It is now official; The United States cannot be saved. It must be permitted to consume itself from within.

The United States is beyond saving. It has passed the threshold whereas punitive and preventative measures will no longer make a difference in the future course of events regarding American evolution.

Instead, it will continue to collapse. It will start to burn and then consume itself in the process. Eventually it will burnout. Perhaps in a decade or two. In the interm will be some testy and spicy times. 

This is the case because the Justice Department found that Hillary Clinton didn't commit ANY crimes.

MSN reports the Justice Department has released their findings in the Clinton investigation, finding what they expected to find. Namely and to wit: nothing.

A Justice Department inquiry launched more than two years ago to  mollify conservatives clamoring for more investigations of Hillary  Clinton has effectively ended with no tangible results, and current and  former law enforcement officials said they never expected the effort to produce much of anything. 
           ... They included the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One  matters, along with the FBI’s handling of the investigation into Hillary  Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of  state and alleged leaks by former FBI director James B. Comey. 

This settles the matter. We’re not to speak of it again.

A review of the crimes…

  • Lying Under Oath in a Deposition
  • Lying Under Oath to a Grand Jury
  • Lying Under Oath as a Lawyer
  • Abuse of Power
  • Obstruction of Justice
  • Treason
  • Sedition
  • Corruption
  • Coercion
  • Graft
  • Bribe Solicitation
  • Taking Bribes
  • Bribery of Cabinent Members
  • Bribery of State Officials
  • Commercial Bribery
  • Commercial Bribery Recieving
  • Illegal Gift-Taking
  • Falsifying Business Records
  • Misapplication of Property
  • Criminal Use of a Computer
  • Misuse of Franking Privelege
  • Recieving Dual Compensation
  • Recieving Unlawful Gratuities
  • Malfeasance of Office
  • Perjury
  • Subornation of Perjury
  • Perjury by Inconsistent Statements
  • Criminal Trespass
  • Witness Intimidation
  • Witness Tampering
  • Jury Tampering
  • Tampering With Physical Evidence
  • Tampering With Public Records
  • Ethics Violations
  • Intentional Interference in the Administration of Justice
  • Refusing to Assist a Judicial Officer
  • Hindering Prosecution in the First Degree
  • Hindering Prosecution in the Second Degree
  • Unlawful Contact in the First Degree
  • Misrepresentation
  • Civil Contempt of Court
  • Criminal Contempt of Court
  • Contempt of Congress
  • Contempt of the American People
  • Deception
  • False Information or Report
  • False Accusation
  • False Testimony
  • Factually False Testimony
  • False Swearing
  • Unsworn Falsification
  • Misappropriating Funds
  • Misconduct
  • Marital Misconduct
  • Serious Misconduct
  • Professional Misconduct
  • Official Misconduct
  • Notorious Misconduct
  • Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance
  • Obstruction of the Judicial Process
  • Misuse of Confidential Information
  • Interference With Official Proceedings
  • Recklessness
  • Grand Larceny
  • Extortion
  • Embezzlement
  • Vandalism
  • Blackmail
  • Cruelty to Animals
  • Obstruction of Highways
  • Substance Abuse
  • Evidence Suppression
  • Illegal Foriegn Campaign Funding
  • Aiding and Abetting Espionage
  • Aiding and Abetting Foriegn Dictators
  • Aiding and Abetting Arsonists
  • Aiding and Abetting a Known Felon
  • Aiding and Abetting Terrorists and Terrorist Organizations
  • Terroristic Threatening
  • Providing Material Support to Terrorists
  • Engaging in Transactions with Terrorists
  • Improper Exports of Sensitve Technology
  • Attempted Intimidation of Prosecutors
  • Failure to Declare Income
  • Failure to Investigate Drug Trafficking
  • Scheme to Defraud
  • Real Estate Fraud
  • Voter Fraud
  • Mail Fraud
  • Wire Fraud
  • Interstate Transportation to Defraud
  • Destruction of Business Records with Intent to Defraud
  • Criminalizing Frauds on Financial Institutions
  • Use of State Police for Personal Purposes
  • Illegal Loan Extraction
  • False Reports by Medical Examiners and Others Investigating Suspicious Deaths
  • Improper Futures Trading
  • Illegal Use of the Executive Branch
  • Character Defamation
  • Destruction of Evidence
  • Political Espionage
  • Money Laundering
  • Criminal Negligence
  • Possesion of False Papers
  • False Acknowledgment
  • False Declaration Before a Court
  • Wrongful Handling of Public Documents
  • Concealing or Covering Up of Material Fact
  • Misprison of Felony
  • Criminal Deception
  • Disclosure of Confidential Information
  • Failure to Account for Public Money
  • Recieving or Concealing Stolen Goverment Property
  • Failure to Deposit Federal Monies
  • Wrongful Solicitation of Embezzlement or Gifts
  • Use of a Public Building to Solicit Political Funds
  • Accepting Fee for Federal Employment
  • Offering to Procure an Appointive Public Office
  • Taking Illegal Kickbacks
  • Racketeering
  • Investing Racketeering Income
  • RICO Conspiracy
  • Conspiracy
  • Conspiracy to Conceal
  • Conspiracy to Murder
  • Conspiracy to Engage in Racketeering
  • Conspiracy to Defraud the Federal Government
  • Wrongful Destruction of War Records
  • Malicious Injury to Property
  • Acquiring an Enterprise Through Racketeering
  • Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property
  • Offering Gratuities or Graft to a Public Official
  • Soliciting or Accepting Illegal Gratuities
  • Offering Gratuities to a Witness
  • Seeking or Accepting Illegal Compensation
  • Influencing or Injuring Officers, Jurors or Witnesses
  • Obstructing Agency Proceedings
  • Obstructing Criminal Investigations
  • Threatening Victims, Witnesses or Informants
  • Harassing Victims, Witnesses or Informants
  • Retaliating Against Victims, Witnesses or Informants
  • Falsely Making or Forging a Public Record
  • Falsely Making or Forging a Document
  • Uttering or Publishing a False Public Record
  • Transmitting a False Record to the United States
  • Misuse of Government Files
  • Desecration of Federal Ethics Laws
  • Judicial Intimidation
  • Conflict of Interests
  • Illegal Campaign Activity
  • Misuse of Corporate Assets
  • Ordering Politically Motivated Audits
  • Ordering Politically Motivated Investigations
  • Timing of War Influenced by Political Considerations
  • Foreign Influence Peddling
  • Regular Influence Peddling
  • Providing False and Misleading Testimony
  • Misapplying Funds
  • Criminal Violation of the Privacy Act
  • Evisceration of the Right to Habeas Corpus
  • Misuse of Taxpayer Funds
  • Interfering with a Court Order
  • Theft of Government Property
  • Abuse of Taxpayer Financed Travel
  • Anti-American Espionage
  • Jeopardizing National Security
  • Aiding and Abetting Drug Traffic
  • Aiding and Abetting Organized Crime
  • Aiding and Abetting Terrorism
  • Murder by Accessory by Witness Tampering
  • Murder by Accessory by Forgery
  • Solicitation to commit murder by accessory
  • Accessory to Multiple Deaths
  • Accessory to Murder in the Second Degree
  • Accessory to Aggravated Murder
  • Accessory to Felony Murder
  • Accessory to Criminal Libel
  • Accessory to Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution
  • Accessory to Arson
  • Accessory to Criminal Negligent Burning
  • Accessories After the Fact
  • Accessory to Abduction
  • Accessory to Causing Mental Harm to a Child
  • Custodial Interference in the First Degree
  • Child Endangerment
  • Cruelty to Persons
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Indecent Exposure in the Second Degree
  • Indecent Assault
  • Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
  • Malicious Wounding
  • False Imprisonment
  • Sexual Abuse of Employees
  • Lewd and Lascivious Conduct
  • Exchange of Promotions or Benefits for Sexual Favors
  • First Degree Sexual Assault
  • Second Degree Sexual Assault
  • Third Degree Sexual Assault
  • Fourth Degree Sexual Assault
  • Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
  • Statutory Rape
  • Sexual Battery
  • Intent to Rape
  • Suspicion of Rape
  • Rape
  • Forcible Rape
  • Oral Copulation
  • Misdemeanor Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Misconduct in the First Degree
  • Criminal Sexual Conduct by Force and Coercion
  • Unlawful Sexual Contact
  • Unlawful Sexual Activity with a Minor
  • Consensual Digital Penetration
  • Lewd Proposal
  • Sexual Battery
  • Penetration by a Foriegn Object
  • Failure to Register as a Sexual Offender
  • Deriliction of Duty
  • Corrupting Public Discourse
  • Contributing to the Delinquincy of a Minor
  • Unfit to hold a law license
  • Conduct Unbecoming a President
  • Impersonating a Public Servant
  • Squandering the Public Trust

There’s a pretty good collection of information HERE.

According to the “experts” in the Judicial department, the FBI and the DOJ, Hillary Clinton is completely and absolutely innocent of any charges. There is no need to investigate further.

Let the just, and righteous woman live her life free of worry or concern. For she is innocent.

Some thoughts…

This reminds me of the movie “The Lawnmower man“.

There is a scene where a (very “sooped up”) lawnmower/tiller machine autonomously chases a guy into his house and up the stairs. It chews up everything. And, of course, kills the guy.

The detectives come to the crime scene and are aghast of all the gore and blood. The house is all torn up. Walls, floors, furniture are all reduced to kindling, and all soaked in gore and entrails.

But, just then, the “Lawnmower man” snaps his fingers and the detectives completely change. It’s like night and day.

Nothing here.” They say as they are standing ankle deep in blood, gore and splinters. “It’s obviously just a suicide, it’s an open and shut case.”

Some links to more details on these crimes…

Yeah, but this isn’t Hollywood. It’s America and this is real life.

Here’s some links going into some detail about the crimes that he was part of. After all, even she thought that she was guilty.

"... former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a 2016 email to then-Acting Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile, 

If that f**kin bastard wins, we’re all going to hang from nooses! You better fix this s**t!” 

-  WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive 

Of course, Snopes proved that this email is just Fake News. So you can believe them, right?

The Judicial Opinion

Hillary Clinton did not commit any crimes. It is all a “witch hunt” against an innocent woman.

What this means

If the Average American can do hard time for operating a lemonade stand in their front yard, serve years as a felon for jay-walking, and spend decades in prison for having photos on their computers…

… while people like Hillary Clinton can break every law on the books and still be found absolutely innocent…

… then the Justice system no longer functions as an agent of justice. It has another role.

Deal with the situation.

As such, Americans can either [1] accept this fact, or [2] change it.

Knowing what I know of Americans, there will be a period of discomfort and then everyone will just soak the ground with kerosene and light it up. There will be no safe, and secure ways out of the mess that currently exists.

So you all might as well rest easy.

The future is all mapped out and Mr. Sessions, or Mr. Barr will not matter any longer. You might as well forget about “Q” and all the Alt-Right hyperbole. Nothing is going to get done. The USA is a big crime syndicate.

It is now official.

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Ah. The handiwork of God.

There is a uniformity and beauty to the universe that we live in. Indeed, mathematicians are often able to perceive this beauty in their calculations. Now, this being said, sometimes the simplicity and the beautify that lies inherent within a mathematical construct can be profound and stunning.

It can make the most skeptical of people into a believer of the divine.

Here is one such exercise.

In the 1960s, Soviet mathematician Vladimir Arnold mapped the square image of a cat to a torus, “stretched” (sheared) it as shown on that surface, then sliced the resulting image into pieces and recomposed them into a square.

The process in the tortured image manipulation of a kitty-cat.
The process in the tortured image manipulation of a kitty-cat.

As the process is repeated, any two points in the image quickly become separated, but, surprisingly, after sufficient repetitions the original image reappears.

A discrete analogue is below…

The process in the tortured image manipulation of a kitty-cat.
The process in the tortured image manipulation of a kitty-cat.

As the transformation is repeated, the image appears increasingly random or disordered, but the underlying cat can be glimpsed making occasional appearances, sometimes as a ghostly suggestion, sometimes in multiple smaller images, and occasionally (yowling, one imagines) even upside down.

It reappears again, unhurt, at the 300th iteration.

It’s called Arnold’s cat map. You can try it yourself here.

It implies a uniformity within our universe, and a glimpse into how we can perceive ourselves, our alternative world-lines, our past and our futures through the lenses of the momentary iterations of our own consciousness.



There are different interpretations as to what this exercise amounts to. I like to consider that it is a fine illustration that no matter how complex, and convoluted life is, that it follows set patterns and rules that always fit together naturally. As such, everything, from the ordered, to the disordered, to the unexplained and the mysterious all have a role in the grand overall scheme of things…

… the idea that there is a God, or a grand force that we belong to is too strong to discount casually.

I hoped that you enjoyed this piece. If you would like to look at other mysteries and unexplained events and the curious, please attend to my index here…

Mysteries Explained

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