The Hammer of God by Arthur C. Clarke (Full Text)

In short, The Hammer of God is a disaster novel, telling of  the impending arrival of an asteroid named Kali (the Hindu god of death)  to Earth, threatening apocalyptic destruction.

What makes this  different from other disaster novels, of course, is that this is a novel  told with Clarke’s unique voice. The plot is told in about fifty short  chapters, each rarely more than a couple of pages long. The story is  mainly focussed around Robert Singh, who is the captain of the  expedition to hopefully stop Kali before it reaches Earth. Named  Goliath, the plan is to gently nudge Kali using a pile driver so that it  misses Earth.

If this sounds like another Earth-in-peril story,  well, it is. What makes this a little different is that along the way we  get a story filled with Clarke’s ideas, many of which are unusual,  though suffused with Sir Arthur’s gentle humour. He suggests that in  this future the religions of Christianity and Islam have combined to  create ‘Chrislam’, sharing their central beliefs for the good of all.  Computers are now part of everyday life, although as written from the  perspective of 1993 perhaps not as much as social media would  predominate today. Goliath is partly run by an AI, unsurprisingly called  David, who has developed some quite human mannerisms. David is a much  more personable version of his famous predecessor, HAL 9000.

All in all, it's a nice read for a stormy, rainy day.

The Hammer of God

by Sir Arthur C. Clarke

Published in Dec. 2011 (Issue 19) | 4502 words

It came in vertically, punching a hole ten km wide through the atmosphere, generating temperatures so high that the air itself started to burn. When it hit the ground near the Gulf of Mexico, rock turned to liquid and spread outward in mountainous waves, not freezing until it had formed a crater two hundred km across.

That was only the beginning of disaster: Now the real tragedy began. Nitric oxides rained from the air, turning the sea to acid. Clouds of soot from incinerated forests darkened the sky, hiding the sun for months. Worldwide, the temperature dropped precipitously, killing off most of the plants and animals that had survived the initial cataclysm. Though some species would linger on for millenniums, the reign of the great reptiles was finally over.

The clock of evolution had been reset; the countdown to Man had begun. The date was, very approximately, 65 million B.C.


Captain Robert Singh never tired of walking in the forest with his little son Toby. It was, of course, a tamed and gentle forest, guaranteed to be free of dangerous animals, but it made an exciting contrast to the rolling sand dunes of their last environment in the Saudi desert—and the one before that, on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. But when the Skylift Service had moved the house this time, something had gone wrong with the food-recycling system. Though the electronic menus had fail-safe backups, there had been a curious metallic taste to some of the items coming out of the synthesizer recently.

“What’s that, Daddy?” asked the four-year-old, pointing to a small hairy face peering at them through a screen of leaves.

“Er, some kind of monkey. We’ll ask the Brain when we get home.”

“Can I play with it?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. It could bite. And it probably has fleas. Your robotoys are much nicer.”

“But …”

Captain Singh knew what would happen next: He had run this sequence a dozen times. Toby would begin to cry, the monkey would disappear, he would comfort the child as he carried him back to the house …

But that had been twenty years ago and a quarter-billion kilometers away. The playback came to an end; sound, vision, the scent of unknown flowers and the gentle touch of the wind slowly faded. Suddenly, he was back in this cabin aboard the orbital tug Goliath, commanding the 100-person team of Operation ATLAS, the most critical mission in the history of space exploration. Toby, and the stepmothers and stepfathers of his extended family, remained behind on a distant world which Singh could never revisit. Decades in space—and neglect of the mandatory zero-G exercises—had so weakened him that he could now walk only on the Moon and Mars. Gravity had exiled him from the planet of his birth.

“One hour to rendezvous, captain,” said the quiet but insistent voice of David, as Goliath’s central computer had been inevitably named. “Active mode, as requested. Time to come back to the real world.”

Goliath’s human commander felt a wave of sadness sweep over him as the final image from his lost past dissolved into a featureless, simmering mist of white noise. Too swift a transition from one reality to another was a good recipe for schizophrenia, and Captain Singh always eased the shock with the most soothing sound he knew: waves falling gently on a beach, with sea gulls crying in the distance. It was yet another memory of a life he had lost, and of a peaceful past that had now been replaced by a fearful present.

For a few more moments, he delayed facing his awesome responsibility. Then he sighed and removed the neural-input cap that fitted snugly over his skull and had enabled him to call up his distant past. Like all spacers, Captain Singh belonged to the “Bald Is Beautiful” school, if only because wigs were a nuisance in zero gravity. The social historians were still staggered by the fact that one invention, the portable “Brainman,” could make bare heads the norm within a single decade. Not even quick-change skin coloring, or the lens-corrective laser shaping which had abolished eyeglasses, had made such an impact upon style and fashion.

“Captain,” said David. “I know you’re there. Or do you want me to take over?”

It was an old joke, inspired by all the insane computers in the fiction and movies of the early electronic age. David had a surprisingly good sense of humor: He was, after all, a Legal Person (Nonhuman) under the famous Hundredth Amendment, and shared—or surpassed—almost all the attributes of his creators. But there were whole sensory and emotional areas which he could not enter. It had been felt unnecessary to equip him with smell or taste, though it would have been easy to do so. And all his attempts at telling dirty stories were such disastrous failures that he had abandoned the genre.

“All right, David,” replied the captain. “I’m still in charge.” He removed the mask from his eyes, and turned reluctantly toward the viewport. There, hanging in space before him, was Kali.

It looked harmless enough: just another small asteroid, shaped so exactly like a peanut that the resemblance was almost comical. A few large impact craters, and hundreds of tiny ones, were scattered at random over its charcoal-gray surface. There were no visual clues to give any sense of scale, but Singh knew its dimensions by heart: 1,295 m maximum length, 456 m minimum width. Kali would fit easily into many city parks.

No wonder that, even now, most of humankind could still not believe that this modest asteroid was the instrument of doom. Or, as the Chrislamic Fundamentalists were calling it, “the Hammer of God.”


The sudden rise of Chrislam had been traumatic equally to Rome and Mecca. Christianity was already reeling from John Paul XXV’s eloquent but belated plea for contraception and the irrefutable proof in the New Dead Sea Scrolls that the Jesus of the Gospels was a composite of at least three persons. Meanwhile the Muslim world had lost much of its economic power when the Cold Fusion breakthrough, after the fiasco of its premature announce­ment, had brought the Oil Age to a sudden end. The time had been ripe for a new religion embodying, as even its severest critics admitted, the best elements of two ancient ones.

The Prophet Fatima Magdalene (née Ruby Goldenburg) had attracted almost 100 million adherents before her spectacular—and, some maintained, self-contrived—martyrdom. Thanks to the brilliant use of neural programming to give previews of Paradise during its ceremonies, Chrislam had grown explosively, though it was still far outnumbered by its parent religions.

Inevitably, after the Prophet’s death the movement split into rival factions, each upholding the True Faith. The most fanatical was a fundamentalist group calling itself “the Reborn,” which claimed to be in direct contact with God (or at least Her Archangels) via the listening post they had established in the silent zone on the far side of the Moon, shielded from the radio racket of Earth by 3,000 km of solid rock.


Now Kali filled the main viewscreen. No magnification was needed, for Goliath was hovering only 200 m above its ancient, battered surface. Two crew members had already landed, with the traditional “One small step for a man”—even though walking was impossible on this almost zero-gravity worldlet.

“Deploying radio beacon. We’ve got it anchored securely. Now Kali won’t be able to hide from us.”

It was a feeble joke, not meriting the laughter it aroused from the dozen officers on the bridge. Ever since rendezvous, there had been a subtle change in the crew’s morale, with unpredictable swings between gloom and juvenile humor. The ship’s physician had already prescribed tranquilizers for one mild case of manic-depressive symptoms. It would grow worse in the long weeks ahead, when there would be little to do but wait.

The first waiting period had already begun. Back on Earth, giant radio telescopes were tuned to receive the pulses from the beacon. Although Kali’s orbit had already been calculated with the greatest possible accuracy, there was still a slim chance that the asteroid might pass harmlessly by. The radio measuring rod would settle the matter, for better or worse.

It was a long two hours before the verdict came, and David relayed it to the crew.

“Spaceguard reports that the probability of impact on Earth is 99.9%. Operation ATLAS will begin immediately.”

The task of the mythological Atlas was to hold up the heavens and prevent them from crashing down upon Earth. The ATLAS booster that Goliath carried as an external payload had a more modest goal: keeping at bay only a small piece of the sky.


It was the size of a small house, weighed 9,000 tons and was moving at 50,000 km/ h. As it passed over the Grand Teton National Park, one alert tourist photographed the incandescent fireball and its long vapor trail. In less than two minutes, it had sliced through the Earth’s atmosphere and returned to space.

The slightest change of orbit during the billions of years it had been circling the sun might have sent the asteroid crashing upon any of the world’s great cities with an explosive force five times that of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima.

The date was Aug. 10, 1972.


Spaceguard had been one of the last projects of the legendary NASA, at the close of the 20th century. Its initial objective had been modest enough: to make as complete a survey as possible of the asteroids and comets that crossed the orbit of Earth—and to determine if any were a potential threat.

With a total budget seldom exceeding $10 million a year, a worldwide network of telescopes, most of them operated by skilled amateurs, had been established by the year 2000. Sixty-one years later, the spectacular return of Halley’s Comet encouraged more funding, and the great 2079 fireball, luckily impacting in mid-Atlantic, gave Spaceguard additional prestige. By the end of the century, it had located more than one million asteroids, and the survey was believed to be 90% complete. However, it would have to be continued indefinitely: There was always a chance that some intruder might come rush­ing in from the uncharted outer reaches of the solar system.

As had Kali, which had been detected in late 2212 as it fell sunward past the orbit of Jupiter. Fortunately humankind had not been wholly unprepared, thanks to the fact that Senator George Ledstone (Independent, West America) had chaired an influential finance committee almost a generation earlier.

The Senator had one public eccentricity and, he cheerfully admitted, one secret vice. He always wore massive horn-rimmed eyeglasses (nonfunctional, of course) because they had an intimidating effect on uncooperative witnesses, few of whom had ever encountered such a novelty. His “secret vice,” perfectly well known to everyone, was rifle shooting on a standard Olympic range, set up in the tunnels of a long-abandoned missile silo near Mount Cheyenne. Ever since the demilitarization of Planet Earth (much accelerated by the famous slogan “Guns Are the Crutches of the Impotent”), such activities had been frowned upon, though not actively discouraged.

There was no doubt that Senator Ledstone was an original; it seemed to run in the family. His grandmother had been a colonel in the dreaded Beverly Hills Militia, whose skirmishes with the L.A. Irregulars had spawned endless psychodramas in every medium, from old-fashioned ballet to direct brain stimulation. And his grandfather had been one of the most notorious bootleg­gers of the 21st century. Before he was killed in a shoot-out with the Canadian Medicops during an ingenious attempt to smuggle a kiloton of tobacco up Niagara Falls, it was estimated that “Smokey” had been responsible for at least 20 million deaths.

Ledstone was quite unrepentant about his grandfather, whose sensational demise had triggered the repeal of the late U.S.’s third, and most disastrous, attempt at Prohibition. He argued that responsible adults should be allowed to commit suicide in any way they pleased—by alcohol, cocaine or even tobacco—as long as they did not kill innocent bystanders during the process.

When the proposed budget for Spaceguard Phase 2 was first presented to him, Senator Ledstone had been outraged by the idea of throwing billions of dollars into space. It was true that the global economy was in good shape; since the almost simultaneous collapse of communism and capitalism, the skillful application of chaos theory by World Bank mathematicians had broken the old cycle of booms and busts and averted (so far) the Final Depression predicted by many pessimists. Nonetheless, the Senator argued that the money could be much better spent on Earth—especially on his favorite project, reconstructing what was left of California after the Su­perquake.

When Ledstone had twice vetoed Spaceguard Phase 2, everyone agreed that no one on Earth would make him change his mind. They had reckoned without someone from Mars.

The Red Planet was no longer quite so red, though the process of greening it had barely begun. Concentrating on the problems of survival, the colonists (they hated the word and were already saying proudly “we Martians”) had little energy left over for art or science. But the lightning flash of genius strikes where it will, and the greatest theoretical physicist of the century was born under the bubble domes of Port Lowell.

Like Einstein, to whom he was often compared, Carlos Mendoza was an excellent musician; he owned the only saxophone on Mars and was a skilled performer on that antique instrument. He could have received his Nobel Prize on Mars, as everyone expected, but he loved surprises and practical jokes. Thus he appeared in Stockholm looking like a knight in high-tech armor, wearing one of the powered exoskeletons developed for paraplegics. With this mechanical assistance, he could function almost unhandicapped in an environment that would otherwise have quickly killed him.

Needless to say, when the ceremony was over, Carlos was bombarded with invitations to scientific and social functions. Among the few he was able to accept was an appearance before the World Budget Committee, where Sena­tor Ledstone closely questioned him about his opinion of Project Spaceguard.

“I live on a world which still bears the scars of a thousand meteor impacts, some of them hundreds of kilometers across,” said Professor Mendoza. “Once they were equally common on Earth, but wind and rain—something we don’t have yet on Mars, though we’re working on it!—have worn them away.”

Senator Ledstone: “The Spaceguarders are always pointing to signs of asteroid impacts on Earth. How seriously should we take their warnings?”

Professor Mendoza: “Very seriously, Mr. Chairman. Sooner or later, there’s bound to be another major impact.”

Senator Ledstone was impressed, and indeed charmed, by the young scientist, but not yet convinced. What changed his mind was not a matter of logic but of emotion. On his way to London, Carlos Mendoza was killed in a bizarre accident when the control system of his exoskeleton malfunctioned. Deeply moved, Ledstone immediately dropped his opposition to Spaceguard, approving construction of two powerful orbiting tugs, Goliath and Titan, to be kept permanently patrolling on opposite sides of the sun. And when he was a very old man, he said to one of his aides, “They tell me we’ll soon be able to take Mendoza’s brain out of that tank of liquid nitrogen, and talk to it through a computer interface. I wonder what he’s been thinking about, all these years …”


Assembled on Phobos, the inner satellite of Mars, ATLAS was little more than a set of rocket engines attached to propellant tanks holding 100,000 tons of hydrogen. Though its fusion drive could generate far less thrust than the primitive missile that had carried Yuri Gagarin into space, it could run continuously not merely for minutes but for weeks. Even so, the effect on the asteroid would be trivial, a velocity change of a few centimeters per second. Yet that might be sufficient to deflect Kali from its fatal orbit during the months while it was still falling earthward.


Now that ATLAS’s propellant tanks, control systems and thrusters had been securely mounted on Kali, it looked as if some lunatic had built an oil refinery on an asteroid. Captain Singh was exhausted, as were all the crew members, after days of assembly and checking. Yet he felt a warm glow of achievement: They had done everything that was expected of them, the countdown was going smoothly, and the rest was up to ATLAS.

He would have been far less relaxed had he known of the ABSOLUTE PRIORITY message racing toward him by tight infrared beam from ASTROPOL headquarters in Geneva. It would not reach Goliath for another 30 minutes. And by then it would be much too late.


At about T minus 30 minutes, Goliath had drawn away from Kali to stand well clear of the jet with which ATLAS would try to nudge it from its present course. “Like a mouse pushing an elephant,” one media person had described the operation. But in the frictionless vacuum of space, where momentum could never be lost, even one mousepower would be enough if applied early and over a sufficient length of time.

The group of officers waiting quietly on the bridge did not expect to see anything spectacular: The plasma jet of the ATLAS drive would be far too hot to produce much visible radiation. Only the telemetry would confirm that ignition had started and that Kali was no longer an implacable juggernaut, wholly beyond the control of humanity.

There was a brief round of cheering and a gentle patter of applause as the string of zeros on the accelerometer display began to change. The feeling on the bridge was one of relief rather than exultation. Though Kali was stirring, it would be days and weeks before victory was assured.

And then, unbelievably, the numbers dropped back to zero. Seconds later, three simultaneous audio alarms sounded. All eyes were suddenly fixed on Kali and the ATLAS booster which should be nudging it from its present course. The sight was heartbreaking: The great propellant tanks were opening up like flowers in a time-lapse movie, spilling out the thousands of tons of reaction mass that might have saved the Earth. Wisps of vapor drifted across the face of the asteroid, veiling its cratered surface with an evanescent atmosphere.

Then Kali continued along its path, heading inexorably toward a fiery collision with the Earth.


Captain Singh was alone in the large, well-appointed cabin that had been his home for longer than any other place in the solar system. He was still dazed but was trying to make his peace with the universe.

He had lost, finally and forever, all that he loved on Earth. With the decline of the nuclear family, he had known many deep attachments, and it had been hard to decide who should be the mothers of the two children he was permitted. A phrase from an old American novel (he had forgotten the author) kept coming into his mind: “Remember them as they were—and write them off.” The fact that he himself was perfectly safe somehow made him feel worse; Goliath was in no danger whatsoever, and still had all the propellant it needed to rejoin the shaken survivors of humanity on the Moon or Mars.

Well, he had many friendships—and one that was much more than that—on Mars; this was where his future must lie. He was only 102, with decades of active life ahead of him. But some of the crew had loved ones on the Moon; he would have to put Goliath’s destination to the vote.

Ship’s Orders had never covered a situation like this.


“I still don’t understand,” said the chief engineer, “why that explosive cord wasn’t detected on the preflight check-out.”

“Because that Reborn fanatic could have hidden it easily—and no one would have dreamed of looking for such a thing. Pity ASTROPOL didn’t catch him while he was still on Phobos.”

“But why did they do it? I can’t believe that even Chrislamic crazies would want to destroy the Earth.”

“You can’t argue with their logic—if you accept their premises. God, Allah, is testing us, and we mustn’t interfere. If Kali misses, fine. If it doesn’t, well, that’s part of Her bigger plan. Maybe we’ve messed up Earth so badly that it’s time to start over. Remember that old saying of Tsiolkovski’s: ‘Earth is the cradle of humankind, but you cannot live in the cradle forever.’ Kali could be a sign that it’s time to leave.”

The captain held up his hand for silence.

“The only important question now is, Moon or Mars? They’ll both need us. I don’t want to influence you” (that was hardly true; everyone knew where he wanted to go), “so I’d like your views first.”

The first ballot was Mars 6, Moon 6, Don’t know 1, captain abstaining.

Each side was trying to convert the single “Don’t know” when David spoke.

“There is an alternative.”

“What do you mean?” Captain Singh demanded, rather brusquely.

“It seems obvious. Even though ATLAS is destroyed, we still have a chance of saving the Earth. According to my calculations, Goliath has just enough propellant to deflect Kali—if we start thrusting against it immediately. But the longer we wait, the less the probability of success.”

There was a moment of stunned silence on the bridge as everyone asked the question, “Why didn’t I think of that?” and quickly arrived at the answer.

David had kept his head, if one could use so inappropriate a phrase, while all the humans around him were in a state of shock. There were some compensations in being a Legal Person (Nonhuman). Though David could not know love, neither could he know fear. He would continue to think logically, even to the edge of doom.


With any luck, thought Captain Singh, this is my last broadcast to Earth. I’m tired of being a hero, and a slightly premature one at that. Many things could still go wrong, as indeed they already have …

“This is Captain Singh, space tug Goliath. First of all, let me say how glad we are that the Elders of Chrislam have identified the saboteurs and handed them over to ASTROPOL.

“We are now fifty days from Earth, and we have a slight problem. This one, I hasten to add, will not affect our new attempt to deflect Kali into a safe orbit. I note that the news media are calling this deflection Operation Deliverance. We like the name, and hope to live up to it, but we still cannot be absolutely certain of success. David, who appreciates all the goodwill messages he has received, estimates that the probability of Kali impacting Earth is still 10% …

“We had intended to keep just enough propellant reserve to leave Kali shortly before encounter and go into a safer orbit, where our sister ship Titan could rendezvous with us. But that option is now closed. While Goliath was pushing against Kali at maximum drive, we broke through a weak point in the crust. The ship wasn’t damaged, but we’re stuck! All attempts to break away have failed.

“We’re not worried, and it may even be a blessing in disguise. Now we’ll use the whole of our remaining propellant to give one final nudge. Perhaps that will be the last drop that’s needed to do the job.

“So we’ll ride Kali past Earth, and wave to you from a comfortable distance, in just fifty days.”

It would be the longest fifty days in the history of the world.


Now the huge crescent of the moon spanned the sky, the jagged mountain peaks along the terminator burning with the fierce light of the lunar dawn. But the dusty plains still untouched by the sun were not completely dark; they were glowing faintly in the light reflected from Earth’s clouds and continents. And scattered here and there across that once dead landscape were the glowing fireflies that marked the first permanent settlements hu­mankind had built beyond the home planet. Captain Singh could easily locate Clavius Base, Port Armstrong, Plato City. He could even see the necklace of faint lights along the Translunar Railroad, bringing its precious cargo of water from the ice mines at the South Pole.

Earth was now only five hours away.


Kali entered Earth’s atmosphere soon after local midnight, 200 km above Hawaii. Instantly, the gigantic fireball brought a false dawn to the Pacific, awakening the wildlife on its myriad islands. But few humans had been asleep this night of nights, except those who had sought the oblivion of drugs.

Over New Zealand, the heat of the orbiting furnace ignited forests and melted the snow on mountaintops, triggering avalanches into the valleys beneath. But the human race had been very, very lucky: The main thermal impact as Kali passed the Earth was on the Antarctic, the continent that could best absorb it. Even Kali could not strip away all the kilometers of polar ice, but it set in motion the Great Thaw that would change coastlines all around the world.

No one who survived hearing it could ever describe the sound of Kali’s passage; none of the recordings were more than feeble echoes. The video coverage, of course, was superb, and would be watched in awe for generations to come. But nothing could ever compare with the fearsome reality.

Two minutes after it had sliced into the atmosphere, Kali reentered space. Its closest approach to Earth had been 60 km. In that two minutes, it took 100,000 lives and did $1 trillion worth of damage.


Goliath had been protected from the fireball by the massive shield of Kali itself; the sheets of incandescent plasma streamed harmlessly overhead. But when the asteroid smashed into Earth’s blanket of air at more than one hundred times the speed of sound, the colossal drag forces mounted swiftly to five, ten, twenty gravities—and peaked at a level far beyond anything that machines or flesh could withstand.

Now indeed Kali’s orbit had been drastically changed; never again would it come near Earth. On its next return to the inner solar system, the swifter spacecraft of a later age would visit the crumpled wreckage of Goliath and bear reverently homeward the bodies of those who had saved the world.

Until the next encounter.

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Contemporaneous China through the eyes of NZBZ. Lets spend some time for humanity. MM is tired of hit and run fellows of ill intent.

You only see a handful of comments on MM. But in truth, I average many more comments than what I allow to present itself on the site.

Just because you don’t read the disparaging comments, doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. I get a “shit load”. I just don’t print them. It’s all pretty much what you would expect. It’s nonsense like this…

I regret having read your articles. At least you had the decency to quote Alexandyr Solsenetzyn. Frankly I would rather perish than live in China, if I had to choose. 

You’ve turned your back on the land of your fathers. 

It’s all pretty irritating.

Here’s another asshole.

Moreover, there was NO HOLOCAUST of 6 million Jews, and in fact this not only an egregious lie, but a truth inversion. 

It was the Germans who were holocausted at the end of and after the war in far greater numbers than the great 6 million Jew hoax

Which is why I don’t post any comments automatically and why I pre-screen everything. If someone wants to get on a “soapbox” to repeat the narratives from the Alt-Right, or mainstream they can do so. Just not on this forum.

You’ve lost the plot, clearly. All I have to do is go to LiveLeak and search for “China accident compilation” to know that everything you’re saying about China is false. 

“False”, eh?

Why would I even want to check anything on Google or “LiveLeak” when all I need to do is open up my window and look outside?

Um. Maybe it’s because I live here.

I do not have to check with the Google department of propaganda to see what China is like. I just look out my window. I just walk out my front door. I just pull out my cell-phone and take a picture. Like this one.


Here at MM we have ZERO tolerance for this nonsense. Whether it is a hard-Right racist, or some idiot trying to troll me…

You did not answer my claim that in “many parts of China, people still live in huts and heat/cook with yak dung.” Your picture is meaningless. 

Are there, or are there not, millions of people in China still living in huts and heating/cooking with yak dung? 

How many of them would you guesstimate? 

1M? 10M? 100M? 300M?

This is not a “freedom of speech” (anything goes) website. Before you try to comment, you should read my commenting guidelines. I have them in two locations. [1] Main Index, and [2] The Grey Web. Commenting is a privilege.

This is my place.

I am God here.

I really do not need the bullshit that seems to saturate everything about the United States today. The United States is completely going to shit, with many people just wailing in near-insanity. The American government is out of control. The American companies are out of control, and everyone is trying to grab whatever they can before the entire house of cards collapses.

Everything is being kept propped up with lies and a manipulative media.

Do you think that this kind of “news” is a sign of a healthy society? A healthy population? A healthy government?

...have a little fun and whatever you do - turn off the news! I have been killing off my social media accounts and you would be amazed how much more peaceful life is without them! Why try to impress people you don't like or even know? 


Meanwhile, I live in China. With my family.

I just want to be left alone, though there are elements back in the USA that want to drag me, kicking and screaming, back into the maelstrom and inferno.

It's the usual malevolent players. You know which ones. The same folk that China has perma-banned from ever setting foot near China.

My life is good.

My friends are kind. My food is delicious. My happiness is special.

I just report on what I experience. This is quite different from what you will find elsewhere on the internet. There, most people report and repeat what they have read about on other internet websites.


So please bear with me as I take my time to pre-screen each and every one of your comments. And I know that it is frustrating for you. You ask “Did my comment get posted? Why the wait?” Then, maybe you check back a couple of time throughout the day to see what is going on. Maybe you reload your browser. Eh?

But I need to do this.

These “hit and run” jackasses don’t even bother reading the posting guidelines in the top index. They just assume that this site is just another website like all the rest, and they act accordingly.

And so MM gets flooded with nonsense like this…

This is not correct. You are spouting nonsense!

Hitler DID rebuild Germany, after taking the reigns of power back from the genocidal and parasitic Rothschild Jewish bankers, who had already spread Jewish communism into Russia and Eastern Europe, when he cancelled the undeserved & unwarranted post WW1 Treaty of Versailles land grabs and crushing debt payments and backing the German Deutschmark by German Labor, and outlawing usury (Jewish economic tyranny/terrorism via debt and interest). He also setup fair and equal trade deals w other countries like Mexico & other South American countries. Once the parasitic Jew was rightly removed from power, the economy took off like a rocket. All because of Hitler.

Typically, I am not reporting what others said (well, there are exceptions), but when it comes to China and MAJestic I report my own personal experiences. And those things are what seemingly gets everyone so darn upset.

No one cares about my posts on food, the nature of the universe, souls and consciousness, KTV’s, cats, art and literature. Which are the posts and articles that I am most proud about. But boy oh boy, do they get “hot and bothered” when I dare talk about China.

How dare I say anything good about those “Godless Communists!”


If you don’t like it, or feel that it makes America look bad, well that’s just too terrible. If you want to see what China is like you don’t read the American “news” with opinions and articles on Reddit about what others think. You get an airplane ticket and you fly on over.

it’s not difficult.

All in all, it’s pretty simple.

The life that manifests around you in the world; in this reality, is not due to popular opinion. It’s generated by thoughts. Primarily YOUR thoughts. Not the thoughts of those around you. As THIS post most clearly explains.

Here’s what I wake up to. Every day.

View from my living room.


Well, it’s time for some humanity.

Webster Dictionary 
Humanity (noun) the quality of being human; the peculiar nature of man, by which he is distinguished from other beings. Etymology: [L. humanitas: cf. F. humanit. See Human.] Humanity (noun) mankind collectively; the human race.
What does humanity mean?

As time moves forward I see how culturally, socially and intellectually isolated Americans are getting. As the American government, the American companies, the American oligarchy clamps down harder and harder against the average person they become more and more isolated, and….

…well neurotic.

neurotic. ( njʊˈrɒtɪk) adj. 
(Psychiatry) of, relating to, or afflicted by neurosis. n. (Psychiatry) a person who is afflicted with a neurosis or who tends to be emotionally unstable or unusually anxious.
Neurotic - definition of neurotic by The Free Dictionary

The rest of the world is growing. They are moving forward. They are moving away from the old ways of doing things, and working on providing a far more prosperous life for their citizens.

Typical China.
Typical China.

America is unaware of this. instead, Americans cover in fear. “They” are “going to steal our democracy!” they chant.

It is sad and (I suppose) alarming. But it’s not my problem.


Typical America.
Typical America.


Meanwhile inside of China, everyone is starting to close up shop. The CNY is fast approaching and everyone is gearing up for the month long holiday. And this week is full of business dinners and celebrations. Like this one from one of my friends.

They are having fun.

It’s been a difficult year for everyone, but that hasn’t stopped them from getting together and celebrating.

CNY party inside of China.
Company CNY party in China.


Some things that I want to point out;

Everyone is holding up these red bags and red envelopes. Those are monetary gifts from the company. Typical bonuses are one to three months salary in CASH. Thus the bag. Three months in $100 bills are too thick to put into a red (colored) envelope. Plus, who knows what other surprises are placed in those red bags, eh? How big were your bonuses from your company this year?

Notice that there are children there. Yes, China is very family-friendly. You can bring your children to company parties, and get togethers. You don’t need to worry that some American “alphabet” government agency will not fine or arrest you for “child labor”, or “change your insurance” because of the addition of minors to an adult venue. What was your company end-of-the-year party like? Did it include children and families?

Stuffed bulls. 2021 is the Year of the Bull. So it is rather commonplace to give stuffed animals and display picture of the year’s animal. 2020 was the year of the rat. Not very many people retained their stuffed rat plushies, though. Did your company hand out presents or gifts aside from a ball-pint pen that had the company logo? What were the most popular gifts that your company handed out and gave to you?

Year of the rat.
Stuffed rat doll.

Drinking alcohol. There are glasses of red wine and of course white wine. All Chinese business and social affairs include alcohol. It’s a cultural norm, and the idea that children will watch the adults drink is culturally normal. Doesn’t it feel good to relax with your coworkers and down a few drinks? Perhaps you might have a few humorous stories that you might want to share, eh?

Happy CNY you all!

American “news” reports on CNY…

Tell me please, how the American “news” is reporting all these events. It’s a huge event. Half of the world are celebrating it. Nothing in America. It’s not “important”. So what is “important”?

So, let’s check out the American “news” and see what they are reporting. First up, Yahoo!

Yahoo! Screen capture 4FEB21 at 9:47am China Time.


Nope. No reporting what so ever.

Next up is MSN…

MSN news.
MSN screen capture 4FEB21 at 9:55am China time.


Nope. No reporting what so ever.

All in all pretty much all stable. Both Yahoo! and MSN seem to have a good mixture of light stuff and heavy stuff, and seems to put the political stuff off to the side. In other words all the DOOM and GLOOM doesn’t really dominate.

So where are all these maniacs coming from that are invading MM? Where do they get all their ideas about “Jews” and “China”?

Next up… FOX “news”…

FOX news.
FOX “news” screen capture 4FEB21 at 9:59am.


You know guys, it’s kind of a mystery to me.

None of the big American “news” outlets seem to be all that bad. They seem to post a mixture of “news”. I just am unable to point any kind of finger towards why some people would get these kinds of radical ideas that they try to bombard my comment section with.

So I checked out FOX world “news”.

Look what I discovered…

Hey! Did you know that China is trying to infiltrate American politics? I didn’t. Most Chinese, and that includes the government, just DOESN’T GIVE A RAT’S ASS about American politics. Everyone here (in China) thinks it’s just one big loony bin.



loony bin
Insane asylum. The word “lunatic” comes from the word for “moon”; madness was associated in many cultures with the effect of the phases of the moon on the human mind. From lunatic came loony, and loony bin was where insane people were incarcerated. The phrase is now considered insulting in the extreme, as are “booby hatch” (originally a covered passageway down a ship deck), “funny farm,” “drool academy,” and “foam rubber city” (a reference to padded cells).

Posting about humanity.

Ok. Enough of my rant-a-thon.

rant ( plural rants ) A criticism done by ranting.  A wild, emotional, and sometimes incoherent articulation. A type of  dance step usually performed in clogs, and particularly (but not  exclusively) associated with the English North West Morris tradition.

rant - Wiktionary

Just bear with me when I check your comments. I have other things going on in my life and I am not tethered to my PC 24-7. I try to check at least two times a day, and often much more than that. I’ve found that I must guard against spamming, track-back assaults, commenting barrages, and other such nonsense. And please forgive me if you want to hijack MM to become a soapbox for your anger and pent-up angst.

Let’s get to what this post is all about.

It’s about humanity.

This post is about some videos by NZBZ. They are a Pop / RAP group of of China. They are pretty representative, and their videos show scenes and life about what modern China is all about. As well as contemporaneous Chinese pop lifestyle. So when I read the pure hatred and bullshit that spews forth from the “five eyes” out of America, I just shake my head, and get back to my real life.

Five Eyes Alliance: Everything You Need to Know | Business ...

2019-9-20 · Before 2003, very little about the five eyes alliance  was known to the public. Things got clearer in 2013 when a former NSA  contractor, Edward Snowden, leaked some documents connected to the Five Eyes alliance. These documents brought to light the widespread surveillance on the public’s online activities by this alliance.

A life not unlike what is portrayed in these videos. If you want to see what China is, then check out these videos. They will help paint a picture of Chinese culture and society. It’s one (at least for now) that is inclusive, traditional, respects diversity, is helpful, positive and rewards people based on merit.

What. Is. Wrong. With. That?

I put the videos here on MM, but just have a link instead of a photo to access them. I think that the page would load faster that way, and easier for you all to enjoy.

南征北战NZBZ – 二十多岁

“Twenty Years Old”.

What kind of difference are you going to make in the world? You are twenty years old, and the entire world awaits to see what you are going to do. Do not be shy. Make a difference.


You can view the video HERE on MM. Comes up in a different window.

南征北战NZBZ – 冠军


To become great and realize your full potential, you must get down deep and reach down. Strive. Push, and be the best you can be. Nothing is impossible.


You can view the video HERE on MM. Comes up in a different window.

南征北战NZBZ – 骄傲的少年

“Proud teenager”.

The Chinese society has gone through oh so much. The Chinese people have had to deal with so much. The individuals all had to put themselves aside for the better good, and now after decades, and centuries of strife, striving and pushing, they have achieved so much. And more is coming…


You can view the video HERE on MM. Comes up in a different window.

南征北战NZBZ – 生来倔强

“Born stubborn”.

Face up to history and face the future bravely. Perseverance of the heart and footsteps… No one can stop it… I don’t care if people laugh at me…


You can view the video HERE on MM. Comes up in a different window.

南征北战NZBZ – 搓搓

“It’s a slug”.

We can all change. Maybe we come from a humble background, but we can change. Maybe it takes ten years. But we will change. Keep your feet on the ground, and follow that road before you. Believe.


You can view the video HERE on MM. Comes up in a different window.

南征北战NZBZ – 我的天空

“My Sky”.

This song is perhaps the Anthem of Chinese youth today.

Goodby to the old, and hello – hello to the new. To the new life, and to the new beginnings. It’s all possible… and watch what I can do.


You can view the video HERE on MM. Comes up in a different window.

南征北战NZBZ – 哈尼宝贝

“Hani baby”. Ha Ni Bao Bei 哈尼宝贝.

It’s a love song about a girl. It’s also very popular in China. Kind of catchy. Upbeat.


You can view the video HERE on MM. Comes up in a different window.

南征北战NZBZ – 别无他求

“There’s no other desire”.

Some Great Reviews;

Listener 1: “A particularly meaningful song dedicated to left-behind children. In fact, from the early songs such as “My Sky” and “Proud Boy”, it is nothing new for us to speak up for left-behind children today. It is also inspiring and full of positive energy, and it also proves our uniqueness with songs. The realistic lyrics plus the melodic euphemism lyric, let listen to people unconsciously fall into it. “

Listener 2: “It is really rare for The Southern Campaign to personally produce the lyrics and music creation of the new song ‘Nothing Else’. The whole song is melodious and melodious, and under the deep and vigorous voice of the three, it expresses the yearning of the left-behind children for their parents on the other end of the phone, as long as you are there. “

Listener 3: “the song” has no other desire “inspired a public welfare activities, last year, fighting NZBZ led volunteers to the countryside, all the way to see a lot of left-behind children, not their parents around them, helpless and lonely desolation in their world, and they have sprung up in thinking inspiration, record the miss and thinking of leaving. “

Listener 4: “To love someone is to love them until seven points are enough, but there are still three points left to love yourself. Love is too full, for him is not happiness, but a burden. The truth of the world, originally is so simple, whether love things, or lovers, to be temperate. Full moon is deficient, full water is overflowing, sometimes, too much love is not love, but great harm. “


You can view the video HERE on MM. Comes up in a different window.

Hot Tub Time Machine

You all know that we can find inspiration in the strangest things. And in this post, I used the Chinese music group NZBZ to help describe China as what it is today. It is inspirational. And only a fool, a real goodness-to-gracious fool, would think otherwise.

China is taking the world and society seriously. The people, the musicians, the workers, the society are all working together. The entire nation came together and worked as one during the 2020 pandemic. This was not an accident. People realize that when they work together, there is a synergy.

1 + 1 = 5

We become greater though collaborative effort.

And you know what, we all can work together to make the world a better place. Not by being the “lone wolf” struggling to climb to the top of that pile of money. But working together with others to make the world a better place to live in.

China is showing us the way.

Don’t like what you hear on the “news”? Well, you can do something about it.

Yes, you.

No, I’m not talking about building a school, investing billions of dollars in one social program or the other. I am taking about a million people each doing one small thing. Be kind. Pick up the trash on the road. Help that dog or cat that needs a home. Be nicer to the cashier who had a bad day.

Show some humanity.

In the American comedy “Hot Tub Time Machine” the characters go into a Hot Tub and go back in time. They end up reliving one of the pivotal moments in their lives. And then realizing, with the eyes of experience placed in their young bodies, that they can make a difference. That they can change things. That they can have a good life, and make the world a better place.

Hot Tub Time Machine. You can make a difference.
Hot Tub Time Machine.

And you know what?

You don’t need a “time machine” to do it.

You can do it right now.

Say “hi” to the person next to you. Buy a co-worker a cup of tea or coffee. Open the door for the old man, or help the girl on the bike who dropped a package. And if there is nothing you can do… then just smile.

That’s all you need to do.

Just smile.

The world today that you see on the “news” is in many ways the direct result of bad actions by bad people. That are magnified a million, billion times by electronic amplification. When you have a jackass typing bad things on the computer in the basement of his rented house, those words of hate and disgust is then transmitted to a million others who then have to feel his words manifest into disgusting influences.

Stop it.

The Deer Hunter

Robbie never made it.

It was hard growing up in Western PA. The steel mills were all shutting down. The coal mines were closing as well. Most of my friends couldn’t find steady work. At best they did gig jobs or landed part-time work at minimum wage. When they weren’t working, they drank. They did drugs. They watched television or played games, or stared into the glowing blue monitor of their computer.

The deer hunter.
Western Pennsylvania. Scene from the movie “The Deer Hunter”. It was filmed near the house where I grew up.

Meanwhile entire towns and communities fell apart.

Robbie became a statistic.

But not to me.

We used to talk, and drink. We would go out fishing, take walks in the woods or just ride in his International Harvester Scout (a Jeep like vehicle) where we would talk. He was a kind person who wanted to do good, but there just wasn’t any positive outlets for him.

There was nothing there.

He tried to make walking paths in the wood so that people could enjoy nature. But that got him arrested for trespassing, and destruction of “Pennsylvania game lands”. He tried to take in lost dogs, but all that ended up was flooding his mobile home house with nine ravenously hungry German Shepard’s. He was always talking big, and hustling for a buck or two.

But gainful employment always eluded him.

Western PA.
Western Pennsylvania. My heritage.

He would try to get work. He was personable. He was kind and likable. But the America where he lived did not have a role in society for him. In America you either make money or you are useless. And he, as hard as he tried, couldn’t break through the limits.

He died alone. He died with a needle in his arm in darkness with the television on, and him lying cold on his brown plaid, distressed, living room couch. A can of beer on the coffee table. And a job application under the ash tray.

It’s not his fault.

It’s the society that permitted this to occur.

What are YOU doing to make the world a better place?

No, I’m not talking about writing a letter to the editor demanding that taxes be raised “for the children”. Nor am I talking about censoring anyone.

I am talking about you volunteering. I am talking about you contributing. I am talking about you stop allowing those with negative, hateful, or damaging language from affecting society. I am talking about you doing something physically that helps your community.

In our world, you must give to receive. In Pennsylvania and in America, so many have taken, taken, and taken for so long that those that are left behind are left to rot and die. Not just figuratively. They are dying literally.

When you go out today, just be more aware of how you affect the world around you. Your thoughts, your actions, and your participation are required to make the world a better, safer, and more desirable place to live.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my China Music Index here…

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Was 2020 the Crisis of the Fourth Turning as predicted by Strauss and Howe?

It is easy to get distracted by the daily gyrations, ceaseless media propaganda, political theater, false narratives, and delusional beliefs of both the left and right, as this military empire built on debt and deceit spirals towards its fiery cataclysmic climax. 

Opposing forces have gathered themselves into position focusing on defeating their domestic enemies, with the left seeming to have strategic advantage but led by hubristic dullards, while numerous foreign adversaries circle like hungry vultures ready to pounce on the dying beast of an empire.

-The Burning Platform

The Fourth Turning is when (the American) society passes through a great and perilous gate in history. This idea of cycles and change where society rises and falls upon generational maturity was developed by two authors; Strauss and Howe. They postulated that there are four turnings in society. Together, the four turnings comprise history’s seasonal rhythm of growth, maturation, entropy, and rebirth.

This is a prediction of the future based upon the generational and social cycles of the past history. It is fundamentally an American observation, though the system and predictions can be applied to other cultures and other societies.

According to the predictions…

Even if the nation stays together, its geography could be fundamentally changed, its party structure altered, its Constitution and Bill of Rights amended beyond recognition. History offers even more sobering warnings: Armed confrontation usually occurs around the climax of Crisis. If there is confrontation, it is likely to lead to war. This could be any kind of war—class war, sectional war, war against global anarchists or terrorists, or superpower war. If there is war, it is likely to culminate in total war, fought until the losing side has been rendered nil—its will broken, territory taken, and leaders captured. And if there is total war, it is likely that the most destructive weapons available will be deployed.

After the Crisis event…

With or without war, American society will be transformed into something different. The emergent society may be something better, a nation that sustains its Framers' visions with a robust new pride. Or it may be something unspeakably worse. The Fourth Turning will be a time of glory or ruin.

This post asks if the predictions made by the authors [1] actually manifested as predicted, or are [2] yet still to manifest.



Taking note of “The Fourth Turning” and the Strauss and Howe generational theory of predictive behavior in America, we note that they predicted a Crisis Catalyst in 2005 and a Climax in 2020.

If the Crisis catalyst comes on schedule, around the year 2005, then the  climax will be due around 2020, the resolution around 2026. 

What will  America be like as it exits the Fourth Turning? History offers no  guarantees. Obviously, things could go horribly wrong—the  possibilities ranging from a nuclear exchange to incurable plagues,  from terrorist anarchy to high-tech dictatorship. We should not assume  that Providence will always exempt our nation from the irreversible  tragedies that have overtaken so many others: not just temporary  hardship, but debasement and total ruin. 

Since Vietnam, many Americans  suppose they know what it means to lose a war. 

Losing in the next Fourth  Turning, however, could mean something incomparably worse. It could  mean a lasting defeat from which our national innocence—and perhaps even  our nation—might never recover. As many Americans know from their own  ancestral backgrounds, history provides numerous examples of  societies that have been wiped off the map, ground into submission, or  beaten so badly they revert to barbarism.

Indeed, the dates are close but seem to be off by a few years.

In our case, it appears that the “Crisis catalyst” did not occur in 2005 as predicted. It occurred in 2008 with the Wall Street “too big to fail” debacle.

That is three years later.

Adjusting the dates

“It seems I always underestimate the ability of sociopathic central  bankers and their willingness to destroy the lives of hundreds of  millions to benefit their oligarch masters. I always underestimate the  rampant corruption that permeates Washington DC and the executive suites  in mega-corporations across the land. And I always overestimate the  intelligence, civic mindedness, and ability to understand math of the  ignorant masses that pass for citizens in this country. It seems that  issuing trillions of new debt to pay off trillions of bad debt,  government sanctioned accounting fraud, mainstream media propaganda,  government data manipulation and a populace blinded by mass delusion can  stave off the inevitable consequences of an unsustainable economic  system.”

-The Burning Platform

Adjusting the Strauss and Howe dates to account for the delay in the catalyst, messes things up a bit. They predicted…

There is a nice graphic that I composed for your purposes of planning out the next few years. I hope that it is helpful. Adding three years, gives us…

  • Crisis catalyst” in 2008.
  • Climax in 2023.
  • Resolution in 2029.


Of course, you could argue the 2020 was the “climax” simply because it was one Hell of a shitty year. But you all know, it was a shitty year for everyone on the globe. Not just Americans. I argue that it was just foreplay for bigger stuff to come.

Am I right or am I wrong?

I'd say that America is inching closer to 476 - 1000 era (the Dark Ages). Free thought and speech is dying. Common sense is gasping its last breath. Freedom will be a pleasant memory if we remain on our current path. A handful of evil despots are grasping for world domination and they aim to take their wrath out on all us peasants and serfs.

-Action Jackson

The way I see things is in a very simplistic manner.

I view the entire event cycle as if one would clear out the dead-wood and brush that accumulates in a field gone wild. There, the weeds and undergrowth are permitted to grow and clutter up and starve the field in such a ways that no productive crops can grow. Instead of having a field full of tomato plants, you end up with a plot full of weeds, long woody undergrowth, and difficult to remove tenacious shrubbery and young trees.

Overgrown field.
Overgrown field.

Obviously you need to tend to the field to prevent this from ever getting so bad, but as the farmer gets old, and his children move to other pursuits in the cities, he just cannot tend to the weeds and growth. They start to overtake the farm. Pretty soon eventually all that remains are but one or two well tended productive fields and the rest are permitted to go fallow.

The thing is about fallow fields is that the farmer can light a periodic fire and burn away all the problematic undergrowth. But if the farmer fails to do this, the undergrowth just piles up and accumulates.

Eventually it reaches a point of spontaneous combustion. Whether the spark that ignite it is a heat wave, lightening, or an errant cigarette butt, eventually the field will catch fire and burn up.

Brush fire.
Brush fire.

The amount of damage that occurs is directly proportional to the amount of debris that is present. Thus if the field has been permitted to grow fallow for a decade or more, it will go up in a braze of fire that will burn uncontrollably, perhaps even extending well past the borders of the farmer’s field.

Thus I contribute this thought…

The United States is a field that has been permitted to go fallow. It has been untended for a long, long time. Other farmers have predicted that any day now that it would start to burn up. But…

… those dates seemed to come and go.

Now the debris is piled up really high. And it is bone dry. No rain for a couple of years. There seems to be things that are smoldering. You see some smoke here and some smoke there. But no real fire has yet to ignite.

Smoldering brush.
Smoldering brush.

Thus we enter 2021…

Nothing caught fire yet.

I believe there are smoldering embers just waiting to be stirred into a conflagration which will engulf the entire world in a fiery purging of the existing social order, which has exhausted itself and needs to be cleansed. Jefferson understood the nature of Fourth Turnings two hundred years before Strauss & Howe put it to paper.

-The Burning Platform

Sure 2020 was a shit year, and the United States handled it terribly. The smoke is wafting up from the brush piles in the fields. But nothing has yet ignited. It hasn’t.

  • Wall Street is still cheating. And they getting away with blatant crimes and raking in billions of dollars. Sure there was the Game Stop and Robinhood scandals. But nothing has changed.
  • Race relations are at the lowest point. And laws, protests, and social re-engineering are not achieving anything other than pissing people off from both sides of the isle.
  • The Coronavirus showed how incompetent the United States government actually is. And yet aside from a few shuttered businesses, and having to wear masks, everything else seems to be a continuation of the status quo. The only difference is that the poor are poorer, the rich are richer, and the middle class are turning into the lower-middle class.
  • Donald Trump had an opportunity to make a difference. But in hindsight he talked a big game but pretty much wrecked not only the economy, but the global standing of the United States in the eyes of the world. He left office in disgrace. The GOP is in shambles, leaving the DNC as the only party of worth standing. Radical elements stand in the wings waiting to take over.
  • The Washington DC riots were a joke. This was not a revolution. It was a party by drunk frat boys. Yet there is evidence that it will result in laws that are going to turn up the Police State from idle to aggressive.
  • Armed rebellion is all talk with no substance. Sure gun stores are out of stock of everything from guns to bullets to flack vests. But aside from one or two well reported incidents, no “hot” fighting has occurred.

All this tells me that the “Crisis” has yet to occur.

Having studied the Civil War exensively when I was a history major years ago, I would say there are many very clear parallels with the 1850's right now. The level of division and hate is comparable. 

What many seem to forget is the war didn't just start out of the blue nor did most people in the 1850's believe war was going to happen. War became entirely unavoidable in 1859 with John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry. That was a tipping point. 

The southerners began arming themselves to the teeth and preparing for war. 

That raid was itself more or less inevitable after the Dred Scott decision by the Supreme Court in 1857, which so angered abolitionists that they became far more aggressive. 

In 1860 of course the South realized they had no ability to sway the outcome of the election and they could not block anything the north wanted.

 To compare this to current events I would say the SCOTUS refusal to address the second amendment violations ongoing, particularly with multiple cases denied cert this summer, can be compared with Dred Scott in terms of effects. 

The various one person-one vote rulings in the 60's which held that states could not model their legislatures after the federal Congress (i.e., towns or counties equally represented in one house, representation by population in another) handed total power to the big cities, stripping rural areas of any power to prevent trampling of their rights. 

So we have the legal/political situation that existed in the 1850's/60's with a large swath of the population, a minority in terms of numbers but still substantial, essentially having no real voice in the government. 

We also have the hate and division over various issues. Gun control, notably. A Biden presidency implementing his gun control plans could trigger a modern-day John Brown moment.

 But it's important to also remember that as civil wars go, ours in the 1860's was quite unusual. We had a relatively clean dividing line. State governments versus a federal government. And leaders who were honorable enough people they more or less accepted defeat in the case of the south, and didn't mass incarcerate the defeated enemy afterwards as criminals in the case of the north. 

Most civil wars particularly in more recent times are not this clean. 

They tend to be messy with less clear geographical boundaries to delineate the opposing sides. Armed groups rise and fall, violence tends to be random and sporadic, and you don't necessarily have two opposing government-controlled armies more or less following the rules of conventional warfare. 

If we have another civil war this is how I would expect it to go. Neighbor versus neighbor, city versus country, far left vs far right. Very violent, bloody, disorganized, highly desperate as one side will criminalize the other for participating, and hard to stop once it starts. And of course foreign governments would be involved if indirectly.

 I would say toss a coin for the answer on if it happens. I think the risk is high. The only way to avoid it is for the politicians to back off of the divisive issues to attempt to bring back some national unity. But neither side is showing any such signs of doing so. The SCOTUS could single handedly prevent the gun control plans of the democrats with some well written rulings on pending cases but I doubt it will.

-Vermont Mountain Man

2020 was NOT the Crisis.

I could be wrong

The historical target dates are approximate. Which is something at I believe. And that there are elements that will cause variances on the target dates.

In my mind the Crisis catalyst was targeted for 2005 +/- 3 years. And we have pretty much identified 2008 as this Fourth turnings Crisis Catalyst. It is three years later. Which means that if the time from the catalyst remains stable, then the Climax has yet to occur.

With this knowledge, we can say that the Climax is targeted for 2023.

Or, any day now with the range of 2023 +/- 3 years. Means 2020 though 2026.

Any. Day. Now.

What does Mr. Howe say?

Below is a brief essay originally published on 3/11/19 by Neil Howe discussing the typical progression of each “Turning”. It remains more relevant than ever amidst our current zeitgeist. It was written nearly a year before 2020 showed it’s ugly, ugly face.

NH: We live in a tumultuous time in American history.

 The 2008 financial crisis and all its hardships, was the catalyst  that tipped us into this age of uncertainty. It marked the start of a  generation-long era of secular upheaval that will continue to run its  course over the next decade or so. This is the generational theory I  laid out in “The Fourth Turning,” a book I co-authored with William Strauss in 1997.

 The Fourth Turning explains the rise of a figure like  President Trump. In Trump’s Inauguration Day speech, he painted a bleak  picture of “American carnage,” of “rusted-out factories scattered like  tombstones across the landscape of our nation” with “mothers and  children trapped in poverty in our inner cities.”

 Looking abroad, it’s unclear whether America will turn inward and fall prey to nativism or maintain it’s nearly seventy year role as  leader of the Free World. Other countries are becoming similarly insular. Britain voted to exit the European Union and we’ve heard  anti-E.U. rumblings echoed throughout Europe from France to the  Netherlands.

 Other nations and peoples around the world are looking to either fill  the vacuum in global leadership or exploit it to advance their own ambitions. We’ve seen the thunderous rise of Chinese economic clout, the calculating geopolitical maneuvering of a resurgent Russia, and the barbarous chaos wrought by the so-called Islamic State.

 In many ways, this era of uncertainty follows the natural order of  things. Like Nature’s four seasons, the cycles of history follow a natural rhythm or pattern. Over the past five centuries, Anglo-American society has entered a new era – a new turning – every two decades or so.

 At the start of each turning, people change how they feel about themselves, the culture, the nation, and the future. Turnings come in cycles of four. Each cycle spans the length of a long human life, roughly eighty to one hundred years, or a unit of time the ancients called the saeculum.

 The First Turning is called a High.
 This is an era when institutions are strong and individualism is weak. Society is confident about where it wants to go collectively, even if those outside the majoritarian center feel stifled by the  conformity.

 America’s most recent First Turning was the post-World War II  American High, beginning in 1946 and ending with the assassination of John Kennedy in 1963, a key lifecycle marker for today’s older Americans.

 The Second Turningis an Awakening.
 This is an era when institutions are attacked in the name of personal  and spiritual autonomy. Just when society is reaching its high tide of public progress, people suddenly tire of social discipline and want to recapture a sense of personal authenticity. Young activists and spiritualists look back at the previous High as an era of cultural poverty.

 America’s most recent Awakening was the “Consciousness Revolution,”  which spanned from the campus and inner-city revolts of the mid 1960s to  the tax revolts of the early ‘80s.

 The Third Turning is an Unravelling.
 The mood of this era is in many ways the opposite of a High. Institutions are weak and distrusted, while individualism is strong and  flourishing. Highs follow Crises, which teach the lesson that society  must coalesce and build. Unravelings follow Awakenings, which teach the  lesson that society must atomize and enjoy.

 America’s most recent Unraveling was the Long Boom and Culture Wars,  beginning in the early 1980s and probably ending in 2008. The era opened with triumphant “Morning in America” individualism and drifted toward a pervasive distrust of institutions and leaders, an edgy popular culture, and the splitting of national consensus into competing “values” camps.

 And finally we enter the Fourth Turning, which is a Crisis.

 This is an era in which America’s institutional life is torn down and rebuilt from the ground up—always in response to a perceived threat to the nation’s very survival. Civic authority revives, cultural expression  finds a community purpose, and people begin to locate themselves as members of a larger group.

 In every instance, Fourth Turnings have eventually become new  “founding moments” in America’s history, refreshing and redefining the  national identity. Currently, this period began in 2008, with the Global  Financial Crisis and the deepening of the War on Terror, and will extend to around 2030. 

If the past is any prelude to what is to come, as  we contend, consider the prior Fourth Turning which was kicked off by  the stock market crash of 1929 and climaxed with World War II.

 Just as a Second Turning reshapes our inner world (of values, culture  and religion), a Fourth Turning reshapes our outer world (of politics,  economy and empire).

 To be clear, the road ahead for America will be rough. But I take  comfort in the idea that history cycles back and that the past offers us  a guide to what we can expect in the future. Like Nature’s four  seasons, the cycles of history follow a natural rhythm or pattern.

 Make no mistake. Winter is coming. How mild or harsh it will be is anyone’s guess but the basic progression is as natural as counting down the days, weeks and months until Spring. 

Exerpts from the book The Fourth Turning

In 1860-1861 southern states took the Lincoln victory as a de-facto proof that the North would increasingly seek to impose its will upon the south (they were right, but losing the war actually made it happen faster and more completely). 

What people generally forget is that all states had large militias that were beholden ONLY to the states, and people had much more belief and legal adherence to the individual states, than now. 

Terrorist actions do not start a war, because you cannot really go to war conventionally against terrorism. What happened in the 1860's is that state governments formed a new nation in rebellion. 

Personally I don't think the Left or the Right, as a whole, have the balls to do this today. But I guess we'll see. Eventually the threats become real enough that it's hard to ignore them and just hope everything goes back to normal.

-Aerindel, SoJ_51 and Observer

This is straight from the book …

“Something happened to America at that time,” recalled U.S. Senator Daniel Inouye on V-J Day in 1995, the last of the 50-year commemoratives of World War II.  “I’m not wise enough to know what it was.  But it was the strange, strange power that our founding fathers experienced in those early, uncertain days.  Let’s call it the spirit of America, a spirit that united and galvanized our people.”  Inouye went on to reflect wistfully on an era when the nation considered no obstacle too big, no challenge too great, no goal too distant, no sacrifice too deep.  A half-century later, that old spirit had long since dissipated, and nobody under age 70 remembered what it felt like.  When Joe Dawson reenacted his D-Day parachute drop over Normandy, he said he did it “to show our country that there was a time when our nation moved forward as one unit.”

The Eternal Return

On the earthen floors of their rounded hogans, Navajo artists sift colored sand to depict the four seasons of life and time.  Their ancestors have been doing this for centuries.  They draw these sand circles in a counter-clockwise progression, one quadrant at a time, with decorative icons for the challenges of each age and season.  When they near the end of the fourth season, they stop the circle, leaving a small gap just to the right of its top.  This signifies the moment of death and rebirth, what the Hellenics called ekpyrosis.  By Navajo custom, this moment can be provided (and the circle closed) only by God, never by mortal man.  All the artist can do is rub out the painting, in reverse seasonal order, after which a new circle can be begun.  Thus, in the Navajo tradition, does seasonal time stage its eternal return.

Like most traditional peoples, the Navaho accept not just the circularity of life, but also its perpetuity.  Each generation knows its ancestors have drawn similar circles in the sand—and each expects its heirs to keep drawing them.  The Navaho ritually reenact the past while anticipating the future.  Thus do they transcend time.

Modern societies too often reject circles for straight lines between starts and finishes.  Believers in linear progress, we feel the need to keep moving forward.  The more we endeavor to defeat nature, the more profoundly we land at the mercy of its deeper rhythms.  Unlike the Navajo, we cannot withstand the temptation to try closing the circle ourselves and in the manner of our own liking.  Yet we cannot avoid history’s last quadrant.  We cannot avoid the Fourth Turning, nor its ekpyrosis.  Whether we welcome him or not, the Gray Champion will command our duty and sacrifice at a moment of Crisis.  Whether we prepare wisely or not, we will complete the Millennial Saeculum.  The epoch that began with V.J.-Day will reach a natural climax—and come to an end.

An end of what?

The next Fourth Turning could mark the end of man.  It could be an omnicidal armageddon, destroying everything, leaving nothing.  If mankind ever extinguishes itself, this will probably happen when its dominant civilization triggers a Fourth Turning that ends horribly.  But this end, while possible, is not likely.  Human life is not so easily extinguishable.  One conceit of linear thinking is the confidence that we possess such godlike power that—at the mere push of a button—we can obliterate nature, destroy our own seed, and make ourselves the final generations of our species.  Civilized (post-Neolithic) man has endured some 500 generations, prehistoric (fire-using) man perhaps 5,000 generations, Homo Erectus ten times that.  For the next Fourth Turning to put an end to all this would require an extremely unlikely blend of social disaster, human malevolence, technological perfection, and bad luck.  Only the worst pessimist can imagine that.

The Fourth Turning could mark the end of modernity.  The Western saecular rhythm—which began in the mid-fifteenth century with the Renaissance—could come to an abrupt terminus.  The seventh modern saeculum would be the last.  This too could come from total war, terrible but not final.  There could be a complete collapse of science, culture, politics, and society.  The “Western Civilization” of Toynbee and the “Faustian Culture” of Spengler would come to the inexorable close their prophesiers foresaw.  A new dark ages would settle in, until some new civilization could be cobbled together from the ruins.  The cycle of generations would also end, replaced by an ancient cycle of tradition (and fixed social roles for each phase of life) that would not allow progress.  As with an omnicide, such a dire result would probably happen only when a dominant nation (like today’s America) lets a Fourth Turning ekpyrosis engulf the planet.  But this outcome is well within the reach of foreseeable technology and malevolence.

The Fourth Turning could spare modernity but mark the end of our nation.  It could close the book on the political constitution, popular culture, and moral standing that the word America has come to signify.  This nation has endured for three saecula; Rome lasted twelve, Etruria ten, the Soviet Union (perhaps) only one.  Fourth Turnings are critical thresholds for national survival.  Each of the last three American Crises produced moments of extreme danger: In the Revolution, the very birth of the republic hung by a threat in more than one battle.  In the Civil War, the union barely survived a four-year slaughter that in its own time was regarded as the most horrible war in history.  In World War II, the nation destroyed an enemy of democracy that for a time was winning; had the enemy won, America might have itself been destroyed.  In all likelihood, the next Crisis will present the nation with a threat and a consequence on a similar scale.

Or the Fourth Turning could simply mark the end of the Millennial Saeculum.  Mankind, modernity, and America would all persevere.  Afterward, there would be a new mood, a new High, and a new saeculum.  America would be reborn.  But, reborn, it would not be the same.

The new saeculum could find America a worse place.  As Paul Kennedy has warned, it might no longer be a “great power.”  Its global stature might be eclipsed by foreign rivals.  Its geography might be smaller, its culture less dominant, its military less effective, its government less democratic, its Constitution less inspiring.  Emerging from its millennial chrysalis, it might evoke nothing like the hope and respect of its “American Century” forbear.  Abroad, people of goodwill and civilized taste might perceive this society as a newly dangerous place.  Or they might see it as decayed, antiquated, an Old New World less central to human progress than we now are.  All this is plausible, and possible, in the natural turning of saecular time.

Alternatively, the new saeculum could find America, and the world, a much better place.  Like England in the Reformation Saeculum, the Superpower America of the Millennial Saeculum might merely be a prelude to a higher plane of civilization.  Its new civic life might more nearly resemble that “shining city on a hill” to which its colonial ancestors aspired.  Its ecology might be freshly repaired and newly sustainable, its economy rejuvenated, its politics functional and fair, its media elevated in tone, its culture creative and uplifting, its gender and race relations improved, its commonalities embraced and differences accepted, its institutions free of the corruptions that today seem entrenched beyond correction.  People might enjoy new realms of personal, family, community, and national fulfillment.  America’s borders might be redrawn around an altered but more cogent geography of public community.  Its influence on world peace could be more potent, on world culture more uplifting.  All this is achievable as well.


2020 was not the Climax; the Crisis of the Forth Turning in America. That still lies ahead of us.

I hope it never comes to this. In lieu, I can see the Balkinization of the country take place, sides would move to designated areas and set up permanent camp. There may be 2, 3 or more countries within the US before the dust settles.

-Survivalist Boards

A climax is a major event. It is typically marked by full-scale discord and absolute totality of full-scale war. That did not occur in 2020. That is not occurring now. 2020 was marked by a “pandemic”. Most Americans (through their media) believe that either [1] it is a hoax, or [2] it is a new strain of flu that is sweeping the globe. It is neither. It is a bio-weapon attack on China by the neocon Trump administration gone terribly wrong.

Xi Peng and Putin do not get their intel from Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and CNN. They get it from their Intel divisions. And both nations have a full picture of what is going on, has gone on and will go on further.

Both nations (China and Russia) filed a formal complaint against the United States for launching this bio-weapon (and all the others that it launched in late 2020). And while Americans ignored this complaint, pretending that it is meaningless, it did do something. It marked the start of Russia and China teaming up militarily against the United States.

United States. (With the UK, Canada, Israel, and Australia.) Today there is isolated America. Confused. Arrogant. Thrashing and moaning. Demanding all sorts of things.

The Rest of the World. And the rest of the world, lead by Russia, and China, that are very carefully and very precisely planning to stop all this nonsense once and for all.

And America learned nothing.

Keep in mind that the last pandemic of 1918 was not a climax event, though it certainly was a contributor that lead to events that shaped the actual Climax. A climax is full-scale-war. It’s terrible discord at home domestically, and engagement with a major “hot” war. Both at the same time.

The “Fourth Turning” is a crisis, a decisive era of secular upheaval — the old order is toppled and a new one put in its place. 

As America’s most recent “Third Turning” began in the mid-1980s, it was due to expire in the first decade of the 21st century. If we accept Howe and Strauss’ thesis, America has already entered its next “Fourth Turning”.

-What exactly is the “Fourth Turning” envisioned by William ...

It’s a combination of events that will shatter all norms, and make people settle down and just be happy to drink some simple tea under the shade of a tree.


It hasn’t yet arrived.

Many world leaders feel that we are approaching a major war. Countries are preparing for war, with Russia and China at the forefront, and Japan starting its own re-militarization program. 

According to the Strauss-Howe theory, 2017 is equivalent to 1933 (when Hitler got in charge and started rebuilding Germany’s army), 1854 (when the prospect of an American Civil War felt more and more imminent), and 1779 (the middle of the American Revolutionary War against Britain, and the year of the French Revolution). 

Needless to say, right now we are living in very interesting times.

-Charting the Strauss Howe Fourth Turning

The piles of brush and fallow fields are all smouldering. A bunch of kids are playing with matches at the edge of the field, a lighting storm is gathering in the skies, a dog knocked over the logs that held the fire pit and the ashes are smoldering in the dry grass, and a tanker truck full of gasoline crashed and tipped over and all the gasoline is spilling into the dry, dry field.

All the signs are there.

No one is calling the fire department to start engaging in preventative measures. Instead every one is standing by watching it smolder, chewing on crud and going moo.

The nearest practical equivalent that I can illustrate is a Civil Defense officer wearing a helmet and telling everyone to get into the bomb shelter. Meanwhile you can hear the bombs drop and explode in the far distance, as they are getting closer and closer to you.

World War II
Civil Defense Warden

A “Crisis” will be an actual “Crisis”. All you need to do is compare it to previous fourth turnings.

The “Fourth Turning” is a crisis, a decisive era of secular upheaval — the old order is toppled and a new one put in its place. 

-What exactly is the “Fourth Turning” envisioned by William ...

The last crisis was a five year war, with nuclear, and chemical weapons. It consisted of a complete meltdown in the American economy, and the loss of the lives of millions of people. It changed America and resulted in the formation of outsourcing Congressional power to alphabet organizations, turning America into a military empire, and a multi-decade “cold war”.

The crisis before that was also a five year war, using the most modern weapons available at the time. The entire society was torn apart and rebuilt. American state economies were shattered and the resulting reconstruction period lasted a full decade. It changed America and resulted in not only a ban on alcohol, but also the income tax system.


The Crisis hasn’t yet arrived.

Check out this most interesting graphic. It’s a close up view of a much larger graphic that puts all the Strauss and Howe Fourth Turning writings into a really nice pictorial. Amazing.

The best graphic ever on the fourth turning.
Plotting when wars occurred during the Fourth Turning. This very interesting graphic clearly shows when the expected Climax will occur, and it is pointing straight towards a “hot war”. America will not win that “Hot war”. And America will be forever changed afterwards.


This chart is just one quadrant of a much larger graphic. It shows the seasonality of Anglo-American history since the end of the Middle Ages, according to the Strauss-Howe Generational Theory (as described in their 1997 book The Fourth Turning). Click here to download an enlarged version of the entire chart..

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