I have been tasked to take on this ugly responsibility. However, I am actually retired. I am retired in more ways than one, and I would like to keep it that way. Throwing myself out to the “unwashed masses”, and announcing my history and knowledge is NOT my first or preferred avenue of retirement. I don’t need the aggravation. Especially from trolls or basement millennials.
Actually, I would prefer to just relax on the deck. Drink my wine or beer. Pet my dog. Chill out with my cats. Play with my kids. Listen to music and chill out.
Frankly, I REALLY don’t want to do this.
I promise you, I will stop as soon as I am given the “green light” to do so. In the meantime, I am (to put it best) pestered to write things and disclose things without actually disclosing anything. It is not enjoyable. It is not profitable. I derive zero benefit from doing it.
I do this at a cost, and at a great risk.
My Situation
Nothing is free in this life, and while I have lived my life with various degrees of success and poverty, I would prefer to just retire quietly. This is my retirement. But this blog costs money, and takes time. No matter what you might think. It is not my first choice to write these things.
I am driven to.
Have you ever watched the move “Hocus Pocus“? There is a scene in the move where the witches put a spell on the entire town to dance and dance and dance. As ordered and compelled, they do so. Even when they are physically exhausted, and when their legs can move no longer, they dance. they are tired, full of sweat, and yet they dance. Their hair is matted, and their bones ache… yet they dance.
That is what it is like.
It is NOT comfortable. It is NOT fun. I am churning out 10,000 words a day for this friggin’ blog. 10,000 words per post. Think about that for a second. Most (so called) news consists of two to three paragraphs averaging at 500 words. Long detailed articles are never mare than 2000 words. A short story is from 3,000 to 7,000 words.
- Typical blog post is 300 words.
- Typical news report is 500 words.
- Typical detailed article is <2000 words.
- Short Story is around 3,000 to 7,000 words.
- This blog has posts that vary from 10,000 to 20,000 words.
You try writing 10,000 words in a form that is interesting and informative. What you read here is just pouring out of me. It is NOT pleasurable.
This is not what I want from my retirement. But, yet here we are. Instead of a nice peaceful life, I am now forced to expose myself for whatever “important” reason, and suffer the consequences of that exposure. No matter that “all will progress as it should…“, that is just bullshit.
What I can Offer
Hey, this blog is free. Anyone can get online and read it. And, for a short and brief period of time, it will be available to the lucky few who are able to encounter it.
Soon enough it will go dark. I will go dark. That will be it.
You all will be stuck with all the conventional fantasies. You can read all about the (snort!) tales of Reptilians, glorious beings of light who promise the secrets of the universe (yah, sure what ever you say…), and the statists that announce that there is no God, and only the government knows all. You can believe that narrative that a one-world centralized government will usher in a new “understanding”, or a “spiritual awakening”, and that we will become friends with all extraterrestrials. Believe what you want. If that is what you want, fine.
After all, it is YOUR reality.
I am retired. This is the real stuff, and I am the real deal. Look me up. Check the dates. Check my background. Go ahead. I am not blowing smoke up your ass. I am exactly who I say I am. No more and no less.
对牛弹琴 (duì niú tán qín): playing a lute to a cow. This saying describes talking to the wrong audience or to an unappreciative one.
You can participate in this website by joining it as an “Influencer”. All you need to do is make a financial donation or contribution and you can make comments and present ideas and information.
The way this disclosure works, from what I gather, is that I provide some basic information and the contributions from “influencers” flush out the rest.
I need help funding my retirement. As a result, I am humbly asking for donations and contributions. Anything is helpful as long as it isn’t an insult.
All I have is my Social Security. I have no pensions. I have no 401(K)’s. I have no investments in bitcoin, or gold, or properties. I obtain no income from investments, patents, or speaking tours. I never hopped onto the financial band-wagons that everyone else did. As soon as something crossed my path a “monkey wrench” disrupted by taking advantage of it.
So here I am.
If you provide me with a donation, I will answer a question and give you the truth (within the confines of my directives). I promise this. I will answer the questions in the form of a blog post as that is my directive. So if you want to get some real answers, this is your chance.
Influencer Opportunities
The idea behind being an Influencer is that questions can be presented, and arguments can be considered. I really do not have ALL the answers. I only can present what I know within the realm of my own understandings.
Here are some posts where I answered an Influencer’s specific question…
[1] Were humans helped by the creatures from Sirius?
Actually, the question was presented using other terms. This particular Influencer was concerned about the technology of Atlantis and other “fringe” issues, brought up by Mr. Edgar Cayce.
In my mind, there is a lot of confusion on a myriad of subjects. When people try to discuss those subjects with me, I tend to get lost. They use terms and assumptions that are alien to my understandings. For instance, one of the assumptions is that it is common for non-temporal beings to channel or communicate with humans. Ah, it happens, but it is not common at all.
Truthfully, I can only provide meaningful answers about things that I know and understand. Physical locations, that we would recognize as “places” are indeed connected to our physical reality. Yes, there are non-temporal beings associated with all these places. However, the non-physical world mirrors the physical.
Physical humans are no more likely to hear from non-corporal Sirius entities, as the dog outside (your house) is able to “listen in” to the sonar of dolphins off in the Indian ocean. Everything has limitations. To understand the limitations, we need to first understand our physical reality a little better.
[2] Where are the <crews of the UFO’s> from?
A different Influencer used other terminology referring to (so called) “Pleiadians” and their ability to zip about in invisible vehicles. Apparently a lot of people are quite convinced that many of the strange vehicles in the skies have originated from a certain solar system. Of which Zeta Reticuli ( ζ Reticuli ) is often associated to be the home world.
I don’t know any of what is often bantered about. My experience and knowledge indicates something quite different.
First of all, there are more than one extraterrestrial species that interacts within our reality. Secondly, no one knows the location of the planets where any species were birthed from. Thirdly, evidence that I have been exposed to points to a myriad of staging locations.
The species that I have been associated with, evolved on distant worlds in distant times. They operate within our reality; within “our” solar system for functional purposes. They have a number of facilities “nearby”. Some of which are in our physical universe, but lie outside of our reach. Others lie outside of our common physical reality, and require dimensional MWI access to visit.
[3] What is Heaven and does it exist?
This comes from an Influencer who really asks the tough and difficult questions; What is Heaven and does it exist?
Well, the good news is that yes, there is a Heaven, but it is quite different from what we assume it to be. Both fundamentalist Baptists and followers of the Koran might have a little difficulty putting their arms around this. However, it needn’t be that way. We just need to look at things with a new set of eyes.
We humans occupy two realities simultaneously. One is the physical reality. It is a custom-made educational bubble. Within it, everything is real and exacting. The other reality is the non-physical reality. We like to call that Heaven, but that is a poor word for it. That is like trying to describe a delicious slice of NY style pizza as “nice”.

[4] How can Dimensional Portals work when they violate Newtonian Laws?
Sometimes an Influencer questions my narrative. I suppose that is fine, but I’m really not blowing smoke up anyone’s ass. I know what I know and have experienced what I have experienced. Nothing else.
If you do not like what I have to say, you can leave. I will be gone soon enough.
I'd consider myself lucky to have a webpage devoted to "proving" that I am a fraud. Heh. Heh. Maybe something along the lines proving that CARET and the Drones were a marketing gimmick. Or, maybe a Wikipedia entry that will list my narrative as a science fiction novel like they did with the autobiography "The day after Roswell".
Anyways, life is not at all what you all think. The scientific method relies on observation. It’s a Newtonian technique. However we know that observation changes reality. That is Quantum Reality. That is the way things REALLY work in our universe.
Here I broach this subject.
[5] What is the mechanism for World-Line Travel?
This is a good question. You do know that I am not permitted to divulge any secrets. Therefore, it’s a really good thing that I don’t know any specifics. Never the less, I have covered the basics of this.
First of all, you will never…NEVER be able to experiment and be involved with MWI world-line travel using the traditional understandings of how the universe works.
You need to look at the universe in a new way.
Along with that, is an understanding of what consciousness is, and how it interfaces with our reality. Finally, you need to understand that contrivances or mechanisms are necessary for individuals who are unable to autonomously switch from particle to wave duality within their own consciousness.
This is a BIG subject, that I broached in numerous posts. (No way that one post will give the big picture.)
[6] Where are all the extraterrestrials, then?
One influencer, in defiance on my writings on the Drake equation, posited the query “where is everyone?”. He understood why we don’t see them, and he understood the possibility of cloaked realities, and MWI switches. His point was much more practical.

For extraterrestrials to be active in our earth reality to the extent that I have alluded to, they MUST have a sizable presence nearby.
Where would they be? A base, or a facility on the surface of Mars would not be sufficiently large enough to support the monitoring of the earth environment for sentience evolution.
Ah yes. I wrote about this. Go here;
[7] Did I get any insight into the “mysteries of the universe”?
This was a serious question by a kind fellow, and I have tried to answer it. You know, what is important to us humans is different than what is important to dogs, cats, hamsters and lamas. Imagine that that difference extends to other species that are bipedal and intelligent with some degree of similarity to humans.
I was only exposed and “taught” from the perception of the <redacted>. From that, what I understand is far less than the sum totality of what I was exposed to. I was exposed to technology that was hundreds of centuries more advanced than what we understand. Plus, their understanding and reality is much more comprehensive than our limited understanding of the physical and the mysteries of the heavens. They view them as ONE AND THE SAME.
I learned quite a bit.
Prior to my training, but after I was implanted and connected to our extraterrestrial benefactors I “went to school”, and was on my own to learn and experience… It was a confusing time. Maybe you all can glean some relative understanding on how different reality is from our view points by experiencing my struggles prior to my training at NAS China Lake.
And, if this wasn’t enough to satiate your desire for answers, I went ahead and tried to answer the mysteries of the universe. Check it all out here…

[8] What is “World-Line Travel” like?
I was involved in this MWI egress for decades. After a while it becomes normal and usual. In a way, I have forgotten what it was like to be “normal”. For me, it’s actually easier to simply say “I’m crazy”, than to describe the MWI slides.
Look at a dog. To it, the world is a mixture of all kinds of smells. Each one is unique and tells a very special story. To us, however, we just see a dog that is vacuuming up all the scents indiscriminately. We want to get the dog moving. We tear him away from the “interesting” fire hydrant. We ignore his interest in smells. We do so simply because we don’t understand the importance of the smells from his point of view.
My MWI slides were like that.
I have tried to explain my experience in “world-line” travel in a number of blog posts. It’s really nothing that is exciting or even interesting. You see, what we THINK is “time” is actually “world-line travel”. The only difference between my experiences and yours is that mine was altered on purpose for planned intent. Yours are controlled by your own (often misdirected) thoughts.
Anyways, you can read about it here…
[9] What are extraterrestrials like?
I spent decades interacting with a certain group of extraterrestrials. Due to restrictions that I have, I am limited on what I can say about them. I am sorry about that. Please accept my apologies.
However, when I first entered MAJestic, a secondary group of extraterrestrials helped train me for my role. This group is quite unlike the ones that I have been working with all these years. Here, I talk a little bit about them.

[10] Why does all this matter now?
Sometimes I am asked why I am disclosing what I have to say now. It is almost like they are asking “what is so special, now, today”? They want to know my take on the disclosure and the purposes of it.
Well, to be honest, I don’t know.
I think that everything was set in motion a long time ago, and I am just doing what I was programmed to do. In fact, I think that I have pretty much exhausted what I am supposed to say about all this. There just isn’t too much more to say. Sorry.
All I can say is this…
The purpose of the earth is as sentience nursery by other species to change humans into an approved sentience archetype.
All the struggles, trials and events that are unfolding contemporaneously are but aspects and symptoms of this purpose. I do not know how the human sentience will evolve. From my point of view, it looks like the human sentience is in the process of migration to a plurality of sentience; A ruler class sentience, and a follower class sentience. It is a genetic social stratification.
That’s what it looks like to me.

[11] What can you tell us about the Mantids?
Now, this question was exactly as phrased. “Please, what can you tell us about the Mantids?”
I cannot say much about them. But, I can say this…

[12] Questions asked by an Influencer
I have compiled an on-line discussion with an influencer into a post. Many of the questions asked are openly discussed. I think that it goes a long way towards providing answers for the interested searcher. Personally, I think that it is a really great read.

[13] How to change your life to something fantastic.
I’m not much for big detailed explanations. But here’s a practical description of how you, the reader, can manifest your reality. Read it quick before it is banned by the software giants in silicon valley.

[14] FAQ motherload
Here’s a collection of miscellaneous discussions that I scraped out of the bottom of the box. Enjoy, I am sure that it will answer and confound at the same time.

[15] Mapping the MWI world-lines
Yes. There are ways, techniques and systems to map the various world-lines. Of course you would need to be able to map them. How else would you ever be able to travel upon them? Eh? This post discusses the mapping technique(s) that I am most familiar with.

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MAJestic Related Posts – Training
These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. Also discussed is the nature of secret programs. I really do not know why the organization was kept so secret. It really wasn’t because of any kind of military concern, and the technologies were way too involved for any kind of information transfer. The only conclusion that I can come to is that we were obligated to maintain secrecy at the behalf of our extraterrestrial benefactors.
MAJestic Related Posts – Our Universe
These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. Being entangled as I was, and involved in the crazy things that I was, I was given some insight. This insight wasn’t anything super special. Rather it offered me perception along with advantage. Here, I try to impart some of that knowledge through discussion.
MAJestic Related Posts – World-Line Travel
These posts are related to “reality slides”. Other more common terms are “world-line travel”, or the MWI. What people fail to grasp is that when a person has the ability to slide into a different reality (pass into a different world-line), they are able to “touch” Heaven to some extent. Here are posts that cover this topic.
Finally… From the movie “The Adjustment Bureau”
Richardson: We call that an adjustment. See sometimes when people spill their coffee, or their internet goes out, or…or they misplaced their keys, they think it’s chance. Well sometimes it is, sometimes it’s us nudging people back on plan. Sometimes when nudging isn’t enough, management authorizes a recalibration.
We call that MAJestic.
Articles & Links
You’ll not find any big banners or popups here talking about cookies and privacy notices. There are no ads on this site (aside from the hosting ads – a necessary evil). Functionally and fundamentally, I just don’t make money off of this blog. It is NOT monetized. Finally, I don’t track you because I just don’t care to.
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Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.