fade into obsolescence. Wages will rise, fueled by better qualified youth from improving education outcomes.
Demographics is destiny and it is the inevitable labor crunch that will bring about an end to cheap China. This is the real reason why the Chinese themselves are moving low margin production offshore. Trump’s trade war is merely a friendly shove towards an unavoidable future.
What is this MIC 2025? In short, it is a push towards self-sufficiency in these key sectors:

MIC 2025 seeks to raise the domestic content of core components and materials to 40 percent by 2020 and 70 percent by 2025.
Which is where the economy has to evolve anyway, due to the changing labor structure. MIC isn’t about Chinese brands taking over the world. Rather, it is about Chinese brands developing home-grown technology to compete more prominently in the domestic market. This is no different from any country. Toyota and Panasonic dominate the Japanese market, so does LG and Samsung in Korea and GM and Apple stateside.
There is nothing sinister about MIC 2025, except it will make Chinese brands more visible. Which cuts into the “easy money”—branding. That is why CSCEC isn’t attacked like Huawei. Expect ever wilder conspiracy theories about how evil Chinese are taking over the world by robbing and stealing everyone blind, as Chinese brands creep up the domestic, then global brand visibility index.
Good luck trying to stop MIC 2025, because seriously, other than illegal tariffs, the rechurning of Taiwan/HK separatism, and a multidimensional and broad-base media flame war, America has not provided alternatives to MIC 2025.
The Chinese consumer will ask, do you have anything 90% as good but half the price?
The answer is no, which answers the question too.
Asia’s future takes shape in Vladivostok, the Russian Pacific
by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted
Sixty-eight countries gathered on Russia’s far eastern coast to listen to Moscow’s economic and political vision for the Asia-Pacific
The Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in Vladivostok is one of the indispensable annual milestones for keeping up not only with the complex development process of the Russian Far East but major plays for Eurasia integration.
Mirroring an immensely turbulent 2022, the current theme in Vladivostok is ‘On the Path to a Multipolar World.’ Russian President Vladimir Putin himself, in a short message to business and government participants from 68 nations, set the stage:
“The obsolete unipolar model is being replaced by a new world order based on the fundamental principles of justice and equality, as well as the recognition of the right of each state and people to their own sovereign path of development. Powerful political and economic centers are taking shape right here in the Asia-Pacific region, acting as a driving force in this irreversible process.”
In his speech to the EEF plenary session, Ukraine was barely mentioned. Putin’s response when asked about it: “Is this country part of Asia-Pacific?”
The speech was largely structured as a serious message to the collective west, as well as to what top analyst Sergey Karaganov calls the “global majority.” Among several takeaways, these may be the most relevant:
- Russia as a sovereign state will defend its interests.
- Western sanctions ‘fever’ is threatening the world – and economic crises are not going away after the pandemic.
- The entire system of international relations has changed. There is an attempt to maintain world order by changing the rules.
- Sanctions on Russia are closing down businesses in Europe. Russia is coping with economic and tech aggression from the west.
- Inflation is breaking records in developed countries. Russia is looking at around 12 percent.
- Russia has played its part in grain exports leaving Ukraine, but most shipments went to EU nations and not developing countries.
- The “welfare of the ‘Golden Billion’ is being ignored.”
- The west is in no position to dictate energy prices to Russia.
- Ruble and yuan will be used for gas payments.
- The role of Asia-Pacific has significantly increased.
In a nutshell: Asia is the new epicenter of technological progress and productivity.
No more an ‘object of colonization’
Taking place only two weeks before another essential annual gathering – the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Samarkand – it is no wonder some of the top discussions at the EEF revolve around the increasing economic interpolation between the SCO and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
This theme is as crucial as the development of the Russian Arctic: at 41 percent of total territory, that’s the largest resource base in the federation, spread out over nine regions, and encompassing the largest Special Economic Zone (SEZ) on the planet, linked to the free port of Vladivostok. The Arctic is being developed via several strategically important projects processing mineral, energy, water and biological natural resources.
So it’s perfectly fitting that Austria’s former foreign minister Karin Kneissel, self-described as “a passionate historian,” quipped about her fascination at how Russia and its Asian partners are tackling the development of the Northern Sea Route: “One of my favorite expressions is that airlines and pipelines are moving east. And I keep saying this for twenty years.”
Amidst a wealth of roundtables exploring everything from the power of territory, supply chains and global education to “the three whales” (science, nature, human), arguably the top discussion this Tuesday at the forum was centered on the role of the SCO.
Apart from the current full members – Russia, China, India, Pakistan, four Central Asians (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan), plus the recent accession of Iran – no less than 11 further nations want to join, from observer Afghanistan to dialogue partner Turkey.
Grigory Logvinov, the SCO’s deputy secretary general, stressed how the economic, political and scientific potential of players comprising “the center of gravity” for Asia – over a quarter of the world’s GDP, 50 percent of the world’s population – has not been fully harvested yet.
Kirill Barsky, from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, explained how the SCO is actually the model of multipolarity, according to its charter, compared to the backdrop of “destructive processes” launched by the west.
And that leads to the economic agenda in the Eurasian integration progress, with the Russian-led Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) configured as the SCO’s most important partner.
Barsky identifies the SCO as “the core Eurasian structure, forming the agenda of Greater Eurasia within a network of partnership organizations.” That’s where the importance of the cooperation with ASEAN comes in.
Barsky could not but evoke Mackinder, Spykman and Brzezinski – who regarded Eurasia “as an object to be acted upon the wishes of western states, confined within the continent, away from the ocean shores, so the western world could dominate in a global confrontation of land and sea. The SCO as it developed can triumph over these negative concepts.”
And here we hit a notion widely shared from Tehran to Vladivostok:
Eurasia no longer as “an object of colonization by ‘civilized Europe’ but again an agent of global policy.”
‘India wants a 21st Asian century’
Sun Zuangnzhi from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) elaborated on China’s interest in the SCO. He focused on achievements: In the 21 years since its founding, a mechanism to establish security between China, Russia and Central Asian states evolved into “multi-tiered, multi-sector cooperation mechanisms.”
Instead of “turning into a political instrument,” the SCO should capitalize on its role of dialogue forum for states with a difficult history of conflicts – “interactions are sometimes difficult” – and focus on economic cooperation “on health, energy, food security, reduction of poverty.”
Rashid Alimov, a former SCO secretary general, now a professor at the Taihe Institute, stressed the “high expectations” from Central Asian nations, the core of the organization. The original idea remains – based on the indivisibility of security on a trans-regional level in Eurasia.
Well, we all know how the US and NATO reacted when Russia late last year proposed a serious dialogue on “indivisibility of security.”
As Central Asia does not have an outlet to the sea, it is inevitable, as Alimov stressed, that Uzbekistan’s foreign policy privileges involvement in accelerated intra-SCO trade. Russia and China may be the leading investors, and now “Iran also plays an important role. Over 1,200 Iranian companies are working in Central Asia.”
Connectivity, once again, must increase: “The World Bank rates Central Asia as one of the least connected economies in the world.”
Sergey Storchak of Russian bank VEB explained the workings of the “SCO interbank consortium.” Partners have used “a credit line from the Bank of China” and want to sign a deal with Uzbekistan. The SCO interbank consortium will be led by the Indians on a rotation basis – and they want to step up its game. At the upcoming summit in Samarkand, Storchak expects a road map for the transition towards the use of national currencies in regional trade.
Kumar Rajan from the School of International Studies of the Jawaharlal Nehru University articulated the Indian position. He went straight to the point: “India wants a 21st Asian century. Close cooperation between India and China is necessary. They can make the Asian century happen.”
Rajan remarked how India does not see the SCO as an alliance, but committed to the development and political stability of Eurasia.
He made the crucial point about connectivity revolving around India “working with Russia and Central Asia with the INSTC” – the International North South Transportation Corridor, and one of its key hubs, the Chabahar port in Iran: “India does not have direct physical connectivity with Central Asia. The INSTC has the participation of an Iranian shipping line with 300 vessels, connecting to Mumbai. President Putin, in the [recent] Caspian meeting, referred directly to the INSTC.”
Crucially, India not only supports the Russian concept of Greater Eurasia Partnership but is engaged in setting up a free trade agreement with the EAEU: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, incidentally, came to the Vladivostok forum last year.
In all of the above nuanced interventions, some themes are constant. After the Afghanistan disaster and the end of the US occupation there, the stabilizing role of the SCO cannot be overstated enough. An ambitious road map for cooperation is a must – probably to be approved at the Samarkand summit. All players will be gradually changing to trade in bilateral currencies. And creation of transit corridors is leading to the progressive integration of national transit systems.
Let there be light
A key roundtable on the ‘Gateway to a Multipolar World’ expanded on the SCO role, outlining how most Asian nations are “friendly” or “benevolently neutral” when it comes to Russia after the start of the Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine.
So the possibilities for expanding cooperation across Eurasia remain practically unlimited. Complementarity of economies is the main factor. That would lead, among other developments, to the Russian Far East, as a multipolar hub, turning into “Russia’s gateway to Asia” by the 2030s.
Wang Wen from the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies stressed the need for Russia to rediscover China – finding “mutual trust in the middle level and elites level”. At the same time, there’s a sort of global rush to join BRICS, from Saudi Arabia and Iran to Afghanistan and Argentina:
“That means a new civilization model for emerging economies like China and Argentina because they want to rise up peacefully (…) I think we are in the new civilization age.”
B. K. Sharma from the United Service Institution of India got back to Spykman pigeonholing the nation as a rimland state. Not anymore: India now has multiple strategies, from connecting to Central Asia to the ‘Act East’ policy. Overall, it’s an outreach to Eurasia, as India “is not competitive and needs to diversify to get better access to Eurasia, with logistical help from Russia.“
Sharma stresses how India takes SCO, BRICS and RICs very seriously while seeing Russia playing “an important role in the Indian Ocean.” He nuances the Indo-Pacific outlook: India does not want Quad as a military alliance, privileging instead “interdependence and complementarity between India, Russia and China.”
All of these discussions interconnect with the two overarching themes in several Vladivostok roundtables: energy and the development of the Arctic’s natural resources.
Pavel Sorokin, Russian First Deputy Minister of Energy, dismissed the notion of a storm or typhoon in the energy markets: “It’s a far cry from a natural process. It’s a man-made situation.” The Russian economy, in contrast, is seen by most analysts as slowly but surely designing its Arctic/Asian cooperation future – including, for instance, the creation of a sophisticated trans-shipment infrastructure for Liquified Natural Gas (LNG).
Energy Minister Nikolay Shulginov made sure that Russia will actually increase its gas production, considering the rise of LNG deliveries and the construction of Power of Siberia-2 to China: “We will not merely scale up the pipeline capacity but we will also expand LNG production: it has mobility and excellent purchases on the global market.”
On the Northern Sea Route, the emphasis is on building a powerful, modern icebreaker fleet – including nuclear. Gadzhimagomed Guseynov, First Deputy Minister for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, is adamant: “What Russia has to do is to make the Northern Sea Route a sustainable and important transit route.”
There is a long-term plan up to 2035 to create infrastructure for safe shipping navigation, following an ‘Arctic best practices’ of learning step by step. NOVATEK, according to its deputy chairman Evgeniy Ambrosov, has been conducting no less than a revolution in terms of Arctic navigation and shipbuilding in the last few years.
Kniessel, the former Austrian minister, recalled that she always missed the larger geopolitical picture in her discussions when she was active in European politics (she now lives in Lebanon): “I wrote about the passing of the torch from Atlanticism to the Pacific. Airlines, pipelines and waterways are moving East. The Far East is actually Pacific Russia.”
Whatever Atlanticists may think of it, the last word for the moment might belong to Vitaly Markelov, from the board of directors of Gazprom: Russia is ready for winter. There will be warmth and light everywhere.”
Hee Haw – Archie Campbell’s Rindercella Story
My generation…
WTF? Watch the whole thing.
Cumbersome – Seven Mary Three – 1996
Oh. Takes us all back in the day…
Are fat girls discriminated against in China?
I’m seeing way too many answers saying that there are very few fat girls in China – when nothing could be farther from the truth.
Here’s a fat Chinese girl… they are everywhere in China.

There’s an important disclaimer to be made though – fat in China doesn’t mean the same thing that “fat: does in the US.
American “fat” girl…

Seeing someone that would qualify as morbidly obese is incredibly rare in China – I would be hard-pressed to recall the last time it happened to me. That being said, there’s morbidly obese, and then there’s overweight. And being overweight is becoming a problem in China.
- American “fat” = Morbidly obese
- Chinese “fat” = Overweight. Big boobies. A few extra pounds / Kilos.
A decade ago, sure, there were very few overweight people. But today, especially among the younger generations, you are seeing a giant boom in fat Chinese girls.
Recent articles in Forbes and The Guardian point out that obesity in China is actually HIGHER than in the US.
I think those statistics should be taken with a grain of salt (especially since they might not look at variance – see my morbidly obese point above), but they are indicative of a trend. China is getting fat.
This picture is taken from a fat camp. You read that right. It’s a summer camp where parents send their kids so they lose weight.
In my opinion, this is primarily due to three reasons:
- Fast Food Culture: Yup, blame the West on this one. But China was quick to pick up on the trend with its own domestic brands like Yonghe Wang. People are getting busier, have more income, and yes, prefer not to waste time on cooking. Enter fastfood.
- Few hobbies. You know what’s strange in China? I’ll write a whole post about this at some point, but there is an incredible absence of hobbies. Usually it’s zero hobbies, or ONE hobby that they’re REALLY into. This is changing a bit with the post-90s generation, but even then, the hobbies tend to be more lifestylish (learning how to make cakes) rather than sporty. And the reason for that is China’s national exam, the Gaokao, which basically has kids being pushed all the way til they’re 18 to study as HARD as they can to get into a good uni. Evenings? Extra tutoring. Weekends? Extra tutoring. Want a break? Here, watch TV or play a video game on the iPad. There’s no time for sports (especially since athletes are actually kinda looked down upon – with a few exceptions, back off Yao Ming fans – but you wouldn’t tell your father in law you enjoy playing football).
- Grandparents: So you know that old joke about grandma force-feeding you stuff? Well it’s the same in China, with two big differences. The first is that these grandparents are starting to have only one grandkid – so there’s extra attention paid there. There’s also the fact that the grandparents taking care of the kid while the parents work is pretty much mainstream here, and you have a perfect storm – there’s no way that kid is not getting fat.
Alright, with that out of the way, let’s tackle the question: are fat girls discriminated against in China?
The short answer is yes.
China is HIGHLY obsessed with beauty. There’s a reason why major cosmetics brands (and I invite Megan Cox to help fill in some details if I miss anything here) group countries by regions – except China. Perfect white skin, perfect hair. There’s an obsession with the damage pollution is having on your skin. There’s a craziness over the single/double eyelid debate (double is better apparently).
More importantly, your beauty is a VERY important social status symbol. If you have poor skin and poor teeth well, it’s probably because you can’t afford the good stuff.
So just with that, you can imagine that fat girls are already facing an uphill struggle.
If they want to work consumer facing jobs, it’s even more difficult. The anti-discrimination rules have a lot of leeway in them when it comes to enforcement, and it’s a rare day when your waitress at the restaurant, or the shop keeper in the nice branded store, is overweight. Desk jobs are easier – but not always as a lot of the senior managers doing the hiring are still male, and may prefer a nice-to-look-at employee…
A really interesting additional point is that fat boys don’t have the same stigma attached. Fat girls will be poked in the belly by grannies and told to lose weight. Fat boys will get an extra serving (you’re too skinny!). Success for a girl is highly dependent on looks, success for a guy is far more on earnings.
Soul Train Line Dance to Earth Wind & Fire’s – Mighty Mighty
When people knew how to dance.
UK Couple’s Home Renovation Leads to Rare Coin Hoard Worth $280,000

When a couple living in an 18th-century North Yorkshire village home embarked on a renovation project, they were ready to spend money, and redoing the old kitchen floor was on the list. But before they could get past the first stage of tearing out the old floorboards the renovation workers stumbled upon a rare coin hoard, numbering more than 260 coins.
Ironically, what they found under their “ancient” kitchen floor increased their fortunes by 280,000 dollars (281,000 euros)! That’s the rough estimated auction value of the rare coin hoard found under their kitchen floorboards, which is now being sold off by Spink & Son, an auctioneer nearly as old as the coins in North Yorkshire hoard.
A Mixed Rare Coin Hoard Under An 18th-century Kitchen Floor
In 2019, in the village of Ellerby, in the historical home the North Yorkshire couple had lived in for ten years, early kitchen floor renovations led to a rare coin hoard fortune. According to the Smithsonian Magazine , workers who lifted the floorboards encountered an obstruction that they initially believed to be an electrical cable buried in concrete. Further investigation revealed a salt-glazed earthenware tumbler no bigger than a soda can buried 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 centimeters) under the ground. Hearing coins rattle inside, they spilled out the contents and found a truly rare and unusual coin hoard, reported Livescience.
The rare coin hoard consisted of more than 260 coins, dating to between 1610 and 1727 AD. A single Brazilian coin was notable as it was in circulation in England in the 1720s.
Interestingly, included in the cache are two coins which are of greater value because they have mint errors. A George I guinea from 1720 with two tail sides instead of the king’s head on one side has been valued at around 4,590 dollars (4,610 euros) by the auctioneer. And a Charles II guinea from 1675 has the king’s name in Latin spelt incorrectly as (Craolvs instead of Carolvs) and is expected to fetch about 1,725 dollars (1,733 euros). quotes Gregory Edmund, an auctioneer with Spink & Son as saying, “This is a fascinating and highly important discovery. It is extraordinarily rare for hoards of English gold coins to ever come onto the marketplace. This find of over 260 coins is also one of the largest on archaeological record from Britain. They’re not mint perfect coins, they are coins that have had a hard life. It is a wonderful and truly unexpected discovery from so unassuming a find location. As a coin specialist of many years experience, I cannot recall a similar discovery in living memory, and it is therefore an enormous privilege to be able to properly document and explore this hoard for the benefit of future generations.”
Edmund added that the remarkable rare coin hoard accurately reflects the £50 and £100 coins that were used in 1610-1727 AD England.
The Coin Hoard Owners Were Merchants Mistrustful The Bank
Experts have been able to determine who the original owners of the coins were. “The coins almost certainly belonged to the Fernley-Maisters, Joseph and Sarah who married in 1694,” quotes CNN from the Spink & Son press release.
The Fernley-Maisters were a wealthy mercantile family from the 16th to the 18th century and many members of the extended clan lived in the area. They traded in iron ore, timber, and coal from the Baltic states. Beginning in the early 1700s, over the generations, many family members served in parliament.
After Joseph and Sara died, the family largely petered out and that’s probably why the coins were never retrieved despite being reasonably accessible.
But the real question is why were they stashed away in the first place?
“Joseph and Sarah clearly distrusted the newly-formed Bank of England, the 'banknote' and even the gold coinage of their day because they (chose) to hold onto so many coins dating to the English Civil War and beforehand. Why they never recovered the coins when they were really easy to find just beneath original 18th century floorboards is an even bigger mystery, but it is one hell of a piggy bank,” CNN quotes Edmund as saying.
Fortunately for the couple who now “own” the coin hoard, the coins do not fall under the specification for “treasure” under British law and they will get ownership of all except the Brazilian coin. The coins found in July 2019 have now been officially disclaimed as the youngest of them, a George I guinea from 1727, was less than 300 years old at the time of discovery, according to the Smithsonian Magazine .
The coins will go on auction in October 2022 and the overall proceeds should more than cover the couple’s expenses for all their historical home renovations!
The Case for a New American Civil War
by Dmitri Orlov for the Saker blog
Will the USA hold together through 2024? Earlier this year Covid-related complications took the life of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the bombastic perennial leader of Russia’s Liberal Democratic Party. He was known not just for his inimitable oratory but also for the uncanny accuracy of his predictions. For example, he predicted the start of Russia’s Special Military Operation in the Ukraine almost to the day—months before the fact and at a time when nobody else had much of a clue as to what would happen. Another prediction of his reads as follows: “There won’t be a US presidential election in 2024 because there will no longer be a United States.”
Will he turn out to be prescient on this count too?
Let’s watch!
Zhirinovsky is by no means alone with making such a prediction. Recent opinion polls show over 40% of Americans expressing apprehensions that a new civil war is likely to break out over the next decade or so. Perish the thought that the good people surveyed had performed an independent analysis, based on which they were able to compute the probability of a civil war! By now, the vast majority of the people in the US have been conditioned to perceive reality as a mosaic composed of short news clips, sound bites, scenes no longer than can fit between two television commercials and miniature narratives that present this or that imaginary object in a positive or a negative light. They think that a civil war is likely because that’s what they have been told through mass media or the invisibly yet relentlessly chaperoned social media.
The oligarchy, which controls all of the above, is toying with two alternative business plans.
Plan A, which is more profitable and less risky, doesn’t feature a civil war while Plan B, risky though still profitable, does.
In either case, the profits accrue from confiscating wealth from the population; with Plan A, less of that wealth gets blown up, hence more profit. But Plan A requires securing complete obedience and docility from an increasingly distressed and restive population.
Paraphrasing Klaus Schwab, they have to put up with having nothing and pretend to be happy (as a condition for being allowed to stay indoors and fed).
To keep the US population at bay, the oligarchy must keep it supplied with vast quantities of junk food, liquor, drugs and pornography. And in spite of all the propaganda urging people to sort themselves into a rainbow of genders, most of them sterile, some women may still manage to get pregnant, refuse to have an abortion and actually give birth to children, preventing the population from shrinking as fast as the dwindling resource base. “Listen, women are getting pregnant every day in America, and this is a real issue,” quoth VP Kamala Harris. In spite of the politically incorrect term “women”—wombed men, that is—her message is crystal clear: her fellow-Americans should be spayed and neutered like the proper domestic animals she thinks they are. Your pets aren’t sterilized, don’t you now; they are transgender! Doesn’t that sound much more fashionable?
But what if the junk food, liquor, drug and pornography pipelines run dry up faster than the population can be whittled away using LGBT propaganda and free and plentiful abortions? Then it would be time for Plan B, where Americans get to shoot at each other using all of the small arms in their possession. A combination of Plans A and B is also theoretically possible, where the blue, democrat states are kept placated and pacified, and in fear of the red, republican states, where civil war rages and corpses litter the roadsides while, in turn, the red state denizens are kept deathly afraid of wandering into blue territory for fear of having their children castrated and their sacred guns confiscated. But such a precarious balance may be hard to strike and a far more likely scenario is one of stable disorder, where the oligarchy pools its most valuable human resources into a few well-defended enclaves while allowing the rest of the populace to succumb to internecine strife.
But neither Plan A, nor Plan B can address a major looming problem: how to discharge (cancel, that is, rather than fulfill) the responsibilities of the US federal government. The major ones are Social Security, SSI, Medicare and defense. Roughly half of US households receives significant financial help from the federal government while defense is the largest welfare program the world has ever witnessed. The US federal debt is already astronomic and amounts to roughly half of the world’s GDP. If it were a physical object, it would be plainly visible from outer space with the naked eye. It is still growing by leaps and bounds, with the 2022 budget deficit forecast to exceed $1 trillion, down from around $2 trillion the previous two years, but still a staggering amount.
How long this financial farce can continue is anyone’s guess, but with all the major creditor nations now in a race to sell off their US debt holdings, the writing is plainly on the wall. How to shed the twin burdens of foreign creditors and domestic dependents? Here, having a civil war that sacks Washington, DC and disbands the federal government would be most efficacious. Whatever local political structures remain would repudiate the federal debt as onerous and utterly preposterous and refuse to take over federal defense spending and social support programs; problem solved!
Joe Biden seems to be thinking along these lines already. In a recent speech in Philadelphia, he said: “For those brave right-wing Americans… if you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something little more than a gun.” Does he, with his son Hunter, have some F-15s they would like to sell to those brave right-wing Americans? Note that he mentioned F-15s, not F-35s: he’d like to furnish ancient yet effective, combat-ready aircraft for performing bombing runs against the US capital, not gold-plated, bug-riddled, never-quite-ready-for-combat boondoggles like the F-35. But before Washington, DC is ready to be struck from the political map, some major looting has to take place, via a major bout of political corruption.
The Ukraine, which has been Joe and Hunter Biden’s personal playground for years now, has been used as the main money-laundering hub. Of the over $10 billion the Biden administration has spent on the Ukraine so far, very little has actually made it to the Ukraine; the rest was used to line some pocket or some political campaign coffer or other right in the US. Of the weapons that did make it to the Ukraine, at least a third was sold on the international black market by the Kiev junta.
Even the weapons that did make it to the frontlines are being briskly traded away by foreign mercenaries and shipped off to parts unknown. The bits of it that do filter through to the troops get blown up or taken as trophies by the relentlessly (though very slowly and carefully) advancing Russians. Over the course of the Special Operation, the Russians have amassed quite a treasure trove of hugely expensive yet rather ineffectual, overcomplicated and quite fragile weapons systems that cannot be maintained in the field and were abandoned by retreating Ukrainians.
Another major bit of extra income has come from the sale of a major portion of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China and other foreign nations: 300 million of the 700 million barrels have now been sold and the SPR now stands at its lowest level in 40 years. This is an interesting result, given that the shale oil bonanza peaked in 2019 and, with the drilling now concentrated in a single patch of the Permian Basin, and that, given very high depletion rates, it is set to be reduced to a trickle in as little as 2 or 3 years. Although fact checkers from fake news media outlets have cried foul, entities associated with Hunter Biden are said to have been involved.
Of course, we’ll never find out the full details because Hunter Biden is magic, having been placed far above the law: if he gets away with pedophilia, drug dealing, transporting hookers against state lines and other such crimes, then what’s a little (or a lot of) white-collar crime between fellow-crooks? Not to be outdone by his son, Biden-père and the rest of the democrat establishment appear poised to steal the midterm congressional elections in the most obvious and blatant way possible, making it impossible to continue to claim that the US is still any sort of democracy at all. Once the message that democracy is dead and that Washington is a den of thieves has been drummed into everyone’s heads, the path will be cleared for the opening salvos of Plan B.
But what if those “brave, right-wing Americans” on whom Biden seems to pin his hopes don’t come through and Plan B peters out with a whimper rather than go off with a bang? What if they just sit around in bars blubbering into their beers, then go home and polish their guns? Well, don’t expect the Russians or the Chinese to help! They could put the US out of its misery—but they won’t. The Russians are all stocked up on sunflower seeds (their choice over popcorn); likewise, the Chinese have stacked away plenty of rice chips. They will sit back and watch this pan-Eurasian celebration of Schadenfreude, not lifting a finger to help.
Nadav Ben-Yehuda
24-year-old Israeli climber Nadav Ben-Yehuda, who was 300 meters from the summit of Everest, gave up his dream of conquering the planet’s highest peak in order to save an injured Turkish climber.

Ben-Yehuda described the incident as follows: “I passed two fresh corpses. The corpses were fresh, because they were the bodies of people on the same ropes along which I climbed, realizing that they were dying and not having the strength to move, people did not crawl away, but buckled up, and fell into a coma and died, those who continued to move stepped over them.
When I saw him, I recognized him. It was Aydin Irmak (Turkey), we met him in the camp. He was unconscious, he had no gloves, no oxygen, no crampons, his helmet was off. He was waiting for the end. Other climbers walked past him without lifting a finger, but I knew that if I passed by, he would surely die. I knew I should have at least tried to save him.
Aidin and I started the descent, it lasted 9 hours. It was very difficult to carry him because he was heavy. From time to time he regained consciousness, but then turned off again. When he came to, he screamed in pain and this made our descent even more difficult. Very slowly, but we descended, but at some point my oxygen mask broke, a little while later we met a climber from Malaysia, who was also on his last legs. It became clear that it was completely impossible to go further. I yelled at the climbers I met going up and demanded some oxygen for the two wounded, some responded … “
They reached the camp, were evacuated by helicopter to Kathmandu, and were hospitalized. Everyone got frostbite, Nadav Ben-Yehuda suffered severe frostbite on his fingers as he was forced to take off his gloves during the rescue operation.
“I was faced with a choice – to be the youngest Israeli to climb Everest, which would be great for my career, or to try to take a climber off the mountain – I chose the second option and I managed to do it … Thanks to everyone who helped me in preparation and taught me, which gave me enough strength to go down the mountain myself and pull down the one in need of help “
(Nadav Ben Yehuda, 2012)
Caught in a Trap: We Can’t Go On Together With Suspicious Minds
By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via
A few months ago, one of my offspring texted and asked if I had read or heard anything about the new Elvis movie that was playing in theaters at the time. When I said “no”, they responded back that they had seen the film, that it was very good, and these words: “I didn’t know Elvis was that big of deal back then”.
So allow me some latitude as I’m going somewhere with this…
In my mind, I thought: “Really? How could my kid not know? Elvis Presley was considered the “king of rock and roll”.
On the other hand, maybe it wasn’t so odd. After all, Elvis music was not played around my kids when they were growing up; and I, personally, have only considered the man, vaguely, as an American historical icon.
I considered my own cognitive associations involving Elvis:
– My dad had some Elvis gospel and Christmas albums.
– I have heard most of Elvis Presley’s songs at one time or another.
– I eventually learned that many Elvis songs were first performed by other musicians and blues singers.
– I had seen portions of various Elvis movies while surfing through TV channels, as well as some segments of an early 1980s (or late 1970s?) documentary which ran years later on HBO (or another premium cable TV channel like HBO).
– My sister-in-law was always a huge Elvis fan, even to the point of placing Elvis figurines and pictures in her home. She is fifteen years older than me and once when the topic came up, I asked her if she had ever seen the aforementioned documentary and the segment where Elvis was in the back of a limousine referencing his after-show “adventures” with a female fan the night before. My sister-in-law replied: “Yeah, I saw that too. I know he was like that but I don’t choose to remember him that way”.
– When I was in my early teens I would sometimes stay at my cousin’s house. He was my age and lived in a large American city. One day, during a week I was there, his older sister (i.e. my female cousin) and her two teenage girlfriends had tickets to attend an Elvis concert. They spent most of the day getting ready, trying on outfits, putting on make-up, and monopolizing the bathrooms. I remember my Aunt giving me a wide-eyed look of exasperation and exclaiming: “It mystifies me how those girls can spend seven hours getting ready for a two-hour concert!” And I’m fairly certain that was the first time I had ever heard the word “mystifies” spoken in a sentence.
– Then the relatively large impact on American society after Elvis died in 1977.
– And, finally, the bizarre performances of Elvis impersonators. I can understand why cover singers would perform some of the Elvis songs, but do they really need to dress, talk, and act like him too?
If that’s all that came to my mind when I thought of Elvis, then I suppose it is understandable that today’s young adults might not fully realize the emotional impact Elvis made on the generation(s) preceding mine.
A short time after the text exchange with my kid, I read that Elvis Presley’s previous wife, Pricilla, and his daughter, Lisa Marie, liked the film. I found that interesting and was actually a little surprised. In fact, I was now somewhat curious about the movie knowing it was produced and filmed in such a way that it earned the endorsement of Presley’s ex-wife and daughter.
After doing some cursory research on the film, I learned it premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2002, it was released in the U.S. the following month, and was said to be a critical and financial success.
Knowing all that, but primarily upon the recommendation of my progeny, I decided I would see the film and asked my wife to join me when we found the time. Unfortunately, we never did find the time to see the movie in our local theater before Elvis had left the building, so to speak.
As luck would have it, however, National Cinema Day occurred over this past Labor Day weekend and a nearby theater was playing a re-release of the film. Even better, the tickets were only $3 each.
Sold. We saw the show.
However, I never expected the movie to be an ominous morality tale that is particularly pertinent to our current life and times.
The opening scenes showcased the sexual carnality of a couple dirty dancing to blues music and contrasted with the rapturous emotionalism at a gospel tent revival. In my view, the comparison was a metaphor demonstrating the duality dividing through the heart of not just young Elvis Presley, but within all individuals and societies.
Colonel Tom Parker was played by Tom Hanks who creepily performed the role of a parasitical carnival barker slowly draining the vitality of Elvis, who Parker perceived as the “Greatest Show on Earth”. Overall, however, the film portrayed Parker as a cleverly clownish carny milking the “marks” of their money at every opportunity.
Furthermore, if the revelations in the movie are accurate, then Parker was an indebted grifter operating under a false identity and, therefore, easily blackmailed by government agents and gangsters. As a result, he, in turn, gaslighted Elvis into becoming a never-ending meal ticket, first, as a controversial rock singer, later as a B-movie star and, eventually, as an overweight, burnt-out Vegas showman.
Elvis wanted to innovate and grow and make his own decisions, but Parker didn’t think these would be in his (Parker’s) best interests, so security dangers were manufactured. The threats allowed Elvis to be easily gaslighted into choosing safety over his own freedom; and all the while being drugged to mitigate his ever-increasing mental anguish.
The movie addressed the early childhood of Elvis through his death in 1977 and the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy were sympathetically addressed in the film, but NOT the murder of President John F. Kennedy. It wasn’t even mentioned once; neither was the controversy surrounding Presley’s courtship of Priscilla Beaulieu when she was only 14 years old; in spite of their relationship being a main element of the film.
Peculiar? Perhaps.
Regardless, throughout his career, Elvis lacked the insight and courage to free himself from Parker’s spell until, in time, the singer was transitioned into an obese and befuddled puppet caught in Parker’s financial trap.
Sound familiar?
In the same manner as Tom Hank’s portrayal of Colonel Tom Parker, establishment authoritarians around the globe have indebted themselves to central banking gangsters and have, in turn, gaslighted naive citizens into becoming drug-addled wage slaves lacking both the insight and courage to break free from their mental chains.
As a result, and similar to the Shakespearian tragedy of Elvis Presley’s life and death, it appears the direction and momentum of current world events are speeding toward a conclusion as inevitable as any snuff film.
For more than a century now, Americans have been gaslighted by materialistic carnival barkers into accepting all that glitters. And every Big Show must have a grand finale. Accordingly, since 2016, we seem to have entered America’s sordid Vegas years and just prior to the tragic ending.
The dreamweavers continually cast spells; and, for us, it is like watching a movie but with genuine consequences. Indeed, we have witnessed continuous gaslighting over the past several years: Russiagate, Ukrainegate, banana republic impeachment trials, Covid, the 2020 Presidential Election as the “most secure election in American history”, and the ensuing January 6th “insurrection”.
Now, American law enforcement institutions have been weaponized to the point of raiding the home of a former U.S. president.
The FBI invasion into Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort occurred on August 8, 2022. Three days later, a suspect was shot dead after attempting to break into a Cincinnati FBI field office. According to the news headlines, the suspect’s name was Ricky Shiffer and, he definitely appeared to hit all of the right notes:
Officials are investigating Shiffer’s ties to the US Capitol riot and right wing extremism as he appears to have claimed that he was present in Washington on 6 January on Truth Social, a pro-Trump social media site. Federal agents were already looking into Shiffer’s ties to the Capitol attack before the FBI standoff, the New York Times reports. Shiffer also appeared to support Donald Trump’s unfounded claims of a stolen election in 2020 and responded to social media posts by pro-Trump figures such as congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene and Donald Trump Jr. His social media posts made reference to the FBI’s search at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club in Florida on Monday. – SOURCE
A few days afterward, I posted an article that stated “everything seen or heard in The Really Big Show® is a lie”.
The next day, in the thread of that post on another website, I speculated on the real reason behind the Trump raid as follows:
The FBI and DHS have observed since the Aug. 8 raid an increase in threats posted online that include a “threat to place a so-called dirty bomb in front of FBI Headquarters and issuing general calls for ‘civil war’ and ‘armed rebellion.’” – SOURCE
So, it appears, after the Covid deception and the 2020 election debacle, increasing internet censorship, the re-energizing of the liberal base by SCOTUS reopening the abortion debate, rising inflation, billions to Ukraine, blue-collar workers taxed to pay for the gender studies degrees of woke Snowflakes, the Afghanistan debacle, invasion at the southern border, and MAGA candidates winning election primaries…. it has become quite clear as to why “Dark Brandon” officially declared war on 70+ million MAGA voters in his “red rant” address to the nation on Thursday, September 1, 2022:
The day after Biden’s diatribe, the propaganda machines were set for maximum output:
By Friday afternoon, posts on forums popular among white supremacists and far-right extremists called for the assassination of Biden, and named Jewish administration officials including Attorney General Merrick Garland, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as potential targets. Declarations of civil war were also appearing, according to documents detailing some of the threats. “On Gab, one user posted a series of violent threats accusing Biden of stealing the election,” according to a threat alert from Site Intelligence Group sent to law enforcement agencies and others on Friday. Trump and many of his supporters have long claimed, without evidence, that the 2020 presidential election won by Biden was stolen from Trump due to widespread voter fraud. Site Intelligence Group, which tracks online extremism activity, issued several threat alerts detailing calls for violence in response to Biden’s speech. The potential threats were posted in online forums tied to the Proud Boys, neo-Nazis and other extremist groups. – SOURCE
As I have previously posted, and as others out here on the free internet have also speculated, it appears the groundwork for a big fat false flag has been laid – quite possibly, even a hit on Dark Brandon himself.
Or perhaps the FBI planted plans for a dirty bomb at Mar-a-Lago.
Whatever the false flag, would you be surprised if one (or more) took place soon? Me neither. The blame, of course, would be placed on MAGA “extremists” and it would simultaneously address multiple current problems for the globalist carnival barkers – especially if the psyop occurred prior to the U.S. Midterm Elections this fall.
In the end, the Greatest Show on Earth is not the one we see. It is, in fact, the gaslighting that emanates from behind the stage. Just as Colonial Tom Parker tricked Elvis into choosing safety over the singer’s better judgment, so, too, do modern-day carnies deceive the “marks” into playing their fool’s game.
In the latest film version of Elvis Presley’s life, and, seemingly, in reality, Elvis and Colonel Parker had a mutually dependent relationship rooted in the materialistic desires of greed and security. Parker gave himself credit for the success of Elvis and the singer, in response, considered the Colonel as a protector, of sorts, overseeing the minutia of the daily grind; and the devil was always in the details. In a twisted fashion, the two even appeared to have an affection for each other as Parker parasitically profited from the relationship and as Presley was “protected” (wink, wink) from threats near and far.
And when Elvis grew suspicious of Parker, that’s when the king of rock and roll fully realized exactly how owned he was: and the more Presley tried to pull away, the more Parker gaslighted. Of course, the gaslighting was only necessary because Elvis had free will; but the singer chose not to reclaim his surrendered natural rights out of fear, or complacency, or both.
In like fashion, American’s have experienced safety over freedom gaslighting on many occasions: In the last quarter-century alone, we’ve seen 911 and the War on Terrorists, Saddam and Weapons of Mass Destruction, the Evil Trump against Progressive America, mandates versus the COVID virus, the bully Putin invading Ukraine, and, now, the New Normal Americans against MAGA extremists.
Over and over, it’s always the same old trick dialectic: Love Big Brother and accept his protection from the imaginary Emmanuel Goldstein that is sneaking up from behind, or hiding just ahead, and around every corner, near and far, at home and abroad.
We’re caught in a trap. We can’t get out. And we can’t go on together with suspicious minds.
Slow-Cooker Three Cheese Broccoli Soup
I LOVE this soup.
Three cheese broccoli soup is a comfort food classic that will warm and satisfy the whole family. Get everything ready with just 15 minutes of prep, and your slow cooker will do the rest. The result is a deliciously easy slow-cooker broccoli cheese soup that will have everyone spooning up seconds.

- 1/4 cup butter
- 1 cup chopped onions
- 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 cup Gold Medal™ all-purpose flour
- 1 can (12 oz) evaporated milk
- 1 carton (32 oz) Progresso™ chicken broth (4 cups)
- 1 bag (16 oz) frozen baby broccoli florets, thawed
- 8 oz Kraft™ Velveeta™ Original cheese product (from 16-oz box), cubed
- 1 1/2 cups shredded extra-sharp cheddar cheese (6 oz)
- 1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese (4 oz)
- Additional shredded extra-sharp cheddar cheese, if desired

First time using this recipe and it did NOT disappoint!! What attracted me was how easy it was to prepare, but the taste blew me away! We just had our first snow storm and this soup is so fitting!!
Another trip in the time machine.
Poland Declares They Want a War with Russia
Here’s the thing: Poland can’t go to war with Russia, because it is a member of NATO. If Poland goes to war with Russia, that means the United States, Britain, and Germany, among others, all have to join in. So instead of having an irrelevant war that no one cares about in Eastern Europe, you have a world war.
There is virtually no chance that if NATO went to war with Russia, China wouldn’t join in to aid Russia, because Russia has become a massive buffer state for China (in more ways than just geographically, though part of that is geographic).
Poland could end up in a military conflict with Russia within three to ten years, Deputy Defense Minister Marcin Ociepa told the Polish newspaper DGP in an interview published on Wednesday. Warsaw would need the time remaining before the supposed war to acquire as many arms as possible, he added. “There is a serious risk of a war with Russia,” Ociepa said, adding that the timing of this potential war depends “on how the conflict in Ukraine ends.”According to the official, it would ultimately depend on “how many years Russia will need to rebuild its military potential.” He did not identify any additional factors that could either increase or decrease the risk of a conflict.
So the only factors are how the Ukraine conflict ends and how much military power Russia has when it’s over. There is nothing with diplomacy, or Poland’s relationship to Russia. And there is no interest in avoiding it. It’s just a matter of when.
Ociepa raised the issue while describing the “geopolitical reality” that was supposedly forcing Poland to rapidly increase its own defense potential. “We have to use this time for the maximum rearmament of the Polish Army,” he told the newspaper, as he defended what the Polish media called a “record” defense budget, augmented by certain “undefined” additional expenses. Poland’s draft state budget for the next year entails record outlays on the armed forces, amounting to 97 billion zloty ($20.52 billion), Poland’s PAP news agency reported. Some additional funds for modernizing the army would be raised through the extra-budgetary Armed Forces Support Fund managed by the Polish state bank BGK, it added.
People should really be angry about this. What right does Poland have to commit us all to a war with Russia? They are effectively saying they are going to start a war by saying that it is inevitable, and we’re all going to get dragged along with them. Just like with the Ukraine, this is all about spite, about trying to do revenge for the USSR. That’s what drives these people.
Frankly, they never had a right to tell people to do these sanctions so everyone has to freeze. In the UK, they are doing game shows where they will pay your energy bills.
This is about Eastern European democracy, we’re told.
They’re not even making the argument that this has anything to do with the safety, security, or prosperity of the people paying for it, which is in some ways an entirely new kind of war. The Jews who run these wars used to at least have to tell you that it somehow benefited you – now they just tell you that it vaguely benefits people in some country you know nothing about and have no reason to care about.
Honestly, I’m in some way surprised that there isn’t more pushback in Europe over this. In America, people are still being told that it is the shutdown of the Keystone Pipeline that has caused a rise in energy prices. People here don’t even know that Europe exists, or they think Joe Biden is the president there also. Conservatives will argue with you if you say the war on Russia is causing these prices, and say it’s all Joe Biden. I say: “yeah, you’re right, it is all Joe Biden – he’s the one who declared war on Russia – just like he declared war on you, you fat boomer monkey.”
I have no idea if the average European supports this war against Russia like the average American does. I would think they don’t, but how is it possible they are not protesting?
A game show will pay your heating bill? This is ridiculous.
People will just tolerate absolutely anything. No one will do anything.
Al Di Meola – Song to the Pharao Kings
Where you live will determine your happiness
Extremely high. According to the Edelman Trust Barometer , it’s 91%.

According to an Ash Center study at Harvard Kennedy School , it’s 95.5%.
Going back in time to 2016,the Chinese felt that their country was on the right track, according to Ipsos at a rate of 94%;

The Chinese are so happy with China’s progress under the CPC that they regard China as the most democratic nation in the world!

Study after study confirms the high level of support.
Star Trek: The Last Voyage – SNL
Censoring Covid

There’s an ever-growing cohort of increasingly desperate Covid long-haulers, many affected for over two years, having difficult legal conversations about medical early retirement and independence payment support. They need answers, treatments – and to know that we take the situation sufficiently seriously to stop creating more cases. Where’s the herd immunity? Danny Altmann, Professor of Immunology, Imperial College London.
Remember when network talking heads discussed vaccination rates with the fervent ignorance they usually reserve for the stock market? Remember when Covid was a national obsession?
Then the narrative simply changed.
As deaths rose, coverage fell, leaving only The Narrative: “Filthy Chinese eating habits started Covid. Either that or they developed it in a lab and it escaped. They suppress the epidemic by suppressing their people. We have done all a democracy can do”.
Regardless of the veracity or falsity of those claims, media and governments sustain The Narrative with pre-emptive timing, artful framing, diligent suppression, breathtaking omission, ingenious manipulation, and flat out lies. It’s propaganda on a global scale but, cui bono? How many Americans benefit from this? How many Europeans?
Ignoring the alternative hypothesis
As we shall see, Covid-19 probably reached China after Europe but Western governments were ready with The Narrative. The Narrative surfaced only hours after the Chinese discovered it, “It originated in China!” But Yale’s Jeffrey Sachs says, ‘scientific’ studies supporting the official view, that Covid came from animals in a Wuhan market, were faked. “The scientists who are saying that now said the same thing on February 4, 2020, before doing any research. And published the same statement in March 2020, before they had any facts at all. So they’re creating a narrative. And they’re denying the alternative hypothesis[1] without looking closely at it”.
After the narrative stigmatized China (‘Wuhan virus’), it promoted high-tech American vaccines as a panacea, but showed no interest in learning – or teaching us about – the virus, baffling the medical community. In January, 2020, two weeks after hearing of Covid, a UW professor of infectious diseases asked permission to use ongoing flu testing to monitor for the virus. Federal officials refused, repeatedly and, when she persisted, issued a cease-and-desist order. When fifty-seven soldiers arrived at a Nebraska military base from Wuhan, local infectious disease specialist Dr. James Lawler asked to test them for Covid. The CDC refused. When The Lancet’s Covid Commission asked about the CDC’s research program on SARS-like viruses, the NIH refused to discuss it, and continues to block a WHO inspection like China’s.
This one blew me away: when NIH scientists’ published results contradict the official narrative, the media ignore them. Brazilian virologists found Covid antibodies from November 2019, Spanish virologists found them from March 2019, the WHO in Milan in November 2019, and Italians in September, 2019. France found an indigenous outbreak in 2019, and French military athlete Elodie Clouvel and her boyfriend caught Covid at the Wuhan military games. Dozens of Virginians and Marylanders died from a still-unexplained respiratory outbreak with Covid symptoms. After the Mayo Clinic ruled out vaping as a cause of death in the EVALI epidemic, media dropped the story, despite the fact that the deceased had Covid symptoms[2]. Belleville, NJ, Mayor Michael Melham was seropositive in November, 2019, and so were thousands of others, according to their testimonies.
When twenty-seven CDC scientists analyzed archived Red Cross blood taken back in December, 2019, they found 1% – 4% of Americans Covid seropositive, which qualifies it as an endemic infection. The CDC certified the world’s first[3] Covid death because it occurred in America, not China. And the WHO has abandoned its search for Patient X, always the first step in tracing virus’ origins.
There are a dozen Pulitzer Prizes here, but no journalists willing to question The Narrative.
Herd immunity has been the West’s default policy since the Plague of Justinian, though whether it is applicable to Covid is a question we are settling by means of the largest human experiment in human history.
Historically, when plagues arrived, nobles called in the priests then retreated to their hunting lodges until herd immunity was established. Says former UK Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn, “I distinctly remember going to a [February, 2020] meeting at the Cabinet Office, where we got a lecture about herd immunity. It was absurd that actually you would build up herd immunity by allowing people to die. So, while the government was going into eugenic formulas, they were not making adequate preparations”. The West’s default policy remains benign neglect, confirmed by the failure of President Ford’s program of Swine Flu vaccinations.
Since they had helped write the WHO’s pandemic playbook, American and Chinese public health officials advocated following its recommendations for dealing with Covid, and most governments tried to do so but mixed messages, political squabbling, incompetence, and a dearth of useful information in the media eroded public trust in the West.
Then, swiftly, silently, smoothly, as deaths began rising again, The Narrative became ‘Covid is ‘over’, leaving post-Covid America resembling postwar Afghanistan: suffering 100,000 annual, excess Covid deaths and wrecking millions of lives with long Covid.
The ‘vaccine’ narrative
The narrative remained laser-focused on the benefits of vaccination and ignored its serious side effects:[4] it prevents neither infection nor transmission, must be taken before infection, and is so briefly efficacious that the CDC no longer regards it as significant: “COVID-19 prevention recommendations no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status”. Now The Narrative promotes a pharmacopeia of vaccinations while demonizing alternate ways to contain the virus. It still ignores front-line clinicians and serious policy discussions, and leaves alternatives unexplored[5].
Innocent Explanation?
Doubtless there are compelling reasons for Western governments and media to collude to shape the Covid narrative but, as Jeffrey Sachs asks, why deny the alternative hypothesis[6] without even examining it? Again, cui bono?
Meanwhile, the outcome of this experiment will not only determine how nations respond to future epidemics, but even alter their standing in the world.
Godfree wrote Why China Leads the World: Talent at the Top, Data in the Middle, Democracy at the Bottom, and publishes the newsletter, Here Comes China.
[1] After a Malaysian Airlines jet was shot down over Ukraine in 2014, the narrative, “Russia did it,” was established by the time the last pieces of wreckage hit the ground, without mentioning that only two countries have previously shot down passenger airliners: the US and Ukraine.
[2] No EVALI cases were reported outside the USA, and the CDC refused to share biopsy material with researchers.
[3] According to the CDC, Lovell ‘Cookie’ Brown died of Covid on January 9, 2020. China’s first death followed a week later.
[4] President Ford authorized immunization after an outbreak of Swine Flu A. Big Pharma demanded guaranteed profits and indemnity. The vaccine triggered Guillain-Barré syndrome in patients and the program was abandoned.
[5] In the year China spent developing a vaccine, they kept deaths near zero by prevention. Regular physical activity, daily exposure to sunlight, weight loss, herbs, and exercise. CCTV ran explanations of why N95 masks work and how to wear them. Epidemiologists, statisticians, virologists, preventive medics, and economists explained what was going on. But when two hundred million old folk refused to get vaccinated they backed off, and to this day, ninety percent of the population has not experienced a lockdown.
[6] < Denying alternatives without examining them is SOP. After a Malaysian Airlines jet was shot down over Ukraine in 2014, the narrative, “Russia did it,” was established by the time the last pieces of wreckage hit the ground, though only two countries had previously shot down passenger airliners: the US and Ukraine.
A Bad Ass Tony Soprano Moment
I love this.
Does Xi Jinping’s wife have rather an expensive materialistic taste?
Peng Liyuan is the wife to the most powerful man in China.
“Before Xi came to prominence he was only known as the husband of Peng Liyuan”.
Ms. Peng was way way more famous, popular, and a famous celebrity on stage and TV for hundreds of millions, way before China even knew her husband.

Super talented soprano, she is well liked for her soaring renditions, which she has been performing for citizens and troops since she was 18 years old.

She is definitely very smart as well. Books are written about her.

Rare indeed for a first lady who looks like a model but is ranked as a major-general. Even with DVDs.

She knows her most important duties to Mr Xi and to China. (Charity, AIDS program; Earthquake, Rural Education, Ambassador for anti-tobacco; Ambassador – tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS for the World Health Organization, etc).

Does she have an expensive materialistic taste?
I really doubt it, she is too smart and sensible for that. Mr Xi, too, is too smart and principled for that.
All Chinese would be very proud to see her shine in her nicest clothes. She represents the high elegance of the modern Chinese woman and is a great ambassador for China wherever she goes.

Copies of her overcoat, handbag, scarf and shoes appeared almost immediately in online stores.
The “Chinese First Lady” chooses to wear Chinese brands rather than draping herself in foreign luxury labels. This wins her wide praise. Yet, her sharp sense of style won her a place on Vanity Fair’s international best dressed list in 2013 (her friend Michelle Obama just missed the list).
See, she is smart.

I think she is about the best companion Mr Xi Jinping could ever have. “He is one lucky man – “..decided within 40 mins that she will be his wife”. Peng shared that she deliberately wore ugly army trousers just to test his character”. I guessed she wore no luxury things either.

And they always look so cool and smart together.

Ma Ke is the local designer often quoted as associated with Ms Peng. She has described Ms Peng’s current style as “neat, simple, elegant but with a strong presence.” She added she wasn’t concerned with presenting a “first lady” style as she is with presenting an image of a modern Chinese woman who is “independent-minded, affectionate and full of strength”.
Putin Lays Out How U.S. Caused Its Own Inflation Crisis
Spot on.
Summer Is Nearly Over, The Fall Is Almost Here, And Winter Is Coming…
I have been hearing from so many people that have a really bad feeling about what the months ahead will bring. Global events are starting to spiral out of control, and it has become exceedingly clear that we are rapidly moving into extremely challenging times. In the past, we would always talk about famine, war and pestilence in hypothetical terms, but now they have become clear and present dangers. For weeks, I have been warning that the period of relative stability that we have been enjoying this summer would soon be over. The fall is almost here, and winter is coming. Of course the difficulties that we will be facing as 2022 rolls into 2023 will just be the beginning of our problems. The years in front of us aren’t going to look anything like the years that we have just been through, and many will be absolutely shocked by how fast conditions change.
Today, I went to the grocery store and I was horrified by how much prices have risen.
But these prices will look like bargains six months from now.
As I have carefully been documenting, we are in the beginning stages of the worst global food crisis that any of us have ever seen.
Right now, crops are being devastated by endless drought all over the globe. China is currently experiencing the worst drought that it has witnessed in recorded history, the western half of the U.S. is in the midst of the worst multi-year megadrought in 1,200 years, and Europe is enduring the worst drought that it has been through in at least 500 years.
Agricultural production is going to be way down all over Europe in 2022, and now the energy crisis is threatening crops that have actually been grown successfully.
That is because putting harvested vegetables in cold storage is no longer profitable because of how insanely high energy prices have become.
For example, Norwegian vegetable farmer Per Odd Gjestvang is leaving tons of leeks in the field to die because it simply costs too much to store them as he normally does…
Around 29 tonnes of leeks are lost. It has a gross value of around 700,000. “This is madness. This is food that should have been harvested and taken care of,” says Gjestvang. On the farm, the family grows around 3,000 tonnes of vegetables each growing season. The leeks had normally been taken to cold storage, so that they would be found in Norwegian vegetable counters this winter. But the calculation simply does not add up for the farmer. With today’s electricity prices, Gjestvang does not see it as financially sound to spend money on storing the vegetables. In that case, it will be a purely loss-making project, he believes.
So tons and tons of good vegetables will rot instead of showing up in the stores in the months ahead.
Gjestvang knows that this is a tremendous waste, but he just can’t afford to pay 16 times as much for cooling than he did last year…
In the high season, Gjestvang uses around 80,000 kilowatt-hours a month for cooling. Previously, Gjestvang paid around [NOK] 24,000 for electricity per month. Now the price is almost 16 times as high. The way the market is now, with a cautiously high electricity price of NOK five [the country’s base currency], it will be NOK 400,000. It is not possible to achieve, he says.
This is happening all over Europe.
If Europeans think that vegetable prices are high now, just wait until we get into early 2023.
Meanwhile, crops are failing here in the United States on a widespread basis. The following comes from the Washington Post…
It was a bad year for corn. And for tomatoes. And for many other American crops. Farmers, agricultural economists and others taking stock of this summer’s growing season say drought conditions and extreme weather have wreaked havoc on many row crops, fruits and vegetables, with the American Farm Bureau Federation suggesting yields could be down by as much as a third compared with last year.
If yields really are down “by as much as a third” what do you think that will do to food prices?
It doesn’t take a genius to answer that question.
A global food crisis is here, and there is no short-term hope on the horizon.
In fact, one UN official is now projecting that total global grain production could be down another 40 percent in 2023 due to elevated fertilizer prices…
More than six months into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the global fertilizer crunch threatens to starve a planet as prices are too high for some farmers ahead of the next planting season. That’s the view of Maximo Torero, chief economist from the Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN), who told Bloomberg TV that elevated fertilizer prices could decrease global grain production by upwards of 40% in the next planting season.
If that actually happened, it would be catastrophic.
The one thing that would really help is if the war in Ukraine ended. That would definitely stabilize global energy prices and give us a chance to start digging our way out of this mess.
Unfortunately, that isn’t going to happen.
Instead of trying to find a way to achieve peace with Russia, the Biden administration continues to escalate matters…
The Biden administration is arming Ukraine with weapons that can do serious damage to Russian forces, and, unlike early in the war, U.S. officials don’t appear worried about Moscow’s reaction. In the past several months, Washington has detailed tranches of new drones, harder-hitting missiles and deadly rocket systems as part of billions of dollars pledged to the former Soviet country. The clear support is a far cry from the early days of the war, when the U.S. government seemed hesitant to list exactly what was being sent into Ukraine so as not to tip off or draw the ire of Moscow.
All of this assistance is starting to really help on the battlefield.
In recent days, a counter-offensive in the Kharkiv area has had great success. Apparently a very large number of foreign fighters under the umbrella of “the international legion of Ukraine” are involved in this counter-offensive. But the Russians suspect that a lot of these foreign fighters are actually special operations personnel from the United States, the UK and other NATO countries. If that is true, the war in Ukraine has now gone to an entirely new and dangerous level.
Of course the Russians continue to escalate matters as well.
Cutting off the flow of gas to Europe through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline was a very aggressive move, and now Europe is facing a winter in which large segments of the economy literally shut down for the foreseeable future…
In addition, energy prices have reached a level that threatens the existence of many companies. Just this week, German toilet paper company Hakle filed for bankruptcy, with the owners citing unsustainable energy and material costs as the primary factor. Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal reports that Europe’s steel industry, which requires massive amounts of cheap natural gas to run, is slashing production and facing severe financial headwinds. Other sectors, such as chemical production, agriculture, and automating are all facing unprecedented hurdles as the energy crisis continues to grip Europe. Cries for help from the once booming German economy are now coming from business leaders, associations, and consumers, with the Federation of German Industries (BDI) also warning of a wave of bankruptcies due to energy cost inflation. A new analysis by the BDI states that this is a major challenge for 58 percent of companies, and 34 percent believe the current crisis represents a matter of survival. Germany is no exception either, with warning from the United Kingdom showing that six in ten manufacturing companies face the risk of closure due to the energy crisis.
The fall of the European economy has arrived, and the winter that follows is going to be extraordinarily painful.
Of course the U.S. economy is headed for major league problems as well.
We are facing a massive global food crisis, a massive global energy crisis, a massive global inflation crisis and a war with Russia all at the same time.
And to be honest, what we have been through so far is just the very small tip of a very large iceberg.
Decades of incredibly bad decisions have brought us to this point, and our leaders continue to make even more incredibly bad decisions.
So buckle up, because the ride ahead is going to be extremely unpleasant.
Chunky Tomato Soup
It’s gonna be cold soon. This would be the perfect item for the kitchen stove, don’t you know…
Put a spin on creamy tomato soup! Every spoonful is loaded with chunks of celery, carrots and tomatoes.

- 2 tablespoons olive or vegetable oil
- 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 2 medium stalks celery, coarsely chopped (1 cup)
- 2 medium carrots, coarsely chopped (1 cup)
- 2 cans (28 oz each) Italian-style (plum) tomatoes, undrained
- 2 cups water
- 1 teaspoon dried basil leaves
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 1 carton (32 oz) Progresso™ chicken broth (4 cups)

What Putin and China are doing this week will change EVERYTHING
This is a followup to an earlier video early last week. (The one with the prime 9 minutes of info and then an infomercial).
This one continues on that venue, and is keeping us advised of the massive changes globally that is not being reported in the West. It’s about the USD, and the new currency that will be used throughout Asia.
Worth a watch! Do not be thrown off with the infomercial after 9 minutes or so. This is good, solid intel here. Pay attention.
Mr Ed The Talking Horse The Empty Feed Bag Blues
Let’s close with this wonderful snippet.
Have a great day, you all!