Today, I am going to review some of my earlier graphs concerning when the peak-transition time occurs. These estimations were compiled back in 2020; three years ago. I think that they have held up pretty well.
We start with this one.
When the “big war” will occur…
This is from Strauss and Howe. Here is the full historical turnings, plotted on a nice graph against each other…

And now, this is the zoom-in to the quarter that pertains to our period in time. As you can see, Strauss and Howe predicted the global war to occur sometime around 2025 – 27. Which is what the United States government is planning for.
That’s two to four years from now.

This is the MM prediction…
Makes sense, though, I have to admit, that perhaps things are running early this turning. The 2020 bioweapon on China, and the 2022 Ukraine war is suggestive of an earlier start. (Around 1936 if you transpose over the graph above.)
This is my intel.
- First compiled and made in 2018.
- And then posted again in 2021.
It’s now 2023, and I’m sticking with it.
CLIMAX this year.

As far as I can figure, I’ve pretty accurate.
- USD collapse starting in 2023. All resolved by 2028.
- Climax of all-out crazy in 2023.
- USA domestic unrest starting in 2022 through 2028.
- In 2024, the federal government will change radically.
- USA society full collapse in 2024 though 2026.
- Hot war 2023 through 2026. (Maybe one year earlier if you include Russia/Ukraine)
Some things that I am noticing…
- Everything seems to be proceeding earlier than the 1930s-1940s model. Perhaps there were events that were not reported on to the general public, or perhaps modern technologies has advanced the schedule somewhat.
- Fighting is on time. But the predictions suggest a three year long period of fighting. Which makes use in the second year of hot war conflict.
- The discharge of the USD as a global currency is on time, but seems to be really accelerated than I predicted.
- I see no evidence that the US government will change.
- And societal American (Western) collapse is still years away???
Bill in Canada to CRIMINALIZE “Offensive Remarks” about Transgender Freaks; $25,000 Fine!
World Hal Turner 05 April 2023

The government of Ottawa, CANADA is considering a Bill to make it criminal to utter “Offensive Remarks” about (Mentally-ill) Trans-gendered freaks, with fine up to $25,000 per offense!
In order to be clear about this, the government of Canada is “protecting” mentally delusional people, who ignore actual physical, biological, reality, and telling everyone else THEY must accept the mental delusion or face a fine.
There is no such thing as “Trans-gender.” It is a physical and biological impossibility.
Humans have DNA and Chromosomes which exist in every cell of our bodies. Each and every cell has DNA coding as to whether the cell belongs to a male or female.
Trans-gendered ignore that physical reality and claim their sex is something OTHER THAN what their DNA and chromosomes are. This is a mental delusion. It is a mental sickness. It is not reality.
Some of these so-called “Trans-gendered” take hormones and have surgery to mutilate their outward appearance from their actual biological sex, to what APPEARS to be the other sex.
These artificial hormone-taking, and surgically mutilated people do not, and cannot, change their DNA and their chromosomes. So while their artificial efforts to deny reality may make them APPEAR OUTWARDLY as the other sex, every cell in their body remains the sex they were born with.
The entire “Trans-Gender” movement is nothing more than severe mental illness. Denial of reality.
From another point of view, one can safely argue that Trans-gender people are literally at war, with God Himself. Their claim to be a different sex, is their statement that THEY are right, and God is wrong.
Worse, these people are so self-centered, so selfish, and so spoiled, they DEMAND everyone else agree with them, accept them, and not even speak any truth regarding them.
Mentally-ill, spoiled brat people are not the stuff of which legislation should be based.
Shame on Ottawa.
Pepperoni and Peppers
Doesn’t this sound absolutely yummy?

- 2 1/2 cups thin green bell pepper strips
- 1 cup chopped onion
- 3 tablespoons butter or margarine
- 3/4 pound pepperoni, sliced thin
- 1 (16 ounce) can tomatoes, cut up
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- Cooked pasta or rice (optional)
- Grated Parmesan cheese (optional)
- In large skillet, sauté green bell pepper and onion in butter until crisp-tender.
- Stir in pepperoni; cook for 2 minutes.
- Add tomatoes and salt. Simmer for 5 minutes.
- Serve over pasta with cheese.
Serves 4.
For microwave oven, cook pepper and onion in butter for 5 minutes. Add pepperoni, tomatoes and salt. Cook 3 minutes or until hot.
“The Crisis Is About To Get MUCH Worse..” | Jeffrey Sachs
March 2023: Biggest Loss of U.S. Bank Deposits in History

The American people are pulling money out of banks at a rate which, during March, saw the biggest drop in Bank Deposits in U.S. History!
The image above from the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (BOG) shows the sudden and dramatic change in Bank Deposits; it’s staggering.
For the month of March, 2023, banks inside the USA saw $389 BILLION Dollars taken out by US citizens and companies!
Even at the height of the “Great Financial Crisis” of the year 2008, not a single monthly decline in 2008 exceeded $100 billion. Since the recent high, total deposits in the US are now down a record $1 trillion.
So where is the money going?
Well, it certainly isn’t going to pay down debt. Americans debt remains at the highest levels it has seen in decades.
Auto loan and credit card interest rates just hit a new record high. Average interest rates:
- – Credit Card: 24.5%
- – Used Cars: 14.0%
- – New Cars: 9.0%
Meanwhile, we have record levels of debt:
- – Total Household Debt: $16.5 trillion
- – Auto Loans: $1.6 trillion
- – Credit Card Debt: $986 billion
The worst part? Student loans just hit a record $1.6 trillion. Interest on student loans has been suspended since 2020, but it set to resume this year. The debt crisis is real.
So if the cash is coming out of banks, but not paying down debt, where is the money going?
Americans are “prepping.” They are buying the things they think they might need if everything goes to hell in a handbasket.
Sure, they’re buying shelf-stable foods that stay good for a long time: Pasta, Rice, Beans, canned tuna and canned meats, jarred sauces, and the like. But they are also buying interesting things: Generators to power their homes during an outage. Solar power systems for off-grid power or power during outages. TOOLS! Americans are buying tools like there’s no tomorrow; from simple sets of screwdrivers, wrenches and sockets, hammers, and manual saws, to power tools like saws, drills, nail guns, and the like.
Interestingly, Americans are also buying spare OIL for their vehicles, space oil filters, air filters, and even fuel filters for those who own diesel powered vehicles. Believe it or not, Americans are also buying spare brake pads for their vehicles in numbers far above the “typical” amount.
Quietly, a big item now being sold far and wide: Home safes. Not the cheap kind with digital keypads that might get wiped out by an electro-magnetic pulse. Real safes; with dial combination locks and keys. The fireproof and burglar proof kind that sell for several hundred dollars (or more) each. So clearly, Americans are keeping some of the cash at home, just in case.
It as though Americans see a complete collapse of society coming, and they want to make certain they have what they will need during the six months to a year they think it might take to put basic things back together again – or at least keep the basics operating for awhile.
Ominously, Americans are also buying what it takes to PROTECT themselves if everything goes to hell: GUNS and AMMUNITION. Lots of it. Sales of handguns, shotguns, and rifles are through the roof! In fact, sales of Ammunition are so brisk, it’s hard to find common items like 9mm .357 and .40 caliber bullets for handguns, and very hard to find 12 Gauge shotgun shells. Rifle ammo is still in good supply, but stores are starting to see drawdowns on inventory of .308 and 7.62 rifle ammo.
Strangely, the money isn’t coming out in bank “Runs” but rather coming out slowly and very consistently.
To try to stem the outflow of money, Banks are now offering significantly higher interest rates as shown below.

Some Bank Officers say that if the trend from March continues through May, “a slew of banks will be forced to go under.” Banks, they say “simply cannot afford to have this level of withdrawals happening so consistently.”
Prankster Replaces Pet Names With New Labels In Local Pet Store

In his simple but funny prank, comedian Jeff Wysaski changed the signs labelling some of the critters at the pet store to reflect who they REALLY are.
More: Instagram, Shop, Pleated Jeans


Israel is “ready” to attack Iran and can do so even without support from the United States, Israeli media quoted IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi as saying on Wednesday.
“We are ready to act against Iran. The Israeli army has the ability to strike both in distant countries and near home,” i24NEWS quoted Halevi as telling the IDF’s army radio.
He said that the IDF will enhance its capabilities for a pre-emptive strike on Iran, and that such a strike would be “overwhelming” despite the geographical distance.
“We know how to act alone. We are a sovereign nation that reserves the right to make its own decisions. It would be good to have the United States on our side, but it is not an obligation,” he added.
These comments come amid growing tensions between Iran and Israel, with Iran accusing Israel of killing two of its military personnel in Syria last week and vowing to retaliate.
Israel accuses Iran of pursuing nuclear weapons, a claim that Iran denies. Israel has previously warned that if diplomatic efforts fail to curb Iran’s nuclear program, it would resort to military action.
NEW YORK TIMES: “Ukraine War Plans Leak Prompts Pentagon Investigation”

Classified war documents detailing secret American and NATO plans for building up the Ukrainian military ahead of a planned offensive against Russia were posted this week on the Internet and social media channels, senior Biden administration officials said.
The Pentagon is investigating who may have been behind the leak of the documents . . . (Original Story HERE)
Several of the Documents referred-to by the New York Times are — and have been — on the Hal Turner Radio Show web site HERE
Mobile Nuclear Missile Launchers Moved to Finland Border

pon Finland’s entry into NATO, the Russian government promptly began moving nuclear missiles on launcher trucks to the Russian border with Finland, near Vyborg, Russia. Video, below, shows the arrival of the nuclear launcher trucks and missiles.
The scalable map below shows the location of Vyborg Russia in relation to Finland, so readers can gauge just how close to the new NATO Member, missiles have now been placed:

Hal Turner Opinion: Somehow, I get the feeling that Finland was a LOT safer and in far less danger WITHOUT being a NATO member. Now, it seems to me, Finland has placed itself into Russia’s nuclear crosshairs. Pity. Bad decision to join NATO.

Catographer Nils Jacobi Captures Whimsical Cat Portrait
Photographer Nils Jacobi, also known as the “catographer”, has captured the hearts of cat lovers everywhere with his expanding collection of adorable cat photographs. Through his lens, Jacobi offers a diverse and comprehensive view of our beloved furballs, highlighting the unique character and personalities of each individual cat.
More: Instagram

Classified “SECRET” Military Planning Docs LEAKED – Ukraine War – INVADE RUSSIA ITSELF!!!!
Both the US and NATO repeatedly claim they are not “participants” in the Ukraine/Russia conflict. Documents classified as “SECRET”- shown below- tell a very different story. These documents also reveal PLANS TO INVADE RUSSIA ITSELF!
This content is for Hal Turner Subscribers only .
US military experts “concerned” about effectiveness of Wagner PMCs
The Department of Defense (DoD) conducted an in-depth analysis of the activities of Russia’s Wagner Private Military Contractors (PMCs) and came to the conclusion that NO similar structure in the USA, Great Britain, or France is comparable.
Insiders in the DoD are concerned about the Wagner PMCs, because they are the most organized and combat-ready PMCs in the world, surpassing even the American Blackwater PMCs, the British Aegis Defense Service PMCs, and the French Salamandre PMCs.
Among other things, the mentioned Western PMCs have never encountered operations and tasks that the Wagner PMCs successfully perform.
Thanks to the highest level of training and equipment, the Russians operate at a level previously unattainable for private military companies.
An unnamed Pentagon official involved in these types of operations in Afghanistan said:
"Their effectiveness is absolutely stunning. If we had used similar strategies in Afghanistan, we would not have caused the chaos that we have left in the Middle East.“
According to the estimates of many experts, the Wagner fighters perform a number of tasks of increased complexity and increased risk. These are not only traditional tasks of all PMCs, such as the protection of diplomatic missions and civil operations. In general, these are the most complex combat operations in their implementation: ground attacks, control of artillery, air forces, and the use of air defense systems.
The fighters of Wagner carry out reconnaissance tasks, information gathering and data analysis, which were later used to make strategic decisions during the missions.
Earlier, the Dutch journalist Sonia van den Ende said that “Wagner” can become the main weapon of anti-globalism in the modern world and can eliminate the domination of oligarchic elite groups of the West, which is ruinous for the entire human civilization.
Pushing the United States out of the Middle East…
Read this next article. It really deep dives into the ground-breaking changes in the Middle East…

Iran–Saudi Deal: Not a Diplomatic Normalisation, But An ‘Architecture’
Philadelphia Scrapple

- 1 quart water
- 1 cup white cornmeal
- 1 pound pork liver sausage, crumbled or finely chopped
- 3 onions, diced
- 1/2 teaspoon sage
- 1/2 teaspoon thyme
- 1 teaspoon salt
- Pepper, to taste
- Bring water to boil. Let boil after adding each ingredient in order, then cover and simmer for 1 1/2 hours, stirring frequently.
- Pour into loaf pan and cool.
- Slice and fry. If 1 pint milk and 1 pint water are used as the liquid, the scrapple will brown more easily.
Is Netanyahoo (Again) Looking For War?
Israel’s occupation of Palestine is moving towards another hot conflict.
Last night the Israeli police again stormed the al-Aqsa mosque:
More Palestinians had gathered in the mosque, responding to calls by Waqf to pray inside overnight. At one of the mosque entrances, police officers could be seen escorting dozens of Palestinians out of the compound. Residents and shoppers milled around, watching social media videos on their phones showing the renewed clashes that had happened just meters away.Early on Wednesday, Israeli police stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque, firing stun grenades at Palestinians who hurled stones and firecrackers in a burst of violence during a sensitive holiday season. Palestinian militants in Gaza responded with rocket fire on southern Israel, prompting repeated Israeli airstrikes.
The violence had calmed by early Wednesday morning, but in the evening, Palestinian militants fired two more rockets from Gaza, with one falling short inside Gaza and the other falling near the security fence separating Gaza from Israel, the Israeli military said. There were no reports of casualties.
The mosque sits in a hilltop compound sacred to both Jews and Muslims, and conflicting claims over it have spilled into violence before, including a bloody 11-day war between Israel and Hamas, the Islamic militant group that rules Gaza. Al-Aqsa is the third-holiest site in Islam and stands in a spot known to Jews as the Temple Mount, which is the holiest site in Judaism.
Muslims currently celebrate their Ramadan holy month while Jews began their week-long Passover holiday. Last week some ultra-orthodox rabbis had asked prime minister Netanyahoo to allow them to abuse Al-Aqsa:
Fifteen rabbis have asked the Israeli government on Thursday to ascend the Temple Mount and al-Haram al-Sharif next Wednesday, when the Jewish holiday of Passover begins, a move that could exacerbate tensions in Jerusalem during the ongoing Muslim holy month of Ramadan.The rabbis have put a request to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir on Thursday to ascend to the Temple Mount and for Jews to be allowed to offer the Passover, the way it was practiced in biblical times.
Over the years, a majority of rabbis has ruled that Jews are not allowed to ascend the Temple Mount site, since purification rituals cannot be performed in times when the temple is destroyed. Most rabbis also object to reviving biblical sacrifices of lambs or goats. Still, far-right religious activists have registered a clear trend in recent years of an increase in the number of Jews ascending the Temple Mount compound.
It is dubious that the place where Al-Aqsa is standing is the one where the mythical Jewish temple once stood. Despite intense decades long searches no archeological evidence has been found to prove that.
The Waqf, the authority that administrates the al-Haram al-Sharif, had called for Muslim believers to stay there over night to prevent the sacrilege against the Mosque. In response to the first raid on the mosque earlier this week some rockets had been fired from Gaza to which the Israeli military responded with bombings.
Today missiles were fired from south Lebanon:
Dozens of rockets were fired from southern Lebanon on Thursday afternoon with 25 intercepted by the Iron Dome air defense system over northern Israel, the military said. At least three people were injured and several buildings were damaged.The Israel Defense Forces said 34 rockets had been fired toward the border with five landing inside Israel, and most of the rest downed by Iron Dome. The impact sites of four others were not yet clear.
Such a massive barrage would this the largest number of rockets fired from Lebanon since the 2006 war, during which thousands of rockets were launched at Israel. In August 2021, Hezbollah fired 19 rockets at northern Israel.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility, and a Hezbollah source told the Al-Arabiya network that it was not behind the rocket fire, apparently blaming Palestinian groups based in the area. However, it was unlikely they would do so without at least the tacit approval of the Iran-backed terror group that controls southern Lebanon.
This was indeed a message from Hizbullah.
Amal Saad @amalsaad_lb – 14:08 UTC · Apr 6, 2023The unprecedented barrage of rockets fired at Israel today, allegedly by Palestinian factions in Lebanon, was an indirect message from Hizbullah. Nasrallah had warned as recently as January 2023 that Al-Aqsa was a red line that would lead to an “explosion of the whole region” 1/2
Hizbullah is trying to stretch the rules of deterrence with a new equation: violating al-Aqsa will trigger responses not just from Gaza but also from Lebanon. Hizbullah is responding by proxy with grey zone warfare to preserve the rules of engagement and avert an escalation. 2/2
It is not yet clear that a escalation can be prevented. Currently the Israeli security cabinet is meeting. United Nations peacekeepers (UNIFIL) in south Lebanon have allegedly received orders to enter their bomb shelters. UNIFIl called the called the situation “extremely serious”.
Netanyahoo and his ultra-right coalition partners might be interested in launching a new war to divert from their attempts to change the secular state of Israel into a religious led one. Large color-revolution like protests have been held against that and Netanyahoo’s project of putting (secular) supreme court judgments under (religious led) parliament revision is currently on hold.
A ‘nice little war’ might be a welcome distraction and a way to silently revive the matter. But the 2006 war against Hizbullah, which Israel lost, showed that nice little wars can easily turn against their instigators.
Posted by b on April 6, 2023 at 15:42 UTC | Permalink
Australia to pour $13 billion into manufacturing to ensure nation ‘makes things here again’
Note: Re- industrialisation policy without addressing tax issue, high labor cost for low productivity work force, super high domestic and international transport cost, and other costly factor of production such as land, rent, power, water , and all type of local, state, and federal taxes, levies and fees already a policy failure even before it begin. The west is run by people with no common sense, no basic knowledge, and know no consequences... By tearing up China belts and roads agreement signed by Victoria government 3 years ago, Australia is never to lower it cost of International transportation, and hence, no condition to become a manufacturing based country.
Australia has launched a A$15 billion (S$13.3 billion) scheme to promote manufacturing and new technologies to address longstanding concerns that the country “doesn’t make things any more” and is too reliant on exporting its abundant resources. The new scheme, called the National Reconstruction Fund, was a signature policy of the ruling Labor Party, which was elected last May on a promise to boost investment in manufacturing and the uptake of technology. The move follows growing concerns about the country’s vulnerability to supply chain shocks as well as its economic over-reliance on China, which in 2022 accounted for 27 per cent of Australia’s total trade and 30 per cent of exports. Minister for Industry and Science Ed Husic said the scheme was one of the largest peacetime investments in Australian manufacturing. It will provide loans, investments and guarantees to projects in the field of renewables and low-emissions technology, agriculture, medical science, transport and defence. “We are trying to rebuild and revitalise manufacturing at a time when we’ve been dependent on concentrated or broken supply chains,” he told Sky News last week. “We’ve got the geopolitical environment we’re operating in where we do need to reduce those dependencies.” The scheme aims to address concerns about the make-up of Australia’s economy, which receives massive revenue from exporting raw items such as natural resources and agricultural produce, much of which is processed abroad. A report in 2020 found that Australia had the least self-sufficient manufacturing sector of any country in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, which includes 38 developed economies A separate study of 133 countries by Harvard University in 2020 found that Australia had the 91st most complex economy. The top five countries in the list – which measured a country’s ability to produce a diversified and sophisticated set of products – were Japan, Switzerland, Germany, South Korea and Singapore.
Russia Deputy Foreign Minister: “United States escalated Past Cold War and is now in Hot Hybrid War with Russia”

The United States is “playing with fire” and engaged in a hot “hybrid war” with Russia, having already graduated from the Cold War stage, a Russian government minister has claimed, even going so far as to blame the U.S. for rising nuclear tensions.
The new Cold War is already over, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said, accusing the United States of “playing with fire” by pushing the world towards nuclear war that he insists Russians wish to avoid.
The comments come just hours after Russia announced it had deployed nuclear-capable missiles to the borders of NATO in Belarus, and refitted Belarussian jets with the equipment to carry and drop nuclear bombs. Moscow made a tacit accusation that the United States was to blame for this, saying Russia was doing no more than America already did, in stationing nuclear weapons in the territory of European allies.
While blame is generally laid at Russia’s door for invading Ukraine, the minister insisted it was in fact the U.S. that was pushing the world towards nuclear war and that Russia was the peaceful party trying to avoid such an exchange. Expressing this, Ryabkov postulated: “…there can be no winners in a nuclear war and it must not be unleashed.”
“The way our American opponents are recklessly, provocatively, and in many respects absolutely carelessly, moving up the escalation ladder, the way they are blinded by their absolutely absurd certainty about their ability to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, makes one doubt their mental faculties and their common sense.”
The U.S. is “playing with fire” and was risking making “fatal mistakes”, Ryabkov said, saying the Russian Federation “will be ready to take all measures and to use all means at our disposal” if there were attempts to encroach on their sovereignty.
Yep, accelerating even at this very moment.
It means either that they are more than just confident or that they have panicked beyond any reason.
My guesstimate goes for the second as if they know something that almost all of us ignore.
And they are going to take down as many of us as they can in a planetary scale including of course Russia mainly but China too.
I am not at all sure on how difficult for them it is to infiltrate CCP but knowing that they have even more patience and experience in 5 to 50 to 500 years plans it is next to impossible for them not to achieve it some time.
After all we are all human and this makes us extremely vulnerable if we rely only to our own powers and weaknesses.
I’m still of the opinion that the Ukraine event is a Hollywood production staged wargame. 100’s of billions of USA tax dollars sent to that region to build the infranstructure for the Belt Road Initiative. Maybe that’s one of the reasons for all the debt/bankrun news, to hide the redistribution of funds. Now the FED has no choice but implement a digital financial system which we mainly have now anyways. They do need a scare event to implement this financial system…Nuke in a cornfield, everything shuts down and then restarted brand new.
My company recently opened a new facility in China, Tesla also opening a new facility along with many other corporations. As MM has stated many times, we simply do way too much business with China to have a war.
Also keep in mind they do not need military action for take over. They are already here in a big way, especially at the local level. Many Chinese companies in small towns all over the USA. Many Chinese people that are elected officials. Best chess game ever is to check mate opponent without losing any pieces.
Chinese are master chess players!
Chinese play GO.
Russians play chess.
Americans prefer monopoly.
Very telling, imho.
LOL. Actually, I think that presently the American “leadership” use crayons to play tic-tac-toe. Foreign policy does not exist. It has been replaced with “kiss my ring, you uncivilized heathen.”
phil schneider claimed that the alien agenda and the nwo are one in the same; that they intended to wipe out 7/8 of humans by 2029. Did he speak the truth? dunno but note, considering that all the nations went along with the biggest scam in history and oppressed their own peoples most savagely, like demons, a takeover of the governments sounds plausible; In which case none of these wars are real but staged by players all on the same side.
Agree that changes are accelerating at a faster pace. Using my own unscientific deduction, changes are happening at twice to three times faster than previously.
Simply by using tech (electronic items such as mobile phones), new models comes out yearly vs 3 years back in the late 90s. And using cost of living (esp food cost) here in my SEA country, food pricing at small mom & pop cafe have double in price every 10 years vs 20 years from the mid 80s to mid 2000s.
Other few factors that accelerated the pace includes information tech (how news can now reach us instantaneously today), speed of learning (previously, to learn a new language requires physically going to classes but today can be learn online), society maturing faster (kids today are way smarter than we were at that same age).