Some hilarious quotes from Robert Mugabe

Hilarious with some real wisdom in it!

That being said, we shouldn’t be distracted away from his other deeds. Overall, this man is often referred to as pure evil. But, then again, I don’t really know. I do not know him personally. I can’t imagine him being any worse than Hillary Clinton. Can you?

The only white man you can trust is a dead white man.
-Robert Mugabe     

Anyways, these quotes are golden. I guess that even the most reprehensible person can come up with one-liners, eh?

Who is Robert Mugabe?

Robert Mugabe has been the president of Zimbabwe since 1987. He attained his job after leading bloody guerrilla warfare against the white colonial rulers of what was then Rhodesia.

Mugabe lead the Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front, a socialist party founded in 1987. Mugabe and his party are also heavily nationalist with left-wing ideology, favoring land seizures from white Zimbabweans while claiming that doing so counters the nation’s imperialist past.

Mugabe holds seven degrees from South Africa’s Fort Hare University. In 1963 he was secretary general of the Maoist Zimbabwe African National Union.

In 1964, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison for “subversive speech” against the Rhodesian government. Once released, he fled to Mozambique to launch a guerrilla war for independence.

He returned to Rhodesia 1979 and became prime minister in 1980; the next month, the newly independent country was renamed Zimbabwe. Mugabe assumed the presidency in 1987, with the prime minister role being abolished.

Under his rule, annual inflation has soared to 100,000%.

Hilarious quotes from the ex-President of Zimbabwe:

  • When your clothes are made of cassava leaves, you don’t take a goat as a friend.
  • If you are ugly, you are ugly. Stop talking about inner beauty because men don’t walk around with X-ray machines to see inner beauty.
  • When one’s goat gets missing, the aroma of a neighbour’s soup gets suspicious.
  • Treat every part of your towel nicely because the part that wipes your buttocks today will wipe your face tomorrow.
  • Sometimes you look back at girls you spent money on, rather than send it to your mum, and you realize witchcraft is real.
  • Cigarette is tobacco rolled in a piece of paper with fire on one end and a fool on the other end.
  • Racism will never end as long as people still use black color for bad luck and white for peace… But I don’t care as long as I still use the white tissue paper to wipe my ass!
  • No African girl will choose six pack over six cars.. So stop going to the gym and go to work!
  • It’s better to sit in a bar thinking about God than to sit in a church thinking about beer.
  • He who swallows a complete coconut has absolute trust in his anus.
  • The only warning Africans take seriously is LOW BATTERY.
  • It is not possible that women can be at par with men.


You can be reprehensible and still have some good things to say. You do not have to like or admire a person to learn from them.

I get that from time to time. People accuse me of being the spawn of Satan because I happen to like to drink red wine and live in China.

Well, at which I can only respond with “ok.”

Life is too short to worry about what other people are doing with their lives.

Dionysus Cat.
Dionysus Cat.
A little weekend humor  

A pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won. The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the next race, and it won again. 

The local newspaper read: PASTOR’S ASS OUT FRONT. 

The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the pastor not to enter the donkey in another race. 

The next day, the local newspaper headline read: BISHOP SCRATCHES PASTOR’S ASS. 

This was too much for the Bishop, so he ordered the pastor to get rid of the donkey. The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent. 

The local paper, hearing of the news, posted the following headline the next day: NUN HAS BEST ASS IN TOWN. 

The Bishop fainted. He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey, so she sold it to a farmer for $10. 

The next day the paper read: NUN SELLS ASS FOR $10. 

This was too much for the Bishop, so he ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and lead it to the plains where it could run wild. 

The next day the headlines read: NUN ANNOUNCES HER ASS IS WILD AND FREE. 

The Bishop was buried the next day. 

The moral of the story is:  Being concerned about public opinion can bring you much grief and misery and even shorten your life. So be yourself and enjoy life. You’ll be a lot happier and live longer! 

I hope that you enjoyed this post. I have others in my Happiness Index, over here…

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COVID-19 Coronavirus related videos within China. (Continued)

Here’s a bunch more videos taken during the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak in China during the 2020 CNY holiday and going into February of that year. These videos are very interesting. Please check them out. They all tend to be short, but since there are so many… around 20… they might take some time to load.


Please kindly note that this post has multiple embedded videos. It is important to view them. If they fail to load, all you need to do is to reload your browser.

Keep reloading as necessary to collect the videos. If you are watching on a computer put this in a separate tab and allow it to load at it’s own speed. Depending where you live it might take up to an half hour, though most people shouldn’t have to wait nearly so long.

Sorry about this.

Video 1 – Breaking Quarantine

China is an enormous nation. There are all kinds of people in it. No matter how serious the emergency, there will be that 1% of Jack-Offs that think that the rules do not apply to them and they can do as they please. When this happens, the police need to step in and isolate the malcontents. Because all it takes is but one person and he can infect three hundred others in a matter of hours, and then suddenly the entire city starts to collapse.

Here we have a Jack-ass trying to break through a quarantine check point. These road-blocks are everywhere and you must obey them. Some are set up by local communities. Some by local police. Some by military, and some by local industry. If you try to run through, you will be stopped. You will be apprehended, and you will go to prison.

Video 2 – Breaking Quarantine 2

Here’s another one. This is a checkpoint at a highway. It’s been my experience that these checkpoints are at every toll booth and at every road-side rest area. You must obey them.

They are staffed by police, traffic police and military. You do not mess around. This is a serious, and very serious illness and containment is crucial.

Video 3 – Breaking Quarantine 3

Here’s another example of a person trying to break quarantine. You can see that not only is he not obeying the check-point, but he is taking it on himself to be a one-man wrecking-crew and starts to tear apart the entire road-block setup.

Video 4 – Shutting down a roadblock

All things end. Now certain areas are easing up on their quarantine restrictions. Thus, it means that things are starting to return to normal in certain areas. Here we have a video of a policeman shutting down one of the quarantine roadblocks.

Video 5 – Collapse 1

Medical worker collapses or almost collapses in a hospital. This is beginning to become rather common in the various hospitals that work with this virus. It’s a very serious and lethal viral agent and every care must be taken to control it.

I have all sorts of videos about the dressing and undressing procedures in this highly lethal environment. But you know, if you accidentally touch an infected article of clothing during the undressing procedure, you too could become infected.

Video 6 – Collapse 2

Here is the inside of a bank. In the lower part of the screen we can see a person just collapsing on to the floor. This kind of collapse is rather common with this illness. When it strikes it hits you suddenly and strongly.

Video 7 – Policeman Collapse

Here’s a police man that collapses in one of the police stations. All people who are out and dealing with the public are starting to see their ranks decrease and more and more members contract the illness.

It’s horrible.

Video 8 – Street Collapse

The Western media narrative is that it only strikes the old and the feeble. It’s amazing that they still maintain this fantasy. Especially the American media. Most everyone can contact this illness, and there are patients as young as ten months and as old as 95 years getting sick and ill from it. here we have a young chick getting struck down at a gas station.

Video 9 – Discovering you have the virus and being told you must go into isolation.

So imagine what it must be like. You are not feeling well, so you have some suspicions and you go to the the hospital. They run a few tests and then discover that you have COVID-19; the coronavirus. At first you would be in a state of shock and denial. Then you might panic and flee. You do not want to spend the time in the hospital. Like this poor girl.

Video 10 – Going into Quarantine.

And this is what it is like when you are sick and told to go into Hospital Isolation. You are collected and driven to an isolation ward. Then you are assigned a room, and some gear. The rest of your belongings are sterilized or incinerated and you are held there in isolation until you get better, or off to the hospital if you get decidedly worse.

Video 11 – The coronavirus hits suddenly.

This coronavirus is hitting everyone suddenly. You are just doing your job when suddenly you feel woozy. You start to wobble, and you get tunnel vision. Then the world goes black. This is what it is like.

But not to worry. CNN and FOX says the Flu is much worse.

Video 12 – Infected trying to break out of quarantine.

In this video we have a community that is infected. Large numbers of people have been taken into the various hospitals in the surrounding region. Those that remain were not tested to be sick… two weeks ago. But might actually be sick.

Here we have a fellow trying to run the gauntlet and escape from the quarantine.

Video 13 – Arrest for not wearing a face mask.

During this DEFCON ONE emergency you cannot go outside unless you wear a mask and are scanned for a fever. No exceptions. Everyone in China knows this. Yet there are those miscreants that think that the law does not apply to them and when they are refused to board public transportation they fly into a rage and cause all sorts of turmoil.

Video 14 – Refusing to go into Quarantine.

Here’s a chick who was tested to have a fever. She wants to break out of the quarantine area and go her own way. She does not want to go into isolation. But the illness is so very serious that she doe not have that option. So she is taken down and hauled off to the isolation ward.

Video 15 – The virus hits with a sudden ferocity.

This is what it is like. You are having a dinner. You drank a coke and ate some pork and suddenly you are not feeling well. While some people just get tunnel vision and black out, others just go into seizures and all sorts of bad things start to happen. Like this poor fellow….

Video 16 – Virus wipes out a hospital staff member.

Many hospital personnel are ending up catching the virus. It’s a terrible thing and they are working long hours and tirelessly to fight this conflagration. But they can get sick, and when you start to see one of the nurses or doctors starting to wobble and lose control, you need to help them out quickly. This is a serious and lethal virus.

Video 17 – This is what it is like all over China.

This is how you go onto the public buses. This is how you enter your apartment building. This is how you enter your place of employment. This is how you enter public buildings such as police stations, hospitals or transportation hubs.

Everyone must wear a mask. There are no exceptions.

Everyone must take a temperature reading, and spray their clothing with disinfectant solution. Everyone must abide to the rules or you will get arrested. There is zero tolerance for non-compliance. PERIOD.

Video 18 – Pretty Girl

This is why it is absolutely critical to stay in isolation and not get this virus. You are getting ready to go out with your friends and suddenly you do not feel well. You have a seizure, black out. You regain composure and then have another seizure. Than you black out again. It repeats over and over…

But don’t worry. The flu is far worse, don’t you know. That’s what CNN and FOX all are saying. You can go on Drudge and What-Finger-News and it’s all the same MONOLITHIC narrative. Funny that! So believe them.

Or see the reality with your own two eyes…

Video 19 – Building multiple hospitals.

When I check out the comments on social media there’s a bunch of detractors complaining about China-this and China-that. Oh, Xi Peng didn’t do enough. Oh, the Chinese stole a biological weapon and is trying to kill their own people. All sorts of just bullshit nonsense. All of which is supremely irritating.

Donald Trump would not be able to build an emergency hospital in ten day, let alone three of them So shut the flying fuck up.

Check out this, the third hospital being built in Wuhan to help handle this emergency.


This is a serious illness. All evidence points of a biological warfare event. At least that is exactly how the Chinese government is treating it. While the American main-steam and (alt) media are all treating it as not as serious as the flu. Well, you you ever see the flu do what you see on these videos, then go ahead and make up your own post explaining to the world that this is a big ol’ “nothing burger”.

More to follow. Please be safe.

I hope that you enjoyed this post. I have other posts that you might be interested in that can be found in my Trump Trade Wars index, here…

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The True History of American Government and the Sad Devolution to what it is Today.

America today does not resemble anything that is found on the original 1776 United States Constitution. In fact, in many ways, it is the exact opposite of what it was founded as. This is an open fact, and only the most ignorant disagree on this.

Today, the United States is a real mess. It really is. It is an enormous, out of control beast, and no one can tame it. It’s a snarling, nasty critter that is harmful to Americans, and a threat to the rest of the world.

Here, we talk about how America came to be what it is today.

For there are five distinct separate evolutionary periods of American governance. Each one is distinct for all the others before it. They are…

  • Founded as a Republic.
  • Changed to a Democracy with the 12th amendment.
  • Centralized Federal Democracy during the Civil War.
  • Progressive Social Democracy under President Wilson.
  • Military Oligarchy under President Lindon Johnson.
  • Corrupt Military Totalitarian Empire today.

Here we will discuss each time period in turn. What it was like, the benefits, or liabilities, and why it was changed into something different.

We will begin with the start….

Founded as a Republic. (1776)

There is no question that America was founded as a Republic. It is clearly specified as such within the Constitution itself. And the “Federalist Papers” which described (in depth) the reasoning used in the creation of the Constitution.

They abhorred a Democracy and they absolutely did not want America to ever become a Democracy. For they viewed it as “mob rule”, or rule by easily-manipulated rabble.

Their vision was one where the individual States would continue to operate as independent nations. They would have their own flags, their own military, their own laws, and the citizens would be in complete control of their state government.

The Federal Government was intended to be small. It was only intended [1] to be necessary in the case of an external military threat, and to [2] assist in the regulation of trade between the different States.

Nothing Else.

The Federal Government, through the Bill of Rights would establish the framework of “protections” that the various Federal and State governments were forbidden to touch.

The Bill of Rights listed the “untouchable” Rights, and the Ninth Amendment stated that Americans had many, many other Rights. And none of them can be legislated or rules made to curtail them. Thus, the Federal and State governments were limited to what they could do. They could only to what was IMPLICITLY STATED within the Constitution.

America was set up as a Republic. There the Individual was supreme. Second came the States Governments. The Federal Government was intentionally weak and small.

America was a Republic for only a mere 28 years.

Changed to a Democracy with the 12th amendment. (1804)

Well, that did not set well with ambitious and evil men. These people felt that they were better than other people.

Well, they did. (Read their writings.)

They felt that they were smarter, and more capable, and thus should be deserving of extra privileges. And so they strove to change the United States from a Republic into a Democracy.

This is because it is easy to manipulate mobs of people.

Through the manipulation of people, they would increase their power, through the systems inherent in the Constitution.

And this is exactly what happened.

During the first one hundred years, all of the amendments to the Constitution, and the rules and laws laid down in Congress was devoted to four main objectives…

  • Diluting the voting power of a citizen. (The more people allowed to vole, the less power the individual had.)
  • Control of the mass “mobs” of citizenry. (Control of the news media meant control of the people.)
  • Reduction of the influence of State Government.
  • Increasing Federal Control over the States.

America become a Democracy. And Controls over the manipulation of the citizenry grew, as did the size and scope of the Federal Government.

America was a Democracy for 57 years. The entire time the Federal government grew and grew and grew…

Centralized Federal Democracy during the Civil War. (1861)

This continued for many decades up until the push by the Federal Government became far too large. They kept pushing and pushing, and sooner or later someone was going to get hurt.

The States argued that they had their own sovereignty through the Tenth Amendment.

The Federal Government argued that that was no longer true. That the Bill of Rights was meaningless when you have a strong central federal Government.

They were wrong, of course.

But it did not matter. They were strong and powerful.

When the Southern States banded together to fight the Federal monster, a long Civil War broke out. It lasted four years. And while there were many cries to “free the slaves’, at the root of the matter was whether or not a State can make it’s own laws. (And the ownership of slaves is a State law issue.)

The Civil War settled that.

The individual States no longer were autonomous, and must follow the dictates of the Federal Government.

Thus, the American Government became a singular Federal Government over regional “territories” known as States.

America was a Central Federal Democracy for 52 years.

Progressive Social Democracy under President Wilson. (1913)

Now, For around sixty years or so, the Federal Government grew in size, scope and ambitions. The ideas and the systems laid out in the 1776 Constitution were not sufficient to implement any of the “new” and “progressive modern” ideas. Ideas that were being considered in the elite schools and halls of the “power brokers”. They wanted and felt that some serious structural changes needed to occur.

They longed for the power held by the Kings during the middle ages. They wanted a new and modern version; a Feudal Kingship under the guise of “democracy”. New, modern and progressive; to usher in a new utopia of man over nature.

That’s how they thought.

Enter President Wilson.

President Wilson was the President that extinguished the flame of liberty.
President Wilson was the President that extinguished the flame of liberty.

To make a long story short, he was the architect for what America is today. And under his leadership we now have the following realities that are permanently affixed in America today…

  • Government owns and controls all money.
  • Citizens are permitted to rent the money.
  • Ownership of all property belongs to the government.
  • Making laws and rules were handed over to “agencies”.
  • The Bill of Rights is just a list of “privileges”.
  • Americans must work to feed the government.

Yeah it sounds really bad, and it is. But if you distill all the flowery rhetoric and babble-speak, and get down to the raw meat of the issues, that is what it distills into to. And, yes, it’s horribly and very ugly.

But hey! Everyone else was doing it. From Russia, to France, to China. Every ruler wanted full control of their subjects.

America became a Feudal Kingship. People were taught to serve the Federal Government without question. And efforts to spread this type of government around the world began. For “democracy“.

America was a Feudal Kingship under the guise of “democracy” for 50 years. Then it got really bad…

Military Oligarchy under President Lindon Johnson. (1963)

We now know, through the release of the Kennedy Assassination Transcripts that a military coup occurred in 1962. President Lyndon B. Johnson, along with a hodge-podge of other Washington “interests” assassinated a “democratically elected” president.

Immediately after killing the President, America went full-on “HOT” war with Vietnam.

America became the foremost military power in the world and started to exert that power everywhere.
America became the foremost military power in the world and started to exert that power everywhere.

Then they immediately went to war fighting battles all over the world, and funneling money into an Military-industrial organization. An organization that became enormous and powerful.

America became a Military Oligarchy. Much like Hitler and his Nazi’s and Genghis Khan and his hoards of warriors.

America has been a Military Oligarchy for 38 years.

Its’ so out of control, that today we are currently fighting eight simultaneous far-flung wars.

Which brings me to today…

Corrupt Military Totalitarian Empire today. (2001)

It wouldn’t be too bad if it were “out of sight and out of mind”, but events came about that brought war, and military power and control home.

It’s been 19 years since the events of 9-11. We have been a military totalitarian empire ever since.

As America fought these various wars, simultaneous efforts were being made to "bring the Military-Industrial" complex control home domestically. We all can thank President George Bush for this.

Thus America rapidly became a full-on police / surveillance state.

America today is a wild rampaging out-of-control monster that if not contained, will plunge the world into global thermonuclear  armageddon.
America today is a wild rampaging out-of-control monster that if not contained, will plunge the world into global thermonuclear armageddon.

Domestically, the Bill of Rights no longer functionally exist. Alphabet agencies operate independently and run rough-shod over Americans with impunity. A military organization known as the DHS, operates with the NSA, and CIA / FBI to control the American citizenry. Congress has become outrageous media entertainment. Public works projects have ground to a halt, and the media (from alt-left to alt-right) are controlled by the government and manipulate with impunity.

International efforts are now all centered in [1] controlling strategic materials by proxy (Bolivia, Syria), [2] subduing other nations that might be economic threats (China, and Russia), and [3] fighting other nations wars (Yemen, Liberia) following a for-profit model.

America today is a corrupt Military Totalitarian Empire.


To really change the direction that America in involved in… and it needs to be changed, least the world collapse under the weight of World War III…

…we need to recognize what America is today.

We need to see what it was set up as, and how it was changed, and to put systems in place so that this will NEVER happen again.

And, America must change. This path that it is on is not sustainable.

And, tweaking things to undo the policies of Obama is not enough. We need to undo two centuries of policy changes. And this needs to be supervised by people that understand what “liberty” and “freedom” really are…

…and reporting what you did all year to a government agency is NOT freedom. Nor is asking permission to withdrawal your savings from a bank, wearing a seat-belt, or being forbidden from smoking or drinking large-size sodas. If you need to ask permission to do something or are fearful of government consequences, you are NOT living in freedom.

Any person who does not understand this MOST BASIC of understandings shouldn’t be permitted anywhere near the levers of power.

Real patriots need to take control of this situation, and it will not be organic. It’s not going to “just happen”. Like how each of the five stages of American Governance were well-planned in advance and executed, the same must occur by American patriots. This situation needs to change, and it needs to change soon.

Do not place all your hopes and beliefs on a Trump Presidency. While he is doing some good things Domestically, his International policy is driven by neocons and could actually result in World War III. This would be horrific for everyone.

Nor should you put your hopes in the other end of the spectrum. The Bernie Sanders crowd and all their ilk are dangerous idealists. They want to wind the clock back to feudal serfdom under a modern “enlightened” totalitarian social utopia. This would be horrific for many Americans.

The alternatives are far too frightening to contemplate.

Which is why we need to erase all the changes made since 1789 (The Bill of Rights) and start all over with a “clean slate”.

The only way to be sure. Meme from Aliens.

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