You meet all kinds of people in these mobile home complexes

Actually we lived in a couple of them. But for the most part, we lived for a few years in a large mobile home park outside the city limits in the middle of the corn fields.


Today, I want to discuss a small incident with my next door neighbor.

You see, they would blare their stereo on HIGH. And we couldn’t understand why. We figured that they were partying all day and all night.

But it would be cranked up so loud that our windows shook. And at weird times too. Sometimes it was from 9am to 2pm, and other times it was just for an hour or two in the late afternoon.

Still it couldn’t be a party. No activity. Aside from the noise you wouldn’t anyone lived there.

And then we figured it out.

When they (our neighbors) would leave their house, they would turn on the stereo to give the illusion that there were people at home. It was a stupid idea, but gosh, you meet all kinds of people in these mobile home complexes. They maxed out their stereo and it rocked the entire complex. Not just us nearest neighbors.

I guess that it worked.

No one ever broke into their home.


But still, I found myself wishing that they would stay home more often. *sigh*.

Again. you meet all kinds of people in mobile home complexes.

Yes you do.


Years ago, circa 1979 I had a female coworker who was diligent, capable and very smart. In many ways she was the best employee in our then Fortune 1000 company. She and I were friendly.

One day over lunch, she said she had something to tell me. She said she was confiding in me with the hope that I would understand. I was interested but didn’t acknowledge it one way or another.

As we sat across from each other at the restaurant where we were eating lunch, she leaned across the table. Then she motioned for me to lean in too. I did. Then her expression turned from serious to dour, even frightened.

My coworker softly stated, “The company is moving our corporate headquarters.”

We worked at corporate headquarters. So I became concerned for my job as I had a wife and 2 young children to support.

I asked, “When? Is everybody moving?”

“Soon. Many will be taken. The remainder will be left. It will be up to Jack.” Jack was our manager.

I sat there silent. A bit upset. Even a little shocked. Then she added the biggest most incredible words I ever heard from anyone at work.

“The company is owned by aliens. And they will take many of us to their home planet. I was chosen.”

She Thought Cheating Was A Good Idea Until She Had To Pay Him Child Support


One of my best friends from school. She never invited me over and I was fine with that. She said she was embarassed of her family and I respect that. One day we had a fight and it got personal. She was screaming at me about the stresses of her home life and I didn’t believe her. So she let me come over.

The house was filthy. Not just messy, it was putrid. It smelled terrible. There was mouldy food left on plates everywhere. I could smell dead things that I assume were rats or mice. On the table were clearly used syringes. She showed me her bedroom. It was immaculate and smelled lovely. That was her sanctuary. Her mother was a heroin addict and used to have multiple men over. In the bathroom were used condoms tied in a knot everywhere. I felt sick looking at the hell my friend had to live with. She had to do everything for herself and I understood why she was so tired every day.

I let her move into my parents’ house with me and she lived there from 15/16–19. No matter what she will always be my sister.

Woman Commits Paternity Fraud And Instantly Regrets It

I was born in Xinjiang, I was raised there, my entire childhood was living with Uyghurs, they are my neighbours.

I stand up and support them, so as our Govt (this may sound weird). They’re free to go to Mosque, they’re free to give births as many as they wish without be restricted by one child policy, their children will get 50 extra points in College entry exam (20 after 2018’s new policy, with a perfect score ranging roughly from 600 to 750 depending on where you take the exam), and their language are taught in schools and printed on bank notes.

When I was in high school, we have 20 classes in our grade, 10 of them are Uyghur classes. When Olympic Torch came to Xinjiang, our school picked a few Uyghur students as student representatives.

I bet most people from Western don’t know this, and Suddenly they stood up and fought for the Uyghur people? When Islamic terrorism happened in Xinjiang, moderate Mulism people were also suffering from terrorism too, where are their voice by then?

Has Nato mobilized and transitioned into a war economy?

Other than record stock markets and eye-catching gdp, Nato is embroiled in economic malaise, and in no shape to meet Nato spending targets in peacetime, let alone massive war spending.

Besides, the current conflict in Ukraine has already emptied the accumulated war reserve of Nato, and they are now sending active arms in use.

Is Nato is any shape to confront Russia today on a one for all, all for one basis? Do Nato leaders desire such a confrontation?

Russia has mobilized >2m men, and is outproducing Nato in war materiel by multiples.

Ukraine joining Nato is but a couple of signatures on paper. We have seen Ukraine being fractured and Volodymyr cheered without Ukraine cashing the empty check of membership dangled for decades in front of the sacrificial Ukrainian lambs.

Fantasy sold to the gullible is what got us into this mess of overreach.

When the Russians say no, they are prepared to shed blood for it.

Question is, is Nato prepared to shed rivers of blood too, or are they mistaking the Russian bear for a pesky fly destined to meet the fly swatter?

I am BLACK 1m.89cm tall, Point i am not able to just keep a low profile. In the dozen plus trips too China . I will say this; I walk in the street during late even, or early (am) morning hours to get my relax time. I stop at stalls without a single word of understandable mandarin buy street food and never had a stall owner short change me..[I know the currency and prices ]. I Window shop and buy things to bring home for my friend as gifts.

This is my experience .

I have never felt for a single moment I was at risk, Walking the back streets out of curiosity, people look, even intently but never made me feel uncomfortable . Maybe because I stay only in Top hotels the area i walk are better managed or policed. ( Was asked once if i needed help from two officer and when i said i was just walking to relax they left me and moved on..Awesome Not asking for ID or where i am going what i am doing out in the am. EU and USA did not treat me so well, and i speak a few of these languages.

I am not looking to be a trader or make a female friend Maybe this has something to do with my absolutely awesome stays .

Chinese people are racist, its ignorance more than malice. Chines people have attitude, but i am sure i do also.

But Chinese people do not hate me because of my colour ,,,Misinformation makes then negative in expectations and okay i am not poor so maybe i carry myself with the confidence of I need nothing from China , Happy to visit as long as China is happy to accept my freedom to be me every second of the day. Black and proud. But i am not poor anywhere in the world but am treated not so well .

I will always feel China is a GREAT place to visit if you do not wish to spread a political view. China has so many millions of beautiful place and interesting places ,I am sure i will have hundreds of trips .Thank you China for my Experience as a tourist..

Me & the kids were mocking him for being a weak father, until he got fed up, became furious & then

Never mock your man.

Alice in Wonder

Submitted into Contest #247 in response to: Set your story on a spaceship exploring the far reaches of space when something goes wrong. view prompt

Sean Mallery

“Wake up Alice, we have reached the null point”Alice sat up straight, wiping a bit of drool from her mouth. “What?”“The Captain’s input is needed, Alice. The coordinates are already set.”“Hey Wonder, uhh I wasn’t sleeping.”“Sleeping? I didn’t say you were!” Wonder joked. “I don’t even know what sleeping is. How would I? I never sleep.”“Okay, smartbutt computer. Just give me the calculations of the jump”“It’s on your HUD right now. No need to check. I ran the numbers myself,” Wonder said.Alice leaned forward and tapped the HUD. The map expanded to show multiple solar systems. “Did you calculate the balance of the cargo?”“I’ll admit, I rounded up to the third decimal place. Well within margin,” Wonder explained.Alice brought out her stylus and moved some numbers around. “What is the cargo this time?”“That’s classified under the RED initiative.”“Okay, can you at least tell me if it’s solid, fluid or gas? These things matter when jumping through the ather.” Alice explained.“Sorry, I cannot provide any details, as they are classified.”“Fine, the math looks good. Prepare for ather jump,” Alice conceded.“All systems green, standing by for the captain’s input.”Alice leaned forward and stared at the big red jump button. She pressed her palm down and the ship made a Ker-chunk sound as the jump engines fired up. “And the under paid monkey presses the button” she said.“Hole to the ather is open. Shields are steady,” Wonder reported. The ship pointed toward the glowing hole in space and lurched forward. The 1-DR was not a pretty ship to look at, but it was a useful one. Designed with functionality over aesthetics. All long, with dark lines broken up by exterior propulsion engines. They buzzed, spilling plasma out into space. Alice buckled into her captain’s seat. The transfer to ather space was never a smooth ride. This isn’t some luxury line ship meant to make people comfortable. It moved freight and did it cheaply.“Hitting ather space in 3…2…1” Wonder counted down. The entire ship lurched and moaned as it crossed over. Alice brought up the ship status on her HUD. Before she even had time to look at it, the lights went red and an alarm siren blasted, making Alice cringe reflexively. She silenced the alarm with the push of a button.“Wonder status,” Alice demanded.“We have lost coupling on the aft cargo hold.”“Can you give me visual?”“On the HUD now” The screen glowed with a swirl of purples and red of ather space. Alice moved the camera to see the cargo container. It hung on by a single coupling and flailed wildly.

“Give me manual control” The chair moved back and dual joysticks raised up. She took hold and moved the ship. She turned and rotated until the cargo no longer bounced around. Physics in space are weird, physics in the ather are impossible. The ship was now turned sideways, but still moving in the same direction. As long as she could keep the ship in the ather’s slipstream, it would be fine.

“Starboard engine took damage.” Wonder informed Alice. “On this trajectory we will slide out of the slip in thirty seconds.”

Alice sighed. Drop the cargo or drop out into ather space. She thought about it and quickly decided. Turned the engines off and allow the ship to drift. With the damage done to the engine, there was no telling if she could correct the path either way. Losing the cargo was not an option while working with RED either. Lost cargo means a fine and who knows how big the fine is with the classification placed on it. The ship rumbled as it left the slipstream moving into a thicker ather.

“Great, repair options for the engine?” Alice asked.

“Working on it.”

Alice’s HUD displayed a warning. Shields at 75% It read.

“Work faster” She screamed. “The ather is pressing in on the ship.”

“Yeah yeah. Don’t get your undies in a bunch,” Wonder said with a laugh.

“What? Wonder I need a solution. Can I space walk to repair it?”

“Space walking in the ather will get you deader than your sense of humor!”

“What has gotten into you?”

“I apologize Alice, it seems the effects of ather are causing me to malfunction.”

“Stupid AI, you can’t break now too.”

“Have you tried turning me off and back on again?”

Alice got up from the captain’s chair. She grabbed a tool case from the closet and headed into the bay. She checked a status screen as she walked by. Shields 60% it read.

“Wonder can I get to any of the parts from the interior of the ship.”

“Panel thirteen – seven. Look for the big red glowy light. That will be the thing. They always have glowy lights to let you know if they are bad.”

Alice turned down a hallway and caught sight of something white and quick moving just around the next corner.

“Wonder, is there anyone else on the ship?” She asked.

“Its just me and you forever baby!”

Alice let out a long sigh. “Is any of our cargo biological? Animals maybe?”

“Sorry that’s classified,” Wonder answered.

“Oh, now you can be serious?”

“Sorry, even I can’t read it. I’m looking at the file on our cargo right now. It just says classified.”

“There is something else on the ship.” Alice explained.

“Nah bro, you are going crazy.”

“What?” Alice said incredulously

“Mild effects of aether poisoning. Step one insanity, step two coming to terms with insanity, step three, the fun part.”

Alice grunted. She knew she needed to move faster before she was useless. She found the panel and removed it. The array of wires and pipes hid circuit boards. She found the one with the red light. She unplugged it and plugged it back in. The light turned off and back red again. Alice frowned. She unplugged the module. Probably didn’t need it, anyway. Alice turned around and jumped. There in the middle of the hall sat a small white rabbit. They stared at each other for a moment. The rabbit took off down the hall and around the corner.

“No, you don’t,” Alice said and chased the rabbit around the corner. She skid to a halt at the table before her. Alice found herself in a large, ornate room. She gawked at the white walls and wooden furnishing. Where was she? This isn’t a room on the ship. Worst of all, there were people sitting at the table, pouring cups of tea.

“Hello” she intoned.

“Oh, hello Alice,” the man at the head of the table said. He wore a purple suit with a tall hat. “Tea?” He asked, gesturing with a steaming teakettle.

“Uh, no thank you.” She said, looking shocked.

“Please sit. You know my friend, the white rabbit.” He gestured to a rabbit sitting on the table. It had its own cup of tea and cookie. It looked up as if acknowledging her.


“And this here is our lead ship mechanic. Scoots.” The man in the suit said.

A short, pudgy man in a black suit and bowler cap looked over at her. “Ma’am.” He said, tipping his hat.

“And I of course, am the ever present Wonder.”

“Wonder? You’re the ship AI?”

“In the flesh!”

“I don’t understand. We don’t have a ship mechanic, and you are an AI. Don’t even get me started on the rabbit!”

“It is very easy to explain, sweetie. You see, you are quite mad.”

“Mad?” she asked.

“Insane, the ather has broken through the shield and you are undergoing the effects. Have a seat, enjoy yourself.“

“I don’t know.” She said, sitting down, “If I am insane, then how can I sit in a chair that isn’t real, smell the tea that isn’t there? Even the light of this room, I can feel it.”

“Well, the ather does weird things to all of us,” Wonder Explained

“For sure,” Scoots chimed in.

The rabbit just looked at her. Alice knew what it was saying.

She held her cup as Wonder poured some tea. “So what do I do now?”

“Well, you have two choices, really. You can get the ship back into the slipstream and finish your delivery. Do the next delivery and then do the next. Until you die. Or Ooooooor. You can stay in the ather and explore what is in this new space. You, me, scoots, the rabbit can come too.”

Alice sipped her tea. “You make a good point, but what if this is just the insanity talking? What if there is nothing out there to explore?”

Wonder leaned back in his chair. “Well honey. I will admit, I am biased. I have always wanted to see you like this. With my own eyes, I mean. Not through a camera, not through you pushing buttons.”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying I want to be with you, exploring. Ya know, like this.” Wonder gestured to the table.

“I say we stay,” Scoots said.

“And Mr Rabbit, what do you have to say?” Alice asked. The rabbit reached up to it’s cup and took a sip. It looked over, wiggling its nose. “I’m sold.” She said. Alice stood up and grabbed her cup. Let’s go to the helm and see what’s out there.

“You’re the captain,” Wonder said grabbing his cup a handful of cookies. They all together walked to the helm. Alice sat down in the pilot seat and grabbed the joysticks.

“We need repairs, lets see if we can find a place to land.” Alice said. Wonder took up a position in a newly formed station in the helm. “I see a planet on the scanners.”

“I can see an asteroid belt around that planet.” Scoots chimed in from the maintenance station that was suddenly there.

“How can there be a planet in the ather?” Alice asked.

“Lets find out.” Wonder answered.

Italian Beef Stir Fry

Few ingredients – fast and flavorful!


Yield: 4 servings


  • 1 pound beef top tip steaks, cut 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 small zucchini, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup cherry tomato halves
  • 1/4 cup fat-free bottled Italian salad dressing
  • 2 cups hot cooked spaghetti
  • 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese


  1. Cut beef steaks crosswise into 1 inch wide strips. Cut each strip crosswise in half.
  2. Heat oil in large nonstick skillet over medium high heat. Add garlic and stir while cooking 1 minute.
  3. Add half of the beef strips. stir fry for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes or until no longer pink.
  4. Remove with slotted spoon and keep warm.
  5. Repeat with remaining beef strips.
  6. Add zucchini to same skillet. stir fry for 2 to 3 minutes or until tender-crisp.
  7. Return beef to skillet with tomato halves and dressing. Heat through.
  8. Salt and pepper to taste.
  9. Serve beef mixture over hot pasta.
  10. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.


From the kitchen of Martin James – Copenhagen, Denmark

An NDE story

That is a wonderful question, I think. I have wanted to share my experience concerning this topic since my 31 y.o. son died from oral cancer in 2019. He had just finished his associate’s degree in 2017 and got the diagnosis 5 months later.

Since 2017, he suffered through multiple surgeries, bleeding, chemo, radiation, immense pain, huge weight loss, and inability to speak. He was stoic through it all. He truly believed in the afterlife and reincarnation before 2017 and during his cancer ordeal. He read so many philosophical books and fought &*)$ing cancer so hard.

I have never shared this with anyone besides my younger son. This is what happened; You see, my son passed on to his next life on April 3rd, 2019.

But he died on March 30, 2019. I woke up on that morning (April 3rd) and I had the MOST USUAL feeling about him. It’s very hard to explain. I am NOT joking, but it was like he had just left us here in this life. I immediately thought “He just moved on”.

Sounds crazy, I know. I was so emotional I started crying. I thought, my son is gone now, but it was a much more intense feeling than the 3 days before. On March 30th, all I could think about was that he wasn’t in excruciating pain anymore and how it was going to affect my youngest son. They were so close and 7 years apart in age. Yes, I may have been just going through the grief cycle and all but I truly believe that he entered his next life that April morning when I woke up. It was like “someone” or “something” had shared with me that he had just moved on and he was ok. It sounds crazy and all but I had never felt it before or since. It’s ok if no one believes me, but I know what I felt. I am positive there is a Life after Life.

If Our Cities Already Look Like They Belong In “Grand Theft Auto”, What Will They Look Like Once The Economy Implodes?

As you will see below, video footage that was just captured on the streets of Philadelphia looks like it could have been pulled out of an extremely violent video game.  If this is what our streets look like now, what are they going to look like once economic conditions become very harsh in this country?  Just a few days ago, I wrote about the tremendous chaos that is erupting in cities all over America.  When I wrote that article, I wasn’t even aware of the drama that had just played out in the city of Philadelphia.  From late on Saturday night through the early hours of Sunday morning, there were multiple clashes with police as authorities attempted to break up a series of illegal street takeovers…

Philadelphia continues its spiral into chaos under Democratic leadership, with violent mobs once again taking to the streets, this time attacking police officers and patrol cars in a brazen display of lawlessness.

According to reports from 6 ABC, hundreds of cars and massive crowds participated in illegal car meetups, causing widespread chaos that lasted from 9:30 p.m. Saturday until 4:30 a.m. Sunday.

At least 11 meetups took place, six of which turned into violent confrontations with police. The mayhem resulted in the hospitalization of one officer, while five police cars were heavily damaged.

These kids are completely and utterly out of control.

One of them even had a flamethrower that he used to create a ring of fire in the middle of one major intersection.

And when the police arrived at these events, these kids were not afraid to attack them at all

“Everything they do is disruptive, they’re ruining the quality of life. At one point, they had a flamethrower—yes, there’s video with a flamethrower.”

“They’re able to disperse quickly and then reform at other locations. That’s why we have officers dedicated. It’s playing wack-a-mole. We hit them at once, and they move to another,” he added.

“It was the aggressiveness at some of the locations — the incident outside of City Hall was aggressive. They physically went after our officers,” Cram said. “They don’t care about your safety, their own safety. You’ve all seen the videos of their behavior. How much chaos can they cause?”

Isn’t it odd how the word “chaos” just keeps popping up all over the place these days?

As you can see in this video footage, the streets of Philadelphia really do look like they belong in “Grand Theft Auto”…



Of course Philadelphia is far from alone.

At this point, there are millions of Americans that are literally afraid to leave their own homes because violent crime has become so pervasive.

In a “tiny Wisconsin community”, a member of the Tren de Aragua gang was just arrested for “sexually assaulting a mother and abusing her daughter”

A member of Venezuela’s Tren de Aragua gang was arrested in a tiny Wisconsin community for allegedly sexually assaulting a mother and abusing her daughter after he had been arrested and released earlier this year in Minneapolis.

Republican Rep. Derrick Van Orden, whose grandchildren live less than a mile away from the Prairie du Chien home where the mother and daughter were held against their will and repeatedly victimized, told Fox News Digital that it was only a matter of time before tragedy would strike the community amid the White House’s open-border policies and sanctuary city initiatives.

All of this chaos is going to play a major role in how these swing states vote.

People are afraid of what they see in the streets, and that isn’t going to change any time soon.

If things are this bad now, what is our society going to look like once economic conditions get really bad?

Yes, economic conditions are not good at all right now.

This is something that I have documented extensively.

But as bad as things are at this moment, the truth is that this is going to look like rip-roaring prosperity compared to what is coming.

Sadly, there are lots of signs that the economy is starting to move in the wrong direction quite rapidly now.

For example, it is being reported that U.S. consumer confidence just dropped by the largest amount in over three years

Consumers’ view on the economy tumbled in September, falling by the largest level in more than three years as fears grew about jobs and business conditions, the Conference Board reported Tuesday.

The board’s consumer confidence index slid to 98.7, down from 105.6 in August, the biggest one-month decline since August 2021. The Dow Jones consensus forecast was for a reading of 104. By contrast, the index had a reading of 132.6 in February 2020, a month before the Covid pandemic hit.

Each of the five components the organization samples fared worse on the month, with the biggest fall coming among those aged 35-54 and earning less than $50,000.

And banks continue to permanently shut down more branches at a staggering rate

US banks have closed more than 50 branches in just two weeks, as the march towards online banking continues to decimate local services.

Wells Fargo, Chase, and Fulton were among the banks who closed locations between August 19 and September 7.

Bank of America and Chase gave notice to close the most locations, notifying the regulator that they will shut a further twelve of their branches each.

Every week, more branches are disappearing, and that should deeply alarm all of us.

Of course the exact same thing could be said about retail stores.

Sadly, the very last full-size Kmart store in the continental United States is about to close forever

The last full-size Kmart store in the continental United States is set to close in October, leaving only one downsized location remaining, reports say.

The department store chain, which once operated around 2,300 locations in the early 1990s, will shutter the full-size store in Bridgehampton, New York, on Oct. 20, Newsday is reporting, citing an employee there.

That means a smaller Kmart store in Miami will become the last one remaining in the U.S. Kmart, which is now owned by Transformco, also has three stores in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

As economic conditions deteriorate, millions of impoverished people that inhabit our major cities are going to become extremely desperate.

And extremely desperate people do extremely desperate things.

We are already seeing so much chaos all over the nation, but what is ahead is going to be so much worse.

I playfully mocked him during our lovemaking about his size, he got shocked, left and then did this.

Title is deceptive, but this is a true tragedy.

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Be nice to have the address of those abandoned properties. I’m sure one could be arrested or given a ticket for trespassing. But most of those places won’t have security people looking around or even cameras. Any valuables have already been looted like the copper pipes or stainless steel sinks. It would just be something to do for a few hours if in the area.

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