A rather nice collection of pretty Chinese girls – Collection 8 – This is China.

Here is part eight of my series on learning about China by looking at pretty girls. And this one is a collection where I try to offer a different selection of all sorts and sizes.

Today is a nice lazy Saturday.

I went out to pick up some packages at the local “box store”, and then went off to the MeiYeJia quick-mart that I have mentioned before. It’s all so mellow. I passed one of the neighborhood kitty cats. He is a young gun. Maybe a year old, and taking a nice nap in the front. Like this…

Life is hard. Then you nap.

I went in to get a coke.

I don’t drink sodas like I used to in the United States. It’s far too sugary, and actually in China beer is just about the same price. So I tend to drink beer. But I wanted to get a “Black Coke” with is a zero calorie coke. I don’t care whether it has sugar or not. It’s just not as sweet as the regular coke.

And as I got it, I saw both of the children studying.

They are in first and second grade. And here it is on a Saturday at 3 in the afternoon, and they are there, next to their parents in their franchised quickie-mart, studying. So I slyly took a serendipitous photo of her while she was engrossed in her studies.

People. This is what China is.

First grader studying next to her parents in the family store on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

You would never see this in the United States.


Let’s get on to the girls of China, eh?

The idea here is that you would look at the girl, and in the process concentrate on the background around her. Because these are the “real deals”. This is what China is. And while the girls want you to focus on them, their eyes, their faces, their bodies, the background tells us much about where they live.

Besides… who doesn’t like to look at attractive people?

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

To Open the Files

Just unzip to whatever folder you want and then just play the first video, the other videos will play immediately afterwards (if you follow the default settings on your OS). Most videos are between  one and a half to four minutes long. All told each zip file will give you about five to ten minutes of viewing.

I find the ladies lovely. But others might not.

For you others, well, I really hope that you are not too bored.

While I tend to prefer ladies with a more motherly and robust appearance, I find all of them to be very attractive. From the tall thin leggy beauties to the short cute little kitten like cuddle balls.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

Some key points

Beauty is up to the person who views it.

And I have said this many, many times before.

Now, when I was younger, my tastes in women were shaped by the images and magazines of the time such as Playboy, and Penthouse. That’s all I had to go on, and as a young man, with my hormones a raging, all I could do is tremble as I asked a girl out. Which most of the time was a failure.

But it’s all a growth phase that we all go through.

And eventually you reach a balance point where your hormones are under control and all you really want to do is get to know the girl, have a good time together, and enjoy the moments. And really as you get older this becomes more and more pronounced.

You savor the steaks you eat. You enjoy the perfume she wears, you listen to her talk and enjoy the night air after the dinner. You joke, you laugh, and maybe sing a song or two while walking on the jetty.

Women are magical.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

I think that the beauty of these videos is that in a few seconds you can see the “personality” of the ladies as they try to display their charms for the world to see. It’s their choice of clothing, the area where the video was filmed, the selection of music, the way their hair is done up, and so much more.

Each little video is like a window to the soul. Where you get a little glimpse of the girl behind the mask. That little presentation is just pure gold.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

Some have personality.

And some really do. While others just have a strong softness. Some are calm and composed, some are happy and light. And some are stunning and serious while others remind you of Summer carnival rides, cotton candy and “bear claw” cakes to s’munch upon.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

Some have a great body.

They have long legs, or great dimples. Some have just long, long hair or dark, dark eyes. Some have a soft touch, while others have a careful composed prettiness.

Some have a great body.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

Some just look great in a particular outfit, while others just fit the particular environment. Girls, ladies, women are like beautiful flowers that should be treasured and cherished. For they are all wonderful.

But do not mistake the cuteness of a tiger for the damage it could cause if you angered it. Chinese women are very, very capable people. You can take that “to the bank”. Never fail to understand that they are strong, knowledgeable and powerful in their own right.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

All are wonderful.

Such is the beauty of women. And for us, and for everyone, we need to appreciative the world around us more.

A beautiful girl of China. This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

That fat gal at the store that you see every day, she’s a kind, lovely beauty, who could use some TLC.

And that older woman wearing that elaborate outfit, just look at her, see how the light plays upon the details.

A beautiful girl of China. This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

And that young girl going out with “her crew”, see the beauty of her age around and what they are doing.

We have to be more aware, and certainly more appreciative.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

The Videos

Let’s have a look at the videos shall we? I’ve got a bunch for certain.

In this particular post we will look at these groups of videos. I do hope that you enjoy them…

  • Collection one HERE. 51MB.
  • Collection two HERE. 69MB.
  • Collection three HERE. 85MB.
  • Collection four. HERE. 78MB.
  • Collection five. HERE. 92MB.
  • Collection six. HERE. 95MB.
  • Collection seven. HERE. 123MB.
  • Collection eight HERE. 156MB.
  • Collection nine HERE. 147MB.
  • Collection ten. HERE. 149MB.

You all might wonder why I am posting these pictures on the internet. But you shouldn’t.

Try to find pictures of beautiful girls from China using Google, Bing or any American or Western search engine. What you will get are stock images, advertisements, pictures of children, and professional photos associated with some Western “journalism”.

Nonsense. This is what it’s like.

This is the real, honest to goodness deal.

Oh, and don’t leave yet! Let’s talk about the girls for a spell….

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

About the girls

These girls are mostly between the ages of 18 years and 45 years old. The vast bulk of them are in their late 20’s. In China, if you are a woman, the ages between 23 years old and 30 years old are the dating years where you look for a husband worthy to start a family with. In China, if a woman cannot find a man by the time she is 28, she is considered a Spinster.  And is considered unmarriageable.

The age to get married for a woman in China is between 25 and 28. If they do not get married their entire family will sponsor these date-a-thons where they will have these programmed courting-rituals where the girl and the boy (part of a long line of boys) will spend time together.

The family won’t tell the girl beforehand either. She’ll walk into the house, and before she knows it, she’s on the fast track to get married. In the USA we call this a “shotgun wedding”. Only in China it’s the other way around.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

I don’t know about you’se guys, but all these girls look pretty darn marriageable to me.  They would be on the “A” list in any man’s personal list.

This is an average, but beautiful girl from China.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Learning about China by looking at pretty girls index” over here…

Pretty Girls


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A detailed break down on how consciousness navigates the MWI within a one second period of time

Here we will “walk through” a one second span of time and observe what happens as consciousness navigates the MWI.

Long time readers of MM will recognize many of what is being stated herein. But what is uniquely special about this post is the conceptualization of what happens when the “second hand” on your watch goes from one mark to the next. It is something that you can witness, and can conceptualize.

Many people have trouble trying to understand the ideas and mechanisms involved here simply because they are far too radical and goes against everything that they have learned at school.

The first moment

You start at world-line “A”

This world-line has it’s own history; it’s own past and it’s own future. And you are just residing inside the world-line for just a moment.

You can see that from the point of view of your consciousness, you see the world-line as a moment. In this case the moment is shown in yellow. And the world-line is shown in orange. It has it’s own past, and it has it’s own future, and your consciousness resides in it for a fraction of a second before moving on.

Your consciousness has anchored (momentarily) at the pineal gland in the brain.

Pineal gland

The pineal gland, conarium, or epiphysis cerebri, is a small endocrine gland in the brain of most vertebrates. 

The pineal gland produces melatonin, a serotonin-derived hormone which modulates sleep patterns in both circadian and seasonal cycles. The shape of the gland resembles a pine cone, which gives it its name. The pineal gland is located in the epithalamus, near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two halves of the thalamus join. The pineal gland is one of the neuroendocrine secretory circumventricular organs in which capillaries are mostly permeable to solutes in the blood.


As long as consciousness is anchored it resides in “particle form” …

We have seen that the essential idea of quantum theory is that matter, fundamentally, exists in a state that is, roughly speaking, a combination of wave and particle-like properties. 

To enter into the foundational problems of quantum theory, we will need to look more closely at the "roughly speaking." 

It is needed since it is not so easy to see how matter can have both wave and particle properties at once. 

One of the essential properties of waves is that they can be added: take two waves, add them together and we have a new wave. That is a commonplace for waves. 

But it makes no sense for particles, classically conceived. Just how do we "add up" two particles?

Quantum theory demands that we get some of the properties of classical particles back into the waves. 

Doing that is what is going to visit problems upon us. It will lead us to the problem of indeterminism and then to very serious worries about how ordinary matter in the large is to be accommodated into quantum theory. 

For the picture of matter in the small presented by quantum theory is quite unlike our ordinary experience of matter in the large.

-The Quantum Theory of Waves and Particles

So think of your consciousness as an undulating, or pulsing, rotating beacon. One moment it is in “particle form”, and then the next moment, it is in “wave form”. And it goes through these forms continuously.

Wave, particle, wave, particle, wave, particle and so on.

And if you look at it, you will see that it follows a sinusoidal path.

So, now it turns quickly. It goes from particle form to wave form. And when it is in wave form, it is no longer anchored to the pineal gland, and thus it can exit the body…

…and exit the world-line too.

To the next wold-line

And so we see that in a fraction of a second’ 1/4 of a second to be exact, the consciousness moves from world-line A to world-line B.

Both world-lines are very similar to each other.

They might differ in the slightest of items. Aside from being a fraction of a second older, the world-line might have a minor change or two that differs from the world-line A.

We call a group of similar world-lines as "clustering", or that the world-lines "cluster together". They are all very similar to each other with only the smallest of variations.

Now, it was the thoughts generated by the consciousness when it is outside of the world-lines that navigates to the most likely nearby world-lines. No thoughts are ever generated when the consciousness is in particle form.

The selection of the "most likely" next world-line is the entropy profile of the thoughts generated by consciousness. Or, in other words, the world-line that is the "best fit" for the thoughts, or accumulated thought profile, of the consciousness.

When the consciousness is on a world-line all it can do is operate a body physically. And when the consciousness is outside of the body (and outside of the world-lines) is when it can think and generate thoughts.

  • Inside the body = particle form = move the body
  • Outside the body = wave form = think thoughts

And thoughts are how the consciousness navigates the MWI and selects the most likely world-line.

A bigger picture

If you look at the “bigger pictures” you can place the highest likelihood of nearby world-lines on a flat surface, and measure their relative comfort or discomfort by the size of the “hills and valleys” that undulate on the surface.

Such as here…

So, knowing this, let’s consider another fraction of a second. Now, the consciousness moves towards and occupies a world-line “C”…

Movement to a third world-line

And we can see that the process repeats. Every time the consciousness switches from particle form to wave form, it exits the world-line (and the body it inhabits) and goes to the closest world-line that matches the thoughts generated by consciousness.

Now, you might want to consider how YOU as consciousness has observed the events of the last three world-lines.

For starters, YOUR “past” is unique to the path that your consciousness took. In the picture above, you have a “life line” that is brown and shown in a dashed line.

You also have another “past”.

Each time you visit a world-line, you are exposed to completely different past. Many of which are similar, but some can be really different.

Movement to a fourth world-line

If you are an average, and typical human, exactly one second has passed from the moment you were in world-line “A” to now at world-line “D”.

For every second, most humans pass through four different world-lines. And for most of them they are all so very similar to each other.

And if you map them all out on a three dimensional grip where the topographic surface represents the most likely world-lines that you can visit (from your momentary point of reference) it would look something like this…

And at that, please realize that you control your momentary thoughts by verbal prayer affirmations. And since each affirmation takes more than one second to read (usually from four to twelve seconds), the mere action of reading your prayer / affirmation campaign is actual navigation and piloting of your consciousness through the MWI.

Consider this affirmation;

"I live a happy, healthy and comfortable life."

It took me 4.66 seconds to read. Which equates to 18.64 world-lines. During the time that I read it out loud, that was all that I was thinking of. You can be assured that my consciousness navigation would be the most likely world-lines to manifest those thoughts.


This is the “secret of the universe”. This is how our reality works, and the actual operation of the MWI, and all the aspects of quantum physics as it applies to day to day life.

As you can see, it differs considerably from what mainstream understanding is, as well as scientific belief. But it is the way it works.

Now, you can say that I am either [1] a crazy madman for coming up with this belief, or that [2] I am an absolute genus for coming up with this. Or, conversely, you can believe what I am telling you. That [3] I am part of MAJestic, and my role in the organization was (and is) to be a liaison to extraterrestrial benefactors that will help the human species grow and advance.

And whether you believe it or not, is not my concern.

This is how our reality works, and in a few centuries this understanding will be embraced and accepted as normal and “the way it is”.

And at that, you can thank me for giving you the “secrets of the universe”. And if you can understand it, then you are in the top 0.000001% of the human race right now.

Conversely, if you refuse to accept this, then you can believe in shape-changing reptilians that want to control the human race, huge American-led space fleets with “space marines”, and a Heaven and Hell that you can control through donations to the largest church in the neighborhood. It’s YOUR reality.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Affirmation prayer Campaign Index here…

Intention Campaigns

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