Brute force tools to “crack open” some desires when running a prayer affirmation campaign

This article is part of my enormous Prayer Affirmation Campaigns series. If you are unfamiliar with this series, I recommend that after you read this, you go to the start of the series and start reading. This idea of prayers as part of a campaign are quite different than anything else you will find anywhere else.

I have a kit of “brute force tools” that I employ in my affirmation campaigns.  Over the years they have been highly useful and very successful. Of course, I have chosen the names for them as they help me keep track of what I am doing and why.

They go by other names to describe how they are used. I have a “hammer”, a “crowbar”, a “grinder”, a “detangler”, and many others.  And in this post we will cover some of them.

In general, these “tools” are specific affirmations that I add to my affirmation campaigns to help me tackle problems or issues that seem to either reoccur, are barriers that I fail to breach, “glass ceilings” that I fail to break through or numerous other problems that I encounter.

Divine Hammer

Using a hammer.

This is my term for the technique of HOW you vocalize your intention affirmations. When I vocalize my intentions, I do  more than just read them. I read them in certain ways. And how I read them is detailed in how they are written.

Most Important Affirmations

These affirmations are absolute MUSTS. I mark these affirmation statements in "BOLD text" in my spreadsheet. When I read them, I read them louder than the rest and with more passion and emotion.
I have a big bed with an impressive headboard.

Average Affirmations

These affirmations are your "normal" affirmations. You read them normally. And they are written on your affirmation list in "normal text".
I have a big bed with an impressive headboard.

Special Affirmations

During a given prayer affirmation campaign I might have a special program or plan that I am involved in, and I want to take extra care and caution to make sure that I think about them longer, and "spell them out exactly". 
Truthfully, you know, these affirmations are rare, and what I do is put them in "Bold Brown Text with a period in the spacing". When I read them, I read each word carefully and slowly.
I .have .a .big .bed .with .an .impressive .headboard.

Unused Affirmations

Unused or retired affirmations are in a "very light grey" color. I keep them there in the event that I wish to reactivate them, but they lie dormant on my list. I do not read them.
In general, my current (active) affirmation list is about 70% greyed out and retired affirmations, and about 30% active affirmations. Here is an example of an inactive affirmation.
I have a big bed with an impressive headboard.

Affirmation Details

This is a special category of affirmations that I add after a key affirmation statement. They go on the subsequent lines. They are placed in "italic text". I read them with the same tone and pacing as the leader affirmation statement.
I have a big bed with an impressive headboard.
   The bed is a dark brown hardwood.
   It is king size or larger.
   It has intricate carvings on it.

If you take a longer time to read a sentence, then you are passing through more world-lines while you are reading it. It helps establish the navigation direction. And if you couple that with the power behind emotion, you ties the bio-chemical system to the thoughts and that (I personally believe) helps “push” the affirmations forward.


Using a crowbar.

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, there is some block, blockage, barrier, glass wall, or mountain that prevents you from getting anywhere near your goals. Sure, it could very easily just be that your goals are really down the world-line template path, but sometimes it’s something else. And you need a “crowbar” to remove that bolder or obstacle.

It has been my experience that most obstacles on your world-line template are not germane to your (pre-birth world-line template) map. They were placed there by others (maybe even you) and now sit there in your way. They are an obstacle.

They need to be removed.

To do this, I have added a few specialized affirmations that are helpful in “clearing the path” that is somehow blocked. You don’t know if there is actually a roadblock placed there by someone or something, and maybe your arch enemy in High School placed it 35 years ago when they were experimenting with black magic. You never know.

Here’s some affirmations that I find very effective…

  • I have broken apart any barriers to controlling my reality. These are barriers that are either self-created, or those created by others.
  • I define my reality, and undo any contrary spells, magick or alterations imposed upon me, or the reality around me by anyone or anything.
  • I block and shut out all negative, de-constructive, and dangerous thoughts from manifesting and altering my intentions listed herein.
  • These blocking protections extend to my family and include any malevolent efforts by anyone, or things against them.
  • All non-physical impediments, curses, or “road blocks” , are moved out of the way. No obstacles.
  • I prevent the manifestation of any reality that results from bad, negative or dangerous thoughts.
  • Those that try to hurt me, hack me, steal from me, trick me, betray me, or just cause me trouble are immediately exposed to severe backlash for their actions, and they stop that activity and make restitution to me.


Using a tricorder.
A tricorder is a science fiction prop designed for the Star Trek television series by Wah Chang. In the story universe the multifunction hand-held device performs sensor environment scans, data recording, and data analysis--hence the word "tricorder" to refer to the three functions of sensing, recording, and computing. In Star Trek stories the devices are issued by the fictional Starfleet organization. 


There is much that we do not know. We are so fixated on the physical world, that we ignore what is going on in the non-physical world. This is not really desirable, as we need to know what is going on in order to compensate for problems, and adjust to circumstances.

So what I often like to do is put some affirmations that helps me gather Intel. I have used many different ones in the past, and here’s just a few examples…

  • I understand how this universe works, and how to alter, improve and change my reality.
  • ..I use this knowledge to generate a perfect life for myself and for my family.
  • ..As such, I am the Captain of my Consciousness.
  • I know when to slow down, stop specific intention phrases, and when to implement new ones.
  • I am aware of the trends going on in my life, behind the scenes, and on tractical, and strategic levels.
  • I move in and out of the world-line realities as necessary to achieve my thought-destination(s).
  • I do achieve my ultimate goals and I do so efficiently, and quickly while avoiding bad or undesirable world-lines.
  • I am alert on what to say and do in order to achieve my desires.
  • I know what affirmations to make to manifest the life that I wish to participate within.
  • I know, positively, when to stop, change, alter or revise my affirmations in accordance with my needs and desires.
  • I am aware of opportunities as they arise, and I know exactly what actions to take to maximize my desired intentions.
  • I am aware of the world-line routing as it occurs and do not panic or worry about how things will manifest.
  • I recognize that world-line realities that I inhabit might be calm and relaxed, but great things are occurring in my life.
  • These things are substantial positive and proactive events that are unfolding for my benefit and that might be hidden from me.


Using a grinder.

What a grinder does is get rid of rough edges, burrs, and sharp edges. And when you run a prayer affirmation campaign you often have things materialize with exactly these kinds of “rough edges”.

For instance, I once had an affirmation for a nice Cadillac DeVille, and I loved that car. White interior. Silent and smooth ride. The engine purred and flew like a jet fighter going up hills. But then the transmission went out, as did the air conditioning.

And the repair for both of them was outrageously expensive.

How expensive? At that time, they represented two months salary just for the transmission.

You see, I did not anticipate that I required to have a certain level of income or savings to support the goal that I manifested. And when the goal actually did manifest, I was not ready to handle the costs associated with it.

What I needed to to was “grind down” the goal to something that was more manageable for my situation at that time.

From this;

I have a nice Cadillac DeVille.

To this;

I have a nice new car, that is well made, comfortable, and never breaks down. I feel very comfortable riding in it, and love the power and handling ability that it has.

Expert hint:

NEVER base your affirmation goals on something you saw on television, social media, the “news”, or in a movie. They are all fictions.


Using a detangler.

A detangler is a chemical compound that separates the individual strands of hair and prevents matting. Without one, the hair (on most people) will mat up.

“Using a detangler is absolutely an essential step in haircare. Detanglers help eliminate a huge amount of breakage and damage while also evening out the porosity of the hair, so your wet products go on more evenly. There’s one for every hair type, so don’t worry that adding this additional step will amount to too much product.”

Why You Should Use a Detangler

You really don’t want your affirmation prayers to be all tangled up.

In a prayer affirmation campaign, there is the possibility that similar goals in the campaign, or other goals in previous campaigns might influence each other. For instance, let’s suppose that you had an affirmation in the 1980’s that said…

I wear popped collars all the time, with a large wardrobe of polo shirts.

Now, many people will not have any idea what this is all about. Well, it’s about this…


And now you live in Norway with an affirmation that goes something like this…

I go to saunas often, and enjoy the fine steam bath, and the branch lashings as well as the icy cold splash afterwards.

Sounds great. Except, that you are now burdened with a habit (that you are unaware of) that requires that you have multiple layers of “popped” clothes, and that take “forever” to remove, and “forever” to put back on.

You see, the problem is that since there is no such thing as time, all of our affirmation campaigns all interact together and work together.

To prevent that from occurring you can use “detangler” affirmation statements.

  • All these affirmations occur as quickly as is comfortably and as safely as possible. At no time is my family, health or safety at risk.
  • The normal rules of affirmation manifestation has now been advanced to this direct and immediate application without hesitation.
  • All these affirmations happen quickly, provided that dangers are avoided and I (and my family) are protected.
  • These intention prayers supersede any and all previous ones that would conflict with the ones listed here.


Riding in the slipstream.
Definition of slipstream technical : an area of low air pressure that is immediately behind a vehicle that is moving very fast and that other vehicles can ride in to go faster with less effort 

Essentially, the way this tool works is simple. You connect your affirmation prayer campaign with others, so that together you all ride forward, and the group inertia propels your further ahead than what you would otherwise go alone.

This is the slipstream tool that I use in my campaigns…

  • My affirmations tie together with affirmations of other MM followers so that they all combine with a positive “slipsteam” effect. For all of us to benefit from.
  • In slipstram affirmations that run counter to my personal affirmations listed herein, they are ignored, and does not influence this campaign.
  • This slipstream effect acts as an accelerator for all of us to benefit from.

Hasp and lock

Hasp and Lock.

A hasp and a lock is a very simple assembly to conceive. Essentially, once you have bought new tools, and supplies for your garden, you put them in a shed and you secure it with a hasp and lock. If you don’t, nearby neighbors and other mysteries of the night might come and take your farming implements away.

In an affirmation prayer campaign, a “hasp and lock” system is one where you already have an element in your life that you are happy with, and you don’t want it to disappear. You want to put those elements under “lock and key” so that no matter what other changes occur in your life (as a result of affirmation prayer campaigns) they will be protected and will not vanish or change as your other affirmations materialize.

For example, in the example above, you had an affirmation that said…

 I have a big bed with an impressive headboard.

And it occurred.

You now have a nice big bed with an impressive headboard, and you are very happy with it.

Well, a “hasp & Lock” system would be a special “set aside” affirmations that guarantee that something that you obtain will not disappear during further advancing affirmation campaigns. And in this instance you might use any number of affirmations much like these…

  • No matter what happens, my bed follows me where ever I go.
  • When it comes time for me to die, I will do so in ease and comfort in my nice big bed with the impressive headboard.
  • etc etc.


A zipper.

A zipper is a mechanism to fasten clothing together. I think a sizable proportion of my readership realizes this.

In an affirmation prayer campaign, a zipper is a technique that allows multiple affirmations to merge together.

One would think that if you had multiple affirmations, and they all came to be, that they would all live happily ever after together. Nope. It doesn’t work that way. Each affirmation is like an iceberg, and what you think will materialize is the top most visible portion of the iceberg, while the part that you cannot see will influence other elements of your life.

Let’s imagine that you had three affirmations that all came true. They were;

[1] I spend most of my life in a big, new, clean house with pristine white walls, great views, new furnishings, and lots and lots of windows.
[2] I get meals served to me directly. I eat three meals every day.
[3] I have a lot of friends that visit me often.

Now, there are many ways that all three of these affirmations can come together and materialize. The person (you) making the affirmations (of course) is envisioning a nice big house, with servants or eating out often, and a lot of friends visiting you. But other things are possible, don’t you know…

  • You could be in the hospital with a long-duration illness.
  • You could be in prison, working on a chain gang.
  • You could be in the military on a ship.

Those unseen elements of the affirmation statements will mix and match with the pathways on your world-line template.

In so doing, it will manifest the closest goal objectives with relative low entropy. Or, to put it differently, what you will end up with will be the quickest and easiest closest matches to your goals.

What a zipper is, is a statement that specifies that the affirmations do not conflict with each other or create harmful, dangerous or undesirable outcomes.

  • These affirmations do not conflict with each other or create harmful, dangerous or undesirable outcomes.


A “spellchecker” is a software program that I use to check the spelling and grammar of the sentences that I place in my affirmations. While it is true, that if I think that I am saying everything correctly in terms of my desires, I want to be extra positive that the sentence and the spelling is absolutely correct.

True story; I once had a prayer affirmation related to getting a new automobile. My current vehicle was just a piece of junk; a “clunker” and was breaking down all the time. I just wanted a good and reasonable replacement vehicle. I was using Microsoft Excel, and you all know that it doesn’t have spell-checking ability. So I wrote that I wanted a nice new car.

So I wrote…

I have a nice new bar that runs well, and is attractive to the ladies.

And sure enough a new bar opened up down the street. About eight months later. It had a “ladies night” and a Thursday night “girls only” strip show. Ugh!

Once I found out (in a review of my affirmations), I corrected everything. And I changed it to…

I have a nice new car. It runs well. It is attractive to the ladies.

I now incorporate the spellchecking tool in all of my new affirmation campaigns. Have I made myself clear in the importance of this?


Well, that’s enough for now. The longer you perform your prayer affirmation campaigns, the more that you realize the importance in the careful vocalization of your desires. You realize that many times things can go astray as you are dealing with the non-physical reality, while your brain operates in the physical reality, and thus you are handicapped. These tools will help mitigate the handicaps somewhat. And I do hope that they help you as much as they have helped me.

Do you want more?

I have more posts in my Affirmation prayer Campaign Index here…

Intention Campaigns

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