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Women HATE convertibles

During college, a very good male friend and I decided to take a road-trip from Minneapolis, where we both studied, to Boston, during Spring Break.

One of our stops was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

We had parked our car and were walking around the downtown area when we stood at a crosswalk and waited for the light to turn green so we could get to the other side of the street.

Once green, we began crossing (we were the only ones on the street at the time), when we see a police car drive up on our left, to the crosswalk and stop while we are crossing it.

The driver, a uniformed police officer, and the only one in the car, began yelling at us asking why are we crossing the street.

I told him that we were going to check out the restaurant across the way (I didn’t understand why he asked that and answered innocently).

He began to yell loudly that we are crossing at a red light and are behaving recklessly.

My friend and I, not wanting to be rude to an officer in uniform, simply stood there in shock and pointed at the green light that was in front of us.

The officer didn’t bother looking and kept yelling at us that perhaps we were being rude because he was in an unmarked car and we didn’t realize he is a police officer.

As mentiobed, this man was in uniform, sitting in a very noticeable police car, nothing unmarked about it.

My friend and I were standing there, in the middle of the crosswalk, not able to come up with anything to say in exchange because it was so ridiculous.

My friend began yelling back that we had a green light, and that he had the red light, but before finishing, I nudged him to stop and told the officer that we are really sorry, and kept apologizing.

The officer seemed to calm down and we continued to cross the street while the officer waited for his light to turn green.

It was truly bizarre.

My friend and I began dating shortly after that, and have now been married around 20 years, and we still laugh at that weird exchange, though we did not think it was funny at the time.

My dad was putting gas in the car.

I was standing on the opposite side of it.

I went to throw trash away at the trash can across from me.

Out of nowhere, a car came barreling off the road and into the gas station faster than any car should ever drive in that tight of a space.

I froze.

I felt the car fly past me within what may have been a foot or two feet from me, but it felt like inches …

That’s when I see an otherwise placid dad turn from human to enraged Silverback Gorilla.

He picked up a rock and threw it as hard as he could and started running after them.

Suddenly, the car was engulfed by multiple police cars that apparently were chasing it.

When we got back in the car, I asked him why he threw a rock at their car.

He said:

“I wanted them to come back and fight me! They almost hit my kid driving like an idiot! I was not going to let them get away with it!”

You could hear the indignation in his voice and see the fire in his eyes.

Someone messed with his little boy, and he was ready to go to war to protect him.

That little boy was me.

I never felt so safe and secure as I did in that moment with him.

My father’s act of impulsive, selfless love for his child was the most badass thing my parent has ever done.

Green Garlic Chili

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  • 3 pounds fresh pork, cubed in small pieces or coarsely ground
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 3 cloves fresh garlic
  • Salt and white pepper to taste
  • 1 large onion
  • 6 to 8 fresh New Mexico green chiles or 2 to 4 small cans whole green chiles, chopped
  • 3 large fresh, home grown green tomatoes


  1. Heat oil in heavy Dutch oven or stainless pot. Cook pork until it is white and braised on all sides.
  2. Remove pork from pot.
  3. Sauté whole, peeled cloves of garlic and onion in oil until onion is clear.
  4. Chop tomatoes and green chiles; add them to the onion-garlic mix. Sauté . Put pork back into the pot. Add enough water to cover and simmer, covered, for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours, until pork is done and chili is thick. You may need to add more water during the cooking process. Stir to prevent sticking.
  5. Serve in flour tortillas with plenty of picante sauce.

Appreciation matters

My daughter. She was 20 and a serious smoker.

She was on her way to Florence for her junior semester abroad. We were at the departure gate at JFK, and I offered her money to quit smoking. A hundred bucks a week. Don’t tell your mother.

She said, “Dad, I’m going to be living in Italy. I can’t quit now.”

She flew off to Florence. Smoked. Fit right in.

Cut to six months later. She’s back in the states. “Hey Dad, are you still willing to pay me to quit smoking?”

“Yes. Here’s the deal. I’ll put $5000 in the bank for you every year, and if you’re still not smoking in five years, you can have the $25,000. Or you can let it ride, and we’ll go another five years, another $25,000. Don’t tell your mother.”

The backup bribe was because I was afraid she’d take the 25 Grand and go back to smoking. The “Don’t tell your mother” was partly because I didn’t think my wife would approve, and partly because bribes by their very nature are most effective when they’re shrouded in secrecy.

My daughter quit smoking on April 1, 1996. On April 1, 2001 she claimed the $25,000. She needed it to pay off her credit card habit. But it’s been 20 plus years, and she never picked up another cigarette.

Moral: Teach your children well. If they can’t learn, bribe them. It works.

Women aren’t wives today

1. Men have higher rates of death from suicide and homicides than women, with the highest risk among younger men.

2. Male emotions are different than female emotions, but just as complex and powerful.

3. Studies suggest men may have better self-control than women.

4. Men generally experience stronger gender role pressure, particularly around achievement

and ambition.

5. Men’s cortisol levels tend to increase in competitive and hierarchical situations, allowing them to react quicker to danger or pressure.

6. Male brain cells tend to be larger than female brain cells.

7. Men often talk less than women, yet make up 75% of political speeches worldwide.

8. Studies suggest that men are more susceptible to memory-loss with age.

9. Men experience greater impairment from the effects of alcohol than women.

10. Men have a stronger desire for physical stimulation than women.

From these psychological facts, we can conclude that males have unique physical, psychological, and emotional characteristics. These aspects make them who they are and can be both positive and challenging at times. Although, they can still provide us with a better understanding of the human experience.

A lot of money

Has Mao Zedong been the victim of superficial propaganda that vilified him excessively?

This question is too big. I can only show you a tiny little corner of Mao’s work.

In 1947, LIFE magazine employed a young American reporter, Jack Birns

, to Shanghai to report on China’s civil war. Shanghai, at that time, was like a heaven: this one city is far, far, richer than the rest of China. It had 4 million residents and consumed half of the total electricity generated in China. Half. And the expats were indeed having a reasonably good time in Shanghai, as photographed by Jack Birns. Here is a photo of an expat with Chinese girls.

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And not far away, here is a city sanitary worker picking up trash. Also photographed by Jack Birns.

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Yes, that was a dead child you see there. Starved to death. And here is a newspaper article on Oct. 27, 1940, reporting that the night temperature dropped to 39.9 degrees fahrenheit, which was about 4.5 degrees celsius, which resulted in 74 people frozen to death in one of the Shanghai districts. Just one of the districts. Half of China is north of Shanghai.

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And here is the photograph Jack Birns took, of the execution of suspected communist sympathizers. The photograph was never published, of course, because the owner of the LIFE magazine, Henry Luce, was a devoted anti-communist and did not want to show the KMT government committing atrocities.

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You think this is bad? NOOOOO, this was what heaven looked like in China in 1947, in the richest city, the one tiny spot of China that consumed half of the total electricity generation in China. On only 4 million residents. What about the other 500 million Chinese?

The head of the International Famine Relief Commission estimated that 3 – 7 million Chinese die of famine every year. The Northwest China famine, 1928-1930  Driven by starvation, people resorted to cannibalism. China’s population grew from 430 million in 1850 to 580 million in 1953. China’s Demographic Evolution 1850-1953 Reconsidered

That’s an annual population growth rate of < 0.3% a year, in an age with no contraception and everybody was having 6+ kids. (BTW, by the time Mao died in 1976, China’s population had reached 930 million, grew by 350 million in 21 years, that’s a growth rate of ~ 3%. Compare this with the previous 100 years, and you’ll get the real total death rate of the previous century in China, which would be around 15 million a year.)

You think this is bad? NOOOOO, if you go to China’s countryside, you will often see something like this

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I ran across this photo on the internet. It’s a tombstone issued by the government in praise of a young girl’s good virtue. Her name was not on the tombstone, because girls didn’t have names. Her fiance died before the wedding, so her family carried her to her fiance’s house, had her stood on top of his coffin, strangled her, and put her inside the coffin, to be buried with her fiance, the man she had never seen, never met, never known in life. On the back of the tombstone are the names of the male relatives of her family and her fiance’s family, etched in stone as a perpetual sign of great virtue.

How does this compare with Afghanistan? with Pakistan? With Saudi Arabia?

This was the China that Mao took over. 80% illiterate. 35 years of average life expectancy, and GDP per capita was $52 in 1952. Historical GDP of China

And if the men got a bit of money, the first thing they’d want to do was to open his own opium den and go buy himself a 12-year-old concubine.

Mao changed all that in a most profound way, despite 21 years of the most comprehensive Western embargo. 400 categories of products, including medicine, farming, and fishing equipment, were under embargo from 1950 to 1971. Without the fertilizers, Chinese farm yield was abysmally low. Without the medicine, the Chinese was under constant threat of small pox, malaria, and the plague. U.S. Ends Ban on China Trade

This was what Mao had in his hands. He started with clearing the country of bandits and opium, trained peasants on basic healthcare, and implemented universal, compulsory education. The government has the obligation to educate, and all children, boy or girl, have the obligation to learn, period.

This is the first set of China’s currency issued in 1960, featuring the first woman tractor driver.

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Today China has women astronauts,

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fighter jet pilots,

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SWAT teams,

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billionaires, China is home to two-thirds of the world’s self-made female billionaires

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construction workers,

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and Nobel Prize winners.

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Generals, admirals, politicians, CEOs, firefighters. There is literally no job in China that people think women can’t do. This is the same people that a mere 70 years ago bound women’s feet and refused to let women go outside of their homes, wouldn’t even bother giving girls their own names. Foot binding

Mao didn’t just change the country. He changed the people.

But these individual examples are not as important as the overall statistics here: China has one of the highest women labor participation rate, and one of the highest rate of education for women.

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So this is the way Mao understood Women’s Liberation: It’s not about clothes, not about sex, not about additional protection, not about some guy opening doors for ladies, but about strength – the strength of knowledge, of professional careers, of independence, of character, so that a woman can run her own life, and tell even the Pope himself to go f*ck off if she so desires. This, is Liberation.

And here is the thing about Mao: a lot of the stuff he did, nobody else has been able to do, even today, 40 years after he died. What I wrote here, is just a tiny little corner of his work. So you think you can do what Mao did easily? Well congratulations, we have just the right little problem for you to solve. Afghanistan is 100 times richer and the people healthier and more educated than China was in 1950. The country has only 30 million people, instead of 600 million. There is no embargo. Instead, there is a lot of financial aid. You want to go try your hands? NATO has been there for 15 years, what do they have to show for it? War is still going on. Opium production is at all-time high. Women walk around in tents. And little boys are still being f*cked in the arse. Bacha bazi

So go. Go there and make it into another China. Show us what you can do. Show us you can do what Mao did without the loss of a single life. Show us you can do better. Or try Iraq. Or South Sudan. Or Yemen. All of these countries are hundreds of times better than China was in 1950.

So going back to the original question, is Mao vilified excessively. I can only say this: he had done great things, and he had done quite a few things wrong. He did not do many favors to the West, but he was very straight forward and truthful about it. He didn’t lie about it. He didn’t steal. He didn’t pretend friendship. He didn’t kiss ass. Neither did he intend to harm any people or any other country. He intended to modernize China, and even more, modernize the Chinese people. He wanted to do those things that would benefit the Chinese people for the next hundreds of generations. He would have laughed at any vilification from foreigners, and thought he must be doing something right. He would not have liked the vilification from the Chinese people, but he would have ground his teeth and trudged on, if he were convinced that this was what China needed for the next 1,000 years.

PS: I want to reply to some of the comments regarding Mao’s faults. He had a lot of those too, the most glaring being a weakness for pseudoscience and sycophancy. But that’s not the question being asked here. And I doubt anybody can write a comprehensive review of Mao on Quora. It’ll be too big.

But the point I want to make is not about Mao. It’s about the fact that some aspect of “tradition” or “culture” or “religion” is harmful, and people who espouse those are just plain wrong, and most of the current crop of political leaders are pussyfooting about it, unwilling to deal with the fact that in certain places, it’s the PEOPLE themselves that need to be modernized. Any tradition or culture or religion the keep 50% of a country’s productivity off the table, or keep 50% of the brain power off the grid, can not possibly compete with other countries. Mao and the CCP were willing to deal with it and re-shape the culture to the right path. The other politicians today are willing to put up with medieval culture as long as it’s called “tradition” or “culture” or religion”, and this is going to keep the society down for the next millennium. Some things benefit the society if they live in a museum, and harm the society if they live in real life.

Wholesome Daughter

From a Canadian

Well boys, I’m required to get back to Canada very soon, and I will. But I gotta be perfectly honest with you. I have zero desire to go back — absolute zero. I want to live in China forever.

I feel like I’ve visited not another country, but another planet. Planet China. The next level of human civilization.

And the quality of life, especially in terms of social life and cultural and aesthetic surroundings? No comparison.

Now a couple of decades ago, any Westerner could’ve come to China and been regarded as a top asset. There were no standards back then, anyone foreign was good. That’s no longer the case. Today China is hyper-developed. It’s just plain superior to us. This is no tankie stuff, I can look anyone in the eye and state this as a fact. I spent two weeks in one of China’s lowest-GDP provinces, coming from what is supposed to be one of the best countries in the world. And I am honestly intimidated by all the massive wealth, almost alien technology, absolutely stunning architecture and ubiquitous beauty, and brilliant administration I’ve witnessed.

I’ve seen so many things that don’t exist in Canada, nor in any other Western country to the best of my knowledge. And I have no special skills that the central government or prestigious employers would want. I’m practically a backpacker.

But not all of China is hyper-developed. I got a warm welcome from local authorities in small cities I visited. They told me if I finish a degree and get a visa, they’d be glad to give me a job. They even said China needs me and I’d be loved here.

Equality vs. Chivalry

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