A Great Underrated Movie – Spaced Invaders

I well remember watching this in Indiana. We had picked up a cheap VHS at the check-out lane in Walmart. This video looked promising, but I really didn’t expect too much. But, boy, oh, boy was I wrong. It was awesome. It’s one of those under promoted, and under-reported movies that are just wonderful. It’s a movie about a group of hilariously incompetent Martians that try to take over the world during Halloween. OMG!

 Kathy:  "But dad, they're not really bad.  They're just stupid." 

And are they ever stupid. You’ve got a Martian pilot that sounds like a mutant Jack Nicholson, a most excellent duck costume, a tinker-toy mechanic, and a pile of super fertilizer alien shit. It’s pure awesomeness.

My favorite character is the Martian pilot. He's a real hoot.
My favorite character is the Martian pilot. He’s a real hoot.
 After mistaking a Halloween re-broadcast of Orson Welles' classic radio  adaptation of WAR OF THE WORLDS for a real Martian invasion, a group of  moronic Martians shows up on Earth looking to conquer only their plans  go awry as they find themselves truly out of their element and in  reality all alone.

This really is often quite good and funny,  with some decent lines (just check the memorable quotes) to boot. It  will most likely appeal to Sci-Fi fans. This has passed the test of time  for me as seeing it again recently it proved much better than I  expected it to be. Despite a cast made up of no-name stars, this may  just be the funniest Martian invasion ever put to film. Interestingly  enough, the Martians themselves seem to represent almost every classic  Action Hero/Sci-Fi Hero stereotype there is (cool 50s teen, fighter  pilot, fearless astronaut, brave soldier and kooky scientist). Fun for  the whole family. 

"Prepare to DIE! Earth Scum!" 

- Space_Mafune 
Spaced Invaders - the pilot discusses his problems with the town sheriff.
Spaced Invaders – the pilot discusses his problems with the town sheriff.

Why so unknown…

While perfectly harmless, Spaced Invaders is a kid’s movie that had the potential to be something a little bit more than a silly Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles knockoff.

Halloween night. A War of the Worlds rebroadcast. Except, this time, the humans know it isn’t real. It’s the Martians that don’t.

The idea is a nice flipping of history and, with throwback practical effects, it seemed that this production from Touchstone Pictures was destined to be something special.

Except it wasn’t.  

The movie was skewered by critics at the time of its release and ignored by audiences.

Crippled with a throwback vibe many were not expecting, the madcap flick was disappeared from theaters as quickly as it had arrived.

And is slowly being rediscovered by net-citizens all over the internet.

The Characters:  

I first saw this movie in 1990 when it first came out on video.  I agree  that it is total nonsense, but it is also one of the funniest movies  that I have ever seen.  The very idea that a group of "advanced aliens"  would be running for thier lives from a bunch of country hicks is  totally side-spliting. Why do all science fiction movies have to be  about murderous beings? This group of Imperial Martian Atomic Navy  misfits reminds me of some of the idiots that I knew in the army!  No  wonder they were left on asteroid patrol while the rest of the fleet  went to war.  Leave this movie alone.  We need more like it. 

- boomryoung 
The Martian crew, each wearing a different uniform from well known science fiction movies, sit around a campfire and discuss their situation.
The Martian crew, each wearing a different uniform from well known science fiction movies, sit around a campfire and discuss their situation.
  • Sheriff Hoxley – He just moved to this small town and already has an alien invasion on his hands.
  • Mr. Wrenchmuller – Some of the farmer’s lines are exceptional for a movie of this kind. When faced with losing his farm he morosely asks, “Why did I have to go and get old?”
  • Mr. Klembecker – Total bastard who owns the liens on many farms in the area, including Wrenchmuller’s.
  • Kathy & Brian – She is the sheriff’s daughter and the owner of an awesome “Alien” costume. He is dressed as a duck, but deadly with a trash can lid.
  • Blaznee – Martian pilot who sounds and acts a lot like Jack Nicholson.
  • Capt. Bipto – Senior officer aboard the Martian’s ship. Limited duty? Yeah, you could say that.
  • Lt. Giggywig – The gung-ho, kill them all, sort of alien invader. Lucky for us that he will not start shooting until someone notices him. Nobody pays the little guy much attention.
  • Dr. Ziplock – Whatever those are embedded in his eyes, they look like they hurt.
  • Cpl. Pez – As the FNG, he knows his place. Cowering behind the others is his only hope for survival.
  • The Enforcer Drone – Remember the Russian political officer in “The Hunt for Red October?” Now turn him into a lethal robot. Blasted to smithereens.
Each Martian has their very own personality. One is the leader, one is the scientist, one is the Jock... oh each one is unique and super silly.
Each Martian has their very own personality. One is the leader, one is the scientist, one is the Jock… oh each one is unique and super silly.
Normally the best way to annoy me in a film is to include some reference  to Orson Welles. But here is a sci-fi comedy quoting the War of the  Worlds broadcast.... and it is gold! The very concept of a small bunch  of diminutive,aggressive and stupid aliens being mistaken as kids in  Halloween dress is magnificent. Don't be fooled by the notion that  because it seems like a kids' movie it is unsophisticated - it isn't,  there's a lot of hidden treasure...  A gem! 

- Balthazar-5 

The Plot: 

Giggywig:  "Look, when a vastly superior alien culture comes all this  way to take over your world, certain basic laws of planetary conquest  apply.  For example, when someone points a quad-vected hypothermic  cosmo-blaster at you, it's a fair bet you are about to become toast."   

While the rest of their fleet gets its butt completely whipped during an ill conceived attack upon Arcturus, an asteroid patrol ship full of Martians intercepts a stray radio broadcast coming from Earth. As luck would have it, the station they tune to has “The War of the Worlds” playing.

The little green menaces are ecstatic!

Earth is nearby; they can join in the carnage! The patrol craft departs from the asteroid belt and heads pell-mell for Big Bean, Illinois.

The Martians encounter some trick-or-treaters.
The Martians encounter some trick-or-treaters.
Looking at some of the negative posts, you really have to wonder what some people do for fun....

I  was lucky enough to see the film during its all-too-brief theatrical  run. The audience laughed its heads off.  I'm watching a tape of it as I  type and it's still dang funny!

It's also got a sweet side, with  unexpected turns of genuine pathos. The late, great Royal Dano is  especially effective as the lonely, down-on-his-luck farmer  Wrenchmuller.  Ariana Richards and J.J. Anderson are great as the lead  kids.  And the actors in the Martian suits, although limited to mime, do  a great job

Another thing to look for is the background details.  The film is full of homages, pastiches, and references to other SF and  fantasy films. Take a look at the Martian costumes next time.  One of  them is wearing a Marty McFly costume, another is a Ghostbuster, a third  is in a House Atreides uniform, and a fourth is wearing a Last  Starfighter flightsuit. 

- davidemartin 

I hope that all the “Invader ZIM” fanboys have taken notice at this point. Short aliens, really hyper, sort of goofy, with big heads and advanced technology (let alone the Martian’s crest of arms and the little robot).

In Big Bean things are not entirely without strife. Klembecker is snatching the land from under poor farmers. The greedy twit wants to capitalize on the town’s new highway off-ramp. One of Hoxley’s first calls is to deal with Wrenchmuller. The elderly man was about to walk into the twit’s office with a double barrel shotgun. The scattergun was unloaded, but Wrenchmuller begins looking for shells once Klembecker appears and starts acting like an evil banker. The situation is diffused. Later, the sheriff drops his daughter off at a Halloween party.

I've watched this movie so many times the video is worn out. It is a  movie I can put on whenever I need a good laugh. The farmer is  hilarious, the duck boy is too. 

It's an overall feel good movie. 

Even  kids 12 and up can watch it without being inundated with sexual  innuendos, violence and cursing. The TNT award at the end is the best...  "well, you can just say your prayers." LOL Oh yea, and so are the two  old guys and the old woman after the martians fly by them when they are  crash-landing on earth - "okay, go get the bucket" 

It's great! I think  kids under 10 might be frightened by the enforcer drone, maybe. 

I don't  know though, with all the crap they see on TV on a regular basis, it  might not be. So go out an rent it today! If you have Blockbuster  Rewards(TM) program, you can use one of your free rentals and you'll  enjoy. 

- becca239 

The patrol ship arrives on Earth with a bang; it crashes into Wrenchmuller’s dilapidated barn. The old farmer, with the help of his trusty dog, expends a lot of effort trying to capture, or at least photograph, a Martian. Only Blaznee is left aboard though, because the others gleefully embark upon a campaign to crush humanity. Bipto quickly runs afoul of traffic. More precisely, a truck. He is pried from the grill of Klembecker’s vehicle by the gas station attendant. No, no, no – he is not dead. In fact, the resourceful Martian clamps a mental control device onto Vern (the attendant). It turns the poor guy into a cross between Christopher Lloyd in “Back to the Future” and Christopher Lloyd in “The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai.” The two begin building a super weapon.

This movie is to Halloween what the hilarious "Christmas Story" is to  Christmas: both are relatively low-budget, no-big-name-stars type  films...and both are two of the absolute greatest and funniest movies  available, both seasonal CLASSICS!!! 

"Spaced Invaders" comes galloping  out right from the start with warmth and humor and a superb cast of  characters...all five goofy Martians, Klembecker the Realtor, Russell  the deputy, Vern at the "fuel dispensing depot" and so many more! 

You  just have to see this movie to believe it, and, like "Christmas Story",  it just keeps getting better and better with each viewing, and you pick  up on fun little things each time!! MOST DEFINITELY A TEN!!! 

- michael_shell 

Elsewhere, Kathy, Brian, and the other Martians (a robot too – the Martians’) are being chaperoned around town by a heavyset lady. Only on Earth a short while and already consigned to the back seat of a station wagon. Ha! Despite waving around deadly alien weaponry, the poor little Martians are treated like spoiled brats by the frazzled mother. Lt. Giggywig does not help either, he keeps threatening her with total annihilation. The woman finally throws all of the green invaders out of the car. Kathy and Brian bail too.

The two main characters of the Spaced Invaders movie.
The two main characters of the Spaced Invaders movie.

Blaznee continues fixing the ship, along with parrying moves by one annoyed deputy and Wrenchmuller. The little fellow has everything in hand until the radio station reveals that the broadcast is science fiction. The Enforcer Drone decides to eliminate the entire inept crew. It zaps Blaznee, but he survives. Knocked unconscious and toted into town by Wrenchmuller as proof that they are being invaded, but alive.

Anyone who does not find this movie funny, does not understand simple  comedy. This movie is not a complex comedy, it is full of one liners,  and sight gags, and will make anyone who wants to laugh, laugh... The  alien who is doing a Nicholson impression will crack you up! 

- John Wersan 

The pilot wakes up just in time to crawl out of the truck bed. The excited citizens are further distracted from looking for him when the rest of the crew broadcasts an ultimatum. Surrender now Earth scum! The Martians heroically blast a silo with their portable cannon. What results is a deluge of popcorn, which has the positive effect of temporarily swamping the Enforcer Drone (it had been closing in for the kill). Blaznee dashes back to the ship as several truckloads of shotgun wielding hicks converge on the destroyed silo.

Did I mention that the aliens are inept? Oh, also be it known that Kathy and the little robot become friends.

I understand many will think "Spaced Invaders" a lame farce about little  green men trying to take over Earth; but believe me, compared to "The  Sorcerer's Apprentice," which I have just finished watching with my  family, "Spaced Invaders," along with "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" and  "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids", makes me weep with nostalgia for how low  Disney has fallen in quality. While "Spaced Invaders" is the film of  least quality of the trio I mentioned, it nonetheless has a cheeky sense  of humor, with a wonderful script and actors (er, voice-over artists  for the Martians) who make this film highly watchable (and with no lame  CGI effects of dragons or fireballs to ruin the fun!).

The  Martians themselves make a great team. Their antics and delusions of  grandeur are insanely fun to watch. One person compared the ostensible  military commander of the Martians to Invader Zim, the protagonist from  the eponymous Nickelodeon cult classic, and I think it is an apt  comparison. Why does one Martian have a Jack Nicholson voice? I don't  care, and I love it. Enjoy the futile attempts of the Martians to get  their jalopy of a spacecraft to go airborne, and their desperate fight  against the hicks and yokels of Big, Bean, Illinois. The human robot  slave is one of the coolest sidekicks I've seen, and his creation, a  robot made from tractors and other farm machinery, is one of the best  special effects I've seen in a Disney movie. How can you hate his best  line: "the smell of battery acid makes me thirsty!"? Answer: you can't.

This  is one movie where you root for the alien invaders all the way. The  human, denizens of a small Midwestern farming town, are made to be less  than sympathetic characters, especially the wicked banker named  Clembecker (or whatever his name was). One of the good humans is a  brilliant example of character design, a crazy, wiry old farmer named  Wrenchmuller who has a way with words and with nitroglycerin. The kid in  the duck costume who also speaks with a lisp is also fun to watch,  though he isn't in the film all that much.

Don't take "Spaced  Invaders" too seriously as a film, nor look for any important theme or  message. Sit back and enjoy Disney before CGI and Jerry Bruckheimer  eliminated any camp value the company once had. 

- michael_the_nermal 

Faced with numerous American bred fans of the Second Amendment, Dr. Ziplock activates the “distress-o-matic.” The device should summon the ship to the beacon’s location. However, the ship is still not fully repaired. It goes hopping across empty fields with Blaznee struggling to kill the autopilot. It crashes to a halt at the terminus of a dead end road. The Martians (all of them) pile inside, then the angry locals arrive and start shooting at the ship. Idiots! It flies through an asteroid belt! Your weapons are useless! Bunch of dolts (apply to either group, as you desire).

If the creators of this film had made any attempt at introducing reality  to the plot, it would have been just one more waste of time, money, and  creative effort.  Fortunately, by throwing all pretense of reality to  the winds, they have created a comedic marvel.  Who could pass up a film  in which an alien pilot spends the entire film acting like Jack  Nicholson, complete with the Lakers T-shirt.  Do not dismiss this film  as trash. 

- knappws 

The sheriff tries to calm everyone down. Then the Martians emerge from their patrol ship. They are surrounded by a metal ring. It is none other than the “Donut of Destruction!” (DOD for short.) This device will obliterate a sphere one million miles in diameter, but leave what is inside the donut unharmed. The exact usefulness of the DOD is called into question by everyone present. Sure, the invaders will be unscathed. In the middle of a rapidly expanding ball of plasma, but unharmed. Unfortunately, this means they will be left “unscathed” in the middle of space once the planet and everything around them (ship included) is gone. Fat lot of good that thing is.

The Martians wisely decide to run away and rethink their plan.

This movie is not for everyone.  You're either bright enough to get "it"  or you're not.  Fans of sci-fi films who don't take themselves too  seriously definitely will enjoy this movie. I recommend this movie for  those who can appreciate spoofs and parodies.  Everyone I've recommended  this film to has enjoyed it.  If you enjoy Monty Python or Mel Brooks  films, you'll probably enjoy this one.  The voice characterizations are  done in a tongue-in-cheek manner and the one-liners fly fast and  furious. 

- joseph_lauer 

As silly invasion movies go, this is pretty good. The costumes are better than average and you can quickly begin to identify individual Martians by their voices. Besides, what could be more fun than a bunch of enthusiastic, but hopelessly inept, invaders from Mars? Armed with lethal weaponry, I might add.

The head Martian orders this crew to take over the Earth. OMG!
The head Martian orders this crew to take over the Earth. OMG!

Things I Learned From This Movie: 

Hoxley:  "Where is Kathy?" 

Mrs. Vanderspool:  "She got out with your Martian surfer nephews." 
Hoxley:  "Mrs. Vanderspool, do you have any idea how stupid that sounds?"   
  • There is such a thing as too many pockets when you are looking for your shotgun shells.
  • Police radar guns go up to 3,000 mph.
  • Nose cone art is alive and well on other planets.
  • Too much chocolate is bad for anybody, regardless of physiology.
  • Extreme speed limit infractions are punished with the death penalty in some states.
  • Never fire a plasma cannon at a silo full of unpopped popcorn.
  • Dynamite is a farmer’s best friend.
  • The aurora borealis are caused by spacecraft dumping their toilet systems into Earth’s stratosphere.
Zany and fun -- that's all this movie is about!  Don't think about  trying to read too much into it.  If you do, you'll be sorely  disappointed.  It's just a farcical take-off on monster movies and  contains some real good slapstick moments.  No violence, no sex, no foul  language -- safe for the kids and fun for the adults!! 

- wjeffer 

Stuff To Watch For: 

  • 2 mins – That would be a CR-1398977 “Cactus” heavy assault cruiser.
  • 20 mins – Captain, you really should look both ways before… …never mind.
  • 25 mins – What does he think it is, a potato bug?
  • 45 mins – Ten feet of rope could have saved you a lot of trouble.
  • 53 mins – Humans: 1, Martians: 0, Cats: -1
  • 63 mins – You know, the Martians’ heads look a lot like watermelons. I wonder what they taste like? (I am, after all, an unevolved savage.)
  • 74 mins – The little scout ship can implode and take the universe with it? Sounds like cause for a recall.
Being from a small town in Illinois myself, I can instantly relate to  this movie. Considering the era it was made in, the townsfolk look  uncomfortably like a lot of people I grew up with. 

Yes the plot is  so-so. And yes, the Acting is not going to get nominated for an Oscar  anytime soon. 

But that isn't the point. The point is to suspend reality  and just have FUN. 

And this movie has Fun aplenty. From the  greedy,uncaring banker to the well meaning,but dimwitted deputy, this  movie was made to poke fun at the SciFi genre and small town living at  it's best. 

Who can't smile at the sight of the Enforcer Drone or the  Vern Droid? and I LOVED the FarmZoid. 

Wish I had one when I was growing  up. Overall, considering the technology they had available at the time,  this is a pleasant romp into one's childhood, when you could sit back on  a Saturday afternoon, Popcorn in hand, and laugh at the foibles of  small town living. 

This is a movie I would watch again and again, if for  no other reason than to poke fun at myself and my small town ways. 

- johnboy1260-1 


This is a gem of a movie not just for people who like fun and quirky premises, but who love the history and traditions of Sci-Fi and Classic Hollywood movies.

Each alien of the Martian crew is the embodiment of a classic Sci-Fi character or member of Hollywood royalty. As such, it’s pure pleasure watching them bounce of each other and the residents of Big Bean, Illinois.

If I were you, I’d stop being so serious and instead gather your loved ones around the video monitor. I’d spend the time making up some fried chicken, some fries and /or coleslaw and/or some mashed potatoes. Get some biscuits, and a couple of cases of icy cold beer and enjoy yourselves. Life is about spending time with friends and family, and this movie is just silly enough to tie it all together.

"Spaced Invaders" is one of the funniest movies, I´ve ever seen. I don´t  understand, why this movie didn´t get better critics, it´s funny,  harmless and sweet. 

I first watched it, when I was 11, and I really fell  in love with it... 2 days later, I got it on VHS :-P Till today, I´ve  shown it to many friends, and they all liked it, but nobody knew the  movie before. 

I think, that´s the problem, nearly nobody knows it, so  nearly nobody can like it... 

This movie never got a real chance, that´s  sad, "SI" has really the potential of a comedy like "Monsters Inc." or  "Spaceballs". Ok, enough displeasure - What I really wanted to say, is  that, if you ever want to laugh your head off, watch it! 

Even if you  don´t get mad about it, it´s worth watching! -->

Prepare to laugh,  earth scum! 

- Amy_Brigman 
Inspiration for the most wonder Spaced Invaders movie. All that is missing are some mugs of icy cold beer, mac and cheese, and good friends to share the moments with.
Inspiration for the most wonderful Spaced Invaders movie. All that is missing are some mugs of icy cold beer, mac and cheese, and good friends to share the moments with.

I do hope that you enjoyed this post. I have other posts on movies in my Movie Index, here. Check them out…


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Noteworthy Movies – Barbarella or when WTF becomes a historical norm.

 Great Tyrant: "You're very pretty pretty pretty." 
 Barbarella: "My name isn't Pretty Pretty. It's Barbarella."   

I first watched this movie as a young boy in the local movie theater. I was a fan of science fiction, but this movie confounded the daylights out of me. I did appreciate all the nudity. That was cool. But I just could not follow the plot. The spaceships did not look like what I expected, nor did the roles that the characters played. I watched the movie and then went home and forgot about it.

Time moved on.

I refused to have any association with Jane Fonda. She turned me off with her “radical” anti-American stances, and her adoption of progressive Marxism. I did not agree with her. I did not appreciate her. I did not like her, and I wanted nothing to do with her.

Time passed.

Barbarella in the orgasimatron.
Barbarella in the orgasimatron.

I got older. I started to travel the world. I started to see how different the United States was, and how out of step it was with the rest of the world, it seemed to me that the United States was in a very small bubble and that everyone inside was convinced that the lands outside that bubble were horrible, terrible places. And those people had no idea just how manipulated and fooled they were. Or, how dangerously manipulated they had become.

So I accepted this reality.

Not my problem. Nothing that goes on in the USA is my problem. I just wanted to chill out. Drink my wine. Eat delicious food and play with pretty girls.

Then… the Coronavirus hit.

China treated it as a biological weapons attack and went into complete national lock-down. And I, I was stuck inside my house with nothing better to do than to watch movies and drink beer. (I had a stack of beer that I was meaning to get around to anyways…)

And as such, I started to watch old movies from the 1960’s. For often these movies are not behind a paywall. (Most aren’t. The James Bond 007 movies, for some strange reason, were.) Anyways, the movies from the 1960’s and the 1970’s were awesome to watch. They are cheap entertainment and great escapist enjoyment.

And so I rediscovered Barbarella.

I chose movies instead of televisions shows because I don’t know if I could handle a few seasons of Flipper, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, Hazel, My Favorite Martian or Mr. Ed.


Anyways, Barbarella was awesome…

Barbarella is a movie that is as campy as camp can be and in spite of the low budget sets, crude execution of plot and overtly sexual dialogue, it holds your attention. This film is based on a French comic book character and it exposes you to the wonderful world of the bizarre, 1960s era, fantasy film culture... and that's why I love it. 


And what a glorious escape to the 1960’s it is!

Barbarella has no trigger discipline.
Barbarella has no trigger discipline. Barbarella (1968) – Jane Fonda

The Characters:

  • Barbarella – Jane Fonda! Ted Turner’s little communist is sort of an intergalactic special agent.
  • Duran Duran – HEHEHE! (Sorry, his name gives me the giggles, and according to Leonard Maltin that is where the band got it from.) Mad scientist intent on conquering the universe, generally out to cause hate and discontent. Eaten by the Magmous.
  • Pygar – Last of the ornithothropes, he’s an Angel, literally.
  • The Great Tyrant – Attractive and evil ruler of Lythion, she likes the word “pretty.”
  • Dildano – Inept revolutionary who wishes to overthrow the evil empire, zapped into the fourth dimension.
  • Professor Ping – Kind scientist who assists the unfortunates banished into the labyrinth, also zapped.
  • Marcan – Barbarian guy in charge of herding wild children (Now that’s daycare.), he saves Barbarella from the evil kiddies and introduces her to some old fashioned loving…
  • Alfie – The ship’s computer.
  • The Magmous – A presence which surrounds the city and feeds off evil, it appears to be a huge lava lamp.
Barbarella  is a movie that is as campy as camp can be and in spite of the low  budget sets, crude execution of plot and overtly sexual dialogue, it  holds your attention. This film is based on a French comic book  character and it exposes you to the wonderful world of the bizarre,  1960s era, fantasy film culture... and that's why I love it. It's a  "gem-in-the-rough" waiting to be discovered by a new generation of  fantasy film lovers. Enjoy ! 

Barbarella exploring her new world.
Barbarella exploring her new world.

The Plot:

Ho Chi Minh’s favorite exercise queen stars in this amazing piece of science fiction, oh yes, Jane Fonda.

What really amazes me is the movie’s PG rating, considering the fact that Barbarella’s antigravity breasts go bouncing through more than a few scenes sans clothing. (Plus there’s another woman hanging from leather straps later on.)

Don’t try and give me all that, “It was the 60’s.” crap either.

Our heroine is dispatched to prevent a new weapon from destroying the harmony of the known universe.

This  is a teenage Jane Fonda with very little (often no) clothing on. The  plot is silly as are some of the scenes but I was a teen when I first  saw this movie and a film featuring an often naked Jane Fonda in many  very explicit sexual encounters still arouses my now 67 year old senses.  A a serious Sci-Fi flic it is not, but it is a snapshot of 1960's  culture presented in an often hilarious manner. 

-Old Wet Cat

If one thing was threatening harmony it is this movie’s groovy soundtrack, I was torturing the cat by humming snippets to it. (Kitty actually fled the room.)

After her spaceship crashes things really get weird, she encounters wild children, leather robots, Pygar, the Great Tyrant, and carnivorous parakeets.

When Barbarella finally locates Duran Duran (Hehe! Sorry…) the scientist is a madman, seeking to conquer the universe and give her a fatal orgasm.

Yes, that’s right… death by organism.

I didn’t stutter my friends, he straps the woman into a strange “pleasure organ/piano” thing and plays a tune which should kill her with ecstasy.

It doesn’t work, though.

This  is a really amazingly funny movie, at once a good sci fi, sex  goddess-creating classic, it is also deliciously quirky.  I mean, can  you picture a spacecraft whose interior is fur-lined?

Fonda is  Barbarella, a kind of futuristic bimbo - in part the product of a highly  developed permissive society - who is on a mission to, well, you have  to see it to believe it.  Somehow, Vadim really pulls it all off, though  I suppose it is best to see this in an altered state of consciousness,  60s-style.  Really, tho, it is hard to stop laughing at this, while  taking in an engaging story and unforgettable imagery.  Really, this is a  classic.

Interestingly, while living in France, I bought a bunch  of Barbarella paperbacks out of curiosity and discovered to my delight  that the movie is actually very faithful to the original comic - even  the dialogue follows the crytptic utterances of the characters closely.

Fonda  is perfectly cast.  She is stunningly beautiful in youth, at the apex  of her stardom in many ways, and you can tell she is having fun with  this role.  But the acting of the others is also very good and fun, from  DuranDuran to the sexualised angel in his nest.

Recommended warmly.  This is weirdness that works extremely well. 

-Robert J Crawford

Barbarella shorts out the machine and it bursts into flames.

Soon after this the Great Tyrant sets free the Magmous and all heck breaks loose.

The end.

If that wasn’t warning enough I’m telling you now: This movie is all over the place and insanely groovy.

It  is somewhat difficult to describe Barbarella. It is bizarre, sexy,  funny, and a definite 1960s sci-fi classic. 

It is not a movie for  children (no way is this a PG- it was originally rated M for mature  audiences). 

There is nudity and sexuality interlaced throughout the  movie, and I must say that Jane Fonda was definitely in her prime when  she starred in this (eye candy supreme). 

The bizarre scenes (including  the metal-toothed biting dolls) could give kids (and adults) nightmares.  

There are some cute little blue bunnies hopping around though. The  special effects are extremely funny, but that adds to the total feeling  of the movie. In other words, do not view this film with a serious mind.  

The cast includes some very good actors (including Ugo Tognazzi, John  Phillip Law, Marcel Marceau, David Hemmings, and Milo O'Shea) who must  have had some fun making this movie. And, without a doubt, Jane Fonda  was the perfect choice to play the lead role. 


After the shock of watching Barbarella strip out of her spacesuit in zero gravity (She’s obviously laying on plate glass with the camera above her.), I noticed the red shag carpet covering the spaceship’s interior top to bottom.

For a state of the art spacecraft her ship had some issues, like the acid trip view screen and a disturbing habit of colliding with solid objects, like a planet.

Let’s not forget this is the future and all the messy pleasure associated with that disgusting habit of sexual intercourse has been overcome…

… now you just take a pill and hold hands…

…until Barbarella gets her pipes cleaned by Marcan, then she does agree “Wider is…” I mean, “The old ways are better.”

Barbarella  strapped to the orgasimistron.
Barbarella strapped to the orgasimistron.
I find "Barbarella: Queen of the Galaxy" to be a psychedelic, costume,  music, metal teeth doll, Jane Fonda and shag fun fest.  

This 1968 film  was made after the French comic books Barbarella by Jean Claude Forest  which the movie in my opinion does a good job of giving you an almost  comic book feel.  

Most will likely find the special effects to be of low  quality, especially if you prefer the special effects of today.  I  however, find them to give all the more comic book feel of the time and  enjoy the psychedelic appearance of many of them.  

The film was directed  by Roger Vadim who was also married to Jane Fonda at the time.  In  short if you like 60's "B" movies with the features I describe in the  first sentence this film might be for you.  If however, you don't like  60,s "B" movies and the items I mention in the first sentence you will  likely disagree with my five star rating, so be warned. 

-The Tally Ho

Things I Learned From This Movie: 

  • Orange shag carpet is the ultimate in spaceship decor.
  • Stingrays are used as draft horses on other worlds.
  • Sadistic children scream like a flock of seagulls.
  • In the future sexual gratification is achieved by taking a pill and holding hands. (My thoughts exactly…)
  • Orchids are not very filling.
  • Angels make nests.
  • Public suicide chambers need to be clearly marked.
  • Parakeets are carnivorous.
  • Having some woman smoke me in a bong is the stuff nightmares are made of.
  • The world will be swallowed by an evil lava lamp monster.
The movie is very 1960's and includes all those psychedelic elements.
The movie is very 1960’s and includes all those psychedelic elements.

Stuff To Watch For: 

  • 5 mins – RANDOM GRATUITOUS BREAST SHOT! (Wait, this is PG?)
  • 17 mins – Earth’s number one agent was just captured by two eight year old girls.
  • 19 mins – These weird kids are feeding her to mechanical dolls.
  • 43 mins – It’s a flying sundae of death!
  • 47 mins – Lady, how exactly do you plan on hiding his wings?
  • 64 mins – Should have paid the electric bill Dil-dan-o…
  • 72 mins – Now that’s a password.
  • 77 mins – Is there a guy in that bong?
  • 79 mins – Duran Duran (Hehe!) has her in this weird piano/organ thing, it’s sucking her clothes off… …and, um, doing other things.
Barbarella with the other chick that undresses for the movie. I forget what her role was, but I did admire her knockers.
Barbarella with the other chick that undresses for the movie. I forget what her role was, but I did admire her knockers.


I refused to watch this movie for years.

It’s an emotional thing that I had retained since Jane Fonda bad-mouthed the USA back during the Vietnam war. While I do not like what she did, I can now see that the USA somehow got way, way off course and became a war-mongering empire that uses people like myself as “cannon fodder”.

Anyways, I by chance, watched this movie and was astounded by the immersion in 1960’s culture and absolute weirdness. I am frankly astounded by it. It’s pure, and it’s sublime.

It’s a great movie to watch. Especially while drinking beer and eating a delicious sandwich. Don’t you know. Have your wife make a Jack-Reuben up for you, you will not regret it.

A fine home-made Jack-Reuben sandwich. Goes great with chips (especially Wise potato chips - perfectly salted) and a nice (must be icy cold) beer.
A fine home-made Jack-Reuben sandwich. Goes great with chips (especially Wise potato chips – perfectly salted) and a nice (must be icy cold) beer.

All glory to the Great Tyrant!

Barbarella with the flying man...oh, what's his name.
Barbarella with the flying man…oh, what’s his name.

I do hope that you enjoyed this post. I have others in my movie index. You can reach it here…


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Unusual Movies – Greenslime. When Hollywood made movies without social justice agendas.

I am old enough to remember going to the movie theater to watch this flick. It was on a Saturday afternoon, and my folks gave me a dollar to watch it. I was ten years old. Back in those days we watched movies for fun, or barring that, to stay out of our parent’s hair and let them have some time alone.

Here’s some fun “elevator pitches” for science fiction movies. 

How about  having astronauts land on an asteroid that’s on a collision course with  earth? Wait, it gets better— to save the world they have to use  drilling equipment to bore holes in the rocky surface to plant nuclear  bombs inside and blow the renegade asteroid into space dust. 

Not working  for you? 

Okay, try this one on. How about having an alien life form that looks harmless in its infant state brought aboard a space ship. Then it breaks loose, transforming into a monstrous killing machine that slaughters the crew one by one!  

- Horror News

Lately, most of the larger (high budget) movies out of Hollywood are nothing more that venues to ram-rod social justice “improvements” down our collective throats. This policy certainly started long ago. Maybe back during the Clinton administration, but it most certainly became heated up to a degree of red-hot insanity during the Obama presidency.

Now we have a 007 “James Bond” flick that going to have a new transgender LGBT “woman of color” in the role of secret agent. Funny how she looks like a morph of Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama. Yuck!

The face of the new progressive, modern "James Bond", 007. This woman looks like someone morphed Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton together. Oh, how enlightened! How so very progressive!
The face of the new progressive, modern “James Bond”, 007. This woman looks like someone morphed Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton together. Oh, how enlightened! How so very progressive!

Anyways, let’s get back to the movie at hand; Green slime.

This is a movie perfect for the eleven year old boy inside of all of us. It’s got a cool retro 1960’s sound track. (It’s got) Cool miniatures with all sorts of detail like something out of Fireball XL-5. It’s got spacemen exploring a rogue asteroid and carrying space rifles (!). It’s got a love triangle with a handsome man with a chiseled face, and the girls all look like they came out of a 1960’s playboy magazine.

And it’s got monsters.

Lots and lots of monsters.

Right out of the gate you can feel the movie itching to get to the good  stuff– that song barely lasts a verse and a chorus before Robert Horton,  as Commander Jack Rankin, arrives at space station Gamma 3 ready  to head up a very dangerous mission– landing on a strange asteroid and  exploding it out of its collision course with Earth.  

-Trailers from Hell

What’s not to love?

I saw THE GREEN SLIME in 1968 at the Omni Center Theatre in  Atlanta Georgia with my brother and cousin and was awestruck and  terrified as only a 6-year-old boy seeing a movie called THE GREEN SLIME  in 1968 could be so I’ve always had a huge soft spot in my heart for  this film (I was lucky enough to attend a 16mm screening at Cinema  Wasteland a couple of years ago and it held up great). 

I mentioned three  things that I think make THE GREEN SLIME so enduring. 

One. The title, THE  GREEN SLIME is so perfect and unpretentious that Saturday matinee  audiences in 1968 had to know exactly what was in store and I can’t  imagine anyone feeling let down. 

Second, THE GREEN SLIME has one of the funkiest title songs in cinema history. Written by Charles Fox (who  would go on to write the themes for THE LOVE BOAT and HAPPY DAYS) and  accompanied by a frenzied drum beat and blaring electric guitars  (someone edited the song to clips of battle scenes from the film and  posted it on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKESo2ofEcw).  

THE GREEN SLIME theme is a blast and was even released as a single!  

Third, the poster is my absolute favorite from the 1960’s. The bold  colorful artwork features the emerald cretins in an action-packed outer  space battle with flying spacemen while holding a terrified Luciana  Paluzzi in a skin-tight metallic spacesuit in the foreground (an outfit  like nothing she wears in the film). 

The poster is a throwback to the  “bug-eyed monster” posters of the 1950’s and the artwork even graced the  cover of “Famous Monsters of Filmland” #57 in 1969. I have an original  THE GREEN SLIME three-sheet (40 x 80 inches) and it’s proudly displayed  in my den along with my Resin Green Slime model kit and vintage “The  Green Slime are Coming!” button.
- My Favorite Movies: The One About the Green Slime That I Saw at the Theater When I Was Six  
Greenslime movie poster.
Greenslime movie poster.

The Characters

The plot of THE GREEN SLIME play like a precursor (or parody) to ARMEGEDDEON and then ALIEN as a  runaway asteroid, known as Flora (!), is determined to be on a  collision course with earth. 

Rugged astronaut Jack Rankin (Robert  Horton) is ordered out of retirement to command Space Station Gamma 3,  an enormous ring-shaped outpost populated by a detachment of scientists  and military personnel, and stop Flora before it destroys our planet.  

Onboard Rankin meets his old flame Lisa (Luciana Paluzzi) and her  fiancée, Commander Vince Elliot (Richard Jaeckel), Rankin's former close  friend. 

Rankin, Elliot and the sinister Doctor Halvorsen (Ted Gunther)  land a shuttle on the asteroid, depositing explosives in an attempt to  nuke Flora. 

They succeed, but a small wad of pulsating green jelly adheres itself to Dr. Halvoson’s spacesuit and is brought back to the station unobserved. 

The crew celebrates with a groovy party featuring nurses in short skirts and high heels shimmying to 60’s electronic tunes, unaware that the oozy green stowaway is morphing into a deadly tentacled creature out to electrocute everyone in its path.  

Attempts to kill the slimy beast backfire as each drop of its blood  grows into a new monster until Gamma 3 is infested with these waddling critters collectively known as…

...The Green Slime!! 

- My Favorite Movies: The One About the Green Slime That I Saw at the Theater When I Was Six 
  • Commander Jack Rankin – This guy wouldn’t stop smiling if a rabid weasel was in his shorts; he would just grin and give you a thumbs up.
  • Commander Vince Elliott – In charge of the space station and not very happy Rankin is senior to him. A rash man who gives one Green Slime a hug. (That means he dies.)
  • Lisa Benson – Woman torn between loving Rankin and Elliott.
  • Dr. Halvorsen – Head researcher aboard the space station, he gets seriously fried.
  • General Jonathan Thompson – Gruff senior officer, his main role in this movie is sweating.
  • Captain Martin – Elliott’s right hand man, for some reason he looks natural in a white motorcycle helmet.
  • The Green Slime – Alien life form which feeds on energy and even a single drop of blood can regenerate into new creatures. Incinerated.
The Green Slime has the secret weapon every B-Movie needs-  Richard Jaeckel. 

Jaeckel was a prolific, academy award nominated actor  who bounced between supporting roles in big budget films and starring  turns in B-pictures. In fact he was nominated for a best supporting  actor Oscar for Sometimes A Great Notion (1970) right after he starred in The Green Slime.  

What made Jaeckel so special was that (like Shelly Winters) he always  delivered a class-A performance in any film, regardless of its quality.  If you watch The Green Slime carefully you’ll notice that he’s always moving, or emoting— giving the audience a little something extra.  

He never steals scenes from his co-stars, but he’s always the most  interesting thing onscreen. 

 - Horror News   
Exploring the mysterious and dangerous asteroid. Yikes!
Exploring the mysterious and dangerous asteroid. Yikes!
THE GREEN SLIME was an American/Japanese co-production shot in Tokyo with a mostly American cast (extras are Japanese or played by  American servicemen stationed in Japan) and a Japanese director giving  the film a stilted, off-the-wall international quality. 

It was shot in  English but crudely post-dubbed and the whole cast has English monikers  regardless of their ethnicity (exotic Italian beauty Luciana Paluzzi plays…..Lisa Benson!).  

Square-jawed Robert Horton (a TV actor best known for starring in WAGON  TRAIN) delivers a comically wooden lead performance as the arrogant and  condescending Rankin. 

As Elliott, Richard Jaeckel seems to have more  fun with his role and he makes a good space hero (Jaeckel stayed in  Japan to costar in the equally absurd LATITUDE ZERO before returning to  Hollywood and Oscar-nominated the next year for SOMETIMES A GREAT  NOTION). 

Luciana Paluzzi had made a splash as Bond girl Fiona Volpe in THUNDERBALL in 1965 and makes for equally sexy here. 

Director Kinji  Fukasaku went on to make cult items MESSAGE FROM SPACE in 1978 (a gonzo  STAR WARS knockoff starring Sonny Chiba that featuresmassive  sailboats in space!) and the controversial “teens- killing-teens” epic  BATTLE ROYALE in 2000. 

THE GREEN SLIME’s toy-like special effects are hardly realistic, but there are a ton of them and most are ambitious and imaginatively designed. The spaceships look like models because they are models and the fact that they are way overlit doesn’t help. 

It’s  the monsters themselves that make THE GREEN SLIME so memorable. 

Squat  and lumpy, with one giant red eye surrounded by many smaller eyes, the  rubbery, tentacle-waving gremlins were played by Japanese children in  clumsy suits. They seem more than a bit silly today but, with their  high-pitched electronic squeal, were pretty nightmarish to young  audiences in 1968.  

 - My Favorite Movies: The One About the Green Slime That I Saw at the Theater When I Was Six  

The Plot

Packing more goofy models and props than most Godzilla films comes this lovely piece of b-cinema.

I still want to know who starched Commander Rankin’s face while he was smiling, either the guy is a loon or he’s on some serious happy pills. Prozac boy gets things done though; when you have a rogue asteroid hurtling toward Earth he’s the man to call. (Not Bruce Willis, mind you.)

... a brilliantly artificial and eerily vibrant landscape which writer  Richard Harland Smith accurately described as perfectly evocative of the  Major Matt Mason space station and lunar base command toy sets of the  1960s, reproduced with full-scale reverence and a dash of pop sci-fi  psychedelia.

-Trailers from Hell  
Fighting the oozy and tentacled greenslime monsters.
Fighting the oozy and tentacled greenslime monsters.

When the astronauts land to place their bombs they find the asteroid is inhabited by strange blobs of glowing slime that are drawn to the equipment. After blasting off and barely escaping the massive explosion (Imagine an orange and brown papier mache’ ball with half a stick of dynamite inside and you’re golden.) the heroes return to Space Station Gamma 3.

Just because The Green Slime predates Alien and Armageddon  doesn’t mean it’s some visionary piece of science fiction cinema. On  the surface it’s a subpar space opera with rubber-suited monsters,  cheesy miniatures and a cast of B-movie veterans struggling to kill  aliens while keeping a straight face. 

But despite its myriad of  deficiencies The Green Slime is a charming time capsule of mid  sixties camp. 

Watching its colorful “mod” sets, plastic helmeted  astronauts and man-in-a-suit monsters is like sprawling in a bean bag  chair, sipping a can of Schlitz while feeling the luxurious shag  carpeting beneath your toes.

Scientists aboard the Gamma-3 space  station discover a massive asteroid careening towards earth. 

UN Space  Command dispatches their bravest and squarest jawed astronaut (Robert  Horton) to command the mission to destroy the deadly celestial body,  which looks like a cat toy you’d find moldering under the couch. 

But our  hero has a long simmering feud with the space station’s commander  (Richard Jaeckel) who stole his fiancée (Luciana Paluzzi) who happens to  be the space station’s resident doctor. Putting their differences aside  they land on the asteroid, drill holes, plant nukes and zip back to the  space station, barely escaping the atomic blast. 

The earth is saved, but during their escape a small bit of green slimy alien life adheres itself to an astronaut’s space suit and hitches a ride to Gamma-3. 

Due  to the station’s high oxygen (or testosterone) levels the little blob of  space spooge sprouts into a menagerie of man sized monsters shooting  electricity from their tentacles. 

Will the astronauts defeat the alien  invaders? Will the big haired sexy doctor dump her beau for her brick  headed ex fiancé? Will our two heroes finally give in to their seething  homoerotic tension and be as god made them? Its all part of The Green Slime experience. 

 - Horror News 

Unfortunately, for everyone, some of the slime was carried back on a space suit. It soon evolves into a tentacled creature! So the thing kinda looks like Sigmund the Sea Monster – he never fried anyone with several thousand volts of electricity. (Yes, I know it’s the amps that get you.) This gives a nice excuse for Elliott and Rankin to have a power struggle over who is in charge, the latter a firm believer in “shoot first ask questions later.”

This poor doctor went back into the midst of the greenslime monsters to get his papers. Bad movie Doc. Bad move.
This poor doctor went back into the midst of the greenslime monsters to get his papers. Bad movie Doc. Bad move.

Another unfortunate fact about Green Slime: even a single drop of blood will grow into a new monster. So now you have dozens of pissed off Sigmunds running around electrocuting the crew, good job Rankin.

In the end humanity is saved by crashing Gamma 3 into Earth’s atmosphere, incinerating the Green Slime. Thank goodness something stopped them besides THROWING your laser rifle. The characters often unload at point blank range without effect. Soon as they throw the weapon it goes right through the monster’s eye. Even if you don’t like watching “spacemen” wearing white 1960’s police motorcycle helmets firing “laser guns” at waddling masses of latex monsters you have to love the title song.

Fighting the deadly greenslime inside the space-station.
Fighting the deadly greenslime inside the space-station.

Things I Learned From This Movie: 

  • Asteroids look like a Gobstopper which has been under the refrigerator for ten years.
  • Movies are less interesting from a phone’s objective.
  • Pulsing green muck plays heck with interstellar golf carts.
  • People can stand up and walk around while experiencing ten G’s.
  • Never let a bitter exgirlfriend tend your wound.
  • Alien life is best represented by green soap suds.
  • Space station security guards wear white motorcycle helmets with a little space symbol on them.
  • Golf carts are not four wheel drive.
  • Laser rifles work better as spears.
  • Never hug an ungrounded Green Slime.
The most charming thing about The Green Slime is how the  filmmakers lovingly revel in its cheesiest elements. 

Those miniature  rocket ships don’t zip by in an instant— instead the producers proudly  linger on them as if they were unveiling 2001 A Space Odyssey (1968).  

The unconvincing rubber monsters aren’t confined to fleeting, shadowy  glimpses— Nope, they’re given long loving close-ups under brighter lights than a baseball game. 

I love the filmmakers for having the balls  to do that. Plus Alien never had a rocking psychedelic theme song. Why Richard Delvy’s title tune, actually entitled The Green Slime, never made it onto Lenny Kaye’s classic psychedelic music anthology Nuggets is beyond me. 

The Green Slime’s other achievement is compressing entire plot of Armageddon into the first fifteen minutes. Why couldn’t Michael Bay have done that? 

 - Horror News  
The Gamma 8 space-station.
The Gamma 8 space-station.

Stuff To Watch For: 

  • 2 mins – Nice miniatures, ahm.
  • 13 mins – For some reason this scene is making me horny.
  • 25 mins – Bad dubbing!
  • 48 mins – White motorcycle helmets?
  • 70 mins – The explosion took out half of the model space station, but not that flimsy door?
  • 75 mins – Elliott could use some boxing lessons.
  • 83 mins – Jack, I’m going to kick your smiling self in the testicles. What do you think of that?
Our brave hero and attractive love interest.
Our brave hero and attractive love interest.
The Green Slime was a coproduction between America’s MGM  Studios and Japan’s Toei Company LTD. But oddly for a Japanese based  production, the entire cast, right down to the extras, is entirely  western. This presented Toei with a genuine casting challenge. 

As a  result the crew of Gamma-3 are a mix of struggling American fashion  models plucked from Tokyo’s fashion runways and American sailors on  shore leave from the nearby Yokosuka Naval base. 

That’s right, those  glamorous young models were thrown together with guys who’d been stuck on an Aircraft Carrier deployed off Vietnam for six months! 

Take a good  look boys… cause this is what you’re fighting for! 

Hidden among the  space stations impossibly pretty female crew is blonde haired Linda  Miller who, a year earlier, had been the lead in the Japanese American  co-production King Kong Escapes. If you ever wake up with a hangover skip the Advil and coffee and try a double bill of The Green Slime and King Kong Escapes— your pain will be forgotten. 

- Horror News  


In 1968 my eight-year-old pals and I absorbed the adventure of The Green Slime and took that template to the playground, turning every jungle gym or set of monkey bars into the Gamma 3. Looking at The Green Slime  today I confess I am not seized with the urge to run over to the nearby  elementary school and start back up where I left off 46 years ago.  After all, there are plenty of reasons to put away childish things, to  bid a safe farewell to childhood and our nostalgia for it. (My bathroom  scale insists this is so.) But for me The Green Slime beautifully recreates a playground of the mind to match the one I had to leave behind.  

-Trailers from Hell

This movie will never get an Oscar award. But it’s a great movie for a rainy day, and fantastic to spend with a case of beer, some friends, a pet and loyal dog (or cat), a loved one and some potato chips. Not the flavored kind, mind you, good “old fashioned” American style salted chips… with dip. Lots and lots of dip.

This is the perfect movie to enjoy when you are stuck inside (like during a biological weapons attack like I am) or whether it is raining cats and dogs outside. Make sure that you have an ample supply of chips, dip and beer. I'll tell you what!
This is the perfect movie to enjoy when you are stuck inside (like during a biological weapons attack like I am) or whether it is raining cats and dogs outside. Make sure that you have an ample supply of chips, dip and beer. I’ll tell you what!
In closing, if you wake up craving a piece of nostalgic science fiction fromage The Green Slime  is exactly what you’re looking for. And don’t forget to sing along to  the psychedelic theme song (later covered by the Fuzztones) for a  totally immersive experience. Everybody sing… You’ll believe it when you find… Something sreamin’ ‘cross your mind… GREEN SLIME… GREEN SLIME!  

 - Horror News   

I do hope that you enjoyed this post. I have other movie review in my Movie Index. Please feel free to check them out…


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