What to do when you are having trouble writing new affirmations for your prayer campaign.

Are you having trouble with your affirmation campaign? Well, you are not alone. I am getting numerous private emails by people that describe this problem. That includes just about everyone. Including MM myself. As a result, I am releasing this “emergency” post to help everyone out of this situation.

Oh what to do?

Suddenly you have a difficult time writing your affirmations, and everything seems discordant. Your words no longer pour out of you, and it’s feels difficult to move forward with any new ideas, new wordings, or even the most basic reviews of where you are are now in your writings.

You are not alone.

I am in the first month of my new campaign and I must say, I’m having a hard time with wording. Something feels off about it, almost as if I’m being too vague and basic about the words. I surely don’t want to mess it up, because these are very very important to me. Do you have any suggestions? 

The Basic Suggestion

For starters, you can always continue your old campaign. Just continue reading off the good-old standby affirmations that you have written down. By doing so you add energy and strength to your earlier affirmations and they will continue to plow through the waves of the MWI and move you towards to destinations.

Don’t try too hard.

If you have something new you want to add, then add it. And do not worry about whether it is polished perfectly or not. Just plop it there in it’s imperfect form. It’s the thoughts that matter, not the specific wording.

Stick to the basics. Good health for you and your loved ones. Protection from discord, bad people, evil intentions, or events that might destroy your familial happiness.

Make sure that your affirmations say only good and positive things about you and your loved ones futures. If you are feeling discord, then this is NOT the time to start new affirmation campaign goals. You need to solidify the seeds that you have already planted.

What’s going on?

There are many reasons for a “mind block” in regards to the generation of new affirmation prayers for a campaign. Though the larger number of inquiries that I am currently getting is quite alarming. It’s almost like there is a “disturbance in the force” to use a Star Wars movie reference.

I wrote this a few days back in my personal journal…

Feel an ugly crazy disturbance of some sort. Something is going on… not me personally. Just in general. Like how dogs and cats freak out before an earthquake.

It’s like this…

Ripples in the MWI.
Ripples in the MWI. Where the Y-axis is a measure of world-line entropy variance from previous life-line vectors.


If you, the reader, are not feeling any of this do not be alarmed. A person’s reality is a very personal thing and not everyone shares the same world-line template. We just have a tendency to touch or share the templates of others (rarely the world-lines) occasionally.

We are individuals

Yes we are. We are all different. And as such what we might experience or feel will differ from person to person. That is a good thing.

Having a difficulty in laying out a new set of affirmations need not be alarming. It’s just that perhaps there are other things that are making it difficult to concentrate on the future… like a discordant future. Or, a discordant present.

Don’t worry about it.

It’s called “being a human”.

Just follow the basic rules…

  • When in doubt, just default to the last campaign affirmations.
  • If you feel a need to add “something”, just add affirmations that relate to personal health and well-being. Make sure that not matter what, your prayers are protective in nature.
  • Unless you are young and experimental, it is far better to have health and stability in your life. Focus on that.
  • If you want to push for new “things” then be specific and then forget about them when your affirmations end.

Sample affirmations

Here’s some sample affirmations to get you all started…

  • I, my family, and my friends are safe, healthy, and live a stable and secure life.
  • Good things and moving into place for me, my family and my friends.
  • My life is very lucky and I am able to avoid problems, distress or upset.
  • I know why I am having what ever troubles that I am experiencing now, and I understand the reasons and purposes for them.

Don’t “freak out”

Change is difficult to take, but usually results in new experiences, new adventures and new opportunities. If you are having trouble and feel these disturbances, do not get too worked out about it. Just “go with the flow”. All will be good.

Chill out with some friends or family, or a much beloved pet. When in doubt, do not isolate. Get around people. The people will help break you out of whatever “funk” you are in, and you will end up being able to break out of the “prayer affirmation writing block” that you are in.


Merry Christmas!

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my affirmation prayer index here…

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