A comparison between the various theories behind the causes for the COVID-19 coronavirus out-break.

When confronted with different theories, scientists use a system of analysis to determine which theory has the most merit. This is a deductive reasoning process, and one that is used daily by engineers all over the globe. You look at all the theories, you provide weighed analysis and come up with the “best fit” theory for a given situation. Here, we will apply it to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak during the 2020 CNY new year.

Currently there are four theories on the origin and causes for the COVID-19 coronavirus. They are;

  • Natural. The virus sprung up naturally.
  • Bioweapon – The Chinese stole it from America (CIA narrative).
  • Bioweapon developed by China to kill Chinese (CIA narrative).
  • Bioweapon used by the Trump Administration to suppress China.

You will note that of the four theories, two of them are from the American CIA. Both of those two theories originated from Radio Free Asia; a (former) CIA operation outsourced, but still run by, the head of the CIA.

 ... upon further examination of the sourcing for this serious claim,(That the Chinese biological lab in Wuhan released this bioweapon)...

... the first outlet to report on this claim was Radio Free Asia, the U.S.-government funded media outlet targeting Asian audiences that used to be run covertly by the CIA and named by the New York Times as a key part in the agency’s “worldwide propaganda network.” 

Though it is no longer run directly by the CIA, it is now managed by the  government-funded Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), which answers  directly to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who was CIA director  immediately prior to his current post at the head of the State  Department. 

In other words, Radio Free Asia and other  BBG-managed media outlets are legal outlets for U.S. government  propaganda. 

(But why not the CIA directly?) 

Notably, the long-standing ban on the domestic use of U.S.  government propaganda on U.S. citizens was lifted in 2013,  with the official justification of allowing the government to  “effectively communicate in a credible way” and to better combat  “al-Qaeda’s and other violent extremists’ influence.”  

- Bats, Gene Editing and Bio Weapons: Recent DARPA experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak 

If you pay attention to the American media you will aware of the the first three theories. The fourth theory, the idea that the biological weapon was used as an on-going suppression as part of the Trump Trade War is noticeably absent.

Seeing that the American government controls all American media; [1] Mainstream, [2] Alt-Left and [3] Alt-Right, this omission should tell you (the reader) something.

The analysis

Below is a comparison matrix. Scientists, and engineers will recognize this table immediately. It is used all the time and is very helpful in determining the “price points” to set on new products, the comparative benefits and pitfalls of a given production decision, as well of the merits of an investment decision.

At the top of the table you can see the four theories presented. While on the left side you can see all the circumstances that contribute to the theories as presented.

Theory comparison on the causes of the COVID-19.
Theory comparison on the causes of the COVID-19.

Another Opinion

You all do not have to come to the same conclusion that I have. Other people have come to similar conclusions. Here’s one…

If the current state of global affairs reminds you of an  over-the-top plot by a white-cat-stroking James Bond villain, you’re not  far off. When it comes to nuclear policy, we are closer than ever to a  real-life movie disaster. 

- By Olivia Alperstein 

America has a president that is currently using biological weapons against it’s economic foes instead of trying to make peace treaties. As well as deploying “low yield” nuclear weapons across the entire spectrum of the Armed Forces.

To me it seems like anything is possible with this President. And, that is quite scary.


A theory comparison matrix clearly shows that the circumstances supporting a biological weapon release by America…

… in support of the Trump Trade Wars…

… is by far (by a factor of three times) the most plausible theory regarding the origination of this event.

I take no great satisfaction in support of this conclusion. Instead, I am petrified by it. For it means that the Trump administration is actively using weapons of mass destruction against the civilians of a nuclear-armed nation and is not expecting any consequences for doing it.

Either the administration are idiots or they are evil. No other answer is possible.

I hope you are all ready to pay the price for this malfeasance.

Final note.

Oh, and by the way…

Fun Fact: China and Russia have been giving everyone smallpox vaccinations for decades now. While America stopped doing so in the early 1970’s.

When was the smallpox vaccine discontinued in the United States?

Because  of vaccination programs and quarantine regulations, the risk of  importation of smallpox into the United States was reduced by the 1960s. As a result, routine vaccine vaccination was discontinued in 1971. 

I hope that you found this post curious. If you want to read more on this subject check out my Trump Trade Wars index here…

Trump Trade War

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The strange coincidence that all of America’s enemies are being hit severely by the COVID-19 Coronavirus.

The top three nations, in deaths by COVID-19, are China, Iran and North Korea. All of these nations have the dubious distinction that they are all America’s enemies in some capacity or the other. What a coincidence.

The top three, in ranking from most deaths to least as of 25FEB20 are;

A purist would say that you shouldn’t include North Korea because you don’t have “official” numbers. OK, then, we can bump up the number four spot, South Korea. Combined North and South Korea is competing against Iran for the number two spot.

Next is Italy, followed by Hong Kong.

What do all these nations have in common? Anyone? Can anyone tell me what they all have in common?

That’s right. They are all enemies of the United States. Either economically (as in the case with China) or global threats, as are Iran and North Korea.

According to this report, the highly-disturbing information revealed yesterday by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR)...

...about how Russian  biomedical language expert Olesya Krasilova was thrown into a Spanish  prison, at the believed request of the Americans...

...after she communicated  with US intel expert Phil Haney, who himself was then assassinated...

...is now seeing the Krasilova-Haney investigation into why the coronavirus outbreak in Iran is greater than any other nation besides China...

... growing gravely worse by the hour—with one Iranian lawmaker reporting that 50 people have died from this coronavirus in the City of Qom alone...

...—a death toll disputed by the Iranian Health Ministry that claims only 12 deaths out of 66 coronavirus infected peoples...

...—which shows this coronavirus is killing 20% of the people it infects—a beyond shocking death toll that has now caused Pakistan and Turkey to close their borders with Iran—who were quickly followed by Kuwait, Bahrain and Iraq closing their borders with Iran, too.


Just an observation

This is just an observation.

It does seem curious. And, of course, according to most Americans impossible. You see that America would never get involved in global germ warfare. America is the best and would never do that and anyone even considering it is a terrible communist enemy!

Don’t believe me? You can go ahead and read the comments sections on the UNZ Review and Free Republic to observe that narrative and belief manifest.

America is the best. Anything that says otherwise is evil, Satanic, and Communist. And they have bad writing style, copies the work of others, and has horrible body odor!

I am not the only one to notice that this virus seems to be tailor made to achieve United States objectives.

 While charges that the Coronavirus outbreak in China was  bioengineered by the United States are unsubstantiated, “it looks as if  it was tailor-made to achieve Washington' objectives," according to  Dennis Etler, an American political analyst who has a decades-long  interest in international affairs.
Etler, a former professor of Anthropology at Cabrillo College in  Aptos, California, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on  Friday while commenting on the virus outbreak that has resulted in 213  deaths in China and more than 130 cases have been reported in at least  25 other countries and regions. 


 “On the other hand, many people are suspicious of the viruses'  origins and attribute it to US sabotage. Charges that it is a biowarfare  attack are, however, unsubstantiated. Until there is a smoking gun that  shows there was a human-engineered component to the virus it is pure  speculation,” he said.

 “Nonetheless, there is good reason to be suspicious of a US role in  the origin of the Wuhan coronavirus. The US is a bad actor, its word  cannot be trusted and it has a history of engaging in illegal and  immoral clandestine actions, both at home and abroad. The US also has  the motive to engineer and spread a virus of this sort in China. It has  used every stratagem it can think of to try and destabilize China and  disrupt its economy. It has also launched an incessant propaganda  campaign to demonize and ostracize China. Whether or not it engineered  the outbreak it is taking advantage of it to advance its anti-China  agenda,” he noted. 


 “US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross has gone so far as to say the  virus could help bring jobs back home to the US, which is a disgraceful  and callous statement that shows his disdain for the lives, health, and  safety of the Chinese people,” Etler said.

 “The virus outbreak thus looks as if it was tailor-made to achieve  Washington’s objectives. The virus is mild enough not to have  apocalyptic consequences but severe enough to warrant extreme and  aggressive measures to contain it. China is especially vulnerable at  this time, during the annual Spring Festival celebrating the Chinese New  Year,” the analyst noted.

 “Whether or not the virus is a mutant strain of a naturally occurring  coronavirus or a genetically engineered biological weapon is a moot  question. China has to focus on one thing and one thing only, containing  the outbreak to protect not only its own people but the people of the  world. Its valiant efforts to do so, at great cost and sacrifice, should  be welcomed and appreciated the world over,” he concluded. 

Some Observations

At the exact same time as the coronavirus hit, the anti-Chinese propaganda campaign by America went into overdrive. All of the on-line sources tied to the (former) CIA had non-stop anti-China articles. The Alt-Right copied and disseminated these articles. It was a scream-fest of the highest order.

To an outsider this is what it appears as…

While China is fighting this most serious virus and people are dying, instead of lending helping hands and assistance, the United States government launched an anti-china propaganda assault of unparalleled ferocity.
While China is fighting this most serious virus and people are dying, instead of lending helping hands and assistance, the United States government launched an anti-China propaganda assault of unparalleled ferocity.

You know, is that what America is?

 As the usual suspects fret over the “stability” of the Chinese  Communist Party (CCP) and the Xi Jinping administration, the fact is the  Beijing leadership has had to deal with an accumulation of extremely  severe issues: a swine-flu epidemic killing half the stock; the  Trump-concocted trade war; Huawei accused of racketeering and about to  be prevented from buying the U.S. made chips; bird flu; coronavirus  virtually shutting down half of China.

Add to it the incessant  United States government Hybrid War propaganda barrage, trespassed by  acute Sinophobia; everyone from sociopathic “officials” to self-titled  councilors are either advising corporate businesses to divert global  supply chains out of China or concocting outright calls for regime  change – with every possible demonization in between.

There are no holds barred in the all-out offensive to kick the Chinese government while it’s down.

-  No Weapon Left Behind: The American Hybrid War on China 

Is that what America stands for?

America as historically portrayed is one of a “God Fearing Nation”, one that “Lends hands to those in need”. Not one that “kicks you when you are down”, like some out-of-control tyrannical Empire. But that is not what we are seeing.

What does this mean?

It could mean nothing. It could all be a coincidence.

Or it could mean that the Untied States is utilizing Weapons of Mass Destruction on a host of it’s enemies to achieve global nationalistic objectives without declaring a state of war through Congress.

If this is the case…

And, it doesn’t matter what you or I think, all that matters is what the leaders in these respective governments think…

Neocons running American Foreign Policy

Yes, if you start to play with matches you could get burnt. I think that this is something that most Americans realize. Therefore they make the assumption that the American government would never do something as risky as to precipitate a global thermonuclear back-lash.

No one would be that stupid.


Trump has not drained the swamp, in fact he has filled his  administration with war hawks, bankers, Zionists and the  Neoconservatives (Neocons) who are all inter-connected to various  corporations and special interests.  

-Silent Crow News

Hey! Have you seen the neocons that surround President Trump?

Do you think that these guys have any idea of what they are dealing with? In their mind China is a cartoon image and is harmless and would never align with Russia. It would never happen.


What could happen

Well, contrary to what the neocons want, we are seeing China and Russia forging trade and self-defense treaties. We are also seeing them in combined military exercises.

This was one month ago, when the coronavirus started to hit…

This was in September 2019, right when all the operators of the drones what were spraying swine flu all over China were being rounded up and arrested…

They began hosting these combined drills immediately after the start of the Trump Trade War in 2017. What a coincidence!

And all these drills continued into and throughout 2018 and 2019. All during the Trump Trade War. Most Americans were oblivious to this. Especially on the Alt-Right side of things. You would think that they would be able to “connect the dots” and see the relationship. Eh?

And there are a few, just a handful of observers that are wondering about all this. Though they haven’t fully “connected all the dots”…

And the thing about all this is that these are not drills using conventional weapons, or engaging in exercises to secure trade or strategic resources. These are exercises in which tactical, and global nuclear weapons, as well as full NBC environment is taking place! Yes, that’s right boys and girls.

The joint Russia and Chinese drills are about using nuclear weapons against America.

It’s all just a coincidence. Right?

You do not need to fear though. The American (former CIA) propaganda ministry is countering all this with the idea that Russia and China can never forge any kind of relationship to counter the USA…

So you all can rest easily. America could fight both Russia and China, with Iran and North Korea “with one arm tied behind it’s back”. Not a problem. Go ‘Merica! So now you just go back to work and report for your “white privilege meeting” held by the company “Diversity Officer”. And do make sure that you have all your tax documentation when you report your personal papers next month to your “government”.

Nothing to see here.



America appears to be waging germ warfare with all of it’s enemies in the world. It is doing so under the guidance of the neocons in control of Washington DC. They do not believe that anyone would ever counter this aggression. So you can expect them to “ratchet up” the extent of belligerent actions to counter the rise of Asia.

We’re deep into a vicious intel war. 

From the point of view of Chinese intelligence, the current toxic cocktail simply cannot be attributed to just a random series of coincidences. Beijing has serial motives to piece this extraordinary chain of events as part of a coordinated Hybrid War, Full Spectrum Dominance attack on China.

Enter the Dragon Killer working hypothesis: a bio-weapon attack capable of  causing immense economic damage but protected by plausible deniability.  The only possible move by the “indispensable nation” on the New Great  Game chessboard, considering that the U.S. cannot win a conventional war  on China, and cannot win a nuclear war on China.

A biological warfare weapon?

On  the surface, coronavirus is a dream bio-weapon for those fixated on  wreaking havoc across China and praying for regime change. 

- No Weapon Left Behind: The American Hybrid War on China 

Meanwhile, both Russia and China have been conducting joint military planning exercises involving NBC. (Nuclear – Biological – Chemical warfare.)

You would think that Washington “would take a hint”. Apparently not. Unfortunately not.

Knowing what I know about China, and Russia, do not expect World War III to be isolated and take place in a small out-of-the-way third-world-shithole. Expect it to occur on American soil, and involve Americans, American cities and American people.

If you were aware, you would be taking notes at just how well organized and direct China has handled the COVID-19 biological attack. I can tell you that America would flounder helplessly. It would not take much to reduce America to a pre-industrial agrarian society. And that’s a fact, Jack.

Are you willing to take that risk?

I ask this because apparently Washington DC believes that you are fine with this. That you are absolutely are fine with using germ warfare against other global powers, and that you are not worried about the consequences.

It’s for “democracy!” don’t you know.

Visit this site, to see how you will fare:

American germ warfare targets map.
American germ warfare targets map.
American nuclear warfare targets map.
American nuclear warfare targets map.

I hope that you enjoyed appreciated this post. I did spend some time on it, and I hope that it helps add clarity into what is going on today. You can see more in my Trump Trade Wars Index, here…

Trump Trade War

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