Household preparations for the COVID-19 out-break.

And now, as we start to enter periods of quarantine and  self-isolation – as nations, communities, and individuals – all that  should be so much clearer. It has taken a virus to show us that only  together are we at our strongest, most alive and most human.

In  being stripped of what we need most by the threat of contagion, we are  reminded of how much we have taken the community for granted, abused it,  hollowed it out. We are afraid because the services we need in times of  collective difficulty and trauma have been turned into commodities that  require payment, or treated as privileges to which access is now  means-tested, rationed or is simply gone. That insecurity is at the root  of the current urge to hoard. 


Whether you believe that the COVID-19 coronavirus is a biological weapon or just a virus that isn’t as bad as the flu, you should treat it as something to avoid getting. Right? You all don’t want you or your family to have this bug. Here I will lay out the precautions that I, and most of the others in China are taking to keep this bug out of our home. I strongly recommend that you follow similar procedures in your home.

Face mask – Always on – no exceptions.

When the first news started to hit China in December, we were all aware that you should wear a mask and be extra careful. So when we went out we would wear a mask.

But the thing is that we were not all that serious about it. We would pull it under our noses and allow it to wrap around our necks. Or we would take it off completely.

Then when the Chinese government went DEFCON ONE and everyone started to see alerts on their cell phones, drones telling everyone to stay inside, and Army troops with police setting up roadblocks, things suddenly took on a very serious face. We like the rest of China “got with the program.”

Since then, you never go outside without a mask on.

And not only that, you must always wear it. You wear it when you are around others, and when you are doing things. If you are in your car, you wear the mask. If you are walking down the street you wear the mask. If you are anywhere where others might have walked you wear the mask.

This virus can live on top of a surface for twelve hours. Twelve hours!

Which means that if you are eating a Big Mac on a park bench, an infected person from last night, who might have sat on that very same bench, could still infect your burger and fries.

Wear the mask or do not go outside. Period.

Avoid people.

The best way to avoid this virus is to stay inside and isolated in self quarantine. This is what China mandated, and it is working. In China, there are building quarantines, within block quarantines, within community quarantines, within town quarantines. There are multiple quarantine levels.

Do not go outside of your house unless it is absolutely an emergency.

If you can, work from home on your computer. Use the cell phone to talk to other people. Have food delivered to you and dropped outside your door and you get it when the person leaves.

HEPA Air purifier

Using a HEPA air purifier will really cut down on family cross-contamination. The machines themselves are not that expensive, but the filters are. However they are really worth it. I strong recommend an investment in a good rooms sized HEPA air purifier. You can find them at most retailers.

Wear gloves or do not touch things directly.

I have worn gloves, but you do not need to.

What you do need to do is avoid toughing things, and this is really difficult. We touch everything. And it is a real problem. We touch the buttons to get on the elevator, we touch the door handles to get into the car. We open the doors to our house, and get the mail from our mail box.

The problem is that there are evil rascals that take an evil pleasure in spreading their sickness around. Only this time, it’s not fun and games. People can die, and the death is particularly terrible.

I have videos where an infected person is walking in the mall coughing intentionally within a large group of people. I have other videos where they are spitting on elevator buttons, on door handles, and on mailboxes. I have videos where these crazy people are spitting on postage boxes and handrails.


Assume that there are a few bad people near you, and that they have this illness. Do not take any chances. Protect yourself. Do not touch anything, and if you are not using gloves, then use a tissue.

Sanitize everything you come in contact with.

You can use alcohol, or a disinfectant, but you must use it.

That means everything. That means your shoes, your door handles, your keys, your cell phone and you “everyday carry”. Everything must be disinfected.

You cannot control the rest of the world, but you can control your life. Everything that you or your family touches must be disinfected daily. that means trash-bins, cars, lawn implements and everything inside the house.

To keep this work load down, you need to control who goes in and out of the home. Keep the movement low. Everyone should stay inside and if there are visitors they must stay outside.

Wash – wash – wash.

After you return home , you must take off your clothes and take a very hot shower. Scrub your body and perform hospital-level arm washes. Make sure that your fingernails are clipped short.

In public do not touch your eyes or your face, and absolutely do not eat anything with your hands. Use an utensil.

When you wash, you must use soap. It doesn’t matter what type, but you must use it.

Isolate and wash outside clothes apart.

You should have inside and outside clothes. Once you go outside and wear those clothes, they are to be considered contaminated and to be cleaned. You throw them in to the hamper and wash them immediately. Make sure your wash them with hot water, and then let them dry.

Shoes must always be disinfected once you arrive inside. That means you must spray the bottoms and the sides and the interiors of the shoes. It’s not a big deal once you make it a habit.

Grocery sanitation.

When you get groceries, spray the bag with disinfectant. Also make sure that you wash all the vegetables in warm soapy water. This includes the lettuce, tomatoes and apples. Make no exceptions.

Dogs and Cats stay inside.

Finally, the critters won’t understand, but they have to stay inside. While Fido is out vacuuming up every scent he is also vacuuming up other things and bringing them into your house. You must not take that risk and allow that you happen. You must be careful.


These rules are not really prohibitive. For most people it just means that you need to change some habits and avoid people. It’s just more of a hassle.

Cleanliness is very important.

Your life might depend on it.

And by the way, that nonsense that the COVID-19 is not serious is just American propaganda. China did not go into DEFCON ONE on a trivial runny nose. It’s a really bad illness.

Unlike the flu, you cannot stay at home and try to ride it out. If you try, WILL die.

Right now, at the time of this writing, there is a solid 80% chance of you getting over this, provided you go to a hospital and they take care of you. If you don’t the mortality is very, very high.

According to Chinese CDC data on COVID19, while mortality rate in general in China is 2.3%, but mortality rate for patients with severe COVID19 infection symptoms is 49%. 

Mortality rate for COVID19 infection patients died of other complications are: 

Cardiovascular disease: 10.5% 
Diabetes disease: 7.3% 
Chronic respiratory disease: 6.3% 
High blood pressure: 6.0% 
Cancer: 5.6% 

These are very scarily high mortality numbers. Complacency kills people. Urgency saves lives. 

COVID-19 has a ten times higher mortality rate than cancer.

I hope that this post was of use and interest to you. You can find more in my Trump Trade Wars Index, here…

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How Democracy ended in Athens; it was replaced by an Oligarchy.

Those that promote the benefits of “democracy” leave one thing out; it is always replaced with an oligarchy. Where the wealthy people control the government and eventually reduce the rest of society to slave or serfs serving them. Here, we take a look at the Athenian “democracy” and as we read about it, keep in mind the terrible parallels between it and America.

What is amazing to me is that our Republic was changed to a democracy by the 12th amendment, and those changing it KNEW HISTORY. They knew that democracies always… 100% always… always without fail… become oligarchies of the wealthy.

Here we look at the “gold standard” for “democracy; Athens. This is the standard that all the pro-democracy advocates cite. And the one that became an oligarchy before it’s eventual collapse.


In the year 507 B.C., the Athenian leader Cleisthenes introduced a system of political reforms that he called demokratia, or “rule by the people” (from demos, “the people,” and kratos, or “power”).

It was the first known democracy in the world.

This system was comprised of three separate institutions:

  • The ekklesia, a sovereign governing body that wrote laws and dictated foreign policy;
  • The boule, a council of representatives from the ten Athenian tribes
  • The dikasteria, the popular courts in which citizens argued cases before a group of lottery-selected jurors.

Although this Athenian democracy would survive for only two centuries, its invention by Cleisthenes, “The Father of Democracy,” is considered to be one of the best contributions Greek made to the world. The Greek system of direct democracy would pave the way for representative democracies across the globe.

Which is a mystery to me.

As they all failed.

Each one, in turn, becoming a nation ruled by the wealthy and one that abused it’s poor.

Who Could Vote in Ancient Greece?

One of the things that everyone omits is that in a democracy, not everyone could vote. In fact only a handful of people were ever permitted to vote, and their selection… wouldn’t you know it… was influenced (if not decided) by the wealthiest inhabitants.

“In a democracy,” the Greek historian Herodotus wrote, “there is, first, that most splendid of virtues, equality before the law.”

However, the “equality” Herodotus described was limited to a small segment of the Athenian population in Ancient Greece.

For example, in Athens in the middle of the 4th century there were about 100,000 citizens (Athenian citizenship was limited to men and women whose parents had also been Athenian citizens), about 10,000 metoikoi, or “resident foreigners,” and 150,000 slaves.

Out of all those people, only male citizens who were older than 18 were a part of the demos, meaning only about 40,000 people could participate in the democratic process.

The Ekklesia (the assembly)

Athenian democracy was a direct democracy made up of three important institutions.

The first was the ekklesia, or Assembly, the sovereign governing body of Athens.

Any member of the demos–any one of those 40,000 adult male citizens–was welcome to attend the meetings of the ekklesia, which were held 40 times per year in a hillside auditorium west of the Acropolis called the Pnyx.

Important point; The actual voters could directly make laws. They did not need to vote for a "representative" who would vote for them.

That was great on paper, but not really all that functional. For only about 5,000 men attended each session of the Assembly. The rest were serving in the army or navy or working to support their families.

At the meetings, the ekklesia made decisions about war and foreign policy, wrote and revised laws and approved or condemned the conduct of public officials.

The group made decisions by simple majority vote.

The Boule (The Council)

The second important institution was the boule, or Council of Five Hundred.

This could be considered the "Deep State" or the bureaucracy. 

The boule was a group of 500 men, 50 from each of ten Athenian tribes, who served on the Council for one year.

Unlike the ekklesia, the boule met every day and did most of the hands-on work of governance.

It supervised government workers and was in charge of things like navy ships (triremes) and army horses. It dealt with ambassadors and representatives from other city-states.

Its main function was to decide what matters would come before the ekklesia. In this way, the 500 members of the boule dictated how the entire democracy would work.

Positions on the boule were chosen by lot and not by election.

This was because, in theory, a random lottery was more democratic than an election: pure chance, after all, could not be influenced by things like money or popularity.

The lottery system also prevented the establishment of a permanent class of civil servants who might be tempted to use the government to advance or enrich themselves.

However, historians argue that selection to the boule was not always just a matter of chance. They note that wealthy and influential people–and their relatives–served on the Council much more frequently than would be likely in a truly random lottery.

In actual function, the selection of membership was determined by the wealthy and influential.

The Dikasteria (The Judges / Courts)

The third important institution was the popular courts, or dikasteria.

Every day, more than 500 jurors were chosen by lot from a pool of male citizens older than 30. Of all the democratic institutions, Aristotle argued that the dikasteria “contributed most to the strength of democracy” because the jury had almost unlimited power.

There were no police in Athens, so it was the demos themselves who brought court cases, argued for the prosecution and the defense and delivered verdicts and sentences by majority rule.

There were also no rules about what kinds of cases could  be prosecuted or what could and could not be said at trial, and so  Athenian citizens frequently used the dikasteria to punish or embarrass  their enemies. It became a tool of the wealthy.

Jurors were paid a wage for their work, so that the job could be accessible to everyone and not just the wealthy (but, since the wage was less than what the average worker earned in a day, the typical juror was an elderly retiree).

Since Athenians did not pay taxes, the money for these payments came from customs duties, contributions from allies and taxes levied on the metoikoi.

The one exception to this rule was the leitourgia, or liturgy, which was a kind of tax that wealthy people volunteered to pay to sponsor major civic undertakings such as the maintenance of a navy ship (this liturgy was called the trierarchia) or the production of a play or choral performance at the city’s annual festival.

The End of Athenian Democracy

Around 460 B.C., under the rule of the general Pericles (generals were among the only public officials who were elected, not appointed) Athenian democracy began to evolve into something that we would call an aristocracy.

This was the rule of what Herodotus called “the one man, the best.”

This has lead to all democratic nations evolving into one of the following forms…

  • Oligarchy
  • Plutocracy
  • Aristocracy


When some mindless clone voices the idea that “democracy” is the best, you should rest assured that they are either [1] ignorant of history, or [2] a shrill for the wealthy. Historically, all democracies evolve into rule by the wealthy and well-connected. There are NO EXCEPTIONS.

America was set up as a Republic, but was quickly changed into a democracy with the 12th amendment, and evolved over time to the oligarchy it is today.

Can you do anything about it?

No, you cannot.

Unless you want to get involved in armed insurrection (always a nasty business), I would advise moving somewhere else where the “grass is greener”. I have other posts on this subject and I would suggest you all take a look at them. Here…

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America treats it’s citizens as cash-cows and the teats are drying up.

The writings of John Whitehead are all quite good. He voices the American anguish and feelings of helplessness of us serfs working for the American military oligarchy. And people! You cannot vote your way out of this situation. You have to fight your way out. There are no other remaining options.

In this article he ties the personal finances and budget of a typical American to the actions of our “elected” officials. It’s a good read, not that he says anything that we are not aware of, but that he gives voice to the impossibility and unsustainability of the situation.

The article is titled “The Looming Financial Nightmare: So Much for Living the American Dream” and it was published on February 26, 2020 by John Whitehead the President at The Rutherford Institute. Please give him every credit for this article. I edited it to fit this venue, but aside from that, pretty much left everything else pristine.

The Looming Financial Nightmare: So Much for Living the American Dream

“When  plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the  course of time they create for themselves a legal system that  authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” 

― Frédéric Bastiat,  French economist

Let’s talk numbers, shall we?

The National Debt

The national debt (the amount the federal government has borrowed over the years and must pay back) is $23 trillion and growing.

The amount this country owes is now greater than its gross national product (all the products and services produced in one year by labor and property supplied by the citizens). We’re paying more than $270 billion just in interest on that public debt annually. And the top two foreign countries who “own” our debt are China and Japan.

The National Deficit

The national deficit (the difference between what the government spends and the revenue it takes in) is projected to surpass $1 trillion every year for the next 10 years.

American Foreign Aid

The United States spends more on foreign aid than any other nation ($50 billion in 2017 alone). More than 150 countries around the world receive U.S. taxpayer-funded assistance, with most of the funds going to the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

American family budgets

Meanwhile, almost 60% of Americans are so financially strapped that they don’t have even $500 in savings and nothing whatsoever put away for retirement, and yet they are being forced to pay for government programs that do little to enhance or advance their lives.

No American Dream

Folks, if you haven’t figured it out yet, we’re not living the American dream.

We’re living a financial nightmare.

The U.S. government—and that includes the current administration—is spending money it doesn’t have on programs it can’t afford, and “we the taxpayers” are the ones who will pay for it.

Alarm Bells are Screeching!

As financial analyst Kristin Tate explains, “When the government has its debt bill come due, all of us will be on the hook.” It’s happened before: during the European debt crisis, Cypress seized private funds from its citizens’ bank accounts to cover its debts, with those who had been careful to save their pennies forced to relinquish between 40% to 60% of their assets.

Could this happen here?

Could it happen here? Could the government actually seize private funds for its own gain?

Look around you. It’s already happening.

In the eyes of the government, “we the people, the voters, the consumers, and the taxpayers” are little more than pocketbooks waiting to be picked.

Consider: The government can seize your home and your car (which you’ve bought and paid for) over nonpayment of taxes. Government agents can freeze and seize your bank accounts and other valuables if they merely “suspect” wrongdoing. And the IRS insists on getting the first cut of your salary to pay for government programs over which you have no say.

America is NOT a Democracy.

We have no real say in how the government runs, or how our taxpayer funds are used, but we’re being forced to pay through the nose, anyhow.

We have no real say, but that doesn’t prevent the government from fleecing us at every turn and forcing us to pay for endless wars that do more to fund the military industrial complex than protect us, pork barrel projects that produce little to nothing, and a police state that serves only to imprison us within its walls.

If you have no choice, no voice, and no real options when it comes to the government’s claims on your property and your money, you’re not free.

Some History…

It wasn’t always this way, of course.

Early Americans went to war over the inalienable rights described by philosopher John Locke as the natural rights of life, liberty and property.

It didn’t take long, however—a hundred years, in fact—before the American government was laying claim to the citizenry’s property by levying taxes to pay for the Civil War. As the New York Times reports, “Widespread resistance led to its repeal in 1872.”

Determined to claim some of the citizenry’s wealth for its own uses, the government reinstituted the income tax in 1894. Charles Pollock challenged the tax as unconstitutional, and the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in his favor. Pollock’s victory was relatively short-lived. Members of Congress—united in their determination to tax the American people’s income—worked together to adopt a constitutional amendment to overrule the Pollock decision.

On the eve of World War I, in 1913, Congress instituted a permanent income tax by way of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution and the Revenue Act of 1913. Under the Revenue Act, individuals with income exceeding $3,000 could be taxed starting at 1% up to 7% for incomes exceeding $500,000.

It’s all gone downhill from there.

Government took and repurposed the tax monies…

Unsurprisingly, the government has used its tax powers to advance its own imperialistic agendas and the courts have repeatedly upheld the government’s power to penalize or jail those who refused to pay their taxes.

You cannot fight the beast alone…

Irwin A. Schiff was one of the nation’s most vocal tax protesters. He spent a good portion of his life arguing that the income tax was unconstitutional, and he put his wallet where his conscience was: Schiff stopped paying federal taxes in 1974.

Schiff paid the price for his resistance, too: he served three separate prison terms (more than 10 years in all) over his refusal to pay taxes. He died at the age of 87 serving a 14-year prison term. As constitutional activist Robert L. Schulz noted in Schiff’s obituary,

“In a society where there is so much fear of government, and in  particular of the I.R.S., [Schiff] was probably the most influential  educator regarding the illegal and unconstitutional operation and  enforcement of the Internal Revenue Code. It’s very hard to speak to  power, but he did, and he paid a very heavy price.”

It’s still hard to speak to power, and those who do are still paying a very heavy price.

Out of Control…

All the while the government continues to do whatever it likes—levy taxes, rack up debt, spend outrageously and irresponsibly—with little thought for the plight of its citizens.

To top it all off, all of those wars the U.S. is so eager to fight abroad are being waged with borrowed funds. As The Atlantic reports,

For 15 years now, the United States has been putting these wars on a credit card…  U.S. leaders are essentially bankrolling the wars with debt, in the  form of purchases of U.S. Treasury bonds by U.S.-based entities like  pension funds and state and local governments, and by countries like  China and Japan.”

If Americans managed their personal finances the way the government mismanages the nation’s finances, we’d all be in debtors’ prison by now.

Still, the government remains unrepentant, unfazed and undeterred in its money grabs.

Santa Claus America.

While we’re struggling to get by, and making tough decisions about how to spend what little money actually makes it into our pockets after the federal, state and local governments take their share (this doesn’t include the stealth taxes imposed through tolls, fines and other fiscal penalties), the police state is spending our hard-earned tax dollars to further entrench its powers and entrap its citizens.

For instance, American taxpayers have been forced to shell out more than $5.6 trillion since 9/11 for the military industrial complex’s costly, endless so-called “war on terrorism.”

That translates to roughly $23,000 per taxpayer to wage wars abroad, occupy foreign countries, provide financial aid to foreign allies, and fill the pockets of defense contractors and grease the hands of corrupt foreign dignitaries.

Mind you, that staggering $6 trillion is only a portion of what the Pentagon spends on America’s military empire.

That price tag keeps growing, too.

In this way, the military industrial complex will get even richer, and the American taxpayer will be forced to shell out even more funds for programs that do little to enhance our lives, ensure our happiness and well-being, or secure our freedoms.

As Dwight D. Eisenhower warned in a 1953 speech:

Every  gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies,  in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed,  those who are cold and are not clothed. 

This world in arms is not  spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the  genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. 

The cost of one  modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30  cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000  population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty  miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a  half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new  homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. 

This is, I repeat,  the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron. […] Is there no other way the world may live?

This is still no way of life.

Yet it’s not just the government’s endless wars that are bleeding us dry.

Wars at home too…

We’re also being forced to shell out money for surveillance systems to track our movements, money to further militarize our already militarized police, money to allow the government to raid our homes and bank accounts, money to fund schools where our kids learn nothing about freedom and everything about how to comply, and on and on.

Are you getting the picture yet?

We are cash-cows.

The government isn’t taking our money to make our lives better. Just take a look at the nation’s failing infrastructure, and you’ll see how little is being spent on programs that advance the common good.

We’re being robbed blind so the governmental elite can get richer.

This is nothing less than financial tyranny.

“We the people” have become the new, permanent underclass in America.

It’s tempting to say that there’s little we can do about it, except that’s not quite accurate.

What we can do…

There are a few things we can do (demand transparency, reject cronyism and graft, insist on fair pricing and honest accounting methods, call a halt to incentive-driven government programs that prioritize profits over people), but it will require that “we the people” stop playing politics and stand united against the politicians and corporate interests who have turned our government and economy into a pay-to-play exercise in fascism.

We’ve become so invested in identity politics that label us based on our political leanings that we’ve lost sight of the one label that unites us: we’re all Americans.

The powers-that-be want to pit us against one another. They want us to adopt an “us versus them” mindset that keeps us powerless and divided.

Trust me, the only “us versus them” that matters anymore is “we the people” against the police state.

We’re all in the same boat, folks, and there’s only one real life preserver: that’s the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

The Constitution starts with those three powerful words: “We the people.”

The message is this: there is power in our numbers.

That remains our greatest strength in the face of a governmental elite that continues to ride roughshod over the populace. It remains our greatest defense against a government that has claimed for itself unlimited power over the purse (taxpayer funds) and the sword (military might).

This holds true whether you’re talking about health care, war spending, or the American police state.

And a final comment from John…

While we’re on the subject, do me a favor and don’t let yourself be fooled into believing that the next crop of political saviors will be any different from their predecessors. They all talk big when they’re running for office, and when they get elected, they spend big at our expense.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, this is how the middle classes, who fuel the nation’s economy and fund the government’s programs, get screwed repeatedly.

George Harrison, who would have been 77 this year, summed up this outrageous state of affairs in his song Taxman:

If you drive a car, I’ll tax the street,
If you try to sit, I’ll tax your seat.
If you get too cold I’ll tax the heat,
If you take a walk, I’ll tax your feet.
Don’t ask me what I want it for
If you don’t want to pay some more
Cause I’m the taxman, yeah, I’m the taxman
Now my advice for those who die
Declare the pennies on your eyes
Cause I’m the taxman, yeah, I’m the taxman
And you’re working for no one but me.

John Whitehead bio.

My Conclusions

Pretty brilliant eh?

Well… he’s right that we can do what he suggests…

  • Demand transparency
  • Reject cronyism and graft
  • Insist on fair pricing
  • Insist on honest accounting methods
  • Call a halt to incentive-driven government programs
  • And stop playing politics

And how are we going to do that? Vote for an elected official to represent our needs? Are we going to start a “movement” like the BLM, the “Tea Party”, Antifa, or “Put America First”? Is that how it’s going to work?

No one is talking about the REAL changes that needs to be made. Like gutting all amendments since 1789, or giving States back their individual power, or tossing the 16th amendment into the dustbin of history. It's all just cosmetic changes...

... a wall here.  More "rights" there...

The moment any individual or group of people becomes successful at taking any quantitative action, the DHS will put us on a “watch list” and we…

… will get shot dead by SWAT that raids our homes later in the dead of night (Stalin and Hitler style).

So what is it, then?

  • Shot dead in the dead of night by SWAT by trying to peacefully upend a corrupt system…


  • Shot dead when you try to forcefully remove those rascals from Washington?

Not much of a choice, I am afraid.

For those puzzled by the appeal of Sanders, there’s your answer.  American politics is controlled by an elite that keeps one large swath  of voters in one party and another large swath in another party, then  makes them fight one another. In 2016, the voters in one camp revolted  against their camp guards. In 2020, the other camp is staging a revolt.  In both cases, it is a revolt against legacy code that appears to be  beyond reform. We are living in legacy code that must be replaced, if it  cannot be patched. 

-Z Man

The ONLY option remaining to make the necessary fundamental changes involve armed conflict. And soon… very soon you all will be disarmed and that option will no longer be available to you.

I hope that you enjoyed John’s commentary on life in America today. I have other posts in my SHTF index here…

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  • You can find out more about the author HERE.
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Please kindly help me out in this effort. There is a lot of effort that goes into this disclosure. I could use all the financial support that anyone could provide. Thank you very much.

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