Alien Interview by Lawrence Spencer

A type 1 grey extraterrestrial was acquired from the vehicle wreckage in Roswell, New Mexico. One Army nurse was able to interview it. When the nurse was in her 80’s she moved to England and got ready to die, and left behind this document that describes her encounter with this creature, and all of her interrogations with it.

I was exposed to this document on the fourth of July, 2021, and when I read the book I was astounded how much matched MAJestic knowledge and understanding, and how much matched what I was exposed to through entanglement. I would say that it’s a solid 98% match.

For me, personally, it reaffirms (from a secondary source) the validity of my experiences, purpose and writings today.

Some notes

Sometimes, when the nurse refers to "the universe", I think she actually means "our galaxy". When you look at the writings, in this light, many things come into focus.

Other times, when she refers to "the universe", she is referring to the entire "universe" as we know it to be.

Dating is confusing. Enormous dates like "trillions of years" is again meaningless as we humans are not using the same "yard stick" for comparative measurement.

The "old empire" is a service-for-self species that farms the sentience on Earth. The way it is presented is more accurate than anything that I have said.

Both MM and this document, when combined together, establishes a solid framework towards understanding our place in this universe and YOUR ultimate role in it. I am presenting it here in PDF form.

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I have. And answers the questions that I have been unable to answer for you.

Do you want more?

You can find many more videos in my “Extraterrestrial Species index” over here…

ET Species


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