2023 08 03 20 4e6

Earthquakes, and yellow kittens

July 27, 2023. The USA hacked Chinese earthquake servers. No one could figure out why. Whatever the reason, China was incensed.

August 6, 2023. Then, just two weeks later, a rare earthquake hit China in the exact area that represented the hacked server data.

What are the odds?

For a while there were three popular types of bluejeans in my High School. These brands were Levi’s, Lee and Wrangler. Today, only Levi’s seem to have maintained the brand recognition. What has Levi’s done that is different from the rest of the pack? I’m sure that it is an interesting story.

You know, sometimes, I wish that I am just sitting down, watching a sports game on the television and drinking an ice cold beer.

Have a great day…

Snapshot of America

What’s the fastest you’ve wiped a smirk off of someone’s face?

Some years back I was on my way to work on the Tube when an enormous group of French foreign exchange students boarded, mostly mid-teens with a few adult supervisors. They took up virtually every seat and most of the standing room and there were only about a dozen people in the carriage who were not in the party.

Some of the kids were saying “hello” or small phrases in English to the regular commuters and clearly were having a great time and really excited. Some of the commuters were responding back and it was quite a beautiful scene until the female supervisor (I refuse to call her a teacher) proclaimed to her students in French that there was no point speaking to any of us because their English was not good enough yet and British people are too stupid (her words) to speak English properly, let alone another language.

Well, the tube was coming to my stop and my blood was boiling, so I stood up and in the most strongly projected voice I have ever managed spoke to everyone in perfect French offering then a lovely trip, suggesting a place on this tube to visit they may not know of and telling the children that I hoped they would think before judging other people in future.

The supervisor was the colour of a boiled beetroot and completely silent, but the coup de grace was a little old lady who said “Bet you weren’t expecting that then, were you?”, causing stunned faces on even the commuters!

Combined Russian-Chinese Naval Flotilla Forms “Surface Action Group” Off Alaska Coastline

World Hal Turner 06 August 2023

2023 08 06 18 42
2023 08 06 18 42

A combined Russian and Chinese naval force patrolled near the coast of Alaska earlier this week in what U.S. experts said appeared to be the largest such flotilla to approach American shores.

Eleven Russian and Chinese ships steamed close to the Aleutian Islands, according to U.S. officials. The ships, which never entered U.S. territorial waters and have since left, were shadowed by four U.S. destroyers and P-8 Poseidon aircraft.

“It is a historical first,” said Brent Sadler, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a retired Navy captain. “Given the context of the war in Ukraine and tensions around Taiwan, this move is highly provocative.” A spokesman for the U.S. Northern Command confirmed that Russia and China had carried out a combined naval patrol near Alaska, but didn’t specify the number of ships or their precise location.

Russian warships and Chinese research vessels have been observed in the Arctic region before.

“But to see these combatants form up in a surface action group together and steam together, that’s what’s rare,” Rear Adm. Nathan Moore, who was Coast Guard commander for the Alaska region until last month.

Life as a Slave

What is your opinion on people who tell you not to visit China because “it’s dangerous”?

I plan to visit China during 11–15 September with some Furniture Importers

One Importer who never went to China before just called me a few days ago and said “Should I get some rice and dal and an electric cooker??”

I asked “Why?”

He says “I heard you only get Snakes and and Dogs to eat there”

This is an educated man.

That is the impression of China in India even today

You have 20+ Indian restaurants in Shanghai alone including a place that actually serves you Nandu Rasam and Aviyal

Another misconception is that Chinese are rude when Indians approach them

The real reason is they are embarrassed that they can’t speak English in response

The Young Chinese are different. They want to test their English on you and after answering you they say “Was it right?”

They don’t even see YouTube

It’s this inbuilt impression

Experienced Importers are different. They have been to China and they know.

Likewise I was corrected myself by a Saudi based Indian.

I presumed every theft in Saudi would have the hand lopped off but that’s not true at all

It’s actually a very stringent legal system actually hand you have different places where the thief can be let off including the victim accepting something akin to an apology

I thought Sharia law was this primitive ancient tribal thing but the layered application of the laws are so fantastic

A Thief who steals for hunger is different from a Thief who steals for greed

The general opinion is a woman is stoned for adultery

Again this is a myth

Few women are actually stoned for Adultery. In most Sharia law instances , the stoning is more symbolic and more of Game of Thrones style shaming

Back to the topic

I feel these people have their notions like many have about India

My son was asked by his friend who was visiting Bangalore for the first time (India also) whether he could come for a conference call at any time? Would power be available the whole day?


In 2023!!!

Their impression is India is this

2023 08 06 11 11
2023 08 06 11 11


So my opinion when someone says going to China is dangerous is to simply watch YouTube

That’s what I told this Importer also

He did and sheepishly realized how mistaken he was


Be the Rufus

Saudis Warn Citizens: “Leave Lebanon Quickly”

World Hal Turner 05 August 2023

Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Lebanon urged its citizens to leave the country as soon as possible, and to avoid approaching areas where there have been armed clashes.

In a statement posted late Friday on X, formerly known as Twitter, the embassy warned Saudi citizens not to visit areas where armed clashes were taking place, the official Saudi news agency SPA reported.

The Saudi diplomatic mission also stressed “the importance of respecting the travel ban on Lebanon.” It was followed Saturday by Kuwait, which issued an advisory calling on Kuwaitis in Lebanon to remain vigilant and avoid “areas of security unrest,” though without asking them to leave the country.

Deadly armed clashes have occurred in recent days in the Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp, located on the outskirts of Saida, South Lebanon.

Since July 29, at least 13 people have been killed and more than 60 injured in clashes between the mainstream faction Fatah and a hardline group in the camp, the largest of 12 Palestinian camps established in Lebanon in 1948 after Israel was created.

Fatah has accused the armed groups Jund al-Sham and al-Shabab al-Muslim of gunning down a Fatah military general, Abu Ashraf al-Armoushi, in the camp.

According to Maher Shabaita, the head of Fatah in the Sidon region, Palestinian factions in the camp have formed an investigative committee to find out who was responsible for al-Armoushi’s killing and will hand them over to the Lebanese judiciary for trial.

A ceasefire between the Palestinian groups in the camp was announced on July 31 under the mediation of Lebanese parties.

Saudi Arabia’s request is not just related to the fighting in Ain al-Hilweh. Many believe it could be linked to a possible Israel-Saudi agreement.”

If an Israel-Saudi agreement is signed, Riyadh will certainly fear the reaction against its citizens in a country like Lebanon.”

The Simpsons Maude cheating with the devil in front of Flanders


Ukraine Attacks Civilian MERCHANT Ship Near Kerch Strait

World Hal Turner 05 August 2023

2023 08 06 18 45
2023 08 06 18 45

Last night, Ukraine launched Unmanned Marine Drones to attack vessels near the Kerch Strait Bridge, and HIT a Merchant Oil Tanker Ship named the “SIG” about 30 miles from the Bridge.

It began when Residents of a nearby town,  Yakovenkovo reported a loud explosion near the bridge..

As reported during the live Hal Turner Radio Show last night, booth aerial and maritime drones were being used, and the belief was that the Kerch Strait Bridge was the target. 

Russian Electronic Warfare dealt with most of the aerial drones, but Anti-Aircraft-Artillery (AAA) was used to down others.

Just after the Hal Turner Show went off the air, an insider close to the Russian Maritime Fleet reported that a maritime drone collided with a tanker 30 miles from the Kerch Strait.  That is now confirmed and visually verified.  The photo above shows the ship on fire.  

Below is what the vessel normally looks like:

SIG oil tanker
SIG oil tanker

According to radio traffic, the Captain of the ship says it was hit in the engine room area, which is now flooded. The vessel cannot move independently. But, fortunately, the crew is alive and almost unharmed. The Russian rescue ship “Mercury” is already operating next to it, and a number of ships are heading to help.

According to some reports, the SIG tanker was returning from Syria, where it delivered oil products. The tanker itself has been under US sanctions since 2019 for helping to circumvent sanctions imposed on Syria regarding the sale of their oil and gas minerals.

On July 19, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that all ships calling at Ukrainian ports will be considered as carrying military equipment and will be considered targets.

On July 20, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry made the same statement that they would have the same approach to Russian ships.”


Video of the Drone impacting the ship has been released by the Ukraine government.  They saw in advance they were attacking an unarmed CIVILIAN vessel, and they attacked it anyway. A blatant act of state sponsored terrorism, INTENTIONALLY against a civilian target.

What’s a rule your employer implemented that backfired terribly?

While working as a teacher, a new rule was introduced for teachers coming in late. Rule states that: If a teacher is late by more than 10 minutes, they will be marked absent for the morning.

So, what some teachers did – If they were late and saw that they were marked absent, they would walk out of the school and go for a movie (or some other kind of recreational activity) and came back for afternoon classes. This became a usual phenomenon, and led to a shortage of teachers in the first half.

The rule changed to: If teachers come late by 10 minutes, their half-day salary will be cut. What teachers did – They will not come for the entire day.

The rule changed to: If the teacher is late, then 2 days’ salary will be cut. What teachers did – The next day, no one came to school. The principal called each and every teacher and begged them to come to school.

The idea to implement this rule came from the assistant to the school director, who was demoted and put as in charge of housekeeping. Some teachers used to travel for hours to reach school; occasionally, the teachers would arrive late. After the rule was implemented, everyone that arrived late took the day off, if it was determined that they were marked absent.

These rules were retracted, and everything returned to normal.

TSMC U.S Factory Seized Biden’s Re-election and U.S Jobs in Jeopardy!


What are the implications of China replacing the head of its nuclear missile force in a major military shake-up?

Everyone is being replaced now

China is slowly weeding out people who have :—

  • Pro Western Sympathies or belonging to the older faction
  • Children who are Citizens of the USA or who live in USA
  • People like our Quora’s Balaji Viswanathan. Centrists who believe the world order will always be with the West.
  • People who are scared of taking on the United States in finance or scared of dumping dollars in a zero sum game

China is slowly including and cultivating :—

  • Hardcore Realists who know the ground realities and yet know what it takes to build a future they want
  • People who have their families in China or HK or Singapore and who don’t have a Western Link beyond that
  • People who are ready to take on the US and shake the old world order
  • People who have a blueprint to de dollarize and who have a strategy to deal with eventual US Sanctions

Good news for India is , most Anti India Hawks are gone

The new bunch don’t care if India exists or not

Their focus is US and Taiwan now and they don’t have the 1980–2010 mentality of focusing on India because US was considered beyond their reach (Kinda like our Pakistan obessession)

Rumours now say that Qin Gang was sacked because he wrote a paper on cooperation with the United States titled “Chinese cooperation with the US in the 21st Century”

2023 08 05 21 44
2023 08 05 21 44

After meeting Blinken, he advocated China taking a step back for a few years and negotiate to keep US as a hegemon in return for China being firmly recognised as Number 2 ahead of the EU

He advocated negotiating with the US to rise the Yuan to 10% of the Global Reserve by 2027 and for China to drastically cut investment in some sectors (AI, Navy) in exchange for US cutting military aid to Taiwan and promising not to instigate Taiwanese Independence

Apparently Blinken told him such a proposal would find favor with Biden

Essentially China’s version of the Plaza Accords

Wang Yi apparently refused to even consider this and said no matter what happened, US would never keep China even at Number 2 and would use this to throttle China completely

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2023 08 05 21 4b4

So Wang Yi met Blinken as did Xi Jingping and both told him “Not the slightest chance” and that angered Biden a lot and why he called XJP a Dictator

The Central Bank Governor also seemed to support Qin Gangs point and capitulate to US in exchange for guarantees like not freezing assets etc

Thus he too was sacked and the latest Governor is a total Pro Chinese meritocrat

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2023 08 05 21 4nr5

China is now clear that it’s CHINA FIRST

China has made it clear that it’s no longer US First China Next that Qin Gang and some others proposed and which Blinken seemed to be receptive to but which I am confident was just another ploy like always

So only people who are China First are on board now

Top people, people with Merit but who put China first ahead of any other nation

Source:— Fung Ching is a Retd Professor on Political Science on Zhihu who has ears to the ground and is usually the go to person who makes theories on what is likely information within the party

He made a theory on the Lockdown and it happened exactly like that

The mother cat had an accident on the road and the kitten’s cry for help. A miracle happened


You wanted it, and you might well get it…

China has been facing export bans from the West doing nothing to retaliate but now it has the power to counter-attack to unleash painful consequences on countries which did the same for decades.

China banned using micron’s products in China and also restricted exports of rare earth metals like germanium and gallium which are used in the chip and electric vehicle industry but China does not feel it’s sufficient to teach the West a lesson about its nasty and unfair restrictions and double standards as more is coming and China is the single most country which has both the power and capability to make the West suffer.

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2023 08 05 18 51

The West clearly feels the pinch on China’s declaration to stop the exports of G&G metals.

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So what’s the secret weapon?

Geopolitical analysts and experts on international relations fear a doomsday scenario, that of China unleashing a full-fledged trade and economic war against the U.S and its allies if China were to embrace the zero-sum game of protectionism.

World Trade growth could face further deceleration pushing the world toward a global economic confrontation, which means China will completely stop trade with them (West) neither will it export anything nor will it import the consequences would be severe affecting Global growth and employment and potentially inviting a recession.

But the U.S and the West will face the gravest losses for decades. They have been importing raw materials and finished products from China without having domestic production plans for those products the sudden export ban in China will literally halt everything.

According to the United Nations Comtrade database on International Trade the U.S imported goods worth 582.76 billion US dollars from China these products include all household goods the U.S cannot produce itself but that’s not it the U.S exported goods worth 153.8 billion US dollars to China in 2023.

No American export to China means Nasdaq and S&P going down. Stock market in frenzy as share prices plummet coupled with unemployment that could cause recession. EU and US growth rate is mere 2 percent and this number will further dwindle. This would translate like a doom in the West.

Edward Snowden “i am HORRIBLY sorry for this.”

2023 08 05 21 18
2023 08 05 21 18

What makes a good friend?

It’s rare that someone calls you at 3am with an offer of employment or some other good news. 3am calls are usually unexpected bad news. So when my phone rang at 3am, I stared at the phone screen with a frown. It was my childhood friend calling.

He had an accident on his way back from the night club. The collision led to a four-car pileup. He wasn’t hurt but his car was damaged.

It was warm and cozy under my bed covers. But I didn’t tell him this. I didn’t also mention that it was an indecent time to call me. I didn’t yawn and ask him if there was no one else he could have called. For Pete’s sake, what was he doing at a night club so late? No, I didn’t ask him that either.

“I’m coming,” I said. Police and other emergency services were at the crash scene. The vehicles were moved off the road and out of the line of traffic. I took my friend home with me.

I left the country about a year after this incident. Someone called me at about 3am some weeks ago. 3am calls rarely bring good news. My dad was stabbed multiple times by a mugger who robbed him of his valuables. I was frantic with worry. How was he doing? He was at the hospital but was he getting the best medical care? Were the injuries life threatening? I reached out to my childhood friend. He didn’t ask me why I called him at such an ungodly hour. He didn’t ask why my dad was not mindful or careful. He only asked me for the address of the hospital and he went there to see my dad. He kept me constantly updated.

That’s what a friend does. A friend is someone you can count on in times of adversity. They love you and support you unconditionally.

What did the pyramids look like thousands of years ago?

Bright and shiny, clad in white limestone with a golden top (pyramidion).

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They were situated in a green landscape close to the river Nile and surrounded by a temple district.

Parmesan Chicken with Caesar Roasted Romaine

2023 08 03 20 52
2023 08 03 20 52

Yield: 4 servings


  • 4 (7 ounce) skinless, boneless chicken breasts
  • Kosher or sea salt
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan, Pecorino or Asiago cheese
  • 1/2 cup panko (Japanese breadcrumbs)
  • 3 tablespoons canola oil, divided
  • 2 tablespoons chopped flat-leaf parsley
  • 2 garlic cloves, chopped, divided
  • 2 large hearts of romaine, halved lengthwise
  • 4 anchovy fillets packed in oil, drained, chopped
  • 1 lemon, cut into 8 wedges


  1. Heat oven to 450 degrees F. Line a large rimmed baking sheet with foil.
  2. Season chicken with salt and pepper; place on prepared sheet.
  3. Combine cheese, panko, 2 tablespoons oil, parsley and 1 garlic clove in a medium bowl; season with salt and pepper.
  4. Pat panko mixture onto breasts.
  5. Roast chicken until crumbs begin to turn golden, about 10 minutes.
  6. Drizzle romaine with 1 tablespoon oil and sprinkle with remaining 1 chopped garlic clove. Season with salt and pepper.
  7. Remove sheet from oven; place romaine around chicken. Roast until chicken is cooked through and lettuce is browned at edges, about 5 minutes.
  8. Divide among plates. Top lettuce with anchovies; garnish with lemon wedges for squeezing over.

If Americans are overweight, why do they not walk and ride a bike instead of driving a car?

Well, I tried to walk… and I sort of succeeded… but It made me reconsider the next walk.

It was a warm and humid summer evening in Canton, Ohio. I was visiting from Colmar, France.

On the night of my arrival, dinner alone featured a friendly server, comforting but unhealthy food, a lively crowd and four different craft beers.

As I exited the restaurant, I was greeted by sticky air and exhaust fumes as I gazed out upon a two-mile strip of culinary and retail abundance.

It was nice to be back in the States, but by 9.45 p.m. bed was calling. Having seen the four beers I drank foreshadowed in a dream, I had left the rental car back at the hotel.

It was only a 15 minute walk.

Carefree, I ambled along the strip from one monstrous parking lot to the next (there was no sidewalk).

About 5 minutes into my stroll, I saw blue lights reflected into the cars in front of me and turned around to see what the problem was.

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main qimg a8a0ab18b88df721cc67ab778d04bf0d

That was when I found out the problem was me.

Someone had reported me to the police as suspicious for walking through the parking lots.

The officers were quite nice as they politely asked why I happened to be in a parking lot at this time of night.

“Well,” I told them, “I found it strange that there’s no sidewalk, but since I knew I wanted to drink 3 or 4 beers, I left the car at the hotel. I’m headed back there now.”

I showed them my room key card, they wished me a nice evening and said “sorry for the hassle, but nobody walks around here.”

They Painted Her Yellow For Fun Then Discarded Her Crying in The Middle Of The Street…


Will India ever beat China in terms of development?

Why not?

You just need to answer four basic questions and once you find the realistic answers , if not beat China , you can at least surge forward and deliver genuine real development :—

  • How far behind are we in Development of our People and Country?
  • How do we develop a National Development Model that helps the nation and every Indian develop albeit at different rates ?
  • What kind of Leadership is required and how will we be able to ensure such leaders?
  • What’s the timeline and Where we will find the money ?

Thats all it takes

China in 1989 asked the same questions and appointed experts to answer. This was post the Tiananmen Square Propaganda1989 and the Birth of State Capitalism in ChinaIn the 1980s, Beijing allowed decentralized markets to flourish and private firms to prosper.

The Answers were :—

  • We are at least 35 years behind in Development of our People and our Country. Our Standards are akin to 1954.
  • We develop a Capitalist and Mixed Economic Plan and aggressively develop our Cities and put our faith in manufacturing and use capitalism to develop our villages through socialism.
  • We choose from a line of Meritocracy based decisions and choose leadership based entirely on Ability and on the Maker Checker concept
  • Timeline is 50 years (2039) and we find the money in TRADE and CHEAP EXPORTS

Thats it

China managed it even earlier than 2039, the original target

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2023 08 03 20 08

So if India can just answer , truthfully these four questions — then India too can develop genuinely well

Sadly India’s answers ensure that the country never will progress

  • We are already at a very good level today and we have the maximum youth population and here are a few articles where IMF and XYZ say we are the greatest economy
  • Our Present Model is a golden example of success and growth. We don’t need anything else. Modi hain to Mumkin Hai. Jai Shri Ram. Gati Shakti. Vande Bharat. 10,000 Toilets built in a week etc
  • We don’t need Khangressi Leaders or Antonia Maino or whatever else WhatsApp tells us. We have the best leadership in the world. Demolishing Buildings, Carrying out Encounters, Getting a Royal Standing Ovation in US and France. Who could ask for better
  • We are already the best so we don’t need money. By 2050 we will overtake China. That’s what Adani says

Read most answers in Quora and the same mentality is reflected

An Inherent terror to acknowledge the truth

Every answer has the overall feel that India is surging and is on its way to a massive development without any mention of any potential problems and a handful of Google articles of what’s expected by 2060 or 2560

It’s like they all live in some Utopian Dream and some delusion filled fantasy playing with numbers like it’s Monopoly“India Will Be $25-30 Trillion Economy By 2050”.

If India needs real development of its people and not today’s shoddy “Build Apartments and Shopping complexes in every street” style of development , India needs to answer the four questions truthfully

The answers may vary from person to person but they must be realistic

For example my take is :—

  • India is at least 30 years behind today in terms of Development of its people and Nation
  • We need a National Model that is a mixture of Welfare State and High Level Capitalism and that doesn’t allow Politics to compromise Economics.
  • We need leaders of ability and skill and vision and need to choose based on education and experience and their having a spine. We need zero focus on religion or religious nonsense.
  • RCEP with China and ASEAN and Massive changes in Labor Law and Overseas Ventures and introducing Wholly Owned Foreign Subsidiaries is the way of achieving the money. Timeline is 30 years (2050)

Others can have different takes but they must be realistic

Step one is to realize India has problems, huge problems and how to solve them

Without that we have no chance except to live in this insane brainwashed bloat fest utopia where we juggle numbers from the air while paying ₹200/— a kg for tomatoes

Gonzalo Lira detained and disappeared in Ukraine

2023 08 05 21 13
2023 08 05 21 13

Is a group home for children always horrible? I am a single father raising my severely autistic child for the past 8 years by myself. I have him since he was two. I am tired, really tired and I want to move on.

I can answer this. I had 3 children, oldest with cerebral palsy, middle child normal, youngest child with rare genetic syndrome that physically handicapped him later in life. I divorced their Dad due to alcoholism. I worked full time and have always worked. I paid a baby sitter for the oldest out of my own pocket to come in and sit with her after school because daycares wouldn’t service her. When I got home from work, I took over. My youngest was mentally normal and didn’t need as much when he was young. I qualified for zero assistance. I asked and applied. My youngest had to go out of state for treatment and it became impossible for anyone to care for my oldest child. My ex, her Dad did nothing to help. No visitation with her. He would take the youngest two. My family couldn’t help because they couldn’t lift her. Not to mention, my parents were older.

She grew to a normal sized smaller adult and weighed 106#, I weighed 120#. I was lifting her because she was non ambulatory, non verbal, paralyzed on the right side. She was unable to feed herself and wore diapers. After taking care of her for 16 years and doing it essentially alone, I had to have help. I plainly couldn’t do it any longer plus try to do what my other 2 needed.

I did finally get some assistance for at home through a state grant. Agency would send someone in to help. However, I ended up having items stolen, they would consistently call in sick and I wouldn’t be able to work. So that solution was not good. However, the help was only there while I worked. When I came home, it was my responsibility.

Through applying for assistance and working with the state Medicaid department as an employee, I had been told over and over that she would qualify for everything as soon as she was out of my house. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life. But my youngest was going to have to have surgery out of state and I couldn’t care for her or take her with me. Zero help.

So I made the hardest decision I ever had to make and that was to place her in a group home. I placed her when she was 16 years old. She went to a fabulous group home. She had opportunities to live as a normal teen and do normal things. It was actually hard to catch her at home because when school started up, Friday nights were football games. They took her to movies, concerts, etc. She went to the beach with the group home. I still visited her. When she became sick with ovarian cancer 20 years later, the staff took turns and came to sit with her at the hospital even though I was there. She died 3 years later from cancer at age 35. But she had been institutionalized since age 16. It was the best thing I could have ever done. She loved coming home and I could go get her and bring her home for holidays. She didn’t spend the night because I had dropped her trying to transfer her from the chair to the bed to change a diaper. But, I was also able to visit as much as I wanted and we did.

No one should ever shame a parent if they have never walked in their shoes. It’s not a walk in the park and it’s not giving up your child or disposing of them. There is only so much one person can do. The burn out is very very real when doing it alone.

San Francisco Public Transit Is Completely Empty | Downtown Is a Ghost Town

2023 08 05 21 10
2023 08 05 21 10

Who Woulda Thunk it: Pfizer Employees Given **Special Batch** of COVID Vax

World Hal Turner 04 August 2023

Australian Senate Cmte large
Australian Senate Cmte large

In testimony before an Australian Parliament Committee, Senior Executives of Pfizer admit their employees received a special batch of the COVID “vaccine” that had NOT been tested by the Australian authorities.  What Pfizer employees got was **different** from what was forced on the public.

Video below from the Australian Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee reveals the scandal:

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2023 08 06 18 49

Many people in the general public have wondered aloud if the Pfizer people, and the politicians/officials, all got harmless Saline solutions as their supposed “vaccine?”  Now, we know factually those employees of Pfizer **did** get something different than the public.   


Africa Is BREAKING FREE – Col Macgregor

2023 08 06 19 15
2023 08 06 19 15

Philly Cheesesteak Sheet Pan Nachos

philly cheesesteak sheet pan nachos
philly cheesesteak sheet pan nachos

Active: 50 min | Yield: 8 to 10 servings


  • 1 pound beef ribeye steak
  • Salt and pepper
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil, divided
  • 1 medium onion, halved and thinly sliced
  • 1 each medium green pepper and sweet red bell pepper, cut into strips
  • 1 (9 ounce) bag tortilla chips
  • 12 ounces (3 cups) part-skim Burnett Dairy® Mozzarella cheese, shredded and divided
  • 12 ounces (3 cups) Weyauwega Star Dairy Provolone cheese, shredded and divided
  • Optional toppings: sliced green onions and sour cream


  1. Freeze steak for 40 minutes.
  2. Thinly slice steak against the grain into strips; season with salt and pepper.
  3. Warm 1 tablespoon olive oil in a large, nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add steak in batches; stir-fry until meat is no longer pink. Remove steak from skillet; keep warm.
  4. Sauté onion and peppers in remaining oil in the same skillet over medium-high heat for 4-6 minutes or until crisp-tender.
  5. Season with salt and pepper. Remove from the heat.
  6. Add steak to skillet; toss to combine.
  7. Heat oven to 400 degrees F. Line a 15 x 10-inch baking pan with parchment paper.
  8. Arrange tortilla chips in a single layer on prepared pan.
  9. Sprinkle with 1 cup mozzarella and 1 cup provolone.
  10. Layer with half of the steak-veggie mixture.
  11. Repeat layers, starting with 1 cup mozzarella. Sprinkle with remaining mozzarella and provolone.
  12. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until the cheeses are melted.
  13. Garnish with toppings as desired.
  14. Serve immediately.

700 Lithography Machines to be Recalled from the Mainland China Market?

2023 08 06 19 13
2023 08 06 19 13

ASML has a deep presence in mainland China, with over 700 lithography machines shipped and 15 offices and a repair center established over several decades.

However, ASML’s operations in China will become more difficult after the Netherlands and the United States reach an agreement. If ASML is unable to provide normal shipping and after-sales service, can all of the mainland’s lithography equipment be repurchased?

If such a situation really occurs, the Netherlands may not be able to bear the consequences.

The Chinese Mainland Market is very important to ASML. With the rise of China’s semiconductor industry and increasing demand, China has become the world’s largest semiconductor Market.

Foreign suppliers such as ASML are eager to sell large quantities of products in China to earn substantial revenue and profits, however these matters are not solely at the discretion of ASML.

If the chip industry continues to maintain Global free trade, ASML can participate in the Chinese market in its own way but now the situation is different. The Netherlands and the US have colluded and set stricter export control rules for ASML.

Starting from September 1st ASML’s high-end DUV lithography machines will not be able to be shipped to the mainland Chinese market as usual. This is not what ASML wants to see but ASML has little choice but to go with the flow.

ASML may even face a situation where it has to repurchase equipment, the chairman of Yangtze memory Technologies once said. Please establish principles of Integrity In fairness if compliant equipment cannot be obtained or used, a time limit can be set for the repurchase of the equipment only then can it be fair.

Chen Nanshang’s meaning is clear, if ASML’s lithography machines are purchased but cannot be obtained or if they are already installed in production lines but are remotely locked due to regulatory restrictions ASML must repurchase the equipment.

Over several decades of operating in mainland China ASML has shipped over 700 lithography machines and established 15 offices and a repair center in China however the agreement between the Netherlands and the United States will impose more restrictions and difficulties on ASML operations in mainland China including shipping and after sales services for ASML.

This is undoubtedly a severe challenge following chin Nanshang’s remarks, it is possible to repurchase all of the mainland’s lithography equipment if such a situation really occurs.

The Netherlands may not be able to bear the consequences on the one hand this would mean that ASML would lose the huge Chinese market which would have a detrimental effect on the company’s revenue and growth on the other hand repurchasing the equipment would require a large amount of capital and resources which would have a negative impact on ASML’s financial situation and competitiveness.

France desperate to hold on to Niger, and its uranium

2023 08 06 19 10
2023 08 06 19 10

What did someone do or say at the bank that made you say, “You gotta be kidding me!”?

I used to bank with Bank of America. Deposited a check from my grandfather. I was 35 at the time or so. I got a receipt that said I deposited it at 11:05 with Imelda for $1200.00. This was in Fremont, CA. I had $50 in the account, never had an overdraft, so there were no holds. At the time it was all the money I had and I needed it to pay rent. Next day I dropped by and said “When will those funds be available?”.

Teller said “You didn’t make a deposit yesterday”.
I said “Yeah I did…” and read off the receipt details. They told me they had no record of the deposit (despite my receipt) that they had lost the check and it was now my problem. They told me to get another check from my grandpa. I said “He’s a prick and he’s not going to do that”.

They genuinely tried to tell me that I’d just lost those funds.

I said “Are you high??!! I have proof I deposited it! It’s insured by the Federal govt, you moron! If you lost the check than Bank of America is going to absorb this loss, not some starving student who can’t pay rent”.
(Edit:Oops. FDIC handles it when banks go out of business. Other agencies remedy losses like this).

BofA branch manager told me to “be quiet”


He stammered… “please be quiet” the branch manager whispered, trying to hush me.

He didn’t know I had 10 years of theater training. My voice BOOMED and probably heard in the parking lot. “YOU LOST MY CHECK ! ! ! !!! YOU LOST MY MONEY!! THE TELLER STOLE MY CHECK AND YOU SAY IT’S JUST GONE ? ! HOW MANY OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY HAS SHE STOLEN FROM THEIR ACCOUNTS???!!!”.

Literally everything in the bank stopped. I think I had rattled the glass. People were now walking towards us worried. There was going to be a rush on the bank. Like this was going to make the news. His face turned red with panic.

He told me “I’m going to put the funds back in your account but we reserve the right to remove it later if we want to”.

I said “But it’s all liquid right now?”.

He said “Yes”.

I instantly left the bank. Drove to the nearest Bank of America (they’re everywhere), took all my money out ($1250 or so) and closed the account.

NEVER. EVER. EVER do business with Bank of America. They’re consistently incompetent. I’ve heard other horror stories and there are better banks that don’t charge fees. I mean, BofA literally told me that they had lost my check AFTER I deposited it, I had a receipt, named the teller, the amount and the time of the deposit. I’d done everything right and they wanted ME to eat the loss?!!!

CDC Confirms “Outbreak” of Dengue Fever in U.S.

Nation Hal Turner 04 August 2023

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provisionally confirmed a major U.S. outbreak of dengue fever on Wednesday.

At present, there are 225 cases of dengue fever in the U.S., and 315 in the U.S. territory of Puerto Ricoaccording to the CDC. Florida is bearing the brunt of the outbreak, with 96 travel-associated cases and two local transmissions.

New York has also been hit with 23 cases, and one person has been infected locally in Texas. A majority of the cases in Florida were contracted during trips to Cuba, according to VaxBeforeTravel.

Outbreaks of dengue have erupted around the world, with more than 100,000 people infected and 200 dead in Peru. The country is currently going through a “mega fumigation campaign” to rid the population of mosquitos that carry the disease.

The disease is spread via mosquito bites, and symptoms include severe pain in the patient’s eyes, head, muscles, joints, as well as a high fever, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.

Severe dengue fever can cause internal bleeding and organ damage. Blood pressure can drop to dangerous levels, causing shock. In some cases, severe dengue fever can lead to death.

Women who get dengue fever during pregnancy may be able to spread the virus to the baby during childbirth.

San Francisco’s Tallest Building Is Literally Empty | Salesforce Leaves Quietly

2023 08 05 20 16
2023 08 05 20 16

Do older people tend to let their homes go because they can’t do the work anymore?

I have noticed that older people like me (76) tend to let their seasonal homes (summer cottages) go because they become overwhelmed by the work required to maintain that home. I spoke a few days ago with two long-time seasonal neighbors (85 and 86) on my remote northern Minnesota island who told me this was their last summer there. I thanked them for telling me that they had made it into their mid-80s before deciding to sell. There are things about living on a remote island that make it more difficult:

  • You have to have a boat or boats in the water between May and October and then have a place to store them during the winter. I have replaced my older and less reliable boats with two new ones that require very little shop time to fix motors.
  • Docks require maintenance, particularly when a flood like the one we experienced in 2022 does this to it.
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  • Forest management involves the removal of dead trees and the protection of young trees from deer or beaver. I cut and split enough wood to fuel the sauna and wood stove during the season.
  • The cottage itself needs the same sort of maintenance any building does with special attention to water pumps and sewage. At a certain point it becomes necessary to put away ladders as an accident on the island would be disastrous.

One of the issues as we age is that the kids who once helped up with the seasonal work are off in their own lives with their families. If they spend a week at the cottage, the last thing they plan on doing is rebuilding a dock or cutting and splitting trees. Although I have had an excellent summer at the lake (especially avoiding the southern heat dome), I know that the time will come when we transfer ownership. I do not look forward to that day.

What are the implications of China replacing the head of its nuclear missile force in a major military shake-up?

Wang Houbin.

Wang Houbin
Wang Houbin

Unlike the West, this is a merit-based appointment. He was the former deputy commander of the Chinese navy, and he was the one that oversaw it’s growth, expansion, and maintained strict discipline throughout the nearly eight years of sea-based American provocations.

He runs a “tight ship”.

Without getting into too much detail, he is the sort of man that is loyal and “plays it by the book”. Much like (the fictional character) “Iceman” from the 1980’s era movie “Topgun”.

In short; He is a steady hand, and strives for perfection.

Also, he is LOYAL. He cannot be “turned”, and he is neither ideological, nor religious.

As the head of the PLA Strategic (and tactical) missile force, he WILL NOT HESITATE to turn the United States into Radioactive glass if ordered to do so. He is the man who will do it, and he is the best qualified for this role.

2023 08 05 19 31
2023 08 05 19 31

For whatever it is worth, those “in the know” inside the Pentagon realize what a big issue this is. They see a gradual and steady evolution (step by step) by the PLA to get on a deathly-serious and very lethal full-on WAR FOOTING.

Oh, I’m sure it sounds great that you have a few guns in your house. So many American people can boast that they have a few guns in their house. But what REALLY makes the difference is the person is is trained, and READY to use them. The guy that won’t blink, and shoot you dead. Fully and completely dead.

That is Wang Houbin.

The unique case of ‘water scam’ which Air Asia is into.

It’s the lowest one can fall to at 35,000ft.

As per the mandatory regulation issued by DGCA (Director General of Civil Aviation), a passenger on board is entitled to free drinking water in all domestic and international flights flying in/out of India.

But Air Asia does not want you to have that glass of water so easily.

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main qimg d19b56edb5e1d66b6a2308017e292619 lq

Here is what they do.

On my flight from Bengaluru to Kuala Lumpur, when I asked for regular water instead of the bottled one, the reply of the air hostess was –

Sir we only have hot water with us, can I get you that?’

By hot, she meant pipping hot. There was no way anyone can drink that, automatically forcing you to buy a bottle, which I had to.

Technically they were right, its mentioned free, but nothing is written about the temperature part.

That’s the day they proved, they are indeed the cheapest airline in the world.

Netherlands Will Make the U.S Pay This Way After Becoming a Scapegoat!

Netherlands Will Make the U.S Pay This Way After Becoming a Scapegoat!

2023 08 06 18 59
2023 08 06 18 59

If someone became extremely wealthy, could they theoretically buy anything they want and never have to work again?

I have three ultra wealthy friends. The first two are worth more than $100 million, and the third is a multi billionaire.

The first sold his software company in his early 40’s, retired, and traveled the world for 2 years. He got bored and started a new software company, and sold it in his late 40’s. He got bored again, and started ANOTHER software company, but this one failed, but he only lost a few million. Just pocket change for him.

I haven’t talked to him for awhile, but last time I did, he and his wife was doing the whole ‘Van Life’ thing you see on YouTube (he’s not a YouTuber tho). I guess that’s what you do when all of your kids are in college.

He can buy just about anything, but he’s always been a simple guy. I’ve never seen him buy anything fancy since I’ve known him. He likes to drive his Buick SUV because it’s comfortable. Actually, his Van Life van is pretty fancy, probably the fanciest thing I’ve ever seen him buy. It was custom built for him and his wife and I think he paid over $200k for it.

My second friend created a robotics company and just recently sold it so he could retire at 60 years old.

He’s nothing like my first friend. He has a huge mansion, 2 planes (not jets), and a large collection of Lamborghini’s. His daily driver is a Huracán. He travels around the US doing track days with his Lambos. He’s driven on every speedway in the US, and most of them in Europe. He also got bored and started a new medical tech company. Last time I talked to him, he was complaining about the FDA.

My third friend just recently became a billionaire when his fintech company IPO’d. He doesn’t consider himself wealthy as it’s all in company stocks, and hasn’t sold any. He mentioned that nothing in his life has really changed since the IPO (and him becoming a billionaire), except now he travels in a private jet when traveling across the US, Europe and Asia for work. I rarely see him because he works 5000 hrs a week, but that started before he became a billionaire. I’m still trying to get him to take me in his company jet.

All of them can definitely buy just about anything they want (and one has).
Theoretically, all three of them never have to work again, but all three are genius’ and their brains never stop working. I don’t think they can help it, nor do they want to. I think they’re happiest when they’re doing something new and interesting.

Ukraine-Marine Drone Hits Russian Ship; Explodes

World Hal Turner 04 August 2023

Ukraine Marine Drone Hits Russian Ship large
Ukraine Marine Drone Hits Russian Ship large

Ukrainian sea drones attacked a navy base at one of Russia’s largest Black Sea ports, the Russian Ministry of Defense said Friday, claiming that both of the drones used in the attack had been destroyed. Ukrainian sources said a Russian naval vessel was damaged in the attack, however, and video posted online appeared to show a ship listing to one side.

The overnight attack hit Russia’s Novorossiysk naval base on the Black Sea, and it reportedly forced a temporary halt to all ship movement at the key port.

Clashes in and around Ukraine’s Black Sea ports — which are currently blockaded by Russian forces — and at least one major river port have escalated since the collapse of an internationally-brokered deal that had, for a year up until last month, allowed for the safe export of vital grain supplies from Ukraine.

Russia pulled out of that deal and has since attacked the ports from which Ukraine’s significant grain supplies are exported around the world, driving global grain prices up more than 10% in the immediate aftermath and threatening to keep them on the rise. 

Have you actually ever heard someone say ‘Do you know who I am?’ indignantly?

My father believed in handshakes, not contracts and entered into a business agreement to do all the foundation work for a development of 9 luxury houses. Both my mom and I warned him to get a contract but he wouldn’t claiming the the contractor who hired him was also an honorable man.

Needless to say, he didn’t pay even though my father believed he would pay one day. My parents cut their living expenses to the bare minimum, including their health insurance. Sadly my mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer during this time.

One day, I joined friends for a festival at the local seminary. Guess who I ran into? Yup the contractor being given the Royal treatment by several of the priests since he was a large donor to the seminary. I said hello to him and he ignored me, so I repeated myself. When I was ignored a second time, I asked him where his manners were (yes I was itching for a fight). He responded by asking me if I knew who he was

My very loud response was that I knew who he was…that he was the lying thief who owed my father nearly $200,000 for work he had done. And that because of him a good woman, my mom was dying because my parents couldn’t afford medical treatment. Of course the priests tried to shuffle him away but I kept at it. The priests kept telling me that I was mistaken and that he was a good man.

I asked him if he knew who I was and he said some bitch with no manners. I laughed and responded that I was the bitch that was taking him down with a big smirk and walked away laughing.

What he didn’t know was that I had kept detailed records of all of my dad’s financial outlays for him, all associated labor costs, delivery costs of concrete & cinder blocks – all showing delivery to the contractor’s development. I found a lawyer to help us and the day before the festival, my mom signed the paperwork (as a co-owner of the business) to have a lein applied preventing the sale of any house in that development until my dad was paid in full. I also reported him to the IRS whistleblowers program for tax fraud.

End result, my dad was paid in full. Eventually the contractor was found guilty of tax fraud, did prison time, paid a substantial penalty and was ruined. Evidently my dad was not the only one he screwed. And being the bitch with no manners that I am, I bought numerous copies of the newspaper edition that told of his conviction, and hand delivered them to the priests. Lol

What is the best thing that has ever happened to you for being nice?

Years ago, I was on my way back to my hometown. When an elderly couple tried to get on this bus as well, I immediately gave up my seat and helped them to get on.

They were very impressed that I had actually given up my seat and thanked me about three times. They explained they’d wanted to get to their hotel for hours, but had to wait as there were many delays that day. I then made them laugh by saying we are very used to train and bus delays here in the Netherlands, so they’d better get used to it if they were planning on staying any longer!

While we were on our way, they started asking me all about the Netherlands. Where I was from, what it was like to live here, and what I was up to. I told them I was on my way back after I’d met up with a professor to discuss my ideas about going to Oxford. He had, unfortunately, told me that my chances were very slim, as my grades were not that high.

The husband of the woman suddenly sat up and asked me what my grades were like. I told him and he asked what I wanted to study. I explained to him that applied linguistics was the field I really wanted to get involved in, and I gave him my reasons, to which he replied:

“You know, I used to be a professor of Linguistics at the University of Cambridge, and I would most certainly have admitted you. ”

He gave me the courage I needed to apply to Oxford that semester, and guess what… I got in!

THIS BROKE ME! | Oliver Anthony “Rich Men North Of Richmond | Reaction

Todays reaction REALLY BROKE ME! Anthony’s “Rich Men North of Richmond” really hit home for me!

Kansas City Confidential (Film-Noir, 1952) John Payne, Lee Van Cleef | Colorized Movie, Subtitles

Full movie.

2023 08 03 20 49
2023 08 03 20 49

Film noir.

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The best thing that ever happened to me for being nice was learning that I am essentially Jesus Christ and am involved in a real life LARP/Story that is unprecedented in the history of the world, and I also learned that China’s where it’s at instead of this shitty nation that rewards shitty and disgusting behavior while demonizing niceness.

comment image

Look, I got my passport

I am going to the China Consulate General tomorrow to get my visa. It’s located in W 42nd street.


Alexander Martis

Hi everyone.
I was not going to post anything. However, after my most recent phone call of a few ones today, I need to vent. I need to write and share here my state of mind and my prayer/complaint.
I am tired of dealing with stupidity and stupid people and depending completely on them.
It is a daily occurrence. Here, in Puerto Rico, the stupidity is everywhere. Honestly, I am tired of pointing out the stupidity, the contradictions, and the illogical. I have lost my patience and do not want to waste my time with stubborn people. I cannot live my life arguing almost to the point of altercation. I have to defend myself like being accused of a crime I did not commit.
I want out of that. How? I have no idea.
My present situation is of my own making. I should bang myself against a wall until bleeding profusely. Sometimes the stupidity feels so overwhelming I feel I cannot take it anymore.
I know, this too shall pass.
I am tired of this. If at least I had an infinite amount of patience and resistance to the stupidity and physical discomfort… But I have limits.
Please, whoever from a different plane of existence that is for goodness, I am sending an SOS. Please, I need help.
Metallicman, I am not asking for you or anyone to intervene for me with The Domain. You have gifted us this website. I am grateful for finding about you and the persons you still keep in touch with.
I am asking for help. Please, to those “adults in the room”, help me be strong, patient and quiet. I am tired of the alphas, and those that do their bidding inadvertently or not. Maybe I am a sigma, not wanting to rule over others, not willing to submit and obey blindly.
For my mental and physical health, I am asking for help, please Domain, mantids, guarding angels, inter-dimensional personas for goodness, peace, and constructiveness. I need to be able to resist and navigate without falling for evil games and manipulation. I need help to act quietly and decisively to protect myself. I need help to keep myself quiet and humble. I need help to take care of my health with minimal dependence from the local medical system. I need help to find the knowledge and resources to restore my health, raise it to an optimal level and keep it there.
Please, please, please, to the “adults in the room”, any kind of help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you, everyone. That goes specially to the “adults in the room”.


Now I that I am mentioned….

When I was reading your comment Alexander Martin, I did think, hey, that’s like me 4 weeks ago. I was feeling like going to hit the bottom really hard, free fall, everything lost (I am still in the whirlpool though) and started a small special campaign for protection and assistance, also for keeping myself stable, lifting my worries concerns and fears…. although I am in the dwell time of my bigger campaign. And now I am on full change, mentally but also my body is feeling better. I feel energised and not lost anymore. Some things are also happening in my surroundings. And this within 2 weeks! I can only confirm what MM is writing above, you should start immediately a small special campaign, like he describes.

You will be well soon then.

Alexander Martis

Thank You WaterTiger and Metallicman for the encouragement and kind words.
I have been conducting an affirmation campaign for months, stopping every now and then for a few days and continuing it, with some minor and major changes to it. I feel I am a soldier. Definitely it feels I am at war.
Many of the expressions in my campaign have been borrowed from your writing, Metallicman. I add a footnote below the borrowed expression to not loose track of where I got it.
Sometimes it feels very frustrating and tiring, but, I can testify, whenever I raise my clamor like I have done a few times here, I get a rush of relief. I mean it, I can feel it physically.
Metallicman, when I read here about what was done to you, I get slightly dizzy. It happens to me when something hits me hard emotionally to the point of having a physical effect on me. Must be the possession of a deep sense of perceptiveness and a sensitivity towards injustice.
By the way, before reading your posts, today I added to my affirmation campaign a request of assistance to further develop my intuition and my logical and critical thinking skills.
It feels like a whirlwind. But I will keep going and fighting until the end.
Once again, to both of you, and to the “adults in the room” that are our benefactors, Thank You very much. My sincere gratitude to you all.


Alexander , the most important things have already been said to you by MM and water tiger so i wont go into that.
but is there perhaps something specific that you would like me to put in my prayers for you.
everyone here already is but maybe you want something more specific.
I’m starting my campaign next week so just let me know.

Alexander Martis

I am curious about the BaZi predictions. What do you mean when you say “What that means is that the BaZi predictions seems to have been advanced 1/2 year early”?
I am concerned with many things, maybe worrying too much for things that I cannot control.
To Chris, thanks a lot for your offering which is greatly appreciated.
Can you please add the following to your prayer campaign? .
One of my main concerns is a health issue going on with what seems to be my prostate. I am 55 y/o, so it is expected to happen, even though I have taken care of myself in terms of nutrition, rest, exercising and sexual behavior (not fooling around and playing sexual Russian roulette).
Part of my affirmation campaign is for whatever health professional I have to deal with, that he or she feels inspired, motivated and guided to help me restore my health to an optimal level, be it prostate or any other underlying, hidden or latent issue.
Miracles have not been left out of consideration either.
Grays, Domain, mantids, guarding angels, inter-dimensionals against evil and for goodness, this is a humble and very respectful call from a a very flawed human, living in strange times.
So there you have it Chris.
Thank You a lot guys.
The medical care system is somewhat slow, and sometimes leaves a lot to be deserved. Somehow it manages to work but it is a hassle to deal with, even for those with the means to pay for health care. And some health professionals are still in pandemic mode.
There is a lot more going on with my life, that somehow feels not terrible, but still concerning. Ruined, without income, depending on my mother (which I have been taken care of-got a knee replaced on the past 14th of this month), depending on her and my partner.
A lot has happened to me since 2017.
I cannot continue writing because it is going to get pretty long. There is a lot in my mind.
This place has become my repository of some of my most recent thoughts.
OK enough.
Again, thanks Chris, WaterTiger and Congjing Yu.
Metallicman, I had you already in my affirmation campaign. Today I will add Chris and WaterTiger to my affirmation/prayer campaign for protection, guidance, peace, wealth, health, and a clear, sharp and calm mind. If there is anything you guys need me to pray/affirm for you, please please please, do not hesitate in letting me know. We all feel what is going on, so it is not a bad idea to support each other.
Again, Thank You all.


Thanks AM, I can surely use a calm, sharp and clear mind. I hope to be out of my rollercoaster very soon but am not sure where the cart will land. I wish you a save and prosperous journey!!


I already let my mind go over what prayer to have for you. Tomorrow evening i’m going to work out the details on the exact wording.


Hi Alexander,
I just saw the conversation you guys had, and the most important things have already been said. The only things i can add is 1) you are allowed to really vocally cry out for help, it is just the same like with the affirmations. You’d be surprised how quickly something can manifest when you put all of you into a call out for help. I know i did.
2) remember, you are not alone. We are here too.
3) i don’t know if your alias is also your name or not, but there are many strong man by that names.
There you go. It seems MM and WT already lifted you up, just remember, you are not alone.

Alexander Martis

Hello MIrri.
About speaking or crying out loud for help, it does work. I can testify that in moments of desperation I have asked for help and have received an immediate response that I have felt physically.
Thank You Mirri, MM, WT and Chris for your kind words of support and encouragement. I am here to assist all of you too with my prayers/affirmations.
About my name, it is my real name, not an alias.
WaterTiger, you wrote about a special small campaign. Well, yesterday I did type a request for answers about staying in Puerto Rico or not. I type my campaigns that I read out and vocalize. Long story short, I was not expecting a quick response since things have their own rhythm and take some time. This morning my mother was listening to a radio station she tunes in every day. To my surprise there was a discussion in which I heard the answer to my request. I was so surprised I have asked for confirmation since I do not want to be under a false impression of having been answered so quickly, or that my emotions are getting involved. Nor am I expecting a particular answer.
I do need a confirmation because if I am correct, it is for my protection from a major catastrophe to happen in this island. The time has come for this to happen due to the seismicity of Puerto Rico.
It seems crazy. I want to be guided by intuition and not by emotion.
Never in my life I thought I would write like this.
Once again, thank you all.

Alexander Martis

Thank You MM.
We have been conditioned to look for immediate gratification instead of working with consistent discipline and dedication to get results. I am used to think that things that have real value take time, and I am not expecting immediate results to everything. Much less when I ask a few questions to our benefactors and get an answer in less than 24 hours.
I know you have made the point many times in your writing. I have not missed it.
I do, however, appreciate your reminder.
Once again, Thank You all.