I’m still on the mend. It’s a long slow haul. Please enjoy today’s installment.
Is China an overrated superpower?
China is a highly underrated superpower because it hides every capability it had in lined with its Confucian humility and its Sun Tzu art of war.
The west needs to factor in between double to multiple times it’s capability and weapons availability and capability at the very least and prepare for a thousand surprises waiting for you.
I can confirm that if the U.S. is foolish in Taiwan, China will damaged the U.S. beyond recognition and redemption.
Crock Pot Spinach Stuffed Pasta Shells
“I love the spinach in these shells. It makes a good hearty meal.”

- 1 (12 ounce) package jumbo pasta shells
- 1 (32 ounce) jar spaghetti sauce
- 2 cups cottage cheese
- 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
- 1⁄2 cup parmesan cheese, grated or shredded
- 1⁄2 cup diced onion
- 2 tablespoons italian seasoning
- 1 (10 ounce) package frozen spinach, thawed, and squeezed dry
- Cook jumbo shells according to package directions.
- Drain and set aside.
- Pour 1/2 of spaghetti sauce into crock pot.
- In a medium bowl, combine spinach and remaining ingredients, mixing well.
- Stuff each pasta shell with spinach mixture and layer in crock pot.
- Pour remaining spaghetti sauce over shells.
- Cook on LOW for 4 hours.

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5 Important Features of an Excellent Family Dining Restaurant
“Oh SH*T, Putin WARNS of direct clash with U.S., NATO readies forces
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Do black cats typically have light grey fur on their nose and mouth area?
Every BLACK cat I have met is black on the nose and the lips. Black as the night from nose to tail.

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In difficult times of the war we have mastered to perfection the art of survival, to feed the family with almost nothing. In practice, it looked something like this: make a pie from scratch, mayonnaise without eggs, patty without meat … It seemed impossible, but we succeeded, so there are many people who are in the tasting of these specialties have said that they are not much different from the original.
Perhaps it was really so, or it was just another comfort of the struggling, those who were forced to survive on its own way.
Recipes for pies, pastries, sandwiches, patties, you will not find in either the cook or the web sites of culinary advice. These were dishes often made of unknown ingredients, made of nothing, cooked on the stove handmade which initially igniting the wood, and later by a newspaper, at the end by books and wooden furniture.
A special recipe and a story which goes with it I wish to share with you.
I remember as it was yesterday. I got a pumpkin from the mother’s neighbor and kept it for a special dinner At that time pumpkin was great wealth for us. Women could make a real specialty of pumpkin with additions almost nothing, if they had a little imagination and skill.
Well I’ve decided that this a special dinner be just today, when the husband brought from work a package of humanitarian aid that is received instead of salary. There was anything special in the package. It was quite common foods that have been previously treated with all employees in his company: a little flour, a little oil, milk powder, … but also ONE EGG that brought him the colleague who lives in the countryside and has hens. At that time hen eggs were extremely valued because they were not. Only individuals in the country have had the privilege, and keep them for exchange. For one egg they could get min 2 kg of flour.
With a smile on my face, happy because we get humanitarian aid and we will not be hungry at least a few days, and in addition I have a pumpkin that will serve me to this dinner be festive, I exclaimed:
”Today we eat STEAKS!”
Everyone laughed and thought that I rave, and I took to clean the pumpkin. Secretly, that other inmates do not see what I was doing, I was preparing festive dinner.
First I cleaned the pumpkin cut up in very small pieces – planing by plane. After that I added egg, some domestic Vegeta (which I made from carrots and parsley from my mother’s garden, with the addition of corn flour and a pinch of salt), some flour and two bowls of finely sliced onions. I’ve all composed to get a compact mass, and then I created tablespoon steak an fried them in a very small amount of oil. Oil was a luxury at the beginning of the war too, and later even greater because there was no way and we meals made on the water. All the houses smell of. The smell of steaks felt in our stairwell too, and I was almost ashamed that neighbors do not think that we eat meat, but they did not see it for months, let alone eat.
My family, husband and our two daughters, sat at the dining room table covered with colorful plastic oilcloth, just like a real happy family in American film. Thanksgiving Day, they would say. In front of them porcelain plates and meal service. I have joined them with a full dish and saying:
Steaks smelled heavenly. While I put down a dish on the table I said:
”Come on, bring it.”
The older daughter was first consumed and she said:
”It really smells like meat! Where did you get it?!”
The husband looked puzzled, while the younger daughter greedily devoured steaks, and then he added with laughing:
”Are steaks of beef or of veal?”
”It’s really good, isn’t it? What do you say?”
I asked, delighted that I was able to cheer them at least in this way. They did not have to give me answers. Their faces with a smile talked me enough.
However, they could not continue to eat not to say:
”Good, good … ” – they confirmed and continued to empty a dish.
We laughed crazy, each of us with own piece of steak without meat in the mouth.
Everything was the same, taste, smell, color, only the meat was gone. It was the best family dinner ever.
Why does the American government hate Tictok?
Watch this movie…
CGTN Exclusive: UK’s secret betrayal, repatriation of Chinese sailors after WWII
After the British used the Chinese merchants in their war effort, they sailed them to the middle of the ocean, put them in long boats and sailed away. No one knows what happened to these hundreds of thousands of Chinese sailors. Did they make it to other countries, or did they perish?
Karma is going to come swift and hard.
But why isn’t this event well known in the West?
Did CIA Director William Casey really say, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”?
Ex-DCI Bill Casey’s quote was attributed online as reported only by Mae Brussell, and so, I bounced it off Barbara Honegger because I knew she worked for Mae B back in the day, and here’s what I got on the ACTUAL SOURCE (talk about luck! – I extracted actual email addresses):
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Barbara Honegger
Date: Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: Conference on THE WARREN REPORT AND THE
To: Greg Smith
I told Mae about it when we worked together …
On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 10:32 PM, Greg Smith wrote:
Thanks Barbara! That’s priceless. The web attributes it to Mae B only, and therefore, it’s discounted in chat and group conversations on social media. You might want to give it better street cred? Your call!
On Sep 21, 2014, at 8:59 PM, Barbara Honegger wrote:
> Seriously — I personally was the Source
> for that William Casey quote. He said it
> at an early Feb. 1981 meeting in the
> Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of
> the White House which I attended, and
> I immediately told my close friend and
> political godmother Senior White House
> Correspondent Sarah McClendon, who
> then went public with it without naming
> the source …
> On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 2:49 PM, Greg Smith wrote:
> Love to, but can’t break away. I’ll definitely get the DVD for future very intense scrutiny! On that note, in the words of the infamous William J. Casey, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
> On Sep 17, 2014, at 1:25 AM, Barbara Honegger wrote:
>> I’m going to try to go to the historic conference.
>> Please try to as well…
>> Barbara
>> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 8:34 PM, Jerry Policoff wrote:
>> Re: Conference on THE WARREN REPORT AND THE
Everyone’s Just Trying to Make It in the World
When someone shares too-private information on Instagram in the search for likes. When someone does any kind of dance on TikTok.
When someone excitedly joins a multi-level marketing scheme. When someone swears they’re turning over a new leaf for the sixth time in as many years.
When someone acts like they’re the first person to discover the arguments for atheism. When someone falls down a conspiracy-theory rabbit hole.
When someone marries a red-flag-waving trainwreck. When someone breaks up with a partner who’s perfect for them.
When someone responds to a small setback with tears or rage.
At such times, it’s hard not to cringe, slap your forehead, and wonder, “Geez, why would they do that?!”
At such times, when your cynicism about humanity deepens and your desire to stay connected to loved ones slackens, there’s a mantra — worth regularly repeating — that will help you cultivate greater patience and empathy for others (and more compassion for your own history of cringeworthy moments too).
“Everyone’s just trying to make it in the world.”
Everyone’s born naked and ignorant and never given an entire guidebook to what lies ahead.
Everyone’s seeking to get their needs met without always knowing how to go about it.
Everyone’s yearning to be liked, recognized, and desired.
Everyone’s struggling to accept that no one will ever love them as much as they love themselves.
Everyone’s harboring some childhood insecurity.
Everyone’s worried they’re exactly as uncool as they imagine themselves to be while staring at the ceiling at night.
Everyone’s starving for significance and hungry for joy.
Everyone’s creating hedges against the fear that it’s all meaningless.
Everyone’s striving to make it count while protecting a heart that’s tenderer than they’ll ever let on.
Everyone’s looking for home.
Everyone’s in need of a little grace.
Everyone’s just trying to make it in the world.
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Live Life Drunk
There is evidence for the production of alcohol which dates back more than 11,000 years.
Humans invented booze before they invented metal, agriculture, or the wheel.
This speaks to a fact that has been true from antiquity right up until the present: life is hard. So much so, that we have ever had a desperate need for something to take the edge off.
Rather than fleeing from this truth, denying it, then fulfilling it with guilt, we ought to wholeheartedly embrace it. We ought to, in fact, seek to live as much of life drunk as possible.
Not on alcohol, as incessant inebriation breeds numerous problems that need not be detailed.
But on the many other things in life that create a stimulating, emotion-heightening, inhibition-reducing, confidence-inspiring buzz, and yet leave us healthier, happier, and better able to shoulder the existential pressures of the age.
Intoxicating is the experience of an engrossing, laughter-filled conversation; of romantic love both new and well-seasoned; of music that is transportive and transcendent. Powerful is the high of awakening one’s body from its sedentary slumber and putting it through the heart-pounding, lung-filling paces. Enlivening is the feeling of having a purpose, of knowing exactly who you are and where you’re going.
Humans’ millennia-long history of seeking, tweaking, using, and abusing every mind-altering substance under the sun, tells us that the question is not whether people can deal with the oppressively heavy yet achingly empty weight of unmediated reality, but what they will choose for their sanity-preserving buffer; not whether you should get drunk, but what from.
So daily drink up from the truly good stuff; get thoroughly sotted on friendship and love, art and beauty, exercise and action; for he who is able to endure life’s most difficult burdens, is he who gets thoroughly intoxicated on its most dizzying joys.
15 Facts Which Prove That A Massive Economic Meltdown Is Already Happening Right Now
Economic conditions just keep getting worse. As we prepare to enter 2023, we find ourselves in a high inflation environment at the same time that economic activity is really slowing down. And just like we witnessed in 2008, employers are conducting mass layoffs as a horrifying housing crash sweeps across the nation. Those that have been waiting for the U.S. economy to implode can stop waiting, because an economic implosion has officially arrived. The following are 15 facts that prove that a massive economic meltdown is already happening right now…
#1 Existing home sales have now fallen for 10 consecutive months.
#2 Existing home sales are down 35.4 percent over the last 12 months. That is the largest year over year decline in existing home sales since the collapse of Lehman Brothers.
#3 Homebuilder sentiment has now dropped for 12 consecutive months.
#4 Home construction costs have risen more than 30 percent since the beginning of 2022.
#5 The number of single-family housing unit permits has fallen for nine months in a row.
#6 The Empire State Manufacturing Index has plunged “to a reading of negative 11.2 in December”. That figure was way, way below expectations.
#7 In November, we witnessed the largest decline in retail sales that we have seen all year long.
#8 Even the biggest names on Wall Street are starting to let workers go. In fact, it is being reported that Goldman Sachs will soon lay off approximately 4,000 employees.
#9 The Federal Reserve is admitting that the number of actual jobs in the United States has been overstated by over a million.
#10 U.S. job cuts were 417 percent higher in November than they were during the same month a year ago.
#11 A recent Wall Street Journal survey found that approximately two-thirds of all Americans expect the economy to get even worse next year.
#12 A newly released Bloomberg survey has discovered that 70 percent of U.S. economists believe that a recession is coming in 2023.
#13 Inflation continues to spiral wildly out of control. At this point, a head of lettuce now costs 11 dollars at one grocery store in California.
#14 Overall, vegetable prices in the United States are more than 80 percent higher than they were at this same time last year.
#15 Thanks to the rapidly rising cost of living, 63 percent of the U.S. population is now living paycheck to paycheck.
In a desperate attempt to get inflation under control, the Federal Reserve has been dramatically increasing interest rates.
Those interest rate hikes are what has caused the housing market to crash, but Fed officials insist that such short-term pain is necessary in order to tame inflation.
But meanwhile our politicians in Washington are busy creating more inflation by borrowing and spending money at a rate that is absolutely unprecedented in our entire history.
This week, an abominable 1.7 trillion dollar omnibus spending bill is being rammed through Congress, but not a single member of Congress has read it.
The bill is 4,155 pages long, and U.S. Senator Rand Paul just held a press briefing during which he wheeled it out on a trolley…
After the grossly bloated $1.7 trillion Omnibus spending bill advanced in the Senate by a vote of 70-25, GOP Senator Rand Paul held a press briefing during which he wheeled in the “abomination” on a trolley and demanded to know how anyone would be able to read it before the end of the week.
Paul, along with the only other dissenting Senate Republicans Mike Braun, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, and Rick Scott highlighted how ludicrous the fast tracking of the bill has been.
Unfortunately, this absurd spending bill has broad support on both sides of the aisle, and that just shows how broken Washington has become.
Our system of government has failed time after time, and our politicians continue to spend money on some of the most ridiculous things imaginable.
The following examples that were pulled out of the 1.7 trillion dollar omnibus spending bill were discovered by the Heritage Foundation…
-$1.2 million for “LGBTQIA+ Pride Centers”
-$1.2 million for “services for DACA recipients” (aka helping illegal aliens with taxpayer funds) at San Diego Community College.
-$477k for the Equity Institute in RI to indoctrinate teachers with “antiracism virtual labs.”
-$1 million for Zora’s House in Ohio, a “coworking and community space” for “women and gender-expansive people of color.”
-$3 million for the American LGBTQ+ Museum in New York City.
-$3.6 million for a Michelle Obama Trail in Georgia.
-$750k for the for “LGBT and Gender Non-Conforming housing” in Albany, New York.
-$856k for the “LGBT Center” in New York.
And have you noticed that our politicians often prefer to push these types of bills through just before major holidays when hardly anyone is paying attention?
No matter who we send to Washington, the story remains the same.
As long as our politicians are borrowing and spending trillions of dollars that we do not have, Fed officials won’t be able to win their war against inflation.
The Fed can send interest rates into the stratosphere, but inflation will continue to remain high because our politicians insist on showering the nation with giant mountains of cash.
We should all be deeply, deeply offended by what is happening, but most Americans simply do not know enough to care.
But once economic conditions get even worse than they were in 2008 and 2009, the majority of the U.S. population will become extremely angry.
Of course things could have turned out much differently if we had made better decisions during the years leading up to this crisis.
Unfortunately, we have run out of time to change course, and that means that a tremendous amount of pain is ahead for all of us.
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Death Of Nuclear Deal With Iran Adds To Biden’s Failures In U.S. Foreign Policy
When the Biden administration came into office it had promised to reenter into the JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran. Under Trump the U.S. had left the deal and had reissued sanctions against Iran. Tehran followed up by increasing its enrichment capabilities and by accumulating more enriched Uranium.
It would have been easy for Biden to immediately eliminate the sanctions and to rejoin the deal. Iran would surely have followed up by returning to the enrichment levels the deal allows for.
But Biden bungled the issue. For months nothing happened. Then he send negotiators to Iran who demanded additional concessions by Iran while offering less sanction relief. Iran rejected that. It demanded that Biden guarantees that the U.S. would stick to the deal under future administrations. The negotiations were drawn out and made little progress.
The European Union, which is part of the JCPOA deal, finally wrote a compromise draft agreement which was submitted to the Iranian negotiators in Vienna. Iran made some small changes to the draft and send it back. The EU foreign affairs representative Josep Borrell publicly said that Iran’s changes were “reasonable” and that he hoped for a quick U.S. agreement to the draft. But the Biden administration, which worried about the midterm elections, called the Iranian changes “not constructive” and rejected the draft agreement.
Meanwhile old accusation were re-raised over alleged finds of radioactive substances at two places that had never been part of Iran’s civil nuclear program. U.S. intelligence agrees that Iran never had a military nuclear program though it allegedly once studied how one could be set up. The IAEA demanded that Iran explains how the substances got there. Iran says it does not know. Further IAEA inspection demands were rejected and IAEA inspections of some elements of Iran’s enrichment facilities were limited.
The Biden administration had thought that, under sanction pressure, Iran would eventually succumb to its demands. That was a rather stupid miscalculation. The revolutionary Iran is not a country that succumbs to pressure.
Iran is still ready for a deal but Biden has given up:
Biden in newly surfaced video: Iran nuclear deal is “dead”
President Biden said on the sidelines of a Nov. 4 election rally that the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran is “dead,” but stressed the U.S. won’t formally announce it, according to a new video that surfaced on social media late Monday.Why it matters: It’s the strongest confirmation so far that the Biden administration believes there’s no path forward for the Iran deal, which leaves key questions about the future of Tehran’s nuclear program.
- In late October, U.S. envoy for Iran Rob Malley said that the administration is not going to “waste time” on trying to revive the Iran nuclear deal at this time considering Tehran’s crackdown on protesters, Iranian support for Russia’s war in Ukraine, and Iran’s positions on its nuclear program.
Driving the news: Biden made the remark in a short conversation with a woman who attended an election rally in Oceanside, California.
- The woman asked Biden to announce that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as the Iran deal is formally known, is dead.
- Biden responded that he would not “for a lot of reasons.”
- But then he added: “It is dead, but we are not gonna announce it. Long story.”
- The woman replied that the Iranian regime doesn’t represent the people. “I know they don’t represent you. But they will have a nuclear weapon that they’ll represent,” he said.
What they’re saying: “The JCPOA is not our focus right now. It’s not on the agenda,” a White House National Security Council spokesperson told Axios.
- “We don’t see a deal coming together anytime soon,” the spokesperson said, pointing to Iran’s crackdown on protesters and support for Russia in the war in Ukraine. “Our focus is on practical ways to confront them in these areas.”
The U.S. has supported the protests and arranged for the attacks on Iranian security personnel by armed ethnic Kurd and Baloch insurgents. It is the U.S. that had kept up the sanctions up. It is the U.S. that pushed the IAEA to investigate the old unfounded claims. Iran is free to sell and buy arms to and from whomever it wants.
If the U.S. really wants ‘practical ways to confront Iran’ over any of those issues it will have to fight against Iran. Without the JCPOA deal there will also be more pressure on Biden and whoever follows him to go to all out war against Iran. But Iran is well protected and its missiles can hurt a lot of U.S. installations and friends in the region. A war would likely end with huge damage to Iran and a U.S. retreat from the Middle East.
Iran will continue to increase its civil nuclear capabilities. But it is unlikely to start a military program to build nuclear weapons. Its religious leaders have decided that weapons of mass destruction are against their religious duties and beliefs.
President Obama had invested quite a lot to get the JCPOA done. One wonders what he thinks of Biden’s decision to not resurrect but to destroy his signature foreign policy achievement.
For other countries the U.S. behavior towards the nuclear deal demonstrates again that the U.S. is not-agreement-capable. That alone is already a huge failure for U.S. foreign policy.
Posted by b on December 20, 2022 at 17:47 UTC | Permalink
Breakfast Burritos
“These burritos are not just for breakfast, they are a great anytime snack, if you desire, these could be fully prepared, and stored in the fridge….just make sure to bake them 10-15 minutes longer, or they may be frozen, just thaw them before baking.”

- 1 (16 ounce) package frozen southern style hash brown potatoes
- 12 eggs
- 1⁄4 cup half-and-half cream or 1/4 cup milk
- salt and pepper (to taste)
- 1 large onion, chopped
- 1 medium green pepper, chopped
- 1⁄2 lb bulk pork sausage, browned and drained
- 12 (10 inch) flour tortillas
- 3 cups shredded cheddar cheese
- salsa (optional)
- Set oven to 350 degrees.
- In a large skillet, fry hash browns according to package directions; remove and set aside.
- In a large bowl beat eggs with milk; add chopped onion and green pepper, then season with salt and pepper.
- Pour the mixture into the same skillet; cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until eggs are set; remove from heat.
- Add the cooked hash browns and sausage; mix gently.
- Place about 3/4 cup filling on each tortilla; top with 1/4 cup cheese.
- Roll up, and place on a greased baking sheet.
- Bake, uncovered for 15-20 minutes, or until heated through.
- Serve with salsa if desired.

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U.S. Fleet of B-2 Stealth Bombers, GROUNDED
Very curious. Only a few weeks after the announcement of the latest United States stealth bomber. Very interesting. What a coincidence! -MM

The entire fleet of about twenty B-2 “Spirit” stealth heavy bomber aircraft has been GROUNDED INDEFINITELY by the U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command, after a B-2 suffered an in-flight emergency, then had a “mishap” upon landing at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, shown above.
Not only is the U.S. Air Force’s entire fleet of B-2 Spirits grounded, and the sole runway at their home base remains closed after one of the stealth bombers had a malfunction while flying and was forced to make an emergency landing Dec. 10.
The head of Global Strike Command, Gen. Timothy Ray, directed the “safety pause” to inspect the fleet after the incident, Master Sgt. Beth Del Vecchio of Bomb Wing Public Affairs told Defense One in an email.
“At this time, there is no speculated end date for the safety pause. Every incident is unique and we are currently evaluating what went wrong and how we can mitigate future risk. We will resume normal operations once a safety investigation has been concluded,” Del Vecchio said.
Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri “manages and employs” the Air Force’s B-2s. Its runway has been closed since the emergency landing; Del Vecchio said teams are “working around the clock” to get it reopened.
A Friday press release from the 509th Bomb Wing alluded to the stand-down, announcing that B-1B Lancer bombers would take the place of B-2s in the Rose Bowl and Rose Bowl Parade flyovers.
“Our No. 1 concern is the safety and security of our personnel and fleet,” the 509th bomber wing’s commander, Col. Daniel Diehl, said in that release. “Although we are not participating in this flyover, we remain steadfast in our commitment to answer our nation’s call.”
The B-2 is the U.S. military’s only stealthy nuclear-capable heavy bomber. The Air Force also operates several dozen nuclear-capable B-52 heavy bombers.
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What is your opinion? China fired back at Canada on Saturday for criticising Beijing’s national security law for Hong Kong, the second rebuke in a week that has added to strains of their bilateral ties. Do you support Canada’s democracy or China?
USA: China, look man, your recent security law about Hong Kong makes me displeased. I think you owe me an explanation.
China: Umm …US yes. Of course. Of course. Talking about that, how’s BLM going? Read in the papers there’s a lot of rioting and violence going on.
USA: Yah, whatever man. We’d handle it by ourselves. Don’t want your interference. Can we get back to the Hong Kong issue?
China: Oh yes, about that. Read there are cases of violent sexual abuse and even murder in the USA military which are willfully ignored by the seniors. I mean … Lavena Johnson’s case. Quite disturbing, really, on a purely humanitarian basis. What are you doing to solve these critical issues?
USA: I thought we were talking about Hong Kong security bill here! Why do you keep veering off topic?!
China: What? About that. Oh yes. I know where you’re coming from. It’s totally un-democratic and brutal to not respect the desires of a region and ruthlessly impose federal authority over it, right?
USA: Absolutely! That’s my man! So I was saying, we need to sort out that issue. I and UK and Canada here will review your bill and make sure it’s completely transparent and democratic. We good?
China (smiling): Totally bro. Totally! So yes. Heard the northern states beat the shit out of southern states during your civil war and refused them the right of secession. But since it was brave you, it must be completely authentic and de-Mock-rat-ic, right?
USA (visibly agitated): Goddamnit! I swear I’m going to punch you in the teeth right now. It’s bloody you we have to probe, not me. Not any white country at all for that matter!
UK (with a snobbish smug): It’s not about individual achichewds, gentlemen. It’s about the principles and standawds.
China (chuckling): Of course. Of course. So, I was just wondering. Did you grant freedom to Ireland? Or is it still a land of ire?
China: Exactly. That’s what I was saying.
Wonderful artwork

Russia Moving Trainloads into Belarus: S-400, Iskander Missiles, 70+ Tanks

After yesterday’s meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, a first in more than 3.5 years, there are noticeable developments. No surprise given that Putin was accompanied by Defense Minister Shoigu, Foreign Minister Lavrov and Kremlin Press Spokesman Dmitry Peskov.
Attendees from world media outlets took notice at exactly who was in the Russian entourage; the three top men from the Russian government and a rare foreign trip by the top Kremlin spokesman as well. There hasn’t been this level of high-ranking Russian officials to any single foreign meeting since . . . the Cold War.
Today, videos began emerging of trains carrying heavy armor into Belarus from Russia.
To sum this up, within the last 48 hours, Russia has sent AT LEAST 73 additional tanks by trains into Belarus, plus at least 20 Infantry Fighting Vehicles moving southward in Belarus toward Ukraine, and added S-400 air defense missiles and Iskander hypersonic missiles in Belarus near Ukraine.
Retired American colonel: Russia is stronger than all NATO countries combined
US Retired Colonel James W. McConnell is confident that Russia’s military tactics in Ukraine is “just what the doctor ordered.”
"The Russians have begun to destroy the Ukrainian lines of communications — the power grid, bridges, roads and railroads — without which Ukraine's forces can't be resupplied. Once the destruction of the lines of communication is completed, Russia's army, particularly its extensive artillery, will present Ukrainian forces with the unpleasant reality that they are vastly outgunned and outnumbered," James W. McConnell, former member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives wrote in an article published on the website of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.
The degree of “unpleasant reality” will depend on how far Russia wants to move west, he believes. The most likely option is that the Russians will want to take at least Nikolaev and Odessa regions in addition to the four regions that Russia) has already taken (Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions).
When Moscow achieves these goals, NATO will find itself in a difficult situation, in which the alliance will have to either recognize the victory of Russia, or engage in battle with the Russians, the retired colonel wrote in the article.
The North Atlantic Alliance, despite its undoubted military power, has very little chance of winning the war with Russia.
In support of his opinion — quite unexpected for a career US Air Force officer — McConnell admits:
Russia is the world leader in terms of air defense technology.
Russia’s S-400 air defense system is considered to be the world’s best system of this class. Turkey, a NATO member, has such systems at its disposal, but Russia has already modernized them to S-500. Moreover, S-500 systems have already been deployed at critical facilities in Russia.
Russia is five years ahead of the US in the field of hypersonic missile technology.
The United States is defenseless against Russian missiles that travel at hypersonic speeds and are capable of maneuvring during the flight path. The US is still at the stage of hypersonic tests, whereas Russia has already fielded four different hypersonic missiles from its existing families of missile systems — Kinzhal, Kalibr, Iskander and Zircon, let alone the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle.
"Should NATO enter a war with Russia, the US Navy's carrier task force in the Ionian Sea is an obvious Russian target. How can it successfully defend itself against Russia's simultaneous and probably massive hypersonic and conventional missile attack?" McConnell wonders. "Should the Russians sink a carrier task force, Taiwan would, for example, have to rethink any illusions it has about the US coming to its aid in a conflict with China and become far more amenable to a soft conquest similar to the Chinese takeover of Hong Kong," he continues.
Pentagon spends too much
McConnell admits that building new aircraft carriers is impossible as “building capable and survivable modern warships is a complex and time consuming process.”
Strangely enough, it is 850 army bases that the USA maintains around the world that have crippled America’s combat capability:
“Boots on the ground give the US influence of a sort the Navy can’t match and are essential to those who see the US as the world’s policeman. Inexcusably, the cost of these bases and the extended (and counterproductive) efforts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and now Ukraine, have come at the expense of the Navy and America’s defense,” James W. McConnell wrote.
Based on the above, he concluded:
"For the last twenty years, the Russians and the Chinese have sought to strengthen their armed forces while America's leadership has, on a bipartisan basis, been obsessed with the Middle East. As a result, a persuasive argument suggests the US is no longer unbeatable."
Hal Turner Editorial Opinion
Given the remarks of the Colonel above, and the facts reported in the story above that, whatever is coming, is not going to be small.
Will NATO burst-forth and get involved? Who knows?
Will POLAND go off on its own and enter Ukraine on its own? Unknown.
Whatever happens, it appears it will begin quite soon.
All the latest details on tonight’s Hal Turner Radio Show starting at 9:00 PM eastern US time tonight. Click the LISTEN ONLINE links in the menu bar above to tune-in free.
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Wait! They’re admitting the CRAZY TRUTH in this new spending bill
Stop Living Life “Paycheck to Paycheck”
In the realm of personal finance, living “paycheck to paycheck” means that you’re able to just cover your expenses with the money you have coming in, but never save or invest beyond that.
It’s an unfortunate positon to be in financially, and it also describes well the way in which many people live life in general.
When you metaphorically live life “paycheck to paycheck,” you do just enough each week to maintain your current existence. You take care of the urgent and outstanding tasks the neglect of which would disrupt the status quo, but you never take action on things that would improve and progress your situation. You thus remain stuck wherever you are.
Changing this pattern — tackling the proverbial project of “getting one’s life together” — can seem overwhelming. But it needn’t be. All it takes is completing one single to-do — one single task that moves your life forward, even slightly — each week.
Make the doctor’s appointment; choose a workout program; turn off notifications on your phone; send the job inquiry email; order underwear; text the invitation; find a recipe; take the pants to a tailor; replace the lightbulb.
Accomplishing just one task a week may not seem like much, until you realize that at the end of the year, you’ll have moved your life forward in 52 ways. That’s far better than living “paycheck to paycheck”; not only will these small-but-consistent steps put a little something away for you in “savings,” their accumulation will also garner interest, reaping dividends as the weeks become years, and the years become decades.
Russia Takes New Steps To Secures Its Western Border
With NATO expanding and increasing its bellicosity Russia needed to react. One move is the integration Belarus into its defense sphere. The other is an increase of its military force to cover new threats towards its northwest.
Belarus seems to be a small country when compared to Russia.

In June of 2020 we saw the first signs of a U.S. engineered ‘color revolution’ in Belarus. At the beginning of August the protests took off. But just two weeks later the attempt to overthrow the long term leader of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, was ended. Russia had come to the rescue of the Belorussian government after it had agreed to finally implement the Union State:
In 1999 Russia and Belarus signed a treaty to form a Union State out of Russia and Belarus. It would include free movement, a common defense and economic integration as well as a union parliament. But since then Lukashenko has dragged his feet on the issue. At the end of the last year Putin pressed him again to finally execute the deal. When Lukashenko rejected that Putin shut off the country’s economic lifeline from Russia. Belarus did no longer receive subsidized Russian oil that it could refine and sell at market prices to the ‘west’. Lukashenko then tried to make nice with the ‘west’. He bought U.S. fracking oil. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo came to Minsk. In March the U.S. reopened its embassy in Belarus.
But now the ‘west’ which Lukashenko had tried to coddle with is trying to get him killed. Every U.S. embassy is also a U.S. regime change base. He would have been better off without one.
As he was the target of an ongoing U.S. led regime change operation, and with economic pressure in direct sight, Lukashenko obviously needed help. Today he finally wised up and capitulated to Moscow on the Union State issue.
It did not take long for Putin to respond. Some 6 hours after the above Reuters report the Kremlin published a note about a Telephone conversation with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko (emphasis added):
Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at the initiative of the Belarusian side.Alexander Lukashenko informed Vladimir Putin about the developments following the presidential election in Belarus. Both sides expressed confidence that all existing problems will be settled soon. The main thing is to prevent destructive forces from using these problems to cause damage to mutually beneficial relations of the two countries within the Union State.
In connection with the return to Russia of 32 people who were previously detained in Belarus, a positive assessment was given to close cooperation of the relevant agencies in this regard.
They also agreed on further regular contacts at various levels, and reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening allied relations, which fully meets the core interests of the fraternal nations of Russia and Belarus.
It seems to me that Putin accepted the deal. Lukashenko, and his police, will not hang from a pole. Russia will take care of the problem and the Union State will finally be established.
That does not mean that the color revolution attempt is over. The U.S. and its lackey Poland will not just pack up and leave. But with the full backing from Russia assured, Lukashenko can take the necessary steps to end the riots.
Since then there have been several meetings between Lukashenko and Putin and important parts of Union State agreement have been implemented. Two days ago the latest summit took place in Minsk. In a press conference both leaders empathized their economic cooperation but also mentioned defense issues. With the war in Ukraine ongoing and potential NATO involvement these have become increasingly important.
Belarus has received a number of high end weapon systems and, as Putin announced, will also soon be able to use Russian nukes:
I would like to remind you that, as part of the consistent implementation of the Russia-Belarus military doctrine, we work on joint military planning and have an operational Russia-Belarus regional force grouping. Our countries’ divisions and military units currently undergo coordination training in Belarus. We have created a joint air defence system that is already on combat duty. We have agreed to continue taking all necessary measures to ensure the security of our countries, prioritising training of the troops, improving their combat readiness and continuing the practice of regular joint exercise and other operational and combat training events, mutual supplies of essential weapons and producing new military equipment together.I believe it is also possible to continue implementing President Lukashenko’s proposal on training the Belarusian Army combat aircraft crews that have been re-equipped for potential use of air-launched ammunition with special warheads. I want to stress that this form of cooperation is not our invention. For example, the United States have conducted similar activities with their NATO allies for decades. These coordinated measures are extremely important in view of the tensions at the external borders of the Union State.
Lukashenko was a bit more specific:
A special thank you, and not just on my behalf or on the part of the military, for fulfilling your promise. Today, an S-400 complex you transferred to Belarus was put on combat duty. Even more importantly, we received an Iskander complex you promised us six months ago.You have just raised a very sensitive issue, approaching it with great caution. However, you were right to note that we were not the ones who started it. I am talking about training our air force crews in handling special weapons and special warheads. I must tell you that we have prepared our aircraft. It turns out we have had these planes since the Soviet era. We tested them in the Russian Federation and are now working with the Russians to train our crews to pilot planes carrying special warheads. By doing so we are not threatening anyone. I have informed you on several occasions, including during our meetings in St Petersburg, Moscow and in Sochi, that we have major concerns regarding what you call tension along the borders of the Union State, primarily in the West. We felt the need to ensure the security of the Belarusian state. You have made a resolute and very important step to support Belarus. Once again, thank you very much.
Belarus is now protected by a first class long range air defense system, the S-400. It has medium range precision strike capabilities due to Iskander missiles. The air and ground forces of the two militaries are now under a common command. Belorussian planes will soon be able to use nuclear armed missiles and cruise missiles against NATO ground targets.
The Belorussian military is quite small. Its army has only 40,000 soldiers of which less then half are potential frontline units. This is one reason why Belarus is unlikely to join the war in Ukraine. It has long borders with NATO countries that need protection and, without activating reservists, the number of troops it has are barely enough for that purpose. But an Iskander missile fired from Belarus can cover all of Poland which is now NATO’s main concentration area for an eventual escalation.
With Russia now backing it Belarus can feel secure. To Russia the Union State means that it has secured an additional 500 kilometer of buffer zone between NATO borders and Moscow.
The move will be welcome in Russia but it does not solve all of Russia’s NATO problems. The entering of Sweden and Finland into the U.S. proxy organization has created new ones. It is the reason why the Russian Minister of Defense today announced a significant expansion of the Russian military:
During a Russian Defense Ministry meeting on Wednesday, Shoigu proposed a number of measures to strengthen the security of the Russian Federation, including creating a special grouping of troops on the country’s northwestern border and expanding Russia’s armed forces to amount to 1.5 million servicemen in total, with some 695,000 of them being contract soldiers.Shoigu’s comments come as Helsinki and Stockholm have submitted bids to join NATO, citing a perceived threat from Russia in light of its ongoing military operation in Ukraine.
Shoigu went on to suggest creating a number of new military groupings, including five new artillery divisions, eight bomber aviation regiments, and one fighter regiment, as well as six army aviation brigades.
Previously the Russian military had about 1 million soldiers. Altogether this is a very significant increase with a lot of punching power. Such a growth of manpower and the acquiring the necessary equipment will take at least five years.
I seriously doubt that NATO will be able to match it.
Posted by b on December 21, 2022 at 17:25 UTC | Permalink
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The U.S. Has Spawned An Entire Generation Of “Kidults” That Simply Refuse To Grow Up
Do you know any adults that still live at home with their parents? If you are like most Americans, you probably know lots of them. Sadly, that is because the percentage of young adults that are living with at least one parent has been trending upwards for decades. Of course the cost of housing is one factor that is driving this phenomenon. At one point in 2022, housing was more unaffordable than it had ever been in the entire history of our country. So the truth is that many of the multi-generational households that exist today have formed due to economic necessity. But in other cases, “kidults” that simply refuse to grow up have moved back home with Mom and Dad because it is easier than trying to live independently.
Thanks to the “kidult” trend, approximately half of all U.S. adults in the 18 to 29-year-old age bracket are currently living with at least one parent…
In July 2022, half of adults ages 18 to 29 were living with one or both of their parents. This was down from a recent peak of 52% in June 2020 but still significantly higher than the share who were living with their parents in 2010 (44% on average that year) or 2000 (38% on average).
So what do parents think about all of this?
Well, some like it, but even more don’t like it…
The share of adult children who live with their parents has ticked up in recent years. This just in: The parents don’t like it.
A recent Pew survey found two-fifths of dads believe parents hosting adult children is bad for society, while only 12 percent think it’s a good thing. Moms agree, albeit to a lesser degree.
Overall, the Pew survey discovered that Americans have very mixed feelings about this phenomenon…
Over a third of Americans (36%) say that more young adults living with their parents is bad for society, while 16% say it is good for society. Nearly half of Americans (47%) say it doesn’t make a difference.
Of course every story is different.
Some adults are living at home because they just cannot afford homes of their own.
These days, millions of young people graduate from college with massive amounts of debt, and when all of that debt forces them to go back to living with their parents they are referred to as “boomerang kids”.
If you are a young person that has been financially crippled by student loan debt, I certainly don’t blame you for trying to save money so that you can turn your life around.
Ultimately, trying to get out of debt is a really good thing.
But of course there are millions of other young adults that simply refuse to grow up.
In fact, they have become so numerous that the toy industry has created a special term for them. They are called “kidults”, and these days they are spending billions of dollars on toys…
There are two things keeping the toy industry afloat right now: inflation and a consumer group known as “kidults.”
These kids at heart are responsible for one-fourth of all toy sales annually, around $9 billion worth, and are the biggest driver of growth throughout the industry, according to data from the NPD Group.
Have you ever met an adult that has a special room for all of his Star Wars collectibles?
If so, then you probably have a really good idea of the type of person that I am talking about.
“Kidults” are shelling out so much money for toys that toy companies have actually begun to create “product lines just for these consumers”…
Kidults, who tend to spend more on toys, have a great fondness for cartoons, superheroes and collectibles that remind them of their childhood. They buy merchandise such as action figures, Lego sets and dolls that might typically be considered “for kids.” However, in recent years, toy makers have created product lines just for these consumers, realizing that demand is high for this generation of adults who still want to have fun.
I am all for having fun.
But this is getting ridiculous.
Sadly, men are much more likely to be “kidults” than women are.
Needless to say, this is one of the reasons why many women find it so difficult to find someone suitable to marry.
The labor force participation rate for men has been trending down for decades, and meanwhile the labor force participation rate for women has been trending up for decades.
Of course the systematic emasculation of the male population is another reason why this has been happening, but that is a topic for another article.
Once upon a time, it was extremely unusual for an able-bodied male to be doing nothing if he was capable of working.
But now we have millions upon millions of men that have simply dropped out of the labor force completely.
Some of those men are now living with their parents, and that isn’t good for our society.
Unfortunately, as economic conditions deteriorate, even more young adults will move back home with Mom and Dad. According to a Wall Street Journal poll that was just released, approximately two-thirds of Americans believe that “the nation’s economic trajectory is headed in the wrong direction”…
A majority of voters think the economy will be in worse shape in 2023 than it is now and roughly two-thirds say the nation’s economic trajectory is headed in the wrong direction, the latest Wall Street Journal poll shows.
The survey, conducted Dec. 3-7, suggests a recent burst of positive economic news—moderating gas prices and a slowing pace of inflation—haven’t altered the way many feel about the risk of a recession, something many economists have forecast as likely.
The coming year is definitely going to be quite rough, and the outlook for beyond that is even worse.
As the economy crumbles and global events spiral out of control, we are going to need men to be men.
But a lot of the “kidults” out there simply don’t want to be men, and that is extremely unfortunate.
Take a Homeric Bath
One of the things I love about the Iliad and the Odyssey is that I always notice new things when I re-read them.
During my last read-through, the importance of baths in both Homeric works stuck out to me.
In Homer, the bath serves as a ritual in several ways. In both the Iliad and the Odyssey, warriors returning from the battlefield take baths to wash the gore and grime of battle off themselves physically and spiritually. In this instance, the bath serves as a purification ritual.
We see this most dramatically in the Iliad after Odysseus and Diomedes kill the Thracian king Rhesus in a night operation. They return to the Greek camp, jump in the ocean to wash off their sweat, and then get into a brass bathtub for a soak. After lolling about in the tub, they anoint themselves with oil.
The bath also plays a vital role in the ancient Greek concept of hospitality, or xenia. Xenia required that Greeks accept anyone into their home who came a-knocking — including strangers. Before a host could even ask a guest his name or where he was from, he was to offer the stranger food, drink, and a bath. Only after the guest had supped and soaked could the host inquire about his identity.
We particularly see the bath of hospitality in the Odyssey. Odysseus’ son, Telemachus, gets a welcoming bath from Nestor, and Odysseus receives a pleasant and rejuvenating bath from the Phaeacians after he washes up on shore.
The bath is also a ritual of homecoming and transition. When a Homeric hero returns home, the first thing he does is take a bath. The bath becomes a ritual that allows the warrior or adventurer to transition from the public world of effort, danger, and striving to a private world of personal and domestic interests.
What’s interesting about these Homeric homecoming baths is that they’re often scenes where a hero’s true identity is revealed. The bath becomes a way for a man to take off both his literal helmet and his metaphorical mask and show his closest confidants who he really is. The bath allows a Homeric hero to let down his hair and be himself. It makes him vulnerable.
The vulnerability of the homecoming and transition bath didn’t turn out very well for Agamemnon. His wife murdered him while he was taking his return-home soak.
But a hospitality-turned-homecoming bath worked out great for Odysseus. When he returns to Ithaca, he does so in disguise and encounters his wet nurse, Eurycleia. Practicing good xenia, Eurycleia offers the travel-weary stranger a foot bath. While washing Odysseus’ feet, she notices the scar just above his knee that he got while boar hunting and recognizes the stranger for who he really is: her master Odysseus.
We see the bath as a ritual of homecoming and recognition again in the Odyssey after Odysseus slaughters the freeloading suitors in his palace. He takes a bath to clean the blood from his body, but also as a way to transition back into being the head of his household. Robert Fagles’ translation of the Odyssey describes Odysseus’ last bath as follows:
The great-hearted Odysseus was home again at last.
The maid Eurynome bathed him, rubbed him down with oil
and drew around him a royal cape and choice tunic too.
And Athena crowned the man with beauty, head to foot,
made him taller to all eyes, his build more massive,
yes, and down from his brow the great goddess
ran his curls like thick hyacinth clusters
full of blooms. As a master craftsman washes
gold over beaten silver—a man the god of fire
and Queen Athena trained in every fine technique—
and finishes off his latest effort, handsome work . . .
so she lavished splendor over his head and shoulders now.
He stepped from his bath, glistening like a god,
and back he went to the seat that he had left
Bathed and restored to his former glory, Odysseus has his famous reunion with Penelope, in which she recognizes her long-lost husband.
Taking a Homeric Bath as a Ritual of Homecoming and Transition in Your Own Life
We typically think of women taking baths to unwind. But as discussed above, the bath has been used by dudes for millennia to relax and rejuvenate. It’s time we reclaim it, particularly in its Homeric form.
While most of us aren’t out there running spears through people’s necks or slicing out livers like Homeric warriors, we could all use more rituals of transition.
During the workday, we’re elbowing our way through the hustle and bustle of public life. Work requires us to put on figurative armor to deal with the slings and arrows of demanding customers and co-workers and unforeseen mishaps and friction. While only some of us get physically dirty with our work, most of us probably feel a bit of psychological grime on ourselves after a stressful day at the office.
Even though we don’t want to bring that stress home to our families and friends, we often do, as we don’t make a meaningful transition between wearing one hat for our professional roles and donning another in our private ones. This is particularly true for those who work from home; when you go to the office, you at least have the commute as a kind of passage between work life and home life. For those who WFH, the former and latter completely bleed together.
A bath can serve as a pivot point between the two modes of being — a way to wash off the psychological gunk of acting and behaving for others so you can shift into your private self.
After you come home from the office, or after finishing your at-home work day, take a bath before you head into the rest of the evening.
If taking an end-of-the-workday bath is impractical because you’ve got a family who wants your attention as soon as you walk through the door, take your bath after the kids go to bed to mark the transition between the time you dedicate to others and the couple of hours you get to yourself.
If you don’t have time for a daily bath, take one on Friday nights to decompress from the previous days’ stress and mark the transition from the workweek to the weekend.
As far as what a 21st-century Homeric bath looks like, while you probably aren’t in a position to have a maidservant and goddess on hand to soap you up, you can still turn your bath into an intentional, relaxing ritual.
Fill a tub with hot water. Put in some Epsom salts, scented perhaps with lavender or eucalyptus. Light a candle. Decompress.
After soaking for 15 minutes or so, dry off with a nice towel and put on a cozy bathrobe. Anoint yourself with oil . . . or just some Gold Bond lotion.
Slip into some comfortable non-work clothing and go engage in the personal pursuits of your choosing. Hang out with friends. Spend time with family. Work on your hobbies. You’ve sloughed off the garbage of the workaday world and transitioned to private life.
Life’s hard. We got to find ways to decompress and relax. Exercise, meditation, and sleep should all play a role in that restorative process. But don’t forget the Homeric bath.
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The Unvaxxed Are Horrible Drivers! Claims New Study
The USA is truly fucked up!
Impossible to un-fuck-up.
Braciola – Braciole (Italian Stuffed Beef Rolls)
“Wonderful cheese-stuffed beef rolls simmered in pasta sauce. A great Sunday afternoon meal. I serve with a side of pasta and fresh steamed veggies.”

- 1 lb top round steak
- 4 slices mozzarella cheese
- 1⁄4 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
- 2 tablespoons garlic powder
- salt and pepper, to taste
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 28 ounces pasta sauce
- Pound the steak very thin and cut into 4 pieces.
- Place a slice of mozzarella on each piece, then top with parmesan, garlic powder, salt and pepper.
- Roll each piece up tightly and secure with a string.
- Heat the olive oil in a large nonstick skillet and brown the rolls evenly on each side.
- Drop them in your favorite pasta sauce and allow them to simmer for 2 hours or until tender and cooked through. (The meat will add a wonderful flavor to your sauce!).
- Remove the strings and serve.
- (Alternative: Assemble and brown the beef rolls the night before and store them in the fridge. Then drop the rolls and the sauce in your crockpot and cook on low for 8 hours the next day).

TikTok is much like 4Chan. It has a huge amount of shit/filler that you can waste years of your life upon, but it does have uncensored, unfiltered, raw truths that Vault 7 and the feds cannot fully control.
That being said, I will still not touch TikTok because I would easily get lost in the heavy amounts of shitposting and overabundant twerk dance videos that saturate much of the site.
The Chinese version; DouXing is much cleaner. More wholesome.
I am one of these Kidults.
The funny thing was that despite my adoptive father was non existent in my life (very passive towards me and highly argumentive with my stepmother,) I actually had a strong Father figure to teach me how to be autonomous, self-respecting, and capable of living on my own.
But, because of my mental impediments and illnesses along with how absolutely oppressive Western Society is towards men like me, it was impossible for me to have a long lasting job and a steady flow of income that allowed me to move out of my NYC apartment and live autonomously in my own property.
In addition to that, I was addicted to video games, cumming, and lacked any form of discipline due to having never being properly raised (my family is highly abusive and, likely, paranoid-schizophrenic).
I do not have any more shame about how I ended up. I can now just make prayer affirmations to realign my life.