2023 09 04 17 12

Yearning to be more

“Just when you think it can’t possibly get any worse, it suddenly does” : Douglas Adams

Thirty years ago I subscribed to the “PT News” which was a weekly magazine listing thousands of job opportunities for contract work with a Per Diem bonus. I lived in a class “A” motor home and moved (for a brief while) from job opportunity to job opportunity.

Then, I would eat pizza more often than not, and enjoy a Duncan Donuts coffee and a chocolate frosted cake donuts every morning. I was married. Had cats. No children.

Most of my belongs were in a storage locker two days drive from where I lived.

I daydreamed about inventions, and gadgets. Watched Star Trek, and listened to progressive music. I was active in Majestic, and endured a cubicle worker lifestyle.

I was terribly stressed out. Took anti-anxiety medications. And cared for a wife who mentally ill in a serious way.

Now I live in China. Different environment, and wholly different culture.

Today, I commute to my office and watch Douxing videos. I communicate by wechat, and eat zhoufen and doujiang for breakfast. My daughter is in Kindergarten, and I drive a hybrid Japanese car. I no longer have any pets.

Sound great, eh: I own multiple homes. Run multiple companies. It’s not as great as you would think.

More of a pain-in-the-ass than anything else. Do not yearn or lust for what you Think the lifestyle you believe others live. The reality might surprise you.

Reality is very often something OTHER than what we envision.

I often think about my life, and my parents who are dead.

I miss my little kitty cats. I miss those little guys.

Texie. Phelie. Leonardo. Blue Thunder. Heather. Snowball.

So many kitties. I want to name them all, but it would just bore you all.

Occasionally I wonder about my ex-wife, but I know she’s a lost cause. She’s too ill. Too gone.

I look at a life of mistakes, failures and an occasional victory or two, and I wonder about it all… Often over a cup of coffee.

Instead of a cherry pie, though, I eat with some toasted peanut butter longhorn toast. (It’s a HK thing,)

And, by the way, I spend way too much time commuting.

Truth, this.

And, of course, not to mention being on my blog, my you-tube channels and Patreon. My time is not effectively being utilized.

I’ve got to make some changes.

My time could and should be better utilized.

My pleasures include boxing with my daughter, playing basketball with her, and watching Totoro on the computer.

But yet, I daydream about cruising in my GTO and listening to Boston. I daydream of being with my old kitty buddies. And I day dream of a much simpler time.

A time of climbing trees, going “bottle collecting” in the woods, walking the old rusty railroad tracks, and coming home to my mothers kitchen with a pot of spaghetti cooking all day…

And we are VIP in more restaurants, spa’s, and massage centers than I want to be. VIP is a “thing” in China. More common than you might otherwise think. Ah. It’s not as cracked up as you would think.

Changes are part of life, but it is our ability to roll with the changes that define who we are.

Today, I started deleting my most potentially controversial you-tube videos. I just came out of a “first strike”, and I do not want to be controversial. It is, after all, the United States that is home for you-Tube.

Mention Jeffrey Epstein, anything bad about Ukraine, anything good about China… you get blocked.


Freedom of the press – American style

2023 08 23 11 41
2023 08 23 11 41

Strategic Culture.org and SouthFront.org both lost their (dot) .org domains this past week. Now they can be found by replacing their former suffix .org with (dot) .su, a Russian-based domain.

Strategic Culture.su


Do you remember Gaddafi?

GADDAFI (2011): “Now, I am under attack by the biggest force in military history. My little African son, Obama, wants to kill me, to take away the freedom of our country, to take away our free housing, our free medicine, our free education, our free food, and replace it with American style thievery, called “capitalism.” But all of us in the Third World know what that means, it means corporations run the countries, run the world, and the people suffer. So, there is no alternative for me, I must make my stand, and if Allah wishes, I shall die by following his path, the path that has made our country rich with farmland, with food and health…

I do not wish to die, but if it comes to that, to save this land, my people, all the thousands who are all my children, then so be it. Let this testament be my voice to the world, that I stood up to crusader attacks of NATO, stood up to cruelty, stood up to betrayal, stood up to the West and its colonialist ambitions… In the West, some have called me “mad,” “crazy,” but they know the truth and continue to lie. They know that our land is independent and free, not in the colonial grip, that my vision, my path, is, and has been clear and for my people and that I will fight to my last breath to keep us free.”

The Montauk Project: The Truth is Darker Than You Can Possibly Imagine

Great story, and fun. Don’t get too caught up with this.

Why was Deng Xiaoping successful at reforming the Chinese economy, while Gorbachev failed completely?

I talked to someone who was an aide/assistant to Deng Xiaoping when the reforms began in 1978, and this is what he told me:

  • Deng hated any discussion about political theory, and completely rejected them. If you wanted to get on the wrong side of Deng, and never get invited to see him again, all you had to do was talk about Marxist political theory;
  • Deng’s meetings were always very short, lasting less than 30 minutes. There was never any small talk;
  • He had a very sharp mind, and would get right to the heart of an issue, discuss it, and make a decision. Once he made the decision, the meeting was over.

This was a sharp contrast with Mao, who obsessed over communist theory. In Deng’s book, the only thing which mattered was what worked, which was why his practice was 实事求是 or “seek truth from facts”. This was why he hated the Gang of Four, who were leftists and rejected the truth.

Judging from what Dima Vorobiev has mentioned in his brilliant and insightful posts about Gorbachev and the decline and fall of the Soviet Union, there was not a single person in the Soviet Union like Deng, who was very earthy and grounded, and had the personality and seniority to force his ways on the rest of the Chinese leadership.

If the Soviet Union had someone like Deng, Yeltsin would have been shot, the oligarchs who stripped the nation of its assets would never have risen, and Putin would likely have never been needed.

It turns out that Putin is like Russia’s Deng, and this explains the good relationship between Putin and Xi Jinping. Not only do they respect each other, they like each other.

The great irony is that the Americans are much more bound by ideology than the Chinese leadership have been, throwing around terms like “socialism”, “capitalism” and treating the words “freedom” and “democracy” like they are some kind of religion to be worshipped at an altar, without having any deep understanding or agreement of their meaning. These words are not used for understanding, but to beat up on their political foes, especially now.

WARNING THIS IS HAPPENING IN RUSSIA 🇷🇺 There is a revolt of beautiful girls in Moscow – HDR Video

“I’ve been living here for over a year. Moscow is an incredible city and the people are the friendliest I’ve known anywhere. Unlike the west, the women here return big smiles if they see you noticing them. Women in the west are scared of perverts and almost always drop their gaze. It’s not due to modesty either. ”

Saying goodbye

“Jules, this is Brian. Listen, I’m on an airplane that’s been hijacked. If things don’t go well, and it’s not looking good, I just want you to know I absolutely love you. I want you to do good, go have good times. Same to my parents and everybody, and I just totally love you, and I’ll see you when you get there.”

Three minutes before United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center on 9/11, passenger Brian Sweeney used an Airfone to leave a heartbreaking final voicemail message to his wife Julie. At the time, she was in the middle of teaching a high school class, so she missed his call. Though Julie was soon pulled away from her students to learn that her husband had died in the terrorist attacks, she didn’t realize that he had left her a message until she got home.

What happened that made you realize “My teacher has no idea what he or she is teaching”?

Originally Answered: What happened that made you realize “My teacher has no idea what they are teaching.”?

I was in high school chemistry class and I’m working away. The teacher does some equation on the board so I write it down.

At home that night, I’m working on my Chemistry homework when Mom walks in. My mother has a Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry and my father has a Ph.D in Organic Chemistry. Between them, they’ve got the Periodic Table down.

Long story short, the high school Chemistry teacher is teaching us things that are just flat wrong. Not kinda, just wrong. Now, if you’re curious, I’m not sure exactly WHAT that was – this was almost 40 years ago.

Every day, when I get home, my mother teaches me the right way to do things. The other kids in class notice I’m not paying attention or writing down anything the teacher says. So I tell them what’s up, they’re all AP, kind of nerdy.

They ask me to show them my Mom’s work every day before class so they don’t get totally screwed up. So I start doing that and, on Day 3, the teacher walks in early.

She wants to know what we’re doing in her classroom, blah, blah, blah. I was a little mouthy back then and I think I said something like “if you don’t know your Chemistry, my Mom can show you a few things.”

Oops, she starts screaming at me, I’m sent to the principal’s office – the whole works. I’m looking at a 5 day suspension for “back talking” a teacher.

So they make the call – Mrs. Fefer, can you please come get your daughter. We’re suspending her for 5 days, etc. etc. Mom has no idea what’s happened and this was before cellphones so she can’t check with me before she gets there.

Mom comes into the Principal’s office and gives me the “stink-eye.” Yes, guilty until proven innocent. I don’t blame her, I’d been a bit of a handful that year. So she asks the Principal exactly what happened and why I’m getting such a big penalty.

He spouts off some total bullshit about my starting an altercation with the teacher, screaming at her, approaching her in a “menacing” way and being generally disruptive to my fellow students “learning environment.” Our Principal was an ex-cop, he read this off like I was a member of the Manson family.

Mom asked him what teacher was involved. The minute she heard it was the Chemistry teacher, she had a good idea what happened. I did tell her when I started teaching the other kids before class.

So Mom asks Mr. Principal to call in the teacher – she tells him to do it so I can apologize to her. Mrs. Chemistry comes in, shakes Mom’s hand and Mom tells her to please describe my behavior so she can determine what “home” punishment is appropriate for my crimes.

That’s when things start to go sideways for Mrs. Chemistry and Mr. Principal. They hadn’t gotten their stories straight, and Mrs. Chemistry didn’t know about the embellishments he’d added.

After lots of back and forth, Mom looks over at me and says “What’s your version?” I tell it like it happened, admitting we were in the classroom when we shouldn’t have been but it was so I could teach the kids “real” chemistry.

That pissed the teacher off a little bit. She wanted to know how we’d gotten in and, I considered lying but, what the hell, I was already facing a 5 day suspension. Not much more can happen — I told her I’d used a plastic card to just slide the mechanism back. (I’d been doing this all over the school since the prior year).

Mrs. Chemistry starts screaming again about how I’m a criminal, there obviously needs to be more discipline at home because I’m going to come to “no good” and, not only am I corrupting my friends’ moral fiber, I’m “ruining” their minds by teaching them things that are against “every rule of science.”

Mom looks over at me and tells me to take out whatever I was using to teach this voodoo to my friends. I get out the notebook she and I have been working in. She flips through a couple of pages and says “Yep, looks right to me.”

If I had the chance to live a couple moments of my life over, this is definitely one I’d choose. Mrs. Chemistry looks at Mom and says “How on Earth could you POSSIBLY know whether anything in that book is right or wrong?”

Mom looks her straight in the face and says: “Well, I just happen to be 1 of 4 women in the United States who received a Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry in 1956. After completing graduate studies at Northwestern University, I went to work for Esso and was on the team that developed UniFlo motor oil, but I wanted a little more time with the kids, so I quit and accepted an offer to teach Chemistry at Rutgers University. Now that we’re in Houston, I’m an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of Houston. Oh, and I know that notebook is correct because I prepared it so my daughter could learn how to do ACTUAL Chemistry CORRECTLY.”

It was a thing of beauty! Mrs. Chemistry just stood there with a glazed look on her face. Then, she walked out the door. I got a 2 day suspension for breaking into the classroom. I still had this horrible woman for Chemistry but she didn’t bother me any more and, at the end of the year, her contract was not renewed.

I LOVE my mom. She’s still going strong at 88!

Oliver Anthony IS the HERO we NEED! – I Want To Go Home

Another absolute masterpiece with a deep, deep message@)…ya’llshould LISTEN many, many, many times!

The Democrats Biden Problem

On August 7 2023 a fire burned down a large part of the Lahaina, a city on Maui, Hawaii, with some 12,700 inhabitants. Thousands of homes were destroyed. At least 115 people died, some 850 are still missing. It was the deadliest fire in the U.S. in more than a century.

maui s
maui s


When President Biden was asked about the incident a week after it had happened he responded with “No comment.”

The government offers an insulting $700 as emergency aid to every affected household. U.S. aid to Ukraine has exceeded $3,000 for every Ukrainian and Biden is seeking another $27 billion to be send there.

It took fourteen days for Biden to show up on the scene of the fire incident.

Being there he joked about the ‘hot ground’ and offered a fake story:

When President Joe Biden met with survivors of the Maui wildfires on Monday, he told them that he could relate to them because he and First Lady Jill Biden knew what it was like to lose a home to a fire.

But the fire in question was described by the Associated Press at the time as “a small fire that was contained to the kitchen,” with the Delaware fire chief indicating that it was under control in 20 minutes.

Later, while someone on the stage talked about how his home and the homes of his son and daughter had burned down, Biden seemed to fall asleep (vid).

I do not know who is supposed to manage Biden’s public relations but whoever that is is doing a bad job.

The strategists for the Democratic Party and those concerned with winning elections should seriously think about replacing Biden with someone who is better at handling himself.

Posted by b at 15:40 UTC | Comments (191)


2023 08 23 09 17
2023 08 23 09 17

Have you ever beaten your school bully?

Have you ever beaten your school bully?Yes. I was a 10-year-old girl. They were two 14-year-old boys. They were much bigger and taller, but they made one big mistake.

This is the story:

My school had kids from 2 to 18 years old in the same facilities. 2- to 5-year-olds had different recess schedules, though. But when I was ten and in 6th grade (I started first grade at 4), we shared the playground/sports facilities schedule with kids up to 16 years old.

I was also heavily bullied before this day by most of my classmates. I was the scholarship kid in a pretty fancy private school. They would insult, kick, and push me down the stairs (8 times in 6 years). Teachers did nothing as the other kids were “paying customers,” and I was not. I didn’t want to involve my mother because she was going through a nasty divorce, and I wanted to protect her from more stress. While this school was in the top 5 in the country, the local public schools were terrible, so there was no suitable alternative for me anyway. And I never hit back because although I was taller than most people in my class (Now, as an adult woman, I am 6′1′’), I didn’t want to hurt anybody.

Then, this day came.

These two kids were infamous for bullying anything that moved. Younger kids, mostly, as they were cowards. They had never bothered me before that day but had beaten several of my friends and classmates. But one day, as they started bothering my friends and me, I told them to go away. Their eyes lit up as they approached to beat me, and then they made a foolish mistake: they insulted my mother.

I don’t know what happened inside me. To that point, no one had insulted my mother. I was not allowing my father to insult her; he was a big, 6′4 grown man. These little shitheads were not going to get away with that. At that moment, I didn’t stop to think they were older, taller, stronger, and bigger than me. Or that half the school was afraid of the pair.

I just jumped on them, and it wasn’t pretty.

At some point, I got my rips bruised by knee kicks by one of them while the other held me. I couldn’t breathe. I learned months later at the doctor that they fractured my ribs that day. I didn’t go to the hospital at the time, as I thought they were only bruised, but they healed themselves well.

They ended up worse.

One had a broken nose and a black eye and was all scratched up with deep scratches. He also had a massive bruise around his neck and spoke in a hoarse voice for weeks, but I am not sure how I did that.

The other had three broken fingers (one in one hand, two in the other) and such a kick in the balls he cried tears. At some point, I also trapped his head on my arm and punched him in the head so hard I had bruises on my hands, but he had a big black bruise on the side of his head for a week.

I also remember kicking one in the stomach when they were on the floor until two teachers arrived and held me.

Because they had started it, I got no punishment or detention. Teachers were mostly shocked. I think the two boys were also quite embarrassed a 10-year-old girl had won and didn’t want to bring too much attention to the fact. But it was too late; dozens of students had seen it (none of which had been willing to defend a younger student from two bullies). The word got around the school. From that moment on, these two did not bother a single soul and kept a very low profile, but they would walk away the moment they saw me.

The best part was that because those two had beaten most of my bullies, my bullies were scared of me, and I was never picked on again. It also taught me that bullying is wrong, but defending yourself is good.

I want to clarify that I am not proud to have put two kids in the hospital. What I did was uncontrolled and a bit of an overkill, but it was an unplanned reaction.

I am, however, proud to have been the first and only to stand up to these two older boys.

Numbers Stations | Listen to Spy Broadcasts, Audio & Coded Messages

NUMBERS STATIONS. Not a relic of the past. Intelligence agencies use shortwave to communicate with spies, agents and assets in the field. Right now.

Today. Let’s listen to a few and learn how to tune in from home — for free.

Since World War One, numbers stations have been transmitting coded messages to spies around the world using shortwave radio.

And they’re still transmitting right now.

We’re going to listen to a few in this episode. These transmissions sound strange to casual listeners. But to the right set of ears, they contain information that could change the course of history.

In fact, numbers stations have changed the course of history.

Countless numbers stations are on the air right now — for what purpose, few really know. And the people that do know? They aren’t talking.

They’re essentially pirate stations — operating illegally. But, nobody shuts them down. And no government acknowledges they even exist. Let’s find out why.

How hard is it to be born poor in Africa?

In the corner of Africa where I was born and raised, the notion of ‘quality of life’ seemed almost mythological.

This wasn’t just subsistence living; it was an existence dictated by raw survival, painted with the broad brushstrokes of repetition—same sun, same struggle, day after day.

Imagine a primary school journey that felt like an odyssey each day, uniforms stitched together from mismatched threads of hope and need.

We crossed a colossal river and walked miles to school each day, all in a quest for education.

Discipline was high, and no excuse was good enough, and so, when you come late to school, you’ll answer to the ‘good doctor’ —the ‘cane’, you’ll get whooped

To avoid going late to school, we left early, which meant no breakfast, and neither did we take any to school. You’ll have to wait for the arduous journey back home late in the afternoon or evening to eat.

The said meals are a monotonous loop of Soup and swallow, mainly ‘Eba’ eaten twice a day, while Christmas transformed into a culinary carnival featuring the luxury of rice and stew. A real feast once a year, our yuletide cheer was marked by the aroma of meat wafting through our humble abode. Hence we looked forward to Christmas immediately after it passed.

Books were inherited like family heirlooms, although torn and fried. These fragmented tales were lessons in imagination as the front and back pages were almost always absent, forcing us to piece together unknown beginnings and mysterious endings. And my Dad was the happiest whenever he saw me study.

Child labor wasn’t an issue; it was a rite of passage. Before I even clocked 10, my young hands became well-acquainted with the soil, the woods, and the paddles of canoes.

We did all kinds of odd jobs, all kinds of play, walked all kinds of forests, swam in all kinds of water, drank all kinds of water, ate a lot of rubbish we considered food, subjected our bodies to harsh weather, and didn’t even fall sick.

I didn’t need a gym to carve my six-pack; hard work molded me into a sculpture of resilience.

We had large extended families, because in a place where material wealth is scarce, the richness of relations becomes the ultimate currency, and relations are the closest thing to mechanized farming, you plant and harvest more with a big family.

The downside of having such families is in resource management; beds and rooms were hard to come by, and sometimes, you learned to find your place in the world earlier than most—sometimes as young as ten or twelve. Your own parents didn’t have a place for you to sleep:D

Yet amid all this, there’s a striking paradox: the villagers, my people, exude an inexplicable happiness. Maybe it’s the beauty of not knowing any different, of finding joy in the simplest things. Ignorance, perhaps, serves as a cushion against the harsh realities— if you don’t know better how could you worry about doing better?

Today, you might mistake me for someone who’s always been cradled in comfort. But every facet of my being has been shaped by those early years of unrelenting struggle.

Life has taught me that no story is set in stone. Change, as daunting as it might seem, is only a decision away.

I am living proof that even in the grimmest of chapters, the plot can always be rewritten.

Truck Driver Parked For The Night & Saw The Craziest Thing In His Life At A Rest Area

Oh wow. He absolutely IS a highway angel!!! Thank you already for all you truckers do for us. Especially these past 3 years. God bless and protect you all.

Moving out day

No, this isn’t from move-in day. I took this pic three weeks ago when we moved my son out of his dorm. He’s not returning to his (now former) four year college. I’m proud of him for realizing that while his chosen university is amazing, it wasn’t a good fit for him at this time.

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He gave this a lot of thought over his winter break and is going to attend a local, community college to pursue a degree in Automotive Technologies. He’s loved cars since he could walk, so I think this will be a great path for him. As we were leaving, being the funny guy that he is, he said, “I will miss being here, but I will definitely not miss the 2AM fire alarms.”

All I’ve ever wanted is for my boy to be happy. This was entirely his decision, and he’s very excited for this next chapter. I think my brother may have put it best … college is all about figuring out what you like, and what you don’t like. So now, he’s realized what he doesn’t want to do and is moving on to what he DOES want to pursue.

There is NO shame in trade schools and/or community college! I’ve no doubt he will fly high and succeed, and I’m so very PROUD of him.

Kathy Oberst

Braised Slow Cooker Chuck Roast
with Roasted Pepper Sauce

Braised Slow Cooker Chuck Roast with Roasted Pepper Sauce is soul-warming and hearty. Make a boldly flavored fall-apart beef meal with this easy recipe.



  • 3 pounds Certified Angus Beef® chuck roast
  • 3 red bell peppers
  • 4 large garlic cloves, cut in half
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil, divided
  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 large Spanish onion, sliced
  • 2 tablespoons diced, chipotle peppers in adobo sauce
  • 1 tablespoon smoked Spanish paprika
  • 1 cup beef stock
  • 1 (15 ounce) can diced tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro (for garnish)
  • Sour cream for garnish


  1. Heat broiler or oven to 450 degrees F.
  2. Quarter and core red peppers; toss with garlic and one tablespoon olive oil in a large bowl to coat. Evenly space peppers on a large sheet tray and place under broiler to blister and blacken pepper skins, about 10 minutes.
  3. Remove from oven; when cool, discard skin (it easily comes off), chop peppers and transfer to slow cooker.
  4. Season chuck roast with salt and pepper.
  5. Heat remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil in large heavy-bottom pan. Brown roast over medium-high heat on all sides; transfer to slow cooker.
  6. Add onions, chipotle peppers and paprika to pan. Stir to remove browned bits from bottom of pan.
  7. Add stock and diced tomatoes; pour over roast.
  8. Cover and cook on LOW for 6 hours or until roast is fork tender.
  9. Remove roast from cooker and place on cutting board. Pull apart with forks to bite-size pieces. Skim excess fat from braising liquid. Stir beef back into sauce.
  10. Serve, garnished with cilantro and a dollop of sour cream.

What is the one in a million coincidence you have ever had?

I was in a big steakhouse in California about 30 years ago. The waitress, like many Americans, liked our Brit accent and happened to say their head chef was from England. Thought nothing of it because England is quite a big place with a lot of people . About an hour later as we were finishing up our desserts , the chef came out.

Conversation went something like this.

CHEF: I heard your accents and had to come out because you sound like you are from Essex.

ME: Yes all four of us are. We are from Southend on Sea. ( A very famous large Essex town recognised around the UK).

CHEF: Really. That’s where I’m from. Actually Shoeburyness just outside Southend.

ME: Really! I lived there for 12 years,after I was born.

CHEF: Do you know West Road. I ran the Chippy ( fish and chip shop) there for 10 years between ’71 and ‘81.

ME: You’ve got to be joking. I used to come in your shop the last Friday of every month with my brother and my parents to get fish and chips.

What are the chances of that???

What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen someone do in public?

Originally Answered: What is the weirdest thing you ever seen someone do in public?

Story 1. I was sitting at Walmart one day, waiting for my ride to pick me up. I watched a beautiful girl of about 16 walk wearing a really pretty dress that was black down the sides and white in the center accompanied by her mom. I guessed that they may have been after nylons or something, since she was wearing a formal and it was prom night and this was Walmart. I was still waiting when they came back out, and since I was bored, I was watching them when they passed into the bright sunlight. I was shocked to see that in the sunlight, the center white panels of her dress disappeared! I got up and followed them out the their car trying my best to block others’ view of her scantily-clad backside. As I reached the car, I walked up to the driver’s window which was already opened, and said “pardon me, normally, I don’t bother strangers, but do you know that when your beautiful daughter walked into the bright sun, her dress became invisible in the white areas? The woman looked concerned, but the daughter looked at me and said, “It does not!” I just smiled at her and said “Then how do you suppose I would know you are wearing burgundy colored G-string panties?” The girl’s face went white, and her mother took her back into the store with a car blanket around her to get her a shawl or wrap to wear over it. Lol.

Story 2. Again, sitting and waiting for a ride home from a different store, I saw a woman open her car door, and change her baby’s diaper. When she was done changing the baby, she folded the dirty diaper, and threw the dirty diaper under her car, and walked into the store. Just as she entered the store, a older woman who was in the next car, got out of her car, reached up under the first woman’s car, grabs the dirty diaper, opens it, and drops it dirty side down into the mother’s sun roof that was open. I was still laughing when the second lady came by me, and I told her “well played!” Lol.

WHO IS HE?! | First Time EVER Hearing Oliver Anthony – Rich Men North Of Richmond (Reaction)

9 seconds… OMG!

2023 08 23 09 19
2023 08 23 09 19

Olivia Farnsworth

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This little girl in the photo above is Olivia Farnsworth and she has a one of the rarest conditions known to man. In Fact, she is the only documented case in the whole the world with a Chromosome 6p deletion, and the chances of this happening is so rare that the odds are 8 billion to one.

2023 08 23 12 06
2023 08 23 12 06

She has baffled scientist’s all over the world because her condition causes her to feel no pain, hunger or the need to sleep. Apart from the the obvious she’s lived some what of a normal life. When she was a baby her mother notice a few strange symptoms. She never cried as a baby, and never felt the need to take a nap, and would stay active throughout the whole day.

It wasn’t until she had accident and suffered a deep wound to her lip, that doctors notice it didn’t seem to bother her, even after minor surgery.

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A few years later she was struck by a car and dragged 60ft across the ground and then got up as if nothing had happened. She didn’t the feel the pain of the car hitting her and because her body was so relaxed she didn’t suffer any fractures. Not only does she not feel hunger and pain, she also doesn’t sense any danger and that’s why she didn’t try and avoid the car. She’s as close to a superhuman as you could get.

There’s documented cases all over the world with people not feeling hungry or not able to register pain, but Olivia is the only case with all three symptoms.

It’s not that see is missing a chromosome, but the fact that the Chromosome 6 has been altered so much, its unusable.

Patriot Rapper REMIXED ‘Rich Men North Of Richmond’ & It’s A BANGER | Hot DAMN

2023 08 23 12 03
2023 08 23 12 03

Humor: What are some of the greatest examples of presence of mind?

Originally Answered: What are some of the greatest examples of presence of mind?

This is my favorite one until now. So I was partying at a friend’s house one night and I had to get back to my place for some reason (maybe a work from home thing) and everyone with a vehicle was sleeping. My place was just across a graveyard from my friend’s building, so I opted for a brisk walk. What could happen in 5 minutes?

So, there I was, walking by a cemetery, in the middle of the night, fearing not the dead but the sudden appearance of a living breathing man. I was hoping I wouldn’t run into one during my 5-minute dash to my building but alas I was mistaken.

Enter, a creep.

What happened next, unfolded within seconds.

Halfway through, right outside the graveyard’s gate, a motorcycle approaches from behind, going slow, and the driver had one arm extended; I see the looming shadow of that hand getting closer and closer. I knew the inevitable slap on the bum was coming but my paranoia got the better of me and I started thinking up all the worse case scenarios. Then, I realize I’m wearing a white dress, my hair’s a frizzy disheveled mess, my cheap makeup is smudged, and I’m at the entrance of a graveyard in the dead of the night.

If there’s one thing that strikes fear in the hearts of Indians, its superstition! We’re more scared of cats crossing our paths than serial killers.

So I quickly pulled a few strands of hair to cover my face, turned around, almost lunged towards the bike howling like a demon (I don’t know how I did it, but it was that scary scream that is a mix of a man and a woman’s voice like in horror movies)
The guy on the bike not only kept his arm to himself but he almost his lost balance, regained it and zoomed away at top speed.

I reached home safe and had a good laugh.

Dear creep, if you ever read this and realize that the ghost story of night you saw a woman in white emerge from a graveyard (I know you conveniently skip the part where you almost shit your pants) was a fake. The lesson here that eve-teasing is not only wrong but can also be dangerous 😛

Beef Tips with Gravy



  • 1 to 3 pounds beef tips or lean stew meat
  • 1 envelope Lipton onion soup
  • 1 can golden mushroom soup
  • 1/2 cup red wine
  • 1 can mushrooms, drained


  1. Mix everything in a slow cooker.
  2. Cook on LOW for 7 to 9 hours.

France allies with China!


Which unsolved crime would you most like to know what happened?

2023 09 03 18 12
2023 09 03 18 12

In 1994, a crew of fishermen in Hawkesbury in Sydney were out trawling for Squid when they came across a terrifying discovery. As they pulled up their nets to bring aboard the first of their morning catch, one of the fishermen noticed something heavy clinging to the net as he pulled it in.

What they thought was going to be a decent morning’s work turned into something beyond their worst nightmares. Wrapped up in the net was a human-size solid iron crucifix, and attached was the body of a human.

Wires and ropes around the neck and torso, along with the feet and hands, bound the body to the cross to mirror the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

An autopsy revealed that it was the body of a man. Attempts were made to mummify the man either before or after his death. Plastic was poured over his body in a macabre way of preserving him. Identification was almost impossible due to the body being in the water for at least a year, according to the examiners.

2023 09 03 18 12s
2023 09 03 18 12s

The welding on the cross was done with professionalism and precision, it also fit the arms span of the man perfectly. It was established that the crucifix was custom built, and along with the body weight, it was too heavy for just one person to lift.

A facial reconstruction of the man’s face was made and a 100,000 dollar reward was offered for information leading to the identity of the man.

2023 09 03 18 13s
2023 09 03 18 13s

He was dubbed “Rack Man” by the media, and for 24 years, the identity of the man remained a mystery. In 2018, with advancements in DNA testing being made, the mysterious Identity of the man was finally made. It turned out to be a 37-year-old gambler named Max Tancevski who went missing in 1993.

2023 09 03 18 13z
2023 09 03 18 13z

The reason for his gruesome end remains a mystery. The official theory is that he owed money due to his gambling habits and it was done to send a message. Although, the strange religious symbolism attached to his murder and the precise way his body was arranged on the cross, suggest something far more sinister.

Biden White House to Saudi Arabia, ditch BRICS and get nuclear weapons program

2023 08 23 12 09
2023 08 23 12 09

Why do some people hate China even though they have never been to China?

Today’s Democracies flourish in promoting HATRED as a means of unifying majorities

Yesterdays Democracies flourished in promoting Growth, Development and Policies instead of HATE

Hatred against Gays

Hatred against Homophobes

Hatred against Blacks

Hatred against White Supremacists

Hatred against Muslims

Hatred against Hindus

Hatred against Minorities

Hatred against Migrants

Hatred against Chinese

Hatred against Hindi

Hatred against Tamil

Hatred against the Gandhis

Hatred against Modi

Hatred against Trump

Hatred against Pootin and She Jinping

There is so much hate everywhere that it becomes imperative to HATE someone or another

You need your objects of hate

That’s where Twitter, Instagram, Godi Media, MSM all play their role

They provide the objects of hate

Muslims, Minorities, Chinese, Pakistanis, Migrants, Blacks, Whites, Obama, Trump, Modi, RaGa etc

They promote hatred by LIES and PROPAGANDA

Meanwhile Countries like China and Russia and many others, even Arab nations no longer promote any Hatred

They promote growth, development and modernization

Chinese cannot control the sheer hatred against them or reciprocate against the same

They don’t hate even the Japanese and Koreans despite the horrors of WWII

It’s why it’s so easy to lie and badmouth about China

China usually rarely retaliates for words or false news

Thus today to me, the Democracies look like they have regressed by several decades while the erstwhile rogue nations appear to be progressing positively

Douglas Macgregor: They passed the Border!

Could listen to Colonel McGregor for hours.


What civilian profession makes the best soldiers?

When I was an instructor in a paratrooper unit in the German Army, there was still the draft in place. As a result, people from all walks of life and professions joined our unit.

Four times a year, our battalion took in new recruits:

  • In January, people without a job were drafted.
  • In April, most new recruits were miners and steelworkers (there were a lot of mines in the area).
  • In July, people who had just finished high school and later wanted to study at a university came to our unit.
  • And In October, the craftsmen (plumbers, roofers, mechanics, etc.) had their turn.

It wasn’t that in each quarter, there were only recruits of a certain professional or educational background beginning their service, they were just the majority. It was always mixed.

So, who made the best paratroopers?

  • The more educated guys of the July quarter were the best soldiers. They understood the orders quicker, were more relaxed, and also regarded their service as some kind of fun. Many of them said, “before I spent the next five years at a university, I want to have some adventure. I have to serve anyway, so why not in an elite unit?” These guys were also two or three years younger and physically much fitter than the rest.
  • The next best soldiers were the craftsmen. We were infantry but you can always need a good car mechanic or a carpenter. These folks were also the ones who most often decided to become professional soldiers. They liked the army and were good Non-Commissioned Officer material.
  • The miners and steelworkers were fun but not very disciplined. These guys joined our unit, not because they liked to be airborne soldiers but our barracks were close to their homes. Many of them were already married and wanted to see their wives and young kids as often as possible. Lousy material.
  • The jobless people from the January quarter were a mixed bunch. Some of them were useless high-school dropouts who were lazy and dumb while others were quite okay. Needless to say, a lot of them stayed longer than the fifteen months of compulsory service as they didn’t have a job in civilian life.

In our unit, it was more about how smart you were and much less about your civilian profession. As I said, we were infantry, and there weren’t that many tasks that you couldn’t be trained for.

Of course, in other units (engineers, medics, etc.) the best soldiers are usually the ones who have already worked in similar professions in their civilian lives.

It’s ALL About Taking Responsibility

August 28, 2023

One of the biggest differences between me now and me 3 years ago is simple: I’ve taken responsibility for my life.

Now what I mean when I say taking responsibility, is accepting and taking ownership of my life.

I am responsible for my life, and everything that affects me is my responsibility to deal with.

And you need to be responsible for yours. You need to be responsible for your health by exercising regularly and eating well, you need to be responsible for your social life and ensuring you are social and maintaining friendships, you need to be responsible for everything that affects you. And I’m going to tell you how to get there.

I see a lot of young men in particular, who are angry at the world, they think that life isn’t treating them the same way it treats others.

And guess what…It isn’t.

Some people have far greater advantages than others, and some people are hit with terrible misfortune and suffering. And whichever end of the spectrum you are, you are responsible for your life.

Responsibility isn’t the same as fault: It’s not your fault that your parents are rich, it’s not your fault your dad died. But you are responsible for how these things affect your life, you choose how you deal with them.

Some people have lost family and consequently turned to drugs and alcohol, others have lost family and started charities or companies.

There are ways to deal with every situation, some better, some worse.

Your circumstances don’t define you, your response to them does.

I hear all the time on self-improvement forums “I can’t do that because…” I don’t care about the because, take some fucking responsibility and find a workaround.

The first step to gaining some responsibility for your life is realising that you are someone worth helping. You deserve someone to look after you and make sure you can be the best version of yourself possible. Make that person you. Recognise that responsibility isn’t a negative thing, It’s a privilege.

You GET to be responsible for your own life.

It’s incredible freeing to know that, while life may fuck you, ultimately you are responsible for your misery. You are also responsible for all of your achievements, successes and happiness.

So fucking own it.

The second step is starting to act like you are responsible for your life.

There is no third step.

Is your job shit? It’s your responsibility to either try and make it less shit, or quit.

Do you feel like shit? That’s your responsibility to figure out why and make changes

Are your relationships shit? Take some responsibility for it, cut people off if you need to, try harder, just know that It’s your responsibility to improve them.

Is your body shit? That’s your responsibility too bozo, go for a run or something idk.

Not sticking to your goals? Actually NOT your responsibility – I’m joking, of course it is you muppet.

You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to try. Take responsibility, do the work.

– bigjoerona

Germany Begs China To Help It During Industrial Collapse Which Is Worse Than You Think!


What’s the saddest “card declined” moment you’ve seen?

My car was being worked on in a Walmart car care center. Just tire rotation. When I was texted that my car was ready, there was a guy in the short line ahead of me. I knew he was a single dad, had talked to him at the gym where we both worked out, had seen him in a restaurant with his 3 sons. Someone told me that his wife was in prison, I didn’t ask what it was for.

He looked really stressed out, his 3 boys were in the waiting area, playing, goofing off. When the guys card was declined, then he had the clerk try 2 other cards. He asked the person at the register if he could work something out for the new times he had, put on his car. Then, he asked if they could just put the old ones back on. It was very cool in the store; he was sweating profusely.

My heart was pounding with sympathy & sadness for him. He told the clerk that he was going to walk around to try to figure something out. The shop was not allowed to put the old tires back on as it would make Walmart liable if there was an accident.

When the guy walked away with his 3 sons, couldn’t hear or see the tire shop counter, I stepped up. I kept extra cash with me for emergencies. The amount owed was $250. I knew the clerk, was very sure he would do the right thing. I gave him $300. in cash, asked him to call the guy on his cell, letting him know his car was ready, then, give him the change from the $300 & NOT tell him who had paid.

I walked just around a corner, waiting to see the single dad’s reaction. He thought it was a joke at first, then, when the change was handed to him, he looked at it with a big grin. He never found out who had paid for his new tires. That’s the way I wanted it.

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TX usa

Re. the trucker who rescued kids: according to this article, the award was withdrawn because the kids were not being trafficked. It was just a poor family who put their 4 kids in the back of their covered pickup truck because they wouldn’t all fit in the cab.